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all right we are finally here we all made it to Assassin's Creed Mirage I am beyond hyped for this because I just got the game from Ubisoft had a great deal with my daughter and my dad and everybody and I just kind of sat down a place and I just like been staring at the screen for like 10 minutes now not really sure what to say I'm just so thankful to have all of you with me pretty much every game I've covered this year in the last 13 years of my life anyways wanted to see how many likes we could get in the first 24 hours on this if we get like 20 or 30 000 likes in the first day expect this series quick I also have one copy for PS5 to give away and an Xbox series s x copy as well if you had a chance when you like the video leave a comment of your favorites Assassin's Creed game mine for some reason has always been four I just really like that one the pirate theme and all that was really well done also Odyssey might be up there as well but anyways let's go ahead and jump in I am beyond excited for this all right let's get it you asked me once about this memory I lied I told you it was lost I worried the wrong lesson would be learned but this man lived many lives and he has much to teach us of course when he came to us he was little more than a common Thief scrambling to survive on the streets of Baghdad dreaming of a better future [Music] not just for himself but for all those he saw suffering on the margins for while he lived in a golden age at the heart and the height of the Abbasid caliphate scratch its gilded surface and you'd find a rot beneath the order of the Ancients fought to rise and spread their cruelty through the land the hidden ones as we were known then resisted striking at our enemy from the Shadows an eternal struggle centuries ago he was at its heart Basim even isak he honored the Creed he challenged it so must we we have it in all of us to mistake the Shadows we walk for the light we serve the time may come when we will be tested as he was I fear that time is coming soon [Music] [Music] thank you easy breathe was it the jinny again and what did our friend want this time to strip the flesh from my bones dying on my innards never has much to say yet it leaves its mark I can still feel it crawling on my skin hardly original you should tell it as much forget the genie for the moment the day is new there is work to be done turwish has left another contract who for them again we would make more money selling water to a camel where is your sense of duty duty does not fill our bellies no but it does enrich the soul I will be outside bonus Carlton has been unlocked I'll take I told nihal this would be impossible to sell when she stole it she could not resist wonder what it is about these ancient bubbles that fascinates her soul the sun casts a long shot not keep their wish waiting I cannot bear another lecture these contracts it is quite a few that which has pushed your way now he knows I will come through you have his trust that much is clear do you suppose you have theirs these shadowy types I should hope so by now then they should show it you take all the risk and they offer little in return they are liberators nihal not Merchants I know the stories still the price of Liberty should be enough to feed us [Music] all right Free Run the official tutorial here we go this is the kind of show the uh the free running the parkour and all that stuff I played this game about a month ago but it was like a very condensed area that I couldn't really do too much and it was more like a sponsored thing but I'm finally playing it like with no restraints which is kind of nice playing on PS5 performance mode by the way for those that might ask I might try it on PC as well eventually I'm just hyped to be playing a brand new Assassin's Creed game because uh man this Series has always been very iconic I'm just happy with going back to the roots so I'll jump out the window why not about this contract I do not want you to mistake my words for pestering I am only looking out for you yes Siddiki it is no inconvenience to stand up to our oppressors as the hidden ones do do you think yourself some hero of Tomorrow the next Gilgamesh no I am merely the son of a public servant who dedicated his life to the betterment of his people only to be slighted and forgotten but I am honored you think I could reach such Heights I may just aim for them that is not at all what I said it is what I heard such crowds something important must be happening the Khalifa has been summoned to The Winter Palace it is surely his wealthy retinue that drives This Crowd perhaps they're in the mood to offer donations ah I see your meaning and it's a sleight of hand to sharpen our wits if this contract will not feed us the hilapa might as well Merchant has left his purse on the table does he want to begin with Eagle Vision here we go better leave before they notice like how we just stole it right in front of everybody come here let yourself I will pick them out a Keen Eye and an agile hand a formidable Duo dead you must have something of value oh we got a pickpocket here we go it's like a timed event thing all right here we go did that a lot when I was playing it early I mean I don't want to distill everything but that's still she's got some coins I like that this game just began like quick cut scene straight into gameplay well done you truly are the master thief of Anwar is that jealousy I hear hardly a great Luther of purses insufferable come we are late to do wishes 133 okay [Music] somebody asked me a long time ago what is my well I've already said like favorite Assassin's Creed games I thought four was excellent in Odyssey those are like my two favorites if I had to pick one between those oh I was probably the most addicted to Odyssey plus I also got to meet the game director he uh I mean he came to my house like twice before it launched and my dog chops was sitting in his lap and so I was sitting there like playing it next to the guy who created it it was insane so that was probably that but the game was also I mean it took the RPG thing and went like next level I felt like greetings they are all looking spry I wonder what Tales we will hear today here is the Lazy Boy I've been waiting on you someone has to plan our meals oh food I would not flaunt that around the markets you trust me go to zahidas she uses lots of Potter that she does you look weary are you well it is nothing a little Adventure will not fix what do they need a shipping Ledger at the harbor it is worth nothing by itself but the information it contains is valuable to them this is Child's Play do they not have anything more difficult I can do more never mind your ego the Khalifa's cards are here in number and you do well to remember that you worry for worry for me more now than when we lived in Baghdad My worry is the same I've only grown too old and too tired to hide it bring the legend back here and do it swiftly out my feet and we won't not until the deed is done you know how they are shocking he is just a messenger and you are still an errand boy you can do this one on your own all right still The Ledger to read this piece all of the moment when I'm playing a brand new game like where I like to collect stuff in games and it's like everything actually matters you like put like a closed beta or alpha or stuff like that it's like it's not the same because you don't really get to keep anything foreign but like now that everything matters I'm hyped up I like how they've always had the same stuff like this you know it's in every Assassin's Creed game but it's like it's nice all right restricted area here we go what was the final tally of what we received 16 crates one chest half a dozen satchels only three crates remain last time I checked the Ledger and give their handlers until tomorrow evening if they don't show by then we must assume they've forgotten about their Wares open them up keep whatever catches our eyes wait here it's like we're supposed to get spotted all right Crouch can't move I guess I'm about to do a takedown hey I might redo the uh control mapping or whatever it's called but now it's fun good thing I can outrun these sagging guards this is like just punch him out foreign this game it's like I might go all stealth if I can but I think for the most part I'm just gonna do whatever sits right with my spirit or whatever the spirit grabbed me all right let's see locked a minor delay we need the key but I mean it's down there isn't it somebody's got this key I just saw the icon a minute ago I guess they walked away oh there it is that's across the way okay here's what I'll do I'll hop down I'll actually get these two enemies maybe just to get like some XP or something I'm not really sure you can whistle um don't really need to um we're just gonna alert both of them we'll find out I didn't realize this game was gonna be like a little cheaper than the last few Assassin's Creed games at first I saw that kind of had me worried because last time they did like a price reduction was Far Cry new dog and I was like oh foreign actually enjoyed that game but I haven't played it since I finished it I would carry a move into the uh grass or whatever but I felt like anytime I did that before in other games the minute I picked somebody up I get spotted I'm just looking around wait who's that man I'm so hyped the fact that I'm playing this right now I'm just like in awe you know I'm gonna collect those thank you very much [Music] or we got enemies there we got this one as well all right [Music] this should be a quick takedown [Music] what would be the Strat here you got two enemies but you can't really um it seems like out of the way anyways or stuff back here hold on go and collect all this very nice I'm kind of happy I played it a little early even like a month ago from this but I remember pretty much everything all right the keys up there is there anybody else have to worry about besides those two guards right there I'm assuming I could have went around the corner maybe did it that way okay let's try going up this side I don't see anybody else okay they're friendly okay everything's like blocked off so where's the actual entrance at it's not through here is it oh wait it might wait no that can't be right just a hiding spot okay I'm kind of happy they went the old school Assassin's Creed because the fact that it's not going to be some huge thing I'm pretty sure it'll still be like a 20 hour game which is I prefer that over like 80. you know take fall damage oh yeah you do pretty good amounts too all right let's hide so they never come out of there okay oh maybe you know what let's probably do this yeah it is okay I did everything but looked where I was already at e will they spot me here hold on let me hide for a second but if they're gonna go back and we should be fine all right we get oh yeah just kind of punch him unbar this I mean I doubt we're ever returning here right I won't be shocked if we do nobody in there okay there that may I wonder what Secrets this Ledger holds maybe I can get the old krauser their wish to squeeze a hint out of our contact all right return back we should be good we're still in restricted area but I think all the enemies are dead anyways really doesn't matter we're not dead but like they're Batman dead he doesn't kill but he definitely put some more life support Spider-Man still in one piece I see it was all too easy we could use some eyes around the city I'll see what I can do she looks important she should haggle for a better fish ing what timing did you get it without a fuss give it here you are one of them there it looks as though it was delivered this morning you're certain it is the chest you seek I am certain pay the boy you need something stolen I am your man your wish can attest he has given me all your contracts then you have done your part I can do more of my best man died in this Pursuit I don't see Thief was there much better then let me join you you have two openings we should take off this beef without insult thank you their wish listen here Basim you want to keep working for me you keep your head down and your mouth shut why must you embarrass yourself like that like what like a beggar desperate for them to notice you desperate mihan I am good at what I do that woman would be lucky to have me but she does not want you you are Street deep with dirty feet so why bother why keep pushing yourself down this path because being a street Thief is not the peak of my ambition I have more to offer this world than my Nimble fingers you just cannot see it yet almost Joseph [Laughter] what is this aha this is my latest creation it helps me fend off angry Merchants one day uh catch me digging around their Wares I will consider myself spared you smell foul what is that we have been fishing at the harbor since morning terrible luck though the harbor did you happen to see or hear any fuss over a chest [Music] Joseph what are you doing they want that chest and I am going to get it for them then they will see there is just no getting through to you is there then we will do this together if you get caught at the Winter Palace they will kill you on site we will need a safe way in and I know where we might Scout one that is if you can bear to follow my lead for a change you do not have to get involved nihal I know your feelings on this it utterly Foams I cannot stop you but I will come with and nag you until you decide to abandon the idea of stealing a chest from the Khalifa's Winter Palace when you say it like that it only excites me further are we going or not uh let's do it lead the way this is a mad plant Basim even if you were to succeed and they welcome you into their ranks what then will you forget about us of course not nihal their interests are our interests me and every other streetwear who has been cast aside living off scraps and dirty water I can be an instrument that sees us out of that life that sees that Joseph can use his talents to be a real Craftsman that sees that good men are not cast aside as my father was and no children left wandering hear what you are saying by some portrait of a world that cannot exist that is where we disagree that guy just randomly stole right there it's like I just took somebody's ring oh let me get this Blended oh something else there it is the Winter Palace come this way right behind you this game is actually really just the gameplay is just solid so far I'm really happy I'm actually playing it when I am because this is just what I've wanted for the longest time you know a good Assassin's Creed game let us wait for Nightfall does where do you stand not awaken fond memories not so long ago we were counting our spoils up here under the cover of night just like this the stakes were lower then and so too was the prize well before you claim your prize you will first have to reach it as far as I can see that will take some creativity we could always try the front gate you will have to let me know how that goes for you where are you going I've had a clever thought if your mind is absent of one you should perhaps follow mine wait all right Infiltrate The Winter Palace looking for the uh two spots okay the one thing this game kind of like if I describe it in one word right now it feels very like Bare Bones in a good way like it's just it's almost like a Assassin's Creed sandbox kind of fastening yourself to my fan very sensible I know how you hate to be alone thank you the cards just that way oh I can taste it now so she knows the way it says look for another interest should I be following her hold on okay we're good a lot of enemies up here hold on [Music] what are you playing at let's go I like to bag that area too it's like I've never been there but obviously this takes place it's like I don't know what time period is it's like she knows when to walk forward so I'm just gonna follow her it's like it's like Neo trying to get out of the office with morpheus's directions you know go go now the cubicle to your right s [Music] [Music] this is a risky play I would have taken all the enemies out first because you got to get out of here eventually right this door may leave us inside not without a key it won't have a look around [Music] um there's the person right there I mean there's guards everywhere if I uh if I could get them by themselves on it they're going to turn this way aren't they yep yo Worth It Go I wonder if it's like a set path or they're gonna come back I don't know all right so they're walking slowly could have just did that it's better this way yeah I don't know how I really could have done that any different I mean I felt like that was the right play they're gonna see the body now but it's like hopefully I can just get to this before they see all that let's see is this middle spot okay yeah it is like how they're just walking around they actually may not see that body I don't know we'll find out foreign there we go wait a minute all right here we go any luck finding a key there is unsettled an unruly son is not helping matters the young man is first time in the North let him wonder I say [Music] here they are through there the Khalifa awaits you have arrived Malay out all of you I am to meet with them alone father let me stay take him then I will just have to take what is inside okay gentlemen welcome everything is in order [Music] I understand this means a great deal to you rest assured it will be well protected here we will accept nothing less we will carry out our work and return to you when we are ready be prepared Khalifa uh might I see it once the contents if we are to guard this with our lives we should know you saw nothing of this you say nothing do you understand yes of course perish the idea now is our chance this way looks quiet I did not mean to whistle [Music] I never thought I'd said foot in here just look at these arches you could choose the awesome piece and sell it for a horde of gold you didn't happen to bring a pickaxe did you I will keep it in mind for the next time we break into a palace all the right person open snatch run hurry bathroom foreign [Music] do you have any idea what they will do to me please I I am sorry this oh [Music] no run yeah wait father oh get that boy time to go what are we gonna like cut through any other Spots I'm just gonna Rush up the middle ow what in the world [Music] this is my top speed yo we got a long way to go what in the world I'm coming through no with me what a very good prologue kind of has like a nice little like World building oh what all right then I got maxed out I was like trying to say some nice things you know all right time to go oh [Music] breaker line of sight okay [Music] go there oh this is definitely where you gotta go [ __ ] me all right here we go so essentially we just got to get to that objective marker but don't run up the middle essentially oh that was kind of cool what's up I think we lost him hold on nope never mind they're right there [Music] that's why it's called okay the line of sight has been broken that's what that little like I guess like the outline or whatever says Return To The Hideout should we wait a second though [Music] I may get spotted a second time yeah they're over there they're behind us though so maybe we're safe [Music] [Music] all right Anonymous State let's see oh there's something again I feel like they want us at least lose the trail before we go anywhere right like I wonder if staying here will actually help because the last line outside is right there oh that's a little close let's see on this side and see if they like follow me here so right now it's like the red exclamation point it's gonna get down to Yellow question mark and then she just [Music] I need to find her she would have gone back home [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] stop this [Music] me huh not quite are you well good because I need you to tell me about this I do not know what you mean [Applause] tell me what happened silence is not your ally here it is not silence I cannot explain what I saw that object did something to me it was somewhere else cold and frightened before I knew it the Khalifa had his hands around my neck I it was an accident I did not mean for just wanted to help we need to get you out of here I have a boat at the Western docks what no I I cannot leave I need to find nihal stop and think Blossom the Khalifa's guard is searching for his murder a young thief of your description they will not stop until they have found you and when they do it will not be a prison they throw you into it will be a shallow grave I'm giving you a second chance take it yeah wish they are all in indeed the soldiers are hunting all who look like me let me just scale up oh wait you can't go to the door never mind I'm gonna scalp the wall but that door is hating a little bit yeah like the story is pretty like simple so far I mean it's a pretty straightforward experience and what I like the most is I feel like the entire game is going to take place here obviously I think it's just cool wait might be a bad idea doesn't really matter if they spot me I'm going this way anyways okay [Music] awesome [Music] avert your eyes there is nothing we could have done nothing if the Khalifa were alive this would not have happened watch where you point your blamey little finger bathroom it was your idea to steal from the palace also that you can impress your cunning friends I saved us you killed them you didn't came from over there I never see you again hurry all of them dead well it was me they sought to punish I I cannot be here I cannot well we're not gonna fight see [Music] once you get all the weapons and stuff is gonna be a lot more fun let's just go to the docks without having to be like stealthy so I'm just running there here we go stop is it him look I think so yes good enough [Music] move [Applause] come on [Music] what are you doing don't say anything [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] dude [Applause] I was wondering when like we would get the fresh start you know what I mean so it doesn't all take place in that I guess town area I for some reason thought it might for a minute but this is pretty cool look at that stuff in the background so we got the mountains another test I should get back two months later was he in the water that long now I'm kidding all right Health regeneration it's never kind of thrown into the wild let me Focus up yeah Fortress takes my breath away as if it leaped out of the hikayat I heard when I was a child I'm very curious how this game is going to review I'm playing it obviously early but I really like it so far there you are are you ready I uh I think so put yesterday out of your mind it has no bearing on today get dressed and we can begin [Music] like we practiced Yes master practice the leap of faith I like at this point it's just like tradition you know what I mean every Assassin's Creed game has to have it and I'm here for it keep training steady about him hello I've seen enough we will try again tomorrow I felt fine I can see it in your body feels focused too easy relief of faith is a crucial step on your path to initiation it is one of the brotherhoods first and most sacred rights to perform it successfully you must first center your mind body and spirit embrace the fear quieted find a Stillness and let go yes master let's return to the camp so we're not doing anything until we learn how to actually dive off the proper way you may back in anbar at the palace I witnessed a meeting between the Khalifa and five masked men order members the Khalifa was meant to protect the object they discovered but he knew nothing of their plans for it he did not even know them by name how does the most powerful man in Baghdad been such a fearful knee to the faceless the order has held dominion over such men and their Empires for Centuries by convincing them of their truth that they are the natural Arbiters of the world the Khalifa was but their puppet and the same will be true of whomever succeeds him the entire khalafa is under their influence speak with full album and see if he needs help we will continue your training later yes master what troubles you truthfully I am frustrated the order has only grown stronger in Baghdad since the death of the Khalifa and we are stuck on this mountain Mentor right hand surely knows what he is doing maybe I should trust more so we're supposed to just hop out it's like a side quest have you seen fulad probably at his office as usual anyways I must get back to work have you seen he is preparing to receive the Tahari Emissary thank you this area is really cool apparently there's like two different color filters there's like this one kind of has that uh I don't like an orangish yellowish Hue or whatever the other one is like the original you know like the light white and blue or whatever ah what is this in the corner here small design it is my signature so you know I created this and not Al Hassan or Worse Abu Jafar foreign how are you yes and kidu food is coming he is intelligent and intelligence is supposed to rhyme with patience reminds me of someone have you been speaking to master Roshan have patience be kind to your progress I will take this to Heart Roshan asked me to come see you ah yes Rebecca needs leather strips can you fetch those from the storeroom I shall for love all right get leather strips you know so far it's been pretty straightforward like the story is really nice I remember like the beginning of Valhalla that was pretty epic and I was assuming it'd be light like that and it's exactly kind of the way this system works it's like you start off and you're kind of thrown into the world afterwards you know once that title screen hit I was like all right here we go that is not it oh here we go it is hard to find anything in here in here read that any kind of letters in this game we're gonna like the notes prefer to pause it pretty much the entire series no that is not a strip of leather I'm just examining everything that's here that was it are beginning to put pressure on US forces you mean the order I can only speak of what I know your soul baby the caliph vicious to nullify the rebels and if you persist in giving them support we cannot assure you protection from any caliphate response the rebels Supply us with information in Baghdad without them we are blind be that as it may Governor Muhammad is very committed to showing that he can end this Rebellion swiftly I do not doubt that I came to warn you things are moving fast in Baghdad you may have to act sooner than expected I hear you are born all right bring the strips to Rebecca to govern these lands are the only thing standing between alamut and the full-scale attack fragile peace how long will it last like I'll just shove people around oh wait hang on let me collect all this the first blade interesting all right how does construction go ah it is taking longer than we expected yasidi that must be frustrating uh Mentor Ryan is a wise man but he speaks of this mountain as if it was destined that we built here we have patience and follow his guidance Master Roshan tells me I must not be in a hurry to rush back to Madina I would not hurry at all Baghdad is different now it is very dangerous I really like this like a training ground for everybody down here Rebecca that's him that's him are you just wandering the camp aimlessly now no I have this leather for you will it do apparently you've moved past the wooden swords I protested but Roshan insisted here is your dagger and your thought I am proud to have worked on them this blade has character why would I make anything less than unique I am in your debt I was not expecting new weapons today repay me by using it on the order make them feel the sharpness of its character sounds that you had further training today I look forward to it how does training go yasodiki nor should be a new way to grip my knife and it has improved my accuracy greatly if you throw it just so it sails through the air swift and through shall I remind you all right equip tools let's see so the buttons are a little different I think last time I played it I used an Xbox controller so I'm trying to get used to everything else all right we don't have any throwing knives over zero out of four oh there we go we got something loot this yeah well done man it locks all look at that it's like if I get close it's like automatic out of ammo you have inspired me to train harder this is the way yeah so deep that's it all right go to the training ground area uh I think we're going up so I don't get to keep any I have zero still okay never mind I'm really thankful that this game has the torch it's always unlike every Assassin's Creed game but I'm really happy it's in this one as well just because some of the caves and like areas are pretty dark all right here we go we got a lift here we go okay this sandbox is really nice I feel like this is part of the training as well just getting here now we haven't actually seen everything yet have we I don't know how big this game is like Map size wise hold on more maps unavailable right now okay obviously it's gonna be smaller than like Valhalla and odyssey there has to be right that would be insane it work until tomorrow awesome time for combat training I was surprised when Rebecca handed me this is a sword not a coarse weapon for a hidden one as hidden ones we must become proficient with a number of weapons you never know how a fight will escalate anyone can wield a sword but how would you use it I am here to learn that Master are you truly here [Music] well yes I believe so you are here in body but are you here in mind and soul is this a riddle no it is the difference between life and death make sure you Target and circle around me never turn your back on your opponent yes better show me a quick stop yeah good I'm waiting for you all right so light attacks are not working so all right we're good there are times when we must put more Force into our attack to cause more damage let's boost so time it properly that's it excellent no events you can carry the attacks are beautiful after a few successful parents your opponent will be stunned try to Parry my attacks get ready [Music] yes I didn't mean to like strike like that but whatever I love the Perry system in these games I wonder if it like does a slow-mo thing if I Dodge it I guess not unless it's a skill you can unlock one thing I wasn't able to show early on was the skills and stuff instead prepare yourself all right get ready look well done no let us try a free fight together this is what you've learned yeah no surprise well done I felt like pairing might not be the play ever because it seems like dodging eliminates pretty much everything unblockables blockables whatever well that's pretty quick okay little four-string combo I was expecting that where did that come from we are done for today why must we stop I learned nothing from failing true learning requires action and Stillness in equal parts you have made the action now seek the Stillness do not rush your training be patient failure is a part of progress think on these words and come back better Yes master I will good see you later [Music] hey that's it for now thank you all for watching if you want more of this game quickly I'll say this first video does if it does well likes I will upload insanely fast but love you all take it easy
Channel: theRadBrad
Views: 2,203,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Assassin's Creed Mirage, AC Mirage, Assassin's Creed Mirage Gameplay, Assassin's Creed Mirage Part 1, Assassin's Creed Mirage Walkthrough, Assassin's Creed Mirage Gameplay Part 1, AC Mirage Gameplay, AC Mirage Part 1, AC Mirage Walkthrough, Assassin's Creed Mirage Review, Assassins Creed Mirage, Assassins Creed Mirage PS5, Assassins Creed Mirage PS5 Gameplay, Assassin's Creed Mirage Reaction, Assassin's Creed Mirage Full Game, Assassin's Creed Mirage Full Gameplay, Gameplay
Id: l970HoJ7g7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 6sec (3726 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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