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all right first off welcome back to more Assassin's Creed Mirage hey the support in the first video meant a lot to me if you want more of this game quickly and just each day until we finish it just keep it up all the likes greatly appreciated let's go ahead and get this [Music] ah that will soon go back to the house of wisdom I fear he may end in the middle of a snake's nest I know how close you are to your brother we shall learn more soon then we can up assalamu alaikum it is Ahmed Ahmed my apologies do not worry come and warm Yourself by the fire our brother Ahmad is leaving us tomorrow the House of Wisdom a house of wisdom we have been working there my brothers and I for years I still have some things to work on science Waits for No One and I will fulfill my duty as a Hagen one by becoming your eyes and ears among the scholars thank you tell Basim the story of the feather our tradition of the feather comes from Egypt they represent the feathers of mahat the feathers of the Heron were dipped in the blood of the targets this would be left for the lord of the duat to judge it is important we remain humble and know our place in the process we are messengers of Justice and not the final judges will anyone help me on patrol tonight I will come with you now I must get my body moving if I'm to warm up tonight I am grateful let us go are you coming basem leave the stories for later you want confidence you know you can I overheard Mentor Ray Han speaking to an emissary earlier Mentor reihan asked if we may come under attack for dealing with rebels in Baghdad are we safe here I do not know but I pity the people who attacked this nest of eagles how goes the watch nothing happening at all on alamut and I am so hungry we did not make it to the main Canyon excellent we will start there thank you come Noah follow me all right go to the watch Point here we go we're not following anymore we're actually just gonna run there looking forward to your initiation yes it feels like I have been preparing my whole life for this I could not sleep the night before my ceremony from excitement and a small bit of fear if I am to be honest we all feel the unknown but the greater unknown awaits on the other side of initiation you speak of the order I see them as monsters from a tale hiding in dark Corners down dark houses the difference is that the order is real what do they want they want to control Baghdad they want Power man playing this game is Just Pure hype right now I am loving it foreign magnificent soon you shall have one of your own introduced me to an eagle named the enkidu he said we have much in common and not in a complementary way she sees something follow me find a place to hide what is this place be ready stop making let's say we both have to get one there we go very nice we must agreed I felt like I should probably stay on EOS on this side maybe not we're good we're good it's actually my workout what come out coward not done with you look closer do not make a noise man there's a lot right there's one there's five oh my goodness uh I feel like maybe the best play here is to whistle one by one I don't know so they don't actually approach the uh exact spot oh they saw the uh well oh wow okay we're just fighting now very nice I thought we both got hit there training let me eat hold on not like the wooden targets is it it is not that this sword [Music] what of it mercenary is from Baghdad use these weapons we must warn the others mercenaries from Baghdad how do you know basem recognized the make of the sword I believe him bring him in how do you know these men were from Baghdad growing up on its streets I have seen their weapons many times and closely behind every mercenary is a man who gave them their orders yes and we must act if we are to learn who that is we will return to best dead Muhammad's help ah of course he's a dangerous and delusional fruit maybe so but he is one of our only allies in Baghdad we need him and we need his men I will go back to Baghdad go to Ali find out if the orders and those men I will [ __ ] Called Love Madan [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay the summer nights [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm sorry foreign [Music] the fact that that was like a kind of like a introduction montage is pretty awesome all right now we can look at the menu here we go sword and Dagger what we got here equipping a custom override the appearance okay all right so I kind of see what's going on let's check out the skills really quick I've not seen any of these I was able to look at these but not like show it when I did that promo a while back all right kick back I like that one a lot Auto collect I feel like that should just be a feature like an accessibility hold on what is this Keys highlights opportunities like chess with a glow okay secret entrances are also easier to discover man all these fill like I feel like these are all things that just should be default stuff you know if I had to pick between like these three obviously I think the kickback is the worst of them because this is going to help you in the long run the auto collect just kind of like nicer I think I'm gonna use this one though all right codex let's see what we got last discovered skill points skilled branches skill tree okay history of Baghdad school as well okay inventory so we have equipped I wonder why these have exclamation points and I can't like interact with it or anything I'll do a quick save all right we're good all right we're going down yo there's this kind of am I gonna survive this I can't even see where I'm landing I do like I know we're supposed to embrace the fall but at a certain point if you're like I'll just walk down it's fine I just thought I remember like when I was dropped into that early build I played you know like is this got to be a couple hours in at least because we had most of everything unlocked how are you feeling on this auspicious day it is strange Al Hassan my head is calmer's and I believed it would be I thought that would be a stormy sea inside but I am calm and quiet because you have dedicated yourself to your training and left nothing to chance hear a basa you have earned this it is a great honor I suspect you understand that Russian and the others are waiting for me we're down and thank you Al Hassan all right the cave entrance here we go like the first time I play any game I just have this like level of just enjoy the moment type feeling you know because you only have to ever experience something for the first time once and I try to live by that enjoy everything how are you feeling ready to make the leap I wish you to know it has been an honor to watch you walk your path as a novice and as a man I am grateful to you for leading the way before me I am honored come your new robes await they suit you well come it is time it's all coming together let's get it baby got the outfit feel on that day so long ago I felt afraid my Palms were slick with sweat and my knees were shaking was that an Eminem line or what these weak Palm sweaty I could have just said that cannot imagine you being afraid allow me to share a secret with you on this important day to Have Courage me to act in the midst of feeling great fear this is a really cool area foreign are you ready to leave your life behind and walk the path of Shadows I am are you ready to give up who you once thought you were ready to sacrifice everything you held close I am never forget the tenants you have sworn to uphold say your blade from the Flesh of the innocent hide in plain sight never compromise the Brotherhood and then out of the dark you will come into the light and firm the light you will return to the dark all right well here we go you now follow in the Eagle's path [Music] foreign [Music] you have died and been Reborn now fight me as your equal it's like now we're officially ready let's get this Focus again [Music] oh what's up [Music] my sword this happens every time I think he's about to be a normal attack it's unblockable [Music] do not strain save your strength he traveled unprepared left by Third in a hurry here drink Ali he is gone they took him in the night they order bring him to my tent if Ali is gone we are blind the order has put a fog over about dead and their movements we must go to Baghdad possum go with leave it once hmm [Music] ing [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] we should keep moving I would like to look around first if I may bardad and its surroundings called to me very well but do not belong there will be much to do once we reach ibia look for a lattice covered Courtyard near Charis mosque that is where Noor was gathering his information that is where we will be thank you [Music] man this is epic that like intro right there was so sick no where does my heart take me we get mounts now let's go baby all right here we go solar is so here's what I was worried about when we was originally in the uh I guess the town area in the first part or whatever I was like are we gonna be the entire game it's got to open up eventually right the fact that we're on the outskirts and there's like things to do out here as well it looks like is pretty insane all right let's check out the map really quick it's kind of like go back as far as we can we got this area back there I'm not sure I'm assuming these lines mean you can't go there so it's not as big as some of the other Assassin's Creed games but I I like a more confined quality over quantity type thing you know so I remember like Odyssey one of my things that I liked about that the most was the exploration of the RPG but I felt like you don't want to do that every Assassin's Creed you know just kind of have it back to the roots with this one which is nice Man the game looks incredible it's kind of like uh I thought Valhalla on PS5 looked insanely good as well because remember like around lunch for the PS5 they had like an update for it immediately and it'll look a lot like this which is fine with me because this game looks insanely good [Music] familiar signs again show me what I have missed what is this thing I was just curious interact [Music] Emporium of the world okay [Music] what I do when I'm editing is I pretty much just go through all the stuff I've read or saw do the thing and just like re-see it you know because I'm having to like edit the footage anyways pickpockets must be something decent that was a little bit tougher than some of the other one's power favor token nice it's like we're still in the tutorial phase kind of because we haven't even learned how to like rip down the posters all that stuff yet but it's right here this is exactly what I was talking about okay area let me at least go over here first I know we're headed to the other direction but armored enemies get behind him essentially oh this is hold on this isn't the same thing so the post thing hasn't popped up yet that's what these tokens are used for okay show me the path ahead getting closer there we go this is like exactly what I wanted I wanted a good Assassin's Creed game that's just new you know because I think the last thing we got we got Valhalla and then we got the DLC for it but like it's been a while you know it's like I want to pickpocket everybody but at the same time I don't know what's gonna happen if I fell like if I mess up the timing just once I'm about to like fighting to I guess get enemies off my back for a while I prefer to just like chill out really I can't grab that side because I don't make any sense okay like those we'll just walk wait can we climb I wonder like if you grab these like yeah you do okay [Music] so this is the hidden ones beautiful I expected some sort of Volvo some euros are others can be fitted with gold trim whatever space we settle all that's important is that our occupancy remains a secret we certainly have that here have you found anything helpful nothing hinting at Alice whereabouts however Noah was in contact with someone named Bessie a name I recognize as one of Ali's closest allies within the rebel Collective he's a dark worker at the upper Harbor see if he's in the area he may have something to tell us about and his disappearance I have found something seems nor mapped out this very District marked the Factory's area to the north what is there the rebel sympathizers if Noah visited this area for any reason it is worth following upon understood these are not strong leads but they are a start nonetheless for love and I will see what more we can uncover be careful all right so we gotta upgrade schematics all right our very first investigation here we go it's like finding clues for one spot then like eventually finding like the leader of an area unveiling cases and then tracking cases [Music] this is definitely that old school okay clue not found but we got this person [Music] yeah so in order to actually get everything we gotta start here keep saying bonus content unlocked I'm guessing they gave me deluxe edition I don't really know put in the code and ran downstairs I don't know I don't want to make the videos too too long yet although part one's probably going to be over an hour for sure lend me your eyes there we go yeah for those that don't know I record in like two or three hour increments but what I wind up doing like I've already I'm still recording the same session as Mike the part one but this would be like part two you know let's kind of do things at least all right using benches to avoid okay we're not in a restricted area so we should be fine and since we're just getting information and then we can actually go and find the person we're looking for one man who picks him up we have been cut down divided right but here we remain and so long as we draw breath this fight will continue so wet your blades pray to Allah for his guiding hand for today I see a great Victory on the horizon I wanted to loot that but I don't know if it's going to like alert people all right can I speak here we go are you Bashi I am with Noor you knew him yes I knew him last I saw he was being chased from the city does he live barely but he is safe stubborn bastard what do I call you pass him very well pass him have you ablade other than that butter knife you carry you may fancy yourself something bigger just now for what are you setting off to find Ali not quite yet these here are only half my men the rest are being held at the harbor further up the road there may be too few of us to wage an attack if you want to save your men our approach should be a cautious one I will go quietly have these men lie in wait and escort those we free your kind all think the same way but it is a sound plan hey before we go I wanted to show y'all something really quick so check this out alright so the mission just started I was going to stop at the end of that dialogue and I was just gonna go to the menu but apparently it's all like within one thing you don't actually have to go to it like if I go back right now I'm still in the game technically which is insane actually so you just smash it twice and you're like you're back there you know anyways love you all about science ever feel more in this game quickly just keep it up all the likes greatly appreciated if you want I guess multiple Parts each day until we hit the ending I might do some side stuff as well afterwards but this could be a fun game I can't wait to see the rest of it alright love you all take it easy
Channel: theRadBrad
Views: 707,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Assassin's Creed Mirage, AC Mirage, Assassin's Creed Mirage Gameplay, Assassin's Creed Mirage Part 1, Assassin's Creed Mirage Walkthrough, Assassin's Creed Mirage Gameplay Part 1, AC Mirage Gameplay, AC Mirage Part 1, AC Mirage Walkthrough, Assassin's Creed Mirage Review, Assassins Creed Mirage, Assassins Creed Mirage PS5, Assassins Creed Mirage PS5 Gameplay, Assassin's Creed Mirage Reaction, Assassin's Creed Mirage Full Game, Assassin's Creed Mirage Full Gameplay, Gameplay
Id: DgDoJU_mvLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 25sec (1885 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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