MORTAL KOMBAT 1 STORY MODE Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1 - INTRO (MK1 2023)

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all right before we jump in I want to say thank you all for supporting my channel in 2023 and here we go Mortal Kombat 1 is finally here also shout out to Warner Brothers actually sponsoring this first video if you don't know more about the game yourself just click the link at the top of the description should take you where you need to go the standard edition of Mortal Kombat 1 Launches on September 19th on PS5 which is what I'm actually playing on Xbox series snx PC and on Nintendo switch also you can start playing today if you get the premium Edition which includes combat pack one this gives you access to Quan Chi Ermac Takeda along with guest characters Peacekeeper Omni man and homelander when they release back in 2015 I actually flew to Chicago to play Mortal Kombat I think it was 10 and since then I played 10 and 11 on my channel and now netherrealm Studios has created Mortal Kombat one and while it's called Mortal Kombat 1 it is gonna be a reborn universe created by fire god Lou King so really excited to see where they take this but anyways let's go and jump in the story thank you all for supporting this any likes you dropped greatly appreciate if we get like 20 000 or so I'll probably cover the full thing but for not expect this part one I love you all let's go ahead and get this all right before you jump into the story I want to check out a few things first I want to check out the roster more than anything because I'm just very curious because I haven't looked up anything about this game all right oh we got smoke okay all right I see the little like layout they got I like this a lot okay you got like the main characters well not the main but like the very popular ones kind of front and center Scorpion and Sub-Zero like the face of this game I feel like also Johnny Cage Liu Kang we got Raiden when I was a kid I think I was like in third grade I dressed up as him for Halloween everybody called me Ray for a long time after that Kung Lao let's go baby Mortal Kombat 2 first appearance we got reptile oh we got kinshi back oh this is the one I think Megan Fox was supposed to play or something we got Baraka first time I saw him man I think the first time I saw him was like Mortal Kombat 2 that like Forest stage I remember I walked past the arcade when I was a kid and somebody was fighting and I was like yeah like the things coming out of his arms it was insane we got rain nice we got Tanya oh I'm kind of happy they put Katana next to her because I just feel like it makes sense we got Shang song there we go Shao Khan General Shao okay sindel's back nice oh one thing I wanted to check out really quick so first we got gear this is like the customizations and the graphics are so good look at that maybe Jean-Claude Van Damme let's just check it out there it is yo that's so sick the way they kind of just had him be that character because he's a movie actor you know so it's like uh it just it's perfect how they did that I think for the sake of the storm I'm gonna have him in the basic outfits but all right let's go ahead and jump into the story that is everything I wanted to see I cannot thank you all enough for supporting this here we go everything should be good [Music] my friends your patience is about to be rewarded for I have saved the best for last I have recently discovered a cure-all of unrivaled potency it will soon be on the shelves in every home of outworld this Elixir is crafted from an ancient recipe it has patreon flowers margovian nectar powdered teeth of an Arctic in Dragon all this and more infused with powerful the Korean Magic there is a village in the next Canton over where everyone has purchased this miracle cure overnight all diseases even tarkat have disappeared now magic this potent is expansive and I'm sure you're asking yourselves can I afford it but the true question you must ask is can I afford to be without it you lie Shang Tsung your cures are useless I'm sorry you are someone full enough to have believed you my daughter was dying when you came to my farm you promised a miracle and I gave you all I had but only days later dead that is impossible my magic could not have failed her there was no magic I took your Elixir to an imperial Mage and you know what she said nothing just force forcing tea the Mage is mistaken kind sir my elixirs are of superior quality their efficacy is guaranteed oh thank you [Music] Backwater folk are far more likely to trust a kindly old man here on behalf of a dissatisfied customer if it's Revenge you want have at it if it's restitution there's nothing left what I want Shang Tsung is to elevate you to make you the great sorcerer that now you can only pretend to be a generous offer why me you are uniquely resilient who else could eek out a living traveling outworlds Hinterlands selling quack cures and fake magic a living it is barely survival and you were meant for more to live among Kings not peasants but since before you were born you have been conspired against by those who fear how formidable you could become how do you know that who are you I am your deliverer Shang Tsung join me and I will put the Realms at your feet [Music] this is a good harvest come now yes it is a blessing Raiden you would rather we starve now no of course not but we've worked these fields since we were kids in 40 years we'll still be here stooped and feeble like old man way as long as I've known you you've dreamed of leaving things Young why can't you be happy here our ancestors fought in great Wars they died with honor and Glory stories of our great adventures will be passed down for Generations it may not be glorious but what we do helps the village thrive I know but is it so wrong to want some excitement if that's what you want may I suggest a bet dinner at Madame Bose tonight last to fill their cart pays you work faster than me since when you're on Raiden [Music] that is amazing I am starving I wonder what Madame Beau is making tonight for you two whatever you want thank you madambo you spoil us like the sons I never had YouTube been practicing my lessons as we can the Harvest leaves us little time for martial arts since your first words Kung Lao you've melt nothing but excuses if you fail to prepare your preparations will fail you good you haven't forgotten but we'll see if I make you anything special tonight I'm glad you're paying Madame Bo might just pad the bill with her anger I am paying you finished work last but I delivered my card first delivered the BET was filled that's not what I remember so that's how it is eh what do you say we settle this man to man hmm wait you mean fight yes right here right now Madame Beau can watch critique our form best two out of three fair enough we must be careful madambo will kick us out if we break something oh this won't last long enough for that to happen you will be down in no time fight come loud ring hold on one second moveless time uh Advanced view what we got Frame data so happy they have that no silence okay so this is two one two one let's see what else we got we should get a pen a few combos on the screens like it's like try stuff out one more time we'll try that one out as well uh special move let's see what we got here soaring monk what does that do oh it's like anti-air I guess that's cool hey I like that it shows okay first hit otherwise since I played Mortal Kombat well I didn't play the beta a little bit it's been a while though got caught in the dash it actually shows punish that's actually really cool the fact that it's like they're embracing like the competitive part of it a lot of games need to do that I feel like remember the uppercuts in like Mortal Kombat two and three were insane you know like they did so much damage know how it sounds I can't imagine this ends at a fatality you know like three High hits okay there it is oh that's so sick I cannot get over that move that is so cool heavy chop I think it was the uh down up yeah hold on enhanced I haven't beaten me yet the day is coming come now [Applause] keep telling yourself that [Music] you were hungry oh everything was delicious madambo thank you Raiden you boys are always a pleasure to cook for eign I have been busy smoke who are they don't know but I don't like where this is going what do we do stay ready Madam Beau it is a simple Choice pay for our protection or risk harm to this fine establishment you'll get nothing from me that Madame Beau is unfortunate oh Madden ball you two are brave but against us you are in over your head we don't care who you are or who you are with you will not Menace matter oh they're actually I can do a champion I'm just trying different things up what's up hold up what's the other one I've been doing the uh forehead let's see what else we got ta try that that is it's actually really nice for the delayed when it seems like it just does a lot more damage I'm sure if you can like time it like a just frame type thing or what that sweep is just like you can't do much about that I thought you get a combo over that do it again now who's in over his head this was you honestly I'm surprised too Come On Let's Help Madame Bo om [Music] how does he do that I have no idea you interfere with liquid business leave or face our wrath abandon Madame Beau not happening get over here [Applause] I want more I have plenty you should have fled when you could prepare to regret ever crossing the link way all right Sub-Zero and Scorpion this early in the game is awesome such an Infamous lie I gotta missed that all right get over here I'm getting absolutely just combo right now but what it's worth I was waiting for it to be over and I was like all right I gotta move us one more time let's see what we got uh let's try this one that's always like roll I think just like that and then oh okay get a quick little hit watch out I love that attack is so sick it is you who will regret Crossing me [Music] foreign [Music] incompetent oh that works I have had enough of you then go before I put you down like the rest of your link way you haven't a prayer Against The linquay's Grandmaster fight it's either just switch roles I want to see one more thing really quick okay heavy chop this is the one I think I just did a minute ago foreign [Applause] are they good sorry but I have to ask can anything I love that so much wow okay and it also is used like a one one third of the meter laughs that's a cool counter I just wake up and punch are you sure you're a grand master interesting Madame Bo she's out cold oh no is she dead not yet Madame po or how are you come now laughs so Madame Beau are they ready a bit thick in the head perhaps but they are ready his eyes are glowing I Am Lord Liu Kang god of fire and protector of earthrealm God earthroam Madam Beau has been preparing you for this moment since you were boys today you have proven worthy of joining my Champions this fight was a test of your ability and character yes oh [Music] so these two aren't thugs the Lin Quay is a centuries-old clan dedicated to Earth Realms defense you keep saying Earth realm don't you mean Earth you boys have so much to learn Earth is only a part of Earth realm Earth realm itself is one of many Realms together they comprise the whole of the universe the Realms can be fierce bitter rivals that's why we need Champions to defend ours the time draws near for the grand Martial Arts Tournament between Earth realm and the realm of outworld held once each Century it allows each realm to demonstrate its strength while our Realms are at peace there are out welders who would prefer us to be at War our victory in the tournament will I've taught you everything I can you must finish your training with Lord Liu Kang more training these two couldn't defeat us what they were pulling their punches had we not held back you would not have survived ah the monks at the Wu XI Academy awaits so continue your tutelage I am ready Lord Liu Kang and you Raiden Earth realm needs you Raiden you'll best serve the village by being one of its champions I understand I will join you soon first there are other Champions I must gather we're off the map we should go back recheck the route it's this way it's a temple oh [Music] God damn it Alessia foreign the darts came from here can you open it without killing us huh let's hope so turn them off and we're definitely getting warmer how are these still burning oil bubbles up from the ground the chamber channels it somehow [Music] all right foreign [Music] [Music] and his shield what so there's metal in the floor that's not just any metal it's liquid mercury [ __ ] that stuff's toxic fatal only step where I step [Music] huh what did I say huh [Music] I'm sorry not now get out the explosives that's our Bridge do this right fall across is it real I'll take care of the shibies all right kind of at the halfway point I want to say thank you again for sponsoring this video Warner Brothers and also all of you that have watched up to this point Thank you for even clicking on my content means a lot I am extremely curious oh that was a cool that was a cool Cameo move all right let's see what we got here roughhouse knuckle under the Buckle that's funny I have a feeling I know what that does okay not what I was expecting okay let's see what else we got [Music] he has got some cool moves already okay that seems pretty young probably the other one okay he's like check his phone or what was that a little like body slam is actually kind of clean okay foot loosey-goosey is this supposed to be like a play on the uh Shawshank Redemption type thing I'm just kind of looking at seeing like back to the okay Back to the Future I'm just curious Gut Busters supposed to like Ghostbusters okay hold on let's try the Footloose one out that's a nice combo in the world dump it's like a load and a mid at the end there I love his outfit too an Indiana Jones Vibe a little bit thank you [Music] I was kind of wondering for a minute I was like okay world's second chapter what will they do with his character like what were the uh I guess half him actually do you know who's he actually gonna fight you don't know anything yet I do want to see his actual like special moves all right let's see we got here there it is the split okay I was wondering because I think did he do that to uh he did a tagoro I think got no time to die crazy lady in the movie you okay yes we ready physics for the win let's go this will be worth millions it belongs in a museum [Music] you don't need it you're dead speaking of which you just killed my best friend and I'm not one to forgive and forget something tells me at the end of his chapter you're gonna see a director going cut it just seems like the type of thing what in the world what was that heathered okay I guess I'll get a hit in later I'm not sure what's going on guess the moment I'm going really quick we're like that combo a lot what did I just do that that was funny this one's for you Adam I don't want to see okay that's so sick Rising Star oh that's nice I don't know this is a Flash and Injustice 2 a little bit [Music] do that that's a wrap Now where's that Shield I am not yet defeated yes you are thank you time to go home God pretty I knew it I felt that one you felt it too right Temple of carteravala take 39 Tails Play That's a Wrap [Music] [Applause] Stephen this was fantastic thank you oh just like the old days and these props Jimbo killed it you did too Johnny hey about my pitch you know the karate Zombie thing I'm thinking four films maybe a streaming series Johnny I don't have to write not here I'll swing by your office after I change I can't uh I have to be with the editors Marshall will call you great have your assistant call me well that was great hon wasn't it though we need to celebrate I'm thinking private party Shawnee we need to talk [Music] you're not the martial arts Mega star you once were honey you're lucky Stephen owed you a favor I'm telling you Chris we're fine you can join me in the fact-based universe just once we're broke we have to cut back cut back on what step one is selling this place I need a refill Johnny we can't keep this up you spent ten thousand on that sculpture 30 000 on that drone and this damn sword three million dollars hey Cento is history that sword come from that's not the point Johnny Chris honey the parts the money they're coming Steven's movie is just the beginning that's why I can't cut back to be a success I have to project it if I don't Johnny Cage is done [Music] I didn't marry Johnny Cage I'm married John Carlton not give anything to have him back Chris come on Chris where are you going [ __ ] how do you like that Mr hey-list thank god oh Chris honey there's my wife your wife left it's fine you will be too if you cooperate what do you want Cento some kind of higher gun or do you know Centos history I know it's it's my family blade no no way you're Tire Clan they've been dead for centuries Not Dead hiding with Cento in my hands I'll lead us out of the Shadows it's a great plan stranger except for one thing sento's mine and I won't give it up without a fight man this stage is so sick I was wondering if she was coming to the actual game there's that kick man that thing has been since day one I'm just impressed by his moveset already seen like even without even knowing all the moves he just seems like a very solid character you know I don't want to see okay what are the uh specials really quick Rising Star I've seen that one show off he's like come on punch me back that actually burned a part of the meter for that no wrong whatever man look at the range on that [Music] I gotta get back into Mortal Kombat games but it's been a long time I gotta say the story so far has been top here hold on I just gotta see them really quick The Frame data on that kick is insane where's it at because I kind of did it by accident at first we had a special move here we go uh my house my rules so you have a name or what kenshi Takahashi I knew you weren't Tyra Clan you know nothing cage 400 years ago the Tyra Clan were one of Japan's first families they lost Cento after getting slaughtered at the siege of almori there were survivors they hid themselves by shedding the name Tyra for Takahashi they joined the bakuto for its protection the yakuza's predecessors from first family to crime family I will break us free of the yakuza's corruption reclaim our name and our position but my clan won't follow me unless I prove that I can lead that's why I need sento and that's Malibu's finest it's a great story [ __ ] but great you seriously consider becoming a screenwriter foreign Johnny Cage I am Liu Kang protector of Earth Realm may we enter uh nothing's being shot here tonight uh you sure you're in the right place yes we call them on a matter of grave importance we must speak to you and your guest what how do you know about him because I am the god of fire Chris you Vixen nicely done sure I dab come right in glowing eyes are a nice touch can't see a Takahashi tragic figure with a noble cause your actions this evening do you know credits who are these people you tell me your scene partners I also know of your struggles Johnny Cage I am here to offer you both a path forward done [Laughter] oh come on guys let's call this Chris was a doll to set this up but as pranks go this one's a bit obvious this is no prank if you please all right all right I'll play my part in this martial arts Warp the misses ought to get what you paid for ah okay get your damn hands off him I said get your hands off was that necessary brother to put him in his place that was a hit Julie hi I don't care you cross the line take it over the pool in the background Sub-Zero and Scorpion versus Johnny Cage I remember the first movie back in 90s coming to age myself a little bit here that fight in the woods Scorpion and uh Johnny Cage was so sick there we go fight Corey up I like that fork combo is really good like the last two hits easy foreign I hope you're insured the pain for my Julie imbecile you have no idea with whom you're dealing enough [Music] ah that's no special effect indeed Johnny Cage okay let's go back to one here who are you again Lord Liu Kang protector of Earth realm god of fire well that last one tracks but what's an earth round all will be explained Johnny Cage for now what is important is that you both have been chosen to join its champions why him or me for that because I have faith that you will rise to the challenge and because your service will change the arcs of your lives thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you that is not a good idea it is genius Raiden the next time we see Sub-Zero I will have to thank him for inspiring it see it won't be effective maybe it's too effective we just need to get on with it I've been cooped up here for months I can't base a Cinematic Universe on outworlds Monsters and magic if I don't ever see them that's why you're here Liu Kang said this gig would change the Arc of my life that's how it gets done my actual Rue the day she gave up on me so selfless oh please tattoo you're just here to get your sword back we all have our reasons for being here some better than others but we are not here to fight among ourselves we are here to fight for Earth Realm it's about damn time and today one of you will be chosen to fight for it at the tournament only one of us Lord Liu Kang isn't outworld Fielding several Champions the tournament's rules give a host realm that advantage and it is outworld's turn as host why I've never asked this but uh what's our record at this tournament Earth realm and outworld have long been evenly matched adult world is gaining strength should it win it's more militant factions will be emboldened I thought you admired outworld it is a place of great knowledge wealth and beauty but all Realms do not share goals and beliefs we co-exist peacefully because outworld respects our strength should we show weakness our rival will become our enemy I will not lose Lord Liu Kang first you must win the right to represent us whichever one of you outlasts the others will be chosen step forward call the weak for you shall face him Johnny Cage ready for your close-up all right let's do this farm boy I'm a global martial arts icon I don't think you can handle this much boom I am ready Johnny Cage My Mind and Spirit fight has won fight this is such a cool setting very vibrant thank you check out the moveless really quick all right what we got here special moves really it's only one okay electric tips I got Warrior stance okay let's try uh [Music] that's so clean seems like there's a lot of hold on try out the microburst as well so one two three okay super bolts here we go I like it I like how Johnny cages reasons for being there was so he could like get a good character for a movie or something or like change something about himself there we go this fight was an honor you're welcome you are next you have skills Raiden but you're inexperienced whatever experience I lack I make up for in heart it's nerve not heart that wins fights I should know I've been in hundreds of them fight I think this might be my favorite fighting game in like recent memory just for the actual like the way it looks and also like everything about it the voice acting the graphics it's like a fresh fill you know okay let's try we already did this one foreign my favorite character to play it although it's just been three characters is Johnny Cage by far he's fun there's a lot of cool I can't imagine it's like fatalities stuff do it again is devastating [Music] that ain't good do you still question my nerve I do not yours was a well-earned victory you may rest straightener this evening you will face your final opponent foreign s make it interesting bet me Cento not on your life read it the winner of this match will represent earthrealm against outworld it is a grave Duty not to be undertaken lightly you may step back now and suffer no dishonor I choose to fight Lord Liu Kang as do I send me the best person win concede Raiden you have never beaten me that won't change today no if the monks have taught us one thing it's that the only constant in the universe is change fight oh yeah can I get over how nice this game looks I play a lot of games this year and it's just like I'm just like looking it's just like it's insane how detailed everything is that was Pure Luck like lightning I should that actually connects hold on what else we got try no Apprentice there it is okay that's just back in two interesting [Music] that's a very awesome there was a first time for everything Kung Lao foreign although you have all trained well Raiden has excelled this outcome does not surprise me could I have congratulations Raiden for the tournament you will need this forged by the Elder gods gives the wearer a power over lightning and thunder go ahead try it [Music] holy Ark of the Covenant it is incredible but is it necessary in addition to possessing great might the outworlders you will face also wield great Magic The Amulet levels the playing field you must be careful Raiden you could get hurt even killed no tournament participant has ever been grievously injured or killed I would never send my Champions unwittingly into Mortal Combat we leave in seven days for outworld's Capital sundo the tournament will be held at the palace of empress sindel [Music] outworld can be both alien and intoxicated to Earth realmers do not become drawn in you must focus on the task at hand [Music] Toto I have a feeling we're not Kansas anymore oh my are those Empress sindel's daughters yes they do not disappoint we are Earth Realms ambassadors Johnny we'll show them respect not unwanted attention Lord Liu Kang welcome thank you princess Melia you remember my sister of course princess katana may I introduce Johnny Cage Kung Lao kenshi Takahashi and Earth Realms champion Raiden I hope you're prepared Raiden our Champions are determined to win none more so than me it's been too long since we've known victory princess Melina we should be on our way empressindel awaits thank you Tanya follow me please and that is it for part one hey thank you again Wonder Brothers for sponsoring this video and if you don't know more about the game yourself just click that link at the top of the description to take it where you need to go if you go to part two just to store that like button I love you all and take it easy peace
Channel: theRadBrad
Views: 1,305,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mortal Kombat 1, MK1, Mortal Kombat 1 2023, MK1 2023, Mortal Kombat 1 Gameplay, Mortal Kombat 1 Part 1, Mortal Kombat 1 Review, Mortal Kombat 1 Reaction, Mortal Kombat 1 Walkthrough, Mortal Kombat 1 Gameplay Part 1, Mortal Kombat 1 Walkthrough Part 1, Mortal Kombat 1 PS5, Mortal Kombat 2023 Gameplay, MK1 Gameplay, MK1 2023 Gameplay, MK1 Part 1, Mortal Kombat 1 Story, MK1 Story, Mortal Kombat 1 Full Gameplay, Mortal Kombat 1 PS5 Gameplay, Mortal Kombat, Warner Bros. Games
Id: 6-n6LTFpbEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 22sec (3742 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2023
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