Asmongold vs Vykas Legion Raid | Lost Ark

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right now i want you to promise me and i want you to type it in in the raid chat right now i want you to promise me that you will not [ __ ] this right up say i promise and chat say i promise i will not [ __ ] this right up i put out [ __ ] we're dead i promise okay good all right that's two people i promise oh yeah i will [ __ ] this ring oh no the garden of crimson delight okay all right uh we go in this house no okay i can feel the pull of evil covetousness what the [ __ ] the covetous legion commander vicus must be at the source of this flow we can't let it continue to grow in power well these mobs are easy yeah this will be easy look i mean they're already getting killed yeah yeah this would just be no problem get these dick grabbers get these dick grabbers let's go guys come on almost there yeah we're already getting through this it's not a big deal oh what the [ __ ] well this place is crazy okay we've got more dicks coming out of the ground kill the dicks that are coming out of the ground okay get rid of all them so guys uh for this boss uh there's a lot of uh a lot of complicated uh parts of it but i want you guys to know that it's not that hard you'll be okay just focus and do do what you would normally do if you were doing everything right so for this first phase uh uh let's see uh yeah you have to go to each yeah we need two people to go to each corner that's right yeah two people to go to each corner so roy uh yeah go up to the top uh top left ryu red blue green w block oh all right all right let's just let's just get this done uh it should be fine yeah it'll be okay all right all right we'll get on over there let's get this started x3 plus one that'd be four yeah that would be four this should be no problem guys so um we have to talk a little bit about uh basically uh so i think there's gonna be like two uh so there's like gonna be like two ads i i think and there's gonna be like a red zone that you're not supposed to be in but if it's like purple i i think that i i don't but that should be fine let's go in there let's try this out here we go let's just let's get a feel for the fight it's going to be fun it's going to be easy that's almost going to be all right let's do it purple's safe yeah yeah i stand in a purple what do these do you're a guest after all i'll take great care of you what is this corpse husband all right let's go guys okay so oh he's dying fast he's dying real fast we're doing great keep it up guys keep it up okay so whenever he does that um i don't know what he did okay just let your body relax you'll find eternal happiness okay uh let's it seems fine oh he's not over there oh we probably should roll out of that yeah you don't want to be in those this isn't too hard so far okay keep it up you guys are doing amazing i'm really proud of you [Applause] get out get out of the the things that he puts on the ground i feel like our damage is a little bit low it's okay i'll pop off on him i'll pop off on it's all right okay he's taking reduced damage demons are trying to open the covetous gate to gain power okay you'll be able to destroy the gate if you look closely at the orb so you have to like there's a i got hit on we're good we're good let's go we're doing really well keep it up okay so basically uh all right uh okay okay so the color has to go to the right color you've got to kite the orb so you have to make it to where like okay so go to your positions go to positions where you're supposed to get where's so i was in the wrong place so the the blue one is going to go into the blue ball and you can't bring it in whenever it's not the right one you all understand so lily do you get it no no no no because we in the same group so it's got to be a different person for each group the correct corners yeah just go to the correct corners so okay all right everybody get out of the [ __ ] circle get out of the [ __ ] circle move out of the circle move out the circle get out get out of the [ __ ] circle okay group one asman gold is going to stand here uh liquid come here come here liquid you're gonna stand right here liquid stand right there good all right uh corpse come here come here torch stand right here no no no that's where i'm at no no i'm there you're up here liquid liquid come up here okay good all right you want to be top right all right well it's gonna be top right twerps is gonna be down there okay good lloyd go over to top right go to top right one okay all right party two all right ryu you're gonna be right here good job ryu lock's ass you're gonna be up with lloyd good do you guys want to pick you want me to pick for you okay all right clutch oh good job clutch is at the top left zaz is at the bottom right you guys get it it's that easy let's get this done just go there whenever he does the thing big dick guys big dick damage big dick dammit let's go maximum dick maximum dick maximum damage let's go stars a little bit too close so remember whenever he's gonna do the ability get ready for it okay do not is yeah i don't know it doesn't matter okay oh you have to stand in the purple okay i got it all right just focus guys focus focus we have people dead we don't want to have people dead okay it doesn't matter it doesn't matter okay it doesn't matter i'm fine okay keep it up we're doing great keep it up keep it up get those balls in the hole get those balls in the hole how we guys i think this one's a white i i think this one's a white yep it's a white i guess orbs at 45. all right let's do it again you can time stop the balls mechanic let's try to actually do it i just plus 25 and you're dead it's everybody else's fault it's not mine i didn't do anything wrong wait what i missed my [ __ ] ult are you kidding me dude what the [ __ ] is this okay doesn't matter doesn't matter who gives a [ __ ] okay now he's gonna do the thing just let your body relax okay focus focus focus focus guys let's do it okay just tried it tried to get to where we were at on literally the first poll that we ever had that's all i want to do okay it doesn't matter it doesn't matter i'm fine i'm good i'm totally good i just took a little bit of damage that's all okay yep doesn't matter okay is this ball mode demons are trying to open the covetous gate to gain what you'll be able to destroy the gate if you look closely at the orb you've got to stay in the white okay i didn't know that keep it up guys keep it up keep it up you guys are doing great yeah everybody's doing really really well right now okay that's um okay okay that's a wipe no it it's listen that's not a wipe it's just that we had a situation that's all we just had a situation let's go do it again do it again we're going to figure out these mechanics rep first week mats no it'll be easy i have a little cheat sheet if we want uh sure yeah that would be good okay there we go there we go big dick damage big dick damage don't worry about any of this other mechanics [ __ ] okay it doesn't matter okay do whatever you can your desires true for referral parts too expensive i don't know how many they are okay so now we're the night now we have the nightmare [ __ ] so you have to be in the purple mode okay that's that's that's how it works i think i mean i i don't really know what i'm talking about but like i think that's what you're supposed to do okay good okay let's be in there well i did do that yeah what i did not that's such horse [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that [Music] okay you guys are doing really well so far keep it up wait i thought i was in the i don't understand i i don't understand how show you my power i i don't unders i don't get it like i i i don't i don't get how i like i don't understand okay purple is a danger zone i thought i was supposed to be out of that let's go yeah don't stand too close to the orb or you'll absorb it this is hopeless uh we're gonna try okay we can try and we can maybe do this it's hard man it's [ __ ] hard watch cans videos five minutes something no i just i i can't watch a video like i literally can't watch a video like i i i don't want to do that i just i have to do it on my own okay it's just like my brain doesn't work that way okay i really [ __ ] that one up okay let's do it guys try to do as much damage to him as possible yeah keep those absorbs up as much as we can too that'll make a big difference just let your body okay relax yeah i'm chilling babe watch the video no i'm good i'm good yeah i just it's hard for me to do that because of like just the way my brain is like whenever i think of like watching a video it just doesn't really work okay that's pretty bad all right at least i got a shield so i'm okay all right dude he just does so much damage this is crazy okay he just keeps moving away from me man you can't okay so we we're inside this one demons are trying to work i got it to gain power you'll okay good you've got to get is this is this bad oh we should be good all right get on him all right let's talk about that mechanic so you have to take the ball and you have to put the ball in the hole but if the ball doesn't go in the hole then it doesn't work you understand you need three out of four to pass or wipe oh so not wait somebody can [ __ ] it up so we had two fuck-ups yes okay i didn't know that 30 million that's [ __ ] massive okay that's big dick okay stay focused guys let's get this one if we get the perfect boy we'll see what happens [ __ ] we got the perfect boy [ __ ] let's go jesus i hate this piece of [ __ ] okay what are you looking at i know this part is hard guys but we have to beat it okay he's going over there all right we're good we're good uh all right i took a lot of damage there it's not a big deal though i don't know what any other i don't know what he's marking gives a [ __ ] okay big damage guys huge damage okay get out of that oh it's but i can't i can't see the color difference okay we got one huh how the [ __ ] did that happen party tucson man y'all [ __ ] up huh y'all really messed me up damn man okay i didn't do nothing wrong she guys y'all gotta y'all gonna get that under control whoa like that's it you can't let you can't just die like that blue party fails yeah okay good why he shouldn't be able to do that like just he moves around so much it pisses me off like just stop [ __ ] moving man i can't hit him god damn bro okay here we go let's do it this is stay focused let's get this i can't do it it's my brain is not programmed to do that he [ __ ] teleports i hate this guy dude what i'm dying i'm done i'm dying i use potion okay i'm good i'm good i'm good i'm good he's okay everything's okay okay good okay that's good i really i got bit i i did a big dick on him there i did big dick [ __ ] holy [ __ ] man guys guys we gotta we gotta stop dying we gotta stop getting hit by things that we don't need to get hit by we gotta stop getting got by things that we're getting got by right we've gotta get this done okay i gotta repair i have to repair it let's go get any party no it's easy it's easy it's easy we're gonna beat him here we're gonna beat the boss i can feel it this time [Applause] there we go see that damage that doesn't just happen on accident look at that damage look at that big dick damage okay i i did i did all right besides that all right let's go you just let your body stay focused relax stay focused let's beat them eternal we got the purpley boy again wait we didn't what okay okay what does this do oh i messed up oh we have to be in this i think right or like some [ __ ] trying to open the coveted gate okay all right red you'll be able to destroy the gate if you look closely at the orb okay good good good good good we got his ad we got his ass we got his ass we got his ass we got his ass we're getting his ass let's go let's go big dick big dick let's go guys there it is nice nobody got hit okay uh come on nice [Applause] where he be at [ __ ] okay jesus okay uh what what's this what's what's this so oh and now we just kill him right now he just dead he's just now he's just dead okay good all right let's go beat him great job guys you're doing amazing i'm really proud of you that's probably the easiest part of the fight okay i missed that one i'm sorry hardest part to fight i'm at this side okay now what's he doing now break the stagger break the stagger i didn't have it on my bar okay keep it up use whirlwinds for stagger check yeah true true and real i didn't i was not like my brain was not on activated mode okay control x i don't know what that does who [ __ ] knows what that does all right let me see where's my whirlwind grenade okay destruction bomb okay uh you cannot equip more than one of those bombs let me take this off the bar then and then i put one of these on no i don't want to put one of those on whirlwind grenade okay all right stagger is high there it is i'm going to use one of these 101 grenades okay listen guys it's the easiest boss in the game you see what to do all that we have to do now is to do what to do let's go you see what to do don't use whey on stagger you only use nineveh i didn't i didn't read what she did i i don't know okay let's go [Applause] big dick big dick big dick let's go come on massive damage guys just like your body massive damage you'll find okay let's see which one we have now okay we've got that guy this time [ __ ] he always moves away from me whenever i want to hit him i was bro that's a that's honestly the dumbest thing i've ever seen my whole life this is honestly just the dumbest thing i've ever seen my whole life this is so stupid all right let's go it doesn't matter it doesn't matter this matter i did that on purpose let's go [ __ ] james you'll be able to destroy the gate if you look closely at the orb okay break his ass break his ass break his ass break his ass he's gonna [ __ ] kill us he didn't break his ass hey that's that's what happens that's what [ __ ] happens i watched watch patreon okay all right they [ __ ] it up too okay so let's talk a little bit about this your color change last second i feel like it didn't i i feel like it didn't it turned to white like you really think mine turned white like i don't i don't know like i did i feel like i got it like i know what you're saying but i don't know if that's what happened yeah like i really don't like i like there's a chance that's what happened i just don't know what that okay i'm not gonna do that again i hate this [ __ ] boss i hate this [ __ ] ball please dude how many times dude man i hate this boss you should not be able to do that that's my main ability dude i can't hit him dude he just teleports behind me okay let's go guys let's go okay i thought i'd be able to holy [ __ ] i miss every attack all right focus okay focus guys focus okay what's he doing get inside demons are trying to open the gate to gain power you'll be able to destroy the gate if you look closely at the orb yep good job guys good job good job good job great work keep it up you guys are doing great we're really in this together okay okay now remember whenever he does this at the stagger thing we want to make sure that we're able to stagger his stagger what the [ __ ] man yeah right okay just get another heal it doesn't matter okay you got to be behind him whenever he does that combo thing i i think i mean i i don't know what i'm really talking about okay let's go get ready wait no it's not it dude man got his ass got his ass we got his ass we got his ass let's go so that they can't absorb the power what the [ __ ] uh okay all right we got him okay how does that work there's no reason to go any further how's that work how does that work wait what yeah how's it work so we get our spots again pass lead the purple team okay right you got it give it to whoever you feel like is confident in your group so we get to our spots again and follow the orbs movements so it's the turtle mechanic from tier two just like argos i didn't do argos like i just kill him every time that's very wrong clockwise wait wait wait okay so follow the orbs movements from your starting point those orbs you soak before hitting boss the sequence wait what it's like a sequences after okay it's basically assignments i never played them okay so watch the sequence and block your orbs okay so stand in your starting spot there's an indication where your color is i don't know what that means okay so all right um blue equals five eleven uh five eleven black is two and seven look at the color on top of your character happens after all right all right i'll look at the color on top of my character all right let's go let's get this i i can't i can't listen to anybody i have to do it wrong i have to do i can't i can't listen let's go let's get this done either black or blue above yourself you block the same arms okay i just blocked the words that's fine yeah i can do that what drama day no i i can't like i can't listen to what anybody so i have to do i have to do it try it out myself now i only did eight million bro [ __ ] this okay let's go let's go deny your desires true does this mean i'm the purple guy yeah yeah all right i'm the purple guy okay okay this should be easy it should be easy because like now i know what to do okay just teleport away from me all right okay i go in that right okay that was a [ __ ] up but it was just a little bit of a [ __ ] up oh like that just like i don't understand that mechanic you die i don't know i don't understand the mechanic stay in purple i don't know what purple is [Music] okay so that that's a wipe right like y'all wipe okay yeah all right i just like purple rings are safe but i stood in a purple ring i died that doesn't make sense no you didn't purple's good okay let's see let's see this should certainly look purple to me all right that's fine time i grabbed the sword no no it's fine we're going to beat it here we're going to be here 100 i'm not stressed like we all know i'm going to win this one okay stop attacking new mechanics i don't know what mechanics are like i have to i have one way that i do things and that's it got his ass i got his ass okay big damage big damage huge damage [ __ ] all right all right all right all right we get a redemption we get redemption here we go okay right all right there's the combo we know the combo i can beat the combo okay it's pretty good i just there's something about it man okay dude i was out i was off of that i was off of that 100 i was off of that i was 100 dude that's yeah right oh my god how i missed that dude i just irish just something about it man okay i'm in that good i gotta heal now okay dude he just flopped okay what's this oh my god party to die that's fine it's fine they they messed up need another movement skill no i don't no i i do not i don't need anything i need what i need right now is i need to win that's all i need is to win purple is safe white stay away uh no because i just okay good i was out of that dude that's yeah right dude okay okay there we go [ __ ] i've gotta heal again dude i keep taking so much damage just let your body really get better pots no i don't need them [Applause] yeah that's always my mindset always my mindset there's never a time where you can lose if you don't lose well not like that but like i mean like if you [ __ ] okay get in this demonstration you'll be able to destroy the gate if you look closely at the orb god is [ __ ] ass caught this [ __ ] ass got his [ __ ] ass okay let's go there it is okay that was actually really close i almost got [ __ ] in the ass there but i didn't okay [Applause] okay so you know we're gonna have to stagger soon boys all we have to do is stagger him and that's it use the whirlwind bombs if you need to okay okay use that oh my god oh my god any stagger it's a fight stagger i know too slow your group has low stagger we beat it before we beat it again first time we beat it we just beat her to get i stagger at 37 bars it's 37 bars okay no i know i know we can do it i know for a fact we can do it save stagger skills and that's what i didn't do okay that's a deep dick right there okay okay it's not big deal it's not a big deal it doesn't matter okay here we go immediately use his ultimate that's why a big dick on a big dick on him right in the start big dick right from the start boys let's go that's how to win i ain't about that [ __ ] [ __ ] okay dude i haven't even been able to do damage okay i did it right that's the first time in the last time that i do it right i don't ever do it right twice okay let's go guys good big dick [ __ ] ass don't worry guys don't worry we're doing amazing okay i i still can't figure out what that mechanic is indeed is another potions okay oh i forgot [ __ ] i forgot okay please please just [ __ ] die man [ __ ] i missed him okay what okay so i as soon as he does that slam then we spread out okay i got it yeah i understand i understand yeah okay that's fine we're doing great guys keep it up you guys are really doing it you can have the stagger really soon 39 bars it's the easiest boss in the game easiest boss in the game guys come on do you think maybe i'm trying too hard to do dps no right yes did we do it oh we kite our orbs to the outside of the room and do a pizza it gives us a shield to survive the aoe yeah whatever let's do it again blue pots no no no no it's fine uh we gotta we gotta beat listen guys we gotta speed this up we gotta go through all three of these gates today we don't we don't need any any [ __ ] around all right let's just get this done okay okay it's a purple one i'm glad we get purple one cause that's the one i need practice on okay okay why he move i hate when he moves by what's my do my butt [Applause] stay focused guys stay focused don't let them get you down don't let them get you down don't die i was not in that okay let's go move out of that move into this let's go guys we're getting better if we're getting better that means we're getting a lot better [Applause] dude man what the [ __ ] okay no you can't can't do that okay good job good job torps you're good you're good you're good you're good you get a rez out on him okay doesn't matter i did it on purpose i knew i did i knew i'd get hit okay yeah i took that damage [ __ ] ass come on huge damage guys [ __ ] okay he says don't get closer okay [Music] so this is balls [Music] hmm so let me guess i did it wrong so i did it right but i wasn't supposed to go in the middle because like all right so the middle is like a it's like a reason for you to okay got it for you to not be in the middle okay [Applause] [Applause] why don't you just take damage man don't just take [ __ ] dick just take damage stop moving around this is too much [ __ ] you all right focus focus focus let's get this done by your desires true pleasure it's the easiest easiest part dude yeah right [ __ ] that [ __ ] man [ __ ] this dude so i'm in purple oh i get it oh yeah oh oh oh okay that makes sense what are you looking at okay that's wait i thought he bro this is so dumb i think this game's rigged yeah dude yeah no yeah right sounds like [ __ ] to me okay all right we're deep [ __ ] on boss now there we go there we go there we go all right so you guys can't get hit okay you can't keep getting hit by the damage like it's it's bad maybe i should no never mind easy easy easy easiest easy in my life easiest easy in my life man dude he just doesn't [ __ ] i'm so tired of this dick sucker boy all right all right no more damage no more damage i can't take any more damage okay dude that's so dumb like i will [ __ ] are you kidding me okay is this it yeah this is it huh [Music] the other team didn't tell us out or in we said outside so it's like a thing where only they can see it is it like one of those things i don't know what that does should i just do this control z all the time like i i don't know you guys got it like y'all y'all can still kill him just stay focused [Music] okay good job good job loxas good job loxas let's go good yeah really good job you guys got him okay that is not too good all right good job there you go there you go see yeah he's gonna die he's just gonna die man like you gotta heal use use that barge [ __ ] yo do that barge [ __ ] man just always do that barge [ __ ] good job on those heels good job you got him dude i feel like it's easy now like we figured out all the mechanics restart no i want to see what it does for bard in your group no no no we already have but we've already got group set man like i don't want to change groups again focus guys [Music] you can do this this is the easiest game in the world pizza pizza pizza pizza good job pizza both groups need to be alive well they can beat them wait guys i think it's a white uh i did i just took i i looked it up and it looks like it's a wipe yeah it's a white oh wait we didn't get them there okay when do we use the sidereal a liquid d seed okay give it a second uh wait for liquid to come back yeah when do we use the sidereal on purple purple side for dps nineveh do i just use it whenever i can he's a reset there okay all right yeah yeah yes okay it's fine no it could probably dc like why would he leave the raid like we're actually doing pretty well i i do i i think we're doing pretty well like we're making good progress uh i think we're like one pull away from killing this boss like we've already gotten so far and it's like it's just been easy this whole time i'm not stressed or worried at all man this is just how it works use it uh whenever you know he won't move oh okay so like maybe whenever he does like that thing where he says like run away but you're not supposed to run away you can do it easy one tap yeah okay so i guess we'll give liquid like five minutes or like three minutes and if we can't we might have to get somebody else like i'm just trying to think like how much just paying the safe spot for bars yeah i don't know like i should buy some more honing materials man like blue pots how much is a blue pot um uh hp potion uh that's twelve dollars bro i'm just gonna stick i'm gonna stick with the four dollar hp potions like i'm gonna be honest like that's a that's 12 i'm not going to spend 12 [ __ ] dollars on that [ __ ] like you have like a thousand yeah i know that but like i'm not going to spend money you see about a thousand i do bro that's probably why i should i should spend money what is like a dude i wish i knew if liquid was coming back or not man like i hate whenever this [ __ ] happens like i can't believe like so i'm gonna get this uh i'm gonna get this [ __ ] like so fast like i'm like i'm friendly like level three and like level level one on like a lot of these for rapport i'm actually about to get it he's coming back the game crashed okay all right we'll see what happens i'll give it a four minutes have a watch a video always return watch a video about the fight oh liquid's back all right we don't need to let's go let's go boys come on big dick big dick big dick we win big dick we win we know all we do is win all we do is win man that's some [ __ ] okay okay get into that oh that was not good that really could have been like more like that was not good okay okay he's 100 percent going to transition there let's go guys just got that damage off relax okay i'm i know okay dude guys yeah dude no you'll be able to destroy the gate if you look closely at the orb okay good i had to focus there [Applause] no way that's a [ __ ] that's the dumbest thing i've ever seen my entire life this is actually the dumbest thing i've ever seen my whole life like there's no way i was in that dude how the [ __ ] do you like how the [ __ ] do you react to that [ __ ] okay dude dude he just does he does whatever he wants okay moving on all that getting out of this okay good it's just that ability really [ __ ] me in the ass like no other ability does that to me it's just that one okay this is the uh this is the stagger [Applause] okay uh i i waste a grenade because like i didn't the thing is like i okay i'm just gonna wait until the grenades i'm all right i know what i'm gonna do from now on all right that's never gonna happen again how's the stagger so bad because i forgot i wait i didn't wait for the bar i was gonna try to time the ability to hit it and break it on the bar when we have demon pass leader there's no shot i'm gonna do that well you can do it actually liquid you do it you're you're paladin you're not doing anything anyway paladins are support okay yeah paladin's support anyway it's not a big deal we're not losing much [Music] okay focus focus oh actually no no no we we have it okay good i'll show you my power okay so what what's what's [ __ ] boy doing now dude i just i'm i'm not in it man so dumb [Music] okay back on dude how does he go there god that's so dumb bro the power of desire all okay okay watch out stay focused staying focused okay nice okay nobody's dead yet we're doing really well so he just always does that no way man god damn i use the [ __ ] potion let's go let's go this is going great guys we're killing it we're kill we are actually killing it we're we are you guys are doing really really well i understand it might not seem like that to you i understand that we're wiping and uh we haven't really made any progress in like a half hour but that is just the way that losers see things and are you a loser no you're not you're a winner let's go there we go it doesn't but the thing is like you can't let people tell you that you're going to lose whenever you know you'll win for a fact just let your body really yeah i don't give a [ __ ] man what the [ __ ] was that i hate that [ __ ] ability man okay focus focus focus guys let's do this okay get in it's the easiest possible easiest you'll be able to destroy the gate if you look closely at the orb easiest boss easiest boss let's go let's go dude i deep [ __ ] him there like he actually got deep [ __ ] everybody knows it okay and this is that horseshit all right i'm starting to figure it out guys i'm starting to figure it out the thing is like once i understand the mechanics once i'm programmed okay i [ __ ] that up all right um let's go worry about it guys don't worry about all right we're about to get the stagger we're about to get the stagger let's do it just don't worry about that don't worry about that that's the stagger come on come on do the [ __ ] stagger do the [ __ ] stagger do the [ __ ] stagger man we have to stop them so that they can't absorb the power all right we got it we got it let's go yes you gotta remember the pattern i don't understand let's do it again just run clockwise i'm not gonna read that [ __ ] let's go stick with the assigned spot yeah i was no dude it wasn't me i was in my assigned spot like i was 100 my inside spot [Applause] i still hit him i still hit him i'm pretty sure i still hit him i'm like 99 i'm like 95. he might actually probably 85 percent maybe like 80 maybe 70. oh will the lower than that percent uh did i hit him i think maybe i hit him it could have happened do not okay let's go desires why would i get tilted okay [Music] good job i think i'm getting better i feel like i'm getting better uh all right i'm getting worse okay we just need to be more more farther spread out for okay dude i what the [ __ ] i was in i was out of that that was [ __ ] like can i please can you guys please tell me that it wasn't my fault because everybody knows it wasn't my fault okay here we go okay see how this team's doing maybe your character has a big hitbox bro my character's hitbox is actually broken maybe it's my skin maybe i should buy a more expensive skin on the shop it'll make my hitbox smaller there's got to be something going wrong here because i i know it's not me like i like all right all right all right all right all right no meme i legitimately think that was [ __ ] i i actually i don't think i was in that yeah i i straight up did not think i was in that like okay good they move out with this they barely flipped you like that was just horseshit i guess like i'm more used to like what final fantasy does where like uh did he get threes does he die from this or not uh because like in final fantasy like the middle of your character that's like a dot and like basically you can't go beyond that you need to pay to hit the box i know you were not outsiders completely off yeah dude that was some [ __ ] decent [ __ ] okay you guys got this you guys got this come on just try try to pay attention to what you're doing you guys are doing really well just practice everybody else should be watching this okay i'm gonna restart it though now because it's about to be over let's just restart this [ __ ] you get by one pixel pretty painful hitbox in this game is pretty big circle yeah i know it's a lot you'll be here for 10 hours not even kidding no i won't i'm about to about to beat it right here we're about to beat right here let's go where's my pet i got to repair i'm running out of money to repair this guy says brb move out okay all right let's go oh wait oh i'm here okay all right we're good let's do it focus focus focus guys let's do this both balls need to be killed it's fine i can do that it's just a matter of time and preparation okay good relax stay focused we're gonna beat him here eternal we will beat him here pass lead pass lead dude he's so fast stay focused we're going to beat him here eternal we will beat him here pass lead pass lead dude he's so fast okay let's get ready and do this refuse are trying to open the coveted together you'll be able to destroy the gate if you look closely at the orb good [Music] guys guys mine bugged out it's a white guys it's a white guy guys we wipe it's a white run it back run it back as we wipe let's go am i bugged out i don't know something something yeah it's a white you can time stop if you didn't get it yeah we gotta we we gotta suck stop not time stop it doesn't matter how many times you [ __ ] do it like you should never make a mistake unless you do and my mistakes happen right but like they don't need to okay uh i don't know what the [ __ ] that was but okay stay focused relax we can beat eternal unhappiness [Applause] jesus that's fast so you have to be in the middle of a roll already whenever that's happening okay okay focus let's get this done balls balls balls to gain power you'll be able to destroy the gate if you look closely at the orb balls balls balls let's go guys come on balls balls balls uh so all right basically let's run it back run it back do it again throw them back do it again alright do it again i'm about to do it again do it again run back do it again do one more again run back do you need to get close to the orb to aggro it yes you do so basically it's like a ball uh you have to get close to the ball it's like a gravitational pull [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] oh my god okay he's stay focused guys let's get this done you know exactly how to do this yeah it's so easy it's so easy guys uh yeah but i did damage to him so it doesn't matter okay [ __ ] okay guys ball mode ball mode let's go demons are trying to open the covetous gate to gain power you'll be able to destroy the gate if you look closely at the orb green three times in a row that's how easy it is right there after that one is red okay all right so that one so basically um okay all right let's talk about it right so okay all right okay let's go do it again run a bag run back again i just have to you have to it goes it goes uh [ __ ] red blue green white black red that's how it works but we've already done it before that's how i know big dick big [ __ ] dick there it is big massive meaty [ __ ] dick huge damage look at that getting absolutely [ __ ] destroyed he's actually bugged out just let your body relax hell let's go do it right this time the thing is like we're doing fine until we die like just get the balls okay oh i see i see how this works okay easiest game in the world okay guys easiest game in the world it's 10 000 dps on them right there ball mode ball mode let's go trying to open the cover you'll be able to destroy the gate if you look closely at the ore okay let's go this goes the easiest easiest fight in the game let's go i have to go to one of those things remember watch out for the dick sucker boy whatever he's gonna do whenever he's gonna do what he's gonna do you gotta know what it's gonna be okay get ready get him out of here get them out of here dick boy ain't nobody got time for your ass oh wait what they can't absorb the power okay [Music] i don't understand i don't understand what to do i don't know what to do if i knew what to do i'd do it you can't have to say i don't know what to do just do it again i don't know what to do like it's i i don't know what to i can't i i don't know i gotta do it again you must pick the or i don't know what that is you get a black or a blue spot on your head what you watch the sequence and follow it blocking the orbs of your dude i i didn't quit my attack didn't crit gosh [ __ ] so dumb man get better we practice we get better okay big dick big dick [ __ ] okay let's do it let's do it demons are trying to open the covetous gate to gain power you'll be able to destroy the gate if you look closely at the orb got guys what no it's a white guys it's the white it's a white it's one it's white you guys cannot you cannot get hit you can't get hit if you want to you can't it doesn't matter you just it just can't happen like i understand how much you want to get hit by the abilities i get it i know it's fun but i don't give a [ __ ] about having fun okay all right we got perfect boy we need a lead [ __ ] good job good remember guys don't do anything wrong and don't make any mistakes that's all you have to do see how this works one perpe boy dubby purpley boy that's the triple let's go let's go i'm actually big dicky on him right now i'm gonna be honest like i'm really playing i'm doing super good like i'm not trying to suck my own dick here but if i was i would okay there it is nice nice [ __ ] job boys now he's doing that horse [ __ ] never mind i don't know what's that i don't know what's going on okay forbes this is a professional pizza [Music] okay let's go just do it right and don't do anything wrong good job nobody messed it up torques great job what good job good try guys good try good try you guys did really well that was a good attempt it would have been a better attempt if we didn't have a white but it we did and so like it is what it is but we did pretty well like i'm proud of you guys like that was good that was good play good experience uh good skill you have to tell them outside or inside bro i had to tell them they're dead i told them it's a white like that's what i told them i said guys it's over like it's done man [ __ ] that where's the boss where'd he go now what the [ __ ] dude but he's running around like that's so dumb that's a dumb game let's go just let your body relax it's getting smarter yeah that's a weird face too it's whatever it's whatever all right all right this is this is a hard one it's a hard one see i'm seeing i'm getting i'm getting to where he knows what i what i want okay actually sounds kind of weird all right all right never mind let's go now now we ball now we do balls now we handle the balls handle the balls let's go handle the balls you'll be able to destroy the gate if you look closely at the orb good job great job great job well played [Applause] that's big big damage right there that's how it's done does he always do this yeah he does okay all right remember stag stagger after after we do the stagger that's probably what what's gonna happen after we do the stagger okay actually i'm not gonna do oh i didn't do that oops okay so we're not gonna have damage for sagar all right that's is what it is right sometimes you get it sometimes you don't get it maybe try to get a reset nope okay big dick big [ __ ] dick we have to stop them so that they can't absorb the power in in doesn't matter it doesn't matter it doesn't matter okay focus focus focus we're doing great keep it up this is it this could be the kill okay um he has like a shield as a shield um it doesn't matter it doesn't matter it doesn't matter who gives a [ __ ] okay write it that's fine that's fine uh we gotta have somebody dude so you gotta be that fast with it somebody else type it like i can't do it then i can't do it i can't type it in for you out for them okay we are on the precipice of greatness understand i know that we can win dude i hate that [ __ ] ability piece of [ __ ] do not okay let's go okay he's gonna go over there dude that's some bull [ __ ] [ __ ] that's some bull [ __ ] [ __ ] man okay i can't believe how rigged this game is sometimes man it's crazy makes me so mad just avoid everything and don't make any mistakes guys oops i [ __ ] up okay i forgot that's what i had to do okay i don't know what this is oh great job guys great job we do it again we do it again we beat the boss here's how we beat the boss you guys need to do them accounts like that's that's what's holding us back i i know you don't want to trust me i don't want to either but like somebody's got to do it and i feel like it's got to be one of us at this point it probably has to be one of us so let's try to get this done it doesn't matter the damage doesn't matter okay all right the reason why purple mode is easier is because i don't know how the mechanics work together that's stupid i shouldn't have got hit by that this is a dumbass [ __ ] game okay now i have to be in on this right yeah i do all right there we go good ginger here i get a potion there good big good big good big good let's go okay now he's gonna do the ball he's gonna do the thing again right yep he always does the same thing all right we good we're good let's go group two died so we need to do the same thing that we just did but group two can't die let's do it again come on run back run it back run it back do it again run it back do it again come on come on come on come on let's go quit goofing quit goofing guys no more goofing hmm literally zero grouping just like good job good job we got the dom there it is no way it's done no bro it is we got this we got this whenever i know that we're gonna get it like it will be god yeah it is it will be god whenever we're gonna get it because like now it's on us so like it'll be easy there it is see that that's how ward plays okay all right focus focus focus are trying to open the covetous gate to gain power you'll be able to destroy the gate if you look closely at the orb this is red boy what does that mean that means we gotta do that good job good job [Applause] it doesn't matter it doesn't matter just don't get hit by any mechanics remember we've got the uh the thing that we do after this okay i'm trying to not i don't want to pop off right now yeah i don't want to pop off right now all right all right let's go let's go let's go demon started gathering the power of desire we have to stop them so that they can't absorb the power okay that's how it's done boys let's go let's kill i meant no i didn't there's no way i missed one there's no way i there's no way on this one you want one go there's no way no way i don't i didn't see that it didn't happen like that did not happen like stop making stop trying to make me look bad like there's a literal zero percent chance missed the top left one well i'm not supposed to go up to the top i'm at the bottom yeah so that's not true okay here we go yeah that's a dumb [ __ ] [ __ ] tell me i'm making mistakes as if that could even happen bro just let your body relax collect all the black ones on your side but like which side is it is it like a two sides or four sides because i thought it was four i thought it was four sides like maybe i'm misunderstanding man [ __ ] this [ __ ] god damn dick sucker dick sucker demons you'll be able to destroy the gate if you look closely at the orb big dick big dick all right all right all right let's go didn't expect that one to happen let's do it guys let's do it easiest game i ever played my whole life okay it doesn't matter it doesn't matter if you see pokemon doesn't matter easy easy easy okay we have to stop them so that they can't absorb the power [Music] okay i don't understand i don't i don't understand i i don't i don't get it like i i don't i don't understand this follow the color how many ball spawn locations am i supposed to keep track of is it one two three five okay there's five so it's one two three four five is that right there's five orbs it's random i i i i'm gonna have to keep messing it up i i can't think i let's go we gotta do it again order so it's gonna go i just gotta see it again i gotta see it again until i get it whenever i get it i'll get it but nobody can explain [ __ ] to me i i don't i don't have things explained let's go third is big dick damage good job good job let's go watch tutorial video i just it's not gonna work eternal let's go penis [Applause] that's so stupid i shouldn't get hit by that okay focus let's go let's go let's go demons are trying to open the coveted gate to gain power you'll be able to destroy the gate if you look closely at the orb good job good job big big dick okay stay focused all right we're gonna have the we're gonna have the thing he's gonna do the thing get ready for the thing okay there it is demons started gathering the power of desire we have to stop them so that they can't absorb the power i got it right i i i don't understand like i i don't know i gotta do it again do it again i'm not getting it let's watch video i can't i can't watch a video i'm stressed now it's not going to happen let's go let's do it again it's a line of balls i don't know what balls it is let's do it again watch your own i can't like i'm focused on this i gotta do this [ __ ] [ __ ] come on okay all right all right here we go i don't know what the memory i i i all right all right focus to get this one i don't know how it works [ __ ] i'm i'm i'm tilting i'm tilting [ __ ] okay all right [Applause] foreign okay we got this boys we got this [Music] okay let's go good job keep it up let's do it where's everybody else where's everybody else come on focus guys we can beat them we can beat them i can hold them off i'll hold them off it's fine it's fine it's fine keep it up keep it up we're doing really well the power of desires you guys have got this that's really bad that's really bad that was so dumb he's so dumb why am i so bad why am i so bad i forgot what he's gonna do oh my god i'm so bad [ __ ] all right let's go let's go you guys got it that that's a yeah we lost corb color um what what's this here the orb color can only move one direction it works like mini pizza bro i don't know how the [ __ ] man like i can't like i gotta see it i gotta do it i gotta see it again i gotta do it let's do it just give up no no i look let me focus i get done all right [Applause] there it is big dick on boss big dick on boss big dick yeah i got one hit on relax does it matter yeah it doesn't matter i probably yeah i probably should stop bolting there you're right you're right you're right i should just stop [Applause] man what a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] man okay here we go focus you'll be able to destroy the gate if you look closely at the orb it's the easiest boss in the game guys let's see okay i think yep guys it's a white it's a wife because we had the thing is we're like you have to [ __ ] basically okay so it's a white that's what happened is we wipe that's we did we're dead let's do it again run it back let's go it's bad that's bad all right let's go show your weapon please you got my plus 25 99 percent left on that one that wasn't you want to see that wow what are y'all what are y'all trying to look at that for like i mean it's not a big deal right am i just get it i mean it's easy it's easy i mean the thing is like i feel like i'm not really [ __ ] up [Applause] i just i held that so i can get knocked back um um like i feel like it's only one mechanic that i don't understand like other than that like i feel like i'm doing pretty well like like no meme i'm actually probably doing well yeah like it's just it's just that one thing i'm not i just don't understand how it works as soon as i understand it like i might just do it and then i don't have to worry about it that's deep diction time right there you guys see i'm saying like that that's like that's prime deep absolute [ __ ] game like no no way i got hit by that rigged game rigged game let's go big dick big dick boys let's go well that's some horse [ __ ] bro you know no no all right we go get on big dick guys it's a wipe it's another white do it again run it back do it again so we got to make it to where like those wives don't happen no more wipes you cannot get no more wiping yeah let's go man that's some [ __ ] [ __ ] i hate this [ __ ] game let's go what a dick sucker man just let me try it i didn't do anything relax ah man bro like don't hate the game hate the player i know it's everybody else's fault except mine except on that one mechanic like that one is on me but like besides that is everybody else's fault you'll be able to destroy the gate if you look closely at the orb oh it's green that's right so you have to take the green orb to the green one i just held that so i kept the shield [ __ ] ass don't worry about that [ __ ] mechanic guys this is rigged anyway that's so dumb bro like yeah right let's go get out of that get out of that let's go like i i don't want to use my buff so i want to use my building again [Applause] we got it we got it so like did i do that right or not did i do it okay all right all right i did it right okay that that's see like okay so i told you like as soon as i figure it out then i figured out all right so if you learn slower than me you get the [ __ ] out of this group right god damn now get out of the [ __ ] group right now we can kill boss boys you have a [ __ ] [ __ ] let's get this [ __ ] done john anytime people mess it up don't worry about that [ __ ] mechanics [ __ ] boys let's go this phase don't mean [ __ ] now he gonna do those things zero mistakes i want to see zero [ __ ] mistakes on this fight zero [ __ ] percentage mistakes not a single mistake let's go what [ __ ] that is what [ __ ] that is there we go all right big dick big dick big dick big dick big dick big dick big oh big dick that's there it is come on let's go guys let's go ran away because he is scared ass [ __ ] let's go zero mistakes you'll be able to destroy the gate if you look closely at the orb it's just that easy he ran away because he knew i was going to beat [ __ ] you [ __ ] nah yeah right wait okay he doing lines okay is he gonna do that [ __ ] yeah there it is come on guys easy easy easiest easy in my life there all right all right get ready [Applause] demons started gathering the power of desire we have to stop them so that they can't absorb the power so i had to go and make an l right you have to keep going right i just don't under i just i like i'm just not sure what people are supposed to do but you did you didn't know i took it out no but i have to get an l easy got on a picture i can't see that oh jesus christ i keep getting [ __ ] in the ass by this boss here we go only clockwise or counter-clockwise does not go any other ways okay i'll figure it out man [Applause] [Music] what's dick boy doing dick boy's getting his ass beat get the [ __ ] out of here yeah right [Applause] [Applause] [ __ ] where is he at oh yeah oh i forgot yeah i [ __ ] up i'm dead sometimes you get it sometimes you get got gentlemen we just got got i got my ass beat i got my ass deleted i got destroyed i got removed guys i think this one might be a wipe i'm gonna be honest i think this one might be a white i i think this one might be what okay guys you can time stop it gonna be fine then you gotta beat raw bob fins skip 40 hours what do you mean skip 40 hours like why why would you say that i'm about to kill the boss right here this is gonna be it this is the kill right here let's go on balls stay close to bar no i just literally forgot what the mechanic was like i i forgot what i was doing like it's just totally my fault it's nobody else's fault or anything like that uh like no excuse for it no reason for it it was just bad couldn't find my gamepl it was hiding from me do not deny desires yeah that that's why okay all right perfect all right we're perfect we're purple dick sucker boy is causing me trouble okay don't worry about these mechanics boys don't okay worry about some of them but not every single one you have to worry about easy [ __ ] ass he's gonna do the thing he gonna do them things that's really bad holy [ __ ] that's really bad he [ __ ] can you get out of the [ __ ] corner man please man [ __ ] this [ __ ] i was not in that god i hate the hitboxes in this [ __ ] game i was most of me was not in that [ __ ] [Music] guys it's a white it's a white is somebody else's group [ __ ] up anyway it doesn't matter like it wasn't even my fault bomb boss drops a bomb on your position at that time i just i hate that [ __ ] mechanic that's annoying phase two [ __ ] up anyway dude they messed me up we wouldn't have wiped if it wasn't for them guys come on come on like y'all gotta get your head in the game get your head in the game this is the first boss but the reason why we can't is like basically like we just can't like like that's why we can't like it's pretty [ __ ] simple to be honest with you all right here we go this is the easiest one god i hate this piece of [ __ ] all right little dick boy man okay that was on me i hate that [ __ ] mechanic man it's so claustrophobic let's take that damage [Applause] you'll be able to destroy the gate if you look closely at the orb i forgot what green was easy big dick easy big dick [Applause] do it see what happens that's what i thought [Applause] uh that was my fault that was actually my fault because i hit red dust instead of finishing strike i could have actually broken it i hit red dust instead because i was like they're gonna do it it'll be fine it wasn't fine man it was not [ __ ] fine we died whirlwind grenade bro i literally used a grenade didn't you see it what are you talking about a grenade like i y'all y'all are messing me up just where he gonna do the lines yeah i literally did that okay good i got i got a w on him right there now you mess you up no i'm not i did not mess up there okay let's go but i give a [ __ ] what these mechanics are bro like i give a [ __ ] i just big dick [ __ ] [ __ ] okay let's go get back on his ass [ __ ] run free [ __ ] the power of the covenant [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] now he gonna do wine he gonna don't you even think about it [ __ ] god i hate this [ __ ] boss jesus christ i take some damage balls i can't i can't oh i don't have lead it doesn't matter it doesn't matter we don't need it all i need is the power of friendship that was really bad okay here we go you gotta heal me okay that's so stupid do not come any closer okay it's not looking good on my health situation keep it up keep it up we got it we got it we got it we got it we got it kill it kill it boys kill it control z i don't have it oh i do have it you can do it control z control z on boss whenever it's not moving he's got third way he's got 32 bars okay that takes off uh what six bars that's not too bad man you have to get to plus 30 to face so like does it get easier after plus 30 or am i like through with all the hard parts or what yeah it's the same okay i can't reach my sodas i gotta get them all right listen listen we gotta beat this boss we have to beat this boss we cannot not beat the boss please can we get this done please guys please please please swap sides at 30 bars please okay let's go i want to kill it right now i want to kill it i want to believe that we can kill i want to imagine that we can kill it i want to know that we can kill it i want to kill it and then it's done use bigger pots bro i don't need to use bigger pots i should never even take the answer like that that's the way i look at it it's like every every mistake i make is a mistake so what does that mean that means that like any time that i take damage or like do anything stupid like it it's not anybody else's fault except for mine like there's like i don't like the dash that he does i'll be honest it's annoying but other than that like it's it's like it's not potions it's skill i'm i [ __ ] up all right let's go spend a bit of money yeah i need to buy a clear of this off mars shop man big dick time if you look closely at the orb [Music] there it is let's go big damage big damage guys we had somebody mess it up guys somebody messed it up like i i don't know who it was somebody messed it up it's a wipe do it again do it again this has to be a kill please please please pop ass skinny boy winnie boy let's go let's go let's go come on y'all gotta heal me keep that in mind like i'm gonna need big heels this is the easiest one in the game it's the easiest easiest mechanical game let's go is he getting a big dick yep what the nah bro like i'm not walk well i don't even know what he did he's gonna do that again he always does it he always does it twice [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i was not in that you gonna do the thing there it is don't die guys don't die good good bad bad dude i'm so sick of this [ __ ] i hate that mechanic i honestly hate that mechanic like i was not in that god that's [ __ ] garbage [ __ ] man oh my god these other potions maybe i should stop moving just move before the orb lands and stop again maybe that's a better idea yeah maybe that maybe that actually is a better idea [Music] good job good job you broke it good job all right now we do something all right so what does this really look like desire we have to stop them so that they can't absorb the power okay so it goes down there oh wait yo that's easy wait stop it oh why is such a cheapskate do you think a 25 weapon is cheap huh [ __ ] that's big money i gotta i'm going broke buying these weapons uh i'm at 12 i got 25. now i don't need to do it again though so we're good open my potion boxes i'm saving them guys i feel like this one might be a white so he at 30 bars at 30 bars that's it it's gg basically right i got some [ __ ] soda on my on my thing it's like gg saving them for what if i need to save them i have them it swaps wait oh [ __ ] so i'm only halfway done let's go do it again oh my god [Music] i forgot about that true pleasure starts now the okay he gonna do them lines [ __ ] man god i'm so [ __ ] mad dude dude i almost died right there i will never take damage on this boss again apparently he will never take damage from me either but you know it's whatever get it get it where he be at okay you know what this is gonna be this is balls pizza balls pizza balls let's go get it done get her done i couldn't [ __ ] move is this going to be good enough no yeah i couldn't [ __ ] move i couldn't see it i got gotta get food guys i've gotta get some food i gotta eat like we're not gonna beat this today but it's we're not even remotely close oh my god i gotta get food i'm so [ __ ] hungry man like this is dude this this [ __ ] is too hard this is too hard it's not happening like this is not gonna happen here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna screenshot this group i'm literally gonna go on my second stream in like probably three hours after i take a nap and lay down and like calm down from this [ __ ] and we're gonna do more of this like i'm gonna go as far as i can like i'm not gonna stop i'll go all night if i have to what's up what what time at night does it reset what time at night does it reset three a.m okay i'll go through three in 12 a.m wait midnight so it resets eight hours from now oh that's fine that's fine we can beat it in eight hours man like i feel like maybe we should just do normal like that's the thing is i don't know like i'm not let me run some ads guys i'm not i'm a costume thank you guys we did really well thank you guys so much i really appreciate it [ __ ] this [ __ ] was brutal you have two more gates to do i feel like maybe we should just do normal but maybe we just do normal and like like because like i would do it but like i feel like we might run out of time you know what i mean like we might run out of time like that's i do hard next reset i feel like that's what i have to do like i cause like it's not that i want to like i would stay up literally all night and get this done but like we're at we're at eight hours right now and like i'm probably not gonna be live until like probably two hours from now minimum maybe longer so like how much time do i really have you don't have time for a moment yeah i just don't have time like i mean because also like assume that like the next two are gonna be harder it is what it is man it is what it is i'm gonna run smash thank you guys so much for watching i really [ __ ] appreciate it thank you guys so much we had a great stream today i really appreciate it we're going to come back we're going to beat this [ __ ] and next week we beat it on hard mode it's not a big deal like i i'm not even worried about it like it's a hard fight and we just figured out we beat it do normal get something for wheat yeah [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 317,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: klyvRoUOM40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 9sec (9309 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 06 2022
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