"Lost Ark in 2023" - Stoopzz Reacts to @TheLazyPeon

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from Korea that released in the West in February 2022 after initially releasing in Korea in 2019 we have a lot of friend man at this point it's been almost a year and a half since I played Los Ark regularly and now I'm feeling the urge to revisit the game see what's changed and ultimately see if the game can make me want to stick around lost AR in 2023 starting out I open the game I see that there's a new Fresh Start server but due to my previous progress with map completion and card collection over there bro you're going to be it's you and Mata base on that server bro I decided it's best to stick with my old server as there was some content I really didn't want to play through again I log into my sorceress instantly giant UI popups taking up half my screen with one of them seemingly giving me rewards AI I definitely completed and claimed during the game's launch a bit weird that the game this thing needs to go it like I I'm telling you man like I said some of the things I got to experience recently this guy guys 293 fiance though this little makoko challenge thing needs to go just put the mats in their inventory it is [ __ ] or a claim or I don't even know if I want yeah something like that forgot my progress here but I spent the next 10 minutes claiming [ __ ] I open my character window and I've got zero gear score I had a mini panic attack here but it turns out my gear was just unequipped in my bags same thing happened on my Paladin kind of weird but okay after claiming so much free stuff I spent a further 20 minutes sorting out my bags opening cards and putting stuff in my bank yeah like here's the other thing too like he opens his cards out my bags opening cards and he doesn't know that you they Auto you can have the feature to autore read all of your cards I don't know we gota we got we got to tighten this up you got you gotta you gotta you gotta massage the you know you got to tighten it up it's too much you know when you get into the game at the launch everyone knows what's going on they're figuring out the game together and when you slap like all this [ __ ] at somebody all at once it's just like whoa what what the [ __ ] man same with BDO man I don't know how you it was even yesterday dude me and S were playing wow yesterday man and and he had he hasn't played and I realized bro last night I realized this I'm I used to always go dude W retail Wow's so easy man it's so e that [ __ ] is not easy if you're [ __ ] like watching Saint Saint's mouse cursor was this large it's huge huge dude cuz he's losing track of where his Mouse is and [ __ ] he has no idea where it is bro his Mouse is this he made his cursor the size of the screen it's [ __ ] massive bro and I'm like yo that shit's like retail wow is a lot you know but what I also realized last night is that the there's a lot like my the depth on some of the classes are so sick my class I was playing yesterday I'm like yo this is [ __ ] dope you take a lot of the things either for granted and then you don't realize how complex some of the things are and it's hard man same here though right I'm like Law's easy to get into but then I watch somebody like this guy just get [ __ ] gaslit with all this [ __ ] and you're like damn bro I feel bad it's like an it's like an innocent baby left out in the rain you know and they just need someone to help him bring him in into shelter the warmth yeah the burier entry is too high in all of these games all of them man if you don't play an MMO at the launch the barrier to entry is so [ __ ] high [ __ ] is there anyone that's not overwhelming I know that's what happens with any game that's exactly and I'm just thinking about it is there one that's not overwhelming I guess 14 wasn't that overwhelming for the most part even when I just jumped straight at the end game I guess it wasn't actually that overwhelming uh there was some little like weird UI or like interface or like like things or whatever like like the most overwhelming thing was the glamour system I guess which is not that big of a deal and putting stuff in my bank with clean bags I was finally ready to play the game I looked at my map and saw an icon for something called Throne Spire this wasn't in the game The Last time I played so I decided to check it out the numbers look a lot different from the last time I played as well I like this new Throne Spire thing so you basically just keep going forward just killing of things in a in a like that's what I'm saying when I that's what I'm saying when I first played this game the dumbest [ __ ] was cool to me that's what it was though that's what I'm saying so if someone's brand new just do the dumb [ __ ] [ __ ] around and then you can leave just like you can have I remember like oh my God I'm blad storming mobs I was doing Whirlwind on my Berserker and I was doing Chaos Dungeons and I was batting I was like you know what I mean the dumbest [ __ ] the dumbest [ __ ] was cool to me I was in a guardian raid I thought I was going on an adventure straight up I threw the flare I was like and then you get to see what's on the map the music you're like oh [ __ ] it's a big ass [ __ ] lion you know what I mean it's like you get all excited and stuff and it's like now you look at oh [ __ ] all this [ __ ] linear area yeah very cool first aw that's all it is you just keep running forward and massacring things at the M density so cool as well old days here so you kill a bunch of mobs and then you go fight a boss take damage pop the ulti yeah I've really missed lost ARS combat it feels good next I headed over to the guardian raid board to see if there were any changes did they remove the thing where you have to do Guardian raids twice a day there's only one of these things here now I was really happy to see that you only need to do one Guardian raid per day now as doing it twice for contributed to my burnout back at launch I jumped into a chaos dungeon and these seem exactly the same as the last time I played where you need to run them twice per day I always enjoyed chaos dungeons though so not a big deal unless you're doing it on multiple start to get a bit tiring have they enhanced the sound effects or something the game just feels like maybe I just remember it wrong maybe it just feels so good because I haven't played for a while or I've been playing bad RPGs [ __ ] me the sound effects in this game are so good oh after just one chaos dungeon my bags were rammed with gems accessories and Stones thankfully the game has an Auto dismantle feature that will help you sort through these drops but it does take a bit of setting up for this it's probably best to copy someone else's settings who knows what they're doing next I took a trip tomorrow I want one chaos I thought about this but I want them to make it just if you want it to take the time I just want it to be longer I don't want to leave get back in it's something about when I get in and go back get out and go back in I just want it to be you can make it longer sure more just just make it one time though like a bigger event I don't know why they didn't want to do that just do an extra floor or something [ __ ] it you know floor four or some [ __ ] I began this game from last April and seriously from the beginning it is becoming good and good this show the skins on the loading screens when I never thought about that dude wait a minute that's so [ __ ] five head what if that's the reason why they make you do all of these [ __ ] loading screens is to advertise their [ __ ] I never even thought about this all of the [ __ ] you know like the trip ports and the dailies the unas you P does any okay hold on let's real does does does anyone look at it does that work on anybody though does that work on anyone do you guys look at the screen go [ __ ] I need to buy that over time it's like a slow it slowly chips away you guys like and EV event like [ __ ] I need to buy this cumer skin I can't [ __ ] resist ah is that what happens it just eventually just [ __ ] chips away at you and then you're to buy the [ __ ] skin I [ __ ] need this my stronghold to see if there was anything I'll play I'm going to play the new Pat tonight so long I've got a refugee camp on my stronghold my workers are back after after a year of being out this Farm thing actually seems new from the last time I played the game you've also got pet Ranch as well this point I wanted to make a decision on which class to use my newly obtained power pass on choosing a main was always my biggest struggle and lost St cuz each class is really fun for group content I enjoy chilling on a Healer like Paladin or Bard but playing those classes in Solo content like Tower kind of sucks in the end I decided it'd be fun to play one of the newer class has added to the game since the last time I played I went with the glaver but other new classes since launch include the Destroyer big giant hammer dude W which is basically a female Berserker The Arcanist which is a DPS class that uses cards and RNG the Summoner basically a mage that summons ancient creatures The Machinist the reaper no he played a lot I remember this guy's Twitter dude his roster I mean obviously he swiped a lot his roster was disgusting dude when it was uh fatal Strat thanks for the prime 9 months man appreciate you bro dude you guys remember that [ __ ] his roster was like 5 1370s when I had like one or two or some sh it was crazy his [ __ ] was nuts you know what it was though man I'm telling you dude I heard asmin talking about it too and I'm like yep that's what I've been saying dude and I remember people like yo bro STS is going to ruin the game don't launch the game with tier three it's because there was just you had this whole item level range to go from from zero to 14 15 or whatever the [ __ ] it was and it was free for it was free for all and there were so many opportunities and ways to gather materials from the little islands and [ __ ] like that you know what I mean your little seagull Island and [ __ ] it's so much [ __ ] uh the artist and the aeromancer I'm going to have to go with glaver let's give it a try ho dancer you cannot use this name pole mitubishi crocodile wallpaper surgery wardrobe curtain is he using chat GPT for these like where is he getting these from really ax kick big stick ceiling roof carpet CCTV lampshade how is lampshade taken what cat litter I mean oh my God it's impossible to get a good name in lar cool name I guess go with that right bro what we go from all of those to like a [ __ ] Pizzeria name lazoi what in the [ __ ] is that the glaver let's try out some abilities we got the q w e oh we've got two stances interesting it seems like the red stance might be more single Target whereas the blue one might be more uh wow dude a lot of people always lock in the glav glav after creating my gla I realized I could straight up buy a power pass that would instantly take me to the new content and Skip stuff that I hadn't even played through once yet the old glacia thing is actually the biggest gotcha right here cuz you get a 145 pass right and then you can pay $10 to go to 1460 and skip a three-hour Quest chain if you're new I mean this is the biggest gotcha it's like you got to do it right they give you this one damn well no one you're going to buy this one right and Skip stuff that I hadn't even played through once yet holy [ __ ] this [ __ ] is Juiced up the O glacia pass it was quite expensive but I tested it on my S and was instantly able to choose from selection of 1460 item level gear I didn't want to skip content that I hadn't even seen yet so I decided to go back to my glaver and continue off from South ver where I previously stopped playing the game on my main characters now Excuse me while I spend the next hour reading guides on how to play the class to my surprise the Lost AR devs did actually consider that boosting a new player instantly to the end game would have them extremely confused with things like having the right stats and accessories different builds for different types of content gems skill add-ons and so on which is why when you open the super makoko Express in your UI you're basically just asked which class engraving play style you want to go with then the game provides you with everything that you need to jump right into the action next it was time for me to upgrade my gear a bit with the resources fix this I'm going to sit here to the end of [ __ ] time and complain about this until one day somebody working at this company has an idea of [ __ ] how to make things like this is crazy that this is still something in the game God it's it's literally exhausting on your why does he even have to do this just [ __ ] make it just boom when a new it's crazy just autoone or something man it's too many Taps listen I get it like in a few other games that you might play you don't get that many attempts bro in this game you hone so much and it's such an insanely difficult experience like just watching this pisses me off it actually just sets me watching this I'm still traumatized for my last honing session I don't it's it's exhausting bro you go to a casino dude right you go to a Cino that's a crazy example but like come on boys it's [ __ ] it's Gamba right they come over there they ask you if you want to drink dude if you're I mean if you're dropping big bones like you want something to eat they [ __ ] got like you're like they're coming to check on you and [ __ ] and this [ __ ] they just [ __ ] like they just kick you in the [ __ ] nuts while you're doing it man it's so insane they don't make it easy at all it's crazy the game was showering me with from the makoko express I still hate the gear enhancement window like to skip the animation I hate how you need to like click check results then click here and here and then you see it why can't you just click a but tick a box that says Skip and then just Spam click it like Invidia validation validation it's not a big deal St it's just cuz you play the game it's just because all do is swipe and [ __ ] it's it's not a big deal it's really not a big deal it's [ __ ] awful the guys play the game for 8 minutes pre-at no it's awful no contrarian carcept a one it blows man it blows and you would think that out of all of the things that they act like the things that you do in the game this would be like the the one that they spend the most time on making it [ __ ] like oh this is it should be enjoyable at least at the very like like a smooth process eat my mats and let me move the [ __ ] on do you think it's I don't think they I don't know what it is man it doesn't guys even if they want it to be frustrating the screen is bad the window is bad the screen is bad the animation is not great it's it's it's not dude like in these other games like [ __ ] what is it dude uh honky star real it's like I don't know the way that they do it is way it looks it should be the best looking [ __ ] thing in the game bro it should be I mean arguably it's where they make a lot of their money right I think I said the exact same thing at launch when I played this game and people were just saying oh you can skip the animation by clicking these two boxes yeah you can but it's a bit clunky isn't it it's a lot of extra clicks this pass literally gives me everything I need okay let's pop all of these now I'm level 53 not looking too great with this basic ass outfit we need a skin oh that's nice bikini skin that's why people play this game cat girl spoiled for choice we could either go with this one or we be a degenerator full set of level 15 and that's took me to 1490 bunch more rewards to claim so now I'm going to accept the El glacia quest line I've never done this one before the wait to elcia is open elcia okay I've been calling it El glacia yeah this is a very nice looking City it's like a Sky City in the clouds I love that you can skip all of this dialogue Now by just pressing shift G rather than spamming G yeah beautiful city just enjoying the comfort of the floor for the next few hours I was reminded why story skips exist in Lost AR the questing at times can just have you running back and forth talking to various NPCs walking slowly doing emotes waiting for small talk and killing tiny packs of creatures whilst slowly making your way through a Zone pretty boring stuff honestly typically though lost AR's main quest lines end in an epic dungeon with multiple fun boss fights and great cinematics and here elasia certainly didn't disappoint I love it when the camera kind of zooms out and rotates and gets a nice pan of the environment yeah I'm not really feeling the glaver I think once I've done this quest line I'm going to go back to the good old sorceress's jump right into that bro you don't [ __ ] up this ain't the game to be doing that [ __ ] you just boosted us to for9 using the hyper Express it's over for you bucko I mean I don't know what game you think you're playing you want to swap back you don't like what your plans you want to change and go back no no no no no my man no no no no no this isn't the game for that wrong we will end it I love the way these guys just summon the sword out of thin air it looks so badass yeah the visuals of this whole entire area and quest line have just been like top tier compared to the can you imagine if they upgraded this game to Unreal oh that's coming in I love it when the game throws like crap tons of mobs at me cleave them all down Dodge that I mean the GLA is pretty good for AOE I guess she's bringing the island closer to us that's cool big flying monster incoming let's try and Dodge this is going to be our next boss clearly we're going to absolutely destroy this thing already dodged that now we pop the LT B damage yeah the GLA for damage does feel like really lackluster this definitely isn't the class for me it it looked cooler in the trailer than it actually feels to play sometimes you get hit by things that like you look I mean controls boring as [ __ ] though yeah I mean it's not really his fault though I mean maybe he doesn't like glav either don't have tripods you don't have gems have all the stuff I mean you have gems like it looks like you're out of the Telegraph oh big damage he's got high ping oh now we're critting new Mount unlocked Sky manay whale this part of the msq is actually pretty good to beely feels like mons Mr Man welcome back s juice need to stand here is that what the thing is for I I guess no destroy the shield okay got it grab the shield and then stand here raise the shield then I've got to hold it and then release it here okay and we Parry the statue it's kind of cool finish him sit to start making my own choices big damage right in the back there's some crits that's what we want okay so right now I can't actually attack him I just need to dodge stuff okay oh oh like yeah actual Shadows I see oh that's really cool I should have read that the first time where it said Shadow moving to the Shadows so now what here oh [ __ ] where's the next Shadow where's the next Shadow over here oh we're we're okay I think I think we're okay use a healing potion with one HP left don't you just hate it when you fight a boss you get their HP bar to zero but they're not actually dead they're just [ __ ] Legion raid in this game dude leg in this game are we lagging what's going on what the [ __ ] wasn't it and now half the platforms crumbled away yo what an insanely epic boss fight lost AR cutscenes absolute top tier our mind's too strong feel like I'm watching like Dragon [Music] Balls D he drops the Shandy when as he says that then he puts the Shandy dude that cut scene is not top tier dude I don't know if he knows he puts the Shandy in the IR yeah they're not the I mean this is a really cool like fight and like cool dungeon and everything but yeah I wouldn't say that they they're old Z or something arm and C in the here mate like so cool how they're like fighting across the environment that I'm trying so this has got to be like the finale right at the tower of light L'Oreal is the worst fight in the game right now this is the worst this is the worst dungeon in the entire game Yeah by far Dodge okay it's not as bad as 5 56 but second place so far cut scenes the camer traving the dungeon the boss mechanics n's got with this Arrow well chosen no it's not an ad this has made me want to play the game again so this giant Sky City is now falling down to arcasia Long Walk here's what I want to know he did a Destiny 2 review and he got really overwhelmed there I I'm not I'm not going to say I want to try Destiny 2 because I've already got too many like little MMO projects I want to go do and try so I'm not going to say that but I'm curious what is for those of you that have played Destiny 2 when you walk into that [ __ ] is it like [ __ ] o is it or is it like is or is it because he's played this a little bit in the past so it's not as oof in his face no I don't want to try I actually I can't like I don't have time I don't want to say I will light so now we arrive at trixi with the final Arc piece these are some absolute top TI a great day today huh guys very very impressed lot of laughter have a name for the key that vanished have my shelter on the last Ark the name of the game mate the the visuals of this area up here looks so beautiful when is a giant dragon in a game not cool never this whole Cuts scene sequence at the end of the elgas here msq genuinely blew me away the music the voice acting the camera work everything was on point and even though I've been out of the loop with lost AR story for a long time and typically don't care about story in MMOs watching all of this made me at the very least want to care if there was a lost AR anime I'd definitely watch it next I decided that I'd had enough of my glaver and spent the next it does exist next few hours rolling back to S and catching up to my gl's progression unfortunately this meant that I could no longer benefit from the makoko super Express which gives you rewards all the way up to 1540 gear score's progression unfortunately next few hours rolling back to Sor and catching up to my gla's progression unfortunately this meant that I could no longer benefit from the makoko super Express which gives you rewards all the way but couldn't he just swap over he could change it though right he already honed couldn't you didn't you didn't you used to be able to change it like until until you finished it you used to be able to do that no but I swear you used to be able to do that not on this one I know but you used to be able to do that in general in the game you used to be able to change it I know not for this one I get that now but yeah until the level cap that's what it was yep up to 1540 gear score I also had to set up my five level three Engravings myself this time which wasn't actually as much of a pain in the ass as IID expected the filtering options in the UI for Engravings which didn't exist the last time I played it was good to be back on the Sorceress just aoeing everything down oh we got a bracelet drop okay yeah I don't have a bracelet equipped so I guess this is the kind of thing that you just keep re rolling until you get like really good stats on it before continuing on my sorceress I've just boosted an aeromancer this is like the newest class in the game and it seems pretty cool kind of like a mage the main problem with aeromancer is you're forced to play as a lolly aeromancer is it any fun I can like put down uh rain puddles F ability Let's test out the ulti okay let's pop this oh wow that's cool the effect on that is insane yeah the a moner is pretty cool it's it's like a almost like a combination of sorceress and some kind of melee class so now that I'm yeah you know I was just thinking it's like [ __ ] dude now he can't I don't know you should be able to swap that hyp Express around bro you should be you should be able to do that oh you want to know why they probably don't let you do that though it's probably because they don't want you swapping around free Engravings on a bunch of different characters for free 5x3 three in gems that's probably why they don't do it 1490 the next thing I need to do to progress is the BR shaza Legion raid I spent some time on YouTube looking up the mechanics and watching raid guyses for at Gates 1 and two the mechanics in the later stages of this fight seemed quite complicated so I didn't want to overwhelm myself by consuming too much information I'm extremely nervous I can't believe on myself by consuming too much information I'm extremely nervous I can't believe I [ __ ] joined this group using my chaos dungeon build I go through the effort of looking up a guide and doing all of the research but I didn't bother to double check and make sure that's what has M right there bro absolute donkey oh [ __ ] I'm going to die live okay we survived getting him down if I don't die I'll consider it a dub stay alive go oh we got him okay G I am genuinely shocked that he he's got a talk about this right because he literally didn't like he just what did the chat say hold on the by consuming what the [ __ ] this zerker zero Engravings capital D hey uh oh yeah some dips high like he just got in there like he gate one to two no Mech he found him a Coco what yeah zero Engravings that's what I'm saying it's like he just rolled in there didn't even say any like oh I I spent an hour and a half trying to get a group he just rolled in there wo lobbies exist no I'm just saying you think that he would be like I can't find a group but now I'm wondering two things a he got really lucky B eu's really friendly I don't know if that's true and three or C I mean the guy rolled there with his chaos engine build like that's like that's that's that people you know consider it a dub stay alive go in with the AL oh we got him okay gate one down and I didn't die honestly he did his thing though the correct build he did his thing okay so this next part was an absolute disaster The Raid guides I was looking at on YouTube had six Gates and of those six Gates I learned one and two but in game no Albert memo where's the updated [ __ ] raid guide memorizer 92 where's the [ __ ] a [ __ ] updated raid guide M clap Albert you looking for Content there it is yeah I'm sure it's confusing no but that's [ __ ] okay there's only four Gates so the thing I was learning turned out to be completely different in game I think the boss must have been updated or something but needless to say it didn't go well next time I'll use max roll instead of random Youtube guides can you start what okay I don't know what that is though I'm just going to wipe the whole group cuz he's told me I need to be a star and the [ __ ] raid guide's not saying anything about a star no oh my God it's no I feel so bad oh my God I feel so bad no oh no this is what probably somebody feels you know oh [ __ ] man this is like the sad peo bro look at him I actually feel so [ __ ] bad the paws too it's going to be a disaster I was staggering it oh we all wiped visually bloody awesome boss F boss fight though I just wish it was a little bit easier to learn so she said 9:00 oh EQ d e s a w better thanit where we [ __ ] up last time now what oh yes no no here all right this is this right okay what is going on bloody hell screen is just like full of stuff going on very cool I think we can go here nice are we safe oh I did it good job oh dodged that wow I mean asking him to do star BL [ __ ] they would have just cleared realistically I think if I did this like two or three times I'd have this down yeah that's not oh that's the wait why did he die oh did he not get in the circle basically I think if I did this like two or three times I'd have this down yeah I [ __ ] something up so that's where my br shaza run ended thankfully I didn't leave empty-handed and got a bunch of phantom intentions which I could exchange for the next grade of gear that I needed to progress not going to lie though as cool as lost STS Legion raids are it does give me massive anxiety reading through so many complex mechanics and knowing that one person can wipe the entire group I can imagine that for casual players getting into Legion raids would be quite a stressful process it would be cool if there was some kind of training mode with AI party members where you could learn the mechanics in a stressfree environment so next I don't know man how many games do that how many games do that though guys how many raiding games give you the ability to do the raid before you go into the raid I mean I I'm all for whatever makes the little peo happy right I don't want to see him all sad you know this face right here I felt so bad I felt so bad for like this right here I don't want that but my point is it's just like I don't know a lot of games that do that like usually you got to look at a guide before I think maybe because rating is the only way for you to get your gear I don't know man like you want to go pugg in a I guess that's just it is what it is if we want the game to be more accessible to like people and Casual players then yeah maybe give them some more opportunities to figure out ways to learn the mechanics but I don't know a lot of raids that do that yeah I agree delete rehearsal and make an easy mode with reward yeah that's also not a bad option I agree that's what I was saying before they should make it to rehearsal gives you some of the mats some of the progression materials or in my opinion it' be cool if you got less gold but you got the progression materials that way because I don't do we really care if so and so gets some of the progression materials like who cares maybe give them a little bit less but just so they can at least get the armor stuff to progress their character info in the game isn't super accessible if you don't already know where to get it especially with outdated guides out there yeah that's fair tell Henry to make an official AGS guides and have it on the site actually that's [ __ ] true why doesn't Amazon make the guides they're looking for Content just have Henry make a guide that's actually true why don't they just make their own guides and put on the website if they're looking for videos to make messages [ __ ] right now I'm going to time stamp it for him too I'm going to say he uh it's a pretty good watch if you are looking for something to do or do not going to lie though as cool as lost STS Legion raids are it does give me massive anxiety reading through so many complex mechanics and knowing that one person can wipe the entire group I can imagine that for casual players getting into Legion raids would be quite a stressful process it of train mode with AI passers where you could learn the mechanics in a stressfree next I want to try out some Guardian raids I think there's a few new ones that I've never done before yeah I've done all of these however now I can do raid level six let's start with calos resources that I can actually use do it with the group frantically looking up a guardian raid guide on the other monitor to be fair you can probably just YOLO it can't yeah I can't imagine this one being too hard the fight had pretty intuitive mechanics and was fairly chill which is exactly how I like my guardian raids Dodge things on the floor stagger the B do big damage nowadays you only need to do one Guardian per day but I wanted to try out the previous ones cuz I never did them before at the start of the descal Luda raid I got a free battle item chest which is an amazing addition to the game when lost AR first launched there were always players not using battle items either from laziness or confusion this hopefully has helped solve the problem with that said both Guardian raids were pretty easy and we cleared them without breaking a sweat next I tried the challenge Guardian raids a weekly raid with equalized item level and decent rewards even though the gear was scaled down we cleared the boss in 2 minutes with one guy doing 46% of the damage I then tried the new tower Fortune Spire I always enjoyed this content you go through a series of flaws each with a different Challenge from killing swarms of mobs killing bosses or surviving whilst dodging millions of explosions sadly I could only do up to five flaw due to my current item level juicy juicy reward give me a legendary card nope never lucky I've checked out all the content that I wanted to touch on in this video but before we get to the priz and cons let's just check out some fashion I need my sorceress to look exactly like this 10 out of 10 there's been so many new Cosmetics released since the game launched that everyone looks super cool tons of different mounts everyone's got like sparkly auras around them this guy's got a disco ball mount this person's got Wings bikini meta of course you got the odd fur knocking about I think Warriors easily have the coolest Cosmetics though don't they what is that sword that is unbelievably cool this character looks insane as well legendary skins very expensive cost about 100K gold the last time I checked my character is feeling a little bit basic in comparison going I have to swipe and get an outfit like this then I can actually play the game holy [ __ ] hey hey hey hey hey oh hell [Music] no hey hey hey hell [Music] no [Music] don't be in front don't be in Front St watch or something I don't know let's go ding [Music] ding kill him kill [Music] him so after dipping my toes back into lost St after not playing for a while my thoughts are as follows Pros coming back and experiencing lost ARS gameplay after playing other to I really mean I still think this game just has to fix some more stuff but I really do think I you know after trying so many different m I really feel like this one is still one of the best ones it's just they just have to fix some dog [ __ ] that they refuse to fix sometimes but I don't know I've tried so many different ones it just feels so good to play but I hate seeing [ __ ] like this man feels incredible the combat of lost AR is just on another level compared to every other arpg the visual effects The Sounds the animations the fluidity of combat is absolute s TI it's the BDO of isometric MMO RPGs despite being made and unre engine 3 a very old engine at this point lost AR still looks great visually due to its art style and visual effects 10. so much stff to do in lostar in terms of horizontal progression and vertical it's an ALT friendly MMO I actually think the holy [ __ ] progression and vertical it's an ALT friendly MMO oh my god oh oh yeah I don't know I mean you do have a lot of alts you do have a lot of alts but it's not old friendly I actually think the story in Lost AR is pretty decent nowadays it seems kind of bad as a new player but with the later content you certainly start to care about the characters the game has equalized PVP that you can jump into very early on Lost AR's endgame Legion raids are incredible content for hardcore progression minded P players the Lost soundtrack is probably one of my favorite MMO soundtracks and despite not being an emotional guy there's been a few cutscenes where the use of music has brought a tear to my eye easily top three MMO soundtracks of all time in my opinion the cinematics in this game are so good that you'll wish a lost Arc anime existed in 2023 the game provides new players with all the tools they'll need to quickly jump into some of the best content the game has to offer at endgame in 2023 the game's fixed such as the awkwardness of Sting through loot you no longer have to do guardians twice a day Auction House filterings improved and you no longer have to go through hours of boredom to get to the fun stuff and despite having a reputation for being a swipers paradise you can still fully enjoy lost sters are free to BR like imagine this guy going head-to-head with matab base in a debate like this shit's crazy bro much more so than other Korean MMOs anyway cons as much as l star's Legion raids are great content as a new player you'll experience quite a lot of Gat it's a catch 22 players don't want inexperienced players in their party because there's a lot of mechanics where if one player [ __ ] up the whole group wipes and players can't get experience because I mean dude I just want everyone to understand right now that I used to go ragy you know the cat ragy emote when I would sit there on I would go do pug Mythic raids in WoW to get a trinket all the time dude right and I would make a Mythic raid group we would pug it and we would wipe on the second or first boss but I needed to clear this thing cuz I needed the trinket and I would go [ __ ] ragy dude i' like what I doing it you it's it's just how it is bro you don't want to wipe it doesn't matter if it's you don't want to wipe like you don't want to [ __ ] people start dying you start getting it's it's the worst feeling man it's just how PVE content is man people just don't want to [ __ ] wipe it sucks you need to have the the I'm telling you man the route they need to go is they need to have opportunities for people to have fun and progress doing separate things like for example in wow you have Mythic zeros Mythic twos They just added in their new expansion an out outdoor solo like World progression where you can still get loot they in this patch they change it that where you can do heroic Dungeons and like whatever to get things from the Vault like they made it e progression in easy e your forms they they just need to focus on that because you're not you cannot make it so people are not going to like oh come on in like me and you together oh I'm telling you it's [ __ ] fake man like that's in you or it's not I keep saying this like I I want people to understand this it's in you or it's not you cannot make people all of a sudden go oh don't worry I've got more time now dude time is limited no matter what you want to do you think they you're wasting their time whether they have limited time or not if they're playing with you and getting [ __ ] in the raid and they're getting jailed in there they're like dude I could be watching anime like you know what I mean it's in you or it's not dude you either are down to be there for the journey the experience or you're not and I maybe would help a little but you got to you got to give people the op they're never going to be like way nicer you got to give people the opportunity to do other things that's why casual content and that type of like chillness Vibe should be an option there has to be something like that because man like that's what this endgame rating [ __ ] is bro it's it's it's it's it's more of like you know somebody asked me yesterday yo Ste I never played wow before should I play classic or reto I play classic because you get into like the other it's going to be like you to look up guides get into it it's a lot to take in it's a lot of [ __ ] to do I don't think Koreans understand that I think it's a thing in a lot of MMOs I I really do I think it's a thing in a lot of a lot of a lot of MMOs man I don't think it's just in this one they had that the first season I think this is why 14 is good peaceful you want go hard you can you want to go slow you can there's not a lot of people that play behind I think 14 is because it's not so focused on that the the end the end goal for everyone isn't Savage raids and lostar you literally Cann not progress in the game unless you increase your item level like you have to do that and in order to do that you have to do the raids you don't there's you lose the sense of progression when you're not doing that you Lo you the point of the game is gone the point of the game is completely gone as soon as you can't do the raids and that's not I think it's got we got to shift away from that a little bit right ratings rating should be is is for me is part of the game right but it shouldn't be the only thing no I know listen forever rating is why you play the game 100% well at this point it is the reason why everyone plays the game but we could have people that play like for some people it's not what they want to be the only reason why they play the game it should be it should be there should be things for everyone to enjoy and for right now rating for me it's literally the classes I wouldn't say it's the rating to be completely honest with you man the rating was the emphasis of the game for me the first few times I've done them that's it now it's not like the point of the game at all I don't live now it's the classes and the combat so I make new classes all the time I try I need that if I cannot do that you know then I lose the fun of the game I I I can't sit with the same roster you guys I can't I'll be bored what am I going to do I what am I doing there's no infinite Farm I'm doing the same dailies for what I need to be able to do new things like try out new classes I have to if I can't do that then [ __ ] it's there's no fun for the game in me there's no you want I'm doing BR again for what just for a little bit of gold I want to play a new experience so everybody plays for but listen but everybody plays for different things you and me play for different things not you and me like you specifically some of you play for different things than me some of you like what I like righto will save us that's why I like to play different ones here and there man I try to find different ones so far the one that I've really got sunk into for while was BDO I think wow is going to be really fun for a bit and I like to do different things when I feel like I can't get what I want out of lost Arc and then but I still I'm always going to play cuz I really think the game is Just groups you'll see most parties asking for titles to join the raid but you need to complete the raid to get the title you might also be declined from the groups even if you have the title if you play a non-meta class or have a low roster level I'm not sure what the devs could do to fix this issue other than perhaps make a really good training mode where players could group up with AI NPCs to learn all of the mechanics gatekeeping just seems to be something that every MMO with difficult PVE content struggles with due to players not wanting to have their time wasted and being punished too hard for failure the game has gender loock classes if I want to play the new aeromancer class for example I need to be a [ __ ] Lolly character nov up the RNG gear enhancement system will most likely raise your blood pressure realistically you're going to be spending hours looking up guides hor there's too much RNG progression system this this right here there's too much RNG the fact that somebody can pity a 23 weapon and you can and you can one tap it is [ __ ] month of farming of difference it's too much RNG long term not just for your class but for every gate of every Legion raid boss Fons still exist in the game and are a pain in the ass when it comes to the auction house I actually expected the devs to have removed this from the game by now the game is widely considered to be pay to win and for the most part the game's questing especially early on is so mind-numbingly boring that you start to question if it's intentionally designed to be as boring as possible to sell story skips overall as a gameplay above everything else kind of MMO player I really do like lost AR the game has its issues but I think overall I'm more positive about the game than negative that being said I think casual players that don't care about the endgame Legion raids might be left with a feeling of what's the to sell story skips overall as a gameplay above everything else kind of MMO player I really do like lost AR the game has its issues but I think overall I'm more positive about about the game than negative that being said I think casual players that don't care about the endgame Legion raids might be left with a feeling of what's the point when it comes to Lost AR because the legion raids really are the be all end all of the game it's what you gear up for is why you farm the skill points and do the horizontal progression without that it's just a lot of daily content going forward though I do think lost AR will continue to improve the game has a great content creator Community the devs seem to be listening to feedback there's a lot they could do to ensure that this game is still around 5 years from now ultimately though after I stopped recording this video I did feel a desire to log in more and keep playing the game so lost ark must be doing something right but that's it for this video as always let me know your thoughts on Lost AR in the comments below and if you're a long-term player of the game then let me know what issues you'd most like to see addressed by the developers help us out with a like to appease the algorithm Gods social media on screen thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one damn write him a message no that's cringe yo yo big p want to play some time this guy has kind of become more of that casual dude anyway he does grind a lot but it seems like whenever I watch his videos not casual but he likes to like he's like he I feel like he represents a good middle ground like where he's kind of like the average MMO player if that makes sense you know what I mean he's like your average MMO guy feel like where he likes a little bit of everything almost you know yeah maybe you're a midcore kind of player or something I don't know you know what I'm saying though he falls in that I'm starting to become more like that but then I still like the like like probably the upper end of that I wouldn't say I'm super hardcore either but I do play a lot when I want to [Music] play a
Channel: Stoopzz Highlights
Views: 48,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost ark in 2023, lost ark 2023 review, new player in lost ark in 2023, lost ark new player experience 2023, lost ark lazypeon review, lost ark review, lost ark changed in 2023, lost ark in 2023 stoopzz, stoopzz reacts, thelazypeon, thelazypeon lost ark, asmongold lost ark, saintone, zealsambitions, atk lost ark, mmorpg, coming back to lost ark, lost ark new player, lost ark guide, stoopzz podcast, stoopzz
Id: c-od58KOkio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 0sec (3000 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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