I Had 7 Days To Defeat Every ARK Survival Evolved Map!

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now with Ark survival ascended content currently drier than the Sahara Desert for this video I decided to return to my beloved Ark survival evolved I gave myself one real life week to beat every single Ark Survival Story map starting on Monday myself and fellow YouTuber and good friend lari also known as Owen would have seven days to finish every single map meaning as the sun set on the following Sunday we would have hopefully beaten the island scorched Earth aberration Extinction and both Genesis Maps it was going to be a crazy crazy week make sure check out Owen prv for this challenge which can be found in the description and also come give me a follow on Twitch where I streamed this full week live enjoy the video guys day one of our weekl long journey began as pretty much any Arc Journey does spawning on the beaches survival evolves beaches did look a little bit odd and undercooked when I was so used to playing ASA at this point but at least this game does have more than one map and doesn't crash every 5 Seconds to add a bit of spice to the very early game o and I had decided to race to full flak and metal tools with the loser gifting Subs to the win winner so I spawn in sou to as there is a nice mountain with some metal down here which would allow me to get the metal smelting as soon as possible what I probably should have actually done first though was a full Explorer note run and I spent the first 20 minutes of this weekl long challenge getting non-stop bullied by a mix of compies and mega neuras who by the way hit like an absolute truck on this game oh on oh but the where the this game oh after many a death including once my beloved Raptor I finally hit Level 20 and also managed to find a more peaceful part of the mountain where I could place down both a refining Forge and a foundation with so much metal to mine and smelt up I immediately set my sights on making myself a metal pick with my first smelted metal I then took out a nearby parasaur to boost my hide quantities before realizing quite how far I was away from Flack now at this point you could argue that it was probably curtains for me in the race against Owen however I'd actually crafted up a bit of a master plan as I would have to wait for the metal to smelt up anyway for the Flack I worked on Crafting up the rest of my metal tools and then killed a tech parasaur as the metal would then smelt simultaneously with the raw metal for placing a bed down and killing myself spawning on Craigs Island where I would do a note run at first the XP was fairly slow but after Gathering a regular Explorer note followed by a 4x1 nearby I was now on 8X XP and a couple more Explorer notes later and I was easily above the level threshold needed for Flack I quickly fed myself to a nearby dilophosaur and while Owen was dying trying to kill the spineo for levels I unlocked the rest of the flock and crafted it up with the race now over while I waited for my tribemate to make his way over I thought I would upgrade the forge setup to some Stone foundations just in case the nearby ferino decided he wanted to One Tap my beautiful setup I then farmed up some Crystal from the top of the mountain and made a couple of awesome spy glasses for Owen and myself the mods that we did use during this playthrough were your pretty standard ones for ASE of Dino storage awesome spy glass structures plus and custom dyo levels which was especially nice on the island where you just find level fives around every corner I started to cook up some meat placed down a mortar and pestle and then prepared to welcome Owen to the tribe with not much time to lose while we decided our plan of action I found this 135 Pteranodon down on the beach who I decided to tame up it's pre- tame stats were nothing special but it did come out post tame with 43 points in weight which wasn't too bad at all Owen had now made us a nice raft which are just amazing starter bases as they allow you to travel around the map while also crafting and getting things smelted along the way before we set sail though I did take one last trip up our Mountain where I farmed up some more Crystal to make some soul balls with with the souls back at the raft we ped the Pteranodon and then set sail first stop was an absolute classic spot and a bit of a throwback to my Raptor evolve series as we decided to spend a little bit of time on herbivore Island we were planning on basing longterm in the north but Herby island in the early game is just so so good a great selection of early game creatures to T in peace and a pretty nice supply of metal for this stage in the game which made it extremely attractive to us soon after arriving and making up some narcotics together on and I knocked out a level 85 analo of course the main purpose of this tame was for metal but upon taming up the analo was also a lot better at farming berries than our hands so it was actually extremely useful to have for some narcotic making production of course the analo wasn't going to be our main end goow for berries that honor instead went to this level 60 Bronto with a huge Four Points into melee it wasn't the greatest Bronto in the world world to say the least but honestly we didn't have too much time to lose so we decided to just go for it after the bronzo hit the deck while I waited for it to T up I decided to go and harvest some metal on the Ane for the forges having metal smelting constantly in the early game was going to be so crucial as considering the nature of this challenge we would actually be making things such an industrial Forge which is a bit of a rarity on the rampy channel the plan was for the island to be the main base of operations where we would spend 2 days properly building up and farming everything we needed before hopefully going one by ones the other maps and storming them it sounded like a foolproof plan at the time with the Bronto tamed up and ready to go we set off on our raft up north the north on the island is really just a place to be thanks to the drops and Dino spawns but the locals of the swamp obviously didn't want us making it up there but's be fair a lot of the s+ features are actually been implemented into the game oh in M oh oh swimming anky should I get the Bron no no we're getting the Bronto why are we getting the Bronto cuz the Bronto does damage what oh cage after getting through the swamp we headed up to Carno Island but we wanted to look out for an argentavis it didn't take us too long to find this 135 on the beaches so own and I work together to knock it out oh it's actually beautiful there's just nothing else here lovely it couldn't really be any better if it wanted it to be right I'm just's going get some prime after the 135 RG fell asleep in possibly the most convenient place possible I quickly killed another rgy to grab some prime meat for it and returned to the 135 where I dumped a whole load of Prime into its inventory while we waited for it to tame up I thought I would check out what else had spawned on the island and found a lovely 150 Rex with a decent melee stat as it was our goal to have ascended the island on the evening of day two we would need to get cracking with our Rex line as soon as possible so this seemed like a great start where left left left God's sake save it I saved it I killed it no no no I killed the Caro the re started to bleed after witnessing the heartbreaking death of the 150 Rex I consoled Myself by naming the RG after a member of the twitch chat which is your reminder to come and follow me on Twitch so that you can get dinos named after you in the future we then left Caro Island for the beaches of Crystal Mountain when we found a level 130 RG having multiple Flyers would be so important so together we worked on knocking it out oh shot nice oh I swear I heard that connect though yeah I I thought it was going to got to be going down got to be going down down we go with the ARG knocked out and taming we went on our first metal run when you're doing a race against the Clock Challenge as we were knowing that you have metal producing even while you were cracking on with something else is just such a good feeling to get some more levels for the Ani and Argy we decided to take advantage of the lovely 8X XP boost you can get from combining a regular Explorer note and the 4X special ones with one of these been located on Crystal Mountain we then looted a yellow drop which had a couple of decent blueprints in it including a bionic saddle before stumbling across an alpha Raptor as we still had our 8X XP active we got a ton of levels on the an and RG from this kill and our RG was now a bit of a weight monster so we celebrated in the most hardworking way possible by doing another metal run the 130 RG was now tamed up so I quickly po back to Crystal Mountain where I soulb it up before taking a trip to the snow biome to gather some oil to make a fabricator with I ended up finding a 135 saber there too so I decided to pick it up and bring it back with me as we would need creatures to ride in the caves to grab all the artifacts most of which we needed to grab on day one itself drop him yeah get him there yeah y you you what what are you doing get it absolute imbecile you got in my way unbelievable he's about to go out absolutely smack out Jesus Christ that's going we get the video after Owen briefly showed why he does not have the title of the bow of God we made up a fabricator while I repaired my Flack we had a ton of metal smelting up now which felt pretty good now we weren't going to waste this fabricator on our raft and it was now time to move to our base spot which of course no surprises here was the Hidden Lake I have built here on so many different challenges at this point but honestly for challenge playthroughs you just cannot beat this spot it has great drop spawns which would be crucial in our hunt for some good blueprints great d spawns and of course more metal than we could ever need all spawning nearby the base was also taken shape quite nicely which is rare for a rampy video but of course I still shun the option of having any walls on the base because who needs walls a resource we would find ourselves needing over and over again on our first day was organic polymer so I took a trip to the snow on the Argy where I murdered every penguin that I saw we would need this for an industrial Forge of course but we didn't quite have the resources yet for that so first I made Owen and I some sets of scuba now while we would need scuba for the Island water caves we were actually making scuba to run the swamp cave Owen had spent the last 30 minutes over in the swamp area taming up some frogs for us so I made the scuba and set off to the swamp cave located in the Redwood biome oh it's gring soon [ __ ] 4 die better oh yeah all right N Gun up come here you lovely beautiful how it on 900 toror already have you been smacking oh yeah I've stopped knocked out the has bers going out it's going out it's going out it's out all right um Ras watch out after knocking out a bionic that we could use for caving we got the frogs ready at the entrance and prepared to enter the swamp cave there we go yeah I oh he's oh wow oh that's a lot of c p 600 already 700 already oh it's it's a machine 1.8k 2.43 what about 4K am I full already meat drop the meat drop the meat drop meat that's nuts oh there's so many more here oh oh I've got another oh I've got 2K 2.2k 2.5k oh my God I got 4 to B oh no that's a lot of spiders yeah come back it had been a long time since I had done the Island Swamp cave and with' our bumped rats to make this challenge possible which you can find in the description below by the way we got an insane amount of cementing paste our frogs were pretty battered at this point though so we had to let them heal before we could return back into the cave and get the artifact after taking a quick break for lunch that is precisely what we did as we came back into the cave of our frogs and entered the main room the swamp cave also has a chance of spawning the the two blueprints that we need above anything else which is a pump action shotgun BP and a Rex settle BP uh drops terrible what's in it is it one of those ones like electrical outlet BP or something yeah sounds sounds I'm pretty sure I heard a yellow drop back yeah because we need to get these because these these drops can have xbps yeah I did oh it's blue that's fine they can have they can actually have xbp the blue drops aren't bad they're just cuz the blue drops is yellow actually oh it's uh send him B Gilly BP and hide but it's not a Rex it's not a Rex a Rex BP would is is is what we're after really a Rex BP is what we're after I'm taking I'm taking me flippers off I am not taking damage and we got it easy nice nice with the artifact of the immune being the first artifact we successfully retrieved in this challenge we left the cave and left back towards the snow bi him on my way I found an alpha Raptor so I thought I may as well kill it and I was glad that I did as I got a pretty decent Apprentice crossbow from it penguin murdering time my favorite oh what's up Owen oh I'm dead oh for God's passive oh Owen absolute buffoon after hearing the news that Owen had decided to run into a 145 Rex naked I firstly contemplated My Life Choices regarding inviting him along for this challenge before deciding to leave for Crystal Mountain to go and help him out right probably stop shooting him now one more that's out nice right basic kibble on this jum all right I'm going to look at what we need to make a Industrial forgoing industrial Forge oh we can make one let's go I've made one straight away with the organic polymer that I had farmed and the metal that have been smelting up for the past few hours now I could now finally make as an industrial Forge which felt like a pretty decent accomplishment of course this is an ASA and wireless generators are not a thing on here so at the same time as making the forge I made ourselves an s+ generator and some wires and Outlets to power everything up with the forge and Generator placed down and now online I made up an industrial Grill so we would no longer be cooking cooked meat from campfires like beach Bobs close to base I found this 150 Beaver so I locked it out at base so that we could use it to farm some wood to make some charcoal when it tamed up I made up a chemistry bench and then left back towards the snow biome once more where I went after a utti this level 85 one I found would do pretty nicely so I decided to net him early ad doors to do some tooro UTIs of course do have quite high toror so he did break out of the net but then the silly dinosaur got himself stuck in his own pack of carnos while trying to run away resulting in an easy knockout and tame for myself once tamed I sold up the UT and then found this 150 anky on the way back to base however I may as well bring back as a spare anky wouldn't go a Miss just in case as quickly knocking out the anky I left it to tame and went off with the Sabertooth to Caro cave as always there is only one way to do Caro cave which is by full sending it and jumping right off the cliff down towards the artifact for dismounting just in time to spare your Dino the fall damage of course well it's a bit mental down here in I'm not going to lie it's full of bat that c oh the clutch Dismount right please just do not mess up rampy and fall to the bottom of car of this cave please just don't do it just don't mess up for once for once don't mess up oh no oh no I'm messed up oh messed up how well I'm sort of about to like between a rock and a very hard place quite literally oh D it hello Lads all right boys nice to see it oh no oh it's horrendous it's horren it's horren it's looking horrendous are you sure you don't need my assistance um well I'm currently on foot because I've cryed my saber because it's on 70 HP it's it's up to 97 now uh we're looking good we're looking good but I'm clutching we we we we we could be clutching one man in his otter as the chat is saying we we could be about to make play of the century uhoh uhoh we could be doing it we might be doing it I'm out of stamina oh no it's bad timing it's bad timing it's really bad timing go saber go it's incredible content he makes it out of the cave alive after somehow making it out of caro cave alive with the artifact of the darara in my possession I set off to meet Owen down south at the lava cave where the artifacts of the massive is stored on my way however I spotted a couple of decent level iys so I decided to stop up and T them as we would need some of these to do the water caves with later today or maybe tomorrow right I mean this game's been pretty easy I feel like this cave is harder on ASA I think caves in general are just a bit harder on Asa from what my memory oh no Owen Owen we no one saw oh no my I successfully looted the artifact of the massive and we also managed to get an ascendant long neck blueprint in there as we made our way out of the cave it was looking like a another successful Cave Run for the boys on grapples H I believe I can make this uh-oh uh-oh [Music] Owen thankfully Owen had been quick enough to so up the saber with his soul gun and I was able to get my bag back out of the lava using the s+ transfer tool we then spent the rest of the day looking for Rexes well Owen had successfully tamed up that one with 30 points to start with earlier and it had come up with a very decent 40 points into melee we had no hpie start at all so we really needed to tame one up as soon as possible so we could start pumping out baby rexes ready for bosses we did end up finding this one45 after a long while of searching and while it was a painfully average HP stat with only 23 points we felt we had little alternative but to tame it up and roll the dice while the Rex tamed I flew around the map looting some drops and did manage to get an ascendant shotgun blueprint but regular shotguns are just so terrible compared to pump action shotguns there was no way we would ever make this returning to the Rex we saw that it had come out with 31 points into HP which was pretty terrible and not what we were hoping for in fact it was so terrible that as the sunset set on day one I attempted to tame a rhino gaffer with it as we collected the pheromone earlier that day a rho would just simply allow us to travel across the map at an incredible speed and increased our productivity which is why we wanted it uh-oh uh my bird is very like Amber right now um it says at the top how many it's out of five uh it was um three out of five and it was like very high percentage Yeah the percentage drops quickly okay yeah it does all right it's 100 HP this is already yeah damn um no no oh I think I know what you've just done so with a rather humiliating end to day one we logged off for the night to get some well- earned rest as we had a very big day ahead of us the next day day two of our weekl long challenge began in style as we did a metal run to fill up our industrial Forge I then took a trip to the snow biome to get some more organic polymer followed by killing some tech dinos for electronics and then a quick Crystal Run as we were completely out of Crystal backa base I used all of this to make an egg incubator and engram that I miss very very much on ASA and I then crafted up an industrial cooker mainly so we could make things like Med Bru which are just so important to have on you at all times as the self-proclaimed breeder man I've been given the job of combining the stats and then breeding up the boss rexes so this was going to take up a good portion of the morning session on day two I also had to irrigate the industrial cooker which is the one downside of coming back to survival evolved of course as it works wirelessly in ASA you ready for this yeah boom look at that it's actually pretty smart look this this is the best base I've ever made I immediately decided to make good use of this cooker by cooking up some Med brus as I Was preparing to go caving once more Owen had made a couple of the ascendant long necks from the blueprint that we had looted in lava cave so I took mine from the Smithy along with some simple rifle ammo I made up a hatchery to Auto pick up those Rex eggs while I was away and then left to go to the artifact of the pat cave will fill the Sabertooth I got a Pteranodon saddle blueprint in this oh that's a lot of a lot of piranhas right I'm on my way to West Water now oh hang on hang on oh okay oh I've got Mega rabies I All Med Bruce for the win no problem and pack artifact retrieved nice another artifact down going to run out of this cave I've got to jump is is it it's not Night Time by any chance is it turning night time oh crap why there's a Megalosaurus in the way of the cave I'm going to anyone over there okay oh I'm going oh dear no problem um yeah all good all good just had a um nice friendly chitchat with the the Megalo that was in the way after just about surviving the pat cave I met up with Owen on the west zone of of the island where we prepared to go after the artifact of the brute we had our scuba gear and our iys So the plan was to pretty much get in there at the speed of light and then get out as quickly as possible hopefully with the artifact in our possession of course that meant that there was only one name for the iy which was of course Lighty McQueen but there was no time for paint jobs today bunch of silic PS drops oh we oh yeah we need to look out full Lo drops more mags watch out there a mosa the mosa where oh nice one oh I is that another M three Moses uh I'm going to get off hey I'm getting off why going on foot say oh there's a drop in here oh there's a drop no was really do we're getting that drop in here in the water yeah oh another drop here black helmet BP oh no um this is bad there's another drop here yellow one okay F helmet VP you got yeah bar onic saddle and a pack patchy saddle blueprint oh that's that's not great you draw them out I'll no I'll swim in and get it okay um oh I got healed I got healed it could be it could be curtains it could be curtains oh the Megs have all stopped moving okay I I need to make where are you like I'm just at the end on the land okay so I'm just making a run for it yeah ow yeah okay so while I took on the role of kising the dinos away and taking their attention Owen grabbed the artifact of the brute and we sped out of the cave feeling confident about how relatively easily we had managed to get the brute we decided to head straight over to the east side of the island to have a go at the other water cave which houses the aspect of the cunning and as well a pretty difficult cave with a crazy amount of spawns inside I don't have a r on me and and I am not going to be the guinea pig oh that's some eels so many things in this cave this cave is actually nuts right no toos please no toos is a drop drop there's a drop spawn normally along no drop earss earss uh I'm I've gone in the chamber okay uh I'll I'll Agro things oh oh there's a lot of stuff down here that's a Neil oh that's a nil oh that's a nil he missed he got me he got me oh it's so it's it's it's got to be Joe over oh I missed it I missed the button oh no don't just don't question just don't question oh my God oh my God okay get out of the cave get out the cave get out the cave but I'm thinking I'm just going to make a break for it with the artifact the worst case I go back yeah I've got the I've got it I've got it go I would like to look for drops but I think it's just prioritized getting the artifact out no no no get out um I'll Stick Around we drop there's so much stuff in here oh with the artifact of the cunning secured after somehow making out of the cave alive I made our way out of the cave and back to the beach where I dumped the artifact I did briefly actually come back into the water cave as I of course both water caves are pretty much the best places to farm blueprints on the island but sadly there was nothing there for us on this occasion to shout home about so we both left the cave for good and headed back to base back at base I began to hatch up a couple of rexes I was still working on combining the best stats of 31 HP and 40 melee but for now we decided to raise up just a couple of the lower HP ones which we would use in the very last artifact cave which was of course the snow cave where the artifact of the strong is found we still weren't very happy with the HP St on the the Rex line at all in fact it was incredibly poor but we had searched all across the island both last night and this morning and had found absolutely nothing with little snow choice we just had to plot on so I left for the snow where I came back with this 140 Deon which we would of course use to heal up the rexes it wasn't quite a snow owl of course but until we got to Extinction we wouldn't be able to get one of those the day had Untamed at base we murdered a ton of baby rexes to level our snow cave rexes up and I then sat and healed them as best as I could on the dayon not long after we left to go after our very last artifact on the island ah get back I'm stunned oh Owen you're going to have to knock them back I'm saving you save me Owen save me 1.1k damage oh we're good I'm getting the drop I'm getting the drop more or more I'm just despawning the drop so that we going get another one later in the cave uhoh ow ow dire wolves angry ow ow angry dire wolves oh wa I'm fighting stuff man it's cuz they pin you you can't turn around quick enough that's PR oh yeah there's a drop there's a drop there's a drop ready for a cheeky patchy rhinosaurus saddle ascendant and a Mastercraft Stone Hatchet blueprint it's huge it's huge with the help of our rexes and our otter on our shoulders stopping us from freezing the artifact of the strong wasn't actually too much of a challenge and we soon found ourselves closing in on the final section of the cave and oh there's a red drop nice oh it's a huge huge RAC of BP and scuba flippers this is a bit ridiculous that we can just like mesh bite our way through all this I could no way there's no way I fit through oh my God I'm still going I'm still moving okay I don't think I can go any further than that I think this this is it I think that's it a yellow drop in here but I can't see it hey a yellow drop in the water yeah I can hear it but I can't see it you can hear it the artifact I'm going now oh what you doing let's drop slingshot Megalo saddle that's one of the worst yellow drops I've ever seen yeah okay it's not it's just not even worth getting is it with the artifact of the strong now retrieved we were feeling pretty happy with where we found ourselves on day two we had all the artifacts now to summon the bosses but we still had a pretty grindy job ahead of us we would have to raise and then level up 20 or more rexes which we would then use to fight the free Guardians of the island as well as the overseer to level them up I just did it the classic rampy way of by killing baby diners and it worked pretty well well especially with the two of us working together on it one rather large concern was that we still had no Rex blueprint and we were saddling all these rexes with only primitive Saddles we still thought that we probably had enough in the bag as gamma Island isn't too hard but some of those later maps are really really tough looking at you Genesis one and we were going to have to pick up a blueprint along the way at some point if we wanted to succeed on this challenge after doing some healing with the Deon our rexes were about half Health it might seem a little bit crazy for us to go into fight so Rex is at half Health but we were pretty confident that we could do both the broodmother and then the monkey we then take a break before going into the dragon fight later that evening giving the rexes time to heal up while we had our dinner I'm going to take this one with 9.7k out in case more important we get the UT in yeah yeah all right let's go are you going on the UT uh yeah I can do UT okay um you whistling yeah I'm justos oh yeah I can do yeah they're in they're in go on rexes yeah I'm stuck oh the Boo's going down definitely going down I'm I haven't moved yet I'm still stuck neither of most of the other rexes either yeah come on easy easiest du come on yeah BR brother's getting a bit a bit obliterated here to be honest look at that Health all right nice I reckon we can go straight for monkey mhm I really do easy after absolutely melting The Brood mother and only taking a very small amount of damage on our rexes we opted to go straight into the monkey fight so that we could remain on schedule to defeat the island by the close of day two let's go monkey time and then we then they can heal for the dragon after we smack this monkey around the park mhm right bring the rexes back yeah yeah yeah we don't want to falling off the cliff whistle them all Hello Mr Monkey no you not the time to stop for a [ __ ] hello Mr Monkey nice to see you going to throw a rock at him in a minute get him all right get in there get in there rexes it's going down oh he's getting destroyed oh he's getting destroyed even more than the brood oh my God yeah he's got less Bunch less Health uh bye monkey bye-bye okay two bosses down in about 5 minutes and we were feeling pretty good about life we now had to try and use this time wisely though as we had to to let all the rexes heal up ahead of the dragon fight that dragon fire breath attack does 20% of Max HP meaning that we could not afford to go in there with rexes that were already dead on their feet so we thought we may as well use this time to check for blueprints once more so while Owen checked out the water caves I went back to the swamp on the bionic to see if I could get lucky in a drop it was a bit of a heartbreaking one to loot an ascendant ferzo blueprint one of the rarest BPS in the game and a pretty great one at that however it just wasn't the Rex blueprint or the shotgun blueprint that we were looking for back at Green OB after a couple of hours break the evening session kicked off with us getting straight into the dragon fight right you ready let's go wait which it's Dragon time baby right I'll go on you again yeah yeah yeah Theus I'm trying to get on the UT ah going have to whistle the Rex good work thank you please don't fireable me dragon um that's gone to the rexes yeah ah 300 damage nice and he's the rexes again and nice good start we are here you know H oh for God's sake right hang on did you see the explosion no oh I see that one oh my god I've got half Health half health and I'm oh wait he's broke my Harbor yeah get it go on Lads oh no no no no they F they come on come on Lads come on Lads quick come on good damage um I should kind of forgot my job cover I kind of forgot my job uh well I think we're fine right I'm back I'm about to almost full health now doesn't worry about you Owen look at the dragon he's an absolute dead man [Music] walking lovely good stuff the dragon now down and defeated and most of the rexes pretty great on HP still we set our sights on the tech cave first though while I looted the swamp cave once more for drops Owen looted something pretty incredible in the hard water cave the issue is drop um no rampy you got it what you got I'm getting out ramp ramp ramp ramp ramp R ramp ramp rampy unmute yourself now oh I'm I'm muted what is it what is it what have you got guess which one of the two things we want I just got we need a re saddle or a shotgun VP isn't it it's one of the two I'm correct yeah an ENT attendant 334 oh yeah shot blueprint yeah now that's what give me the cost give me the cost give me it give me it oh let me get the C first okay okay that's naughty that guys that is naughty but we did not have time to farm up the resources for those right now and instead we turned our attention to the volcano lining up rexes for the tech cave is probably one of my least favorite things to do in the whole of Arc as you can't throw them out near the terminal and when you activate the tech cave the Gap is so narrow that you pretty much have to move them in one by one we decided that I would be the UC Rider in charge of marshalling the rexes and making sure they didn't walk into the lava which is honestly probably the hardest challenge we had at this stage going in again going I'm going to try and bring I need to bring the rexes down this way 2K damage oh they are FR de a lot oh you've got the rexes Stu I oh oh oh oh trying to bring him this way don't bring him so close behind no mate never never and I'm stuck again oh my God this is pain already bro I'm in the middle of them um boss 16 here he boss 16 you getting bullied does 400 damage oh my God that's like a tsunami of Rex justed on me boss 15 we on Excursion though this where Lads after this one's Lads come on there the boys come oh that's they're still having a scrap get all right this way this way boys come on I don't know how we've not lost one but we still have not lost one all right I'm going take this one down with me it's going to have to be a couple at a time I feel like for the rexes might be actually H yeah it could be right beliefs I don't no I don't think there is I think you're right think no Giger um right uh just so you know I'm taking the shortcut okay the rampy shortcut o oh dear and just as I was saying the dinosaurs weren't the smartest some managed to throw themselves off the cliff a bit too far here and into the lava we did manage to save all of these rexes but we had been forced to Soul ball about four or five of them up and they would of course no longer be able to be thrown back out and enter into the cave still though with about 15 rexes left and most with pretty good health we were confident that we're in a pretty good shape ahead of the overseer fight and we teleported to what I call the Hall of Fame and marched up towards the overseer Arena let's go rexes get in there oh the you out of stamina sorry going have to wait a minute y what's the St on it uh 2K but it's it's under half Health don't know how that happened it's almost like someone was jumping it off loads of cliffs oh really yeah absolutely no idea wonder who did that go on get it oh wow oh it's huge damage oh it's huge damage already the first boss is here already what is it rud get it guys I'm just getting bullied on the uty they are you are couraged need more I'm out of Stam [Music] it ow ow right first boss down let's go oh my word we just shredding this thing we're shredding it next boss is in what is it oh in One V one oh in One V one question mark oh 2.7k ouch oh in One V one are we One V one for me I need to switch Rex this one's ak8 oh yikes that's what I mean that is what happens with the Primitive saddle realistically right who's who's no 17 19 19 19 19 oh that's a bit laggy oh yeah dragon dragon time get it guys did you get did you get it did you get the whistle yeah yeah I got the whistle get in there oh dear oh dear get behind yeah was shading it though yeah yeah we should be fine we should be fine we got one more boss to defeat I think it's four bosses every time I think it's random right yeah it's random ow the dragon set me on fire I don't really know how that happened UT is getting absolutely blasted come on come on rexes do as proud let be on oh no it's done oh let's go I thought we had to do one more same nice yep get the get that element that is that is too easy too easy we should keep the gear right get into this thing I'm in the circle I'm not oh you uhoh uhoh oh quad biing no the long night of [Music] Destiny and so on the evening of day two we had successfully ascended from the island we were right on schedule and on day three we were eyeing up the successful completion of scorched Earth and potentially aberration as well before we logged off for the night however we still had some basic tasks to do such as a metal run and it was that night just before hitting the sack of some decent Kip that a legend was born oh I've actually got a good name for my otar actually you ready oh yeah you ready you can see me you see me name the otter mhm what' you reckon it's okay oh I love Harriot let's go what a name you're a wizard Harry the last thing that we did do that night was to craft up some shotgun ammo in preparation to make our shotguns the next day and then finally we left to get some rest feeling that we were in a good place in our weekl long challenge day three was now upon us and while we had only completed one map in the first two days we felt that we were in a pretty decent position heading into the rest of the maps the day began with a bit of a surprise though when we found a 145 carak curodont toaurdethtdes so we of course had to try and tame it Owen what what are you doing this guy man assistance please this guy assistance please I'm on my way oh it's coming after me oh god oh I can just hear it saf Theo saf the save the why used to lag rude I might be dead here oh I see I'm coming run I'm dead dead dead oh I didn't take any full damage I took the AG oh my God oh my God you saved me oh went I'm out of stamina this is bad I I knew I was save the PT no no I'm out I'm out I don't know what he's oh it's back on me um no is it back on you yeah I'm definitely dead y let me die let me die don't do anything don't do anything let it just let it kill me um then I'll come over on an AR I'm checking this red drop a that's annoying it's being fed come on ker he got just got a mega low BP not a Rex hello yes oh there oh there come on oh no we can't walk it for God's sake um get back to the carture it should be tamed um yeah bit of an issue um May what the hell what's happening I don't know it's not been the greatest of mornings for us the morning of day three had just been an absolute disaster class from start to finish but both Owen and Ry as we have managed to run almost every single flyer we owned down mid a truly impressive effort from the boys making every effort possible to mess up the good position they had put themselves in after two days I just lure it away okay I'm going for myself oh dear oh Owen Owen how many ERS are you going to run down mid today we might lose the Argy come on nice and flat area come on Ki Ari I want to stay further back yeah yeah I'm back AR come on come on yes he sniffing Ace go on lad you got it it's ready let's go you go t pts yeah I get the real after I can't get on the C there we go all right you're on it so while Owen had a great time murdering dinosaurs to tame up the carar I had the job of replacing all the Flyers which wasn't the most fun I will say though that the combination of Nets the ascendant long neck and the shocking Tran darts we had made made knocking out this argentavis a much easier experience than it would have been otherwise we then had to level our recently tamed pteranodons as they were going to be very important on scorched Earth as we wanted to get a decent level wyver egg so we of course did this in the classic fashion of murdering some more babies so I flew over to green or with a nearly leveled Pteranodon and soulall it up there Along With harri Ur of course and prepared to go over to scorched Earth I can't quite tell you how much all I was looking forward to playing a map which wasn't the island for the first time since October all right let's have it are we going to get rho uh not right now oh it's night time might get it we're going to go for wyv on Essie all right so I'm spawning in the North is Wasteland oh come on no don't don't do it it but crash my game it appears that game crashes aren't an ASA only thing however and these cutcenes in particular seem to trigger them for some reason after I loaded back up I grabbed up my stuff and set off in the direction of the blue Obelisk cave I do always struggle to find this cave and I wasn't helped when some Joker in the chat decided to give me the wrong Awards but eventually I did find myself at the cave entrance where I thre out fill the saber and entered the cave I'm in my cave now then we need they went to then are we going to meet at the Wy scar is that that our plan yeah make L there he's a bit asleep I is is it turning night time anytime soon um it's turning daytime thank God like Lo of vit just appear to have gone to sleep then had a red drop in the cave and it's got a mantis saddle in it just like apparently everything else on this map oh and I've got Mega rabies lovely join the club it's at this point Owen that doing our Dino the custom Dino leveling is coming back to haunt us cuz every Dino in this cave is like 140 right got the artifact of the Crag with the artifact retrieved Owen managed to get the other two well I turned my attention to the Wy SC a good Wyn would just be so handy for getting ourselves around the map and just improve our productivity a lot which would be important in the remaining days oh my God what lightning egg level 160 right that is what we want a 160 lightning egg is most definitely what we want jump off grab the Wy egg and get out of it oh no oh no uh you got Nets remember yeah I've got got the whole Wy scar after me Owen I'm not really thinking about the Nets right now okay um remember if you're about to die try um ball up you PT it's all right it's all right I'm just just kiting them all past some wild argies I'm pretty sure they're going to wro on to them most W on a PT and no not but if you barrel roll you are okay got away pretty smoothly actually there if some might call it rampy master class in after a huge rampy master class I left the Wy SC and went to upload the wyvern egg at a drop as my Terror was struggling to carry the added 50 weights that each Wy egg weighs I then went to try but with Owen and we had to go and get his stuff back as unlike rampy this man clearly didn't have the skills to pay the bills and both him and his Terror had died to a random lightning Wyn that he' stumbled across in the desert along with the artifacts we would also need two of each Talon to summon the Manticore boss so I aggre the wyvn over to Owen who munched them to death on a Rex I then did have a fly through the entire scar looking for an egg for Owen but there were just no decently leveled Wyn eggs at all so we just had to give up on that for now and I headed back to Ireland where I hatched my lightning egg right 160 lightning is hatched at base oh wow 31 points into melee it's pretty good what 29 HP it's it's not going to be a weight w and it's worth out his we but it's a pretty good pretty good W come on with all the tributes now collected we had some final preparation to do on the island for the Manticore which included making some more medical bruise shotgun ammo and of course the two pump action shotguns from the blueprint that Owen had looted the previous day while he grabbed some polymer over on scorched Earth from mantises I took a trip to the iceberg with my new Wyn to farm some of that precious organic polymer by killing baby penguins and it wasn't long until we found ourselves ready to go and take on the manty cor so I flew to nearest Green drop on the Mountain near our base and travel back to Scorch for the Manticore boss fight accidentally leaving poor Harriot himself on the mountain side right waiting for you to put the crack in ready yes no time to lose let's go go go go go go are you going to put your armor on before we go in this is all the armor I've got you you are kidding me nope wait take that be no take it I'm not doing it again because you've gone in naked like an imbecile ah right is this my good Rex oh oh shooting at him [Music] nice I'm soloing him with a shotgun you know oh are we keeping the rexes up here uh no we should probably bring them down probably bring them down oh yes the joys the joys of the Manticore I actually hate this boss I despise this boss get it it's going pretty well so far to be fair go on rexes this is good it is hot in here by the way a come on ramp with the final hit nice nice nice boss 17 it good stuff we definitely could have honestly done Alpha the Manticore fight unscorched is one of the easiest fights in the whole game so we weren't really expecting many problems and considering I had beaten this map without taking a single Speck of damage before Shameless plug for an old video of mine right there I wasn't expecting it to give us many problems and indeed it didn't one map that always strikes fear Into the Heart of most people though is aberration and halfway through day three that is where we will be headed [Music] next to make sure that we didn't get stuck on aberration and waste time we had to do a bit of careful planning if you cannot find a drop on aberration you can easily find yourself stuck on this map for quite some time so we prepped a mini base to hopefully minimize the amount of trips Back to the Island I of course first went to salvage harosa from The Perils of Crystal Mountain and then met up with Owen on aberration and we tried up I let Owen set about with the Bas work while I prepared to set off to the Red Zone to grab some red gems another little Flex here is that I've also beaten this map without taking damage which is probably my finest achievement on Arc so far so I was confident nothing here could be a challenge too much however it had been about half a year since I had set foot on aberration so I'd kind of forgot where a lot of the Spore placements are and ended up knocking myself out in the Blue Zone the reason we were in desperate need of red Gems by the way is because we needed red gems to make gas collectors which we would then need to make Hazmat Su which we would then need to get rock Drake eggs which we then needed to get the artifact through the boss with we had it all planned out this is not radiation here I don't really know why but it's not kill them yes I know bionics I don't really care though that you've got radiation main thing is I don't where's these red gems there they are there red gems there red gems there what I'm here [Music] for oh [Music] oh help okay we did it 177 red gem successfully gotten out of radiation now I just have to get back to base with my bionics being very over encumbered after just about getting out of radiation alive with the red gems I felt a very lucky man at base we managed to make three gas collectors and I went to the edge of the Blue Zone to place them down as I knew very well that there were fre gas collector points very close together here the problem was though that we would have to wait about an hour or so for the gas balls to make and I did not have an hour you see this day was actually Valentine's Day and Mrs rampy and I had pre-agreed to go out for a meal today thus we did not have long left of day three at all so the last thing I did on day three was to go over to scorched and grab some Cactus sap which we would then used to make some Cactus broths with you you'll see why this was so important the following day the last thing I did before going out to enjoy my lovely Chinese buffet that evening was to do a quick metal run with Owen and our industrial Forge was full to the brim as I logged off that night thankfully for me as I was stuffing my face to the brim with Chinese Owen had stayed up to do a bit more work on the night he made us up a couple of hazmat suits each and had also tamed up some spinos so I claimed myself a spino to start day four I actually did just end up using this tame spino though and we killed some babies to get some levels on it once it was leveled we were now about to go diving into the trench hunting for rock Drake eggs where the hell are you I'm at the bottom of the oh that was unbelievable unbelievable shat the mate boosted spino combo made pretty short work of the rock Dres at the bottom of the trench we now just have to track down one good rock Drake egg each have we missed like nests here I don't know there's one um can't can't see the level on the egg up here maybe where right behind us I can't I can't see the level of the egg it literally does not know 175 175 yeah for so right nice one good one good Drake egg got oh wi watch watch watch watch ah what are you doing I got scared I got my tried to get me shotgun out and you you put me over the edge I'm pretty sure sure oh oh my god ohen oh okay I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good yeah what about me I don't know man what a he's good he says absolute Joker all right got the egg got the egg so I can eat this level 60 now oh yeah all the DRS are coming for you I can see them are they oh there oh here they are I can hear them after a bit of a search for the second egg we did manage to get two 175 Rock Drake eggs which would do us just fine we also then pulled out the big brain play of exiting the trench by the Rockwell summoning portal and traveling back the island via there which was of course much faster than making our way out of the trench on foot of course there was still time for a bit of a disaster class first though oh and oh oh you like made it [Music] nope what how did yours die I don't know but all my ha is broken as well hey back on the island we began to incubate The Rock Drake eggs and the egg incubator revealed that both Drakes had pretty average stats across the board which for this challenge was actually pretty ideal I then left to go once more back to the icebergs to farm up some more organic polymer which we actually used to make ourselves a Tech replicator making use of that element that we had farmed on the gamma bosses on island The Rock Dres were now ready to hatch so we hatched them up and before going back to aberration we had a couple more jobs to do which included a metal run raising up some car chars which had the huge 24 points into melee that ow had tamed up on that 145 and then also murdering some babies to level up the Drakes with the Drakes leveled we could now return back to aberration and we split up in search of the artifacts taking one for the team I took on the Troublesome job of going for the artifact of the Shadows which is by far the hardest of the three while Owen went for the artifact of the stalker and the depths in radiation and glil Cave no drowning drowning made it made it um oh Jesus oh crap oh dear hello well that was a nice friendly um introduction to the cave I'm not here Lads I'm not here fish goodbye jellyfish how is that eel not dead nice jellyfish very nice jellyfish none in sight is good rock Drake cloaking ability is op oh there it is there's the jellyfish of Destiny right oh no oh that really is a jellyfish of Destiny at the end right there can we avoid that hang on are we out of the water now why is there an e Anno at me why is that a thing why is that a thing I'm going to have to go for it oh [Music] no what is going on ah what is going on what no I have no words to describe what's going on right now what this game is unbelievable [ __ ] stupid game well at least two artifacts are done nice one the Drake literally as emo just went just Drake just went not my problem the most useless thing I've ever seen so while I spent about 10 minutes ranting to Owen about how ridiculous this game is at times together we return to Shadow cave with me on the back of his Rock Drake the one problem with this is that when you have a person on the back it appears that the invisibility feature no longer actually works so I'm hoping that they still w't aggro but there is a possibility that because I'm on the back that the invisibility is not going to work looks like we oh come on ah oh dear oh dear oh dear I might have screwed us here just go I think you get off and no I wanted I have decided I making a stand all right Ro Drake [ __ ] you bul dog no uhoh there a bionic there yeah yeah oh F I am going to lose it in a minute I am going to lose it I wasn't even in the water it's safe to say that this cave was well and truly testing my sanity probably a combination of that and also playing Arc 12 hours a day for the past 4 days now so you know we said we AG agreed to split the caves I don't want to hear it and I'm now doing every single cave right right don't you ever do that to me again are you okay yeah he's almost dead Jesus I didn't didn't 1K health I didn't realize it was that low what are you doing I just turn around you almost kiding your own Drake thankfully the rest of the cave did go much smoother I did eventually manage to find myself at the artifact of the Shadows with all artifacts collected and no time to lose we set off to the Rockwell boss terminal we were going to use the cactus broth and shotgun method to run this fight and we were pretty confident that this should go relatively smoothly oh balog get it off get get get rid of your Bulldog come to challenge me yes Afra you may find yourself in the presence of certain Sur Survivor F he's downon I ass [Music] you this can you get it I got I got it leave me alone one Reaper he is like as far as away as possible then let's go one last one take your sh easy let's go another map done here we come three down three to go aberation down and we were still mostly on track our original plan left almost a day spare at the end of The Challenge to amount for mess ups and things that didn't quite go to plan but neither of us accounted for what Extinction had in store for us still on day four Owen and I headed on straight over to Extinction where I fin this level 135 manag Gama who I decided would be a very useful tame and plus I hadn't used a Mana in ages and kind of wanted to use one again another dyo I hadn't used in ages but we certainly needed was a snow Al for both their healing abilities and also because they are nice and Speedy to have and with the way we ran Flyers down mid having plenty of them was always wise we were looking around for giggers and cars to T but we didn't manage to find any good ones on this occasions so while we waited for them to respawn I knocked out this level 135 Rex which I found with 25 points into HP it would end up taming with 38 points into HP which was a full seven points more than our current very shoddy best to complete Extinction we would need a lot of corrupted Hearts first to summon all three Titans and kill them and then to summon the King Titan himself so when we found a red OSD drop we decided to do it as drops are by far the best way to farm corrupted Hearts as well as get some nice loot at the end of it I took my loot to a nearby terminal to upload some of the heavier items to the cloud and then set about farming up some spinos Sals in order to summon the Ice Titan farming tributes has to be one of the least most enjoyable parts of Ark but we only needed 10 and it wasn't long before Owen and I were storming through the ice cave on our carar murdering everything on our path and soon found ourselves with Max frenzy boost at the Ice Titan summoning portal there it is get in there oh I'm having a [ __ ] um one oh I remember it's doing more damage on do this on single player right try and keep at the back as well watch for the um ice attack yeah freezes you and then you need Med bruise oh wait I'm being frozen yeah so am I we're both being frozen what's that about well I think we're a bit Frozen lad all right we're good we're good we're good let's go with the ice tighten down and take care of with our mate boosted carard combo we then set our sights on the forest Titan popping out our cards at the cave entrance we stomped through the cave killing everything in sight to boost our frenzy for reaching the summoning portal and summoning in the forest Titan I remember I feel like I took quite a lot of damage from this guy when I did it yeah I think Forest is just some of the most I can't I just got this mountain and I can't get on oh yeah you yeah yeah yeah you just this growth attack are you good you just broke all my a lot my armor I still can't get um uh right Kachi come here teleport from that two Titans down and after a quick break I came back to hear Owen going crazy about an overspawn of giggers and carar it appeared that somehow giggers and car chars had began to spawn out of control which to be fair I have experienced before on my 100 days gigas only challenge on this map a challenge I do hope to complete by the way upon the release of Extinction with Asa there was a 130 and 145 carar right next to each other so while I let Owen deal with these I left for the snow biome to go for 135 Giga that had also been spotted with a decent 26 points in melee I trapped it into some metal gates and all seemed to be going quite well until Carnage broke loose oh my God a car has just spawned it's level 145 what is going on all right um um rampy oh oh that's a sticky one after escaping the Trap the gigger proceeded to run the 1500 M and set a world record before we finally managed to track him down and place a couple of gates trapping him into this metal structure over here I left Owen to knock it out and it did come out with 37 points in melee by the way I went back to the island to gather some more Tran stuff so we could knock out a Giger of the opposite gender we ended up going for this level 15 female Giger as it was just the first one we found and it would still allow us to make baby giggers and prioritize getting the good melee start going still in desperate need of a couple more hundred corrupted Hearts we took a trip to the corrupted Zone surrounded by corrupted giggers and wyvn but as carch chars with full frenzy are probably the most ridiculously overpowered thing in the entire game we were able to farm up a ton of Hearts we were also able to locate a purple drop which was exactly what we wanted as it spawned in not only a ton of dinos that dropped the hearts that we needed but also Alpha enraged rexes and we needed the tooths for these to summon the King Titan himself after finishing the drop we cashed out and we got very very lucky from what we got from it oh no I just oh Mastercraft Rex SLE BP lovely we do not have we're not going to have the hide to make a lot of them but I guess we make them for like gen one boss maybe um oh that high is not bad just get a chainsaw out and we'll go murder things yeah I guess it won't be too bad after bringing the Rex blueprint back to the island and analyzing what the cost would look like we started to make the giggers as we would need to churn out a lot of these ahead of the King Titan fight I did just need to farm up a few Sako skins before we could summon the desert Titan but thankfully they do actually spawn in the desert Titan cave itself so it was not long before we were good to go all right send it I am sending it oh it might not Agro on to me then oh I think he's agroed on me no he's right to me and the desert Titan completed what had been a very strong day for us on day four we would begin the morning session of day five by preparing for the King Titan and hope to have it down by the following afternoon day five began by us prepping everything we would need for the King Titan ow had placed down the replicator and we began to breed up our army of giggers it was a bit of a grindy morning for both of us as we had to firstly raise the giggers then level them all up before finally healing them with our snow owls and even with the help of them it still took quite some time we almost used our entire Metal Supply on making primitive Giga saddles for our gigas and we threw them out in groups on the ramp ready to whistle them in when ready finally we both decided to get 100 frenzy on our car chars before riding them into battle and hopefully being Victorious at the feet of the King Titan wish us luck YouTube wish us luck twitch chat yes we might need it okay sir is see it get it got the gig in we got the giggers in I'm only doing 4 and a2k damage oh no oh no I'm coming in I'm coming okay stop there stop here I'm get my friend up get in there giggers I'm here for a mate boost get in there giggers oh no um right that that that quite hurt that yes yeah yes yes keep going that quite hurt you missed oh my God the giggers won't giggers please useless he keeps missing me oh no all the meteors get back yeah I miss they missed me they miss me Med Bru this what the med bruise are here for hang on is he down for stomp yeah yeah I'm only doing 900 damage oh no this is not great 4K these Ang the gig is doing 4K no that was the um thingy I mean we've done decent we we've still taken off 300K HP yeah yeah oh no I I can't move I'm stuck in his feet I can't move literally can't move it I missed I missed they hit me dead on yeah I'm dead I'm dead yeah cuz you need to whistle have you trying to whistle attack this target specifically on the Titan oh my God he's doing meteors on the ramp I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead you're dead my my car got it just wouldn't move it kept getting stuck yeah we're still doing damage I actually can't get on my cart he's stuck inside oh no this is so curtain where's my C inside we just like I'm dead I'm dead I'm dying to fire that's why I said Med Bru I said Med Bru I knew we should have brought one Med Bru this is the this is this is the one where we got to get in there yeah and do Max damage cuz we're going to get one tapped we're going to get one tapped 100% oh yeah this is good this is good this is good but you can I SAR you can block it if do enough damage how much I haven't got my aome SP on it what's his what's his HP at the moment 770 this gig is not attacking yeah okay we avoided it what what the what just happened if you do enough damage whil he waits I'm dead here I'm dead I'm dead I'm my gig giggers have just killed me oh the giggers wouldn't let me move just having to avoid having to avoid the attacks while being yeah I'm dead I know we're not doing much damage when he's in his super punch state that that is the literally the time to send it oh my God H yeah I think he healed up a little bit I think every time he gets drawn back to the center oh this is painful I am dead I'm dead dead dead what right now oh his HP just keeps going up every time it's a joke oh yeah this fight is an absolute joke it's true yeah yeah you think we probably oh he's down down down down down okay we got to send it we got to send it oh he's really low damage giggers get him they should be getting in now come on gigas oh I'm I'm I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead 100% dead ah I think if you if you go underneath him he doesn't Target you as much with the meteors oh he's up I sent gigas in yeah yeah yeah oh a my man is flying I'm flying time this get in there giggers oh he's he's healing up again absolute joke joke of a boss still can't do damage to him either by the way what this fight unlocked PTSD of my Giger only challenge that I had long long forgotten about in my eyes it is probably the most busted fight in the whole of Arc for the record I'm not even complaining about the damage it does its HP or even its raining meteors that could probably hit you from a different galaxy but rather the returning to the center bug which just happens again and again as you can see it wasn't long until the King Titan had fully healed back up to its full HP that's right it healed up 1.2 million HP within the space of just a couple of minutes this fight was now impossible for us we got it down to about 10% of its HP only to ultimately fell right at the end due to it moving all the way back to the middle and healing up despite being incredibly deflated and just wanting to log off for the day we did not have that luxury we weren't even sure if we could do all this in 7 days now but we had to at least try back on the island we did everything we could to try and repair the mess that the King Titan had created for us we bred out more cars and giggers as well as doing multiple metal runs to restock our applies I also made a Mech over on extinction as we had decided that in order to beat the King Titan we were going to need some more Firepower so Owen and I set our sights on taming the Ice Titan one problem with this though was the fact that if we wanted to kill all three Titans again which we had to by the way to re get retake the trophies again to summon the King Titan then fight the Ice Titan once more that was going to be a lots of corrupted hearts for us to far still we just had to grin and bear it last Titan of the day was the desert Titan and for some reason we had decided that we could kill this one with a Mech not quite sure why we thought this was remotely a good idea as it didn't do much damage to the Titan and we would have had to have gone through a lot of element and also time to take this thing down the problem was we had lost our shotgun stupidly in the King Titan fight and still hadn't made any more yet so we decided to try some bold strategies oh dear rampy oh oh the same I'm still on it I'm still on it but I don't have anything how am I alive I gotow what the admitting defeat for now with the desert Titan we left to go and farm a mixture of corrupted nodu on extinction and some polymer back on the island which would then use to craft up two brand new ascendant pump action shotguns yes huge roll on the first one I'm feeling a 48% we are level 30 37% increase we level 120 now you know we could get we could get we can get bigger percentages oh can we we can we can there we go here we go 486 let's go I wasn't I was joking jeez that's a beast of a shotgun and the next one it's still going it's almost there this one's yours ow 300 oh oh it's a stinker with the shotguns made and some ammo crafted we headed back over to Extinction where we took out the desert Titan with ease it's down next up was one of the most painful things I've ever done in my 10,000 hours in Ark which was attempting to tame the Ice Titan with our primitive mechs and an absolute donkey in Owen helping down it's gone it's gone it's gone gone gone gone where's the other one on his on his uh shoulder and for him to have high ground watch out I'm go I'm I'm dead I'm probably dead here he dead no he's gone for [Music] you oh I really keep it in his face oh I am dead hey I think I lost the element I think yeah for those unaware to tame this thing you need to destroy the three corrupted nodules one on his foots first then it goes to his shoulder and the last one on his chin our task was made it much harder when Owen managed to run his Mech down mid and right into the Ice Titan we actually had to take a break from this whole taming process and we sent Owen out to do a 25k element vein for some more elements for ammo and to make himself another Mech Owen being Owen the second Mech didn't last very long either yeah but a lot of the time when you hit for six oh Owen oh oh oh you're dead gone got it got it got it it's gone oh my God claim it it say got it what do we know if it's gamma beta how do we know um don't know it's got 250k Health two level 225 let's go this was the first time that I'd actually ever ridden an Ice Titan and I think it will be the last it controls horrendously and by the time I actually reached the summit of the King Titan I had lost over 50k Health to fall damage and the corrupted giggers that kept trying to munch on me still we did have a brand new Giga arming and a nice Titan we were absolutely exhausted at the end of day five and we just wanted to get this fight done with so perhaps rather stupidly we rushed into the fight thinking the Ice Titan would carry us to Victory there we go ladies and gentlemen this might be the challenge right here or right now make a break make a break for the second time King Titan gig is going in come on giggers get it in giggers the first giggers up 900 damage it's cuz it's cuz he's not loaded in properly I think there we go I'm doing 20K Health with the uh oh I got killed off stra away that much damage no it healed up it healed up 100% chat will tell you the thing healed up and the ice Titan's dead it was a genuinely impressive effort from the boys that the fight had gone way worse than the last time this time though no complaints while it did heal up again we were nowhere near to finishing this one and it clearly rushed into this boss fight unprepared it might have also helped if we had remembered to set the Ice Titan to neutral but the end ending of day five was a depressing State of Affairs day six dawned and after a good night's rest we came back with fresh optimism only kidding we were still absolutely distraught from the previous day while the initial plan was to do the maps one by one we decided that for both our mental sanity and the stream chats we' move on to Genesis 1 today and try and get all the missions done and checked off at first it was just so nice to be off Extinction and then reality hit in as within one mission on this map I realized how much I strongly dislike it now there are some cooler missions on Genesis 1 such as bug Beatdown which is the one we have here which you do end up fighting a brood M at the end but we are immediately brought back down to earth with missions such as swamp Placid which actually you hunting down aaro and his friends the hunting missions on Genesis 1 are particularly notorious for being an horrendous time firstly because of how ridiculously strong the alpha variants are and secondly because you have to track down over 100 tracks that actually find the boss which is one of the most painful and mind-numbing tasks in the Hall of Arc if you could tell already I'm not the biggest fan of the whole missions on this map fine is an option but having the whole story based around them is just not for me one Mission I do actually quite enjoy is King of the Swing but that's only because I'm a DieHard Spider-Man fan so swinging through the trees is always cool although it's hardly playing Spider-Man 2 on the PS5 bog rally was another low for this run as I began to seriously question some of the design choices of this map and the missions in particular but we were able to cheer ourselves up by doing the frilly mission of spy versus spino another one of those ridiculous hunting missions our moods did briefly improve however when we discovered the multiple game mode of Dodo ball only for Owen to scam me by shooting into his own net after that we decided to do the Cheaper by the pack missions which had us fighting a pack of raptors for science purposes after successfully completing the gam and beta versions We decided to see that if we could do alpha which can definitely be added to the list of ramp's horrendous ideas it's that good it's that good oh wait come in oh dear oh dear oh dear oh my God you're getting shredded ah ah ah I mean because I have full frenzy I'm probably about to be okay they're about to come up any minute now by the way so I hope you're ready oh oh they're there they appeared out of nowhere go help oh I'm so dead I'm so dead it's so dead it's so dead it's so dead it's so over it's so over it's so over oh in I got it anyway I think you guys get the picture for most of day six we spent the day doing the easiest missions on Genesis 1 that the map has to offer we had to do a total of 58 missions before we could summon the gamma Master controller and let me tell you that that is a lot of time spent doing missions especially when some of these could take 5 to 10 minutes for time reasons we obviously set our sights on the quickest 58 missions we could do which pretty much meant that we had to do every single race Mission and by the end of the day we had certainly worked out one thing I wasn't very good at these Missions at all oh my God uh-oh see oh um you do it uh I would like to not comment of course getting stuck on the dodgy terrain that Arc is so known for doesn't exactly help but I was pretty soundly beaten at the majority of these Races by Owen which led to me getting my wallet out and gifting some memberships to his channel as we closed in on the final missions we left the Luna biome not particularly something we wanted to do but a game of bulb dog pickup which was by far the best experience we had had all day was tempting us on the last mission for the day which required us to play bulb doog pickup for 10 minutes something happened we just about summed up our past 48 Hours want tackle everyone's up the right line oh what's what is happening there has been blown up what what we just wasted 10 minutes day seven had finally arrived and we began the day by finishing our final Genesis 1 missions off on our final day of our challenge Not only would we have to beat the Genesis 1 boss fights complete all the Genesis 2 missions defeat Rockwell himself and Gen 2 but we would also have to finally return to Extinction to take on the King Titan once more it was going to be one hell of a day one thing to note is this the Genesis one boss fight is up there with the King Titan even with our Rex is now all saddled with the new Mastercraft Saddles that we've made this was not going to be an easy fight as we glided over there on our Rock Dres I actually made the comment to Owen that I wish these rexes had more HP in them they were speced with around 20K HP in the rest melee which when it comes to Genesis 1 boss fight you are more looking for 30k HP still it was too late to go back now we threw out our Reit on the platform where the rway 64 mission is done and prepared for battle I'm I'm having all the St all the soups look I've got them all yep we even got Shadow Stak on for the aim come on man it's so long since I did the this there is not is it no it's just about in I think 15 I don't want to risk it or it should yeah it should be in I think it's any part of the bodies in right doesn't really matter don't yeah come on then come on do we literally just just go in just whistle neutral and then like we just stick around their feet oh I'm nervous now make our break time make our break time guys how do we how do we start do we have to start it no no we're starting now we need stuff spawn in then we start C get the keys yeah yeah I didn't know if we had to like press behind you oh come on Lads we l do nothing now just got to wait for them for our rexes to be killing and then we go get the keys oh load load of keys last stage of hard there giggers and stuff no giggers come before the last stage they're on the second to last stage I got I got almost a full 20 Keys they're attacking something in here and they can't kill it and I swear it's just doing damage to them constantly a Rex oh sh one I'm I'm I'm doing passive and dragging them away from there cuz they just they're just taking constant damage you can't hit [Music] it X is spawning in loads of keys on the floor loads of keys R re and save ammo to kill yeah that's probably a good [Music] shout I almost got I've almost got a full 20 here in a sec g go g g a gun g a gun how much health did I had I don't know got deleted I think they have they only have like 18K Health to maybe W keys in you got any keys on you or I've got 10 the first three stages of Master controller went relatively well but stage four of this boss fight is where it gets seriously messy and we were about to be reminded of that I got I literally almost got full 20 now I'm running to the uh 20 that's 76 I need four more then I got 20 I got 20 okay I've got five I got five I've got five go go go go we're doing pretty well so far my LZ is out is that what's out on a wave is it yeah yeah so this is where we have to shoot rock all of our shotgun yeah we got to get keys and then he becomes like vincible Sho him we don't shoot him now oh it's when he he stuns you doesn't he that's key the gers oh no oh my God I'm what on my own I have to go on a Rex I got stuck you got a Rex that's fine that's fine oh does that gig only have 7K Health yeah they don't have much [Music] Reaper under underneath the bridges right yeah I always find that always ends up being load of keys like underneath him yeah yeah that's why that's why I'm that's literally where I'm going now that's s diger dead dead yeah oh oh second there someone still got plenty of Health though I know a bit more bit of a worry in 7 more keys you got 17 more no we need 17 more all right I've got four on me now there's a bunch here got 10 oh oh ow another I got I got 10 got 10 I got 15 16 go just go go go we got more than enough done done done done shoot him shoot him no he's still immune no now we can go okay he's he's he's over yeah I'm we go again that was oh my God there's so many keys there's so many keys here oh I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm stuck don't die Owen don't die on me now I'm stuck again St stuck again it's the Reapers I'm I'm I'm just like out of the fight right now I got 20 I got 20 I got 20 oh my God God ow ow ow ow oh there's so many keys on the ground where's the code breaker backck again 12 13 all go just go go go sem I got enough I got enough I got enough I got enough go go go go go go I got six oh no 15 oh Jesus done done done done yes come on I think it's like four rounds we have to go yeah it is yeah yeah you can see we did oh no g g what the that that that is Criminal SP oh my God my health is 370 I'm I can't a Reaper spawned on me a Reaper spawned on me I'm dead I'm dead I'm I'm dead I'm I'm literally dead I'm dead I'm dead what the I I I got stunned and Dinos a gig of Reaper spawn on top of me absolutely nothing I could do I got two reapers on me an absolute disaster of a boss fight in general though as the chat tried to comfort me it was difficult to think of what I could have done more than however as Owen perished in the boss fight he did make a comment about how his Med brw were not working so while I watched his POV and him suffer the same fate that I had I did some research online about it it turned out that the injo stew which we had drank meant that both our medical Brews and stamina Brews were not working at all and back on the island I tested this out to make sure it does it actually does enjoy R cancels it oh that's that I can't believe we've just we've just lost to endure rastu honestly it was hard to pull ourselves back from this one but the one thing that kept us going was the fact that this was the final day of our weekl long Challenge and however it ended today it was ending back on the island I threw out more rexes and this time they did have the new stats that I combined so at least when raised they'd be a bit stronger we actually had also gotten a melee mutation along the way so our best stats on the new boss rexes I began to raise with 38 HP and 42 melee which was a fair bit better than the rexes that had just perished in the boss fight we would of course have to make the majority of the Saddles back again though so metal would be needed once more at least there was some good news though from Owen to perke me up a little bit I'm hatching a load more rexes we got we're going to have a lot of rexes now at least oh oh what do I have here you got lad none other than Harriot 2.0 no no you're joking I'm not here son a my day is saved there wasn't much more that we could do while we waited for the rexes to finish raising and healing up so we decided to head on over to Genesis 2 and get all the missions done while the rexes sort themselves out on the island I will say say that I do prefer the Genesis Part 2 missions to Genesis part 1 missions though when you think about it it's hard to say if that's just because there's a lot less of them of course the main difference between the maps is that you would have to complete every single Mission before we can take on Rockwell on this map but at least that made it clear to us what we had to do Choose Your Own Adventure was the first mission that we had to do and our mood was not improved when we learned that the water on this mission is currently glitched and you fall straight through it with no way of getting back out of it at this point you could really feel the game was against you and the only way we could eventually do this mission was to actually cheat fly out of this never ending water which didn't feel particularly great at least the final boss fight went relatively well even if we did lose a c chart each but I guess that's what happens when we try and use dinos that I'm guessing weren't meant to be used in this boss fight the race missions were next was circuit Chase proving to be a completely Unforgettable experience for all the wrong reasons the hover sell one was a little bit more fun and I almost had fun doing that one but down river run soon brought me back to reality is this the worst Mission let me know in the comments slide and glide was next which wasn't too bad to be fair but after all the misery of the races we decided to treat ourselves to some fun by taking on the best mission in the whole Genesis Saga survive the ark all right the main thing you got to watch out for is is the lightning W on it it's dead ready okay good yeah yeah no not lightning the um noral one high they they they have one of each I think lightning will knock you out light in I told you yeah I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming hit it got it one it's one shot got it no it didn't get it got it nice is anything on me oh Poison's on me oh yeah I see it smacked him smacked him nice poison the Griffin as well remember Griffin's on scorched there don't know about you they just like desert there is good scout drones can stun you how you say yeah there's two pistol beams so nice oh me down the Titan for the remember uh don't think so only two left the gas bags this is very easy on gamma to do that's the thing cuz it gets gets harder as you go on right e I think the umol was some buy some allows where's de deck de where's the web I don't know man ow got set on fire by a dodo where is the do he spawns in when we is best boss cuz it does yeah yeah yeah we're shreding this lad we are lad they G itb's doing some absolute DPS on him he's a goner boom is it P to the last one the fun could only last so long though as next up we did our first Tran Mission there are three of these missions like this which require you to Tran a group of dinos before netting them the mwing one is by far the worst though as they have an awfully bad habit of jumping away when they get to net Gun Territory stard dolphin was the next mission and one that I almost enjoy once more I've done this quite a few times before so I'm quite familiar with the general gameplay of it and the Rockwell boss fight at the end is actually decently fun hello godler I'm doing all right thank you I'm doing all right we're just making our way through gen two missions a lot to do today oh asteroid asteroid asteroid [Music] asteroid yeah asteroids are very important yeah asteroids are very important if we ever see them coming in cuz they do a lot of damage you get that one on there yeah I'll get this one drones are doing over skip again last pH last phase still get this dolphin I'll save my grenades for rock wall how many grenades have you got four I got nine or seven for a rock though is it one more way off this or this this might be it I can't really remember please tell me it's it please tell me it's it AR please tell me it's got to be it it's got to be it there's no way it go nice nice nice nice Mission done afterwards it was back to the traning missions with the racer Mission first and then when it turned night time we completed the bulb dog fetch which can only be done at night of course the rest of the missions were a absolute blur really I think a lot of the missions on Genesis 2 are actually quite fine and played with a group of friends for the first time they can actually be quite fun however when you are just playing them on repeat back to back they become tiresome quite quick quickly code red despite being one of the longer missions was one of the better ones you fight some weird Rockwell hybrid Giga as the final boss and all the biopods that you stop from being destroyed come out to help you in the final boss which is pretty cool uh okay maybe bring it off the platform okay we got we got to let it do its thing let me guess we can damage it now yeah now we can damage It Go on creatures things that were not intended right cry the G out yes oh no oh I [Music] win I lost it oh wind's lost another one oh wind's lost another [Applause] one life support on the other hand is one of my least favorite missions of all time I'm not sure whether it's the memorizing of the color sequence I hate more or the fact that you have to spend 5 minutes in a room fixing gas chamber by hitting them with a spanner five whole minutes which cannot be reduced under any circumstance when you are already racing against the clock the last thing you want to see is a 5- minute timer if you do want to watch the entirety of these missions go and check out my vods channel Linked In the description below I'm aiming to have all the 7 Days vods up in the next week or so so then you can enjoy the full s days of pain oh and as also as we near the end of the video don't forget to go and watch Owen's POV at some point as there is literally so much content for us both in these seven days that his perspective will likely be very different than mine you lad oh all right lad you want the smoke it does not want the smoke absolutely doesn't want it don't want it oh okay it's a Mech we're done well that was a bit of an antic climac oh no I've done a know in I've done a no everyone bites the dust Another gacha Bites the Dust the shadow main prow was to be the final mission and as we loaded into the mission I couldn't quite wait to be done with the Genesis Saga I was almost looking forward to going back to Extinction at this stage regretting this right about now keep St it me easy let's go it's done guys as Gen 2 is a r for r swi swi oh no no no and the reason that I was so disappointed to hear it was white drops was because that meant that mutel was now spawning in the middle of the asteroid area on Gen 2 which was actually a good thing really I was just looking forward to getting off this map we needed six mutagen to do the boss fight which made 600 mutel in total and while I originally started to mine it using a mining drill it turns out that your regular Tech punch actually gathers more bit of a strange on that but there we have it on the island we made up the Rex Saddles after our dinner and saddled all the brand new rexes with them these have been leveled to do the G one boss fight in mind meaning 30k HP and the rest in melee by the time we lined up to do the Gen one boss fight we had already had our dinner break which meant that Allin one session we' have to do three fights failing one of them would end our run once and for all with no Enduros jues this time we prepare to take on the master controller once more all right here we go the final stand I'll go in now I'll go in now so we don't do we're doing full cap so we're going to be behind 74 six more okay I've got eight I've got eight all go go go go go swear the Rex have all lost health they they have more elf though to be fair yeah am I doing today I'm stressed I'm stressed and that one that's got 44 okay right I'm so quite a a lot of these on just this F oh that's a lot of stuff okay I think we kill these start taking Keys yeah I'm going for Keys yeah yeah I'm off I'm off I'm off 18 two more done that's one okay that's halfway I got 20 go go go I need two more got loads around there yeah oh wait get done get him in quick they're gone they're gone right what's the health looking like 30s still 30s I mean when you think about it that's already higher than we even entered the last fight with yeah like it's a quite a significant difference on way you see any gigas yet uh no no no no no well we just need 20 get 10 each yeah I got five four five six I'm running I got the keys got the keys got nine yeah I got 10 I got 10 get 11 I've got nine oh I got one you yeah one one more got one more all right um water water water yeah exactly just use this opport I'm doing Cactus bro again yeah yeah yeah check your armor check your AR my armor is fine actually uh I can't check oh okay now we get on a we get on a Rex we got we got I get on a Rex and stay under the bridge so you can't get dismounted basically right um yeah yeah yeah they literally obliterate the Giga to be fair the bleed damage is from the Giga is still nasty oh they've got bleed yeah that's the problem [Music] help a b oh I just keep getting dismounted right is it going to be is it key time you reckon no no no no no no no oh yeah I can see loads what do we how much do we need 40 for the first phase yeah it's 40 each time now we got to do that four times right yes I'm going also ow ow first first pH gun oh when can we damage him we can just shotgun him right yeah yeah get the face get the face oh you done yeah yeah start getting Keys now oh it's not ideal not ideal there are a bunch of keys around a lot of these Rex a lot of these rexes are still good on HP you know yeah I don't know why some are dying I don't know go ke go for Keys now 18 19 oh you got way more than me 20 he's zapping watch out I'm on SW I'm on 11 13 14 16 I got I got I got 20 I got 20 I'm just waai for you should be gone should be gone right does it this no no no no oh it's not everything still stays okay it's over next round next round oh my God there's so much stuff near back yeah I'm getting back on the Rex go get back on the Rex what the hell got Stu [Music] on Rex ow ow oh it's G 11 that's another gig bad idea he's zapping watch out ah I'm on 19 going I'm I got 20 where is it plus 16 [Music] oh I'm Zapped I'm Zapped I'm D Reaper on me um I've got 20 I got 20 get him get him in Get Him in where where's the code breaker again this one it shows it shows yeah I'm going I'm going going going going going looking looking I'm going guys get that Giger there a Brees actually tell me when you in no they're not they're in they're in yeah we can damage him I I don't think I can hit him here okay one more me send you got to go just with [Music] keys but a full send is that what you're saying yes don't do it now we're not doing it gers gers gers 16 17 oh no oh that could have been really bad I got 20 got 20 I almost got 20 got two more is he zapping he's zapping he's zapping no he's not no he's not yeah he is I'm Zapped oh yeah I'm I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going again you got 20 yeah I got 20 I got 20 I'm going okay I 20 is in yeah I'm going is this it is this it yes this should be it oh come on let's go oh no no no no he's Zing please no that get me I'm Zapped I'm Zapped I I can't get get in I'm again he's in he's in he's in he's in come on he down down let go oh come on oh huge dub huge dub second time lucky and the master controller was down and Owen and I were breathing a big sigh of relief the dream was still just about alive but two boss fights remained before we went over to Gen 2 however to take on Rockwell we had to return to Extinction once more to do some final preparation for the King Titan fight I'll let you give that a [Music] watch [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] 3 when you feel it's hopeless when you think that you lost oh I will take your hand and we'll Rise Up from the dust oh here we go go go let us heal and grow you won't be alone we're Unstoppable don't be afraid to show what we're going for this is what we know here we come back to life still breathing standing up everybody's going to see it oh all you need to know is that we're holding on even if we fall we will rise up and we fall the path that we believe it no we're not going to stop until we reach it oh all you need to know is the holding on WE Rise Up from dust clean my [Music] throat [Music] we Rise Up from the dust and cllean my throat we all have our reasons why we are on this track oh we all have our burdens yeah but we just keep on fighting and we never look back here we go go go let us heal and grow you won't be alone we're Unstoppable don't be afraid to show what we're going for this is what we know here we come back to still breathing standing up everybody's going to see it I want you need some more St hold it on even if we fall we will rise up and we fall the path and we will leaveing no we're not going to stop until we reach it oh all you need to know us St more than know we Rise Up from the dust and claim my [Music] [Music] Throne we Rise Up from the dust and clean my Thro [Music] as we decided that the King Titan would be a better final fight especially considering all the pain and suffering it had given us in the past couple of days I returned to Gen 2 and met up with Owen as I made my way through Rockwell's in yards dodging his tentacles it suddenly occurred to me that I had never actually done this boss fight before I was assured by my twitch chat and Owen that this boss fight wasn't too much of a challenge but I've heard this before with Arc and live to regret it beautiful against and then like he just waffles now we not attack it with the Rex no no it's point is you do let no damage which is what he's saying right now oh would do let no damage yeah yeah need to listen to them eler and just chat to each other okay he is right about one we're going to need more power we are going to need more Firepower this okay I'm on my way F said there might be one each but we don't know and then basically just stay in this the whole time yeah there one each oh let's go said a hyperbeam let's get it oh my word he's been absolutely destroyed I almost F that one and now we got a kill tentacles again the thing it's opened up but we need to get back energy it's it's ready it's back again okay start beaming it I can't do mine okay M's back up Rockall n's going down lovely nice Easy Down Easy Down have we got to wait for them to like finish chatting finish chatting yeah oh it's growing now with threshold might oh yeah I can see his face my and this this is where your game comes to an end oh got a Rex quick oh dear the Rex are taking the technical out the front get it acid acid acid acid oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah a lot of the rock the rexes are murdering him oh yeah go on rexes go on rexes certainly not by the of you oh he's got one Health left he's down is he no he's got one Health left eliminate Rockell once and for all H yeah the ex yeah come on mechy when can we get on them we got to wait for them to finish the chat will not allow you to spoil my Ascension oh dear my this fight is way too easy way too easy what's our Rex Health looking barely lost anything yeah why did we just blast him now with the me do this side by side oh yeah ready end oh goodbye Rockwell see you later Rockwell you're an evil man we're coming for you King Titan it might be in the wrong order but we're coming for the King Titan and with that Genesis part two was completed possibly one of the easiest final bosses I've ever done on Arc but given the past 6 days I was not complaining about that one bit but we were not done yet we had one Peak left to conquer the King [Music] [Applause] Titan [Music] [Music] spe [Music] [Applause] [Music] with everything prepared one week's worth of work went down to this at 10 minutes to midnight on our 7th day I stood up on the King Titan platform to give the troops one final rousing speech ladies and gentlemen twitch chat Future YouTube viewers 200 gigas welcome to the summit of our 7-Day battle against the whole of Arc it has been quite some Journey it has been filled with UPS Downs getting stomped on by the King Titan twice getting stomped on by getting stomped on by Genesis boss once but then we got back up and here we are we are back here for the final battle and I I would just like to say that some of you may die but that is a sacrifice that I am willing to make any final words on let's get this King Titan arotta Go are you ready yeah yeah oh God I'm summoning it I'm going to take Harry there I'm throw in Harry you have a you have a you have a service you must fulfill I don't think we can do damage [Music] yet oh I'm doing 255 damage not too bad to be fair um I don't know if if you can see but Harry is um making his way in oh g g off to a good start I'm doing 146 damage per shot I'm doing 255 Harry's made it he's doing damage come on Harry son hey he he died come on let's have [Music] it de start get them boys just the gigas just don't appear to be biting oh they just keep stomping stomp Chon yeah they're not buying I don't I don't know why oh on oh go on there's a lot of damage being done right now we got to kill this punch though yeah yeah yeah down under a million now I don't have a sp last one so I do down to 900 he's dropping pretty quick l 70k l 70k can't cancel this whatever this attack is oh maybe we can I Lu you done very much does it are we back to normal damage now punching oh that was [Music] nasty too far to deal damage we need to get back in the going down again back in is he going down again yeah yeah yeah yeah this is is this the one we can cancel oh he's doing we're do Max damage this has got to be it gigg got to do big damage here I'm getting him in I'm getting them in this is the one where we can [Music] do pretty big damage at the moment I need to I need to heat he's missing this that attack I'm to run away from the Giger he's down he's down he's down he's down he's down down I'm going again is it are we doing the reduced damage this is the healing yeah all right [Music] come on they're doing damage come [Music] on come on gigas let's go I have faith what what health 394 3K come on this is got got to be it if if there's ever going to be a time it's got to be now both both groups of rexes gers are biting and okay yeah the rexes and gigg are doing damage damage I got oh okay he's back he's [Music] back right he's often in yeah he's often in ible right yeah yeah that's fine that's fine that's fine th a lot stuff survived yeah we can't we can't damage him oh no now he we can damage him again damage him again oh he's he's down done this is this go time go time this is it he's got to go he's got to go blood I can't use my gun I can I can oh he's getting melted he's getting melted down 70k this is it 50k 30k 27k 6K he's God [ __ ] God get take that oh I hate you with all my heart take that I hate you so much where's AR this is for arotta so there we have it after much struggle severe lack of sleep and now a very sore back we had successfully taken down every single Arc survival evolved map in 7 days if you did enjoy this video then please do remember to leave a like as it really does help support the channel and push the video out let us know if you would like to see a repeat of this challenge with all the modded Ark Maps instead or perhaps you will repeat it down the line when ascended hopefully has some more content in the meantime I hope you guys all have a wonderful rest of your day I look forward to catching you all in the next one bye-bye for [Music] now
Channel: Rampy
Views: 78,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark Survival Evolved, Rampy Ark, ark beating every map, beating every ark map in order, I Had 7 Days to beat every ark map, 100 Days to beat all of ark, 1 Week To beat Ark, how to beat all ark bosses, I Beat every Ark boss, 100 Days Ark Every boss, ark 100 days every map, Rampy 100 days ark, Ark Survival Ascended every map, Ark Survival Evolved every map, I played ark for 1 week, I Beat Every Ark Boss, ark, ark 2, ark ascended, Ark Survival Ascended, ark final boss
Id: o0FajIZd28c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 55sec (7975 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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