Asmongold tries Raiding in WoW Dragonflight after ALL CHANGES

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Okay so let's try this out we'll do uh we'll do a heroic Sepulcher and just see what happens are the raids easier or harder now easier okay let's try it out demand so new people don't need to download the UI add-on because now you can edit already no I think that's a good thing all right we're all here can we please pull the boss I think that's a good thing I'm very glad about that I just think that they shouldn't have done that in like they they shouldn't have done that at the expense of the existing content like that's the only real problem that I have here like I actually think that this is a good thing like overall I think that these are like these are very good changes uh the only problem that I have is that they don't allow you to have any sort of backwards compatibility if you were comfortable with something that existed before so that's the only thing that I have an actual issue with man this condemned [ __ ] there's a lot of damage huh yeah I'm doing 11k DPS just spamming condemned that's really good it was done just for the toggle for all the new UI well I mean like I do you guys see kind of what I'm saying about how like I like the way it was because like the way it was like was using like less effective I guess you could say like real estate so like now like I have to spend way more space to do the exact same thing and that's what I think really sucks because it would still be less space no it can't not in the way that I want it yeah it's a downgrade not some visibility yeah I mean like this is the best as it can be and I don't I I hate this this is such garbage make it a little bit bigger it's maybe a bit better okay did you bring your own Oreos oh the Amorous thing no no uh Moana had those damn I feel like I do I'm doing a lot of damage these mobs are dying super fast I'm kind of curious to see what this boss is gonna be like and look how tiny these are these were never this tiny before oh my God oh this guy's not taking any damage oh they take less damage if we don't have them in the thing I didn't know that yeah you can change it or resize it yeah I know it's just uh it's just annoying because like before it was fine and now I have to change it I don't like change I like having things the way they always were and anytime that I have to change something I don't like it was this absorbed I guess then it kills them yeah I don't think I've ever even done this fight very sensitive Ty changes yeah well I mean like it's just you know I played the game a certain way for a really long time and now I can't it just doesn't make sense how he's low health foreign so I just hit this button this seems good 70k that's a lot if every single one crit that'd be way better yeah I'm doing a lot of damage holy [ __ ] oh we didn't have heroism now I'll do even more damage foreign look at that that's nuts the way open okay so this is the way the loot works now what the [ __ ] he will soon witness events I'm gonna need on these so I can maybe get them some may even unravel your sense of reality sending okay entirely into Insanity oh there's three of them that I need two nine I don't need that if there's someone who can like do the skip we can do the skip I don't know how the skip works why are they letting everybody roll on everything uh you can't knead on everything you can only greet on it don't you need all for slime cat uh yeah but we'll probably do Mythic at some point I figured we'd clear the raid in Mythic that way it just kind of saves time and we don't have to do heroic too gdkp's in retail are back I'm in Brawl like every reason in retail is gdkp I mean you got the wow token man come on oh we ran away yeah hopefully they make some add-ons to make it like it used to be who are you hitting 70k with condemned so basically all I do is I hit the same button and I'm top damage well I'm not but like I'm doing a lot of damage like I'm 100 doing way more than I would if I was Fury like if I go and I look at Vigilant Guardian like what was my damage to him oh I got a pair of the legs nice you can access it okay [ __ ] yeah the mysteries of the Sepulcher are yours to unlock I shall be taking extensive notes so how do we um are we able to do the skip or are we not able to do the skip foreign oh oh I see I see okay everybody we have to go to the middle area okay had failed what the [ __ ] ing those who oppose me and thunder your final feather mortality the jealous hope destroyed our only hope is that anduin's will proves stronger must help him Break Free cannot fail again okay let's go guys come on head on over here we gotta kill anduin this one should be easy um I'm just missing the Warlock and then we're good why would why would you not be with the group like I don't understand what's going on what are you doing what are you doing man he he fell off what the [ __ ] what's going on what is this let's go am I gonna be able to get there before you let's see are you here or not okay you're actually here thank God let's go let's do rebuffs and everything let's get this done just wait for my my buff here oh [ __ ] foreign what the [ __ ] what happened come Neal blacks match with yellows or you die okay all right I guess we have to do that all right has abandoned you yeah these other guys just doing so much dude I felt like I did way more damage okay purple can't touch purple yellow can't touch yellow okay so I guess we have to spread out for that our alliance with horde oh it's been like that for a while okay um this person's AFK for some reason okay let's just go ahead and pull yeah because we're probably gonna have to figure this out all right God was this it oh it wasn't it blasphemy okay this has got to be a okay good job let's go I mean it's a pretty easy [ __ ] mechanic we just didn't know what we were doing wait there's four white why are four people dead wait what the hell I'm getting silenced the [ __ ] foreign this [ __ ] where I get silenced over and over is really annoying I wonder why that's happening so why wouldn't people like yeah you just move out of this right doesn't seem like it's that hard foreign why'd we die I don't understand what's going on why are people dead we will not fail you because they did it wrong why would they do it wrong wait I'm confused people with y'all don't move why can't you just walk to somebody that has the opposite color and one's easier with fewer people by the way yeah I don't want to invite any this is just like I don't understand how this is so complicated how people like I just I'm just I'm getting so agitated okay let's go let's do the fight okay let's do it boys foreign all right wipe it wipe it it's over it's over like it's obviously over foreign check the recap okay dammit deaths vedny to Hope hopelessness what's hopelessness what the [ __ ] oh so you guys ran into each someone ran with me and blew both of us all right let's just do it again let's just do it again get your food buff let's go okay why why are you over here we lost the tank okay uh we need another tank another healer left I mean are we even gonna do this I feel like we're not going to do this like we've already lost a bunch of people I I just I don't see this happening odds are against this yeah GG guys thanks for trying it's like I wonder what it would be like if we tried to do Mythic Castle nathria because I don't want to do it for a long time so like if we were gonna do it I would only want to do it for like two hours raid Shadow Legends and we'll do castle nathri and Mythic asmon gold CN Mythic uh exp only so if you haven't done uh Castle nathri on Mythic you're not going to get invited to this raid all right let's move in any Mages I think we didn't get a mage it was too easy yeah we should have invited a mage but I guess we didn't okay here we go let's try the sound yeah I do think that I should start tanking we're straight we're shriekwing the on your god oh there he is the advantage here yeah I think my damage meter's bugged I feel like I'm doing way more damage than what I'm actually doing yeah I think I'm doing way more okay here we go let's get these summons up boys you just have to kill these first good job guys we're doing great so far very proud of you you guys think we're going to kill any bosses no I think we'll kill at least like uh probably five I mean I hope so might be stuck on some region generals I mean we're probably gonna just do like we're gonna do this for like a couple hours unless it's going like super [ __ ] well then we'll keep going and then after that I'll probably go do some other stuff and then come back and finish it tomorrow because it'd be pretty nice okay so if I get the item does the item need to be heroic for me to upgrade it to Mythic or does it just need to upgrade the item to Mythic so it can be normal mode and I can upgrade directly to Mythic is that correct you can be LFR okay all right guys so for this boss basically what we need to do is somebody who has their monitor on needs to make sure they have this uh this red thing why would you put it there here let me show you how to do it okay you put it right here and that way it's closer to the uh to the thing so we're already off to a good start um so yeah does anybody have any questions who's doing Lantern uh I don't want to do it all range stuck on green mailing between boss and rangemarker when he cast Echo everyone shift to Blue okay all right sounds good to me let's get our food buff and let's get this done I'm ready whenever all right here we go five four three please don't wipe one helps out watch your step please I thought we were going to like blue or something I guess not fine shelter don't worry about this guys nobody's dead that's the way it should always be you shouldn't get hit by that it's not good if you get hit by it absolutely watch your step at this point do not heroism until after the first transition fine shoulder two one phase change okay here we go just be good if you're having trouble and you don't know what to do just be good fine shoulder just don't get hit fine shelter Target you find shelter all right pop hero pop hero pop hero use heroism pop heroism we need somebody to use heroism use heroism okay we got drums episode Prime shelter buy some miracle I don't know how the [ __ ] this happened we one shot this boss I I don't know how this happened I'm gonna be totally honest I really don't know how this happened but we did great [ __ ] work guys and stem the flow into the mall if we are to have any chance against we must approve up let's go surprise possessions I know the path we must take to reach them I've never done Lantern but I tried yeah you did fine if somebody doesn't need one of those cloaks let me know true you left considerable to try to single I feel like I did pretty good damage too who found the wreckage look at this I did 13k on the boss that's really good I got I'm feeling very good about that like for having like way worse gear and on top of having way worse gear I also don't have the Jailer mace I'm happy because everybody else in this group is like way higher item level than I am foreign so for this boss we pretty much want to use heroism on bar gas um pretty much just kill him remember even whenever one of the dogs is out you can just any damage that even the boss takes is split with the dogs these get carried always no well that's what I'm saying right is I'm actually not getting carried I'm doing pretty well I I I'm feeling good about it yeah I mean like I mean I'm not like the greatest DPS that's ever dpsed but I feel like I'm doing quite well I'm holding my weight like I'm not here here's a good way to say it there's like three four people that are below me there you go I don't have sweeping strikes that'd be really good for this fight okay so for this boss um uh basically what we want to do is like okay so there's gonna be like three dogs and we want to kill the first dog and then we just kill the other ones after that uh we need people to see see the ads yeah just see the ads foreign should be easy but we're gonna re-summon whoever that is yeah and if you get one of the uh one of the arrows on you go to one of these locations here uh Moon skull or Square you doing this for gear just for walls I'm doing it because Okay so if I get 20 of these ciphers I get to upgrade an item to Mythic so like whenever I think about um like basically like it would be better because it would do more damage and it would be like it's it's really good uh uh I need to get a food oh I have a food buff two people for each so yeah yeah it's not hard to do and also be a little bit spread out and fanned out around them because he does like an AOE thing it's like a cone attack yeah it's a 311 weapon that's good I want that okay everybody's here let's ready check set bonus my set bonus is deleted they turned it off [ __ ] game by the way I'm here but I had to reload okay Wang is our also here okay everybody's here uh oh on anything we're waiting on him whenever you're good let me know foreign strikes would be really nice here com why aren't we pulling foreign big numbers boys let's go Marvel yeah get in what are you doing it's good I might as well soak that myself all right get ready to pop hero get ready to pop hero as soon as bar gas comes out we're gonna get him phase two big dick on bar gas don't break these uh these things here okay get them away get them away CC Bar gas we have to get a cease but I thought I said to see why would you not CC the has your name there you go good job I don't understand yeah just just CC the bar gas ads it's not hard CC the bar gas adds you have to do a CC on the bar gas ads what is this okay it's a wipe everybody die foreign okay if you have a one minute CC come over here to me come over here to me if you have a one minute CC Wang you have do you have a one minute CC link me your one minute CC paralysis incapacitates a target for one minute okay just have them hibernate wait so the weight why didn't the Druids just all right let's just try to get it done this time okay let's go I let's not get mad everything was fine let's go again yeah you can paralysis if you have to okay Hunter broke the Demon Hunter CC let me see CC breaks that's not true okay gouge gouges Assisi so he cc'd into a like gouge was a cc That was supposed to go into another CC okay um we're pretty much good to go yeah tusker you did everything you could man uh other people didn't have their monitor on so that's why it was a problem uh let's go uh just go ahead and pull whenever you guys are ready foreign I can't do this oops five four please wait did it mess wait what did I mess up my talents nothing escapes my sight no okay okay we'll move into this for you this boat there's too many people in that one I had they not spoke I should have known that I shouldn't have gone in there pop hero phase two popular on bar gas come on guys so you see the ads guys kill him my favorite it's a wipe huh which busy sent you their mind yourself let me explain how this works so we need to just have everybody stay on houndmaster at the beginning maybe some people can swap off if they have like condemns they can do onto him but other than that all damage that houndmaster takes the dog also takes and all damage that the dog takes houndmaster also takes so if you're attacking houndmaster you're attacking the dog and if you're attacking the dog you're attacking houndmaster so why don't we stay in the middle and let the tank do what they want to do whenever it comes down to uh to moving the boss around okay can we do that great let's go thank you maybe I could have like this five four three two one again oh [ __ ] nothing escapes my science Margo this boat has your name on it all right get ready against my sights bogus come phase two nothing escapes my sights Marcus after the rent make sure to bring them back in if you can foreign okay get ready to bring those ads in in just a couple of minutes actually a lot sooner good time good timing on that heroism by the way a really good job all right let's go bring the ads in bring the ads in good job foreign just kill the boss just just kill he cutest and then kill the boss good job just keep spam healing good job okay this necklace is good uh oh I already have it I didn't know that bar gas leash well that's cool can I get a rest first try I mean that was a really good that's a really good attempt they're way ahead when they fraught with Danger but we must reach those animus stores so who is it that does heroism who was it that popped heroism on that poll foreign why didn't you pop it on bar gas I'm not mad I just want to know what's going on and that way we don't have a situation that's all I thought I heard you just call it on stream yeah I called it on stream because I just realized it wasn't up whenever it should have been I'll call it out more and that way you'll know by the way it seems like this raid is a lot easier than it was with our talents and everything so like just [ __ ] like we're gonna we are probably like most of this raid so just chill out guys and uh we're gonna be just fine are you using dominoes no I God no I'm not artifice here actually if we uh do enough damage to artist this year we skip a lot of his abilities uh if you watched like the raids that I had done I didn't even know you could do this but you can dispatch put the new gear on oh is it good mastery okay wow my item level went up I should do that more I have a 272 chess piece that's pretty bad wow my gear is actually my gear is really bad holy [ __ ] samox is gonna be fun no no I actually think that if we have the damage like I'm genuinely considering a one tank one Healer strategy for xymox I know it sounds really stupid but it worked before and with our damage I think that it could work again to fix that with the releases season four zomax abilities are not canceled based on damage taken anymore oh really um if that's the case then we won't be able to do it can we enable double affix I think we have double affects on now foreign affix oh this guy got a ring nice double is easier well why don't we use double affix then because if we only have one affix and double affix is easier why don't we just use double affects right now is there a reason for us not to do that someone has to turn it on I'll go turn it on summon me back oh vedny just did it okay for this boss spread out whenever you get the ejections some fights are way harder with double affects well if they're way harder we'll just uh we'll just beat them does he get more Health if we have double affix no okay so um yeah does anybody have any questions no okay good Ness getting killed by rats Wang is dead for some reason I don't know why Wang's dead but Wang's dead let's go hook up to my asthma yeah if you've got miasma you can only be healed by leeching life we're all here I don't see a reason why we shouldn't be pulling right now seems like we're good to go I think I'm going to use the sack I don't know is the sack better than the eye maybe the eye is better because it's a single Target fight I command is better yeah it makes sense like I think I is better yeah it's just that okay all right let's do this it's the easiest boss in the game guys let's go five four three two all right just in time let's go boys pop heroism pop heroism pop hero we don't want to let people die in case anybody was going uh leech is dead battle res leech spread absolutely sector oh I suck door why the [ __ ] would you be there why wouldn't you move out you guys need to let's go keep it up guys you're doing great photography too one just kill the boss what are these Buffs I don't know who cares oops okay we're good finish them off somehow nobody died yep so two one that's a dead boss good job really good job guys Okay so we got a bunch of nothing we didn't get any good loot Fury does some good yeah look at this guy this guy's do look how much damage he did his Fury he did more damage than condemned did maybe we should look at Fury well let me look at this guy's gear who's got really good weapons I'll tell you that eye of command hmm you can screenshot that and probably use it later so for this boss um uh for this boss is a basically it's the same as the last boss um but you have to sometimes do the triangles so if you do have a triangle just do it um yeah Square the triangles exactly if there's anybody doesn't know what they're doing uh just uh Kill the Boss and then also like whenever the ads are there we want to kill the ads too that's about it I think we're doing really well like this raid is going a lot better than how I had expected like I thought we were going to wipe on shriekling for like three hours I'd have to end the Stream yeah this is already a better situation than what we had expected here is a bit better than condemns arms yeah maybe it is if Fury is better I'll play it I'll play whatever is the best do we know if tuscosaurus is coming back foreign like you can see that um I guess we have to reply yeah I don't want to replace this guy I guess we're gonna have to can we get a stone down said nothing yeah I don't know uh I guess I'll remove him okay uh summoned this other warlock or this Rogue I mean Humper lock knows all fights okay well this Rogue uh City at Hall of Fame so uh he should be good this fight should be really easy oh I should put this item on it has more it has more item level um I don't know why I didn't have it on before okay we're all here so yeah uh pretty much what I was thinking we'd do is we pretty much just get on her also if you get the ads on you make sure you group up with the boss but you don't overlap into each other and soak the red boys and somebody who knows how to do the canisters do the canister other than that I think we're pretty much good to go and I've traveled the banquet portion uh no I'm worried about artificial every other boss I don't think is going to be a problem I mean until like sludge fist I think sludge fist could be a huge headache just keep her there we all need to move her around oh just pop hero pop hero now I hope so uh do the things so can we have a can we activate triangles can we can do we have a who is this Mr star boy try to handle the triangles I'm gonna rally right now because it looks like we're in a bit of a situation get in uh get in those keep it up guys we're doing great I'm very proud of you it would be better if we didn't tank her in the red area I mean we do whatever we want you know what I mean but it would be better if if she wasn't in the red area but I mean like it's whatever you do whatever you want okay you do you man really good job guys keep it up kill these ads I know you don't want to but you have to kill the ads good job kill this big boy okay so we have another uh oh we have the lines soak those and we kill the boss I hit the last canister as soon as we can oh she parried my attack hit the last canister as soon as we can burn down the boss burn down boss burn down boss pop cooldowns boy really good try guys let's do it again I don't know why everybody has such a bad time and a hard time with uh triangles I don't really understand that doesn't make sense to me but that's the world that we live in foreign also yeah let's pop heroism on the pull yeah and unless I call for you not to pop heroism on the pole always just pop heroism on the pole yeah like my damage is like way lower this guy's doing look at look at that guy's damage he just hit condemn that's so crazy I need to get this other gear and also she parried one of my Colossus smashes didn't really help me out a lot I hope so I hope so destruction you want to do the attacks on the boss too just do as much damage to her because if we kill her really fast it's the other's ability she does don't matter don't worry about getting hit by that by the way if you only get hit by one uh like that's that's not your problem that's the huge problem I'm gonna rally here that's what happens if that mob isn't Tanked triangles so you have to turn garlic so basically all right so imagine like okay so if you could yeah all right good foreign targeting oh thank God I can do this one there we go thank [ __ ] God okay all right burn her down could you computer burn down the boss just interrupt the ads burn down boss really good job guys excellent skill I guess we still have to kill the ads or something I don't know okay ritualist oh I have this one don't I yeah oh it's actually better than what I have I just didn't have it equipped okay um all right so uh let's go over and do uh let's see uh what let's do uh artifice here Sun King you want to do Sun King I mean we can do Sun King if you guys want I don't really care if I mean Sun King's easier yeah sure let's do it I just I don't I don't want people to leave if we get to artist this year because like this group's pretty good Sun King's almost Prelude not last time I did it but this could be different now so let's go ahead and do Sun King what difficulty is this it's Mythic faded it's the hardest one I have to clear oh this guy's up we don't want to do him right now um we uh was I gonna say oh yeah yeah I so I have to clear all the raids on Mythic faded because there's like a reward that you get for doing that so like look at this where is it oh did they take those out of the game it's in Legacy oh okay you can still get it but you just can't like it's not tracking [ __ ] that's so dumb it's a fee that's invisible okay so the way that we have to do this is we just have to do all the bosses then and just keep track of it so if anybody is unsure on how to do this next boss basically we want to do a lot of healing on the boss and then we want to do a lot of damage on them and the way we're going to do that is we're going to have maybe like one or two extra people go heels and also we don't want to kill the middle dick sucker until like way later on because there's some like weird mechanic that he has I figured I'd pop that um there's some like weird mechanic that he has like if he's uh like not dead or if he is if he's not dead it takes longer for the boss to summon the ads might be able to track it through this yeah I have no progress on it okay well I'm [ __ ] then 6K DPS bro like my damage has actually been like crazy today like look at this look at this guy's damage borkin is doing really well but leech is only hitting one button and he's doing better so I I feel like we just uh we just go we stay arms he's doing 42 000 DPS that's pretty good one button yeah we just hit one button that's it which dick sucker left my RAID fpv oh [ __ ] that guy was good [ __ ] okay let's probably get another Warrior that can do condemn add a shaman or a mate okay fine I'll get a mage I'll get a mage I will get a mage guys I need a mage a shame man would be okay we could take this shame man if he has experience and that way we have a heroism oh well no no we want a mage for Arcane intellect that's right is this guy good no he probably sucks is this guy good put your experience in the title or in your uh in your note I'm the one denying your name's stupid your name's stupid this guy's gear is almost this guy's worse than me this guy says I have experience with Lost Pet and a big old booty what the [ __ ] um okay we could take this guy maybe haven't even tested new rotation yeah we're not gonna do that invite leather and full big Pumper I mean if this guy get an enhanced Shaman for wind Fury okay wait why don't we get this Shaman what why don't we get this Shaman and he can go heels for Sun King and he could go DPS win Fury for the other ones he declined he canceled his application this guy's who's who's a gartha oh that's Jen okay maybe I'll invite him I don't know if he knows the fights though wow this guy has three Cutting Edge achievements that's pretty good yeah yeah we'll invite your friend over him for now that's fine tereelsia 3x boosted yeah but maybe not stop yet these loyalists indulge their avarice as they dance and feast the Jailer a masses and army to destroy the shadowlands the fools deserve their faith for believing the lies of dinathrius invaluable weapons adored these Halls yeah that's normal mode though this guy is 308 I didn't even know numbers go that high so I'm thinking we just go ahead and invite what spec are you oh wait oh this guy's a mage if we have somebody else drop we'll get an Enhancement Shaman this is the wrong way wasn't leech and Quinn's Guild yeah leech wasn't Quinn skill this is like five years ago though you can't master it yeah this game sucks so for this boss um again basically is there a DPS that can go heels because if we had more heals then uh you know I mean you know what I mean put heel meter ons okay Wang kicker can we get Wang kicker to go uh Mist Weaver this healing done yeah I'm gonna put the this on healing done so high torturer um Dario uh we don't want to kill him until the boss is like uh 45 we want to kill him in the transition because so the boss needs to get healed up to 45 percent and then uh he's gonna come down and we're gonna kill him and we're either going to pop heroism then or on the second transition down actually we should probably put it on the second transition up so maybe we do that maybe we do we pull boss we pop uh we we pull boss he comes down we fight him he goes back up we pop heroism for Healers and then we just killed the boss we need to break both Shields yeah we should be fine on DPS so hopefully we're fine on DPS everybody come on in here watch the phoenixes yeah this is a really easy fight let me ready check you just Spam CC on the birds yeah CC does as much as we can Trying to minimize their movement only priests you're ready okay let's go remember don't destroy the high torturer and make sure you guys are using your soul pedestals yeah when is the lust I'll call for it let me call for it please stop them there you go there you go kill the other ads big heels remember guys big heels Jerry you need to do more heals if we get the guys it's going to be a situation so just kill these ads I think we're gonna get them another interruption infusers stop heels right now and kill the infusers oh oh boom that's it so we have to beat that timer how do you guys feel about doing more healing so like theoretically if Jerry healed more we would still be doing the boss fight when we try and fix some talents okay Playmate groups for the pedestals well let's see damage taken Echoes oh never mind you wait once Echoes why did you only take one tick of Soul infusion ad got me okay sector walk why did you only take one tick of Soul infusion Miss click okay okay thank God all right now now we finally know okay you double click you shouldn't have double clicked okay thank you now now we finally know okay great um so infusion Celine is a tank Bob could have done more dank could have maybe done more can did you click on the soul infusion no were you supposed to it's waiting by one of the smash so it didn't kick me off but we wanted okay just try to do it earlier all right everybody's here everybody's ready let's go ahead and do it let's go boys is this Mythic yes stop them spread okay spread s do not allow them to interfere foreign we have to um we have to kill the infusers first kill the infusers everybody focus on the infusers the infusers will heal kale thoughts Target you sure it's a white it's a wipe wipe it wipe it get West get res protection now get Rose protection out let's go okay the pedestal next to me from the second was left open let's figure it out figure it out Celine if you don't have aggro on something maybe you should pick it up okay let me explain something if the soul infusers spawn it's a wipe you guys understand so if that happens it's a white period please can click the calc Essence in some melee pollen cook it yeah it's a good idea sector lock did you double click again foreign well then why didn't you get why didn't you do more you clicked and it phased do I need to play your character or can you do this why is this a problem how is it hard for you why don't you just whenever you see one that's open you just click on it why are we even having this conversation it's we can't assign people the boss phase yeah but you should have done it before then and you probably didn't demonstrate on my details uh you're right about that all right let's go do it again do bigger healing bigger damage bigger everything also don't kill this High torturer guy quite as fast okay stop them foreign listen whenever this part is over by the way this is a perfect transition um whenever this is over Pop heroism pop heroism not now not now fine I can see why that was confusing for you I should have made a better call okay get ready to spam healing spam healing spam heel you've got 15 seconds let's go remember in 10 seconds in 10 seconds we're able to uh do start doing these things again try to kill the phoenixes as much as you guys can massive dick heels if the infusers come out we need to go hard on them five percent more just push the boss push the boss okay good like a stop all right uh everybody focus on KT focus on KT get on get on kel'thos just what do you why would you okay let's go all right there it is good job excellent skill very proud of you guys okay yeah that was actually pretty good good job all right let's go do artist this year this should be a pretty easy fight we'll pop heroism on the pole we need to claim vengeance you have so much to learn wait no more personally um yeah there's like this weird I don't know what it is we're gonna try and solitak artificial or not uh somebody said that doing a lot of damage to him doesn't cause him to skip his transitions so if it doesn't cause them to skip his transitions there's no reason for us to do that you didn't look at the token oh let me go get it we pulled ads everybody come back and kill the ads did they beat kale yeah we did he does Skip if you do enough damage though yeah but somebody said that's not true so like I would trust somebody in the raid more than somebody in chat but we can try it out like why don't we just try to do damage and we'll see what happens I think that's the best idea I wonder if the other fights or the other raids are going to be this easy because this one really hasn't been that hard I mean all things considered useful okay great so I have 11 of these now I'm over halfway done he did Sepulcher earlier today on heroic yeah but like if you do it on Mythic you have less people and people try harder because they're like oh it's on Mythic let's play Let's act I'm gonna I'm gonna turn my monitor on for this content you see what I'm saying guessing after is the easiest out of the three I think it is even more because I know all the Mechanics for castlemathrium so because of that I minus Stone Age In general so I don't know that one at all uh so like I can tell people like oh yeah we should do this or do that but it's like with uh the other ones I don't really understand the mechanics that well uh we probably should go kill her never skip trash in a pug it's always a mistake okay how much health does this boss got 60 mil okay so basically what we're gonna do let's do one attempt raw and we'll see what happens okay also remember if the uh if the green boys get to you if the green boys get to you damn I need to get that um what you need to do is you need to run away because if you don't they will get you so how much is easy yeah I don't think so I remember I at least like for me I think this is like the hardest boss in here man this one's so annoying how much damage do these things do now these Brokers oh 240 million they're a thousand that that's not yeah that's a lot okay so yeah um basically we just go in and uh we're gonna tank them over there and uh we'll uh we'll do what we need to do put markers down our portal locations at least yeah sure you want to have a portal over there and you want to have a portal in the middle and you want to have a portal like right like here not middle never oh really okay let me get rid of red Dank I'm gonna give you assist if if there's something else we don't ever use a middle one okay yeah if there's anything else that I do wrong just let me know I thought that we did do that never mind okay uh I think we're pretty much good I'll do Moon suit okay I'll do triangles four three two one wonderful and you've been wanting to test these minutes on live targets watch your steps for Justin is trying to get up I got it okay okay um great try guys really great try uh let's go ahead and uh run back what's your step son yep so uh why did everybody die Extinction from the seed Thompson we have res protection don't run don't release okay don't think we got ghosts we did I had one okay so let's just do that but don't don't die we skip first ghosts did we 100 skip the first ghost because if we did we can drop viewers and DPS or sorry drop yours and maybe a tank if there's another healer that wants to go DPS let me know we can maybe try and two heal it Jerry you could DPS let's see how's your healing okay that knee is going to DPS I'm sure he'll do dozens of DPS let's see how this goes okay foreign actually dropped something I could use like these are these red boys those are really good and also if I got this chess piece I could get a tier chest piece it's like a 30 item almost higher reacts when whenever I finish the raid not sure how long that'll be probably not that long I feel like we'll clear this pretty fast everybody's here and ready let's go big dick damage okay guys big dick damage ever no chill two wonderful I have been hoping to test these minutes on live targets okay killing me towards instead clear those if you know how absolutely keep going keep going confidence watch your step son all right this is not looking good just play it out just play it out for the sake of playing it out come on this is where we'd use a stampeding roar oh I didn't see that okay you get a white protection out die together if we lost on Paul we skip ghosts did we not lust on Pole the West was late why was it late why don't we just use lust earlier and that way it's not late I wasted modes because people wanted it let's just lust early because of the timing that's fine uh you're trying to do the right thing let's see this is just like faded I don't know how this guy died I don't know what this is Bob seed seed seed seed yeah like in general one thing that we oh he got emceed dank got him seed yeah that's the way it goes okay um and yeah vedney might as well just go heels I don't think it really matters if you're DPS no I understand that lusting for the moats gives us more overall damage but we need to break we need to get through a certain break point in the fight so the damage is more important at the beginning how do I drop the seed without dying so basically what you want to do Lily is you want to pick up the seed and so you pick the seed up and then you take the seed to the portal and then the portal teleports you to the other side of the room so then as soon as you take the portal the other side of the room you're gonna have an extra action button and it's going to show you a button to drop the seed so what you want to do is you just click the button to drop the seed you moved out of the portal and move move out of the portal and then you move back in and you teleport back to the original place of the map let me know whenever you're you're good to go and if you're having trouble with it somebody else can just do it it's not a big deal are we ready yeah we also need to clear the traps true true true everyone is ready yeah Charles yeah I'm trying to do the same thing with spell reflect let's get it let's go big dick big damage fine targets towards your step I think I'm gonna make a warlock and play that in dragonfly stay away keep going this is a good attempt foreign keep going keep going keep going keep going why did everybody die why don't you guys just die there person who got the portal was trapped or something okay let's assume that won't happen again and just try it over yeah let's just assume we won't have that RNG again can we all actually if we get a repair bot everyone repair right now everyone repair even if you don't need to repair please repair there's been somebody asking for a repair every single pull so that was a good attempt it became bad when people died so we just have to do more damage and we'll be fine hmm it says roll the right class I honestly I've thought that rolling anything besides warlock has been a bad decision for about 15 years now so uh yeah let's go do it again we ready big damage guys big damage watch yourself big numbers let's go I hope this wondrous item says phase three so this is for our clips who was it what's your step the sign melee and range to Star people were confused it was assigned yeah I'll be right back foreign five four three two wonderful I have been popular test these minutes on live targets be good this is wondering phase three Kill the Boss battle res Fury oh it seems the exact same time that's really annoying all right that sucks you cannot bargain with death watch your step another one episode to die is your only value destruction is guaranteed I hate this fight by the way oh yeah I don't know why it's more torture not a game I don't I mean the other fights are fine I just don't find this boss fun there's just like 16 different things that are happening all at the same time and if one person makes one Split Second bad decision it's a wipe like it's just [ __ ] annoying and frustrating to play and it's just like not very fun it's just like super hard all right uh yeah it's the overlaps yeah let's go and just pull it so it's called Mythic yeah well I mean look at the numbers people don't like it's just not fun I don't know five let's get it done four three two wonderful I could be popping to test these planets foreign phase three watch your step I think you guys can still do it I'm not sure uh battle res somebody battle res somebody Run keep moving uh it's the the effect was the same I think that this is just like my bars are messed up where's my extra action button s where is it like why can't I don't know how to move where how do I move my extra action button watch your step absurk edit mode I think in counter bar Maybe wonderful targets extra abilities foreign it's right there I'm not seeing it oh now it's up okay okay hopefully this should work handy notes battle for Azeroth what the [ __ ] oh my God okay um I think we're all pretty much good to go hopefully this is gonna happen that was our best attempt so we just have to do more best attempts you show healing yeah there's healing are we ready let's do it just kill the boss guys four three two wonderful I have been hoping to test these minutes on live targets watch your step s thank you big dick damage let's go guys really good job really really really good job towards your step uh battle res whoever died remember to get these seeds out even if it kills you get them out Kilby's uh kill these dick suckers whatever they are help soak I'm just beat his ass Pepsi passes through me watch your step keep moving stay away than I have said resume quick it's possible yeah I get them what's your step you just get them up try to kill it try to kill it if we have a battle res just go for it Caesar just ignored yep it's a wipe get rest protection out I hate this [ __ ] time Jesus Christ is down so you don't like the dance I don't want to do a dance with 20 people or one of them takes the wrong step everybody dies it doesn't even feel like a team effort it's like everybody has to do like their own individual activity and then you get punished for other people doing theirs wrong it doesn't feel like it's a team game it's just like 20 people acting individually until somebody makes a mistake and we have to do it again I hate this fight I think it's such a [ __ ] fight it's not fun to progress on it's not fun to re-clear like I'm not going to worry right now because I think we're going to kill it but yeah I just I don't have it I it's not a fun game uh seventh law start with the Mario activity yeah that's annoying I'm gonna do heroic instead of Mythic because Mythic drops better year hard fire goes bad fight no that's not what I'm saying there's a lot of hard fights like I think sledgefest is a great example of a hard fight that's a good fight same as like pain Smith I think Payne Smith is [ __ ] awesome but this fight's just not it's not fun to do let's hope we'll kill it and uh then we won't have to do it anymore condensed Macabre next yeah that one's a lot easier it's a hard fight for all the wrong motives yeah all right well get the Buffs up let's get it done battle sense oh my God wait did I not have Battle Stance on the last fight oh my gosh oh [ __ ] all right well let's get this done doesn't even matter until it doesn't but it's all right all right everybody's here we can start whenever you guys are ready foreign Star Wars it's unfortunate that I used that that was my get out of jail free card I shouldn't have had to do that phase three great job kill Wang uh kill Wayne Wang whatever the [ __ ] foreign absolutely it makes God's trampled watch yourself who else keep moving it's another wipe let's run back and do it again foreign foreign foreign get your Buffs let's do this again let's go foreign 's ready let's go just pull it again until we get it four wonderful let's go away from lions is killing I hope this wondrous item is three foreign Bloom their damage is really low um res anybody that has high damage don't rest yours this is the hard one it's fine stay away from lions all right this is where we do big damage guys this is where the boss dies let's go pump damage good job remember as the seeds go out again we have to kill them like we can't just skip things I mean moved I'm sorry you know what kill it kill it what's your step [ __ ] god this exchange has no further value consider our business uh let's do uh the Council of blood somebody gets the offhand I could use the shield yeah I could definitely use the shield you see what I got him that's just I hate this fight I'm just glad it's over Tanger res foreign we got one of those hopefully I get one of the apogee anima beads too that way I can get ready to play prawn nice I got one great [ __ ] yeah that's a 304 offhand prod's broken as [ __ ] asmon broken in which way they're the new blood DK so that's good they legit don't die okay I'll try it out yeah I'll play prop in a little while I need to get a weapon though if we get a one-handed weapon uh we get it actually off this boss so hopefully we get one cam models let's go down here guys uh somebody left the raid let's get somebody else we'll do at least like maybe this boss and like maybe do sludge this too and then we'll do the last two tomorrow that's kind of what I'm thinking uh we'll we'll do that and then we'll start working on Sanctum why sanctum I think should be at least it'll be more fun I just I I hate that boss so much it's like literally the least fun boss in the entire game of the wait stop okay uh did did A Healer actually yeah yeah air Bloom left okay uh we'll probably just get swordfish I'm assuming who who's our other who is our other lever let me just see who it was yeah who else left oh leech had to go okay so we just replaced Swordfish with leech that's easy okay yeah easy and uh we'll take another healer I'd like to have four healers for this I think it'll just make it a lot easier I think we're just gonna invite the monk healer and we're going to invite the DK and just be done with this okay so what's the order that we're doing yeah what's the order NSF and sfw okay yes okay so we kill can we break for five uh yeah yeah I mean like we're probably gonna break for five anyway FSN okay okay let's get it let's go boys come on looking for the rain oh for sure jayberry yeah for sure bro five four three two one Blended run while you still at charging move charging together charging res lawyer zulban revs them after this for the dance macaw yeah res one of them after this right right see me right this should be a enough your gyration thickened me foreign guys come on come on let's go here good well come on man look at this one why is Jerry dead charging why is the only priest dead okay why are you guys dying deaths Dark recital by Loy you have to move out with that um zulbane I'm assuming since you don't actually have something you uh you died to the space bar thing right like you didn't press spacebar whenever it said depressed space bar right me and Lloyd were tied together but yes jumps yeah it doesn't matter because that didn't kill you okay so you didn't jump uh Jerry died to dark recital only priests didn't jump foreign again let's go get your food Buffs let's do this again here we go five five everyone find your partner podcast Reza aeon after this actually resm now resm now before the uh the event collabs special coming also remember uh that we're gonna have the SE um uh we're gonna have the attendant right fronts forward Boogie Down enough your duration sickened me I thought I told you guys to kill the attendant okay let's go charging me really good really good Soul shape there that was [ __ ] legit man nice job charging did I not do the jump charging uh just res me whenever it comes up no I didn't get it okay um that was really stupid okay uh let's see just just get on Stavros battle res me whenever you guys can I don't think so yeah keep it up boys let's go try not to take damage stay away from them charging stay away from them come on Tyrese res Tyresa me one man on b-rest we can do it we can do it just keep it up just keep big heels on Celine okay at the end of this we're gonna pop heroism okay yeah we're gonna lust out of this and just like also just completely deep dick this massive [ __ ] damage all right as I left as I left and your steps was Simply Delicious pity you have to run get his ass get his ass uh make sure we get that reconfiguration too it's reconfiguring attendant don't let it reconfigure us the job charging move ment if anybody's thinking about dying just don't do it uh Jerry's dead we still need to get us three okay all right he's up we're down one Healer we're down one Healer try to bring him on uh you know like try to kill these some of these ads too so they don't overwhelm us yeah keep them together that's really good there you go really good movement there we've got the big boy uh make sure to kill the big boy remember we can kill the second big boy during the uh during the dance attendant get the attendant kill the attendant if you're attacking the boss right now you are double wrong like there's like it's impressive how wrong you are if you're attacking the boss right now passive heels let's go killads after this attendant we have to push the boss ignore the next ad ore the next ad after we have this pull him on top of yeah there you go good job grip these guys in as much as you can ignore this ad until the dance macov you have to kill this attendant stay alive if we have 10 people alive leaving this uh this area we're good got it killed a stone guard if we have a res just res any DPS you can res me or anybody foreign attendance up after this okay yeah so keep in mind you're gonna have to kill the attendant first uh cleave down the first ad uh depending on whenever it spawns and then burn down the boss yeah just focus boss maybe it depends on whenever it spawns get the attendance good job long dick remember we have a reconfigurer just try to cleave down that guy probably don't focus them attendant the fight's a lot longer than it seems I kill this Stone guard kill this Stone guard and it's a Kill the stone guard let's see what happens you guys have to ignore the next ad you have to ignore it burn down the boss killads foreign it's a white we can't kill it it's a wipe um well I obviously [ __ ] up uh who else [ __ ] up let's see uh aeon [ __ ] up uh Tyresa [ __ ] up yeah pretty much everybody just died to the jump like I we had we lost five people to the jump I mean that that's it's just [ __ ] bad like I don't know what else to say it's really bad that we we had that happen I mean also like I [ __ ] up too so it's not like I'm special I I can't believe I died to that so let's go she was so hard on her yeah it is chaotic for a second there and I forgot yeah I did the same thing but it doesn't matter there's a [ __ ] up anyway uh let's go do you have the weak or for jump no I don't foreign give me one second let me turn on my week for us okay can you link it again okay it should be on yep let's go foreign thank you guys come on get on the ball charging you good job really good job guys just do that four more times right down right enough your direction relax make sure to interrupt the reconfigure don't do any battle raises right now Ron Stavros after this keep that in mind long dicks boys let's go charging more everyone watch your steps I'm just gonna stay out with this lunch I don't want to take a risk if he does it again I'm going to uh oh I wasted my thing where's the uh where's the attendant oh it's over here okay where the [ __ ] is he Jesus Christ guys come on okay battle res uh battle res on anything poor swordfish whichever one charging me what was that that I died to oh reconfiguration I see um I don't know if we can still do this one or not Poland this time dumb bull Heroes save for Nicholas okay Boogie Down wow Boogie Down transformed all right battle resident of the DPS that we can delicious everyone yeah just battle res charging Moon thank you charging move it's a wipe everybody wipe just die just die just die just die charging We're not gonna do it with seven DPS dead let's go foreign they uh needs to do the jump uh that's how you died only priests I think same thing died to the jump uh Jerry evasive lunge um yeah there's no reason for you to be in melee I don't know why you're getting hit by that all right let's go I'm gonna need to repair after this one okay uh dank waiting on dank and Jerry everyone's ready let's go pull the boss let's do it tonight everyone charging me battle okay yep yep just get them up that's not even don't even think about it let's go we don't have a battle res though so pay attention I'm attacking the wrong target like an idiot special coming Intruders okay take your places no they'll be dead already uh he didn't jump down right fronts forward Boogie Down to say let enough your duration sickened me okay let's do it charging move everyone please find your partners oh God charging move I died today so the weak Aura doesn't work it's my no it's my fault but like I I just just get on Stavros get on Stavros charging let me see was it not there wait did I not see it for some reason and Killers charging move let's let me see swipe just run back just run back charging foreign yeah it was okay um I need to make it bigger okay I'll see that okay um Jerry do the same thing let's get this done uh as soon as everybody gets here we're gonna pull it so you will see that yep oh we have a repair bot do we I don't think we have one no repairs on the All-Star oh I didn't see a okay all right can we go now let's go foreign charging uh don't battle us Jerry special coming Intruders take your places for the dance macabre we can do it with one Healer down I mean really it's not a big deal right front forward down Jerry I don't care it doesn't matter uh you just should have downloaded the week or something right like I died to the jump twice right and it's not it's it's no more excusable for me to die to it than you but the difference is that I did something to improve that and you've died to it a bunch you have to you have to solve the problem charging [ __ ] lunch I don't know what I can do against that like am I doing something wrong like charging me positioning I mean like yeah nobody else is dead to this but I am saying towards the center yeah I don't understand how this is supposed to work because like the way that we used to always do it is we tanked this guy far away from everybody else so like he'd be like over here or something so like I don't really know like how it's supposed to work tonight res Celine wrestling charging me we have to rest the tank okay no shot all right let's give it one more attempt if we don't kill it on this next attempt I'm gonna call the raid I'll wipe it up uh get Battle res is up it's over it's obviously over just stop yeah I will come back we'll do it tomorrow but like yeah let's just let's give it one one good last attempt let's go oh God look I it doesn't matter like just get the weak Aura nobody should be dying to this jump you in Versace sits in the direction the tank is facing so don't be opposite of him uh okay oh my God can't play without add-ons no I mean there's like there's like 50 things happening at the same time of course you want add-ons so you can focus on the other stuff man like the game's unplayable without add-ons there's like seven different mechanics that are happening simultaneously it's just exhausting man like [ __ ] I just want this to be done get your food buff let's go hmm foreign we're all here let's go five four three two one you were not on the guest list charging move battle res on anything battle Runs The Druids special coming intruder pick your places I say let Boogie Down right trance forward right fronts forward okay everybody is alive keep that in mind everybody is alive keep it up foreign just stay focused guys come on am I lagging or something yeah I am hey everyone kill that charging me charging me push them let's go special coming time for the dance transformed see me right okay don't res anybody now just do big damage as much as you guys can and we'll pop hero whenever uh it's the the last guy this was Simply Delicious pity you have to die charging move relax watch your stuff charging what okay thank God all right get the last one let's go pop hero pop hero pop hero pop hero pop hero kill the first dad cleave down the second sure we get these interrupts out batter as swordfish a rally ignore the next ad push the boss I'm lagging or some [ __ ] [ __ ] just kill him during the transition just dot Em Up Jimmy right Boogie Down France forward that's forward Boogie Down stop this good job big dick long enough uh ignore the ad s ignore it ignore it just kill the boss [ __ ] lag man holy [ __ ] oh nice diet the item drop yeah if somebody doesn't need that I definitely need that [ __ ] item my people have fallen okay let's see what's this strength uh I don't think I'm probably gonna use this like [ __ ] God I almost hit 100K condemned did you guys see that oh I did 130k that's insane search One Shot easy swordfish if you don't need the anima thing I could take it yeah I'd like to call it here so the reason why is so we can next time we can have an easy pass before we start doing Stone Legion generals I I think ideally we call it here and we uh some General's easy too yeah I don't know about that do you need the item what time tomorrow um I don't know probably like 10. something like that I I think 10 would probably be good like 10 to 11 P.M we can just come back and do that yeah we had a great run guys 10 Central yeah somewhere around there and I'll give people um I'll I'll reinvite everybody um even you Jerry and uh you know we'll give everybody their their chance okay
Channel: Asmongold Gaming
Views: 275,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Asmongold classic wow wotlk, asmongold classic, classic wow, vod, asmongold vod, full vod, asmongold retail wow, asmongold mythic sanctum, asmongold raid, shadowlands raid, dragonflight, wow dragonflight, dragonflight changes, anduin raid, sepulcher raid, dragonflight raid, asmongold dragonflight
Id: TC7ZW-ojMrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 13sec (11173 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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