Sodapoppin Makes Us Uncomfortable

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[Music] back at it again gentlemen welcome back to another episode of steak and eggs and today I'm joined not only by Tech tone and emeru but also by one of the longest streamers on twitch.television sodapoppin hey oh soda's here very excited I'm our first guest oh am I actually the first guest yes you didn't have a guest last week yeah it's a lot of pressure huh no I'm comfortable I know you guys I've we've talked about you know how the podcast is done and from what I've gathered it's like it whatever the [ __ ] you want to talk about yeah we scripted everything ahead of time whatever the [ __ ] you want to talk about for the most part have you ever done a podcast before yeah I've done some uh I definitely I've done some podcasts and most of the ones I've been on it's been like every 10 minutes it's like hey guys ad break this and that and this and talk about that and I'm always just right oh yeah best PCS in the universe guys okay yeah what were you saying mine was during the [ __ ] um it was like the I think it was the cash out there where like every 10 cash app and go through like five more minutes cash app and it's just and there's no chat interaction because everybody's posting their cash up and then after you say after you tell them all right guys it's over they still keep doing it because they're like well you know I need this money I gotta keep typing it it's hard to see them as humans yeah sometimes you know it really but they're not a lot of them are not you're right but it's truth be told most of them for being realistic are and it's hard to Fathom that that is a human being behind the screen think about it and you are 14 years old and you have a cash app account and there's a chance that you will win the thousand dollars like if you are 14 a thousand dollars will change your life you can buy the planet buy whatever the [ __ ] you want I mean it it is actually crazy like because I remember I remember I was so excited for my birthdays I would get like 20 bills I remember looking in my wallet seeing like 2 200 I'd be like I can almost I can buy two video games like the what you can do with 200 now you give me 200 bucks I'm like I guess I guess I have a lot of money that's just getting old yeah it's like bills with 200 you can pay for 30 minutes extra in rate Shadow Legends that's a lot of time it's actually funny I have a bunch of buddies who are addicted to VR chat and I could not get them to quit whatsoever so I was just like bro if you quit for a month I'll give you 50 bucks how can you be addicted to VR chats first of all some of them quit thank God yeah I just don't know what you can do in VR chat that's what I tell them I don't understand they sit there I've known people that will just be there like 12 hours a day yep they just they literally live in there it's freaky bro I think that's so cool I can't wait for it to happen more I I think it's gonna be great are you gonna be doing that [ __ ] I hope so and so like yeah I remember I was watching this video have you all seen the like the AI photo realistic drawings yes oh my God it is amazing and I was telling people you know born too late to explore the world born too early to explore the universe born just in time to make photorealistic AI cat girls perfect I've gone to some like VR orgies here and there oh yeah they're like those don't last that long and then outside of that all you really have to do is one get way too hammered to like exist which will sign you out of VR or I don't play golf maybe with some friends I don't get it now I understand how you can know life Wow for example because it's a game but in VR what the [ __ ] are you doing isn't that kind of the same thing as GTA RP because I know you did a lot of that back in the day well that's me there's that's somewhat of a video game okay right in VR like you're not [ __ ] well you are [ __ ] but like but like you're more so just talking to people like that not role-playing it's not a game oh I know I remember that's what people want right they like want to be the person and socialize absolutely I was watching you in VR chat and it was like nanners and another like VR girl that were like getting it on with each other at like this but not really but like boarding with each other and then on Rob's stream yes and so I was I was watching it and I was like wow this is actually kind of hot right like I was getting into it all right this is great and then out of [ __ ] nowhere I see I hear off camera lakari hey guys hey hey where are you oh wow hey what's up guys how you doing and he immediately ruined the entire thing so yeah I understand why VR chat is great of course let me tell you why it's really bad okay so I did VR chat keep in mind your idea of really bad is probably my idea of really good okay well let me I'm gonna I'm gonna change that so I did a subathon for 42 days about a year back uh in VR chat did the whole shebang I immersed myself I slept in VR I did I did some weird [ __ ] in VR I'll just say it yeah uh but when you go to people who live in VR and you you hang out with them VR then you hang out with them in real life it's a different experience because there are some people who like get that it's like a different world and then there are other people who just think it's just real life oh really yeah and so then they'll still do the same things like what like like I'm going to move my hand towards your face yeah okay so I well I'm not gonna do it that's so weird he's he's right there's a lot of people like I I've met a lot of VR Chatters and they're just some of them are just off like Rob has to so Rob does these lobbies he has to basically gatekeep 95 of the people that want to hang out because they're just all just wrong what do they do are there like examples socially inept what do you think people in VR chat do I don't like I assume that they're just like they just don't know how to the worst thing I think could happen that's what they're doing yeah okay yeah all right it's pretty bad VR chat is unhealthy I don't know how the hell did you get Phantom sense yeah you were in VR for that long here's the thing so here's my promise because I thought it was [ __ ] but the problem is I I got is that like Spider Sense or what yeah so pretty much okay so not every time but sometimes when somebody would like move their hands on my face I would feel it because my brain would trigger the response like I was about to feel it that's awesome it was but it was also it was weird so does it work like in other ways too if like sexually yeah yes yes that's what they claim okay I don't have well some people have something down but I get Phantom sense sometimes but not to the point where like wow I'm gonna come like that doesn't happen Okay makes sense I don't know I'm gonna have to look into this I ordered a VR chat headset and uh I think somebody stole it off my porch or something I'm not sure never shows up yeah it was a thousand dollars just to delete it uh the steam one the index one well it's the only good one and it it's gone oh I I think that more and more games the thing is like if you guys have ever seen any of the VR games like so have you ever actually played any of the VR games yeah how are they motion sickness yeah yeah they suck they're not good no the VR is trash in every single way why well one you have to get completely set up which is awful not fun don't enjoy doing that now you're finally set up yeah let's just uh I mean for me like one my face is gonna start hurting I'm gonna start sweating yeah there's different face masks you can buy DLCs to your index to make it better um then you have to charge everything now you have to move now I'm [ __ ] tired and it's just it's exhausting and then walking around you're constantly hitting the border of your place it's just a million things that are just annoying and there's limited amount of things you can actually do a keyboard and mouse like what you can actually do with the keyboard mouse is crazy compared to VR where you're just your boring hands I totally agree I think that we need a neural Link in order for it to actually be popular a hundred percent like have y'all seen the people that are playing Elden ring with their mind what what I'm talking not even [ __ ] kidding you no I've not seen that what the [ __ ] I didn't believe it either they are actually able to play Elden ring with their mind by imagining certain things and then training a computer to detect different brain uh waves and then by doing that the brain waves tell the computer to input something in Elven ring what where where how I heard of this is anybody streaming that uh I watched a video on it that is the coolest [ __ ] they like explain like what do they think like forward and goes forward uh I I think that it depends and it's actually not a one-to-one ratio and it's like sometimes they'll think of like a wave rushing over in order to do like an overhanded attack right yeah well I think about how good that is compared to how good it was five years ago it's like in 10 years I'm gonna be playing every game with my mind it's going to be [ __ ] great yeah that's actually so sick yeah I mean that's that's the technology we're in right now it's just going we're going up you know oh yeah I will say it's talking about the VR uh the only thing it does write is horror horror games in a VR headset that's true it's it's terrifying okay I could never do that is this the clip so yeah playing it with their brain yeah oh my God uh yeah yeah I think that's the one so she is a streamer yeah yeah I watched it on YouTube but I guess she wasn't streamer but listen look at the top right she's got a sub goal of doing VR horror that is how that is how it's funny that is she's able to [ __ ] play Eldon ring with her brain but you know what the challenge is VR that's like that with your brain it's so uh no just in general is she like wearing something on her head like I'm still so good uh yeah I think so and it's like a reader and yeah I like can't see from here yeah it like measures different types of like brain was that Jake lucky just randomly showed up in there I don't know what that oh yeah she is wearing something yeah yeah see and so it's like different neural sensors you know the next step might be like the big VR mask with those neurosancers like on the mask as well because the thing comes as one big package yep it'll be Wireless too because like I didn't like the Wii because like I don't play video games to move yeah like I don't like that's the like this is the it doesn't even make sense like why am I it's like I like diet soda like why would you drink dried it sort of just drink water like I play video games because I want to sit there in my chair and do nothing except for do this with my hands you know yeah and then the Wii it's like you've got to go Oh in order to make link use his sword you have to go like this it's like I don't want to do that it's gonna my arm's gonna get have you ever played DDR yeah I did see see that's that's good what that is the better arrow keys that's the better one okay I played with arrow keys too but with your feet it's fun yeah but then it's like I that was harder okay yeah it is and then it's hard to play again because now you're tired yeah it's true yeah I think my experience with the DDR is when I play for I played two songs and then I'm done for the rest of the week bro is that just on my place oh you're Evie's actually a freaking DVR yeah I love DDR like I have so much fun playing DDR that I don't realize I'm tired until like four songs later wow and then I'm just like dead it's a good workout yeah it's good we might be 60 years old we will be the old [ __ ] in the world and every every the young generation of gaming will have neural linked vrs it can be fit as [ __ ] that might be our future I think Gaming's dead that might yeah you might be right you think it's dead it's over never die yeah because when was the last time we got a new genre named 70 000 people who read okay well nobody reads man come on I mean yeah gaming isn't gonna die but it is dying on Twitch do you really think so I absolutely it is why do you think it's happening because currently the top streamers on Twitch are they are not they do not play video games at all um because video games don't get as many views and so everyone coming to Twitch is going to I mean it's like a new game releases everyone's going to click the number one streamer in that section right so twitch as a whole everyone's going to click the number one streamer on that platform the top five streamers on the platform pretty much always will not be playing a game unless it's some special event and so everyone's getting funneled through that and it's gaming is just not it's the background at this point so you think you think that it's happening because of a negative feedback loop that constantly rewards people who aren't making gaming content by aggregating their content above gaming content yeah too many big words and what you just but you know what I mean yeah I get what you mean somewhat yeah yeah sure yeah I mean and that's just how it's gonna it's funny because twitch is actually a website that came from Justin because Justin was becoming too much of a Gaming website like let's just make a whole other platform specifically for just gaming and now the gaming is the background on Twitch and it's once again it's just chatting yeah that's what you said when you play World of Warcraft that is just chatting but with like laser beams and stuff like just chatting with buttons yeah with buttons but people call my stream oh yeah that was like for birthstone too huh yeah yeah but that was for gungeon as well I mean I mean she would be told like watching games can be pretty damn boring sometimes is the truth but it's like it's just how it is I I also think that the way that people stream video games on Twitch that's good for twitch viewership isn't good for YouTube viewership and I think that's like another big issue is that people keep chasing twitch numbers and in doing so what chases twitch numbers is dragging out content but what gets YouTube viewership is having short bursts of very entertaining content with kind of lulls in between I think that rust videos are like the best example of that how rust is extremely popular on YouTube it has like millions and millions and millions of views but on Twitch comparatively it's much smaller yeah yeah you're right because there's so many boring moments in between the good moments well it's like yeah these guys made just mad so we waited outside their base for eight hours and then there's a cut yeah and it's eight hours later you don't have to sit there skip to the good part right exactly yeah I mean and also with the rest you can't really stream doing any of that because the stream will just ruin it oh yeah trying to like do cool things like where you actually have to plan something out and get the other person's informed it's all ruined things like that then you get a bunch of fake interactions too it sucks you can't stream that kind of stuff but that's just how it goes oh yeah like rping is a big streamer that actually makes me really annoyed because like RP servers like for gtarp become less about like actually doing RP and more about like pandering to bigger streamers and just trying to like be like there was what was like did you did gtrp for a pretty long time yeah I did we're like police officers would go in like arrest bigger streamers that way their stream would have to watch their interactions and that way they can get more exposure rather than actually folks in the airplane I don't think in my opinion with GTR I don't think anyone okay some actually were they straight just went out of their way just to snipe yeah did that that absolutely went on but I think it was more like subconscious where let's just say let's say I'm being detained right and the cop is detaining me I'm one of the bigger streamers so that cop is like well this was any other a person they would just let me go but they do drag it on and they probably don't even admit to themselves that they're doing it because they're interacting with the bigger stream right yeah and so and then as the bigger streamer the you start picking up on these things that you are treated a little differently and sometimes it's great sometimes you get a job in this game as a GTA or whatever the hell but um most of the time you're just like [ __ ] this is annoying yeah I mean I ran a burger joint and I was receiving so many job applications so many more than I should be receiving Burger Shot yeah um and then of course people are trying to blow up my building every other every hour pretty much right um so and eventually I'm like okay yeah and everyone knows that this is going it's just how it's gonna go I don't know yeah people are weird with games and I think that's another thing you're right is that like whenever you're streaming an online game it's hard to do it because there's so many people that are trying to be [ __ ] annoying like you know you're streaming classic wow there's people being [ __ ] annoying rust people being annoying gtrp people annoying and it's like all of those things make the experience I think it's like a very short-term high and then it just goes down very very fast and it's like you can't really turn it off so it Narrows down the type of like gaming content you can do on Twitch and have it be like actually entertaining dude fortnite did fortnite tried to turn it off there's these two emotes called the L dance oh yeah and the donkey laugh yeah right and they're the most toxic things ever and uh they they removed them from the game right they did yeah I didn't hear about it yeah so if you if you don't already have them you can't ever get them again because they're trying to reduce the amount of toxic Behavior but like that's the reason why people play Shooters man you kill somebody and you dance on their body it's the best air move slash spit from wow what wait you heard about like uh what they added League new pings there's one that like looks kind of like a noose it's a hook like for bait yeah but people I've only seen people use it when they're mad at someone they'll spam the hook on them like on their own yeah yeah find yourself now it's so I've never seen anyone actually use it to be like hey bait bait right now yeah wait is the spit because of the storm out I think it was like yes it was in my opinion maybe this is just delusions of grand oh you're right but I think it's because of the storm out thing yeah absolutely because you did a thing where like if somebody had a storm out you would slash spit on them right the funny thing about it is it wasn't even me it was McConnell McConnell was the one that invented this whole thing everybody blamed it on me and it's like yeah I agreed with him I was like yeah do this but like don't tell me I invented this I didn't it was just McConnell's idea and I pushed it the thing is so I played wow with Viki she never played what she's played every MMO yeah and um she loved that mount I told her I was like you understand if you use this Mount people will well they can't but they would spit on you right constantly she loved that and Vicky is baby right yeah yes that's a girlfriend sorry yeah baby my vtuber girlfriend I don't I mean I don't care you like YouTubers no yeah no I'm not the biggest fan of YouTubers are fine I mean at the end of the day it's fine dude do what you gotta do what you think I would like you to go on record and I would like you to say right now who introduced you to Baby sorta get it I mean yeah I was you you oh my God it was on what the [ __ ] were we doing we did a game show we did uh what was it island of uh island of riches oh yeah that's where you met yeah I thought you guys met like gaming or something you know what's crazy well I even paired them up because I thought they would like each other what that's right [ __ ] dude yeah so yeah we met on that and then we went on Rob's vrs back to VR Rob's game show and I mean we were we were both flirting pretty hard yeah um you got Rose no but she does um I picked up I I can tell what's going on um and she knew it was going on and then you know we were subtle and then it was kind of like let's hang out let's [ __ ] hang out again and then we went to Rob's New Year's party which is like off stream um a lot of nudity this is in VR in VR yeah so we went there and we both kind of knew that you know there was something going on but it's when you first meet someone right or start talking and then we go in and a lot of flirting both got hammered started dating the next day there it is we asked out who I did hey my man I'm proud of you dog thanks homie that's awesome yeah she was like really like that fast I'm like yeah I started dating the next day that's sick yes I don't [ __ ] around either right when you know you know yeah it was it was one of those so it was it was good um and now we're moving in together so things are things are actually pretty solid um [ __ ] vtubers that's awesome I don't know I don't know they're great yeah I'm a big YouTuber guy I love those people we know yeah I don't think there's a YouTuber that you don't know yeah no I try to make sure that I go out and I try to know all of them at least because the cool thing about feeders is I don't do it for a reason gotta catch them all exactly they're like Pokemon yeah like they all do it for a reason I like knowing like why do you not just do face cam I mean like these cool stories about like you know you know they're like in a hospital and they can't do it oh is that is that common right yeah I would have thought that Hermosa was just like they just wanted to like they just thought it was cool yeah that too are like oh I don't feel like wearing makeup so I'll be a dog girl on the internet that's what I always thought to be honest I mean it is I mean like from what I've gathered it's like it does I've done v-tubing like kind of ironically yeah it's ironic I thought you liked it that's my problem [ __ ] no that thing sucked using it like I mean from a girl's perspective it's nice you don't have to like [ __ ] do your makeup do like you don't have to get ready right but from my perspective I don't do that stuff already and I go on and now I'm sitting here I [ __ ] put like you have to actually over amplify every facial gesture yeah do you want to smile yeah like it's absurd and just to make the [ __ ] stupid thing pick it up and you got the it's just a massive hassle dude watching YouTubers do their thing in real life have you seen that so many times oh God it is the dumbest I'll be honest I'm surprised they let you I would be insecure I'll say it it's crunch like everything they have to like really like dang yeah I mean like the Technology's gotten better so it's not like not as bad but at the same time it is that sounds annoying there's there was okay there was times when I was using it where I would just like have my resting normal face and then now I've got resting [ __ ] face on my vtuber yeah and but I'm in a good mood so I have to the worst this [ __ ] smile the whole time yeah so it's just that's kind of how you have to do it I had no idea it was like that yeah that sucks holy yeah and that's if so it was it was more exhausting being a YouTuber than sitting there actually on a camera then again I don't put any effort in in the first place but just I I can recognize the effort that gets put into that kind of thing oh yeah the universe get it rougher I feel like because like At first like when I saw YouTubers I was like that seems so much easier like you know you just have like a model you don't have to like put yourself out there but there's that which I didn't know about and then V tubers also get like the biggest weirdos apparently oh yeah the biggest like viewers because you filter them out right and so like anybody who's gonna sit there and watch an anime girl for like six hours a day I mean this is gonna be like if you take the average of these people versus the average of the people that just watch normal streams you're gonna get more weirdos in this category that's just how it is that's fair yeah I mean there's a lot of mental illness ziki actually um oh I I read threads about this stuff all the time and like these crazy posts I love this I love reading their unhinged rants like you know eight paragraph posts on like 4chan that's gonna get deleted in like [ __ ] one hour okay really yeah I look yeah I don't know how to bro I open him like the [ __ ] do I I just get annoyed and close it oh I love I love reading the things I think they're hilarious from what I've heard it's it is the mentally ill like worst of all of it you know what's crazy that's how I discovered YouTubers I was in high school and I went on 4chan forward slash B yeah and I found uh Nanos that was the first YouTuber I ever watched she's been around about that long yeah but she did I don't know she likes people but she used to do like rap songs and [ __ ] oh I thought everyone knew that she did like song covers and [ __ ] yeah they're good though like I still see people use them for like a tick tock and stuff yeah Nana's is the goat yeah that's crazy I had no idea she had done it for that long so she had music for a long time I thought v-tubing just started to happen in like 2006 oh like she like got her start yeah off that and then she like transitioned into a B2 okay okay that makes sense youtubing's [ __ ] weird I think my favorite thing is when people go into YouTubers chats and they say wow you look so beautiful today and I'm like bro they look the same as yesterday brother like that's something I would say is like a joke yeah exactly but I know that some of them are being serious the problem is it's not some it's like a lot of them I know there's that many that it's like you damn well know in this [ __ ] herd of whatever the [ __ ] this is there are some [ __ ] but but I think there's a big difference in like liking V tubing and thinking that it's cool versus like being like actually I only watch YouTubers because they're my queens and they all look very beautiful like like identifying as a YouTuber Community member there's a big difference come on guys I mean well that weird they're proud to be simps that's one thing that I think is very different with financial slaves have you ever seen those fandom yep or is that what they're called I think well it's one a pay Pig Yeah pigs yeah God there's so many those are just common in general not just it's crazy that blows my mind oh yeah there's so many of them like I've gotten I have had the pleasure to look at at least five different like girl streamers email they just shown me just like at conventions like look at that [ __ ] freak I'm like oh my God and I look at it and they just get email after email of guys that just want to be Financial slaves and the thing is that what the guy's email about is complaining that These Girls Aren't asking for more so to explain what they are there are guys that get off on being financially drained to the point where they are struggling in life right from someone that is demanding money from them specifically a girl yeah and there's tons of them that's badass like a divorce simulator these guys are like complaining they're like or the yeah like you don't ask for enough from me I'm not struggling enough are you kidding me what the [ __ ] that blows my mind it's not because I'll have like Vita buddies and they'll have like you know maybe like four or 500 like concurrent viewer accounts yeah and I'll see their sub count of like you know two 3K and I'm like okay man they have a lot of subs and then I see their top gifters and I'm not even kidding this is like 1K that's not that's that's lowballing there's like I've played Youtubers with like 4K one guy 4 500 Subs in the span of two months and I'm like bro what are you doing it's insane you know those insane Razer oh yeah did you ever do your unboxing of the Razer laptop no I haven't done mine and I I need to do it like one of these days I actually need to do it because I want to use the laptop and I I want to unbox it on Stream So This Christmas so okay so I'm supposed to do an unboxing for razor they want me to do like a community art thing right where you know everyone designs this laptop and then we give it away right it's a cool little fun thing for you to the community that's they like doing and also razor placement right um and I was supposed to do that and I was gonna give the laptop to my brother for Christmas because I already have one yeah right but the laptop never showed up so I just gave my brother my laptop until they give me the laptop to unbox I will not have one I thought that I get I thought that they gave me one and then they gave me another one and then I gave you my old one we got late Razer laptops going everywhere yeah because no [ __ ] clue with this there's like four Razer laptops in my house and I just like use all of them and I'm like which [ __ ] one has this thing on it like I just can't these are some serious first world problems yeah yeah as if somebody raise their laptop yeah where did I save my information I have so many different laptops which one yeah I got a message earlier that said Razer wanted uh somebody to do something for them yeah uh I'm the guy I'll do it right and uh you know what they do they send me a uh razor Kraken Kitty headset and they make me do a kitty dance oh wow oh how cute you already did it oh you already did it I did it at the game day with Nick which by the way that was such a good event yeah it was solid um I am still in [ __ ] pain so am I mean you're the only other one who [ __ ] ran you were goalie so I don't want to hear [ __ ] from you and you're the only one that was on the field running are you sore she was no I was I was on there for like three minutes yeah they brought her on so she could just were you online with the other other team that's right I don't even know I dude I was on defense so I was never on the other side yeah but you understand goalie is hard bro they were kicking balls okay I unders not that much not that much and also like you're not running up and down the field repeatedly did you not see what I did the night before you play I didn't watch you went to Town and Country and you played soccer yeah you're I brought 12 people and we were doing suicides like we were running like we were sprinting like we were we were going that's that's fair but like when you're sitting there on fourth quarter or whatever the hell is that why are you let the balls go through because you were tired Nick is insane okay Nick Nick was Nick was owning out there and it was I never played soccer so one sport I never played that's popular I'm gonna just say it okay when your Defenders are wrestling at me it's hard out there I'm just not built for sports man I'm sorry every time the ball came at me I was like get that [ __ ] away from me like it usually ended up going to that are your lucky Miz was on our team all right doubly scary videos I mean the problem is um Miz had that one goal that he got and from there I want to be on offense we won that game on defense yeah we absolutely won it on deep and Miz was great defender but then stopped defending yep and that was where we won the game wasn't getting on camera enough yeah true let's refer to him by his proper title the arm collector oh yeah true I actually um Rob is home so Rob shattered his elbow in three places yep um Miz felt terrible um for that it's one of those you ever like play a sport and you accidentally heard someone you feel so bad and you just keep apology he felt terrible but he [ __ ] him up um Rob shattered his elbow in three places just got done getting surgery couldn't get surgery the day before because his blood pressure was too high uh he was he was messing me pictures randomly bleeding and [ __ ] it was yeah this is so sad hopefully something if I get the subs is he good now or what I mean is as good as you can be after getting surgery and just kidding yeah well I'll just say it elbow elbow issues yeah it's gonna be a proper life yep joint issues it's gonna hurt for pretty much forever yeah which blows ass it sucks oh my God it's not badass it's not bad I've never broken a bone before as far as I know I think this this could be a little bit messed up but I never got an x-ray on it so I'm not sure I [Music] we've never broken about all three of us not really no man this might be dislocated or something but no no yeah I busted my head open I broke my arm I stabbed myself in my eye why oh I was a little kid oh it is one of this yeah like I was opening a Swiss army knife with my teeth and then the blade just flew out yeah and then uh this one kid flying jump and he striked me in the John and broke my tooth I actually had a friend of mine do that to another friend of mine [ __ ] flying karate kick kicked the saw horse like a oh two by four sawhorse right into my friend's mouth knocked this [ __ ] tooth out [ __ ] crazy just watching it happen I think the craziest thing I ever broke on somebody else was I I tore a tour guide's nut sack open why so we were because we're all downstairs in my house and we were rping a Naruto fight yeah right and he he was portraying Rockaway and I was Naruto because I'm the main character yeah and then I pushed him uh right uh I probably called it like some like almighty push that plane does yeah uh and then he bumps into his little brother and his little brother was on the laundry machine yeah the corner of the laundry machine just hit it at the right angle and just tore that [ __ ] open oh God so I got an assist on that huge yeah you're taking out a guy's ballsack that's a quote I think the worst injury I've ever gotten if I have to think about it I've never broken a bone I've had that wind knocked out of me I flew into a cactus that was beautiful what happened there I was hiking and I just slipped and I slid down this mountain and I just went right into a cactus I have a nasty scar cause I ran full speed into a barbed wire fence I was playing Airsoft uh I've never really done [ __ ] well that's it that's it I'm gonna tell a story and I swear to God I'm not just making this up on the spot I swear you brought back a repressed memory okay like one of this place called like I think it was like called like tinfoil mountain with my buddies back when I was in high school and uh we're all up there and all of a sudden they just abandoned my ass okay I am directionally challenged I'm an idiot I do not know how to get back to places where I where I was before I have to use Google Maps for everything same anyway I'm like looking around I'm trying to find them and like this is like like a desert mountain and then my stupid ass steps on like a cactus plant and one of the needles goes through my feet and I start bleeding like crazy yeah I don't know what to do okay so I take off my shoe I take my sock I wrap it around my other sock like I seen him doing the movies I don't even know if I'd do it right yeah I start getting lightheaded I have no idea what to do so the only thing that I do is I just find a house anywhere and I just go to a direct path I don't try to find a trailer or anything see a house I go to it I go over somebody's fence okay I put my foot in their pool which I don't know if that was a good idea or not yeah I don't know if chlorine I assume the whole water didn't start to turn red uh actually surprisingly no like it didn't change like at all to be honest okay uh and then I knock on the door like of their window right and they they're not even freaked out and they just help me yeah and they take care of it they give me bandage up they clean my foot and then I was good that's nuts it was terrifying a little bit but like I always have this perspective I don't know if y'all are the same but I always have this perspective where like I always think the world is such a dark place and like nobody wants to help me they're gonna open a door and they're gonna cut your leg off yeah exactly Hills Have Eyes but every single time no every almost every single time I've ever had to rely on a random act of kindness of a stranger it's always worked out yeah like I don't know I think the world is actually a much better place than I think it is not that bad I mean most people just they don't want to start the stress of you know some like you know aggressive interaction they just want to go about their day and help you out and that's about it you know yeah you're going around I mean what neighborhood were you in I don't know is it a nice neighborhood yeah it was they had a pool so it's probably they had a pool there you go yeah that's one that's one big thing that might you know help you God I just remember one of my memories too so I had um y'all ever hear a staph infection yep wait what's a staph infection I don't know but it was like something not good it's not good I had one of like the early staph infections like early stuff okay so to explain what it is I don't even know what it is exactly but it's an infection it happens while you're in a hospital right well it happened it just I was not in a hospital oh okay um I was just out existing this can it can form from a scab it can form from a hair follicle anything and I got one right here I have a scar still but essentially it looked like I had a spider bite because you know the center is like the gabber it looks like something bit you and this big area of pus starts forming getting bigger and bigger and bigger and I went to Six Flags I remember no that's right I went to Six Flags I was maybe in I wasn't Middle School I was first chair that's future sorry um anyways we're at Six Flags me and a whole bunch of friends I have staff experts but it's getting bigger because of the heat yeah it's so bad that uh my friend's mom is like you're going to the ER I go there like that's not a brown recluse bite that's something else so I go to the [ __ ] hospital and these guys they have to like cut me open they stuff a string to drain the pus they stuff a string into it and let it just it's so gross oh so painful because they can only numb the outside not the inside of my arm so I have this string hanging out to keep it from closing letting it drain for weeks and now staph infection is highly infective highly effective so I brought up band being first chair they had to shove me in like the corner like I have a dank hat or whatever just away from everyone yeah because I'm infectious so every class for the next like six months I'm stuffed in the corner away from everyone I lost first chair because I I couldn't I could no one could hear me right yeah so I lost first chair because of staph infection I'm sorry you had to go through that man and then I got like four others once you get staph infection once you become susceptible to get it again and again and again because I took uh whatever it's antibiotics I don't know it's something like that the whole story I got I had to get steroids because I had an allergic reaction allergic reaction made me weak and susceptible I got staph infection and then I got staph infection again I just became a sickly [ __ ] up for the next three years of my life but you don't have it right now baby well you know whenever we did the uh the video Emerald where like I was wearing those uh those like knee braces and everything or like yeah yeah braces owner announcement they were they had worn all of my skin down and it was like all like bloody and like red what white why were you still and then we went to California and in the we play Studio you know how everything was really dark well I was just walking around not paying attention I walked right into the same exact spot and like I never even checked to see how bad it was until the next day the hotel had white sheets and there was blood all over them oh my God yeah that is so bad or could it be pissed they never complained about it so it should be fine I've bled on sheets a whole bunch before it sounds really bad um yeah like what do they do they just like I don't know I just left it's not I mean like you can't really get blood yeah yeah exactly what are you supposed to do I think you can but I don't know if it's like sanitary to like you know other people's boards yeah sheets that's probably not a good idea and yeah that was probably the worst it's been recently at least Christ well speaking of videos and injuries uh I don't know if you remember but I told you about the pineapple when we did that tier list a couple weeks ago I brought you a can of it I forgot until just now let's crack this [ __ ] open boys so is this like the the one flavor he didn't get to try yeah like popular fruits I would have gotten you fresh pineapple but uh I didn't really have time and then also this is like sweeter I know you like sweet [ __ ] canned pineapple sweeter so I know I like it more yeah just eat one chunk 100 pineapple juice yep which makes you feel better I only like fruit when it's in smoothie form okay all right let's do it you don't take a sip of that I'm just gonna pull one out yeah I just need a chunk yeah oh yeah pineapple good as [ __ ] I hope you like that do you guys like canned pineapple I feel I kind of like it like the same as fresh pineapple I slope it down I don't think I've ever had canned pineapple oh and I don't want to try it oh I will not immediately rush off stage to spit this out cool okay okay that happened last week okay but what it what is it a b c d s I would call them that's deer fruit for sure um probably a bee like um okay let's go yeah I think the pineapple Community can let you pass on that yeah I what the [ __ ] well they're so chewy like the these fruits are so chewy like usually I'll like bite something like it takes me longer to chew this than beef jerky I don't know what it is hmm oh dude speaking of [ __ ] that I didn't know what it was I need to talk to you all about the Jetson one okay I just found out you brought this up you didn't tell me what it was because you're like oh wait wait till the podcast this is why I'm crazy can somebody pull up a video of the Jetson one so I just found out about this so allegedly right okay it's a like an aircraft that you can fly without a pilot's license and it's like you sit in a drone and then you can control yourself in a flying vehicle using like a joysticks and apparently it like ballparks for like eighty thousand dollars that sounds like people are gonna die from this it sounds like dope stream idea after Kobe there's no [ __ ] way I get in this there's no [ __ ] way I ever get in the helicopter it doesn't need to happen and it's not going to Yo play that [ __ ] dude soda no blow your mind I'm also not going to be getting in but I'm going to look at oh it's just a drone yeah a really large drone that looks cool is that not dude a stream from a Jetson one I mean that sounds cool but at the same time you're like park on the McDonald's roof dude I'll tell you just imagine it's going around getting McDonald's in your Jetson won no you can't just drive that thing around what are they gonna do stop me I'll Fly Away you ain't flying this outside of like your land you know you get in trouble I I'll do whatever the [ __ ] I want what are they gonna arrest you in I mean I'm not you're not breaking any traffic laws I'm in the air I TR I don't know yeah I just see like streaming this one I'm maybe I'm too like realistic where are you gonna put the backpack like the camera POV is going to be trash yeah at that point is just going to be a nuisance it's going to be annoying because I have to turn the camera how are you going to put it the view is going to be boring constantly the same [ __ ] it'll be fun to do terrible to watch what you would have to do is you would have to have somebody with like a mounted camera that could be controlled remotely and have them controlling it remotely while you're flying and then have the microphone inside of your helmet and then have it be like very close and have a very high vocal uh Noise Gate yeah that's the only thing that you could do this would make a great YouTube video I feel like you're just yes I'm not a hater but I just see like I see maybe one segment of one stream of use out of this thing yeah and I'm just saying the Jets in one Community is not going to be happy that you're saying this yeah well it's it's streaming and I'm not talking about how fun it looks bro this is the coolest [ __ ] ever dog that is pretty sick there's so many things you could do okay you wanna tell you why I'm gonna blow you you can die no you get you and true three of your buddies you all get Jetson once and then you play croquet right you play croquet from your helicopters dog and one of you is gonna like run into it and then you're both dead yeah listen let's see how this thing handles a gust of wind yeah there you go out of [ __ ] nowhere uh-huh so those little fans look like they're barely hanging on it gets windy as [ __ ] here in Texas it does I didn't think it would I was excited because I come from Kansas and I [ __ ] hate when I was like oh well so they ever have like uh that like because you know how like uh Dorothy and uh you know the Wizards of Oz and how the tornado that ever happen uh there's been tornadoes close by to where I live yeah tornado warnings and [ __ ] like ever seen one have I ever seen one no oh there there was one like uh like 15 minutes away from where my house was where like a bunch of [ __ ] got like completely destroyed but I I didn't see it oh my God that's crazy never seen a tornado a what a tornado no or any have you all ever experienced a natural disaster now I I have this I have this weird memory I don't even know if it's real or not this is one thing I'm not even sure this was around like the time where like anthrax was a thing I don't know if y'all remember that I think maybe this could have happened or it could not have I was like carrying an umbrella and the wind was so strong in a hurricane that it lifted my feet up by a couple inches and that's nuts I don't know that just happened to me in Kansas that's a real thing I was a small child so I went to like an art school and like I'd have to bring home this big flat wooden board with like my piece on it so I'd be carrying it the wind would be so strong it would like use the board like a sail and I would just like get lifted up it happened like twice awesome walking home carrying that [ __ ] in Kansas like it was actually I would get blown over and [ __ ] I was walking over the bus it's like a five minute walk it's just like horrifying getting your ass beat by one yeah God get my ass beat by the [ __ ] beach [ __ ] that place it's Devil's paradise and now a word from our sponsors as most of you can tell from my Cuisine choices I like a good deal and let me tell you there's no better deal than pre-built computers from Star Forge systems unlike my two dollar stake these computers are visually appealing incredibly high quality and probably won't give you a stomach virus with six computers ranging from entry level to top of the line gin star Forge systems has a PC prepared to everyone's liking head on over to and snag one of the awesome PCs that they've cooked up I gotta ask soda you've been on Twitch for a very long time so I I saw a couple of your videos when I was back in high school me and my buddy edrick we would sit in a room we would watch you do wow PVP I'm pretty sure you were 16 at this time my ass was 17. I think maybe something like that yeah right no I I gotta just know do you think you're a normal human being or do you think existing in the internet ecosphere for over a decade from youth has affected you as a person Jesus Christ philosophical question yeah my opinion I'll say I think you're [ __ ] up I think I I don't think I'm that normal I mean I don't think I'm that weird [ __ ] um uh I mean I have been streaming since I was 15. so maybe younger maybe 14. what made you start that like what got you into it um well this was it was during a time when YouTube wasn't even really a thing yet I remember I would watch a lot of wow PvP videos because that's where I got my music there was no Spotify [ __ ] LimeWire did you ever hear that I did not have sex with that woman did you see that on Spotify yeah there was there was like a Bill Clinton thing where he was like uh apparently he had like sex with somebody yeah like he put up like his presidential like like almost like a like a dress on like random audio files and MP3s on LimeWire where you would download it and you had like a 20 chance of hearing Bill Clinton say I did not have sex with that woman yeah dude it was so you remember that asthma oh yeah no I remember whenever it happened yeah no I am so the way I would get music is I would watch World of Warcraft PVP videos oh yeah Drake dog or vertany and all these different things yeah actually his first video I would listen to it I did not I don't I still to this day don't know the names of most of those songs but I can tell you which one I can tell you oh really yep just let me listen to it I'll tell you exactly what it is I don't know names of songs but I love the songs I listen to them and that's how I listen to music I played wow and I did that and then I of course I wanted to make my own video so I tried to legally of course download Sony Vegas could not figure it out I'm [ __ ] 13. like that and there's no YouTube tutorials those aren't a thing yet and that's weird to think about yeah before YouTube That's the time that this was YouTube wasn't a thing yet so the way I watch videos this was in like 2007 right I mean there was YouTube yeah it was just really really really bad it was not meta yeah like it just wasn't well Smosh out then because those are my first people ever watched smash was out by then there were I think so yeah I didn't really watch a lot of YouTubers I guess but I would use Google Video because YouTube was not like there was like five other video platforms that were competing so Google video would give you YouTube it would give you I don't even know the names of half of them there were so many other ones Google video itself Google video was really good I remember I would watch Halo 2 montages on Google video yeah and so that's I would go on there or whatever and uh one day I wanted to make the video I couldn't figure out Sony Vegas and one of my friends in Ventrilo was like dude why don't you just stream like what the [ __ ] is streaming and he showed me xfire dude ventrillo yeah it's Ventrilo talking back a thousand memories that's how long ago this was and I went live and I was just streaming to my friends in ventrillo and then I put myself on Arena junkies because I was very high rated and then other people tuned in streaming was not a thing yet so I'm just like oh these random [ __ ] people are watching and listening to my friend's conversation whatever they're not harming anything yeah right and that's I didn't even like people would join my adventure I don't even tell them I'm streaming because it didn't matter it didn't affect anything that's how no one gave a [ __ ] and I don't I don't barely even talk to these people I didn't even say anything I'd open my chat once every hour um if my mom needed me to drive my niece to dance class turn it off and I went and did it I'd come back turn it on because who cares that was the time it was and I just I streamed and the next thing I knew um I mean I loved doing it it was fun but then the next thing I knew I was getting paid to do it I went over to Twitch of course because xfire sucked ass my computer could barely handle it we're at 800 bit rate maybe you could not read the chat on my screen like my chat was probably a good thing yeah my like the the chat bubbles above characters was illegible because the bit rate was so low because that's what you did back then you're using effectively like a game cam quality right so yeah yeah the only things you could do on xfire they're OBS you can move your cam anywhere you want literally drag it around you could do this x-fire all it did was it detected the game you're playing automatically you hit the start streaming button which you key bound to I had it as my home button and then you had two drop down boxes camera microphone you didn't even get to pick where your camera went it just put it in the bottom left so I had to use bartender to move my UI out of the bottom left bartender yeah cool cool yeah and that that's how I initially started streaming and then of course just kept going how has it affected me as a person yeah [ __ ] if I know I know right I I I'll I wish I could meet the me that didn't stream just to see how that combo would go I have no clue I know there was there was a Club where you were running my ass down because I was a bad dark and darker you [ __ ] do suck and you were on this podcast talking to Zach so confidently about yo dude you should play wizard dude it's so easy like and I watch you play it you [ __ ] suck how are you even gonna give advice on anything in the game sure say the game is fun and you like it don't try it did it so don't even talk about it you barely even played it here's the thing I was I I you struck three hours of my time away because you ruined my mood because of what you said on this podcast was it was it entertaining to watch no you showed me the light to hate watching you really you ruined my whole [ __ ] day I'm glad from two sentences you didn't even he was talking you don't even you just listened to him oh my God you know what's crazy you're so bad at that game okay then teach me I'll teach you sure but it's like this this is it all it's not only are you so [ __ ] bad at that you seem like you're just incompetent as a person okay you don't learn from your mistakes you do something that clearly is not right in the game and then it's like oh okay that's not right but then you do it again because you're an idiot you did this you made the same mistake like five times not realizing what the [ __ ] you just did wrong man so I'll I'll play with you and I'll be like you shouldn't do this and you know what you'll probably do you'll probably do it this is really personal what did he do I went on her I I actually I sent him an apology I was like dude I'm so sorry you just pissed me off dude it was so funny like I I did a game show episode earlier and I instantly told him before the game show started I was like bro just [ __ ] on me relentlessly I love it it is the funniest [ __ ] I did shut on the entire game show it was awesome it was a fun game show it was Miss man very very fun um and I did have fun making fun of you that's that was probably my favorite part you take it very well I do I love it actually to be honest I prefer it do you ever get those periods were like you get uncomfortable when people compliment you but you like yeah with your homies like you [ __ ] on each other more than you like actually be nice to each other yes yeah not a whole lot no I mean it's just I don't know I mean maybe a little bit but like that's definitely how it is with a lot of my friends like of course that you know we greet each other with an insult of course like if I were to tell you asman you look beautiful today yeah that is weird well no I'd get out my camera oh God what's wrong yeah I mean I feel like I would receive compliments it depends on how the compliment is given when it's really out of nowhere and confrontational it does make me a little [ __ ] uncomfortable because I'm like okay now I have to give a really confrontational thank you as a response but just a passive casual compliment I appreciate those those are nice as I've gotten older I've learned to appreciate those but like people [ __ ] on me that yeah it can be funny yeah I like I don't it depends on what they're shooting me for you know I think you prefer that I think you like it when Vicky shits on you I think you got like a weird complex no I do not I feel like you're projecting oh I mean yeah I don't know God you pissed me off bringing up dark and darker again oh that's the exact that's the exact reaction that I wanted but what I'm saying is that like there's just no way because like for example people spend all their time at VR chat they they come out as like different human beings and they do all this weird-ass [ __ ] like they talk about like uh you know there was this dude who I met I was playing fortnite last night and then he told me how like he was like another dude's like servant in VR chat and then he was gonna go fly and just [ __ ] this guy for a weak strike and he just told me all about this I didn't even ask nice right it's like this you're in this environment for so long it affects you you think shit's normal I really I really respect that because that's a person who doesn't care about what anybody else thinks yeah because you think about every single other person because he's probably told his parents about this his friends you know any siblings and everybody probably thinks this guy is a weirdo and nothing is going to stop him from flying across the [ __ ] world to fight [ __ ] some dude who he's a slave for in VR check that is impressive he's just doing what makes him happy first thing he said to me yeah so guys in uh nine days I'm gonna be gone for a week because I can go meet up with ham and I have to go please my Master's [ __ ] there you go and I'm like hell yeah I'm just why did you tell me that this is the man that is in control of his own existence that's right nobody's pulling these strings he's in control but he gave control to his master exactly yeah I think that stuff is great I I do I I love the degeneracy of it and just like seeing how far people will go it's like going you guys ever go on deviantART oh yeah yeah and there are people on there that are only attracted to animals that don't exist I love them like people draw like me porn where like anime girls who have like pregnant kneecaps and [ __ ] what and like all the Sonic [ __ ] all the furry [ __ ] just like the craziest things you've ever [ __ ] seen I've never seen knee pregnancy ever that is crazy I can't even fathom that I thought I'd seen it all what the [ __ ] that's impressive who likes that I don't know like probably six people yeah yeah and they're all in a they're all in a group together on that on that website they're gonna talk about it that doesn't it's actually it's profitable too like when when being a furry wasn't as like mainstream I have a friend that makes fursuits see I went to went to uh high school together a first first day of I think it was like 11th grade history he drew a naked female dragon masturbating on the chalkboard and uh now he makes fursuits and uh he got kicked out of school he's probably loaded though right one to two k per fursuit yep you [ __ ] believe that that is insane like furries like farming furries is even better than farming Sims weebs in a large abundance of money and no one cares where it comes from I think I don't think it's that I think they're just more willing to spend money on what they're passionate about yeah I mean I don't think it's that they're necessarily richer I mean some of them are but I think like not all of them no there's well you're you're right I think you are right but I also think they just have a [ __ ] ton of money yeah oh it's like you don't think about it right now like and so okay logically think about it okay so people that are furries have a lot of time to be on the internet right because it's like nobody just like nobody goes out hunting and they see like the bear and they're like I got an idea no that has never happened so they're spending all their time on the internet like you know continuously going into like deeper and deeper Circles of like furrydom and like this weird stuff so this implies that they probably don't have uh they don't need to get a job it probably implies that their parents you know are just paying for all their stuff so if you logically assume that the people that are into being furries are in general probably well off or at least maybe more than the average person on average uh then yeah I think it makes sense they have so much [ __ ] money they do yeah they also I mean I guess it does make sense they are and [ __ ] Steam Reviews like I play a lot of variety games yeah so I go I watch a [ __ ] ton of different trailers I hate how many like weeb games there are that are clearly clearly trash but they're upvoted to be very positive because they're anime like what give me an example dude there's I I'm not going to say against your impact are you you're not gonna claim you're not getting an impact no um there's there's so many like how do I even bring them up like there's one one-piece game I played I think it was like a one-piece Dynasty Warriors game actual garbage you know what game I'm talking about yeah and I'm not trying to single that one there are so [ __ ] many so many and then the reviews are good of course because people like the characters and the characters are cute like I remember remember when the r slash play stuff happened yeah and everybody was doing this yeah and I remember I was trying to delete the My Little Pony thing over and over and over and then people took it too far and they're like oh My Little Pony people they're like they want to [ __ ] real horses and I was like explaining to like everybody they actually don't want to these are like anthropomorphic horses and it's totally different thing they're not real horses and I was explaining it and I had Bronies in my chat gifting me a hundred Subs straight up like these guys have so much [ __ ] money they do they're they're actually because what else are they gonna do with you meet them in VR chat like they go to VR I mean yeah it has to do something with just being so online on the internet well I I know well one time I think I was at Target and I saw a guy where it was like a My Little Pony t-shirt and he had a pen for like something about atheism and he was wearing cargo shorts and he had a fedora on Wow and I actually thought like this was so exciting for me because it was like seeing a zebra like you see pictures of zebras all the time but it's like you actually see one out in the wild it was insane I couldn't even believe it I got this yeah that you never see them they're always in their house I hung out with a bunch of uh Bronies in Pony town you ever play that what is that I've never heard of that pony town oh well there's um oh God so Pony town was it's this game where you make a pony more like a brony sort of and you go around and you more so role play kind of like Club Penguin but much more open and it felt like there was a lot of people um there were gangs like okay there were yeah like there's a lot of racism oh yeah like well I guess like pony races but yeah but is it like white people and black people or like blue ponies and pink ponies I just remember there was the Mexican gang and they okay to everyone who wasn't Mexican if you didn't speak Spanish they went in on you and I would like Google translate I'm like oh my God it was pretty ridiculous holy [ __ ] I would just go I was just a I was just a pony and I'm just walking around with me and my friends in Discord and we would just randomly just have another like this gang of ponies would just walk up picture Club Penguin right picture a bunch of penguins just out of all the side of the screen just as a gang just oh hey look look at it yeah that's it Pony Town that's kind of cute yeah oh I mean that's yeah yeah [Laughter] I hate it yeah and like this gang of ponies which has come in and they just started like hablo Ingles like and they just start like [ __ ] talking to me and I'm like oh no but it's like and then of course eventually they start I don't I say uh I only speak English I'm sorry and then they just start harassing me and that's kind of just ponytail in a nutshell there's some I hate that I like watching this yeah this is Pony town I would look away you don't wanna you don't want to see this sparkle oops there were some nice people on here you know there was probably just the server I was on was I should stream this game yeah this is great hey if you do it I'll do it too I played Pony town during uh the classic era oh yeah yeah I was in um we did a molten core raid and required everyone to log into Pony Town wow no you did not we did some crazy our my raids and classic were [ __ ] ridiculous with vigors they were so [ __ ] we had one guy jacking off on ChatterBait live streaming while we were in The Raid you know it was crazy and we all watched him nice dude okay I didn't do that but like did you ever have like any homies that you were super close with a wow and you like level together yeah yes I had these homies their name were uh Jesus and Joey and we were leveling together as wargans and like Morgan's just came out okay they wanted the first one to like I think like 70 or 80. okay 85 and so like we would all like take turns like grinding for each other and then when somebody had to go like Beat It we like just put me on follow bro be back in six minutes you do that too I mean not I wasn't like I mean I just do that in general not it's not a World of Warcraft thing yeah it was bad but yeah it's like I'm gonna go jack off really quick that's sick it's casual were you a bottle pisser no no I'm not a I'm not that I never did that either I like that was just nasty because like then it's gonna smell bad and you've got all these bottles on your desk I did have it's crazy you bring that last night literally last night I was thinking about [ __ ] Mitch and how he pissed in bottles and I had to pee so bad I did not want to get out of my bed and I thought yeah I get it yeah yeah hopefully I never have to find out there's some nasty ass [ __ ] [ __ ] dude there's no way I would ever do that okay like okay all right that's fine yeah who cares but yeah back in the day I would never do anything no but you do I mean I still do that when I do like road trips like I want to grind it out never oh okay not at all yeah because I would do like 32 hours here's the thing is like I unironically keep my hands clean at all times because growing up I was really really skinny so because I was so skinny I'd have to pull up my pants all the time and because I would just never change my clothes and wear the same pants for a month I can't be getting my pants Dirty by touching them all the time so it's like logically I have to always keep my hands clean so that's why if even if I get what is this it doesn't Nest the nest that's one of the nests uh that is the uh well that was the sofa mattress that I got from a sofa and yeah like and the thing yeah I hope you guys know I only made this video to show off that I got that mount and like the whole other thing was just kind of put there in order to advertise the fact that I got them out maybe I'm crazy but I feel like it's insane how you you shame bottle pissers but you have collections of fungus cups on your desk that's right that's right not a single piss bottle how about that that's like that respect yeah didn't that get like annoying though like is like in the way like blocking your vision like straws and [ __ ] uh yeah it was like looking over like the top of a forest and uh yeah no it was it was unpleasant and like yeah I remember a little bit after this probably like a week or two after this I cleaned everything up because it did get kind of annoying but yeah this is just what I would do that's how I am this was like this level like if there's I don't mind if there's a couple cups laying around in a couple places yeah but eventually it's like nope nope now there's four plates there's three cups too much stuff like that window next to my desk I used to just throw everything out the window and uh there was like a giant pile of trash on the side of the house and then the City of Austin uh said not to bro that cup looks like where coven started yeah I just had the gross the stock coming back to my head what oh I was I was playing wow with my friend and he drank out of his dad's dip cup oh that's so gross I still randomly gag when it comes back to my head oh it's so nasty disgusting yeah did you try it after no [Laughter] there's some two girls one cup stuff that's good so gross I I am so bad at gross things like I will I will throw up randomly I'm a gagger I'm a throw upper that sounds really weird people used to do yeah do all kinds of weird stuff like that even on like twitch right I mean like just do nasty stuff I feel like there's a lot more rules nowadays I've done nasty stuff back in the day what's the nastiest thing you've ever done on stream the nastiest thing I've ever done I mean I guess I haven't done it I mean I literally drank mustard come on not that bad I mean it's not that bad like really Nast I ate a cricket uh in Japan but it was like one of those like eating yeah but you're supposed to eat those yeah they're actually meant to be eating type crickets they come in like a bag like whoa try me I think the nastiest [ __ ] I ever done on Twitch is uh I like like ran for a while got like really sweaty yeah and then I uh took like a 20 this was during a subathon then I took like a 20 30 minute dip in a hot tub where I covered myself an inner chewing powder yeah and then I would like drink the liquid that I was bathing in that's that's incredible I love that wow that's a good idea oh my God yeah bro that's so funny okay what about you Emmy the grossest thing I've ever done yeah I I don't do gross stuff I just do like weird stuff like I'm eating soap I used to get the same thing where when I would hear see something gross I would like think I was about to throw up like I would like you ate soap yeah was it good no it smelled good though I don't remember oh so yeah so it's like eating crayons like you you smell them and they smell delicious and then you eat them and it's like it's awful yeah yeah okay that makes sense what about you tastes that good what what's the grocery [ __ ] you've done I mean like it it depends on how you want to look at it uh like I've muted my stream to jerk off before but that's not like that I didn't have the camera on yeah uh that's probably the worst thing I can think of recently I got a hand job on stream wow I mean so it's not what it looks like guys I've put out the asman gold challenge it's the person who can jerk off on stream on camera and get away with it wins all right day 21 of myself and I think that Kai actually could have won he could have unironically claimed the asthma gold challenge but it would have been an assist I think that's fine oh it's fine yeah uh does your dick have to be on the camera no but like oh oh also part of it is that it can't be so obvious that you get banned but everyone knows you did it but people can tell kind of yeah yeah that's impressive I I God I've I've seen the clip I don't know he's his dick was absolutely touched and probably stroked a couple times all right I'll be real I think that's badass I'm just saying man that is the coolest [ __ ] I think it's going to be so funny if after his sub-a-thon is over twitch bans him the next day like they let him make all the money for them and then they [ __ ] ban him oh I mean you know he is you think so the moment he ends he's banned the next day oh but by the time this episode comes out his sub-a-thon will be over I don't know about that did he hard cap it yeah this is one month oh damn this episode comes out I think uh March 3rd yeah actually I enjoy the subathom to be honest he had some good events here and there but I mean like a lot of it was like you said with like it seems like more YouTube content where it will make a great video but the stream in itself there was so much just like downtime and God it was also so loud half the time and then a lot of the times I open it it's um it's got like eight people in the room I have no idea what they're talking about I cannot hear what they're talking about and it's [ __ ] out out of nowhere what the [ __ ] going on um I don't know oh this episode comes out March 10th actually oh wow which is close to when you're starting your uh your event stuff in March I don't know if you've like talked about it I don't want to talk about it oh yeah trash talk trash talk how about that oh yeah we're doing um yeah trash talk in real life you two are gonna be there yeah I was invited yeah that's the 19th right Zach if you wanted to go oh what so what what is it like what what are we doing well it would be so we're gonna play the game nidhog you probably have never seen it it's like the dragon and Final Fantasy probably the same name but a very different game it's two people side left and right and you kill this person you get to move to the next screen okay and you the person spawns in you kill him again go to the next screen if you reach the fifth screen to the left you win so it's like football but people die yeah you kill them there's like five different weapons there's got it the Rapier there's a big great sword there's a dagger and there's a bow okay and you just grab the weapon and you just keep 1V winning and if you win you go all the way and yeah reach the final screen can you swap weapons As you move forward okay and there's there's are we playing a video game or are we doing that in real life we're playing a video game oh people are gonna die in real life well I thought maybe we were like if you tap him with a sword that counts as a kill or something but yeah we've got um we've got a [ __ ] ton of uh I think it's gonna be like eight people me and Nick are gonna be shout casting it so it's gonna be in real life it's gonna be fun I'm gonna try and get alcohol involved getting everyone hammered would be really funny I'm going to check the date so we can it should be on the 19th yeah 19th okay I was right it's the 19th okay wow okay that actually does sound exciting it'll be on soda popping which dot TV it's crazy wow I'm gonna go follow that way yeah yeah really I think I'll do the same thing but uh it uh it's going to be interesting to do it in real life because we've always done them online we've only done two yeah Fair we took a massive break because of a whole lot of [ __ ] [ __ ] happened I don't even know what at this point but oh my God I'm gonna be moved by then this this doesn't go when are you moving like five a week in a week yeah I'm moving like holy [ __ ] so you've already got everything set up and all that oh my God what's the date what date are we right now it's the 27th of February today 27th I mean I can move into my apartment in five days wow but I probably won't move for uh yeah about a week to ten um gotta get internet set I gotta I I currently where I'm at I've got internet I have a desk and a computer stream in the in the next place I'm going to there's no desk in there the internet's not set up yet I don't have a place to sleep yet like there's a whole lot of [ __ ] things so I'm probably gonna wait a little bit if you need help because I just moved like I'm moving tomorrow and I got all my [ __ ] taken care of I don't want to be in your debt you won't smart yeah uh no I'm hiring movers because I'm entitled no that's what I did too yeah movers yeah I'm hiring movers and then I just gotta go buy a mattress from some shitty place yeah the desk and the computer moving is the main thing I have to [ __ ] do and buying a new chair because my I've had the same chair for like seven years I was shocked I wanted to go upgrade or like get into the new place apparently 5G internet exists now yeah it's five gig up why do you think doc was upset wait what what 5G oh stupid oh God I I do know God it's actually does anyone know why he got banned no wait doc really we still know no there's no idea I still get asked by people like I know you know I'm like no I I actually don't and I would love to know no I know oh yeah yeah I know I just can't say for sure you know how it goes you're not comfortable with it right now I'm not comfortable yeah that's one of those things that like it [ __ ] I thought and pondered on for so [ __ ] long and then eventually I stopped caring but whatever it comes back I'm like oh my [ __ ] god what the [ __ ] was it well here's logically what I think I think doctor disrespect actually did do something bad because there's no way he has no idea yeah right because it was litigated and everything like that you say you had no idea uh yes he did he said clearly and my assumption was that he said that for plausible deniability because he was trying to sue twitch for an unlawful breach or termination of contract so he had to say that he had no idea but he actually did that's what I thought and in my opinion there's no way that he wouldn't go out and say why he got banned if it wasn't something that would make him look bad well we do know uh Aiden Ross got banned we know why he got banned man we have a lot of reasons for why he oh my God you're the [ __ ] truth brother hey guys but he broke out of the Matrix they had to she had to shut him down okay but what what did he actually get bad for like what was the final nail so this is what he got banned for I just saw a post about it a little bit before we started the episode he got banned because he was for unmoderated hateful conduct because he was watching his own stream on Kik and the chat was there from Kik oh my God and this is again if the chat on Kick is kick with 3ks not just two so keep in mind yeah these people are like spamming swastikas it was like like some Jewish thing some like like National hate Jew day and they were all like celebrating it and like oh man are you excited for this I didn't even hear about that I heard about like the other [ __ ] he was streaming on Kik oh you have no idea there's so much oh yeah it is crazy and so uh yeah basically what happened is that Aiden Ross showed that on Twitch and in the process of doing that obviously he was showing that chat and I'm I'm sure I don't know what his chat was spamming on Twitch but I'm sure like he probably wasn't doing anything to get rid of it so it's like this I mean this isn't like for 30 seconds or like two minutes it was like for 20. so that's why he got behind that is insane I mean like what's crazier to me is for at least my experience my viewers have always been I guess like three years or so younger than me because it's like it's it's easier to be fanatical about someone a little older than you Aiden is what like 21 barely 22 yep I think viewers are teenagers yeah [ __ ] teenagers well I guess 19 like but his his viewers I think it was the funniest [ __ ] thing whenever Aiden pulled up Pornhub and he was looking at PornHub and he's like hold up wait how old are you guys and he's reading oh my God it's like 12 9 like [ __ ] 15 like 16. one guy's like 42 so it's actually probably 12. I was at the gym and met how old was he he was like an eight-year-old with his mom and he said he watched um Aiden Ross gambling on Twitch that was like hell yeah get it twisted early before gambling was banned well the thing about gambling really isn't that bad because the problem is like 95 of people quit gambling before they get their big win right and that's why people get a thing about like this right is so if you go in with a thousand dollars you can only lose a thousand dollars whenever you're gambling but you can win a million that's true and how is that bad yeah so you can only go negative 100 zero percent but you can go up to two thousand I mean come on you just play the odds guys [Laughter] everything to look at is like whenever a lot of uh a lot of the these streamers or whatever that are like younger they're like I guess they they try and come off as like they have like the really cool yeah we're the we're cool as [ __ ] right and then they do like the Collins with their fans they're literally 12. what's that man they're [ __ ] 12 yeah years old and I'm just like ah like that yeah I was watching Kai's Omegle stream it was all it was all kids what a surprise that's who do you think is watching this [ __ ] yeah and like to be honest like it makes me feel stupid because I remember I watched a video of Kai shooting bottle rockets at his friends and inside of a mansion they rented and I instantly loved Kai I was like I think this is great it's not like you'd have to be a kid yeah I wish you could do this yes but I that is absolutely something that you stop thinking is cool whenever you become a teenager like I I cannot imagine any normal well-adjusted person seeing that and thinking well that's really [ __ ] cool and so but so yeah obviously you know obviously and like you know for me I'm like oh that's awesome this is what I always wanted to do and they're doing it now but like I see a lot of the comments and like especially I remember it was like speed and like he had like a group chat with all of like you know like his fans and stuff and somehow this happened and it was just like 12 year old after 12 year old just like piling on and you know it was really funny to say I mean one I loved it when I went to say like let's just say twitchcon or any convention really and you do the meet and greet lines and you have all these different lines and you get a it is it's weird to see in person the different lines the different age groups yeah you've got you got some people they've got like 40 year old viewers you know the streamer's like 45 he's got these old [ __ ] and they're all chilling in their little tight Community it's all Carnage talking about Baldur's Gate three yeah oh I'm pumped about that too um I'd be in that [ __ ] line um but then you go to the next one and it's like a [ __ ] YouTuber and it's like kids and their parents because they can't be there alone and then you go to the next one you've got the Millennials and then you go to the old people and then you got kids and kids and the kid line is looping around like five times oh yeah because it's just kids are those the most powerful to farm well yeah I mean like well that's what happens and the only thing that sucks is like whenever you farm like just like having young young viewers it only has like a very short life span because those kids grow up and then new people don't get into it because they're not or new kids don't get into it because they want to have the new one right everybody always wants the new thing the new thing yeah right like they keep making 100 new Pokemon every year because people want the new Pokemon I think this recent Minecraft wave of conscience has actually been so massive that it probably will last some of them but I have gone through about five waves of mine Crafters that I've met oh yeah over the past decade just five different like oh hey a new batch oh another batch oh yeah like they just keep [ __ ] spawning in and then they're they're gone yep out of like there's and it's not even their fault it's just like that's the viewer base you have they grow up and they stop giving a [ __ ] they don't have a lunch table to talk about you anymore yeah I believe I remember you had a story about you went to a con and you got like really depressed from the people you met do you know what I'm talking about yes um should we go into that um oh man I've always hated YouTubers because of this uh I met a YouTuber at one point it was the weirdest [ __ ] thing I've ever endured it felt like I was in a you ever had like a moment you feel like you're in a movie like you have to take it like what the [ __ ] yeah am I not am I in a movie like other am I being punked and uh what happened was it was at Pax and I'm with Nick and I had a manager at the time uh and he was the first manager I ever had he wasn't a manager but he was my manager um and he's like I really want you to meet this YouTuber you're my big streamer and this is my big YouTuber and I want you guys to be tight I want you all to be friends so I go to packs I I go down um and I get to this house and it's a [ __ ] nice house and I'm not streaming did not make it made money but it did not make that much I was probably making like 80 000 a year that's it really good for my ages that's actually yeah it was great but we compare it to Twitch nowadays right and I'm not I'm not renting out a [ __ ] house in LA or wherever the [ __ ] we were that has like three stories yeah and I don't have a Lambo that's what this had you're not a Lamborghini you don't have value yeah just to give it an idea um so I pull up I'm like holy [ __ ] and I walk in and I see my manager I'm like hey man it's first time eating them oh nice to meet you man he's like hey man I'm gonna use the word Philip the name Philip Phillips downstairs I want you to go meet him uh introduce yourself he knows you're coming um I think you guys are gonna hit it off I'm like okay so Nick's with me and me and Nick uh go down and nexius too if you remember Nexus from Swifty um whatever it was it was basically one of Swifty's friends and we go down we walk down these stairs and this is door and we open it and we can hear this commotion of like probably 15 people in this room we're like we didn't know the people here um so we go down we open the door and as soon as we open the door everyone silence everyone gets really quiet and they turn their head towards her and I'm like oh [ __ ] yeah and uh I don't even know what this I don't know if Phil I don't know what Philip looks like I have no idea um but I can tell it's him because all these people are basically a bunch of Yes Men and they're surrounding him listening to his stories laughing right felt like like Mean Girls the movie it was so weird and so I'm like and again it's silent in this room when it was just loud and I walk up I'm like hey Phillip nice to meet you man I'm chance um our managers told like it's awesome to meet you whatever and I had my hand out Nick behind me and silence is still there he's he looks at my hand and then he looks at me and he's like I don't like you and then everyone else in the room starts laughing what yeah it felt like a scene out of me yeah it was insane why didn't he like you you know 18. 80 17. I don't think it was so relevant today no oh God I want to know who it is I can tell you all right um and it blew my [ __ ] mind and I'm sitting my hand is still out in the air yeah and I'm just listening to everyone laugh I just take my hand down and I walk out and I go to our manager I'm like what the [ __ ] is wrong with this human being yeah what is wrong this this guy's got a [ __ ] Lambo and no license that's that's that's the point that we're at right now and this is like a dice he's not talking about xqc yeah and I'm like I'm like dude and me and Nicola was like dude we are truth be I'm 18 but like that was the first time I said to myself I'm too old for this yeah like I'm too I'm only 18 and I'm saying I'm too old for this what the [ __ ] so of course you know our manager makes him apologize and we try again um I I see this person another year later um and he really wants to drive me in his Lambo and he crashes it oh with you in it yes hey that's badass did you get hurt no he he he's pulling out and then we just got out of the neighborhood and he [ __ ] ran into a mailbox so I guess he never did get the license then he had a license I think yeah Eliza I'll be honest I don't know if he did okay um he was gonna take me on the highway to show me how fast he can go oh and could have died man of course we get back and of course all is again viewers think it's like this but it's usually not but in this case it really was like this he actually just was surrounded by a bunch of like NPC yes men like dude it wasn't your fault dude the traction control was like what the [ __ ] do you mean he was going like 70. the gravity was turned off out of nowhere what the [ __ ] no man you ran into a mailbox and I'm just like I mean the air we didn't hit that like the airbags didn't even come out yeah yeah example but yeah he's just a [ __ ] [ __ ] and that was my first experience with a YouTuber wow and I thought you know what I am above them that's how I felt all right yeah you're right I I am about this you're better than all of them I I had a massive disdain for just all of them maybe I shouldn't generalize but holy [ __ ] I'll do it bro [ __ ] uh that dude that that story has stuck with me and I I'll never [ __ ] forget it I went I went way deeper than I thought yeah and like when you say that that story stuck with you it reminds you of like when you when you do contact whatever as long as you have you've grown a lot as a human being and there's probably like some [ __ ] that you wish didn't come up like that one time you [ __ ] yourself on stream oh yeah funny it's good content I remember that that was good what I mean I just I farted and I was really drunk and I [ __ ] myself it happened I did the same thing okay I got drunkenness okay what do I say I haven't done that oh that's good yeah missing out um okay I mean I feel like how many streamers like over the years have you known that are actually like that surrounded by yes men and it's like actually like big ego because like it's hard to I think like a lot of viewers think that it's every streamer or they think that no streamers are like that like what I mean you've done this forever to be fair when it comes to streamers it's hard to be like that and still be was hard to be like that and still be relevant because you have to be likable yeah right nowadays I look at twitch and I see you know what no I think honestly streamers are just as bad as YouTubers now right for the most part it really is probably just like that okay nowadays which kind of makes I'm just an old [ __ ] who hates everything now yeah but you really are yeah I am I just I've never met a 70 year old in this 20 years old I um do I think there's a lot of I think there are there are definitely some people like that now apps um the only difference is they're not afraid to do it on camera either they'll probably like have that guy have their I don't like you and then go to the camera like [ __ ] so I I don't know it's I I at this point I I've been able to adapt for decades I feel like I am losing my ability to because I don't [ __ ] want to it this this I'm at a point now where I look at twitch and I say you know what I'm too [ __ ] old for this really that's kind of where I at I kind of want to just have my nice you know co-carnage line of people excited for Baldur's Gate three and I'm [ __ ] good with that and let them loop around their 15 year olds in a line looping five times there go for it do your thing y'all doing great yeah keep it up that even happens inside of like specific communities like I mean you know it's just as well as I do like the wow Community has like people that have all these Yes Men surrounding them and stuff like that too does does the league Community have that um not that I can really think of like there are people with huge egos but it's kind of like people going like head to head like you know like egos challenging egos but it's not like they'll have like a bunch of other streamers that are just like sucking them off or whatever but so there's not like a bunch of like ego stuff where it's like whenever they go together in real life they think that they're better than the other people or anything like that I guess that happens yeah but it's more like it's more like a joke there I don't know how about this for a while it's boring yeah and while people are actually unhinged yeah they're actually losers like streamers are the players both who's like who's an unhinged streamer uh well maybe you don't have to say okay oh no well there's definitely a certain Paladin streamers oh yeah that's pretty he's got a lot of paladins oh yeah s man yeah no there's there's um there's a lot of I mean God wait you thought I was thinking of a theme didn't you no okay good now I know exactly who you're thinking okay um there's so many unhinged people from my own I don't even want to give them attention oh yeah they don't that's that's how I feel about it yeah I think that's the best way to actually deal with people these days yeah not acknowledge their existence it's like yeah some of these people they got attention like from some bigger streamer in like three years ago and they're still riding on that high oh yeah it's nuts and the other thing is and I I guess I like this part A lot of these people uh that are unhinged they sort of just shoot themselves in the foot like I don't need to like say anything they basically get themselves banned from everything and everyone from every event no one likes them okay that's great how do they do that well they're [ __ ] racist half the time oh that's not good yeah blatantly racist and like they just get [ __ ] removed from things I mean they're also just [ __ ] I mean gotta do a hot take I think racism is bad okay I I I do think that it's not a big surprise that a lot of racists play well whenever wow is fundamental why do you kill Orcs it's racism yeah I mean even even in [ __ ] um Pony town there was [ __ ] I guess that was kind of like cultured racism yeah that was pretty bad but it's a lot of racism in like fantasy worlds oh absolutely at the end of the day it's like Jesus but that's [ __ ] fake yeah what else to say yeah it's like the Orcs And The Elves it's like ah this isn't really that big of a deal because you know it didn't happen but oh yeah there are some communities of people that are just so [ __ ] nutty yeah like I it's like especially for like smaller games and I don't know why it's like these weeb games they have these communities of people that are absolutely [ __ ] nuts obviously gentian impact is the biggest one yeah but there are many other ones that are even more distilled and refined to being absolutely as insane as possible what's wrong with the engine impact Community it was good it's not people who play gungeon-backed that's fine it's when you identify as like I am part of this community and Yulia is my waifu and uh I told my parents that I'm dating who Town game like it's way different I I mean I'll be honest it doesn't surprise me it seems like one of the more weebie games and it's a bunch of people who are chronically online yeah it's crazy because like you know some people were like oh man this guy's hating in like the Genji Community it's like bro if you're hating the Genji Community you're doing something right yeah like that that [ __ ] is [ __ ] up bro I believe it no somebody does dude it's mentally ill I want to play that game just so I can Farm those crazy people I want you to play so bad yeah I will have to try like if you play I will if you play that game and you just speak your mind and you be honest about what you're experiencing they will destroy you oh I I will I will be as honest and as real as I possibly can be but I will say if you play the game and you're like this is amazing yeah this asthma guy he's my favorite well I remember I did like a a stream of Hong Kai star Rail and I made plenty of memes about the characters and all that none of them got mad like I was expecting to farm at least like two or three like weird you know well star real is also new no one's like attached to those characters they're not married to them yet if you talk [ __ ] on like against character that was popular then you'd probably get some of that but Star Wars brand new like I haven't even seen anyone make like yeah honkite star rail yeah I do hope you have a good experience though because I mean realistically Genji actually is really fun for a little bit Yeah and then it just falls out and it does have like really nice character design too they are nice to like oh I'm hot as hell I'm just gonna play it I mean I don't give a [ __ ] I mean if it's people get mad about what I say it's their problem not mine let me know when you're gonna do that oh yeah oh yeah so you can like react stream it and everything I'm gonna react to the whole thing oh yeah and now a word from our sponsors hey there steak and eggs listeners techtone here and let me tell you if you're in the market for some new clothes you gotta check out our apparel is so good we've got everything from cozy hoodies to Sleek crewnecks to Snug joggers and let me tell you these joggers are the real deal I wear them all the time and they're made with high quality materials that are built to last but here's the best part use the code at stake at the checkout for a sweet 15 off your order that's right just type in steak at check out and watch the savings pile up so don't wait get yourself some fresh new clothes from and rate the podcast five of five stars we'll be reading one off per episode The staking TM said I'll tell you this this was a podcast I absolutely loved how in-depth each talking Port let's subcaptivately a snake getting cooked over time at the end of it being well done I did a sponsor train for gentian but the story was so [ __ ] Bland and boring I didn't care okay seriously ended up just opening packs no one plays it for this here's what they do okay it's five percent good story 95 bloat yeah that's what it is that's that sounds like most MMO storylines yep MMOs that's about Ryan this is so much what's an MMO that has like a good story what will you say Final Fantasy or no absolutely yeah what about wow is wow a good story absolutely not it's not really it's really not good uh there are some elements in dragon fight that are really good I actually think so but the problem is that before then they had a lot of like World of Warcraft is at its best with storytelling whenever the stories are just completely vanilla good versus evil like you've got the Lich King he's bad you know he's bad he's got a skull on his chest piece yeah and then you kill him and you know some other guy has to be the Lich King and then there's also this big dragon and why is he mad I don't know because he's he's on fire so like yeah we've got to kill him and it makes sense but like then whenever they start trying to make these like really complex characters that have these different layers of impulses and goals it never works got his name some characters and you'll tell me if like if they have a good story or not okay because I'm curious because I like how they look but I don't know what they're like so uh Garrosh healthgram best okay I'm glad uh Lich King one of the best at first right and [ __ ] ruined and then yes exactly okay Tyrion uh I mean like look bro that guy is important character yeah yeah okay anduin uh I think he's a door like he's a new character and it's like he's written by somebody who cries all the time like he actually like here's the thing right is like in the battle for Azeroth cinematic anduin the king of Stormwind cries this guy is supposed to be leading his men into battle and he is crying on the battlefield that made me so mad yeah that is kind of I was so upset uh you almost cried yeah I did I did um now anduin's cool it's just like his dad is badass yeah yeah he's never going to be never gonna be a school see the trades he picks up from his father well that's um yeah oh the the brown hair guy who died Varian Marion Wren yeah well everybody knows everybody knows right right there's no varian's dad I don't know oh well I feel like whenever though I mean like whenever the riot MMO comes out like you're obviously gonna play that right oh yeah definitely okay for sure I'll play every rag game in 2030 that's just gonna be crazy yeah do you know any of the lore for league for well yeah yeah most of it like pretty much any character your name I can probably tell you Dr Mundo Dr Mondo he's from [ __ ] zon he was like a mad scientist it just like went wrong now he's just the Hulk but purple yeah like his lore is actually crazy because like he I I literally thought he was just a good dude yeah apparently he just he just kills people apparently he's like it's like a [ __ ] a psychopath he's so cool though he's my favorite who your favorite leaders character actually Jen don't you have a crush on him I used to why'd you have to bring that up I don't know what is the next MMO y'all think is going to be good or like you're excited for I am excited for every single MMO that comes out because I have I've perfected the video game farming strategy is that if a video game comes out and it's great I play it all the time and I make content for it if a video comes out and it's horrible I play it all the time and I make content out of it about how bad it is like Diablo Immortal I got more views making videos about how bad Diablo Immortal was than making videos about how good uh like I'm trying like Lost Ark was or something like that yeah so it doesn't matter what the content is I will Farm it I've been excited about the protocol for like like what like four years yeah in the anime MMO yes yeah it is but I I mean it looks beautiful but the problem is it looked beautiful I don't know if it still looks beautiful because it's been so long since the release was supposed to seen this one I haven't yeah or what Ash is a creation that's another big one yeah it's gonna come out uh about 10 years after uh the riot one so like 20 40. oh wait is that another one that's just been on delay uh it's not really on delay it's just that they're developing it and they're taking their time with it and they just want to make it good and so it will take quite a while no I I will too suck you think so I think it's gonna blow ass well at some point you probably thought it would be good right no okay okay I was gonna ask what change but what made you think that well watching the gameplay hearing I heard something I I take a lot of my information on MMOs from a lot of my friends from Discord who uh like basically has autistically grind these MMOs um and it was like losers is this game worth wasting your life and there I don't to play it exactly I'm gonna play it as like any MMO that comes out I'm gonna play because it is very fun to play an MMOs it's relevant oh good yes no matter what no matter how bad it is if everyone's playing it I'm having a blast I love that uh except blast remember that oh God so soda goes over this was like four years ago me soda shroud we were all playing I was like McConnell too soda spent a hundred and fifty dollars remember that yeah on the deluxe edition of this game we all go to take a break to have Brett to have dinner at that point because we had been like waiting in queue and we just made our Guild and we asked soda oh do you want to go play whenever you get done no that was it you were done you did not even come back for the the rest of the day what happened the game is bad oh it was it was okay it's just a bad game but I was like and I I didn't know how to I wasn't gonna sugarcoat it because I could tell these guys were still playing it they're still streaming it I'm like I don't even know what I said to y'all but I definitely was like guys I think I'm gonna quit well no I I remember it was like you said are you gonna come back after you're done eating and you're like uh nah they kept asking questions about I'm like yeah okay yeah I'm not coming back yeah it wasn't bad it was a bad game it sucked ass um and I think ashes I heard something like the [ __ ] like a Dev is a [ __ ] clicker um oh ridiculous but that that all might just be [ __ ] like air blown up the ass I hope clicker on a plan so if you play an MMO and you actually it's like if you have your abilities keybound right that's like imagine clicking your spells in League yeah sure oh like ask you like imagine okay that's honestly basically he he's not good at those kinds of games but he made a game yeah yeah that's basically what again that might just be complete [ __ ] but I've heard that like twice now um and of course you know that's one person on probably a large [ __ ] team but also I just haven't seen anything that redeems the game yet okay I haven't uh I played I haven't seen any like every other it seems like it just has a bunch of [ __ ] that just sucks like what the graphics the spell animations the lore the whole idea behind it seems like it sucks ass I don't know maybe I shouldn't say that so bluntly because I really hope that you should I do I hope it's good uh I hope it's good too yeah I do I always hope it's good yeah truly I hope and then you got whatever well you are very excited about Arcade too many of you all play Arcade yeah talked about Arcade too I thought it was us okay again I've asked my neat Discord friends and they said the best game MMO they have ever played was arcade wow and they said the best looking MMO they've ever played is BDO okay and so those two games are going to be somewhat combined oh wait that sounds [ __ ] awesome yeah it's about right I love the BDO yes but like at the end of the day like video is pretty [ __ ] you just farm all day like a freak yeah beautiful yeah such a good looking unlike the classes you could play I don't know I thought like the complexity of the class were cool as hell so Arch H2 is supposed to be that and of course you know it's like a beta win pay to win yeah it's probably gonna have those every game is going to be pay to win now yeah so here's my opinion on Pay to Win I really feel like every game on earth is paid to win but you just pay with your time about your money yeah but there are people that want to be able to pay with their time because they don't have money yeah that's what it is I I just I feel like there should be a fair balance where you could I think there should be a fair balance where like if you are playing a video game it's balanced to where it doesn't have to do with how much money you spend that's also well the thing is here's why I think it's bad is because like uh everybody here played Lost Ark right images but I watched a little bit okay well like anyway so one of the things that you had to do is you would do these two different like chaos dungeon runs and you would do them every day on a bunch of different characters and the entire game if a game is paid to win it is designed structurally around incentivizing you to want to pay to win because that's how they make money so games are made worse in order to incentivize and make the Pay to Win features look more appealing and that's what makes me worry about a lot of these new games that's why I hate the pay to wins I I also you go ahead well I will say so one thing that again my neat Discord friends are these guys are they are the they are the top one percent of these like players like they are they are the overlords they are very [ __ ] good at these games and everyone else is a [ __ ] NPC they're at that level right and they'll tell you in BDO for example the game's not pay to win you can pay to win but no one good at the game does except for like one whale in in [ __ ] Korea who spent like a hundred grand but that guy is just a freak right and everyone else is really just a neat you cannot beat the neats yeah you just can't and those are the people who went um and so like I don't know if it's gonna be like that in our cage yeah like pay to win really does have a limit and the best players have not spent a [ __ ] cent right I don't know we'll see I'm just worried about these games where you have like this MMO where you have to grind like 16 to 17 hours every single day quit your job don't go to school become just a [ __ ] zombie on the internet because like nobody can do that well they can't they're on soda's Discord and there is there is a like here's the thing is that in the real world they have Lamborghinis these people deserve a world where they can be the king you know what's yeah I think it's fine you know I don't really feel like the I don't think mindless grinding is like really good game design no it's because it's like it just sucks but at the same time I I don't like the idea where somebody can just spend money to get an advantage like for example in Tower fantasy if you looked at all the people that were in the top like leaderboards all of them oh wow six star character I wonder how this happened like oh this probably only cost this person three thousand dollars that's actually a really good point you brought up yeah I spent a [ __ ] on the entire fantasy I was dog [ __ ] I was still a top player really of course you [ __ ] did I wasn't mad I was sponsored how much did you spend how much you think I probably spent like I probably spent like five figures you know how it goes I might be real I uh just six started all my characters with only two thousand dollars there you go yeah I got really lucky only two yeah no no because I bet you spent the same amount and your character is probably as good as mine like I got ridiculously [ __ ] lucky yeah I was so happy yeah that's crazy when you play it did you spend money no why not that's half of the content dude you know what's crazy so some of my buddies were playing like the tower fantasy and they were having so little fun but I was like I literally gave him the money so that was it was it was like and then they started having fun yeah and they started having fun and then you know what happened the fun died down you know what you wanted to do spend money you know what I said nope quit the game right so basically you got them hooked and then you took it away yeah and that's like the whole concept I don't like the way you're phrasing man that's trying to be a good friend yeah I'm just [ __ ] with you oh yeah I spent I I'll I will only do it for Content like I would never really go and do this on a game that I'm not like really playing on stream but like if I'm doing it on stream I think it's so funny to like just do these roles for the characters and the best part is like whenever you get really really really lucky and then people in chat get mad about it yeah that's my favorite thing yep and jealousy's a [ __ ] oh it is and everyone just gets [ __ ] mad at you just jealous they just absolutely things to make themselves feel better absolutely and it is amazing to watch yeah speaking of amazing things to watch I saw all my buddies went into DK goddess of Victory because sponsorships went around right yeah by the way yesterday yeah [ __ ] you uh yeah I don't know what happened guys what happened to mine dude first of all else I actually like that game a lot what game are we talking about us video game where like the girls are kneeling down and they're shooting a gun and their ass Jiggles they shoot and their panties vibrate yeah so pretty much it's uh it's aim labs mixed with hentai but it's a gotcha game it's I actually enjoy it it's very fun when you're on the toilet it's good uh be careful with God's games obviously but seeing like s fans reaction to like volumes ass and like nmp and melanas to like yeah other characters titties bro it is so funny because I feel like they're entering my world of just like depravity and literacy I opened the car you stream every now and then it is truly a sight to behold yeah see this man have a blank face unaffected entirely and basically soft porn just on his screen yeah but it's the game and it's he's just just it's because it's normal yeah it blows my [ __ ] mind the same thing with VR tattoo is bad true actually just another day at work yeah it's another day the yard chat is so [ __ ] stupid thank you so [ __ ] I'll I'll play VR chat I'll go to like some lobbies here and there but God I cannot imagine playing a bunch I'm getting back into VR chair I can't man because when I imagine the people who play VR chat and it's and it's real to them it freaks me out and I can't I can't stand anymore man I took a Firm Stance I cannot play that game I think it's just gonna get more and more real I think you're gonna lose more and more people they're gonna get lost in the sauce any of you guys going to the streamer Awards just out of I uh have just I don't know it will require me to leave the house I'm going you know you are yeah I've been invited people are I have I've had so many people tell me that I should go but I just I don't want to make that I feel like if if I go to get an award for the biggest MMO streamer or best MMO streamer I shouldn't get it like the MMO streamer Awards should not go to somebody who left their house to get it that's true is that what happened last year yeah I was I'll be I'll be real listen I feel like there's no more categories I feel like there should be an anime streamer and a gotcha streamer really be like the four anime streamers because I can't really think of people that are like oh that's an anime streamer oh Sea Dog VA Joey the anime man they're they're more like YouTubers though right because their audience is like from YouTube just like wanting more yeah I mean uh knocks Taco myself lakari uh there's a lot I mean sure they could definitely add it but at the end of the day I do feel like it's just adding more filler it's it's that's all streams are it's just stalling it's true you're right I mean like yeah like Sea Dog like he is like an anime Creator I guess but you could also put him for like IRL streamer because he's doing all that stuff yeah I was real I'm just trying to get away to where I can get something yeah I can I I could as soon as you listen to yourself I could oh yeah 100 I'm just trying to get something bro I want to get a cool people golden people take it back to my house that'd be cool as hell yeah mine's still sitting on my table like because I got it it got sent to the office and I took it and I walked inside and I just put it on like a table and it's still been there since last year I don't know what to do with it like people always send me stuff and I don't ever ever know what to do with it like my house is too small I don't have enough room for all the [ __ ] that people send me God yeah is it going to be a big apartment uh sorry I was just reading the [ __ ] yeah like a TV and I'm just having a good time reading the list of different stuff y'all have and I see on there uh kovid was made in a lab yeah that's right [Laughter] sorry anyways what'd you ask [Laughter] our video is going to get flagged now sorry uh you're just like is the apartment gonna be a big apartment uh it's a penthouse holy [ __ ] so for an apartment yeah it's gonna be pretty nice um oh my God it's gonna have fiber uh first thing I always check when I move a new place does it have the potential internet right um it's gonna be I mean it's [ __ ] downtown Austin so one thing I'm worried about I don't know if you've seen train when he does his streams he has like some of [ __ ] laser pointers that just like shoots it in to pin locate where the [ __ ] you are yeah so I need to get some serious [ __ ] curtains just so that can't happen yeah I mean there's so many things I got to do it's I'm I'm [ __ ] excited to move but really well it's one of those things you know it's like you're going on vacation right I'm excited to go on vacation but I'm not excited to travel to the vacation that makes sense yeah like skating on a [ __ ] plane no one likes moving the process is gonna be miserable I'm gonna hate it but you know it's gonna be fun though decorating the inside of your house no I'm I'm having my sister decorate well you're not doing the interior design I thought you love that [ __ ] dude I lost a hundred grand to Interior Design before I thought you liked it no I had a what no I well okay I do and I don't I I enjoy like hey I want this kind of like style like I like modern rustic so I like natural neutral colors right so maybe a plant here and there I like wood um that's the kind of thing I like going for but it's like at the same time there's so much [ __ ] you have to go through in order to get stuff I have gone into places before and because I dress like an it I just I dress better now but I went in there with sweatpants and I had one old lady because I'm not in my 50s basically tell me to get out yeah oh why what you don't need to be here whatever you're from we don't want to buy drugs here get out like so it's just absurd and obviously I'm not gonna like buy anything [ __ ] Gucci Gucci because honestly Gucci Gucci like over the top expensive stuff sucks especially with like couches and whatnot a lot of the time but um you know going out and getting it is miserable I had one guy when I bought a couch he's like soda popping like yeah what's your address I need to write it down for this stuff I'm like I'm good bro yeah it's like bro it's like I am not I'm good so like that's just passive [ __ ] like that I don't enjoy I also don't like being out in general I know yeah so my sister is going to do the interior design for me yeah but I think the interior is out of our set I think this is sick I think this is cozy and it's [ __ ] nice I do this reminds me of like and Nick still doesn't understand what I said by it when we were like house shopping a while ago we were going through different houses um there were like doors that when I opened them I could tell the doorknob was like rusted and shitty but that made me comfortable really I liked that like shitty things this feels like a shitty basement well I got a uh I got a new AC unit and I I had it installed and everything and every time I go around the house and I look at it I feel like it's not supposed to be there because it's really nice and it always works and everything yeah it's like this is not not not what's supposed to be here yeah it's weird I can't I can't even imagine that that's actually nuts have you ever done interior design no oh oh yeah Animal Crossing I love that game bro but like actual interior design of a place nope I dude I don't I barely buy [ __ ] with the [ __ ] that I do buy I throw in a big ass pile Oh that's all I do I have it's not a big deal like we used to um uh basically what we would do is we would just wait until they had like one of those uh like the furniture pickups where everybody puts out their furniture and then we would just drive around and then just like that's where I got my sofa uh the the chair that's next to my desk uh the table uh the other chair next to the other desk the futon uh a lot of the blank actually the blankets are Mitch's blankets um long story but uh yeah I mean I I it's like you you go out and you I I liked it because it was like you were capturing these things and you're getting them for free you're looting interior design no I just like buy furniture and stick it in there I'm like I need this and I just put it in there yes I like plant [ __ ] out my struggle with it is like I look at something I'm like that looks really awesome I love the way this looks but then I put it in the entire room and I'm like everything is trying so hard to stand out yeah it's not it's not working together maybe I care too much eventually I will buy a new house or something like that I've thought about getting a bigger house or something and if I ever did that it would just be completely empty there would just be like there'd be like a phone charger and then like a TV on the other side of the room and that would be it have you ever been in an empty house and like lived in it before uh not really living in it but like kind of halfway yeah it's it's a surreal thing like being like [ __ ] there's nowhere to sit down it's nice it's amazing because it's like there's nothing that's ever in the way there's nothing that's ever annoying you it's like you can like if you want to walk over there you walk over there there's nothing in your way if you want to be like okay guys let's have everybody come over and we'll play DDR you can just do that you don't have to like re-situate Furniture it doesn't matter but one thing is like okay so like your video with all the cups when you don't have furniture you significantly reduce the amount of table space that you have well you just throw you you put it on the floor like that's what I'm saying there's only one layer well yeah but it's like against the wall so it's like that's that you're minimizing the space that it that it takes up and also like throwing away a bunch of garbage is super easy you just go with a garbage bag and put it all in there it's done okay you need to do what I do okay so what I do is I do the same thing where like I'll have cups and like yeah food trash in my room and I don't like taking it right away so I have this box under my desk I put it all in the box and then when the box is full I dump the Box yeah and I never have to clean and it's like I don't have to put it at the same time okay what yeah I have like a a mailbox that was like stolen from the post office on accident like one of those mail carry boxes I just fill it up with all my trash and then when it's full I just go dump it out and then look there's not cups lying around but I don't have to also like clean up after myself 10 times a day my uh my thing is that to the extent that so usually I will put cups behind my monitor but then whenever I run out of space behind my monitor then I know that I have enough of a garbage bag full of garbage that I can take it out yeah it starts getting in the way and then because I can't forget but then you have to like put it in the bag that's why you got to get a drink box to put all your cups in a box but then what if you if you pour out the drink box and some of the drinks get spilled on the box then you have to get a new box so that's like the box that I have it's a plastic box no you could just have a big trash can in your room I do have a trash can it's always full because I never have a big one no okay get a big one yeah so y'all I can tell that y'all don't live with cats because like dude living with cats three cats when like you have a whole bunch of garbage in your room it just doesn't work that is a cat oh you have bunky that's right yeah well bunkie's not technically my Kappa monkey's in my room like 90 of the time whatever is that maybe you don't have you haven't lived with that [ __ ] cat I have lived with a cat worse than yours I promise okay what did he do he had [ __ ] diabetes and he would constantly piss everywhere he had an extremely rare form of diabetes when the vet saw him she was excited oh [ __ ] you told me about that Finn was [ __ ] he pissed on everything uncontrollably yeah it's literally uncontrollably he had diabetes what a [ __ ] I mean he wasn't a [ __ ] but it's like he [ __ ] you talk about mess made from a cat no litter box could handle him yeah so much so that he pissed on everything okay that you know what I'll take it back your cat's way worse was like yeah he's [ __ ] up well let me just tell you what my catfish he does he's a Maine [ __ ] so he doesn't drink with like his mouth he he turns his paw and he webs it out and he Scoops it into his mouth okay all of my main kid no it's really cute both my Maine Coons do it what is he's very grabby like so he grabs everything so he jumps on my desk and if he sees any container or the the best thing is a [ __ ] PS5 if he sees anything standing upright he's like you know what this [ __ ] doesn't fly with me spikes that [ __ ] down and I'm like all right dude what do you want me to do so now in my room I can't have anything that's upright I have to have everything on it to be fair you should not [ __ ] having your ps5s upright [ __ ] that it looks wait actually ps5s have to be yeah there's a Xbox 360 that you could do either one yeah yeah that too yeah because now it looks like Seto Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh the PS5 I think it looks cool as hell I don't I've used it once to play Demon Souls I've never turned it off that's why I bought mine too yeah oh yeah same I forgot we played Demon Souls forgot about that game yeah [ __ ] that game was played beaten and forgotten so fast yeah I mean it must be dark souls how about that yeah congrats I loved it I loved it the entire way well I didn't love it when I was like on death 50 on Manus yeah I was like the boss okay what was your hardest boss Madness really Manis is the only boss I died more than like I think the second most was like under 20s still was the second hardest let's see when you get to the boss I struggled with Halloween I think probably yeah which one's cow meat the dragon oh I didn't that took you a while it took me a while but it was it was because my controller like the bike it's the controller's fault guys one that was no I'm being serious but this one that was actually a second hardest but I could for some reason the Moonlight Butterfly the [ __ ] laser beams I would get so impatient and just like annoyed and then like Artorias which was asman's hardest I beat it in nine tries and the Butterfly I was on that for like 15. well the thing is you have to keep in mind like McConnell was on Discord with me okay so wow yeah he's messing me up exactly yeah he's messing me up the whole time unironically a Nerf oh yeah I was so angry I was so mad I remember I killed that boss my expression did not change I was like guys I'm done for today I um I was literally yesterday doing Eldon ring randomizer I got you beat the [ __ ] out of that I was amazed that you killed that boss like because I saw Melania because I thought you killed her in the first phase and then she went to the second one and I was like oh well we'll tune in five hours later I know I had to cheese the [ __ ] out of it but I did kill her good idea um the thing is some other [ __ ] side boss came out um and I got so many you saw that too no because whenever I was because I'm doing it too right so whenever I get to the same boss people will tell me what you got so yeah basically there was this little small room and there were three bosses that spawned the ones that I got I mean to be honest I thought were pretty easy so what did you get it was two [ __ ] with a spear and a Caster well that was easy no it wasn't the Poke boys the Poke boys with the Caster it was not easy I got just what just get them what do you mean just get them I had they had took three jump attacks to stagger them and even then I get hit before I can do anything and there's not enough room in this small [ __ ] map to even make it to the Caster to get hit off without getting spiked and getting Scarlet rotted Scarlet rot is the worst I'm gonna be real like I beat that one real quick but I haven't used uh well okay so you you it's a crystal in my mobs right yes so like the way that they work is that they take a lot of extra damage from blunt damage you know that right I used an ax so that was the mistake that you made also keep in mind I knew that but everyone kept trying to help me but you use a blood weapon and you said [ __ ] I did the same [ __ ] people would tell me they'd like give me advice and be like nope I'm beating it the way I was doing it originally yeah [ __ ] you that's exactly I'm the same one I have rage quit my last two streams because somebody said oh well you should use this you should stop stop doing this it's like [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] you no I'm not gonna do it you made it harder for me yeah [ __ ] you yeah um you think I'm not good enough for this yeah and then on top of that uh or the point I brought up you said your expression didn't change during those three guys I was killing with the [ __ ] ax I and I mean this I did not say a word for 40 minutes wow I didn't am I I was [ __ ] angry I didn't look at my chat a single time you were locked the [ __ ] I would no I was angry yeah I was I was not locked in like yeah gamer no I'm just mad [ __ ] bro so then I killed it and my vibes were so ruined I just turned the stream off yeah [ __ ] if there's no recovering from this yeah I tried to I went in but I was I turned my camera off and I put a lakari came on to pretend he was playing that's what happened oh you saw that I was wondering what the [ __ ] that was about yeah I just put look I was so mad that's sick so yeah it all comes together now that was a terrible [ __ ] time dude I'm stuck because I'm starting elderly randomizers oh it's great is it actually getting money it is the equivalent of getting Madness instead of the Taurus demon oh yeah it was bad so how does how does it work with damage distribution is it does it well it depends uh but like they're generally scaled to the uh like the level that you are supposed to be at in that area okay that's good yeah so it's it's not as bad as you might think it's like you have to fight her at full power but it's still obviously a much harder boss than some of the other ones of course of course but also like when you first start so your character your stats everything's randomized yeah weapons randomized I ran straight to the boss I'm in there I luckily I had a really good spell that I could use at a [ __ ] mace and a spell casting thing I had a really good build but someone might be there with a [ __ ] torch because the weapon they spawned in with they can't use like that is a possibility I got a weapon that did bleed damage oh [ __ ] you got a bleed weapon yes wait mine did too yeah we were op as [ __ ] yeah summons no I never have used someone yes I am summons are a cringe in fact well that's like whenever you admit I'm not good enough yes yeah exactly that's how I felt about [ __ ] putting on a [ __ ] Mason so you're gonna play uh Dark Souls 3. yeah I'm doing Dark Souls 3 next why am I playing Minecraft first you're playing Minecraft I haven't played Dark Souls 3 oh um well I just want to beat Minecraft once just to do it so maybe like next week I'll start Dark Souls 3. never beat Minecraft me neither and I I played like since it uh was in beta or whatever I'm so jealous of your oyster of games you get to choose from and have not beaten yet yeah didn't play dark I like realized that like I only played league for so long I have so much variety gaming content that's like everyone's done it but me yeah should be happy after all of them after all your souls like games you've got until dawn you've got Heavy Rain have you played The Last of Us no you've got I mean like I could just go on for I just like refused to play single player games for a long time because I was like I'm not beating someone because I was like I'm not beating someone's ass what's the point yeah there's no point to them no because the majority of multiplayer games well I I never realized that most single player games do have a very like Community aspect around them like that's what I liked about League it's like I'm playing with and against people we like talk about League of stuff but like for Dark Souls like everyone has their own experience that like you know you talk about when you Dark Souls is unique in that way like you oh really you won't get that from a lot of other single player games but single player game I will not play if I didn't stream I wouldn't barely be playing single player games much um but I do and they are fun to play on stream and that's probably why a lot of people like watching them because they're fun to watch and you play them and they're like yeah it's a cool game [ __ ] I'd rather play league yeah experiencing [ __ ] with people valorant things like that so I felt like with uh doing the Final Fantasy questline like I I know you played Final Fantasy 4 playing Final Fantasy right now yeah I saw you you were online like music yesterday or day before well she's she played well for me I'm playing Final Fantasy for her yeah um and right now we are still and what's the first A Realm Reborn yep we are it is so boring right now really I love that I thought it was great the beginning the very beginning yeah we're at like the end where we [ __ ] have defeated all of the primals and now it's just [ __ ] politics yeah I thought that was fine I didn't mind it it reminded me of the good seasons of Game of Thrones I mean the thing about Game of Thrones though is like you said with World of Warcraft um like they try and do these complex characters yeah and they fail but it's really nice when they just go back to evil guy good guy uh is so blatantly like normal school on chest um but Final Fantasy it it does like Game of Thrones but really simplistic characters it seems like evil like one guy was like I'm an evil guy and I'm gonna abuse these people and it's just so Bland it's like bro this character is like which which is the evil guy there was some random guy who was right A Part maybe you remember where he's a merchant and it's all of the um what are they called the [ __ ] people that are trying to move there yeah very beginning I don't [ __ ] know it's an old dog he got shot by an arrow he died right after yes but it made you feel better because he's like like my evil plan is finally coming to to for fruition it's like no one [ __ ] says that look at man my evil plan just so you know I'm bad it's like what the [ __ ] okay I can get yeah telegi allergy was is a bad dude yeah whatever he's still alive of course that's cool I played the game that's crazy you have insane memory I've noticed you remember the game yeah I will say the game is fun the story is not bad there's just some moments where I'm like and also Evan's word is a lot better the little people are [ __ ] annoying they get worse yes they're so stupid they're so clearly little kids even their emotes are like little kid Tantrums but like this person is in power and runs people's lives but it clearly a child even through their emotes yep that's [ __ ] annoying they even sound like a kid there are hundreds shut the [ __ ] up yeah like that is a child they act like it they're crying the best part right is so there's like three different big factions and like the first part of Final Fantasy and there's like the crystal mommy flower girls there's the uh pirate sense and then there's basically uh a bunch of like big hairy muscly men but the leader of all the big hairy muscly men is this little like lalafel those are the the tiny ones and it's this girl and whenever she wants to talk to everybody the second in command guy literally holds his arm out like this and she stands on it like a [ __ ] parrot yes and she's giving an address to the entire city yeah it actually is cool it was so funny I was told those two [ __ ] I don't think so I don't know I've told there is there is some serious thought process behind it that say that those two [ __ ] you know who actually [ __ ] yeah the people who leave comments on the Apple podcast reviews have you seen those on me yeah it helps to set a lot so I actually have one of them here you guys are on apple pie yeah apple podcast Spotify YouTube I think those are Twitter Tick Tock that's right thanks you're telling me I could put you on my Spotify and listen to you when I go on a walk yep yep you can download it ahead of time before it even comes out like you can set it to Auto download it helps us out a lot so this is uh from acemendy on Apple podcast five star review actually a start quote listenable question mark and quote podcast five stars laughs throughout the podcast helped me get through work can't wait for more thanks Ace great nice thank you very much for that Ace so you could listen to the podcast while you're leveling in Final Fantasy yeah theoretically yes be little [ __ ] kids yeah absolutely oh my God no way and you can like comment and subscribe and hit the bell for all the notifications at the same time imagine now because if you're already here you might as well yeah yeah soda thanks for coming on and uh being part of the show being our first guest I was the first guest I hope I didn't [ __ ] everything up I feel like we talked about this was great this is the longest I think we've ever recorded oh yeah it's been quite a while um did you have fun I did okay some good convos talked about some good stuff a lot of stupid [ __ ] but yeah the fun part I guess yeah that's usually about how all of them go so uh yeah um thanks a lot for watching guys uh remember to uh follow us on uh Apple uh Spotify YouTube wherever Twitter you know what it is oh yeah Tick Tock I forgot about that make sure to follow the tick tock I didn't talk about Tick Tock and uh ain't no [ __ ] all right well guys listen thank you very much for watching we really appreciate it and we will see you all in the next one peace [Music] [Music] and you look at me [Music] a sparkle in your eyes it makes me realize all we need is you and me from your eyes [Music]
Channel: Steak and Eggs Podcast
Views: 521,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, emiru, tectone, steak & eggs podcast, steak and eggs, steak and eggs podcast, sodapoppin
Id: sxwFk4Zgoi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 41sec (8021 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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