Asmongold and Esfand's Biggest Regret

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[Music] what's up boys welcome back to another episode of steak and eggs of course with me your boy asmon gold Emeril Tech tone and we have a guest today in the studio we've got Sven welcome to the show I'm very excited to be here so uh you've been faking a neck injury so you don't have a classic hardcore is that right so it started out as faking yeah and I uh I thought that I couldn't get away with Faking It uh-huh so I thought why you bought the neck brace on the website well I yeah the fake neck brace on the prop website I knew it was real because he hasn't been live that's not normal well I mean I'm really trying to sell sacrifices I actually also got in a car accident with a Park's car on purpose this morning with like two parked cars that got in an accident with each other yeah both cars were parked yeah right okay that makes that's how uh that's rough that's how desperate I was to really sell this neck injury yeah so you've been getting through that about when you're going to come back to streaming you've been chilling for a while huh yeah I mean I'll come back he'll be back next year guys he'll be back whenever I'm back on my main Channel no I think I mean I I I'm probably back already okay when is it when is this coming out the weekend I don't know probably in like probably like 11 days actually I'm probably I'm I'm probably live right now actually yeah that's definitely accurate what else have you guys been up to the past week uh Mario movie came out oh yeah oh oh can we did y'all see that yes I saw it last night okay okay so I want to go to the Dungeons and Dragons movie and my buddy mojito told me it was a five okay and then he told me that the Mario movie was a nine okay I go see that [ __ ] everybody's like oh the critics are wrong the critics are wrong I really don't know what they said but they get like a 55 percent I feel like that's what it deserved it was really not that good I always saw really good things about it I I love Mario too that movie was so mid it was okay crazy I love how many Mario games have you played all of them besides Galaxy I played all of them okay here we go Mario Super Mario all of those ones Mario 64 Super Mario Sunshine that doesn't count that's actually yeah that's not a Mario game is trying to be cute and funny with this incredible it's actually not true because Mario was referred to as Jump Man in the original but that's him no no no no they wanted to get people confused yeah nice try though and then I even played The Odyssey which is great no I actually love the movies it's it's really fun it's like a spectacle but like the story I don't know man it is just the normal Mario story like I don't play the Mario games for the story bro I play for the gameplay so if you just just don't expect go to a movie to play the game yeah okay I will say that I can see why you're disappointed I was there though Princess Peach yeah bro she's hot as hell really oh my god wow half the animation budget went on her lips bro I fell in love last night oh that was that was probably a good word that was worth it yeah it was worse oh the orange that pissed me off is that they threw a blue shell and it hits the guy in second place what yeah that pissed me did you see it yet no I haven't saw it well now I'm not going to yeah it's pointless the whole movie was not even accurate yeah how do you [ __ ] that up yeah who doesn't know blue shell hits first place well maybe the game boy yeah that's probably it no I'm gonna attend no game of the current switched in probably yeah it was just a buck well I have one crazy thing that happened this morning what's that I thought I had testicular cancer this morning let me tell you why oh [ __ ] so what the [ __ ] okay so before I go and meet people I make sure to take a very vigorous shower okay so I'm like washing my balls like crazy like wash your balls so closely whenever you're meeting people well because I don't want anybody because okay so I used to go to the gym and then you have swamp asses too yeah well yeah actually Houston I had this my buddy one time said I have swamp ass and then I smelled horrible and I was like okay [ __ ] it from then on whenever I went around anybody I watched myself vigorously so why is your friend sniffing your ass we had a very close relationship okay so I'm washing my balls and then I just see this huge black spot and I'm like oh no and then I'm like freaking out and I go to Washington and I can't find it and then I realize uh the soap suds covered my hands and my balls and I forgot I just got my nails done all black and I was just looking at my nails oh my god oh relieved bro why let's get scared the [ __ ] out of me so so when I was definitely asked I didn't force myself onto the set today uh when I was asked to come on the show I I wasn't expecting to hear like a very in-depth discussion to be fair this story is pretty mild for the show yeah yeah mostly not that bad yeah there's been worse um I know there's been worse because I've watched every episode let's go we're actually at episode 10 by the way that's a big milestone is there already episode 10 yeah oh my God I can't even believe that I'm voice well yeah I mean I think that let's see what else happened today or this week I guess the Mario like I I think it you're so wrong about that I think that the thing is with the Mario movie it doesn't need to be Lord of the Rings it doesn't have to be Lord of the Rings it doesn't it doesn't it it's just supposed to sell merchandise that's what it is why do you think we get a new Spider-Man every five years no dude I I agree 100 agree with you like I don't know man first of all Chris Pratt's voice acting was actually good uh that was that was shocking okay because the the trailer was like a collaboration of his worst moments they also cut out Mushroom Kingdom Here We Come they took it out uh Seth Rogen is Donkey Kong that was awful I was not a fan of that at all it didn't even sound like Donkey Kong bro okay here's goofy ass laughing what the [ __ ] this Donkey Kong sound like oh Seth Rogen apparently a monkey yeah yeah like okay you if you were to voice donkey on what would you how would you voice it do it right now I would just have a really really deep voice and I would imagine Donkey Kong as like that rap song in the one the strongest leader of the bunch yeah exactly in [ __ ] Super Smash Brothers Melee that's how I would imagine Donkey Kong talking but like I don't know I played donkey give us an example for me I I don't know how to do it I have no [ __ ] idea will you give us an example you want to be Donkey Kong I'm gonna give me something to say um say I I love bananas Donkey Kong is here I I can't is there any ashamed of me you know what husband why don't you do it I can't bear this oh what okay hold on what do I say oh no I love bananas Donkey Kong is here oh I love bananas Donkey Kong is here yeah yeah that makes sense it's pretty good yeah this is basically a tech Town yeah man there's a badass yeah I love them things oh oh [ __ ] that reminds me another thing Emily taped herself to a wall yesterday that's crazy I saw that she did that I would never do that I would [ __ ] that man dude I'm thinking about taking it and plus wanting it yeah thinking about just doing it in public yourself dude I think about doing it on Sixth Street really yeah why not that sounds like a bad time that sounds overwhelming unspeakable things to you there yeah as long as it's clipped is fine as long as they don't stab you it should be pretty much okay right as long as I don't die from the stabbing that's okay yeah that's really what man they don't get zenkai boosted and they'll come back stronger like Goku wait zenkai boosting yeah is that whenever you eat a senzu bean you come back sometimes stronger uh so zenkai boost whenever you take damage and you don't die from it when you heal you're stronger Oh I thought it was just with senzu beans I didn't know no I can do whatever am I the only person that pretty much stopped really watching Dragon Ball Z after the Frieza Saga you know what that is a super common thing you know why it's because they kept playing the [ __ ] rerun before he kills them yep they did that for three weeks I said I'm done yep I know a ton of people that they stop watching animals after the Frieza Saga because not only that yeah there was a big there was a a really long time between the Frieza Saga to the South Saga starting there was also like a like a gap where um cooler shows up and the Androids show up Brawley what's up bro we're always the movies I think it's set around the same time uh-huh but uh yeah there's the Broly movie and then the uh and the cooler movie uh King cold comes with Mecha Frieza yeah and then after that Future Trunks comes the Androids come through the whole Android Arc and then it's the cell side the whole weird thing the Androids were before sell yeah yeah because the the cell had to suck Android 18 and 17 into his channel yes yes yeah and then Vegeta takes uh 17s or uh what was the the stupid clown Android goes and rips his arms off and he goes like nuts oh bro Vegeta's so sick and that's also when Vegeta didn't care anymore he didn't care about being stronger than Kakarot yeah and something inside of them snapped man I maybe I should have kept watching it that was always kind of cool I feel like the uh like Dragon Ball Z was like the gateway to like watching anime for so many people I guess I know at least it was yeah it was accessible yeah Dragon Ball Z and avatar The Last Airbender for anime yeah 100 it was the most anime like American cartoon I just I walked I looked at that [ __ ] I thought it was stupid Avatar either it's really good oh my God it's amazing I've heard it's I've heard it I just I just never watched it hey I'll say bro I've watched it on stream the whole thing yeah y'all can do it too you're doing just watch the whole thing holy [ __ ] yeah it's good I saw a video about an anime and uh it's called My Life as some girl's dog and it's about how this girl this guy it's reincarnated as a dog and then oh it's worse um is this an anime or a Tumblr page it's gonna go to deviantArt and so anyway uh the girl progressively gets a more and more sexual relationship with this dog and it's like so it's a 12 episode is this a new show yeah I haven't heard of this there's so many shows like that though they're just getting weirder and weirder cause it's been done so many times yeah like so I'm [ __ ] as a spider yeah that one wasn't that bad was it it was cute what what happens with the dog do they so in the first episode she takes a shower or sorry a bath with the dog naked nice and then it escalates from there and so like you've got all the you know the dog naked yeah yeah you could say that I think so but it's like a person and it's like all this crazy weird stuff and it did make me wonder if maybe it's going too far well I don't know what do you guys think I mean that sounds like the exact premise of the B Movie only it's a dog I never watched the B Movie because the movie is weird I'm gonna say it yes how the [ __ ] do you guys know what the Bee Movie is it that was like the most popular like animated show like 10 years ago right the big movie is incredibly popular I I read the entire story so like the the plot is uh the main characters of B right and I don't remember what happens like some some chick's husband is like his arch nemesis and then he literally [ __ ] the husband the human wife falls in love with the bee and they like get married or something yeah uh oh pollination it's a metaphor wait what the [ __ ] really yes that's real and they're selling that to kids yes but I think it was a good movie I think I remember it was hilarious it was probably good oh my God it has Jerry Seinfeld's voices to be and that dude's voice is hilarious to me my favorite movie what's the deal with that Megamind is so [ __ ] good oh my God's amazing oh my God what do you watch bro uh well I mean I'm not gonna maybe I'll start watching this dog I mean I kind of want to see it I I do it's like how bad can it get well let's find out yeah like how messed up is the person that actually made this yeah yeah it's like I always want to like any time like I've been on the internet 20 years so I know pretty much everything that's wrong with people yeah and anytime that I start seeing it I will always like look into it because it's like going to a zoo and like you get to look at these people and the kind of stuff well literally a lot of times in this case it is like going to a zoo and like you'll get to see the kind of stuff that they're into and everything like that and it's like it's so crazy because like people have evolved to a point now where they can be sexually attracted exclusively to animals that aren't real so so we're on the subject now would you say that most times uh bestiality is bad right or well pretty much I figured yeah pretty much so like and I said what is your tolerance level or controversy and edginess well hear me out so like I said anybody who's remotely saying okay so what so what if it's like a centaur girl like an anime and then you don't interact with the back half just the top I'm not I feel like so that's the kind of stuff that's the interesting stuff right yeah you know that's the kind of stuff that turns people into furries yeah like there's there's this one [ __ ] called not furries they're more human than animal well I'm only Annoying with the human half anthromorphic animals so here's the thing that leans into technically what techtone is saying what is it no yeah you're hey welcome because if you're seeing more like if it's like 90 I mean in his case it's 50 yeah 50 maybe what 49 probably 41 you're probably yeah yeah okay but how does like thinking a girl wearing cat ears looks nice well I mean well it depends on what parts so here's the truth there's obviously a spectrum yeah there is and there's there are the two acceptable things and then everything after that is being a [ __ ] furry yeah cat ears and a tail that's fine yeah anything after that that is on another website so so you think you would say like a plus or minus five percent maybe ten percent yeah yeah that's your minus five yeah yeah I mean like five five to ten percent nothing crazy like maybe a little bit different type of eyes maybe like different facial structure a bit you know but nothing nothing too crazy I I don't think that's like a super furry thing well yeah it's just like a normal you know because because you have again like if if you think that's weird you are so lucky um if you think that's weird cool so yeah and it's like I I just don't get why cat girls get hate because like they don't play bunny yes they do no they don't know yes they do oh by who oh no cat girls have it so easy man they do all the characters yeah I'm just I've seen people say that's furry [ __ ] and it just makes me angry people that are saying that's furry [ __ ] are 43. true okay like they play classic wow they're not they're not typing it they're uh they're talking to Siri and they're telling them yeah could you tell him tell him they're the ones that are like they'll type out like a whole well-written paragraph and like a twitch chat of 35 000 people and I go yeah whenever I see those I feel kind of sad yes to share their thoughts they weren't just trying to like you know be a part of the emote wall space I will scroll up and I will sometimes read the paragraph I do that every time I will go through and I'll read it and I'll be like thank God that we took our time out to read your stupid [ __ ] opinion about this and like every once in a while it's something that's like really good it's like hey man I've been watching you for a long time really like the stream I watch it with my dog and you know it's like a good time and all that like I you know I lost my cat and so now I'm watching you it's like oh that's so nice right but most of the time it's like bro I think that you're such a [ __ ] fake [ __ ] you're ugly you're getting fat nobody likes you I [ __ ] hate you [ __ ] it just goes on and on and on the uh have you ever stopped to read one of those things and you're like you know what this guy's yeah this guy's right I'm wrong about what I'm talking about speaking no I never no it's never happened so there's been a very popular um post on 4chan going around I don't know if any of you all have seen it and they've connected myself uh yeah no yeah the hacker um it's his website and so they've connected myself and Mr Beast to a talent agency that we're a part of which is called night night media and basically they've just gone backwards and now according to a lot of these people um we work directly for Disney what like we are we are doing their work this is we are part of the new Illuminati and I think this is a compliment because it's like if if I'm that important that this is news to me I think this is awesome is that on pull or B both oh my God it's everywhere like it's not ironic I'm just asking it's hard to tell sometimes it's hard to tell sometimes I feel like a lot of times people do that as a joke either it starts as a joke and then people take it seriously or people take it seriously then people meme it so what it is is like ah it's really funny but I mean like really this is kind of a coincidence huh you know and that's how it is no I these are the kinds of people where like some guy I remember one time uh there's a [ __ ] comment on my YouTube channel some guy said man this asman guy he is based and then a reply to the comment that got more likes no original comments said ratio how the [ __ ] can you say he's based he hasn't even called the Jews out once oh my God what was the video it was probably about like it was just not related at all I think it was about like a Genji an impact or something literally nothing to do with it oh yeah that's the way these people go and and like yeah I'll read these uh these fan fictions people write about me and then like obviously some of these people they'll read this and they'll be like holy [ __ ] this guy like asmon and asmodius which is like some Demon this is this is exactly what [ __ ] Alex Jones has been warning us about this guy is in the Bible at the end of the [ __ ] book it's just the worst person and like they're like they're putting it right in front of us and we can't they think we can't see it we can see it and then they'll come into my chat and they'll start you know trying to take me to task they're gonna say you know what there it is it's not a [ __ ] joke as modius yeah Prince of demons and hell we call him ass mode for short yeah I'm not really sure I'd have to really think about it uh as Medan was a strategist act three maybe that was it I don't really know the lore of asmodeus or anything I just know people compare me to him because I have the same name and so your name is asman to Gold oh [ __ ] God I actually have it to where if you type asmond you get [ __ ] time down I I'm so sick of this [ __ ] like I've been getting called asmond since I was [ __ ] 16. wow I don't know like my Guild Master like and he was the Guild Master so I couldn't really tell him otherwise so I just had to [ __ ] deal and everybody's yeah it's asmond it's like okay great I don't think people just do that yeah Estefan or estefond yeah that's another one I think my dad did that at the beginning because he didn't understand what it was yeah I don't know what I don't know where it comes from but it's just people just throw a random letter in there oh here's what I don't get and I was hoping you could help me out with this uh people who use big words all the time like what like for example uh okay this might not be a big word like wheelbarrow what the [ __ ] is up with that [ __ ] you know like there's these people who use these big ass words that I never understand and it's like when I watch Hassan stream yeah and he says all this [ __ ] like I don't know like socialism yeah what the [ __ ] wait no but actually yeah but what the [ __ ] okay this is gonna sound crazy I don't know what a Democrat is or a Republican or or even to quote a great man um you all know Seer so see your comments this underneath my Twitter post and I say I'm going to an Anime Con and he says in all caps and breed the same air as those Libs no thanks I'll stay in Texas where the real men are said what I said Callie is call me and full of clowns and JFK Juniors still alive wake up this country makes me vomits and sleepy Joe and libs are running USA for money two weeks and the Patriots are going to have everything back to normal guys just two more weeks oh I mean you all go don't know that that reference yeah I don't get that yeah trust me like that's that's an even deeper level of the same thing okay I would call you based but you know yeah you didn't even yeah I didn't even bring him up so so what's a libtard uh whoa It's a liberal and what's a liberal no so like basically uh I don't I don't touch like the the political structure uh it it depends because like now everybody just has like an identification and it's like you can say oh liberals think this and then they're gonna be people like no they don't they don't think that they don't think everybody should be treated equal uh uh and then other people say the same [ __ ] about conservatives so basically um decide that you're not is the side of the people that have all the bad opinions okay the side that you're part of is a side of the people that have all the good opinions okay and if it's a pretty reasonable yeah thinking if you if you complicated if you complicate it more than that you're going to uh run in the problems okay I I'm like 29. I've got to confuse people I've never used labels for nothing yeah I don't I don't specify with any have you ever voted before no there's no way you've never voted in anything I'm voted here no am I allowed to say that yeah yeah oh I've never voted it's not illegal oh okay yeah I'm like I'm good I'd rather just play video games yeah you get scared yes well in some countries wait it's illegal to vote in some countries yes that's right where you are compelled um Australia I think that it's illegal and I think there's a couple of those European countries of people think they're better than us I think I'll go out to vote when Dwayne gets elected for president obviously no Dwayne The Rock Johnson yeah yeah and then also Mr Beast I'll vote for those two okay yeah that'd be cool yeah I would vote for Mr Beast same you don't vote for The Rock [ __ ] it yeah sure that'd be funny like imagine we had the rock is the president have you like a movie but it's like real life yeah I never have an actor as a president though yeah I imagine that that would be oh man imagine that it's actually happened multiple times now dude I speaking of which I so I've never watched The Back to the Future movies like you start to finish I'd watch them on TV they'd be on like yeah yes or TNT or something as a kid and I'd watch part of it but I watched all three of them back to back first off absolutely incredible phenomenal movies yeah but they they made that joke about Reagan he's like he's like who's president he's like Reagan he's like Reagan's an actor he wouldn't be president and it was so funny how like history repeats itself yeah time and just the whole warping of I don't know I thought it was oh I think it's amazing I I love how now it's like basically I was talking to you about this earlier like before the stream it took on Twitch how can you tell what's going to be entertaining think of the stupidest thing possible huh that's what's entertaining it's literally that simple like there was a time that s fan did a stream it was schlat stream and the entire stream was focused around dodgeball and all s fan did was sit there and stare at the camera that was it he did nothing else didn't say a word everybody was talking about him everything was about him all the clips were about him completely nobody was watching the game nobody cared that's all they were doing the whole time and that that is Twitch yeah it was horrible uh it wasn't remotely funny and it took no wit or any degree of I shouldn't be proud of it and I actually feel like a worse person afterwards everybody thought I was hilarious so I thought it was funny yeah I'm depressed okay cool I feel like on Twitch I always think of I remember one time whenever the Diablo 4 cues were happening I kept turning off the game and then opening it up to get a different queue time and my viewers were going up well I was sitting in queue it's like as I said the Dumber thing possible it's like you know I'll get a good example imagine if you can't get a game to work and you start recording yourself with a webcam playing the game remember that yeah I had another stream kind of like that the other day man I'm live but I don't feel like doing anything I turned off the lights turned off Minecraft music and just sat in a blanket not speaking and I went up in viewers I went from like 20 to 22. I was like why and then my internet went out this is crazy that's probably a good thing yeah so that's just so streams have been going pretty well then yeah I have an idea for a stream soon I want I bought a McDonald's worker uniform on eBay I'm going to uh I'm going to become a fry cook in my room just to see what it's like I thought you're gonna show up at a McDonald's and just start I would but I don't I don't want to like get in trouble or be kicked out or anything how about that though show up to a McDonald's you show up just walk in just try and clock in and then try to act like you work there and then be like I've got to get a McFlurry for somebody in the back which was delicious by the way yeah and I forgot to order my buddy a drink and he asked for a water cup what the [ __ ] dude he got soda with the water cup okay I've never seen I'm talking to this guy I've never seen that in my whole life ever and I was so taken it back because he did it like it was just a thing but he literally told you he does that so you have to the way you do it is like so it depends on who's working there right but you have to do it and then stand in line of sight between the [ __ ] drink machine and cashier so they can't see you do it and it's like also you have to identify like you look at basically everybody else there is going to be on their phone right yeah but there's one guy who's not that's the manager and so you want to make sure he doesn't see you either because he's the only person who even has to pretend to care yeah it's a very common triangle tactic where you're trying to yeah you want to set up a pillar and yeah it's very I mean it's just wow wow knowledge that really breeds into real life but it was my buddy he's like a such he's such a good dude uh like he's so innocent and then he just commits let's be real right it is [ __ ] ridiculous how much it is like it is I I bought a drink today it was 2.79 I heard that most restaurants and fast food chains make most of their money from drinks because it costs like God damn right they do this is [ __ ] ridiculous drinks there's a very big markup on the cost of drinks that is true but also it's like you shouldn't be drinking it anyway we should we should be we should be drinking water and milk and that's it I think that they should make diet soda illegal and no you ask for a diet soda they should be legally required to give you water no no no zero sugar Pepsi bro that's better than actual pepper that's zero sugar syrup diet soda tastes like [ __ ] it's disgusting no no dude zero sugar Dr Pepper is so one time somebody gave me one of those I I I was actually mad drinking it like it was the most disgusting [ __ ] thing I've ever had in my life so sorry I yeah I don't think that you can actually tell the difference really I would I would put money on that that would be a really good stream it's a cute blind taste tested like Diet sugar-free normal and see if you could tell which I will have you I think he could I bet you could I will I will have you know that I could not tell the difference between Coca-Cola and Dr Pepper but I could sure as [ __ ] hell tell the difference between Coca-Cola that would be such a good video that's because Diet Coke is disgusting it's same with onions zero sugar Pepsi Zero sugar Dr Pepper or Dr Pepper and Coke taste the same to you no no everything taste the same I don't really have much of a sense of taste I can tell it's yeah it's great no it's great like I sit there I eat my two dollar steaks with a [ __ ] plain baked potato it is lean it's clean and I'm not fat there you go yeah I feel pretty good about that if you ever want to try I will bet you one thousand dollars that you cannot tell the difference with 100 accuracy with 100 accuracy five different sodas regular and zero Circle there's no way it's too they're too good at it man they're too good the calories are now optional okay I feel it's like a mental thing it's a mental thing it's not no okay I feel like I can I can tell the difference for sure yeah yeah I can I yeah of course I think it is very reasonable like if I think you're coping for the fact that you you're drinking an inferior soda well well no I also think this is that much worse yeah I don't think so no I don't think it doesn't taste that much worse or or I mean you can even argue that some people might like to taste better but I think as far as being able to distinctly tell like for a Red Bull sugar-free Red Bull and a Red Bull Zero I feel like you you can distinct uh they have three distinct flavors they're they're outliers do all we all drink energy drinks yup Full Throttle is the best one for them they make me so jittery it depends on this if I drink more than like because I'll have them sometimes like people giving me I'll drink literally this much if I drink more I'll be like you know what's funny so before I started streaming yeah I did not really drink caffeine at all unless it was for pre-workout but then I started drinking red bulls because I thought it was the idea of a Retribution Paladin yeah all that stuff I thought it was a funny meme and then now I just drink them all the time so you just got addicted for a meme well it's not even I'm not addicted like I don't I don't I don't like want it all the time I don't I don't really need it all the time yeah I just think it would be nice if there was one always there and it replaced all the other liquids that I drink that yeah yeah so you're not addicted though yeah I'm not of course not or anything I've never I've never had an energy drink in my life I never want to yeah me neither there's no reason to it tastes delicious why I don't know this the stuff they put in a Full Throttle bro oh my God it is incredible most energy drinks take like taste like electric piss water yeah that's the good testing right yeah yeah I don't like that because I I'm skinny too right so it's like it doesn't take a lot I like it I like the it'll pop off I I don't really know if I get jittery or not but sometimes I do it's hard to say usually that's just how I am all the time did energy drink for mixers too for alcohol is so crazy oh that's so nasty dude Red Bull and vodka is so good I just yeah I don't know I don't know too much about all that oh okay I don't know I remember I had a friend of mine uh we were celebrating he got a job and uh Best Buy and uh he used Hawaiian Punch and vodka he put them together yeah and uh then he put those two things together and put them on my my futon and I threw up all over my [ __ ] futon you threw up from a taste of alcohol oh okay okay and uh yeah I I can just never I can never think of that it's crazy because he still hasn't cleaned it and this was 10 years ago what's on the other side yeah oh my God oh I actually did unfortunately it was so [ __ ] disgusting you know you're actually supposed to do that like flipped your match every six months what yeah you're supposed to flip your match for six months as well as you're supposed to open your windows for two hours every week no yeah apparently that's a thing says who Google probably people that are selling Windows you have like stagnant air what a stagnant air it's just like not as good air quality so if you care about air quality it's open to one for two hours every week hey hey attack soon remember when we were talking about libtards earlier yeah rotating your mattress regularly is important that is I've heard this but I think it depends on your mattress now look look up the window thing too I'm telling you brother I have a lot of Summer I have had the same mattress for 20 years and it's yep and I sleep on it the same way I use the same pillows the same pillowcases and that's just how it is did you see this [ __ ] prevailing wasn't at least five minutes I'll prevent so that's [ __ ] yeah yeah I mean was prevailing to get the baddies out sleepy Joe what does that mean yeah literally it says yeah you get the baddies we'll get the website Aunt Fanny's like what the [ __ ] is this I can't help that's the top of Google the other website the other website is a DOT Co dot UK you know what the code stands for uh communists yeah I don't know about opening your [ __ ] window man like I have people come over to my house all the time to try to sell me new windows it pisses me off how are you gonna get the baddies out I I don't need to oh okay I'm in the house they're not going anywhere I've got these [ __ ] moths and they've been in my house every single day and they went over to my dad's house and I go over to my dad's house I go over to my dad's house to like I'm like hey you know you want me to bring this over I'm like he's like yeah sure I come over I go on it he puts me on a 40-minute side quest to kill these [ __ ] moths I kill 70 moths nothing oh nowhere like I had to leave and the only way that I could tell him and convince him that I had to go now because I needed to go is that I told him if I don't leave now and I'll misread no uh the place I want to go to is closed and I'm gonna have to go to Whataburger and I know he hates Whataburger well it's like oh okay yeah all right you've got to go Whataburger is so good it is so good if there's nothing else it's good all the time it's not as good all the time I do think Whataburger is good but I don't think I want to hear what you understand so okay Burger King is better no that's the stupidest [ __ ] I've ever heard I don't agree with that either okay well everybody's wrong except me okay dude so uh I think Burger King is better I think uh Shake Shack is better okay everybody knows that uh Five Guys is better no it's too expensive Five Guys is expensive that's good so it's Whataburger see that's a millionaire tank you just said right there no it you're right like I I went there and I saw on the door they said they are hiring people for 18 an hour that's crazy 18 [ __ ] dollars I go in there and I'm like okay let me just get some stuff in a milkshake it's like twenty four dollars like I could go downtown at a sit down nice restaurant and it would be about that much it's not how the [ __ ] is it that expensive I don't know it's actually infuriating and now a word from our sponsors well if one episode isn't enough we got even more now we started the steak and eggs official patreon slash steak and eggs we're gonna have tons of stuff on there as well as behind the scenes footage bonus content as well as questions that we are going to answer from you guys directly so if you guys want to be a part of that see what there is to offer take a look at it at steak and eggs where's the where's like y'all's favorite fast food place to go to you know I uh I think I like in and out the most really actually because because I think announcing ingredients are pretty good and I think a lot of people are you know people are in different in and out versus Whataburger but I actually like the In-N-Out fries and a lot of people like that's like notoriously people dislike yeah I'm not I'm not fans I don't know why I like them so much they're stale yeah McDonald's fries the best yeah yeah I think I think McDonald's fries are yeah they're good so what's a Chick-fil-A Chick-fil-A fries actually the best fries now are Wendy's fries no so so do you remember back when Wendy's was yellow yeah yeah like the old dolls yeah and everything was yellow yeah of course you didn't but it was it was back like a while ago and uh so back then uh the fries were amazing and then yeah see this was this was back in like 2003 or something I don't remember that that's crazy actually I remember being in bed oh I know I have one of those cups in my room so yeah anyway um I I was using this uh this like these fries I was eating them all the time I would love Wendy's fries and they changed this sea salt and I [ __ ] hate potato skins on fries it is disgusting like it it it not only is it disgusting but it's lazy it's lazy okay so obviously lazy and they're like oh we're trying to make it more nutritious like [ __ ] you're just trying to save money shut the [ __ ] up okay so they were doing this at Wendy's for the longest time and recently I challenge anybody go to Wendy's and get the fries now they have completely turned things around their fries are amazing now that's interesting because I was gonna say I like the skins on the like the Wendy's fries the Wendy's the Skins I actually do kind of like them I I think the Wendy's fries are so much better now but Emmy is Right McDonald's fries are pretty much the best well I would say water Burgers is but I think they're heavily carried by their spicy ketchup which I think is the best catchment on Earth Whataburger has that like Ranch what the [ __ ] are you talking about I get you know you know I can taste the cheese cooking oil I've gotten food poisoning from Whataburger twice there's one time I got food poisoning and I remember as I was throwing up hamburger chunks on my nose I thought to myself I am never going to Whataburger again I mean I didn't for like a whole year wow one year yeah of course that was like 10 years ago I'm gonna be honest I think you you just have had food poisoning I think that like really I probably get food poisoning about once every three years and like the one time that I uh got food poisoning remember whenever we were doing that big like were you there for that the uh the big thing at soda sauce with it yeah he's sitting there like writing things down and I just randomly left in the middle of it yeah oh wait I was not there yeah I watched it yeah I remember you felt like ass I uh drove home puking all over myself yeah I remember over and over and over pulling over and I went home I went to bed I woke up I felt great I went made myself a [ __ ] steak there you go and I I didn't go to that place for two weeks you know what's weird is a lot of times whenever you get ill like that it's it hits a really hard yeah and then it's over I feel like it's a system cleanse yeah yeah it's like restarting your computer I actually beat food poisoning the other day how's that we went to squeaks's barbecue yeah and squeaks was uh squeaking his [ __ ] and uh you actually warned me not it's funny I can tell you about this you told me not to eat the sausage I told you you told me specifically do not eat it and you even put your hands you put your head in your hands when I ate it yeah but me and Diddy ate squeaks of sausage and I only took a bite and squeaks or uh did he ate half that [ __ ] yeah okay Diddy went home with me and he like projectile vomited immediately from eating that I started to feel what he felt so I just sat down and I slammed a thing at Alka-Seltzer and I was meditating and every single time I felt it coming up I would just swallow it over and over and over and over and over again and I just sat there for like an hour and a half and then I beat it and then I got up and I finished watching WrestleMania sick I had that happen one time with a drug overdose what so uh basically I I got two teeth pulled out uh two of many by the way uh and I was writing something and my mom was sitting next to me and I started I started feeling my vision going away I started feeling my hands going numb and my feet going numb and I I started realizing I was having a drug overdose and I was like because I looked it up and like that's what it was in my mom she's like watching you know TV or something like that she grew up in the 60s and 70s so she I mean she didn't even pause the video and I was like screaming and she's like just because I was like interrupting her video yeah she was like kind of annoyed by it and so she finally uh you know she's like okay you know just like chill out and I I had that happen the first time and it like really freaked me out and so I took it again I could feel it happening and I was like okay I'm gonna sit down I'm gonna just think about World of Warcraft and I'm not going to think about this happening at all and all I did was think about like [ __ ] Westfall or some [ __ ] for 30 minutes and then I got up and I moved on with my life it was crazy never took another hydrocodone Again by the way [ __ ] that did you did you did you accidentally take more than you were supposed to no I'm like I like at that time I was like 115 pounds and so I took a whole one wild I took a whole one I don't I don't do any drugs like I I actually um I had a like a muscle relaxer thing that would take for stress but I've actually I've completely stopped taking it I've moved myself off of it because it's like number one I don't want to have to [ __ ] call the doctor because he's going to want to do an appointment and that's going to have to wake up early and so that's a whole it's a whole thing just [ __ ] that right but like also I don't want to have to rely on some sort of [ __ ] [ __ ] medicine right and so I completely have pretty much got myself off of it and uh I I don't have I I don't I don't like to take any drugs I don't like to have anything like foreign or like weird in my system at all yeah I'm kind of the same way like if I if I have to take some medicine like for this neck thing for example that I've got going on yeah uh like if I have to take something I I will but I don't like I I prefer to just deal with it as much as I can yeah um no not man if because it's just I I just don't like the idea of I haven't like just cranking a bunch of like ibuprofen every day I do the same thing but I feel like it's stubbornness yeah I don't know I actually don't know if it's stubbornness or like trying to be wise I do the same thing we're like I don't want to take any medicine I'll just get through it but I feel like it's just stubbornness the moment I feel bad at all I'm a firm believer that 400 milligrams of ibuprofen 200 milligrams of acetaminophen and 16 fluid ounces of water will make anybody go from feeling a three to feeling a seven like yeah bro they're my I'm a firm believer in modern medicine okay I love it I mean I remember on the AQ Gates release I had a 2 pulled and I remember bleeding into my trash can and spitting out blood while I was in agonizing pain wait wait did you have a tooth pulled yes or did you pull it too I uh I broke in a piece of a tooth off twice with a pair of pliers but I've never pulled out what that's there's no way yeah why'd you do that because I was trying to raid lead uh heroic Lich King but the part of the tooth that had broken was stabbing my tongue so I couldn't call out Shadow traps in phase one so I told them I had to be back in five minutes and I just went downstairs with pliers and broke it off like two weeks later I got Invincible why why didn't you just move your tongue to the other side it was annoying okay yeah it was just annoying yeah it was a it was a pretty crazy time I don't that that tooth isn't there anymore oh so yeah it's just another example yeah I would never have people always people always say uh you know don't ignore your problems they won't go away they absolutely will I ignored my teeth they went away yeah there you go invincible's the one man I always wanted to get in world Warcraft that I could never get that and uh what the mecca head yeah those head yeah mimrod's head from yogg Saron and Invincible I remember I told people I made a YouTube video about how mimiron's head is the best Mount sound to be on while you're masturbating because it helps you pace yourself and it was like a whole video and there were people that were like commenting they're like I thought there was something wrong with you but I think that you're right I've never well now I have to look it up okay no I'm serious like it's probably a clip it's got to be like a clip it's from probably about 2017 those were the real degenerates yeah yeah I'll pull this up well I think I'll test it yeah of course well you can't because you don't have the mountain it's [ __ ] Bro why'd you quit why'd you quit wrath me yeah I I'm uh I actually did not have fun playing wrath and it's crazy because I and I haven't quit yeah I just haven't played it for four months okay uh I I originally quit wow in like 2008 or whenever wrath came out originally I quit and then I came back at the end didn't like it again so uh I I just feel like I had such a massive um I enjoyed Burning Crusades so much to the point where it it literally ruined all of the rest of wow for me and your stream yeah so I I just I just now I just don't do anything uh no no the what what happened is like I'm uh man I I just don't really enjoy playing wrath red Paladin it's just not fun it's uh it was my favorite experience you know what you can do well it's a problem is you can play prod the best tank in the game by a [ __ ] mile that is better than everything else you don't even have to look at the screen you're tanking everything you never die you have a [ __ ] death save on a two minute ICD it's disgusting like I'm actually very wrong I I actually think prop Paladin and wrath is like one of the most beautifully designed things ever but so on the flip side yeah like rep Paladin in in burning Crusade was super stimulating it was the seal twisting the you know within 0.4 seconds of your swing you hit it boom boom it was like it was like you were dancing on your keyboard the whole time oh yeah but then in Wrath it's literally just like this and it's there's whatever whatever lights up first hit it it's super it's not engaging not stimulating um it wasn't even high performing now I talked to people at blizzard a lot about like dude Rhett sucks like you guys have to do something yeah and then they buffed it but by the time they buffed it like I was already like completely checked out you're done yeah and it was a PVE only buff right it wasn't a PVP buff which you could argue that I'm mostly a pvpr right yeah yeah and you could argue that Rhett doesn't need a buff in PvP but the playstyle of red red is very good in PvP if you play this like preg build with like the spell power one hand and the shield and it's this whole other thing that yeah and I like alternate builds and that was like the whole thing when I first started making videos like you know five six years ago it was about that kind of stuff like yeah being doing like this cool weird stuff like off offspec stuff but man just something about uh the the fact that even considering using a two-handed weapon in PvP is like not really viable uh in comparison to going with the other build is uh it's just not I don't know it's just not fun it becomes So Meta it's two meta exactly like that's the thing is in Wrath like people play in like one way like you have no idea like yeah did you play classic wow at all uh yeah I played as well so if you were not doing everything the exact way that the website says to do it you're a [ __ ] loser and nobody will play with you yeah and you deserve to die yes well I I think what happened over time is is people got over that because it wasn't really like that on private servers and then it was like that one of the class that came out for some reason because everybody everybody is trying to Peacock around because it's like views were to be had man I was I was so good 15 years ago like it was like that whole thing but it flipped back the other way to where people like just kind of stopped caring but now it's one of those things where just long story short I think like wrath rather witch King feels like retail light that's just what it feels like does so it's it's like uh it doesn't feel like the game is that much different anymore I'm gonna play hardcore classic I at first yeah yeah and it's it's it actually is really really it's like this crazy thing right so it's like you play like you play classic wow right but you have to do it so you know how it's really slow yeah you have to do it even slower so if you die you have to delete it it's crazy well then how the [ __ ] do you ever go to string with one Veil the difficulty but it just is like more painful it's just it's just uh it's like an adrenaline rush thing yeah like okay if so if I did a hardcore classic yeah I got a couple things I I don't want to say it you know on a tangent about this for too long yeah yeah but for one I I've basically I feel like I beat vanilla I've I have every accomplishment everything you could possibly ever want to do in vanilla didn't get RTS oh yeah I should get not teach I should get not Teach as a paladin and just just have it in my bags and play the trade window no but like I have basically any any accomplishment I could possibly want to have I've done it in vanilla yep the only way I would truly want to play is if they they modified the game quite a bit and like fix some stuff up or whatever but that's a different discussion when it comes to hardcore if I were to go go back and do like a hardcore challenge right I would want to do it in a way to where like you said playing it really slow trying not to die yeah I my goal would be to have every single poll a poll where there's a chance that I die like you got killed uh I don't remember where so so what happened was that's that's how I did it I did it and I died at level 19. yeah because I was soloing level 20 Elite ogres yeah so I was like I was playing the game in a way to where literally I had like 10 20 Health every time so what happened was uh didn't you have a [ __ ] like an add-on or something like that that you would use to like make it look like you had no health or you had like one percent health or something stupid like that just to bait people I did or is that something else no no that was something else that was the level oh yeah anyway so that was we should we should tell these different stories separately this is so [ __ ] so was this wrath or Dragon it was it was literally both of them and dude oh everybody so s fan goes and he changes his he he photoshops his literally photoshop on OBS to be like instead of like 70 like 78 well everybody else is 72 and people kept coming into my stream s fans already level 78 I can't believe it what the [ __ ] how did he get are and then I would do I would do the same thing on the flip side yeah I hit Level 80 already and I would just leave the level 78 up there oh beautiful how are you still level 78 you terrible at this game and I'm doing Arenas like it's like I'm doing content that is not even accessible until Level 80 like well I don't need to be 80. I'm already beating I'm that good now I'm that good and now a word from our sponsors hey everyone if you're a smart Shopper then you're always trying to find the best deal on tickets for shows and events luckily our sponsor for today's episode sea geek is here to help with over 28 million downloads sea geek is the number one rated ticketing app there are more than 70 000 events every single day on sea geek including concerts Sports festivals and more I attended a few events last year such as Anime Expo and with CK's help I can make sure I get the best deals moving forward with artists like Taylor Swift Drake and Beyonce on tour you're not going to want to miss out plus sea geek does more than just get you good deals each ticket they sells right on a scale from one to ten so you can buy with confidence and save money in the process every ticket is also backed by their buyer guarantee and sea kick is the only site that lets you return your tickets before the event with swaps and you know I came through for you guys use our code stake for twenty dollars off tickets at Steve geek that's 20 off your first purchase with promo code steak s-t-e-a-k make sure you click the link in the description to download the app today I think that's the best thing about classic wow is that the people that watch classic wow only watch classic wow there are a lot of them and they actually predate the internet yeah they like they'll be like I don't know about this whole social media thing yeah yeah I don't know if this whole thing's gonna pan out like this is so you could so yes you saying you can make money on the internet what is this some kind of a porn thing oh yeah I do I do truly miss a lot of stuff about classic though oh yeah well those are the ones that uh those are the ones that hate cat girls the classic the classic law players because they well you really think so well apps apps [ __ ] lutely I do think it's changed so like I remember watching that video about the girl that has the sexual relationship with the dog I was thinking to myself not a sentence this is the way that classic players feel about cat girls I think I think that things have changed over time though you think so I think I think that uh now a lot of the classic players just don't care about anything and they're just completely over it they're just like they just gave up yeah which is to be honest that's just the way to be man yeah that is it that is I I feel like it's it's a pretty good spot right now but um oh I didn't I didn't tell you I didn't talk about how I died uh well there was there was here's what happened yeah they're leashed there's a mage ogre and then like a Bruiser ogre and what was happening is they had a shared leash so I pulled both of them that's fine I'll just hit the Bruiser yeah while while strafe jumping back the whole time but I didn't know this well I straight jump because you can run full speed jump turn keep your facing the same so I can still parry and attack oh yeah yeah boom boom boom boom boom now I end up doing this for no joke across the entirety of lokmadon right so I go I go from the the North West corner of the map all the way right next to the dam and I didn't I'm like why is this Mage not leashing yeah so I'm I can solo the bruisers but the the uh the Mages are doing like 250 damage with the fireballers fireball or something and I'm like I'm like losing my mind I'm like this thing's not going away right now I just keep going and I'm about to kill this thing now if I had stopped attacking they both would have gone away yeah I didn't stop attacking because I wanted to kill the Bruiser while this thing's going on but I end up running into a massive Camp of Dark Iron Dwarves oh because you tried to go up through this because I'm trying to run away and I'm not looking behind me right and I just I and I just go oh dude it was so bad it was so funny though like whenever classic wow came out you guys might not understand this but people actually made hate videos about me and sfand because of the way that we leveled yeah they said eight videos eight videos one of the most one of the most popular posts on classic wow of all time asman gold failed classic wow I am not kidding it is like it is mental illness person that whole thing and I remember I read the whole thing I was farming it for Content it was absolutely crazy like those people like I have never seen anything like that before in my life but how many people agreed with it 17 000 upvotes I'm pretty sure something like that it's in insane yeah here it is right here now it's up to 18. yeah what a surprise they must have watched me play wrath well the thing is is like has even given him my twitch Prime this is real this is real look at the amount of updates I I feel like at a certain that means it's real I feel like they're at a certain point people were out voting this because they thought it was it was so insane it was fun no there had to be nobody was no you know what I'll say it I agree with this guy man you know I feel like I feel like he's on to something man 18 000 people can't be wrong of course not yeah grouping with other players all the time there's a million reasons why we all Wanted classic wow but I think it's really sad that he and many streamers should talk BFA forever and they said they would play classic differently only to go around begging for gold and items that's true yep there we go oh my God yeah and the thing is I don't can't they just not watch so then no no of course not what else would they have nothing else to do uh so then on top of that there was a guy who uh remember I was talking about like ninja looting like what that was yeah so there was a guy Mike Gill this name remember Royston oh my gosh no human mage a dwarf no Mage I think and so this guy the most expensive item in the entire game drops and he says Edge Masters hand guards he tells everybody there's like a rolling system and you can roll greed or need and if you roll need you have priority over people who put greed he told everybody to agreed he [ __ ] need rolled that [ __ ] [ __ ] stole it there was another post on that same subreddit about royson stealing this item it got more traction than twitchcon did it was at the same [ __ ] weekend and I came back and I remember like the whole like my my Reddit was on fire like Twitter was going crazy like I was getting like notification after notification and it wasn't people like hey I saw you at twitchcon I was like [ __ ] you you piece of [ __ ] you're protecting this [ __ ] you want to go ahead and do that you're going to ruin classic and in the meantime this guy is literally Justin asman's Guild like and asthma has no idea that's going on like is that like they think like asthma's the Puppet Master he's like I told like I told her do it Ninja The Edge Masters handguns like like shut it down so the guy like finally we come back and we have a massive duel between him and you know Quinn 69 yeah Quinn duels Royce and because royson's told the items from people in Quinn's Guild for the honor of his [ __ ] guilt Quinn beats the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of him in front of like I think we had like 80 000 people watching this [ __ ] and then apparently after that I'm pretty sure he quit the game like classes the funniest and the stupidest drama ever like I almost want it to come back just so I can Farm it again the thing is it was really entertaining like that if you if you think about it from like the third party perspective now I I think there was a degree of legitimate Insanity oh and like people are completely crazy so jigsaw so there's this guy jigsaw and I made all these different guilds called Olympus was Olympus one two three four and five and he took over one of them he said we're not going to listen to asmine gold anymore we're going to change the look of the tabard and we're gonna do our own thing now and he says we're gonna make Olympus great again we're gonna make classic great again and he said and so he called everybody out there to have like this big speech in front of everybody for the guild and it was in front of the Stormwind Gates and he says we're going to build a wall and he [ __ ] turns around and he points at the wall of the [ __ ] Castle he says it's already done I wanna I'm gonna be honest I I adore I adore my guild yeah and and everything my guild Crusade has done it is still alive and kicking there's there's tons of raid groups it's it's an overwhelming success by by all means but with that being said I I did a lot of whenever classic came out I played classic and I didn't stream classic enough because man a lot of the community has been streamed it yeah you know I I like I I I I I was a I was a good boy and I played it the right way and stuff but it's like it nobody it doesn't matter he did not play the game well it still got hate threads everybody's still [ __ ] they still [ __ ] on me yeah it didn't matter at the end of the day but like you'll still I do love my guild though do y'all still get [ __ ] for what y'all my leaders for what y'all did to today yes no [ __ ] way bro when does it go away because like there's some [ __ ] that I did like two years ago on genshin that I still [ __ ] what did you do I insulted a character singing I said I thought their singing was bad no no it's gone it wasn't two years ago I was like you're in nine months what if it wasn't more than that what do you mean what if it literally there's a character called yunjin okay and I said her singing was bad oh her yeah no wonder people were upset um bro when when am I allowed to forget about this they're not going to and also like you don't ever come back to the game I don't like you have to come back to the game every once in a while Farm nagenshin viewers and be like hey guys I'm back and then two days later you're [ __ ] done you never come back that's what you need to do so so you're telling me that I should go play gunship right now oh I don't know about right now but yeah okay do you think I should release a video called my my honest opinion on Genji and back and make like an hour and 40 minutes and make everybody watch the whole thing absolutely you know you should hold them at gunpoint and make them watch it absolutely you should do should I go get in the tree house yes absolutely and then sit down and then also react to your own video on stream and true yourself yeah I do that all okay this is releasing okay all right yeah you'll be ready man I I uh yeah I don't know I think I think sometimes like it's it's good to take breaks from games like it's good it's good to take a break from Kenshin or you know for for us like it's gonna take a break from wow I I like you know like you and I both have been doing this where it's like we've been playing other games doing variety doing all kinds of other stuff but I think I I think sometimes it's just nice to I don't think it's you don't need to quit you can just take a break for a little bit and then go back like I will probably go back and yeah I still haven't done older I will do older yeah I will do ICC at some point I just don't know when you know I'm just yeah I'm doing these other things like gonna come back for shadow mourn guys yeah okay I'll make sure to get the shadow dude that's how Nick Nick so nmp is trying to get me to play yeah and he's like man we don't have a shadowmour and recipient you know we need somebody to get the shadow more and it's like this amazing legendary ax I have it in my garage it's like the best yes yeah it's like the best it's so badass dude but but like it is badass it is sick but uh Nick is trying to get me to come back in a raid with his raid group to get a shadow mourn and I'm like I just don't know if I got it in me we'll see we'll see I'll probably come back at some point yeah maybe I mean and just play a little bit but like what's the what's streaming I won't play it if I come what's the longest drama like for example like what's the drama that like five years ago it happened and you just can't live it down oh me or the community anybody oh my God I had I had drama with this other content creator yeah back when I played Arc Knights right and so [ __ ] somebody made a thread on my Reddit about why we don't like Tech tone this [ __ ] I'm like going like this I'm scrolling and I'm [ __ ] looking through this [ __ ] and it's like where did this come from yeah I saw this section I I've got to see if I can find this this is wait really nuts yeah and these these people just legit make [ __ ] up so much so we're it makes me feel like I have like dementia so and I just don't basically you ruined this dude's life there's so many kind of I know who you're about to say you're about to say I'm not gonna say the whole name uh but it Rhymes without banks okay is that is that who you're about to talk about or no I don't I don't give a [ __ ] who this person okay well let me tell you about this first one okay so there's this other kind of Critter who will go unnamed okay unless you think I should name them which I'm more than comfortable with doing I mean it kind of depends on okay well anyways it's content creator oh my God this is just a yeah what the [ __ ] it's not actually the real one too uh there's no oh there's another one right there another one yeah there you go oh my God yeah wait can I see this yeah sure that's insane okay so this is the first big drama I ever had there's one another short version and and it started off with this one character yeah and their name was Specter and I said Specter was a boss killer because if you get this character you Max it out level 80. you can use them as a boss killer okay okay and you put them in front of the boss and they have this button that says they cannot die for 15 seconds and they were doing insane damage so the boss should one shot a normal unit but with Specter they don't right because they can't die it's like Tryndamere League Legends so you grind grind grind dead and I use it as a boss killer this other content creator said actually it's not a boss killer okay and I heavily disagree okay and I'm like okay well I think you're stupid because every boss in the game can be sold by this one unit yeah and I thought it was done a year and a half later right I get involved with drama with another content creator because they said Zhang Lee was really uh really bad and I actually had actually zhangly is very good he doesn't need a buff because I decided to buff him and this conjugator comes from the Woodworks and says so actually I had a very serious issue with that tecton and uh in our DMS he was actually gaslighting me bullying me verbally harassing me and I'm like okay I keep receipts of everything and I'm like all right here are all the DMS we've ever had none of that absolutely none of that actually the the DMS we had was me helping them getting them in touch with the developers helping them with their Channel getting them an editor okay and then they say oh [ __ ] turns out I don't know what gaslighting means but unfortunately nobody saw that and they deleted the post but everybody heard about it so I'm still getting [ __ ] for that so so every single big drama I had is meta talk so here's the other side of the story yes what's funny about the I'm gonna redact the name thing is Tech tone helps instigate [ __ ] somebody responds back and then acts gung-ho and then he's like some anime protagonist literally going talk [ __ ] about me all day but never my friends bro acting all dead serious like you literally do that for a career man it's an old habit dude literally picked a fight with some other random Creator because he rated his new shiny genshin character really low in meta and usefulness the other Creator ended up quitting content creation because of mental health impact that tektone and his kid fan base had that was too much okay so the guy did regularly attacked other genshin creators unprovoked calling their content [ __ ] because they don't do what he personally thinks is entertaining it's not even half dude it's the biggest load of [ __ ] it's totally fake there's there's no way kids watch you it's all it's insane okay that the first guy I mentioned that's from Arkansas the other guy you're talking about is from Genson still does genshen oh well one of them quit it was a Duo oh my God that was Insanity oh my God people will come into my stream to complain about you sometimes yeah and then you know what you do what just just be like okay just send me it I'll be show me no I'm just like that's so true you're totally right it's it's crazy by the way we have a new episode of the podcast out I'm gonna link it for you guys make sure to go watch it it's in the title yeah there you go dude I get that I'm a dick a hundred percent but I just wish I dude I know this part of comic running I wish I would actually be [ __ ] on for the [ __ ] that I did yeah rather than people just make [ __ ] up and say here remember that one time mad about is the stuff that they like think is happening or that they perceive just like manifested it in their own it's insane but I will admit I do have a rule on stream where people can [ __ ] talk me all they want but you're not allowed to talk my friends so he's about anime protagonist no no it's because I'm getting paid right for being [ __ ] talked my buddies aren't not are not getting paid they're getting paid an exposure yeah yeah true yeah boy okay so like Emmy have you do do you have like any drama from like [ __ ] five years ago that refuses to die that like people just no I I mean I've never really like had drama like there's been like moments where like you know like stuff happened with other creators that like I was like kind of involved in but not really or like I have like embarrassing moments or whatever but like I don't have any like drama like these like really obscure events that people hate me for at least not that I know of I could be wrong yeah I mean I haven't heard anything do you think that's weird because the moment anybody should talk to my friend in my chat I banned them is that weird okay if anybody comes in there talking [ __ ] starting trouble I ban them on principle oh okay it's just like what is the [ __ ] out of here okay nobody can talk to you it's literally nobody wants to hear it yeah exactly it's that easy it's like you know what you say you say you know what if you really hate techtone hey a new episode of the podcast came out today go check it out and you can hate watch techtone there by the way if you really hate techtone the patreon just released go ahead and subscribe to the patreon what I do is I will ban people and then when I do they will go and they'll be like Oh I'm gonna submit a ban appeal and like sometimes people talk [ __ ] to you and I'll ban them and I'll be like you have to get S fan to unban you oh and actually you have them yeah have them on banana one of the craziest dramas ever had this was this was probably like the last big drama that happened is that one of my old friends I am no longer a friend of this guy God and drama with another content creator okay and so they're going off at each other and then the other content creator says oh yo here's my opinion I just uh Kira's glasses from Death Note so it's actually not you saying this you're being tecton's puppet and everything that you're saying is coming from him because my buddy had like no viewers oh right right okay but he knew that he was connecting me because we were buddies right and he is he accused this guy of being my puppet to attack him and then I got dragged into it for no reason and then he made me leak DMS again and this guy like I opened up to like I told him everything like because I was very good friends with this guy yeah but then like he made me leak the end because I had to prove to him once again because he said that I was [ __ ] talking every content greater in DMS yeah uh people who are very close friends with and once again none of it was true but for some reason nobody sees that part it's Insanity it is insanity nobody nobody sees everybody sees the accusation nobody sees the resolution no shower absolutely not it's disgusting it's more entertaining yeah right people people don't care about the news it's not it's not interesting yeah yeah exactly oh this thing wasn't true sorry guys nobody's gonna click on that and that's the thing then you have like the lowest common denominator who like they don't they don't care about it right but then that's the masses so like any time that like there was one time I said something about Amazon and it turned out to not be true so I retracted it and people were like oh so Jeff Bezos paid you then there we go I mean that's that's the most reasonable absolutely well it was it was a new world fan base so that's the only Community that's even more conspiratorial than the uh than the wild bro I wish that game was good really dude I love new world so much it's probably one of my favorite memos I've ever played in my whole life that was it was so fun the Gathering system was I've been playing it a bit more recently it's good is it better now it's better yeah I mean is it good I mean it's getting there I mean it might be worth a try see what it's like they added a battle pass they made the game pay to win I what I always thought would make new world really good is if you could have private New World servers that you could spin up like uh almost like a GTA role play like a no pixel imagine if no pixel ran a new world server that'd be incredible where where you had like their own rules and you had to role play it and I think it would actually be absolutely phenomenal content imagine if New World could roll a server and spin up a server that could hold more than 2 000 people yeah it was pathetic it was the most pathetic [ __ ] it's like you have Amazon web services the biggest web hosting in the entire world they say guys this is our big Flagship game and just to show how great we are the servers are capped at 2 000. that's it it was the biggest joke oh my God that bit pisses me off so much even thinking about now and then they increased it to 2500 and they thought they solved the problem but but you know what it's crazy if it wasn't for a world where like there's there's a like a superstar streamer yeah that is like hey I want to have this community of people the people who watch me come play here yeah if you didn't have that I do think that number of people is is plenty to have like a good Lively server that actually plays well yeah probably the problem is in in the current year it just doesn't work yeah I just I love I love being on the big server with everybody I remember you know whenever I went from like my old Warcraft server to kel'thuzad it was like [ __ ] you know kid from the country finally moves into the big city and it was so [ __ ] badass I loved it and like now like going and playing those games I hate how many games are segmented off like I love playing online games and everybody is in the game like in Tower of fantasy it's the same thing like you all played that [ __ ] how many times Emmy have you ever seen another player in Tower fantasy very very rarely it's a joke yeah it makes me so [ __ ] mad and then you can look at the chat chat's moving but so it's like everybody's in their own [ __ ] chance yeah yeah they're in their own instances it's so annoying yeah I I think a big part of the the MMO experience or yeah and really I would say not just MMOs but all online it's online you want to see other people you want to feel like you're in a living breathing world like nobody wants to play a dead game that's why Diablo 4 was good yeah yeah because you could see yeah you could see people running around the city you're right expect them too yeah I actually really like that yeah I went dude I I talked to somebody right and I was trying to talk to them I well I went I asked hey do you want to be my girlfriend and then they ran away and they didn't say anything yeah that's fine it was cool I mean there's the potential yeah she could have said yes you know well it would have been she yeah well I mean yes probably why would you oh yeah play like a girl character if you weren't right yeah I mean I played a druid because it looked just like me yeah of course oh I'm sorry to hear that actually yeah I really hope they get buffed but you know what dude I actually liked playing it like I liked how like I like how it played it was just weak yeah it's like basically the the worst the classes the more clunky and badly designed it is the more ass family yeah that's kind of how it works yeah dude I like this thing where it's like I'm like hard mode Let's Do It Like It's just like a I don't know that's the thing I have I guess I don't know I just like I I hope that there's going to be like a new big game to come out that everybody plays like I feel like there's not that game right now like vowrent is the closest thing that we have uh probably what the ride MMO or the ride fighting game like yeah everyone will try that yeah any right game project L the the fighting yeah right MMO and in like you know five six years yeah really um I do think Counter-Strike 2 is going to be that game for a little bit I don't think so I don't think it's gonna be for long but I think everybody is gonna oh Counter-Strike two oh people are gonna play it for like a week but the truth is that the people that play Counter-Strike are so ridiculously [ __ ] yeah and so that's that's exactly what you're gonna have all these casual you know like oh let's play valorent with you know all of our friends and there's gonna be some sweaty [ __ ] Russian who's sitting there and he's watching this PO this this opening and he's been watching the same [ __ ] opening ever since 19 98 and he is not gonna miss whenever you come by there and I don't I don't think Counter Strike is going to have the same time no of course people are too [ __ ] that's why I'm not going to play valerman bro it's just people are way too good it's so there's way more skill range in Valerie I do think there's a way bigger skill range yeah I I think you can get into it no matter what skill level you are I've been playing a lot recently yeah yeah and I'm I'm not good but I still fun yeah and he's been playing a lot like a lot of people in our friend group and playing yeah I just started playing and it's it's fun I mean I'm I'm because I used to play a lot of Counter-Strike source so in middle school I played every game until like seventh grade yeah then in seventh grade I I like specialized into wow and Counter-Strike source and then in like ninth grade I specialized even further Justin wow like one of burning Christian came out I went every game and then in like I don't know [ __ ] like eighth grade or something like that yeah I was like maybe ninth grade I remember uh Halo every game [ __ ] that Halo maybe Smash Brothers Melee and I played Halo 2 every day yeah that was my game and then I played Halo 3 and then I played wow and then that was it yeah that's it's literally the same like we we have like dude yeah we did the same [ __ ] the first time me and asmin met we or no it wasn't the first time we met but there's something we really talked yeah was uh I was I called you up about like an idea for a video or something and it was like a I've been it was so there was this dude and it's like this classic wow guy I don't want to use his name because I think he's trying to live past all the drama and everything but this [ __ ] dude went to war against me because I said that it wasn't a big deal to have 16 debuff slots on an NPC in molten core okay and I said it's not a big deal and everybody was trying to talk him off a cliff because he was starting like a civil war inside of this community and that's where I met s-fand and I talked to him about it and he like he actually knew what he was talking about and I was like what the [ __ ] this is actually a person that plays classic wow that should not be in a mental institute I didn't know this existed and so then I remember I called sfand and I was running zg and we talked until like six a.m about [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] that happens in a working class Texas High School dude it was it was legitimately a a five six hours yeah of us just sharing stories back and forth oh my God wait you did that in high school I did this in high school wait I did this and it was it was all like adjacent stories it was like you're going through a timeline of our entire like high school lives yeah and it was like oh this happened here this happened here this happened here this happened here and it was it is awesome I had never talked to somebody who did the same stupid [ __ ] before yeah because like I would always talk to other people like yeah I remember whenever he used to get a water bottle filled up with rocks and throw it at cars I told you about the story you told me that and I told you about the story of uh whenever I threw it at my dad's car and I broke the the driver's side uh yeah the mirror yeah a full rocks no but it was it was we had rocks outside of our house because we didn't have like a paved we didn't have like a paved driveway so so we had rocks so I would take them and I would try and throw them into the into the uh like the green belt area like the little Forest Area and my dad parked this like 1980 Volvo out there little station wagon and I and I threw it and I just I just hit dead center on the uh on the driver's side window and he just never got it fixed for like not never but like it took forever Jesus did he know it was you oh yeah oh yeah I mean I I snitched on myself I can't believe this yeah I I broke one of my own windows and I immediately went in I'm like man Mom some [ __ ] dude just came by through a rock through the window I can't believe this yeah yeah oh you know what I would do though man one thing that I did do when I was little I did this when I was younger and I stopped doing it yeah as I got older very quickly but uh because my parents found out and I was like okay I cannot lie to my parents yeah I'm pissed I I took a pen and I was drawing on the windowsill and like I don't know why I did it I just I have a very vivid memory of pushing really hard into the windowsill with a blue pen and just doing yes and just drawing and my mom was like who did this and I I blamed it on I blame it on one of the kids I blame it on one of the kids that like hasn't been to our house in like six months yeah and she's like no it wasn't like it hasn't been here and then and then I I stopped lying then because I got scared and now a word from our sponsors huge shout out to World of Tanks for sponsoring today's episode World of Tanks is a free-to-play Warfare themed MMO where you can take control of over 800 tanks and battle for Supremacy in over 40 unique Arenas Russian guns blazing Ambush your opponent with sneaky tactics or hang back and take them from afar how you play is up to you jump in and immediately experience the same throw as a hundred million other players or interact with a global community of Gamers who share your passion and that's not all with World of Tanks commitment to historical accuracy and inspiration you can feel like a real tank commander taking part in an intense armored offensive so if you want to start playing today and support the show check out the link in the description plus as a special bonus new players can use the code tank Mania to get a number of benefits including the tier V tank Excelsior 250 000 credits seven days of Premium access and three tier VI rental tanks like the tiger 131 Cromwell B and t34-85f again check out the link in the pinned comment and the description and thank you world of tanks for sponsoring today's video I I have so many of those stupid [ __ ] stories that I could just go on for hours and hours and hours we have because yeah exactly no that's the thing is like that was just that was totally normal and uh I just I wish there was like that game because like classic wow was that for 2019 Among Us was that for 2020. oh I missed that so much this was pretty good it was but it overstated its welcome but it was pretty good no I thought I miss it dude I thought it was so [ __ ] boring seeing people I'm gonna just [ __ ] start drama seeing these [ __ ] tweets from these these content creators making a list of all the names it's like oh this is the cool kids table oh yeah God I remember any of this I just I just play with my friends I did not use for Content I put my homies on Discord that's it oh I I just I I did not like it and then there was ranked Among Us lobbies dude that's that was the point where I checked out I was like you guys are taking this too serious as a party game yeah it's like this is cringe um yeah it's dumb oh no but you know what to this point you're talking about how like there's not like that game anymore yeah I wonder if and you see this all the time dude people get on Twitter and they're like oh there's no games to play there's no games to play I don't believe that I I really think there's not no game [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up it's so obnoxious to me dude [ __ ] like I've been playing dude I've been going so [ __ ] hard in Path of Exile have any of y'all played that I I installed it but I haven't played it yet okay you have to read a book in order to play it why it's dude there's so much think of a talent tree okay yeah think of a talent Forest yeah okay there's five of those yeah yeah they're all in and they're all in different ecosystems yeah yeah and they do matter so one they will affect other ecosystems why are you playing why are you playing now because there's a new league and like so I'm playing this [ __ ] build where I have to oh my God to explain the build it takes an hour so effectively I'm using skeletons to kill the skeletons to do damage to myself to cast a spell whenever I take damage and basically just make myself [ __ ] out a million [ __ ] spells and run around and kill everything so and I I have to work for an entire week to even be able to play the build now to be fair yeah Poe is not as scary as aston's making it sound but here's what makes Poe cool what's cool is that it can be that scary and or it could be a little more casual people it's okay for 10 years and you can ask them even people play it professionally like you know a lot about the game like no I don't know anything about this game I just like when the fire just circles around my character like the fire Circle and then I run in there and they die to die it's so cool I've been doing that for a while speaking of Poe we talked about dial before a little bit yeah did you uh how do you feel about Dale before coming out I am so happy that the album is going to come out I'm going to play the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of it I'm going to farm it I really make I really hope they make it pay to win because that's going to be so good oh my god dude and oh by the way the guy remember at BlizzCon 2019 don't you guys have phones yep that guy actually makes YouTube videos and he made a YouTube video like a week ago and it's like he coded uh his name's Wyatt Chang he coded Flappy Bird with chat GPT the video has almost 5 million views really that it's the don't you guys have phones guy I guess we do have phones I guess we [ __ ] do and it's so crazy I remember like there was that and then he [ __ ] made that that [ __ ] up about Diablo Immortal did any of you guys play Diablo Immortal yeah no I watched it so basically the only way for you to stream and play Diablo mortal effectively was to have a counter of how much money you were spending on the game yep to make a joke about it because it was just such a ridiculous degenerate game wasn't it 25 a greater Rift 20 so you had to do yeah basically greater if like a temple uh no it's like you go to this no they were a temple actually oh they were temples so so you would have um there were a legendary Eternal crests and you could put in one Crest three crests and then after you put in three crests there was an additional option this is the Harpoon for the whales seven additional crests each each one of these runs would take two minutes and you would finish it and you'd get a chest with a bunch of legendary items and each run would take about 20 to 25 dollars and you would do it in two minutes so you were just racking up the money Quinn spent 25 000 in how long Jesus Christ a week maybe maybe two weeks a week bro that's ridiculous and but he got his five-star gym uh oh that's worth it oh you know what I think I saw the clip where he got it yeah yeah you need you need so you need uh nine different five-star gems but then on top of that you need five star gyms to go inside of your five-star gyms so he actually needed to do that about 27 more times yeah bro a lot there was a guy like three days after the release of the game that had spent fifty thousand dollars it's Insanity that's what pissed me off about double Mars it gives a bad name to gotcha games there actually are good gotcha games out there oh really yep cookie run Kingdom baby oh my God what is that Cookie Run Kingdom it's a cute ass game you play as cookies and then you fight with the cookies and it's fun so they act all cute so they can steal your money yep 100 what is he what people don't know it's their literal cookies in your browser yeah what's happening is they're actually going to infect their computer they're like they're keeping up with like they have the cookies that will automatically access your bank account data so they can know exactly how to price different things based based off of your current checking balance based off your your spending habits yeah exactly I will say though uh seven deadly sins origin and wuthering waves those are the two future gotcha games I'm telling you I'm bothering waves consider consider it again or not again [ __ ] [ __ ] gotcha yeah yeah there's there's guys there's got to elements in there okay yeah I didn't know dude I'm I'm hoping to God those two games come out before you try again so that way you just can just skip that part right okay because I feel like because because God just bro they suck if you don't start day one they really do really but if you start day one they're like the best it's like an MMO bro I don't want to start an MMO four months after new expansion I want to be there a day I feel like you just go into want to spend more money [Laughter] I'll drop like five thousand dollars day one and I cannot do that anymore man I can't why not because I saw the Lost Ark thing what'd you see the 35 yeah that's true I don't know how long people think thirty five thousand dollars is Gonna Last me with the streams a few days dude dude I did I think just this week I've spent over eight thousand dollars on the streams that I've done I think that's a mistake why is that why did you do that because I went to weebcon and you know what I get to see at weebcon girls so is that that etchy thing or whatever it [ __ ] is called Etsy yeah it's like wait what is what is etchy see it's like [ __ ] it's some uh it's like porn but it's not it means like lewd so it's like okay so is it okay so so you have like all right so hentai is Pornhub yeah etchy is only fans well I would say it's more like I feel like I feel like hentai is Pornhub but it's like you know you know it's not like it it's more like hentai's PornHub and Etsy is like the the hot tub section on Twitch really yeah yeah I feel like that's a greater differentiation yeah yeah it's just suggestive it's not yeah so like what was it like whenever you went there oh my God it was the best convention I've ever been really I actually was thinking about going I wish you did it was in this place called Gaylord Texan Resort I've been to the Gaylord it's beautiful it's it's actually sick I got a presidential suite there was waterfalls there was windmills for some reason and I'm not kidding if you watch my stream I had like 6 000 people watching for which for me was awesome for some reason everybody knew me there which is great because at anime cons but they did is that is that is that concerning or you know it was awesome I'm just kidding it was it was awesome like this reminds me of something but keep going yeah yeah it was so cool everybody was so nice I got to meet like all my vtuber friends in person for the first time like I met uh Camilla uh porcelain uh sorry Joel um Cinder I was gonna meet Momo but then I missed her uh yeah like Fifi like oh God silver was thinking about sound like you're listing out dog names yeah bro oh my God it was so cool because like the only thing I love about anime cons is is that like I'm like six in most social situations but like when I'm talking to weebs I'm like a 10. yeah I feel like a God because everybody's so awkward but I can talk to everybody anybody bring their body pillow yeah of course did they have you sign their body pillow yes yes okay no no actually yes I want to stream there was these two chicks yeah so hot right I'm not kidding you so hot there it is and they had a sign that said ten dollars and will sit on you and I'm like well [ __ ] I got 400 on me right now oh my God and I go over and I say excuse me I would like to redeem this little this little token they turn to me and they go oh my God techtone no way we're huge fans they sit on me for free wow and I got a photo of it on my Twitter and I put best day ever it was amazing and then and then get this [ __ ] so I have this other buddy called Senna yeah and she has this thing called uh call it a dub and she does this little dance if you ever see that uh clip fortnite and I'm showing it to this cosplay who's cosplaying J slat okay and his uh and his dream he's bringing a gun yeah so their girlfriend wanted to propose to them so they stream sniped me so she could propose on an otk stream and that way it would be like memorialized people would see it oh wow that's nice everybody saw it and it was you know what it was a very nice moment it was everything that's cool yeah and then I bought a whole bunch of cool statues and the girls were very nice to me I paid another girl five dollars to slap me it was very cool I kissed anime girl posters and it was a nice time I love animecons how did it smell you know what really good no I mean this is the Gaylord Texan we're talking yes okay I mean the people the restaurants were nice I got some very nice gelato and uh it was honestly one of the best weekends of My Life The Gaylord is actually phenomenal yeah yeah I wish some of y'all could have gone it was a it was a pleasure uh dude oh my and and the people who ran it were very nice they gave me free access because I said techno were a huge fan really I don't get that too much actually they weren't asman redditors yeah it's crazy you mentioned how so many people recognize you and we've con yeah so like I mean it's just like the environment that you're in and the kind of people that you'll come across so I went to the Renaissance Fair the other week yeah and I'm there with people that are far more interesting and famous than I am right where they were like Jessica Nigri yeah I was there too you were there I was with Cyrus at the beginning and then we got lost and then I could never find him again I yeah I mean I see the photos I showed up at like one bro that makes me so mad I was there too oh my that's so lame well anyway I walk in past the ticket area I as soon as I walk in it was literally like someone over here wait s-band hey go take a picture of somebody turn around somebody else comes over a picture so like it was so funny because I'm like of course the guy who spent years playing World of Warcraft so there it is of course the guy I spent years playing World of Warcraft shows up to the Renaissance Fair and half the people don't know him it was just nonsense literally seven people within a span of about five minutes right in front oh damn you'll be so funny you'll be happy to know ain't nobody saying my name with them I mean zero um only relevant in anime stores and Anime when I'm there oh my God that works it's incredible I got that and then the the Boomer variety games that's another one sick yeah those are the those are the two audiences I always have people that will just come out to me hey dude yeah hey there it is I heard you say that oh I love you dude oh my gosh dude the funniest funniest so I'm uh I'm at the gym right I go to the gym for something you know occasionally uh and uh at the gym I'm I'm walking out and the guy uh some guy sees me he's like you're that streamer guy you're that you're that streamer guy aren't you I'm like hey yeah he's like yeah I don't know your name but you're friends with asthma gold man I love asthma gold man he's he is so funny I love when he opens the box and says There It Is dude it is so funny and he just never there it was like it was great because I'm sitting there talking to him and he talks to me for like five minutes and the guy doesn't even know my name yeah but he wants to just talk to me about wow and I just I just talked to him it was a nice conversation yeah but it was so interesting to me because it was like this is it he was like Jasmine is so funny and then he mentions something that is like in his mind the Pinnacle of Comedy but it's not even a joke it's just like a random comment that Adam makes it was just so enthralled by it everybody walks away from his desk he's just that weird thing with his arms that's so funny it's like there's a hundred things that asthma does it's funny and but he just mentions like something that's just like oh just a one-off game yeah some dumb ass [ __ ] yeah but it goes back to what you said yeah the stupidest thing is going to be the most interesting to the most people there it is there it is dude the truth is is you guys could probably [ __ ] tell we could talk about this [ __ ] oh my God three more hours however we are gonna call it a day and uh today is actually kind of a big day for us because as I think you probably know by now based off of the description everything we have officially launched our patreon so there we go wow look at that wait do I get a cut for today's episode uh so anyway uh basically what's gonna happen is that we're gonna go ahead we're gonna you know do the little patreon part of the show and uh all that little bit of the extra content and we want to say uh this is the 10th episode right yep is that right yeah 10th episode thank you guys all so much for all the support for uh it's now been three months I I think that's how the math would work yeah yeah it's something like that thank you guys so much for uh all the support believing in us and making this new podcast and all that it was kind of a it was a leap of faith and so I'm glad that you all been there for it and thanks a lot Sven for coming on the show and uh being a part of it thank you thanks husband so yes or no I don't get a cut so here's the thing like so there's basically so there's like a 60-day payment period And then after the 60-day payment period there's like a holding period after that oh and then after the holding period then there's like a disbursement time okay and then outside of that time period then there's like a tax allocation and then after the tax allegation there's like a health insurance like and then like self-employment like another type of tax and then after that there's like an accounting thing and then you can talk to somebody probably after that okay and then show email uh yeah okay yeah just email pretty much whoever yeah they'll figure it out so yeah thanks a lot guys we appreciate it and uh see you in the next one [Music] and you look at me [Music] it makes me realize [Music] and I hide from your eyes [Music]
Channel: Steak and Eggs Podcast
Views: 303,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, emiru, tectone, steak & eggs podcast, steak and eggs, steak and eggs podcast, esfandtv, world of warcraft
Id: kD5Bw_A-hEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 17sec (6197 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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