Asmongold Reacts to "Why Modern MMOs Suck?" | By MMOByte

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uh the problem with modern mmos the problem with modern mmos is they uh they suck that's what the problem is what's this video here nostalgia goggles is a metaphor often used to describe a person's distorted view of how something in the past was actually much worse than they believe it was let's use dragon ball here as an example back when the anime was initially licensed for distribution within north america yeah the ocean group was brought on to dub it into english with a lot of viewers being introduced to dragon ball via that specific cast of voice actors something wrong you seem like you're under a lot of pressure what is it you seem like you're under a lot of pressure later when funimation acquired a license to dub that into english even though the funny dove ultimately ended up being exponentially more professional and much closer to the original japanese translation people were left of the opinion that the ocean dub was superior and as such many people consider fans of the ocean dub to be under the effects of nostalgia goggles this also applies to video games and more specifics it's because that's what they remember right it's like it's the same as like the final fantasy language like they say pray return i will speak with you anon like nobody talks like that ever but it creates like this really weird it's like dark souls is another thing right is it creates this like this universe this alternate reality where people speak completely differently and it helps disconnect you from reality it helps disconnect you from the real world and it takes that immersion one step farther mmos you've probably heard people continue to reminisce over how amazing vanilla wow or maybe even ion 1.0 were these were games nobody thinks they said back when new mmo releases were common and varied quite significantly in terms of quality well that it's so funny for me to see this what is this like literally this looks like somebody's like uh sophomore project for gaming school of recreating mulgore in unreal engine one damn bro this [ __ ] looks like garbage even though there were hundreds of mmos released between 1995 through 2021 yeah there exists several that truly stood out that not only captured but also went on to stand the test of time games like viridian 59 tibia ultima online everquest anarchy online dark age of cam tibia ultima online so you don't even know what these games are unless you live in a house that has tin foil on the walls like if you don't have tin foil on your walls you don't know what any of these games are request anarchy online dark age of cameras what yeah nowadays not back then nowadays lineage ii maple story malbinogi world of warcraft much more recently titles like guild wars 2 final fantasy 14 and elder scrolls online these are all mmos that offered experiences of an entirely at the time god opportunity leads me to the topic of this video older mmos are better than newer mmos no because developers back in the earlier days of the genres inception cared more about making their dreams a reality creating worlds that could stand the test of time these days developers care more about creating a game that looks pretty and promises the world yet fails to deliver any of it this generation is full of bait and switch mmos mmos created with the sole intention of making as much money as they can before ultimately shutting down who here recalls when the free mmo elite lord of alliance shut down what about when they relaunched his warlord's awakening requiring players pay to play the game as a buy to play mmo what about bless online's free to play business model across korea japan and russia yet buy to play business model for us over here in the west or stelia online being free within south korea they do that in a lot of places like they're probably going to do that with lost ark too i actually was going gonna watch a video about lost dark today and and look into that because apparently lost ark has been growing month after month and whenever i see a game that's actually growing and getting bigger every single month especially as an mmo that is going to be liddy like i am actually so excited about lost ark seeing how many people are excited about survivorship bias yeah there was a lot of dog [ __ ] ass mmos man like i remember there was this one ex-girlfriend i had it's the uh one it was one of the big real real crates one of the like i mean obviously you know some of them there's a lot there's been a number of crazy ones right but this one was like this was like the super this is like the real [ __ ] like this is the re this is a real deal right and uh anyway she wanted me to play this [ __ ] game it was called i think dragomon hunter and i played that game and it gave me motion sickness and i wasn't moving because i just didn't want to play it that much i just had to lay down i'm like i need to lay down this is this is so upsetting to me i know that yeah she made me play this game with her and she got so mad at me that i didn't like it and i was like why can't you just be normal and play pub g with me why can't you just be normal and play wow it's just like no i want to play this [ __ ] game and you never hear about that [ __ ] game you never even know what it was but because it's gone it's done it's finished what if you were the insane one since you've been calling all your previous girlfriends insane that's something that i've considered is if every girlfriend you have is crazy maybe you know like that you know it's one of those things i mean i feel like any girl's gotta like being crazy has got to be a default to want to be in a relationship with asmr gold right like you've got to be [ __ ] you got to be [ __ ] in the head like somehow one way or another and then launching is a buy to play title that's a mistake because you know that's a bad idea that's country of origin now i'm under no illusion that there were predatory or even downright terrible mmos developed at the same time as the aforementioned titles 80 maybe even 90 of mmos were horrid pay-to-win masses much the same as they are now the only difference was back then we didn't really know any better i started playing back in 2007 with tales of pirates this was a game that allowed you to purchase rage gems colossus gems and other items that you could forge into your weapons and armor from the cash shop yes these were items that you could obtain in game as well but where it could take players days weeks even to obtain even a few of these items purchase 100 of them directly from the store for maybe a thousand dollars and be significantly more powerful than most of the other players on the server yet nobody ever really called pay to win and we continue to play the game because they're [ __ ] 11 years old like they're not thinking about pay to win they're thinking about how can i get my mom's credit card so i can win that's the goal right is you that is the ideal that is the the the the number one highest best thing to do right did you want to find uh dumbass kids that you can uh goad into giving you more and more money it's the same thing as like you see like streamers are like wow guys we're almost to our goal we were almost to our goal of 10 000 subscribers any twitch primers in the chat and this happens right like i'll ask for twitch primes etc but i don't do donut i don't do sub goals or anything like that like i like right now how many subs do i have 29 668. it is what it is who give like i appreciate everybody that sucks but i'm not going to sit around and worry about it and freak out about it and stress out about it like it is what it is waiting to compete with whales of that magnitude as that was a it pvp much more difficult to grant it and often relied much more on tactics and reaction to really excel but pay to advance and pay to win were just so prevalent back then that nobody really cared that is the type of business model that could not exist in today's society where i also want to say i was just thinking about like that comment that i made like i have a privilege in a way to be able to say that right because like i'm just so like i'm very very successful like i i am like everybody knows that it is what it is and like obviously if you're just trying to make it and you're trying to do like a donation goal or like a gifted a sub goal of like 500 of like you know a thousand or something like that you're trying to just make a living like that's totally [ __ ] different man like that's totally different now i'm not trying to [ __ ] on those people at all even paying for an xp scroll is considered by a large percentage of players as pay to win disregarding the inherent problems with pay to win entails pirates you know what the game did right everything else it offered players a large open world the only loading screen this game looks like it was [ __ ] if you went through an instance to a dungeon or you needed to travel to another continent via teleport you could freely run around the entire world on foot you could even sail to different continents manually via ship there were various different classes a sense of progression heck it even presented one of the greatest types of pvpe i have ever experienced pvp dungeons and raids dungeons and raids were open to all players allowing for entire guilds to attempt to defeat dungeon and raid bosses while fending off other guilds this presented so many opportunities for guilds to make alliances with other guilds formulate strategies to secure raid kills and meant that the community was more important than almost anything else in the game well we had that [ __ ] in uh it [ __ ] uh it fought farolina and so the strategy on farolita is that people that would uh they would not be in our alliance we would all get in discord and the people that were the leaders in the discord would say out everybody's name and then everybody would all right click report them for spam or language and get them knocked offline that's what it was all about man just knock them offline it's tos i mean i wasn't doing that [ __ ] they were patient in that game was your life if you did something everyone on the server knew if you defeated another guild in a dungeon everyone would know this was in my opinion one of the most amazing pvp systems that i had ever experienced and something that i have not had the platform experiencing since now comparatively speaking mmos these days just don't do anything remotely innovative like that what mmos have released in the last four years bless online dk online guardians of umber awakening so worker closers critica look at look at this warlord's awakening so worker closers critic look at that that is the um if there's an mmo that has this as the cover art i am going to assume it's a bad mmo like i'm just going to assume it's bad because like if the only positive thing you have about the game is you can have characters in there that look hot i i just it really just doesn't excite me that much pso2 new genesis swords of legends online yeah meeple story two oh wow that's unleashed estelle's online crowfall and you know what probably a few others that i've missed but that's because they left such a negligible impression on me that i don't know how to call their release out of all the mmos released over the last several years do you know how many of them retain over 10 000 concurrent players none bless online shutdown dk online had a 24-hour peak of four players playing guardians of ember shutdown warlord's awakening shut down so worker had a 24-hour peak of approximately 5 000 players that's crazy who's had a 24-hour peak of 100 players had a 24-hour peak of 200 players new genesis had a 24-hour peak of a little shy of 7000 players swords of legends online has been struggling to maintain above 4 000 concurrent active players maple story 2 shut down bless unleash just launched so it's really too early to say estelia people bless unleashed i feel like is better than bless online but that's like starting from zero and going to one so like i played bless online one and uh i remember like i have a very clear memory of this it was me soda and shroud we were playing this game together and i wasn't streaming and soda had to like go get food or something like that i'm like do you want to play later he's like no no no i don't want to play later uh uh i'm done like we played that at mcconnell it was my kyle that i don't remember but was there or not honestly it's hard to remember yeah it's just yes show the clip oh dude where is it i like that so were you thinking about playing bless online [Laughter] was i thinking about playing some weave [ __ ] no dude i played a weird way 150 sort of bought it he bought the expensive edition me the smart one i only bought the 80 edition okay [ __ ] me dude are you telling me it cost 150 bucks to start playing get out of here dude okay who actually the funny thing is like mcconnell's been consistent he didn't want to play that because it was a weeb game and now he doesn't want to play final fantasy because it's a weeb game online shutdown crowfall well you can google around for the drama surrounding that game right now the reason these mmos have failed is down to the fact that at the end of the day they're just not doing anything to set themselves apart from the rest of the competition who wants to spend their time in a new tab target mmo with worse combat than wow or final fantasy xiv not to mention a fraction of the total content or better yet who wants to dedicate their life to a game that's entire end game consists of running the same single raid and two dungeons because let's be honest here the funny thing about that is that's why diablo 3 is dead it's because the whole [ __ ] progression system of the entire game is running the same thing over and over like and wow is the same thing it's the same [ __ ] problem and the thing is that new world i hate to say it i love new world i am so excited to play new world whenever new world comes out i might have to take a break from screaming after people stop wanting to watch me hit rocks and hit trees because i am going to play i'm going to get every skill in new world up to max skill i'm going to get everything up to max and then i'm going to quit the game i'm going to beat the game i'm going to quit done the mmos all have the very same issue when they launch they do not really have much if any end game content at all yeah mmos slowly build up content as they continue to exist final fantasy 14 guild wars 2 the elder scrolls online they weren't all filled with endless time sinks like they currently possess yet players expect new mmo releases to have the same level of content i mean let me take a moment here to impose this question would you stick around in a game when there is nothing to do once you hit level cap you wouldn't right uh i've done that before i mean the thing is yes the answer to that is yes because the something to do becomes the uh it becomes just like having fun playing with your friends and it's the social structure of the game for example there are people that play final fantasy that don't raid they don't do dungeons they just like their level like they play the game all day every day and they have for years and they don't even have a level 80 character because all they do is sit around and role play with each other and dress up their character that's it you'd grow bored rather quickly and you'd move on to something that can retain your attention new mmos won't be able to do that not to the same degree already pre-existing established games can which leaves the games and subsequently their worlds entirely barren but the reason for this is because once again the mmos specifically are doing nothing innovative to set themselves apart from the rest of the genre this place would be so we provided something exponentially different to anything else available people would flock to it in droves take black desert as an example yeah desert is arguably one of the best looking mmos in the genre it also has some of the best it used to be man like it used to be the thing is black desert whenever it came out was spoiler and not spoiler boys like spoilers require context if there's no context there's no spoiler so uh black desert whenever it came out and it went uh it went into the uh what do you call it [ __ ] american realm i went and i played it a lot i loved black desert it was so fun but uh it was pay to win and also it wasn't really pay to win because it's like kind of a cap on how much you could pay in order to win but it was still like you have to pay money for it and [ __ ] like that and on top of that it just kind of uh it just kind of sucked like it it just i i don't know like i love the combat in the game there were so many good things about bdo but there was also a pretty good amount of bad things too action combat within the genre to date i love the action con with fun combat enough to warrant the active protesters especially given that it's a buy to play mmo no i actually was thinking i might try black desert out again uh i mean the game is probably i probably has made a number of improvements over the years and um i think that you know it would be interesting to just see uh see what it's about you know i think that'd be great video offers players concurrently aesthetic that truly make this game a remarkable experience very appealing filled with content varying monsters things to see exploration world bosses pvp life skills sailing the sheer freedom to do what you want at pretty much your own pace without the overwhelming pressure of remaining competitive by running weekly raids with groups of players to keep up with the item level grind is solved oh i used to kill these two holy [ __ ] in themselves they've created a game a world for players to enjoy that is different to the traditional mmo formula but the vast majority of mmos and my association video ad nah bro i thought like bdo listen uh i don't wanna i don't wanna take too much of an aside right um i think this is [ __ ] badass this was so [ __ ] cool i used to love it this was amazing dude fps yeah obviously video [ __ ] sucks but whenever you're playing this on something that's not a game boy advance uh it actually is very nice to play holy [ __ ] oh developers goddamn they seem to possess the same levels of passion what was really cool from decades ago did during the genres inception every developer wanted to bring their vision to fruition they wanted to leave their mark on the genre they wanted to build on it establish themselves as one of the founders to have their name their game go down in history to leave a legacy and many mmos did many developers did richard garriott ralph koster brad mcquaid jeff kaplan and even the legendary voice of thrall himself chris metzen are all people that instantly sprang to mind their passion their visions helped shape the entire genre that we are all a part of today take a look at mmo's release within the last decade and tell me how many of the names of the developers you recognize now this is not a direct attack on new mmos or current generation developers there are some fantastic ideas in place like blue protocol ashes of creation new world rights i want to play blue protocol but i gotta tell y'all that shit's a weeb game like you guys think final fantasy is a wii game man like this one is a whole other level uh it's a whole lot league mmo and i'll play are you coming in the future these mmos are h2 should be great this might revitalize the genre they might offer something entirely different that yeah genre by storm leaving all the competition in the dust it's unlikely but it is definitely plausible the passion that was once a major selling point for the genre just does not seem to really be present anymore which kind of knackles throughout the player base as well players are more or less sick of new mmos because they're just so generic they last a week maybe a month if we're lucky and then they just go and fade into memory mmorpg i have no problem like i always like playing new mmos that's the thing is i love whenever i can play a new game and like have that fresh experience even if it's just for a few days it's fun because like really you go and you buy a game a game stop and you come home how long are you gonna play that [ __ ] before you're like okay it is what it is uh not that long and so even the bad mmo can still be good i'll be right back wash your hands why would i do that dude why'd i wash my hands dude i got a clean dick why would i do this just no longer seem to possess that same sense of longevity that they once did and that's a shame in 2021 moving into 2022 the mmos that i am actively playing our final fantasy 14 which released back in 2013 guild wars 2 that released back in 2012 and the odd free mmo here and there merely to obtain footage for videos that is the state that the genre is in right now there's just nothing that really captivates or truly excites players at this point or in the immediate future genshin managed to for a few months and while there are still millions of active players yeah game at the end of the day we all want a new mmo to play blue protocol tower fantasy ashes of creation new world maybe there you go entirely new yet unannounced who knows but at the end of the day the reason we are all playing old mmos like wow like runescape like final fantasy 14 is because they are just better than their newer alternatives there's absolutely it's because most games that come out are bad like you guys always think oh man remember back whenever games used to be good remember back whenever games used to be good on the gamecube no i don't [ __ ] remember that because i got a million games on the gamecube that were dog [ __ ] it's you don't remember the bad ones but you do remember the good ones that's what it comes down to that's what it really is that's what i think yeah you remember all the bad gay you remember all the good games but you forget the bad ones and there were a lot of bad ones discussion no argument that could prove otherwise [Music] i mean to me like it's a good video like for sure the problem with new mmos is that they have no depth to them the combat is usually bad the progression system usually involves paying real money and on top of that the gameplay sucks that's why that's why they're bad it's not that complicated it's not that hard to understand need a valheim like mmo no we don't need a valheim like mmo we need the valheim devs to get their head out of their ass fix the [ __ ] online netcode allow modding and let people go wild that's what we need to do we don't need to make a new game we've already got it valenheim's there just fix the [ __ ] game and fix the net code and then let the game go and do what it's gonna do [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 636,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, asmongold ffxiv, final fantasy 14, ffxiv, mmorpg, mmorpg 2021, mmo 2021, mmo dead, mmorpg dead, mmo boring, mmorpg boring, are mmo dead, are mmorpg dead, asmongold mmorpg, asmongold mmo, games suck, mmo suck, mmorpg suck, state of mmorpg, mmobyte, new mmo, best mmo, most played mmo, most played mmorpg, best mmorpg, new mmorpg, wow suck, world of warcraft suck
Id: a4iFv50wZFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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