3+ Hours of The History of Racials and Professions to Fall Asleep to

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in this video we'll be going over class and faction specific racials in World of Warcraft first up we'll be going over priest racials because they were the only class with class racials until the burning Crusade and they varied wildly in ability on what they could do we start off with the troll priest racial Shadow guard this ability put a lightning Shield like barrier around the Caster this shadowy Shield had three charges and would consume one of these charges when attacked it would then deal Shadow damage back to the attacker with no cool down you could easily keep the buff up forever allowing for the priest to punish those attacking them with retaliating Shadow damage even having the benefit of causing zero threat with this damage for shadow Priestess rachal was insanely powerful in PvP pring multiple effects and even healing the priest because after all it was Shadow damage although for healing priests the Mana would be far better spent elsewhere next we have Desperate prayer this was available to humans and dwarfs and this racial was an instant cast heal that cost no Mana which sounds pretty good right well it had some limitations first it had a 30 minute cool down and second it was only self-cast so you can only use it on yourself although its 30 minute cooldown was later reduced to only 10 minutes and it became affected by talents that buffed holy spells and did not go through many changes star shards the nine elf priest racial this ability was a channel dot that dealt Arcane damage a damage type priest did not normally have access to a 6-second that allowed you to burst some Arcane damage into your enemy later changed to work more like curse of Agony causing its damage to slowly build up starting weak and ending strong while also reducing its Mana cost and increasing its damage next we have touch of weakness this was the racial for the undead the racial is as it sounds the undead would cast the spell giving them a buff and then on their next melee attack would consume the buff to apply a debuff to the enemy while also dealing some Shadow damage this debuff was a curse that weakened the enemy's physical damage done and well I'm sure you can understand why this one was a bit odd a priest doing melee damage so they changed it in patch 1.10 to be when an eneme melees you instead of you having to melee them otherwise it was the same although with a much lower Mana cost the only place this could really be seen as useful was in PvP although the original one is a nice way to get a curse of weakness on a boss if you didn't have a warlock I guess next we have hex of weakness this was the second priest racial ability for trolls this ability when cast on a Target would just reduce their damage by a small amount then in patch 1.10 it also reduced their healing by 20% for 2 minutes and with no cool down this was quite a good ability great against bosses that could heal if you had no mortal strike Warriors and also against dual wiing classes at least in its second version its original without the reduced healing was not that great it's also a great ability to use against other priests as the only way to dispel it was with a mage as it had the niche distinction of counting as a curse spell school the only curse that priests were able to use next we have feedback this spell was a human priest racial which when cast would buff your weapon giving it a chance to drain a fixed amount of Mana from your enemy and for each Mana drained you would take one damage although like many of the others in patch 1.10 it got a redesign it now surrounded the priest in a shield and any spell against them would burn away mana and deal damage to them allowing when human priest to drain mana and damage anyone who cast spells on them enemies that is next we have alon's Grace the other nidal priest ability this was a buff they could castle thems that lasted 3 minutes which just reduced the range physical damage they took by a small amount although again like other priest racials in patch 1.10 it was reworked this time into more of a defensive cool down with a 15-second duration and a 5-minute coold down where it reduced range damage taken and increased Dodge chance it didn't stay like this for very long though so just ignore the onscreen tool tip of this ability as it shows its last iteration we'll go into its changes once we enter the TBC era next we go into fear Ward the dwarf priest only ability which is pretty well known as the most powerful priest racial in classic wow and was one of the reasons Alliance was the stronger faction in vanilla fear effects were very common in vanilla rates and having your tank get feared is a quick way to wipe so what fear war did was with a 30 second cool down and 10-minute duration you could cause the next fear Effect cast on the target to be ignored and this was insane it made many fights trivial by Simply Having a single dwarf priest or two your tank would never need to worry about suddenly turning their back to the boss for several seconds at a time and simply tank as usual technically The Horde had the option of the shaman Tremor totem to counter fears as well but they were nowhere near as easy to use or good as fear Ward as Tremor totem in vanilla wow would pulse its AOE fear cleanse every 4 seconds and had to be throw down right next to the tank because it was possible for them to just be feared out of its really short 20 yard radius lastly we have devouring plague a spell granted to Undead priests it was simply an instant cast 3-minute cooldown dot that dealt a high Shadow damage and healed the caster for the damage dealt which I'm sure you can understand was great for shadow priests who already have lots of Shadow damage bonuses and vampiric embrace which allowed them to heal themselves with their Shadow damage now if you ever wondered why priests were the only class in vanilla wow with racial specific spells a good explanation on why comes from the Josh Corbett podcast done where they interviewed Kevin Jordan a lead class designer from classic we had this ambitious idea of course when you feel like you have endless time to do things that we would have racial abilities for lots of different classes you know that there would be you know the dwarf Warrior could do this and the torrent Warrior be able to do this and that kind of thing but uh at the end of the day once we realized how you know how much less time we actually had to work on this game not 20 years we figured that it was it was super or I held the idea that it was super important on the priest whereas we could cut the other classes um in terms of racial abilities and the reason it was so important on the priest was because it was trying to convey the culture of so many different races and their backgrounds and their connection to you know a a type of religion or God that they might be you know invested in so you know a troll priest and an undead priest is very different than the dwarf priest this podcast also debunked the whole notion that priest was meant to be a tank which is a pretty common rumor in the community so I'll just play that clip right here as well yeah it was never intended that the discipline tree be a tank spec uh that was just a retroactive thing I I was brainstorming with some people that we were chatting with now onto the burning Crusade and the intro of the dreni and blood elves who could both be priests as well as paladins originally the Paladin was a class only for Alliance where the horde got the shaman but with the burning Crusade they swapped adding Shaman to lions and paladins to hoard and so to keep a bit of that faction flavor they added faction specific seals for the paladins one for liance and one for horde the Seal of Vengeance was the alliance seal introduced in the burning Crusade this seal was pretty simple every time you did a melee attack while the seal was active you had a chance to apply a DOT to the enemy that dealt holy damage over 12 seconds stacking up to five times the seal lasted for 30 seconds but with no cool down instant cast and only a small Mana cost it wasn't that much of an issue to reapply it another thing you could do was blast the enemy for a large amount of holy damage based on the amount of applications of holy Vengeance when you hit the enemy with judgment the seal was very useful for tanks as it allowed you to apply dots to targets to generate threat even during a threat wipe also very useful against Rogues as it would break them out of vanish if they tried to get away seal of blood was the seal available only to hoarde paladins at the time just blood elves this dealt far more damage than still of Vengeance the alli's counterpart and the seal added wholly damage to all your melee attacks but the Paladin would take 10% of the damage dealt to their health and casting judgment with his seal would instantly deal a large amount of holy damage to the Target which would also deal about 33% of the damage back to the Paladin when they used it so as you can see the seal was meant to do a lot of damage but at the cost of self damage and so I sure you could see the comparisons the alliance seal was far better for tanking while this seal was far better for DPS especially as it dealt damage based on the weapon damage which of course two-handers hit a lot harder than one-handers fun fact the seals holy damage counted as a second melee hit so it could be blocked dodged and parried now for the priest racials in the burning Crusade first we have alon's Grace which got reworked to work like what the tool tip on screen actually says to now reduce the chance of be hit by melee and range attacks by 20% for 15 seconds with a 3-minute cool down instead of granting Dodge chance on a longer f 5minute cool down like it used to a straight 20% chance to cause physical attacks to miss was quite the Improvement and turned it into more of a legitimate defensive cooldown next fear Ward got given to dreni as well as being available to dwarfs and then in patch 2.3 it was right out removed from dwarf and drenis a racial ability and was now given to all priests which made it a baseline ability for nearly the rest of wow until the ability was removed in Legion star shards was also changed no longer ramping up in damage it dealt the same damage the entire dur duration and it was no longer a channeled ability now simply a DOT with a 15-second duration 30second cool down and dealt Arcane damage every 3 seconds making it the only Arcane School dot that priest ever had access to now onto the new priest abilities first we have consumed magic this was the new priest racial introduced with the blood elves this ability with a 2-minute cooldown dispelled one beneficial magical effect from the Caster giving themselves a large chunk of Mana this was great for long fights as removing simple self Buffs like inner fire or powered fortitude could be used to gain Mana when needed the most at the end of a big fight when Mana is low and the mid Max of those Buffs doesn't matter especially since it did not care about the rank of the ability you could simply cast rank one inner fire then consume it for the full value or touch of weakness which was originally the undead only priest racial now available to blood elves as well symbol of hope the new priest racial given to dreni with a 5minute down in an instant cast this gave your party a buff giving the Mana every 5 seconds for 15 seconds which was a pretty decent Mana return racial that also benefited your party dren racials seem to have a theme of being helpful to party members as their heroic presence racial gave their party a passive 1% hit buff and their gift of the Naru racial heal could be cast on other players really breaking the mold of most racials being self Buffs only with fear Ward becoming available to all priests chastise was given in its place to dren and dwarves a 30second coold down instant cast ability it dealt a decent chunk of holy damage to an enemy while also disoriented them for 2 seconds it also generated very low threat but only worked on humanoids although in the very next patch of 2.4 it got changed from a disorient to a rout and had its cooldown removed and before we move on to Wrath of the Lich King let's talk about blood lust and heroism these spells were abilities that gave all party members 30% melee in range to attack speed as well as spellcasting speed for 40 seconds now remember this only worked on party members not the whole raid so just the shaman and four of its party allies this spell had a 10-minute cool down and no sated debuff meaning for every Shaman you had they could cast this ability every 10 minutes and it was quite powerful and I can see Shaman stacking probably being a thing in TBC classic fun fact heroism actually cost less to train than bloodlust did for the the first patch of the burning Crusade despite the fact that it was literally the same ability just with a different name and now onto round of the lichking first we will quickly finish off blood lust and heroism they got slightly reworked they now affected everyone in the entire raid instead of just the party and they now only had a 5minute cool down but to make this not insanely broken they added the saded debuff which causes a player to be unable to be affected by Blood luster heroism for 5 minutes after receiving the effect of those spells so you can no longer stack shamans in one group to Grant your highest DPS more uptime on blood lust and sadly this is when they removed priest racials as they wanted players to have more freedom to choose what race they wanted their priest to be so with this change they made a few of the racials Baseline desperate prayer became a talent in the Holy tree and had a much shorter cool down it's now just a standard Baseline ability today symbols of Hope was renamed to himym of Hope and made available to all priests chastise was removed from the game although it did come back as holy were chastising cataclysm and became a staple of their holy tree as their specific damage dealing spell devouring plague was made available to all priests and stayed in the game until it was removed in Legion although being Reed in shadowlands and the rest were removed which includes star shards Touch of weakness hex of weakness feedback alon's Grace Shadow guard and consume magic and while priests had their special unique benefit removed in Wrath of the Lich King for some reason paladins were special and kept theirs sort of and so in Wrath of the Lich King they got altered slightly as well as sort of new seals being added to the racial seal list seal of Vengeance with the wrath of Lich King proed with every single swing as well as its damage being affected by attack and spell power as well as having its duration increase to 30 minutes like all other seals this made the ability much more manageable and much more powerful then in 3.2 it was slightly reworked Auto attacks and Hammer of righteousness rep a debuff on the Target and while the seal is active each melee swing on the ability excluding judgment that hit the target a Delta percentage of weapon damage as holy maxing out at 33% with five stacks of the seal this holy damage dealt double crit damage as well unlike normal dots and for seal of blood not much change really it still did extra damage at the cost of HP but also got a 30 minute duration added just like seal of vengance paladins then got two brand new racial seals our first new seal is the Seal of martyr for Alliance this seal was the exact same as seal of blood it cost your melee attack seal 27 additional holy damage but lose Health equal to 10% of the damage inflicted and also deal bonus holy damage when casting Judgment at the cost of 33% Damage Done To Your Health our next seal is the Seal of corruption for horde this seal just like the Seal of Vengeance applied a DOT to the enemy that's stacked up to five times while also causing your attacks to deal bonus holy damage and also casting judgment dealt a large amount of holy damage increased by 10% for each stack of cat on the target so in Wrath of the Lich King they seemingly wanted to remove the special feature of paladins and gave both factions both seals but with a simple rename as seal the Martyr and seal of blood were literally the exact same as were seal of corruption and seal of Vengeance as then in patch 3.2 they right out removed seal the Martyr and seal a blood likely not liking the play style of Paladin sacrificing their own health to increase their DPS while it is a cool ability it built some bad habits of over relying on your healers to keep you healed so that you can do optimal DPS and it would straight kill you on fights with increased damage to things so while we did still have racial seals they were the exact same at this point but with just different names kind of like bloodlust and heroism and then in the cataclysm the racial seals were removed and blood lust and heroism stayed the same exact same spell but with different names for each faction although time warp and ancient hysteria got added other ways to gain this haste effect Time Warp for Mages for both factions and ancient hysteria from hunters and that's it for clash racials as they were never used again although something to mention in the coming burning Crusade classic these seals are being given to both factions in order to better balance the factions at the start now both horde and Alliance will have access to seal of Vengeance and seal of blood in this video we'll talk about the racial abilities of perhaps the most iconic or at least the most played race and wow the blood elves added in the burning Crusade alongside the drenai they have since become the most popular race in the game and while the racials are pretty good it is mostly because of how they look as to this day they are one of the prettiest races in the game and the first pretty race added to the horde before the burning Crusade The Horde only had monster races to choose from and actually had a lower population as a result adding blood elves to The Horde in the burning Crusade single-handedly even out the ratios and was the start of the horde larger overall numbers turns out Aesthetics are somewhat important to a lot of players anyways starting out with the actual racials nice and simple with an ability that much like the human diplomacy racial has never changed since it was added to the game and that is Arcane Affinity this gave blood eles a plus 10 to the enchanting profession should they decide to be enchanters next we have their resistance ratio though this resistance racial is a bit special blood elves got the magic resistance ability now while most resistance racials gave plus 10 to a specific School of magic magic resistance gave blood elves a plus five to every school of magic at least every school of magic that had a resistant stat as there was no player character holy resistance in the game now moving on to the most iconic of the racials let's talk about Arcane torrent at launch Arcane torrent was an 8 yard silence on a two minute cooldown that also restored Mana based on the number of Mana T Stacks he had which brings us to the last ratio from the burning Crusade that being mana tap Mana tap had a 30second cool down and reduced the target's Mana by a little bit it also gave you a buff that lasted for 10 minutes and stacked up to three times each stack increasing the amount of Mana the Arcane torrent granted Mana tap itself caused zero mana and was instant cast which gave it some interesting uses in PvP if a Healer is trying to rest and drink and regen Mana you can just hit them with Mana tap as it had a 30- yard range reducing their mana and also keeping them in combat longer so that you could close the distance before they can really regain their Mana it's also worth noting however that Mana T did not work on any Targets that did not have Mana be that player or NPC without a Mana bar it wouldn't do anything so it wasn't super reliable if you wanted a ranged way to pull mobs on a Melee character in The Cinematic for the burning Crusade when you first see the blood elf and she sucks the Mana out of the Mana worm killing it that is what Mana tap did in lore moving on to Wrath of the L King we will start off with magic resistance which suddenly became the strongest resistance racial ever it could be argued that it gave more resistances back in the burning Crusade too but I think it really hit its peak here as all resistance racials were changed from giv a plus 10 to a single resistance Stat or in the case of magic resistance a plus five to a resistance stat to now reducing the chance to be hit by spells of that school by 2% but while the frost resistance of the dwarf racial reduced the chance to be hit by Frost spells by 2% and the undead Shadow resistance reduced a chance of hit by Shadow resistance by 2% the blood elves magic resistance reduce the chance to be hit by all spells by 2% no matter what the school the incoming spell came from moving on to Mana tap it was removed from the game and the Mana gained from Arcane torren to became Baseline no need for stacking the Mana tap buff they did give a lore reason for it though saying that with the sunwell reignited the blood elves no longer needed to tap Mana from other creatures though despite its removal early on it is still referenced in the game to this day with the female blood elves SL flirt emote my man attap brings all the boys to the yard which is pretty interesting given how long ago it was removed Arcane torrent had quite a number of changes throughout wrath as stated before with Mana Taps removal it now gave a flat amount of Mana when used though in a patch early on silences were changed to have diminishing returns and this included Arcane torrent in patch 3.2 in addition to its silence effect it now also applied a 3-second interrupt effect when used on NPCs so that it was now usable in creatures that were immune to silence effects this did not have any extra effects in PvP though as it only affected non-player characters to give blood elves a way to interrupt bosses though funnily enough the tool tip for it was not updated to reflect this change until patch 3.3 at which time the castar UI was changed to properly reflect that yes Arcane torrent was interrupting things the cataclysm was light on changes for blood elves really there was only one magic resistance was removed and replaced with Arcane resistance and as with all resistance racials it was changed to give a scaling amount of Arcane resistance based on your character's love level in cataclysm but Arcane resistance is a specific stat so they no longer got resistance to all schools of magic and it was now just Arcane magic that they resisted which was a pretty fair change since it was the best resistance racial in the game's history to this point it was now just in line with all the other resistance racials M panderia gave two pretty simple changes Arcane resistance was changed along with all the other resistance racials to just give a flat 1% reduction to a specific damage type in the blood elves case it was a 1% damage reduction from Arcane damage the other change of mstand area came to the Arcane torn racial in 5.1 a blue post of a patch stated Arcane torrent now returns 2% base Mana was previously an unintended 6% so a pretty significant Nerf All Things Considered no longer making it one of the best races to pick as certain healers in warlord's a dra or the blood outs got a new racial in the form of Arcane Acuity which increased their critical chance by 1% and hey getting something for free is just fine now not a huge boost but a boost nonetheless as they were trying to give all racials an actual DPS increase to kind of even them out more here the other change going into wad was Arcane torrent again it now gives death Knights 20 runic power instead of 15 and gave paladins one holy power instead of just Mana for the specs I didn't care about the Mana return and now also gave 3% Mana to magees priest and warlocks up from 2% from mop then in patch 6.2.2 they reduced the cool down from 2 minutes it had in TBC all the way down to 1 and 1/2 minutes again a a welcome change from here on out the only changes of blood El racials are tweaks to Arcane torrent at the start of Legion it was changed to now give Mana to Holy and protection paladins instead of holy power though retribution paladins still got the holy power then imp Pat 7.1 it now generated 15 Insanity for shadow priests the last change came is when he went to xandar and culturas where in battle for Azeroth it was reworked entirely to now be in effect like a purge it now removes one beneficial magical effect from all enemies in range instead of being a silence now many people saw this as a Nerf as a silence is really good way better than an AOE perch but while it was changed blizzard also added in a few places where it was very useful at the start of one of the dungeons in King's rest there was a bunch of little Abomination ads that had really low HP but a buff that gave them a shield with a whole bunch of extra HP however if a blood up could run in and just pop Arcane torrent you could kill all of them really easy easily the only other way to kill all these ads at once was a mass dispel from a priest these mobs also show up in the first raid of the expansion older where during the prophet Zuul boss fight Zuul would summon a group of these ants which would either require a mass dispel or a blood up to go over and deal with them so while Purge effects isn't as useful as a silence blizzard made sure the blood L still had a use for it to ease the blow and kept adding important effects that are better to be purged going forward basically blizzard knew a whole bunch of players were blood elves and they didn't want to Nerf the racials so they made sure that the racial would be useful by just adding in purgeable effects the burning Crusade added the First new races to the game the blood LS and the dreni this was the first time the alliance could be shamans and The Horde could be paladins and in this video we'll be talking about the history of racials for the dreni the dreni have four racials while each of these racials have seen some changes unlike most other racials they still have all of the same racials they did when they were first added to the game first up is gift of the Naru this was a little hot on a 3-minute cool down that had a 1 and 1/2 second cast time and a 40 yard range it wasn't the biggest heal at level 70 it was only about 1,000 health over 15 seconds but the thing is it didn't cost any Mana to cast and if you were a Healer using it with a whole bunch of a plus healing gear on it's scaled like any other heal making it a phenomenal heal especially for healers as again required zero mana and mana free abilities are very valuable for healers for all of you non- healers out there the next racial we'll talk about is Gem cutting this is as simple as any racial can be it gave the dreni a plus five skill if they decided to take the new Jewel crafting profession that came out with the burning Crusade Shadow resistance is up next the dren's shadow resistance followed the exact same set of changes as the shadow resistance of the undead so if you see my video the history of Undead racials you'll know that it fades as time goes on but if you haven't seen the video be sure to check it out if you're finished watching this one I'll leave a link at the end anyways what shadow resistance did was give the drenai a plus 10 to their Shadow resistance stat now last but not least we have the drenai heroic presence or inspiring presence they're both basically the same thing so I'm only going to be showing heroic presence on screen this racial alone was the reason why you wanted at least one drenai per party in your rid what it did was give all of your party members either 1% hit or 1% spell hit drenai Warriors hunters and paladins had heroic presence giving 1% hit to all party members within 30 yards while majes shamans and priest had inspiring presence which gave party members 1% spell hit if they were within 30 yards of you as with most things early on in wow this ability was party-wide and not raid wide this meant that you wanted one drite per party to give the boost a hit which was incredibly impactful Wrath of the Lich King brought a few changes to the dren eyes racials inspiring presence was removed and its effect was rolled into heroic presence which now gave both 1% hit and spell hit it still remained only party-wide however even with these limitations this puts heroic presence in the running for one of the most overpowered racials in the game's history this meant Alliance players could just straight up plan their gear around needing one less hit chance which was a pretty significant amount for some classes like Hunters who only needed 8% chance to hit total so that 1% was actually about 133% of their total hit chance needed and if you read guys from this time period online you'll see them give stat weight suggestions for horde players and then different ones if you know you're going to have ad drenai in your party Shadow resistance was changed as all other resistance racials were to give a flat 2% reduced chance to be hit by Shadow spells gem cutting remained the same but gift of the Naru had the amounted heal changed to now be increased by either your attack or spell power whichever is higher and made its attack bar immune to push back push back for anyone who isn't aware is when a Caster is casting a spell but they get hit by something and the cast is well pushed back so having a heal that now scales a spell power cost no mana and now his immune to push back is still really nice this didn't last too long however as with patch 3.1 it was changed to be instant cast and you can't push back an instant cast spell as Deathwing Rose and brought about the cataclysm new abilities were granted to the races of Azeroth that some may deem unnatural heroic presence was nerfed so now instead of providing your heroic presence to others in your party it only affected yourself it was still a fantastic racial just no longer Bonkers like it was previously gem cutting was buffed by a whole 50% so now it has a fantastic plus 10 Jewel crafting skill so while it was changed it didn't really change anything and was still as incredibly minor as it always had been then the resistance racials were changed again to now increase your resistance stat by one per level so plus one Shadow resistance at level one and a plus 85 Shadow resistance at max level then in one of the minor patches early on gift of the Naro was also changed to now heal a flat 20% of the target's health over 15 seconds rather than a scaling value this is the first and only expansion where all of the racials were changed as gem cutting has only ever been changed once since the dren were added to the game M depend area only brought two changes the first was to Shadow resistance and that was because all the resistance racials were changed into their final form so far which made them reduce all damage taken from that Skool of Magic by 1% so for dreni with Shadow resistance that means 1% less Shadow damage second was a gift of the Naru Nerf to make it so it only heal the target for 20% of the Caster's maximum health instead of the targets so it no longer got huge benefits to cast it on the tank who would always have the highest HP of the raid and are always priority heal targets Warlords Ador also brought a couple of changes to the dreni as they've returned to one of their many homes in their 10,000-year Journey from hiding from the legion even if it was in an alternative timeline firstly gift of the Nar was changed to essentially heill faster the duration of the hot was reduced from 15 seconds down to just 5 seconds while still healing the same amount this second change was to heroic presence it was now redesigned to no longer increase hit and spell hit by 1% but instead just give a flat amount of strength agility and intellect although whatever class you are two of those three stats do pretty much nothing for you this change was done because they basically removed the hit chance stat from the Game ending the reign of dreni having one of the most powerful stat boosting racials in the game to date this is the last time the dren's racials have changed but in Legion the light Forge dreni were added to the game with patch 7.3.5 and Legion the light Forge drenai become a playable race that have five racials first they have lights judgment which on a 2 and half minute cooldown lets you call down a wholly energy to deal damage to enemies within 5 yards after 3 seconds it's a little confusing because while casting it is instant there is a delay before the damage is dealt but according to some of the mid maxing websites like hero damage or blood Mallet this ability makes the light Forge really good in Mythic plus this ability seems to be the equivalent of the normal drenai gift of the naru but it deals damage instead of healing next they have Forge of Light which on a 15-minute cool down lets you summon an anvil and gives you a plus 10 to blacksmithing of the profession racials this is actually one of the better ones due to the Anvil summoning so that you can actually do your smithing on the go but still overall isn't impactful and is pure flavor next is demon ban which increases the experience gain from killing Demons by 20% this was the second ever XP increasing racial the other being the trolls Beast slain racial which was changed from dealing an extra 5% damage to beast and War dror to instead granting extra 20% experience from killing them their third racials lights Reckoning which causes you to erupt when you die and deal wholly damage to enemies within eight yards as well as healing allies in range as well very reminiscent of tiel's death ability in Heroes of the Storm and interestingly on the PTR this racial was originally called final verdict but likely changed to its final name lights Reckoning as the final verdict already existed as one of the Paladin's main abilities and this could have become even more confusing as for flavor reasons many people would probably be making light Forge adrite paladins anyway and lastly the light Forge aden's fifth racial is a holy resistance which is with all other resistance racials reduces holy damage taken by 1% so while there has never been a holy resistance stat in the game light Forge got a form of holy protection with its ironically named racial so far their racials have not seen any revisions but they are still a very new race in the grand scheme of the game so there is time and that's it since warlord's aor the original drenai racials haven't changed aside from specific number scalings on heroic presence with the stat level squishes and when professions were broken up by expansions so that the plus 10 to Jew crafting from gem cutting was added to each expansion jeel crafting individually the same happened with the light Forge and their blacksmithing skill instead they just added an entirely new drenai race through the new Allied race system but who knows with blizzard saying we'll be going out and exploring the cosmos maybe we'll find more dread out there and their racials will get an update then in this video we'll be talking about the racial abilities of the dwarf race and not to be confused with the dark iron dwarf starting out nice and simple we have Frost resistance back in vanilla each School of magic had a resistance stat for it and what this racial did was give you a plus 10 to your Frost resistance stat this increased your chance to resist damage from that school for various different Frost related things in PVE Frost resistance was not very useful except on saferon and a ceramis in PvP however it was much more useful at resisting the frost bol of a mage which could be a lifesaver next up we have fine treasure this was an ability you can activate that let you track Treasures on your mini map like the find herbs and find minerals abilities you got when you learned herbalism or mining respectively it would add a little yellow dot to your mini map just tracking treasure chests and lock boxes as well as certain Quest items instead of resource notes most of the time it was kind of useless because of the low respawn rate of chest but it was a perfectly flavorful ability to have thirdly dwarves got gun specialization which like all the other weapon racial specializations added a plus five to the dwars weapon skill with guns in vanilla this was okay while leveling but unfortunately all the best endgame weapons were either bows or crossbows so it wasn't competitive as other weapon skill racials lastly the most interesting of the racials we have stone form when activated this granted immunity to bleed poison and disease effects in in addition to increasing the dwarf's armor by 10% for 8 seconds all on a 3-minute cooldown this was really good especially in PvP as it would remove a rogue's poisons or Warriors bleeds or both it could even remove a rogue's blind as during vanilla was considered a poison rather than a physical attack this racial made dwarves a good pick for PVP early on and while not as impactful now it Still Remains a decent enough choice for PVP later on in patch 1.6 in vanilla it enabled you to also remove self-inflicted poisons for instances when your poisons got reflected back onto you since for some reason the racial made a distinction about that early on during the burning Crusade nothing changed for the racials at launch but later on in patch 2.2 the rogue's blind was changed to be a physical attack school so stone form could no longer be used to make yourself immune to it then in the next patch of 2.3 when weapon skills were all changed from plus five skills to plus five expertise range skills were also rebalanced but since range weapons didn't use expertise they instead were given a 1% crit buff with their given weapon so dwarves got a 1% crit boost when using guns and in BC this was actually useful as there were highle guns that were considered best in slot though later on Bose did again take the top spot for ranged weapons the last change was in 2.4 where fine treasure no longer deactivated upon death which was quite a nice small quality of life change in rra the lichking there were two changes to dwarf's racials first was a complete revamp of stone form where in 3.1 it no longer made you immune to Poison's disease and bleed effects and instead just cleared any of these effects that you had on you when you cast it and its cool down was reduced from 3 minutes down to 2 minutes this was quite a big change as now instead of being immune to the effects you simply cleared them and they could be reapplied even while you had the stone forms 10% armor boost active but while the effect is weaker you could now use it more often so there were trade-offs and the other change was that the resistance racials were changed to instead of giving 10 resistance it now just reduced your chance to be hit by Frost spells by 2% unlike wrath cataclysm brought a whole bunch of changes to dwarf's racials starting off dwarves gained mace specialization this had been in the game since launch but it had been a human racial until now at the time it was given to dwarves it was a plus three expertise with maces and two-handed maces this was not the high point of the weapon skill racial as earlier they gave a plus five expertise but who would complain about a new racial take what you can get and that wasn't the only new racial dwares got fine treasure was removed but with the new archaeology profession added to the game fine Treasures was replaced with Explorer which increased your archaeology skill by 15 and let dwarves use archaeology survey skill faster much in the same way that a torn could herb faster and at the time the newly added wargan could skin faster at some point this was changed however it still gave the Boost to survey speed but instead of giving the plus 15 bonus to the profession it increased the number of archaeology fragments you gain from each pickup which was probably for the best as due to travel times between dig sites some people have said it takes as long to Max an archaeology as it did to max out fishing and gaining extra fragments would speed up that process resistance racials were also reworked again reverting a little bit so that Frost resistance gave Frost resistance again but instead of being a flat plus 10 like it was in vanilla and TBC it now skilled based on your level starting off with one and going up to 85 at max level in addition to all this stone form got another change in patch 4.06 it now instead of increasing your armor by 10% it reduced all damage taken by 10% a rather significant buff and with this part of stone form changed it was now a completely different ability than the one dwarves originally had back in vanilla where it used to Grant you immunity to a couple of schools of magics and bleeds and a armor increase and now just a flat damage reduction Mr Pandaria had less changes in cataclysm but there were also a couple nonetheless to start off Frost resistance was again changed to reduce the damage taken by 1% resistances were slowly being phased out of the game so a 1% damage reduction is better than having a racial completely removed at the same time gun specialization was removed and replaced with crackshot they gave you a 1% expertise bonus with all-range weapons as during the expansion they thought it was unfair Hunters didn't have to use the expertise stat but all melee physical classes did so they applied it to them for this one expansion before removing it completely from the game in wad because it turned out people didn't like the stat at all as all it did was reduce the chance of Target could Dodge or par your attacks so it was basically a second hit chance stat and with Hunters having to worry about a new stat this was actually a decent change for dwarf hunters and now dwarves weren't stuck playing second fiddle to night alv at Alliance whenever bows were the best in slot weapons truly a welcome change if a short-lived one moving on to Warlords of rador all the weapon skill racials were removed and crackshot along with them Ma specialization was also removed and at least the dwarves got something to replace their new racial might of the mountain might of the mountain gave dwarves a 2% increase to critical damage and healing and while it's nothing right home about it's still better than nothing especially when most classes with weapon skill racials got nothing to compensate for losing those racials the other big change for dwarves was with stone forming in it now removes magic and curse effects and to the Poison's disease bleeds that it always did the other half of it also changed so instead of reducing all damage taken by 10% for 8 seconds it now only reduced physical damage taken also it cannot be used during crowd control effects now in the first patch of wad in 6.1 they added on a 30C shared cool down with this ability and other PVP trinkets that do break CC effects despite the fact that the ability could no longer be used to break them so they kind of buffed and nerfed the ability a little little bit as being able to purge magical effects is really good but now you can't use it to break CC effects the final and most recent change to the do's racials came in Legion has a hot fix early on which made M of the mountain appear in the spell book properly which was basically just fixing an oversight or a bug and that's it since that small hot fix in Legion nothing has changed for dwarves and the racials it ends not with a bang but with a whimper but hey maybe that means the doors racials were actually pretty balanced and if your racials are balanced at least it decreases the chance you'll get nerfed and in the most recent raid Castle arria the dwarf Stone racial ability was objectively the best racial but the reason you didn't see top guilds clearing on Alliance is a topic for another video in this video we'll be talking about the various racials of the humans in WoW from vanilla all the way to shadowlands First up we have perception which was an ability added at launch with humans and was the only active racial abilities that the humans had had what it did was on a 3-minute cool down it would increase your stealth detection by 50 points or 10 levels it was mostly used for PVP to catch Rogues and Druids and stealth before they could open up on you and for that it was pretty good at its job the extra 10 levels of stealth detection counteracted the rogue's master of deception Talent which would decrease their chance to be detected in stealth by a similar amount next up we have a two for one spot with a sword and mace specialization these both do the exact same thing but for different weapons sword specialization grants you a plus five to your one and two-handed sword skills giving you at max level around an extra 3% chance to hit with swords and reducing the amount of glanding blows you would deal and mace specialization does the same thing just for maces and two-handed maces and throughout vanilla the best weapons for warriors were predominantly swords and maces making humans both an excellent PVP option as well as the best option for warriors on the alliance in general the fourth human racial is the human spirit this is very simple it granted a 5% increase to the spirit stat a good bonus for priests and leveling in general as Spirit sped up your health and Mana regeneration the last of the original human racials is diplomacy it gives humans a 10% increase to reputation gains with all factions and this is the longest lasting unchanged ability that is still in the game today from the day vanilla launched in 2004 to today diplomacy has never been changed in any way the only other ability to go so along without a change was the rogue's cheap shot ability which didn't receive a single change until shadowlands when they lowered its combo Point generation to only one down from two later on in vanilla there were a few changes to the human racials perception had its range increased in patch 1.4 and then later in 1.8 they made it so it could be used while in stealth making human Rogues even better as they now have advantage to finding enemy Rogues as whichever Rogues opens up on the other generally wins in a 1V one situation in Pat 2.3 the burning Crusade all of the weapon skill racials were changed to give a plus five expertise instead of a plus five weapon skills and this affected Mason sword specialization as well the burning Crusade was light on changes for the human racials but maybe they were just saving up changes as Wrath of the Lich King had quite a few in Wrath Lage King humans got a completely new racial in every man for himself this was basically an extra PVP trinket because what it did was on a 2-minute cool down it would remove all boomment imping effect and all effects which cause lost control of your character this effect shares a cool down with other similar effects at the same time this was added perception was reduced down to be a passive skill and now only gave Five Points of stealth detection or one level but even if they lost out on the stealth detection an extra trinket effect was really good for PVP later on in Wrath every band for himself s was fixed as it had a bug where sometimes it would disconnect you if you used it while rooted which is a pretty weird specific bug Dean wrath was the only time when humans had all six of their racials at the same time and it's been all downhill since in cataclysm perception was removed outright as its niche as the PVP racial was now filled up by every man for himself which they seem to find to be too powerful as they increased its cooldown from 2 minutes up to 3 minutes because with the human racial humans didn't actually need to use the PVP trinket which could break a cc which means human players could use one one more DPS trinket than all other races giving them a big advantage in PvP a little while later in patch 4.06 they reverted the cool down Everyman for himself back down to 2 minutes and the widely known Community manager at the time ghost crawler said that we believe we overnerfed it when talking about the ability then in patch 4.1 every man for himself saw another change but this time it was just a new visual effect and the human Spirit had the spirit bonus had granted reduced from 5% down to 3% % and also during cataclysm the weapon skills racials had their expertise bonus decrease from a plus five to a plus three bringing the bonus they provided from 1% to just under it at around 0.75% also ma specialization was given to dwares 2 at this time so now two different races had this racial Mr panderia saw no direct changes to any of the human racial abilities but the expertise stat was modified to also Grant spell hit so as long as you had either an axe or mace equipped in your main hand you'd get extra expertise and spell hit from the M or sword specialization weirdly though you didn't get the bonus if the weapon was in your off hand not that many casters could even put weapons in their off hand anyway Warlords of dror came with a lot of Nerfs for human racials sword and Ma specialization were removed from the game and while dwarves got the racial might of the mountain to replace ma specialization which is a 2% bonus to Critical Strike and healing damage humans got nothing to compensate for their loss the human spirit was also completely redesigned to now instead of giving 3% Spirit it gave a flat amount of Versatility that scaled with level moving on to Legion it was another round of Nerfs every man for himself was altered so now it only removes stun effects and no longer can be used to remove all movement imp parent effects though it was partially bugged at launch and still worked like its old version so a week later into the expansion they fix it so that you can no longer activate it on abilities that it couldn't actually break the human racial had dominated as one of the best PVP racials for a while so this was an effort to curtail human dominance in PvP the human Spirit was also altered so that instead of the flat versatility increase it got in wad it now just gives 2% more to all secondary stats which could probably go either way if you think this is a buff or a Nerf since Legion the only thing that's changed about the human racials was every man for himself which in battle for Azeroth had its cool down increase to 3 minutes and had the shared cool down with similar effects like The gladiator's Medallion increased from 30 seconds up to 90 seconds then in shadowlands it had its name changed from every man for himself to will to survive and remove the part of the tool tip that mentioned the 90c shared cool down with the blizzard trying to make racials less and less important making them around only a 1% difference between each other it makes sense that they nerfed all of the racials so heavily because the human racials were kind of too good and with that that's it history of human racial abilities interesting ly with every man for himself having a name change you could argue they both have the newest racial ability in will to survive even newer than the Allied races of BFA while also having the oldest and longest lasting ability in the game with diplomacy in this video we go over the history of orc racials from when the game first launched in 2004 all the way up to present day in shadowlands first up we have actx specialization these came out at launch with the orc and made them the best race for horde Warriors and what what it did was very simple it gave you plus five to your Axe and two-handed axe skills you see back in vanilla wow we had weapon skills where the more you use a certain type of weapon the higher the chance you had to hit with that weapon type and in vanilla these skills maxed out at 300 and some braces were able to bring this higher than the maximum to 305 this meant that if you wanted to try to max out your hit cap you needed 3% less hit chance from the rest of your gear thanks to the plus five and axe specialization and it also reduced the amount of glancing blows you do with increase your damage by a fair amount and fun fact kind of a side point despite these things being much more important for physical damage dealing classes the Caster stat intellect increased the speed at which you increased your weapon skills when you were training them for the first time next we go over to command command is fairly simple in comparison to actx specialization it just increases the damage of the orc's pets by 5% this made Orcs a Top Choice for any class that heavily relied on their pets like hunters and warlocks hardiness is the third orc racial and arguably the best PVP racial that hordes have had access to and maybe even the strongest PVP racial in the game even to this day besides you know there could be an argument made for uh another horde racial will of The Forsaken but we'll go over that in a different video so what it did back in vanilla was give the orc an additional 25% chance to resist a stun effect this was insanely strong and since vanilla it has been constantly nerfed but even in its Nerf state it is still considered one of the best PVP racials at launch the ability was a little bit bugged and a lot of abilities were just ignoring the racial so in patch 1.5 they fixed it so that it would work properly and last but not least we have the most iconic of the orc racials blood Fury the only active racial the Orcs got and what it did was on a 2-minute cool down it increased your strength by 25% and it dealt 5% of your maximum health as damage to you every 3 seconds and the ability lasted for 20 seconds This was later revised in patch 1.4 to increase your melee attack power by 25% for 15 seconds where would then decrease your attack power by 25% for 45 seconds afterwards this allowed classes like Rogues and Shaman to benefit much more from it since it no longer just increased strength finally in patch 1.9 the Hefty 25% melee attack power decrease was changed to be a 50% healing taken reduction instead that way it was a pure DPS boost and no longer had a DPS downside to it throughout vanilla it was really only used by Warriors Rogues and Enhancement Shaman as it did nothing for casters or Hunters that weren't stuck on Nightfall Duty moving on to the burning Crusade pre patch hardiness was nerfed down to 15% additional stun resistance and I don't need to tell you again that this was still an S tier racial at the same time blood Fury was changed to give attack power for hunters as well as spell damage for casters and also instead of being a flat 25% it was a scaled value that increased with level at level one it would give you six melee attack power and casters five spell damage scaling up to 212 melee attack power and 143 spell damage at level 70 for hunters it just gave attack power rather than melee attack power and Shaman's actually got both the melee attack power and the spell damage in patch 2.3 all of the weapon skill racials of all the various different races were changed from their plus five weapon skill to 1% crit for range weapons and 1% expertise for the melee weapons much like hit chance and vanilla out you need a certain percentage to hit your expertise cap to maximize your chance to hit your targets and avoid the chance to hit with glancing blows basically glancing blows are when your basic melee attacks just do less damage than they would normally as for command it remained unchanged throughout this expansion moving on to Wrath of the Lich King the healing reduction debuff from blood Fury was removed at the same time hardiness was reworked to make it so that instead of granting you 15% additional stun resistance it just decreases durations of stuns On You by 15% decrease in the duration of a stun is much less impactful than resisting the full stun altogether but it's more consistent and doesn't rely on RNG so it was still good after the change and maybe just a bit less so also in very early wrath blood Fury was just taken off the global cool down then in patch 3.1 with blizzard remembering that the death knight class was added to the game command was extended to cover their pets as well as Shaman pets and then in patch 3.2 fist weapons were added into the weapons affected by axe specialization so now Orcs could get the expertise buff on fist weapons too in cataclysm the only racial change was in patch 4.3 where blood Fury was changed again so that instead of spell damage for casters it gave them spell power as in Wrath of Lich King a lot of the items that had spell damage were just converted into spell power making this racial one of the last spell damage holdouts cataclysm then removed spell power from armor leaving it only to weapons Trinkets and jewelry in M of panderia pre patch monks were added to the game and like Shaman they gained both the melee attack power and spell power buff from blood Fury additionally command was nerfed from 5% down to 2% in Warlords of dror Blizzard changed a number of stats in the game this caused many of the racials to be changed as well to balance everything most of this came out with the prepass where expertise and hit stats were removed heralding the death of Axe specialization and all the other weapon specialization racials as well command was nerfed again reduced from 2% damage increase to only 1% where it has remained ever % hardiness which had remained the same since Wrath of Lich King was nerfed from its 15% stun duration down to only 10% this didn't last long though as in the very next hot fix in patch 6.03 this change was reversed bringing it back up to 15% it had always been for the past three expansions later on in patch 6.2.2 it was buffed even further to the 20% we now Love Today once again Fally planed itself as the best all-around Horde PvP racial in the game arguably of course in the battle for ooth pre patch blood Fury again was the last hold out as blizzard had removed the spell power stat early on in Legion rolling its effect into intellect so in the BFA pre patch blood Fury was brought in line with that giving intellect instead of spell power as well as finally correcting the tool tip to attack power instead of melee attack power and ever since then there hasn't been any significant changes to any of the racials in this video be going over the history of the racial abilities of our favorite cow friends the Toren the first animal race in WoW the torrin's most iconic racial is war stomp War stomp is an AOE stun effect with a half-second cast time and a 2-minute cool down the stun lasts for 2 seconds and can hit up to five targets within 8 yards this has pretty much always been useful in PvP and many PVE situations throughout all of W's history next up we have endurance this was super simple and gave the Toren a 5% increase to their Total Health with this a Toren tank had slightly more Health than any other tank but it wasn't as significant as it might sound next up we have cultivation which which increased the herbalism skill Toren by 15 super simple lastly we have their resistance racial and nature resistance this provided a flat plus 10 into the torr's nature resistance stat which like all racial resistance stats was pretty niche in its usefulness another small thing I want to mention here is that back in vanilla torren had bigger hit boxes than other races Mel torren specifically had the biggest hit box of any playable race in the game this also gave them the longest melee range so come the burning Crusade with the introduction of Arenas some players in PvP were able to hit their opponents on the opposite side of a pillar giving them an even greater Advantage as a warrior in PvP and just like the gnome's ability to tame mechanical pets this was kind of a secret or hidden racial during all of the beta for the original wow the torren also had a racial running speed called planes running which basically let them run at Mount speed after they were running for 10 seconds un interrupted as originally torn were seen as too heavy for mounts so this was supposed to be the replacement but it was really overall just God awful because you'd lose the Run speed if you entered combat and normal mounts could run through mobs as long as they weren't dazed so it took longer to get to Mount speed and was less useful than a normal Mount and it was scrapped as they were afraid any Buffs to the ability might make it overpowered so it was removed at the last second before the launch and replaced with of course the kod mount and was even mentioned in the instruction manual that came with the game as a feature that torren had and could use even though they never could in the live version of the game there were no changes to torn racials in the burning Crusade so we'll just slide right past that and move on to Wrath of the Lich King where the only change was to Nature resistance which was modified to now have a 2% reduced chance to be hit by Nature spells instead of a plus 10 resistance to it this wasn't anything special all resistance racials got a similar change it was also during wrath that the hidden racial we mentioned earlier was removed due to just how powerful it was in Arena throughout TBC hit boxes were normalized so the Gnomes and torns didn't have vastly different melee attack ranges the cultivation racial didn't change here but the Gathering professions each got a special ability herbalis got the ability lifeblood a small heal over time that was pretty good but there was an interesting interaction between cultivation and lifeblood in that Toren had to get 15 more skill in herbalism than anyone else in order to reach the next rank of lifeblood a strange little interaction due to the increase in skill that cultivation gave them moving on to the cataclysm resistance racials were changed again to now give a scaling amount of resistance to your racial stat based on your level so at level one a Toren would have one nature resistance and at level 85 they would have 85 nature resistance wor stom was modified to now be able to work while shape shifted increasing the strength of torn Druids by a fair margin cultivation also got an update as wargan got a racial called flare which in addition to increasing their skinning skill by 15 it also increased their skinning speed so in an effort to keep parody this increased a gathering speed was added to cultivation as well bringing the Gathering time down from 2 seconds to half a second and while later expansions added enchantments that allowed other races to get the same benefit for the time being the Torin was the fastest herb gatherer it is also worth noting here that Torin can be Druids and Druids are still the most proficient gatherers as they can stealth pass mobs and cat form and dash away if enemies are coming at you as well as root them so they can't interrupt your Gathering they can even Gather in Flight form so they don't actually have to land or dis amount to gather from nodes so a torn Druid is the best Gathering tune you can really have wargan would be up there with skinning but that requires you to kill a mob first so even though they can be Druids they have to land and fight to take advantage of their racial Mr Pandaria saw the final redesign of resistance racials to date as the resistance stat was removed the racials now provide a flat 1% reduced damage from that skull of Magic the last expansions were very light on racial changes but with warlord of dra or everything was rebalanced first off endurance was modified to now give a scaling amount of stamina in place of the 5% Health Boost from before and just like the resistance ratio of cataclysm it increase your stamina by a flatten Mount as you leveled up then a new ratio was added to the torrent in the form of Bron this increase the Critical Strike bonus damage and healing by 2% this doesn't increase your Critical Strike chance but rather it increases the power of your crits so when a torn crits with either an attack or heal it's just 2% stronger this was added in effort to better balance the racials for competitive content as torren were one of the few races with no real DPS increase from a racial a bit later on in the expansion in patch 6.2 the cool down of War SWOT was reduced from 2 minutes down to 1 and A2 minutes another welcome change but on top of that they also made the ability immune to push back even though it had a very short cast time of half a second the push time on it could sometimes make it take over a second to cast lastly we have Legion and the last time the torn racials have changed as of shadowlands and the only change was a hot fix that ensured that the torren brawn appeared correctly in the Spellbook as there seems to been issues where it wasn't actually showing up as the Toren racials have remained stagnant since Legion let's shift gears a bit and look at the racials of the high mountain Toren as they were made a playable Race For The Horde in patch 7.3.5 and hold the honor of being one of the first Allied races added to the game starting off we have bull rush this is an active ability lets the high mountain charge at a Target knocking down enemies it has about a 20 yard range and a 2-minute cool down the charge lasts for 1 second and the knockdown lasts for 1 and 1/2 seconds this functions much like War stomp however instead being a focus on a forward line instead of a circular AOE even acting almost as a movement ability too as you run faster and it doesn't require a Target to use and also like War stomp it can be used in Druid forms meaning for example in cat form this charge sends you even faster as it does stack with some speed Buffs next up we have pride of the iron horn which functions exactly like the normal torrent cultivation except for mining rather than herbalism it increases mining skill by 15 and decreases the Gathering time quite considerably by this point in time the glove enchantments to increase Gathering speed for other races have been added to the game so it's not as special as it once was Mountaineer is the next racial and all it does is provide a flat 1% increase to the high mountains versatility pretty boring but every race needs at least one boring racial to go with the fun ones waste not want not is one of the more interesting racials in the high Mountain list it's a passive ability that gives you a chance to loot additional Meat and Fish while it doesn't do anything for your combat power it's a fun flavor thing as the torren species overall can be described as a hunter gatherers the high mountain torren are far more connected to the hunter while the regular torren are more connected to gather lastly we have rugged tenacity the strongest racial for high mountain by far what it does is reduce damage taken by 1.8% of your stamina this is the high Mountain's answer to the torren endurance while the torren focus on increasing their health with stamina the high mountain focus on reducing the damage to their health with stamina think of it like this for every 1,000 stamina you have you take 18 less damage from each attack unlike magic resistance racials which decrease damage taken from a school by a static 1% this reduces the damage by a scaling amount and works on every damage type and this was especially good on tanks who commonly get lots of stamina while this isn't the strongest racial ever it is certainly the best from a power standpoint for the high mountain torrent although sadly in battle for Azeroth it was nerfed a fair bit to now only give 0.6% of stamina down from 1.8% in Legion in this video we're going over the history of the racial abilities of the trolls we will start off strong with one of the best racials in the history of the game berserking it went through a lot of changes over the course of vanilla it started off as given a fixed increase to attack and casting speed but could only be triggered while under 20% health and had a 2-minute cooldown in patch 1.22 it had a minor bug fix as shamans were able to use it even while not below 20% health for some reason shortly later in patch 1.4 it was reworked where it now increased attack and casting speed by 25% but it increased your damage taken by 10% and instead of only being usable below 20% Health It could only be used after you were critically hit although in the very next patch it was clarified in the tool tip that they meant melee critical hit finally in patch 1.9 it was reworked again to what we all recognize it as in class CL costing either a bit of Mana energy or rage whatever you had it it was also raised to a 3-minute cool down from 2 minutes to fit with its missing Health theme it now increased your attack and casting speed by 10 to 30% based on how much health you were missing for 10 seconds this change also took it off the global cooldown allowing you to macro in with your other DPS cooldowns making it quite a powerful racial during vanilla most of the higher-end players were on the alliance but through the years on private servers this ability was Theory crafted to perfection faction where in PVE trolls would take off all their gear to decrease their maximum HP then put it all on right as the fight was about to start and because your health wouldn't automatically increase when gear was put on they would then pop the berserking right as the fight started to get more value at berserking and maybe even get a second use of it depending on the length of the fight although this may really anger your healers these days the classic Community speed runs raids so some fights don't even last 1 minute let alone three but this is still a fun interaction moving on we have regeneration which was very good back in the day it gave you a 10% to your health regen in combat while also overall increasing your health regeneration by the same amount the best PVP use of this is Rogues who can vanish to gain a bit of time to get some health back while their enemy sit stunned but in PVE it is quite a nice little heal to ease the burden on your healers even if the heal overall was incredibly minor it is also fantastic for questing as back in vanilla health regen was really low so slow that melee classes often needed to eat food every two to three PS that meant this extra generation allowed trolls to level faster than others and while it was only 10% it does add up quick over the time it takes to level funny enough the racial was thought of as useless originally in vanilla wow and its value wasn't really gleamed until classic developed a meta next up we have the Beast Slayer and this also helped increase leveling speed slightly what it did was increase the damage the troll dealt to Beast by 5% although there are not many Beast mobs and endgame content vanilla it did at least have some uses in AQ Knack molten core and a ton of uses in zg at least lastly we have throwing and bow specialization which increased the trolls throwing and bow skills by five respectively like other weapon racial skills these major attacks with the chosen weapon less likely to miss and while throwing weapons were more of a minor thing almost all the best endgame weapons for hunters were bows this made trolls the best hunters for horde and PVE content in addition to trolls having the highest bace agility out of The Horde races and second only to night elves as a whole there is only one change to troll racials in the burning Crusade that being a rework of all weapon skill racials this included throwing and bow specialization range skills like these were changed from a plus five weapon skill to a 1% crit increase while using the weapons meanwhile melee weapons were changed to just give some bonus expertise Wrath of the Lich King saw a few more changes than what the burning Crusade provided first off a new racial was added to the trolls called deodo it passively decreased the duration of all movement imp parent Effects by 15% this worked on roots and snares but oddly enough not stuns as those Remain the domain of the Orcs with their hardiness ratio berserking also saw a couple of changes in the expansion first in patch 3.2 it was changed so that instead of giving scaling attack and casting speed buff based on missing Health it gave a flat 20% to attack and casting speed instead although yet again the tool tip for it was incorrect so in the next patch they fixed it to show its proper effect once again the cataclysm saw no changes to the troll racials so let's move on to the following expansion missed a pandara which had two first off we had the removal of throwing weapon specialization obviously as panderia was the expansion when Throne weapons were removed entirely from the game bow specialization was also replaced but at least it still existed in some sense being renamed to Dead Eye a version which now gave trolls expertise with guns bows and crossbows by 1% now onto Warlords of dror there were actually quite a number of changes to racials first off dead ey was removed as a weapon skill as a hit and expertise removed from the game and with these changes blizzard no longer wanted to lock certain specific races into specific weapon types Beast Lane was changed so instead of increasing damage to Beast by 5% it now increased experience gain from killing Beast by 20% Which may be a slight blow to their damage output but it now at least directly increases their leveling speed and made leveling in Beast heavy areas faster berserking was also changed to now gave 15% haste down from 20% it is now also called a haste instead of attacking casting speed although it has pretty much the same effect and followed by patch 6.2 deodo Shuffle was buff by 5% now reducing the duration of movement in parent Effects by 20% rather than 15 and the troll racials have not really changed much since BFA however what did happen in battle for Azeroth was the troll racials actually played a very important part for the race to world first on Jana you see Jana had an building the fight called chilling touch which she would stack on the whole raid with a number of abilities and if it ever got to 20 Stacks then the player would be frozen solid and have to be DPed out by the other players the way to manage this was by using flame barrels and by triggering the freeze at times when the raid could break you out together however the stacks technically counted as a snare so the racial deodo Shuffle would lower its duration by 20% Which meant troll players had the option to just let the stacks fall off by expiring this obviously wasn't supposed to be an option for managing the stacks but it made parts of the fight so much easier that top guilds paid for their entire raid team to race change to trolls just to deal the chilling touch mechanic easier leading to a world first Kill by method which thankfully was an option available to both factions as Alliance were transformed into horde for this fight later on blizzard changed this so trolls couldn't gain this Advantage anymore and since then there haven't been any real changes to troll racial s however going back to BFA quick with patch 8.1.5 the zandalari trolls were added to the growing list of Allied races and while the racials have not seen any adjustments they were added to the game as the troll Allied race so we'll cover them here now as they have not been around long enough to get their own video first off they have City of Gold this is a passive ability that gives a zandalari 2% more gold when they loot anything super simple and rather nice too there's even an add-on to see how much extra gold you get when looting mobs next up we have the pterodax swoop which on a 15-minute cool down gives you the effect of the Goblin glider with the pterodactyl visual which slows your fall and lasts for 2 minutes while flying you forward next we move on to the combat racials first we have Embrace of theoa to understand this it requires a bit of background trolls as a whole worship these beings called Loa and by doing so they're granted bounds including the zandalari troll which have various shrines to various loas within zazar their major city this ratio allows a zandalari to interact with the shrines and receive a permanent minor buff although you can only have one the buff you get depends on which Shrine you interact with with akunda giving healing spells additional healing bombom giving damage abilities bonus Shadow damage that heals for the bonus Shadow damage delt gonk increasing movement speed by 5% Kimble giving your damaging abilities a chance to cause your target to bleed for 6 seconds stacking three times kraa which causes your max health and armor to increase upon taking damage and paku which gives your damaging abilities a chance to increase your crit by 4% for 12 seconds yes quite a lot of Lowa and for sure the coolest most in-depth and customizable racial we've ever seen while also being the ability with the longest cooldown in the game currently with a 5-day cooldown and basically allow zandalari players to choose which racial stat bonus they want lastly we have regenerating which is arguably the strongest zandel racial what it does is on a 2.5 minute coold down you channel for 6 seconds and regain 100% of your health this can be interrup Ed by damage at least however paladins who get low on it can pop their Divine shield and then use this to get back to full health uninterrupted before resuming the fight on the PTR before went live this ability was going to be a 4sec channel that could not be interrupted by damage meaning it could only be stopped with some sort of CC and with only a 1 and A2 minute cool down which was so broken that the player base and blizzard are created upon nerfing it leading to the 6sec Channel with a 2.5 minute cool down and breaking on any form of damage in this video we'll be talking about the history of the racial abilities of the undead from back when sylvanas's model was still a night elf all the way up until she left the horde because they couldn't appreciate her greatness starting off way back in the early days of vanilla the undead had four racial abilities the first of which is underwater breathing which was pretty simple it increased your underwater breathing Time by 300% back in vanilla the breath you had while underwater was much shorter than it is today so when you only had about 60 seconds underwater it was quite helpful for the undead to be able to be underwater for 3 minutes rather than one at endgame this wasn't a very big deal but there are a number of underwater quests that you can run into while leveling which it's quite helpful for and remember everyone classic wow was designed with leveling being the main focus of the game not endgame that's a future thing that happened the next of the racials is Shadow resistance this was quite simple and just increase your resistance to Shadow damage by 10 the third racial they got was cannibalism what it did was all light to consume a nearby humanoid or Undead corpse to regain 7% of your maximum health over 10 seconds much like underwater breathing not too impactful at endgame though it could have some Niche uses in PvP but it was a channeled ability and had a thing where if you took any damage it would cancel it and with a 2 minute cool down you'd best make sure you don't have any dots on you before you triggered it the final racial is the one you've all been waiting for which is the wheel of The Forsaken this ability was added to forsen at launch when forsen got a type change from Undead to humanoid class ification so they could kind of mimic the CC immunities they used to enjoy with that type distinction at launch what this did was give you immunity to charm fear and sleep effects when active they could also be used while you were afflicted by fears or sleep effects to clear them and this immunity lasted 20 seconds on a 2-minute cool down despite it being super strong it actually didn't work properly as inat 1.2 it could not actually be used during fears but then in 1.6 it got a significant Nerf taking its duration from 20 seconds down to 5 Seconds bringing it down from incredibly overpowered to just being really good and while Orcs were still favored by many for PVP Undead were able to come within Striking Distance Of Orcs when it came to PVP Effectiveness way later on in patch 1.12 it was fixed so that it could be activated during charm effects as well but with this change it had finally settled mostly into how would actor up the history of the game though there were still a few changes coming to it further down the line these changes wouldn't happen until Wrath of the Lich King however as there were no changes to the undead racials throughout the entirety of the burning Crusade but aside from cannibalism all the undead racials got at least minor changes in Wrath at launch the breath mechanic underwater was changed so now everyone got 3 minutes like the undead used to so with that the raal was decreased down to 233% from its former 300% it now effectively gave you 10 minutes of underwater breathing as with the other resistance racials Shadow resistance was reworked as well instead of the base 10 Shadow resist resistance it now reduced the chance you be hit by Shadow spells by a flat 2% then later on in patch 3.3 will of The Forsaken was given a 45 second shared cool down with PVP trinkets like the medallions and insignias of the day so you can no longer pop yourself out of a crowd control the trinket and then when the enemy CES you again hit will of foran right after you'd have to wait 45 seconds after using the trinket or vice versa before this change will the Forsan was considered a more limited version of the human racial every man for himself but at least it didn't pop your PVP trinket on cool down so it was still useful after the change it was just a weaker version of the human racial the cataclysm also saw changes to three of the four racials but this time it was underwater breathing that remained untouched to start us off the resistance racials were changed again so instead of the 2% chance to be hit by Shadow spells reduction it now gave you a straight increase to your resistance St but instead of the flat 10 from the early days it was one at level one and scaled all the way up to 85 five at max level basically your Shadow resistance increased by one every time you leveled up Wheel Of The Forsaken had the cool down it shares with PVP trinkets decreased from 45 seconds to 30 a little later on in patch 4.03 cannibalism was changed again to now give Mana as well as health when consuming a corpse and it also had the flat percentage of each tick increased to around 8 to 9% from 7% though this was later reverted M the Pandaria was another large set of changes to the undead to start off underwater breathing was removed and replaced with touch of the Grave touch of the Grave added a passive leech effect to an Undead's attacks where every time you attacked or cast a spell you had a chance to do an extra bit of Shadow damage and then heal yourself for as much as the damage that it did this had around a 20% proc rate on each attack and while not the biggest deal in the world it was a nice little effect for endgame unlike underwater breathing which was much more for leveling Shadow resistance was changed again as resistance again was reworked and the resistance stat was removed so that now instead of getting a scaling increase your resistance stat you got a flat 1% reduction to all Shadow damage taken this was the final change that shadow resistance has received as of Shadow Lance and while not a big and interesting racial even today it is a nice little bit of flavor for the race the most recent set of changes to the end racials came in warlord to drar the first being the stat squish touch of the Grave had its damage values reduced and had underwater breathing added into it so that now Undead can breathe underwater in definitely so when underwater undeads just don't have any breath bar at all anymore will the foran also had its base cool down increased to 3 minutes up from two but very quickly reduced back to 2 minutes in a hot fix soon after touch of the Grave did go through some other changes though in patch 6.2.2 it now scaled based on 50% of the player's attack or spell power whichever is greater and then a couple months later in a hot fix it had its damage increase by 100% and that's it for the last three expansions nothing else has changed with the undead racial abilities unlike many of the other original races who went through a plethora of changes maybe that means they have stagnated or maybe with CIA returning and sylvanas's departure at the N of BFA they are waiting to completely redo them later on in the shadowlands or the expansion following there's a lot of story potential for the undead right now and we'll just have to wait and see in today's history video we're going to be talking about professions that were added in later expansions and what new and unique things these professions added to the game the first post launch profession was Jewel crafting added with the burning Crusade it added a fair few new mechanics to the game first we'll start with gems they added cut gems unlike the gems used for generic crafting and vanilla these cut gems came with specific primary or secondary stats and were obtained by five or more ore to prospect it gaining some uncut gems in the process second we had gem slots this is what the gems went into items at had gem slots had anywhere from 1 to four slots and these slots had various different colors how these slots worked is they basically just replace stats on a piece of gear allowing you to somewhat customize that gear while any gem could be placed in these slots Gear with gems in them also gave a gem bonus which was usually a small bonus that would sometimes activate if the gems were filled properly and well how did you fill them out properly by putting the proper color in of course the primary color and also any secondary color that contained that color activated it for example a socket which requires a red gem for its socket bonus could be fulfilled by simply placing a red gem in it and it could be fulfilled by placing an orange and purple gem in it as well you see the purple green and orange gems were half colors and each one could fulfill the full requirements for any two gem colors and the way you could remember which half colors worked on which primary colors was simply by knowing which two colors mix to make those colors so while you could place whatever gem color you wanted in the slots if you put the same color in all the slots you got a Bonus so for example let's go over the item light mantle of the Incarnate which had a red socket and blue socket which if both filled gave four extra stamina there were also a few other things first The Meta socket these sockets were only in helmets and they matched with meta gems which was another special kind of gem that could only be placed in this slot metag gems were very powerful gems it had effects like spell reflect chance to stun on hit less threat generation increased crit damage stun resists etc etc however to unlock this special bonus you needed a special requirement of other gems in your gear for example at least five blue gems in your gear or having more red gems equipped than yellow gems or at least three red and two blue they were kind of weird and random there was also the Prismatic gems and the Prismatic sockets and unlike all the other gems so far these didn't really have anything to do with each other Prismatic gems were gems that filled the color roll for any slot think of it like a rainbow energy but the only stat available for prismatic gems at first was spell resistance later changed to have Prismatic gems give the plus 10 to all stats buff but could only have one gem total of that one in your equipment and the prismatic socket was mainly added to belts using the blacksmithing craft called belt buckles and these basically just acted as an extra spot to put any gem you wanted in as they didn't add a gem slot bonus or count towards any existing ones and fun fact Bel buckles were the most profitable crafting item you could sell in the auction house as they were relatively easy to make and in such high demand that it was almost impossible to keep a stock or control the market on the auction house of these items turns out adding an extra gem slot is just that good which is why blizzard makes you jump through hoops to get similar levels of items in modern wow like farming 7,000 Stiga for a gem slot in Shadowland a task which can take a full week of dailies so what Jewel Crafters did was get gems for ore then cut them into gems for other players to put in their gear they also introduced craftable jewelry into the game with necks and Rings which were not craftable before this our next profession that was added in the following expansion Wrath of the Lich King is inscription like jeal crafting you would need another gathering profession material this time herbalism to cast millon which consumed five herbs of pop in order to give you pigments which you can then use to make inks inscription also added a couple of staple things first off the Dark Moon cards which before this were random drops now crafted and are almost always the best entry level trinkets you can buy the start of a new expansion or for a brand new max level alt in fact in some expansions the Dark Moon trinkets were bis all the way until the final raid tier and the big thing that got added with inscription is glyphs which came in two types major and minor well minor had well minor effects with things like minor range increases or Mana cost reductions on utility spells or new appearances a couple of examples being reducing the size of your pet or increasing the swim speed of aquatic form and Undead breathing only a handful of minor glyphs actually gave a good DPS boost and those were usually nerfed like the glyph of corpse explosion the real big ones were the major glyphs which had major Buffs these buff your spells an actual good capacity buffing an ability right out giving a doted initial burst of damage or even adding new abilities these glyphs acted like gems consumed on use when you soy them into your slot and then their own tab in the talent screen staying there until they were replaced then with the cataclysm we got Prime glyphs which like minor and major had three slots and really were just a place where the most powerful New Old Major glovs were moved to to give room for more glyphs those were also learned like spells instead of being consumed to socker them like in the past you would consume them to learn them adding them to a list that you can then use anytime almost exactly like the essence system of BFA even in the UI in the the gold making Community this event of glyphs becoming permanent at cataclysms launch was known as glyphis because of the millions of gold all scribes made from everyone rushing to fill out their glyph collection as fast as possible back when millions of gold was still a lot of money cataclysm also added the first ever and only ever new secondary profession archaeology this profession had players explore in the world and collecting artifacts relevant to the location looking for dig s sits on your map you would make your way there and then just walk around find up and digging fragments then use those in order to craft random artifacts this profession was pretty limited giving Grays that sold out varying amount pets toys and a couple of unique mounts like the aquamarine battle tank the only way to use a siloed Mount outside of aq40 without having the black Scarab mount with even some gear on rare occasions like zenrock Destroyer worlds which was a pretty good sword at the time you could even get the recipe for the shifting sandstone drake a flying two-person Mount the last thing was an archaeology dungeon bonus see Dungeons and cataclysms were made harder than the Lan counterparts and a way to try to make them easier was there was a statue near the start of each Cataclysm dungeon and these statues could be activated by an archaeologist using keystones they found during their work to gain a buff of the rest of the dungeon making them a little bit easier although this was dropped off instantly and was never used again even in the same expansion's later dungeons well unless you count the shadowlands Covenant Buffs and dungeons as a spiritual success archaeology was interesting with cool rewards at best it was also boring repetitive and useless at worse as once you completed all the new rare finds you were essentially done with the profession for that expansion then in MST the Pandaria Prime gliss were removed which was a pretty fast Backtrack on the idea although to make up for it inscription could now craft stams in off hands something they couldn't craft before nothing else really changed Mr Pandaria however in warlord a drain or we had a pretty big change they mov some glyphs from inscription to the default class by making them learned while leveling up this way you could at least have a full glyph slots without having to go to the auction house since gly were basically the only system of power that could impact your class and rotation in a very significant way that required purchases through the auction house then in Legion glyphs were pretty heavily reworked all major glyphs were right out removed as well as the glyph UI now glyphs only came in their minor variety and were either Cosmetics like changing spell effects or pet appearances and only ever impact a DPS if they unintentionally bugged out like the glyph for demo warlocks that changed their fail guard into a different demon that was a dual wielder instead of a single weapon user and slightly increase the pet DPS in some situations because of how the dual wielding Mechanics Work jeel crafting never really got anything unique or new added to the profession however there are a few things to mention first off in Mr the panderia we got a legendary gem that could fit into shot touched weapons from the first R tier we got an ey item that let us put a prismatic socket onto a weapon from the first two R tiers and we got a special legendary meta gem that could proc effects like a mini blood lust but these have nothing to do with the actual Jewel crafting and then with Legion colored sockets and socket bonuses were just removed now all gear had Prismatic sockets and they made gem sockets far more rare it was a bonus to have them not a normal thing on equipment anymore this really made gem sockets a pick your own bonus stat section and kind of ended jewelcrafting reign as one of the most profitable professions in the process of making gem slots no longer guaranteed archaeology also never really got anything new added to it much of the same with no new big things other than new pristine version solves added Miss Pandaria and used each expansion afterwards that acted as like a special solve that could only happen once and gave you an achievement if you collected them all as well as being able to create items you find to buy little goodies with them this was really not that special although in the Legion expansion they made it even less Special by removing the rare findes from digging and instead made it a bi-weekly Quest that would appear to do a quest chain of archaeology theme stuff to eventually get what would normally be a rare artifact found sadly as most of the community disliked the profession it got abandoned in chadow lands while not right out removed it got nothing new with the expansion no new levels no new items leaving it dead in the water although in-game conversations have hinted at a possible return in future patches blizzard did a full shift in professions going from adding a new one every expansion up to cataclysm to even removing one of them in BFA with first aid being merged into tailoring it seems blizzard had originally wanted to add a new profession with each expansion like they did a new race or class but gave up on the idea come Miss to Pandaria and then started moving player pow outer professions alog together as you may have guessed from the title and thumbnail in this video we'll be talking about the fishing profession in WoW probably the developer's favorite profession with all the love and care it's received received over the years in comparison to every other profession fishing has been around since Wild's initial release back in 2004 and throughout the years while the miname itself hasn't changed much the things you can do with fishing has ranged widely fishing is the profession that almost never was in the wow diary a journal of computer game development they talked about how they were worry that Bots would take advantage of the profession to print money this is the reason why they created the fishing mini game that's in the game to this day where you cast The Line then wait and click the bobber when the fish is hooked back in vanilla this cast was 30 seconds long and sometimes you would just not hook a fish at all the fish were divided up by level brackets with two to three fish being available in each Zone the fish were then further split up between ocean and freshwater fish depending on what bot of water you were fishing in and you would have a different pool of fish you could fish up there were also special versions of these fish and some were white off hands that had their weight in their name like the 103 lb M fish or the 15b mud snapper others were bloated and functioned like a box which when opened contained some gems or if you're really lucky maybe even a ring or necklace like the famous the One Ring which gave a plus one to all stats and was a pretty direct reference to Lord of the Rings now in patch 1.2 blizzard reduced the vendor price of fish as well as the chance to fish up green items they also added a minimum level requirement to learn the profession all of these changes were to further decrease the interest that boders might have in the profession and to curtail people people parking low-level alts and high level zones should just fish there the next big change was the addition of the stranglethorn fishing extravagan in patch 1.7 where for a short period every Sunday afternoon at server time a fishing contest would begin hordes of schools of tasty fish would populate stranglethorn Val and the first person to fish up 40 and return to the NPC would win there were some side prizes as well for three rare fish the grand prize winner got their pick of a special fishing pole the arcanite fishing pole and an onuse item that turned you into a fish increasing your swim speed or a fishing line that when attached to your pole give you a plus five to the skill depending on which of the three rare fish you caught you would either get a hat some boots or the same fishing line you can get from the grand prize each of these items would give you a plus five to fishing skill just in different item slots now to actually level up fishing trainers only taught the first skill ranks those being apprentice and journeyman like the other Secondary School professions you had to go out into the world in order to get a book to learn expert and do a quest to learn Artisan the quests were given by Nat Pagel and DUS wall of marsh who was named after pat Nagel one of the senior Quest designers for who was first hired on blizzard all the way back in 1997 along with Jeff Kaplan the quest sends you out into the world to fish up four special fish that you can only catch while on this Quest and then return to him at which point you learn Artisan fishing allowing you to learn up to 300 fishing you needed to have already maxed out your expert fishing skill 225 fish before beginning the quest and and there was a breadcrumb Quest from the fishing trainers in theore and oramar for the alliance and hord respectively just like the Quest for Artisan first aid and if you haven't seen my video on the history of first aid you should check that out too I'll leave it in the video description moving on to the burning Crusade we got the fishing dailies for the first time the NPC old man Barlo just outside chatrath has a pool of quests that he rotates through and can be done once a day and rewards you with a bag of fishing Treasures which could contain anything from junk Grays to elixir of water walking a little crocodile pet or the weather beaten fishing hat much like the fishing hat before it you have a plus five fishing skill but unlike the lucky fishing hat it also had an unus effect where you could attach a plus 75 skill lure to your currently equipped Rod this plus 75 was not as good as a sharpen fishing hook or the aqua Dynamic fish attractor both of which increase your fishing scale by 100 but this one didn't cost you anything the bag of fishing Treasures also had a chance to give you some quality white gear items like the Noble's monocle or the antique silver cufflinks which you can often find in people's bank alts if they care enough to dress them up nicely TBC did have some other changes of profession the fishy miname was reduced from 30 seconds to around 20 seconds and is now guaranteed that a fish would bite both welcome changes but more interestingly was the addition of the infamous Mr Pinchy which is a reference to the simpsom episode where Homer buys a lobster and names it Mr Pinchy the weather beaten fishing Journal was added in patch 2.3 which could be fished up from wreckage schools and when used would give you the fine fish ability which just let you detect School fishes on your mini map like fine herbs or fine minerals this is also when old crafty and Old Iron Jaw were added as the factional fishing trophies caught in oramar and Iron Forge by both factions though it's not easy to sneak into either city as a member of the opposing faction then in patch 2.4 the level requirement for the expert fishing book was removed formerly it required level 20 Wrath of lichking had big changes for for fishing in the first major patch first there was no longer a minimum fishing skill required to fish in certain areas instead when you fish in areas that you didn't have the skill level four you just caught junk items instead next the quest line for Artisan fishing was removed as was the book for expert fishing the fishing trainers could now just train you all the way up to Max fishing the quest now awarded a special blue fishing pole while not as good as the arcanite fishing pole from the strangle Thorn Fishing Extravaganza it was still a decent pull giving you a plus 25 skill and for anyone who had already completed the quest they could go back to Nat and he would give you the pole blizzard also added the sea turtle mount which had a small chance to be fished up in schools in northr this was technically the second aquatic Mount added to the game as the riding turtle was added back in vanilla wow but it was only now in Wrath that both of these Turtles got a swim speed increase this is also when fishing daily quests were added to Marcia Chase and Doan which as with old man Barlo and TBC rewarded a bag of fishing Treasures the loot table was similar from junk items to gems with standouts being the bone fishing pole and the jeweled fishing pole both of which gave you a plus 30 fishing skill as well as having a new unique model the arcanite fishing pole remained King but it didn't get a new model until cataclysm the final major addition to fishing came in the form of a new fishing tournament called the cak fishing derby added in patch 3.3 on Saturday afternoon there was a 1-hour window in which you could fish up a black tip shark and bring it to Elder Clearwater who was next to Marcia chase at the fountain in dollarin if you were the first person to turn in the black tip you would get the choice of two rewards an heirloom ring or the boots of the bay which give you a plus 15 fishing skill when equipped and had an unused effect that would teleport you to the booty Bay Inn if you were not the first to turn it in you would instead be given a bag of fishing Treasures the same one you get for the daily Quest the cataclysm brought comparatively few changes to the profession on launch the cursor that hovered over your bobber was changed from the classic golden gear as it was for all interactables and instead became a Strang looking fish this is also also when the arcanite fishing pole finally got its own unique model as still the best fishing pole it was nice to see it finally being distinct from the basic on Kata also added the fishing daily quest to major cities at launch only Stormwind oramar and Thunder Bluff but later on quests were also added to iron forged our NASA and under City there were a couple hot fixes early on one fixing an issue where people who hadn't bought the expansion were able to fish up cataclysm fish and another to slow the speed at which you level the profession past 500 then in 4.06 the cursor was changed again from the strange fish to the hook icon which has remained ever since later on in patch 4.3 they reduced the fish requirement to level up the profession counteracting the change they made back at launch Mr the pandere had a number of changes for the profession first off you no longer required a pull to fish if you didn't equip one you would instead fish with a stick that has a nice little string attached to it however they later changed that to just a basic fishing pole the other thing that happened at lunch was due to issues with crossr play blizzard shut down both the stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza and the cowak fishing derby the big thing however was the addition of the new fishing faction the Anglers based in the crer ring wild they had a number of fishing dailies and fishing related rewards for getting their wrapup most memorable and most used today for Fishers anyway is the Anglers fishing raft which was a mount like toy that had water walking and can be fished off of for those that didn't care for fishing there was also the actual Mount Reigns of the azira water Strider which was a mount that could walk on water very handy for leveling or generally getting around before you could get flying and was one of the best ground mounts in the game before Mount equipment was added in the game all the way in BFA Nat Pagel was also with the Ang alerts and had his own reputation and when maxed out he gave you his hat which gave you a plus five to fishing for equipping it and had an unuse effect to attach a lure that increased the fishing skill by plus 150 which at the time was the strongest lure that could be applied in patch 5.1 the stranglethorn fishing Extravaganza was brought back with three winners now and the rewards that previously had been tied to the kowak fishing derby were rolled into the prize pull for the Extravaganza so with this the Derby was officially dead there were three unique green fishes you could fish up each day and turn into n for extra W in Patch 5.2 the chance to catch these fish was increased and the rep game they gave was increased as well additionally a fish of the day was added where in a specific Zone each day there would be a large number of schools that would rapidly respawn allowing you to fish that Zone's fish much more easily one of the angular NPCs that you could see when fishing at the fish of the day spot was a female gnome named salty L who was named after the L who ran a fishing guide website called L's extreme angeling the site stopped updating in Worlds of dror from what I can tell but if you use the internet Wayback machine you can still go back and see an archived version of the site at the time it was the premier resource for fishing in WoW there is a spiritual successor to the site in the form of a guide on Wowhead called an angular Journey the extreme angling collection guide written by a self-proclaimed longtime user of the website who dedicated the guy to Salty L saying that their website inspired them to get into fishing there was also some special battle pets that you can get only from fishing in certain areas as with everything in Warlords ofor fishing was tied to the Garrison The Garrison had a fishing Hut building which would require a lot of fishing to unlock the third level of but when you get it to level three you get to do a lot more fishing to get rep with Nat Pagel no rep with him carries over from mop and at Max reputation you could purchase a water walking Mount which was just a recolor the azur water Strider and was Data minded as far back as the beginning of mist of band area you could also buy Nat's a drinking hat which has the same onuse effects as Nat's old hat but gives a plus 10 to fishing skill rather than a plus five when equipped despite having a plus 150 lure effect this was less important now with the introduction of the worm Supreme lure that gave a plus 200 skill the the most interesting part of the fishing Hutt however was that you could fish up a special fish in your Garrison and when you throw it back it would summon a murloc and when killed it had a chance to drop the sea turtle or the riding Turtle the drop rate was low but it was not considered a rare mob so you could loot it multiple times a day this led to full raid groups forming to just try and fish up the murloc this was the first time a major TCG item was made available in game this is also the first time that fishing was required for first aid but for more on that check out the video the history of first aid Legion was not a letdown when it came to fishing content starting out we have conjurer margos who was located on a floating island just outside of dollar like Nat in the previous two expansions he has reputation that you can level up and at max level he would sell an aquatic Mount as well as a new addition deficient at lower levels of reputation toys that can be used to change the look of your bobber the toys can be put down and then anyone can click on them to change their bobber margos sells two of them the murloc head and the squeaky duck Bobbers but this was the tip of the iceberg as Legion added many others by the end of the expansion there were 12 different bobber toys by the end of it plus a couple of consumable ones like the oversized bobber which just made your normal bobber really big far more meaningful than all of this however was the new artifact fishing pole the underlight angler this was the pole that finally dethroned the arcanite fishing pole as the best fishing pole in the game it is obtained through a quest line that first required you to complete the achievement bigger fish to fry which was obtained by fishing up one of every rare fish in Legion after completing the achievement being level 110 and having 800 fishing skill you'd have a chance to fish up the Luminous Pearl from schools throughout Legion zones the quest line takes you to a scenario where you would not pigle fight merlocks and fish some fish then fight a boss murlock together this is the last time we've interacted with Nat pigle to date the artifact takes a lot of fishing to max out but it provides some nice benefits it has the effect of a hook of the Master Angler where you would gain a swim speed and become a fish underwater you gain the ability to walk on water just passively while it's equipped and you gain a reduced aggro radius and despite all of the artifact weapons having their traits disabled the underlight angular did not as it's a fishing pole not really a weapon and all of its effects still work to this day as of making this video in the shadowlands in patch 7.3 the Fisher friends were added these were a set of NPCs one per Legion Zone Each of which each one has their own reputation and a set of things you can buy from them including some of the bobber toys I mentioned previously another stand up from the items that they sell is the tler totem which increased fishing skill for everyone in its radius the only other item like this was the sharpened tusar spear from revered with the angular back in moop battle for Azeroth saw professions changed to now be expansion so vanilla fishion is 1 to 300 and Legion fishion is 1 to 175 rather than 1 to 900 the only profession that did not get this change was archaeology but for for more info on that just check out the video on the history of archaeology with this change a lot of bonuses to fishing skills that I've talked about to this point were rebalance to provide a couple of examples Nat's drinking hat used to give a plus 10 skill when equipped and The Lure attached could give you a plus 150 skill it now only gives a plus 8 fishing skill when equipped and The Lure only gives A+ 10 fishing skill the arcanite fishing pole which gave a plus 40 to fishing skill now only gives a plus 14 at launch there was not much in the way of interesting fishing content just the basic one new fish per Zone with a fish that can be caught in all zones and a couple of ocean fishes as well the most interesting part was the addition of the great SE Ray which was an underwater Mount that was just a recolor of the Dark Moon skate from the Dark Moon fair but unlike the skate the ray could be caught out in the world on any Coastal Waters though the chance is very low with the addition of mechagon and nitar in patch 8.2 a set of goggles were added that could be used to find secret fish all throughout the world sending you back to the old world and if you found all the fish you got the achievement secret fish and where to find them this is a reference to the Harry Potter book secret Beasts and Where to Find Them as the movie came out just around the same time but more interestingly where the references in the toy that you got for completing the achievement the hyper compressed ocean toy this toy allowed you to summon an orb that you can click on to fish and with fishing from the orb you get fish from anywhere in the world and you can even fish the great sea rate from it but this had a niche use in world PVP you see in nitar if you were in war mode there was a Zone wide PVP battle where both factions tried to claim Five Flags to fill up a bar but when the Battle Is Over the winning faction often charge into the enemy base and if you drop the hyper compressed Ocean on the enemy portal the enemy faction cannot click their portal to teleport out and instead end up clicking on the ocean begin fishing as they end up being killed this is the only item I could find from fishing that actually had PVP uses even if it was only in World PVP still an interesting interaction or a creative use of game mechanics if you will shadowlands added a new bobber based on the oros theme as well as a fishing pole with a theme as well the fishing pole had the same fishing skill bonus as the underlight angular though it doesn't give any of the other bonuses the artifact traits give you it also increases the chance to catch a bait while fishing but the shadowlands bait can just be bought at a vendor and oros so that's not really a useful effect there's also a rare in revendreth Muk ribbon that has a chance to drop the bat Fage bobber which makes your bobber look like a REV Andre bat statue there really hasn't been much for Anglers to do in Shadowland so far but most updates the profession didn't come until the 0.1 or. 2 or even. 3 patches so we'll just have to wait and see all right and that's the video fishing is a very timeconsuming profession and so it really isn't for everyone one of my editors once spent 7 hours straight trying to fish up old crafting oramar and I know people that refuse to even touch the profession but I'll leave you with the words of Wow's most prolific fishermen if you ask me the best part about fishing is its slow pace it gives one time to think to reflect on past events and plan for future ones oh and it's also a great excuse to drink heavily in this video look at the history of the mining profession and some of the items associated with it from vanilla wow to cataclysm players were required to equip a mining pick in order to tap ores to be able to loot them this was Chang in Mr Pandaria when most mining ticks had the flavored text of miners need a mining pick for digging change to plus 10 mining does not need to be equipped most mining picks in wow still require the player to have learned the mining profession to be able to equip mining picks unlike most other professional Tools in earlier wow the mining pick did not see different iterations as a tool in the first few expansions throughout Wow's entire life there have been 14 mining picks in the game more or less for the first part of this video we'll briefly discuss each pick starting with one's added vanilla in total 10 picks were added to the game in vanilla W which is where the vast majority of mining picks in the game come from today in modern W you can currently only obtain a six of these original mining picks the gouin pick is the only poor quality mining pick in the game it is a rare World drop from several starting old world zones such as Ashen Veil and Hills brat Foothills despite several of W's item and Stat squishes the mining pick when used as a weapon has never done any more than 16 damage and has never sold for more than seven silver the next mining pick for vanilla is the common quality ubiquitously sold regular mining pick as a writing this video this mining pick is sold by over 200 NPC vendors in the game a similar common quality mining pick also be found in elen forest from vanilla this mining pick is called the Cobalt excavation pick and has a very low Drop TR from Cobalt geomancers there was only one uncommon mining pick that came from a world drop in vanilla this mining pick was called the tunnel pick and was a rare drop from some mobs in the wetlands this pick was removed to launch of the canac expansion since the wetlands was completely overhauled and these mobs removed the next mining pick is also of uncommon quality and is called br's trusty pick it is obtained by the player by completing the quest Brand's bronze Beard's lost letter in silithus this pick can be considered one of the most interesting mining picks lorewise since it belonged to the famous explorer brand Bron Spirit until he gave it to the player another uncommon mining pick is called miners Revenge which comes from an alliance only quest in vanilla this Quest is called O Brother which was a breadcrumb Quest from Stormwind to the deadmines however this mining pick was actually not able to be used to mine anything vanilla since it was actually not labeled in the game as a mining pick in fact this mining pick only became usable when it was updated at the beginning of the burning Crusade the miner's Revenge pick was removed in cataclysm when the deadmines dungeon was updated the final two mining picks for vanilla come from dungeons the first mining pick is the cold iron pick which drops from hoger in the original Stormwind stockades in vanilla the pick was an uncommon quality but in cataclysm it was updated to a rare quality item the cold iron pick also did not receive the also works as a mining pick tool tip description until patch 2.3 the second mining pick for vanilla dungeons is the digmaster 5000 from Emon this is a very rare drop from trash in the dungeon and is the only mining pick in the game that requires the player to have a classic Min proficiency of 175 to be able to equip it only one mining pick was added to the game in the burning Crusade the shatterstone pick is one of the three Quest rewards can be chosen after completing the quest beneath ramar in Hellfire Peninsula this uncommon quality mining pick was not just a weapon but it actually worked as a regular mining pick as well despite it having no description saying it could this remained unchanged until the cataclysm when The shatterstone Pick had it sulta updated to say also serves as a mining pick rra of the Lich King saw three variants of a mining pick added with the creation of the multi-tools with northri engineering specifically the bladed pickaxe the hammer pickaxe and the Nish army knife all serving as mining picks as well as having other tool abilities the next mining pick add to the game came to panderia the ancient pandaran mining pick which was changed from a onee headed ax to a mining tool in dragonflight and it also was reduced to a plus three mining skill down from plus 10 which was a treasure which spawns in the Jade mine in the Jade Forest to this day it is one of the most sought after items in the game because it has a special ability that allows the player to loot gems from mighty nodes in panderia warlord dor saw the addition of one mining pick which was apply named the peons mining Pig this mining pig is also a treasure that spawns in the spires of Iraq similarly to the ancient Pand mining pick the peons mining pick allows faster mining but only a dror dragonflight saw the addition of two new mining picks the draconium pickaxe and the casgar Rite pickaxe there was a major profession overhaul in dragonflight and most mining picks now categorized as profession tools additionally several new mining profession equipment items were also added which included two delver's helmets and two ore satchels while the technical name for mining deposits in the world is resource nodes wow has several different names for types of mining nodes in the game every Mining Node with the exception of minable corpses are labeled as either vein a deposit or a seam the term deposit is by far the most common label for miny notes the term vein only has nine minnes associated with it and the vein name was more common in early wow especially in vanilla in which five of the minnes are named veins seams were only added for Legion and BFA expansions these seem to have been alternative to Rich deposits or pure deposits of miny knowes because blizzard only added seams or two expansions there are only seven different types of minable seams in the game in a seamless transition in classic only thorium veins had a chance to spawn as Rich meaning they contained more mats than usual since wrath almost every new money deposit added to the game has had a chance to spawn as a rich deposit this is similar to how in classic only certain nodes could have a low chance to respond as a more rare type of miny also in vanilla the mighty nodes of thorium and obsidian chunks could spawn as small or large as you can tell blizzard has experimented in how to add different types of Rarities and mighty nodes in the terms of materials produced dragonflight introduced five different element infus types of deposits which included molten hardened Primal rich and Titan type however these modifiers are unique to dragonflight expansion and will probably not reappear in later expansions now let's move on to the topic of ores we'll just scratch the surface on this one but we'll try to briefly go through each expansion and their main ores used in crafting in vanilla and classic there are a total of nine ores among these ores five are common ores which include copper tin iron myth Ro thorium and dark iron ore dark iron ore is notable for only being able to be found and smelted in the black Forge and the Black Rock daps and the molon core there are four uncommon ores in classic all of which are rare spawn variant to the regular four common open world mining nodes regular quality tin nodes when they respond can sometimes become uncommon quality silver nodes common iron veins have a low chance to become uncommon gold veins and finally common mithil veins can become uncommon true silver deposits the burning Crusade added four new ores to the game two of these ores are common quality and they are the F iron ore and Adamantite ore the other two are uncommon in quality and are called the aternum ore and corium ore aerum ore is unique because it is the only ore in the entire game that does not have a specific mining note dedicated to it eternium ore only has a chance to be looted when mining the other three Outland mining nodes which makes it only one of two ores in the entire game that work this way mechanically wrath saw some of the lowest number of ores added to the expansion with only three ores being added across northr both Cobalt and CET ores are common quality ores and titanium was The Uncommon ore added to wrath Titanium Ore has a chance to respawn the place of serite node so it can only be located in the zones of ice CR storm Peak shs are Basin in Winter grass wrath saw the first handful of updates to the mining profession first a new passive ability was given to miners called toughness which granted the player a percentage based stamina buff which scaled with your skill levels in mining the flavor text ability reads all your hard work spent mining has made you exceptionally tough increasing your stamina by X both herbalism and skinning also receive similar Buffs herbalism granted increase in health recovery and haste and skinning passive Talent increased Critical Strike also in Wrath blizz made it so players could no longer fail when mining orbing at skinning the second major change in mining wrath was the changing of how many times the players could tap a no to gather all its resources mining veins and it's no longer required multiple hits to receive all the ore meaning Mining Ores was now a oneandone deal or at least until the node responds these two changes in making farming ores faster and ensuring you could not fail at gather them it made the supply of ores and wrath Skyrocket to combat this a little in patch 3.2 blizzard added for the first time a level cap to mining specifically players had to be at level 65 or higher to mine ores in northrend the cataclysm expansion also only added three new ores to the game Elementium obsidian and pirate the first two ores are of common quality and P Hite is an uncommon quality spawn instead of Elementium as a fun little antidote Elementium Ore had been in the game since vanilla where it dropped from mobs and Blackwing lay most players will know it as part of the crafting reagents for making thunderfury bless blade of the WindSeeker when the new cataclysm elementum or was added the old elementum or was renamed to elementum ignant Mining and cataclysm had one major change and that change was gaining experience when a character mind a note although the mining XP is inversely proportional to a character level it has not stopped crazy people from doing insane things like never leaving the pandan starting zone and getting to max level by just mining nodes and Gathering herbs after doing the few introductory quests such as the case of the famous double agent character a pandar and Shaman there were also two minor changes to mining in cataclysm first some of the mining requirements for vanilla nodes were loosened which made sense with a revamped old world second with zura being removed and completely revamped the hakari thorium nodes were also removed from the game now the M Pander expansion added three new mining nodes but four new ores the two common quality Mining Ores of pandere are ghost iron and kyite the last uncomon node is called Trillium vein however when the Trillium node is mined you can either get a black Trillium ore and or a white Trillium ore this makes trillum one of the only ores in the game besides eternium ore which can drop two different types of ores Mr Pandera also added two major changes to the mining profession one of the biggest in the entire game as far as professions are concerned came about at the beginning of mandera when blizzard made it so mining picks no longer required to M nodes the second major change came in patch 5.1 when blizzard made it to all mineral nodes despawned 1 minute after they're tapped even if the items remain in them these two changes remain somewhat controversial to this day but the optimistic approach is to say blizzard was trying to free a backspace with the first change and reduce bot farming with the second change warlord of dror only added two new ores which is the fewest any expansion has ever added both of these ores were common quality ores named Black Rock ore and true iron ore as a little aside it is speculated that true iron deposits eventually become the Fel iron deposits found in Outland these two ores are also the only ores in the game that do not need to be made into bars before they can be used holders J ort saw one major change to the mining profession during wad the maximum wad skill points available in mining was 700 to help ease the grind for players grinding out the mining skill blizzard decided to remove hard skill requirements and add in a yield value to make the progress seem worth wild this yield value came in the form of nuggets since removing the hard mining skill caps affects all mining from previous expansions every ore in the game up to and including wad had to have a nugget version that could be mined for those of you who are not familiar with the Nugget system if the m is under skilled and attempts to mine a node somewhat within their threshold instead of or they will receive a nugget 10 of these nuggets can be then combined to form the one ore in short the yielded Miner is able to harvest from each node is now determined by skill level however since world to drain or this idea seems to have been abandoned there were two smaller changes to the Mind profession W the first of these changes was a big overhaul to many inventory mechanics in the game but the most important of those changes in mining was the fact that ores and other reagents can now stack up to 200 the second change was that many of the profession specific passive ability ities were removed not even the miner's toughness ability was strong enough to withstand the perge on a tangent the tailoring passive ability loot more cloth was actually kept while all other profession passive abilities were deleted now the legion expansion added four new ores to the game lay stone ore felslate ore infernal Brimstone and Imperium all of these ores are common quality with the exception of infernal Brimstone which is somewhat debatable as to even if it can be called an ore or not Inferno Brimstone is of green uncommon quality and is not mined on mining nodes in the ground instead is associated with World quests where a player must kill a giant infernal destroyer and then mine its corpse to receive the item Legion also saw several short mining specific profession quest to help unlock ranks of different mining abilities with an upgraded rank usually providing a better Yield Battle for Azeroth added another four ores to wow monolite ore storm silver ore and osmenite ore all of which are common quality ores and the fourth ore called Platinum Ore is uncommon the mining yield ability ranks also made a return from Legion BFA saw one huge change in the mind profession at the end of Legion many profession skill points were getting close close to 900 to fix this blizzard did something smart and gave each expansion its own separate profession skill bar this also allowed for a smaller cap for each expansion and is much more preferable to one gigantic profession skill bar for all the expansions put together while this profession change was applied to all professions it is still worth noting because of how much it actually changed the mining profession as a whole shadowlands has ores that are unusual in three aspects shadowlands is the first expansion to not feature any quality common ores second each of the six zones added in Shadows each have their own unique ore that can only be found in that one specific zone four of these uncommon quality ores are from each of the four zones Shadowland launched with oxen ore can only be found in malaxis fandr or in ardenwald sinir in revendreth and sidium in Bastion the final two ores are both rare in quality and they are the first rare ores added to the history of the game these two ores are aium and prrum dragonflight brought three new mining ores to the game there is the common quality cite ore The Uncommon draconium ore and the rare casgar ore another major change to reagents that effect fected mind in dragonflight is the ores are now finded in three different tiers this idea may seem pretty strange but it should be noted that this tiered crafting varent system appears to be a new Twist on the upgrading of mining abilities from Legion BFA not dis similar to Elementals if a player has five ores a specific tier of an ore they can combine them to form one of the next or tier higher and before we wrap up this video we'll end on some fun trivia the first set of trivia is all about mining an alpha versions of well in the original 2004 Alpha of World of Warcraft the spell five minerals only lasted for minute but it could be upgraded to last for 5 minutes through skill points and levels if that wasn't bad enough mining vanilla Alpha only gave one skill point per note but the player had to tap each node multiple times to gather all the resources in the node there have been three ores that have never made it to the live servers the first of these ores is the black steel ore from classic the next two are both from wrath named as zorite ore and frost steel ores there was also one mining pick from Master the pandere alpha that never made it to alive he was called the reinforced mining pick and gave a plus 15 to mining for a final bit of trivia there is a nice trash item added in Legion called the mining sword with its flavor text that says the blade is chipped Beyond repair swords are not good for Mining and well that does it for this video thanks for watching till the end the history of mining isn't the most exciting thing but there are some nuggets of gold in there with dragonflight bring in a major overhaul to many professions we figured now would be a good time to look at the major changes that the herbalism profession has undergone over the years first let's briefly discuss the topic of resource nodes while not specific to the herbalism profession resource nodes deserve to be discussed in their own right before going deeper into herbalism past these resource nodes are sometimes called profession nodes meaning that they can be looted by gathering or harvesting which in turn yields raw ingredients usable for the player in many different professions any player in W which has been out in the open world has seen the ubiquitous resource nodes of mining deposit and herbs technically there are seven different types of profession nodes the first of which are Mighty nodes that yield ores and Stones modly interesting fact is that technically only Mighty nodes have proper names and the correct names for Mighty nodes are either veins or deposits the next profession node is from herbalism and and these interactable objects are simply called herbs the final resource node which can be tracked the mini map are fishing skulls the next two resource nodes are a little bit more abstract the first of these is skinning since any mob that dies which is skinnable technically becomes a resource node upon its death the second of these resource nodes is any body of water since Fish can be caught in any part of the water and not only in fishing schools the final two resource nodes are a little bit more obscure the first of these are the gas clouds which were in several expansions mainly the burning Crusade wrath and cataclysm these resource nodes can only be looted by Engineers with special goggles when looted these clouds give the player Elemental craft ingredients for example looting windy clouds into Grand in Outland would Grant the player Moes of air the final resource node is more of a technicality because it comes from questing every time a quest has the player acquire an item by clicking on it they are technically looting a resource node since it's an interactable item in the open world which puts items in the player's inventories now that we know what exactly a resource node is we can talk about their history the first big change to Resource nodes came in cataclysm which saw the first introduction of gain experience by gathering herbs and Mining Ores the next two major changes resource nodes came to world as a dror first the hard skill requirements were removed to harvesting resource nodes and the yields from Gathering nodes became determined solely by the player's profession skill level this essentially meant you could no longer fail at Gathering items just instead receive No Loot for the note the second and much more important change was the mining herbalism nodes were no longer able to be looted by multiple people at once this was presumably done to curtail rapid gold inflation world of dror as well as discourage bot Farmers the only problem with the system is that if someone has already looted a node in the past minute it can still visibly appear on a player's client and then when they go and loot the node it just disappears and the player is sad and confused now we can move on to the main topic of the video herbalism is one of the few professions in Wild to have received very little changes in its entire lifetime one of the more unique things about the herbalism profession is that it is the only profession in the game which grants temporary Buffs or affects the players when they pick certain types of herbs or use herbs items that they've gathered prior to war a drainer herbalism granted the lifeblood ability which provided a small amount of healing and increased the haste that could last last up to 20 seconds and had a 2-minute cool down however this was not a unique ability in the sense skinning and Mining had similar abilities but with different stats from haste such as stamina the case of mining all of these profession abilities including lifeblood were removed in the beginning of World of the Draenor overall there are a total of eight of these herbs and Herb items in the game which have special uses the first five herbalism items can be looted alongside herbs the first item is called a fail Blossom which can occasionally be looted from fail weight across all of Outland when used the fa Blossom grants the player a buff which absorb a small amount of damage over 15 seconds this effect is similar to a priest power with Shield ability and the fell Blossom also shares a cool down with the warlock's hellstone the next herb is a rare spawn of ragil and zenam Marsh called Flame Camp using this item gives the player one minute buff to the Critical Strike and fire spell power interestingly flame cap is only consumable and has no use in any crafting ingredients multiple flame cap Buffs can be collected but they all share cool down of 3 minutes the third herb from the burning Crusade is called blood thisle and can only be found in everon woods only blood elves can use blood thisle and it is apparently addictive in the game with abusers being called thistle heads when used it gives the player a small buff to spell Power for 10 minutes however upon expiration the player receives a debuff called blood thistle withdraw which decreases the player's intellect by five and lasts for 20 minutes the next herb item is called a life-giving seed and can occasionally be found inside herb nodes and cataclysm zones this item doesn't apply buff to the player but rather is a fun onuse toy item which stuns the player and turns them into an herb until the effect is canceled the fifth and sixth herb items are called life Spirit and the water spirit and both can occasionally be looted from herbs in M the pandar zones both items have a 5-minute cool down with a life Spirit healing the player a little and the water spirit restoring a little bit of Mana the last two herbs give a buff directly to the player when they're looted and do not need to be used to activate their effects dreaming glory is an Outland herb which when picked up gives a regeneration buff of 42 Health every 5 seconds for 15 minutes at max level the last herb is from Mr Pandera and called Golden Lotus when picked up it gives the player the luck of the lotus buff which allows herbis a chance to find additional Treasures on creatures killed for 15 minutes now let's move on to bonuses skill bonuses boost the player skill and professions allowing them to gather more resources and higher quality herbs Torin are the only race in the game to gain an herbalism boost with a racial ability this takes form in the passive Talent called cultivation whose flavor text reads herbalism skill increased by 15 and you gather herbs faster than normal herbalists of course this skill means that Toren players still need to train in the herbalism skill but this Toren racial is very handy especially when it's combined with the druid's flight form since harvesting herbs in the flight form does not remove the druid's form this allows for Tor Druid players to quickly gather herbs is one of the best ways to farm herbs in the entire game cultivation was one of the longest lasting unchanged skills in the game until dragonflight where its bonus was reduced from 15 to 5 and they added a key term for Gathering faster called deafness which cultivation now increases by 25% there are currently three pieces of gear and one tool that can boost a player skill and herbalism the first item is the herbalist gloves which are from vanilla and give a plus five bonus to Classic herbalism however the pattern is only available to Alliance players and is bought from an NPC in Ashen Vil named low dark we it is not that this is an alliance only recipe because the bonus the gloves provide can stack on top of the torrent cultivation ability which would give hord players an unve advantage in herbalism the herbalist gloves are also leather armor meaning only Druids Rogues demon hunters and monks can use them the next piece is another set of gloves this time for Mr a Pandaria named foragers gloves these gloves allow for faster Gathering of all resources in Pandaria not just herbs however these gloves only work from panderia in our cloth gear meaning pretty much anyone can wear them the next item is also from Mr panderia and is called the piercing goggles these equipable goggles allow players to see additional herbs while in panderia although they do not need to be equipped to work they do only work in Pandera and they also require mop engineering to make luckily Engineers can sell Mis piercing goggles on the auction house so everyone can buy one the final item that can boost a player's herbalism skill once again comes from Mr Pandaria this time however it's an equival tool item rather than a piece of gear which increases the player's herbalism skill by 10 this item is namely herbalism Spade which can be bought from any number of trade vendors throughout Pandaria like many other professional it items in mop the Spade does not need to be equipped to give the bonus stat there are three enchants in the game which can also increase the player herbalism skill level the first two enchants come from classic where the herbalism enchant gives a plus two bonus to herbalism and the advanced herbalism enchant gives a plus five bonus to herbalism the third and final enchant comes from WRA of the L King and is called The Gatherer enchant this enchant gives a plus five bonus to several professions including herbalism Mining and skinning although dragonfly brings a new reagent bag which will likely replace many profession specific bags we should still look at the history of herb bag throughout Wild's life there have only been seven herb bags in the entire game with the last one being added in cataclysm classic had three herbalism bags the first of these herb bags is a 12s slot herb pouch which can be bought from vendors in major vanilla cities for 10 silver the next two herb bags are made from tailoring patterns which are reputation awards that can be bought from the scaran circle the second bag is called the scaran herb bag which has 20 slots and is a pattern sold by Misha and syus for one gold and 80 silver once the players reach friendly reputation with the scaran circle faction to create a scaran herb bag the Taylor needs five Bolt a rune cloth attend of the hard toin Purple Lotus and one Rune thread the final herb bag from classic is the Satchel sonaris which is also sold by Misha the Satchel scarus has 24 slots cost four gold and 50 silver and the player must be revered the SAR in circle to learn the pattern the crafed ingredients for the Satchel scarus are six bolts of run cloth two mooncloth one black lotus and four iron web spider silk the ber grade saw only one newer bag called Mike's Botanical bag which has 28 slots and it was added in patch 2.4.3 the bag's tailoring pattern was a reward from the sporar and zenam Mar after the players revered with the faction and the pattern itself cost 25 of the infamous glow caps this tailoring pattern requires four Primal mooncloth and two fell Lotus to create mik's Botanical bag wrath also saw one herb bag added to the game named the emerald bag this 32 slot bag was added in patch 3.1 and the tailoring patter to make it could be bought from cowak when the player reached revered with the tusar faction for a price of four gold the ingredients need to craft the emerald bag are four Moon troud and six Frost Lotus cataclysm was the last expansion to add herb bags to the game and it added two more of them the first bag was given the lengthly name Carriage going green herb tote bag this bag can only be bought by Alliance players as the only NBC who sold it was located in Stormwind her name is Don Radu and the bag has 20 slots which a player could buy for a price of 28 gold the last herb bag to be added to the game is called the hydel Expedition bag with a total of 36 slots it is the largest herb bag in the game the bag's pattern is taught by the cataclysm training vendors and the ingredients require 20 bolts of Ember so cloth and 40 volatile life and speaking of volatile life herb Gathering is a good source for Life Elemental ingredients the theme was carried for three expansions the burning Crusade wrath and cataclysm inside herb noes and the burning Crusade zones players could find modes of life and 10 of these modes could be used to create a primal life which was an uncommon craft ingredient the same design and system was used in Wrath the lking where 10 crystallized life created an eternal life and in cataclysm where volto life could be collected in herb notes and before we move on to some statistical analysis here are some fun bits of herbalism trivia herbalism was originally the only gather profession that did not require special tool to collect materials like how a mining pig is needed to collect ore the one exception to this rule was the blood Scythe weapon which was needed to gather blood Vine and Zar rub before cataclysm there are only two herbs to have been removed from the game the first is the aforementioned blood Vine herb from Zar rub which was removed with the cataclysm update the second herb is more of a technicality its name was chameleon Lotus and it never made out of the world of to drain or beta although there can be slight variations on your definition of what an herb is in WoW from vanilla to dragonflight Alpha there have been 96 herbs in total the definition of herbs we mean are herbs you can only pick in the Oban World in herbs that are whole and completed when picked so no counting petals seeds or other herb items you can obtain when Gathering classic saw 32 herbs in the game with all of them being common items except for the two uncommon herbs of blood Vine and black lotus TBC added 10 herbs to the game with the fell Lotus being the only uncommon one wrath had nine herbs with the uncommon herb being the frost Lotus Kata introduced six new common quality herbs mop had seven herbs with the uncommon herb being called Golden Lotus or dor had six common quality herbs added just like cataclysm did Legion saw seven new herbs added with the uncommon herb being Fel warked BFA had eight herbs added with the uncommon herb being anchor weed shadowlands added another seven herbs five common quality herbs one uncommon quality herb in the case of nightshade and one rare quality herb in the case of First Flower and zerth mortis so far with dragonflight we have one uncommon herb with hin Bloom and three uncommon with saxi frag bubble Poppy and W bark ignoring classic and how it heavily skews data we can see each expansion has at most added 10 herbs and at least six the number seven is the median being the number of herbs added in Miss the Pandaria Legion and shadin also since herbs are usually added each patch and assuming dragonflight has three major patches that would be a total of dragonflight with seven herbs as well assuming dragonflight has seven herbs by its end in ignoring classic the average number of herbs added by expansions is 6.7 herbs which would round up to seven anyway from an item quality perspective the vast majority of herbs in the game are common with the minority being the nine uncommon and the one rare herb the the first flower is notable as being the only rare quality herbit in the entire game at this point the biggest changes come to herbalism and dragonflight is the introduction of tiered reagents this idea is not completely new to wow as something similar called herbalism techniques were implemented in Legion and BFA these techniques all the player do a quest or have a chance upon Gathering herbs to increase the rank of the player's ability to gather a specific herb increasing the rank from rank one to rank two to rank three of the Gathering ability of a certain herb usually resulted in better yields or an increased chance to find other mats when Gathering dragonflight seems to be doing something similar but in instead of gathering ability at San ranked the Regents themselves are now split into five tiers of different reagents they can roughly be thought of in terms of gear color that is a rank one reagent is equivalent to a common white item a rank two reagent is an uncommon green item a rank three reagent is a blue rare item a rank four reagent is a purple epic item and a rank five reagent is an orange legendary item dragonflight brings back the elemental aspects of crafting in the sense that herbs can now have the dragonflight special apix frigid Windswept decayed infurious Titan touched and Lush the dragonflight expansion brought a major overhaul to many professions so we thought now is a good time to look at the history of major changes to many of the professions of wow this video will discuss all of the eight primary professions in the game but before we go into each profession in some detail let's go over some of the changes that have affected all of the professions first let's go over stack size the expansion world of drain or might be controversial but it did bring a positive change to many players in the form of the reagent Bank the bank before wad many crafting Regents only stacked a five 10 and 20 items which quickly filled up backp additionally a player also must have the required ingredients to actually be in your bag in order to craft many items before W dragonflight brought most of the mats from older expansions up to a maximum stack of 1,000 also added in dragonflight is the reagent bag which when combined with the maximum stack size increase in older expansions should hopefully keep inventories much more neat and clean one of the other major complaints about W profession system for a very long time was that all the items created when leveling up a profession would be in little demand and at the beginning crafted items would basically be useless which made it a waste of time in gold sync to level professions not to mention using up all the materials never to be regained during the process lizard first tried to allow the recycling and reusing materials with the obliterum forge in Legion a second iteration appeared in BFA as the Scrapper this feature was then directly implemented in dragonflight where players can recraft many items in BFA each expansion was given a separate profession skill bar this replaced the one gigantic profession skill bar that all expansions had up until that point at the end of Legion many skill points for professions were starting to get near the 1,000 Mark so chopping each expansion progress into smaller caps made sense thematically mechanically and gameplay-wise many rare materials in modern wow are much more easily obtainable than materials from earlier versions of the game's history one example these exotic materials included the red WEP scal from classic wow which only dropped from a single type of mob in the world other famous or inFAMOUS examples are the Blood of Heroes righteous orbs larval acid and the elusa pristine Black Diamond additionally many recipes in early history of wild also required many more craftting materials than the recipes of modern while some ingredients also required long cooldowns to be created for example the leather working salt shaker had a 70-hour cool down in classic in Wrath Taylor had to wait 7 days to make another glacial bag in both classic and the burning Crusade Alchemist could only create Advanced flask at an Alchemy lab similar to how only blacksmith can make items in an anvil in classic there were only two Alchemy labs in the entire game one was in Skol man's dungeon and the second was in the Blackwing layer raid two more Alchemy Labs were added in the burning Crusade one in the lower chatrath and one in the aisle of quanis started in rra of lichking the requirement of alchemy Labs was removed from nearly all alchemic items with the exception of two trinkets that were still needed to transmute items in Wrath the final Alchemy live added to the game was an RCS the Evan hle which is the original death knight starting area in the Eastern plag LS the Alchemy lab is nowhere to be seen in the legion version of RCs however this is not the only Alchemy lab to remove from the game since with the skull Med's dungeon revamp in Miss pandara the Alchemy lab in the dungeon was also removed finally the Alchemy lab is also a building that can be built in the world to drain our Garrison and is an explicit reference to the original Alchemy lab unfortunately it is not actually a true Alchemy lab since certain classic recipes that require an Alchemy lab do not work there a version of the Alchemy lab called the alchemy table made a return to the game in Legion this table was located in the shop in dollar and served a similar function to an Alchemy lab but was a little different as it wasn't always required the alchemy table was no longer required once an Alchemy had mastered Legion Alchemy and the broken Isles Master Alchemy could craft items anywhere they wanted after getting up skill points in their third tier of a recipe dragonflight brought Alchemy Labs back to the game with there even being a portable one that Engineers are able to make also in dragonflight there is a new type of alchemic item called a file files essentially replace elixers and they can be stacked to increase their duration and also last through death up until the launch of cataclysm many different types of vials were required to create different alchemic items these vials were based on the recipe skill the expansion and several other factors by the time the cataclysm expansion came around there were so many different vials from different vendors all around the different worlds and they were becoming so complex that deps decided to Simply merge all the vials into a single one called the crystal vial the crystal vial remains in use today as a common base ingredient for many potions and flats the official patch notes for 4.0.3 say Deathwing broke all the others because he's mean or because he didn't want Alchemist to carry five different vials around with Now we move over to the blacksmithing profession blacksmithing has only really had three major changes throughout all of Wow's history throughout classic wow a blacksmith Hammer was required to craft items this was no longer the case during and after the burning Crusade with a couple of very few exceptions while blacksmiths do still need an anvil to create items there have only been two anvils in the game where specific items could be crafted the first of these anvils is from classic wow Dark Iron Ore had to be smelted the black Forge and crafted the Black Anvil both of which are located in the Black Rock dep's instance this Still Remains the case to this very day but thankfully only a handful of classic recipes call for dark iron the second Anvil similar to this is from Legion blacksmith could only craft demon steel bars on top of high mountain at a special Anvil with the help of the high mountain Tor and blacksmith Masters in dragonflight blacksmith must travel to the the obsidian Citadel to the Earth warden's Forge to craft Obsidian seared alloy now on to specializations blacksmithing specializations were removed in cataclysm there were two specializations which include armor Smith and weapon Smith with these specializations blacksmith could focus on certain types of items to craft for example while being a weaponsmith you could further specialize your blacksmithing by becoming an ax Smith Hammer Smith or swordsmith the mechanic profession specializations was not unique to blacksmithing as many other professions also had them until they were removed in cataclysm while not entirely certain It is believed that devs felt that it was content too few people were doing because specific specializations were often associated with long and intense special quests as well as out of the way trainers from wrath until M Pandaria blacksmith could Forge sockets onto some specific pieces of gear in Mr Pandaria blacksmith could even sell items that made gear socketable on the auction house these three items were the Eternal belt buckle the Eon steel belt buckle and the living steel belt buckle since World a drain art blizzard has removed all the ability for players to add sockets to their Gear with professions instead focusing solely on RNG loot which is still a sore spot for many players in dragonflight blacksmithing underwent quite a few significant changes First Armor and weapon specializations return which are much more complex and Niche they were in the original form second smelting abilities are now nestled directly under mining instead of smelting being a separate ability third a new Point Talent system has been added in which you can use skill points to progress down various blacksmithing Talent treats now let's move over to the enchanting profession like blacksmithing enchanting has had only a few major changes in the many years of Wow's lifetime like most professions early and history enchanters originally were required to have various enchanting rods in their inventory to craft and disenchant items at the beginning of Mr panderia there were so many enchanting rods 10 to be exact that blizzard decided to do the same thing they had done to the Alchemy files in cataclysm at the beginning of Mr Pandaria two rods were removed the titanium and eternium rods and all other rods became useless the sole Victor to emerge from this Carnage was the runed copper Rod which became the universal enchanting Rod enchanters needed to craft items as a vestage of the system players are still required to craft a rune Cropper Rod to enchant anything although there are only two items required to create the Rune Cropper Rod it is the only profession the game that their main tool must be crafted why blizzard hasn't removed this extra step and just added an option to buy aun copper W from enchanting vendors remains uncertain there was originally only one highlevel enchanting trainer in the entire game in the original wow this trainer was located in Emon and the dungeon had to be run in order to met her the enchanting trainer's name was Anora as mentioned she lives rather inconveniently in the them an instance Beyond a crowd of scorpid and she will only spawn once all the scorpid in her room are dead prior to patch 2.3 Anora was the only Artisan enchanting trainer in Azeroth making her important and necessa trips to Emon for all enchanters in patch 2.3 devs added Artisan Enchanting Trainers to most cities this resulted in Anora being much less visited after patch 2.3 and her fate with the revamped old mod and dragonflight remains a mystery now onto disenchanting changes the option to disenchant items directly from the loot table was removed in BF F alongside the rest of the group loop system while never purposefully intended it has largely become the norm that dust are common items Essences are uncommon shards are rare and crystals are epic up until rard a drain or enchanters could enchant rings with this stat squish after mop many enchants just simply gave too big of numbers on player stats and devs had to Nerf them across the board by removing all ring enchants and mor to dror since then the blizzard Direction appears to be that enchanters can only enchant armor while now only jewel Crafters can create rings and trinkets with special stats many reagents 16 to be exact were removed in patch 7.3.5 additionally in this patch materials received through disenchanting now based on the items expansion level instead of just its item level both these changes came as blizzard started to begin looking at dividing profession skill points by expansion and pushing out level squishes both of which went live with the BFA expansion next on the list is the engineering profession engineering is probably the profession with the second most changes in the game but we'll try to keep its the synct engineers were originally required to have several different Tools in their inventory to craft specific items since Engineers also usually had to carry around various Mining and blacksmithing tools the Nish army knife was added in Wrath of lichking to help alleviate inventory clutter for engineers the Nish army knife included a gtic micro adjuster an arct spanner flint and Tinder a blacksmithing Hammer a mining pick a skinny knife and the Jewelers tool set unlike most professions Engineers were still required to have their tools in the inventory when crafting engineering objects before Dragon flight similarly despite many professions losing specializations over the years engineering has kept both the gnomish and Goblin engineering specializations in the first several years of the game engineering was often overlooked and some engineering items were somewhat op and could freely be used for PVP one of these examples were the jumper cables which could bring de allies back to life even in Battlegrounds the first big upgrade engineering came in patch 2.1 with Engineers now being allowed to craft epic guns and a whole bunch of new schematics which led to a Revival of the profession patch 2.3 saw even more schematics added with some of the most notable items being able to to create ammo indeed one of the biggest perks of engineered in TBC and wrath was being able to craft bullets back when ammunition still existed in the game additionally some ammunition was also able to be converted between bullets and arrows with NPC traders meaning changing from guns to bows was much less difficult patch 2.3 also brought the famous craftable flying machine mounts this precedent of a profession item being able to craft a mount would later be added upon in later expansions and now in modern well most primary professions can craft at least one Mount pet Wrath of the Lich King saw the first portable mailbox with moly and really saw the profession start to come into its own and Take Shape into what it is today with various fun gadgets and gizmos being added also in Wrath up until patch 3.1 you had to regularly renew your Goblin engineering membership card or gnome engineering membership card in order to keep be able to buy schematics of your engineering specialization the membership card only lasted 14 days the final notable engineering toeng and wrath was the addition of two new craftable mounts the mech Jer Chopper and the mechano hog now with the removal of ammo from the gaming cataclysm all various AR and Bullet recipes were removed from the game as well in patch 4.3 swapping between engineering professions was also made easier in M Pandaria Engineers could make craftable gear and socket them with a unique kind of engineering gem called a cog wheel somewhat similar to how blacksmith could add sockets to some of their crafted items next let's move on to inscription inscription probably has the most changes in any profession in WoW despite technically being the newest profession since it was added Wrath of the Lich King inscription still retains a tool required craft item called the voso inking set and in addition many recipes also require light parchment which is only available from trades goods and inscription supplies vendor in the beginning of Wrath of lichking up until patch 3.1 scribes needed to stand near lexicon of power to apply a glyph just as the blacksmith would need to be near an anvil to produce items in cataclysm glyphs were separated into the prime major and minor categories they also became permanently learned and did not need to be relearned once the glyph had been removed with the vanishing powder or dust disappearance later on in the cataclysm expansion Prime glyphs and Relics were also removed while some reorganizing and simplifying the profession is always appreciated this was seen by many as excessive up until patch 5.04 players with the inscription profession could make an Adventures Journal which granted an experience buff additionally Mr Pandaria inscription allowed players to make stabs as a new type of offhand weapon the first type of weapon added to the game in a long time even if they were just glorified staffs starting in Legion blizzard added vtis R incription in the hopes of keeping the profession somewhat alive these gave hours to days long versatility stat Buffs to players and are sort of a new Twist on the scroll scribes Canin craft there have been many many glyphs added and removed and changed over the years of the game and we can do an entire video on just this one subject for every glyph blizzard added they had taken away many more although cataclysm saw several glyphs being added the expansion by far removed more than it added glyphs continue to die as blizzard reworked the town system Mr Pandaria the straw that almost broke the camel's back came in patch 7.3 when blizzard just went crazy and started removing glyphs left and right blizzard primarily Justified the reason reasoning with the fact that most of the glyphs they removed were related to then outdated gameplay the glyph system itself also saw major changes with all major glyphs along with many minor glyphs being converted or completely removed from the game in the end the glyphs that were kep were generically cosmetic glyphs needless to say this caused quite a bit of controversy and many are still bitter about it starting in bf8 blizzard added contracts to the inscription tool set and these are consumable rits that boost the player's reputation for a particular faction when doing content for that faction they usually only last a week and provide a very basic plus 5% boost to a specific reputation alphabetically on the list of professions after inscription comes Jewel crafting the jewel crafting profession was added in the burning Crusade and has really undergone one massive change since its Inception Jewel Crafters needed a Jeweler's kit inventory to create most of the items in the profession up until miss the Pandera jeel crafting also required a simple grinder for many items above skill level 300 jeel crafters and burning Crusade also needed an Alchemy lab to create a handful of trinkets such as the Mercurial Adamantite the biggest change of Jo crafting came with the launch of wad Warlords of dror removed the red yellow and blue socket scheme which had been in place since the burning Crusade all existing sockets prior to warl a drain art were then converted into Prismatic sockets over the years of Blizzard has introduced several different iterations of sockets for example in Miss panderia there were meta sockets and Shaw touch sockets even despite getting rid of gem colored sockets in warlord dror both BFA and shadowlands had their own twist on sockets in the form of Punch Cards like the ones from mechagon gear and the shards of domination in the sancta domination raid next we move on to the leather working profession leather working has hardly changed over the years and it only has one big notable change unlike most professions leather working does not require the player to have certain tools in the inventory or equipped to make items however during classic wow the only way to obtain some rare leather work materials was by using the correct enchantments and weapons with the skinning profession such as pip Skinner or the zulian slicer one such example of a VAR material was the scale of enyia which was needed to craft the enyia scale cloak which was helpful to resist nefarian Shadow flame and finally cataclysm saw the removal of the three leather working specializations which were dragon scale Elemental and tribal last but certainly not least we have the tailoring profession tailoring is a bit like leather working in that it does not require nor has it ever required a special tool you would think a needle or something would have been added as a required tool for tailoring but it never has been while tailor did not need tools they did need to be in a specific place in the world to craft certain cloths for example in the burning Crusade a Mana Loom was originally required to craft a bolt of imbued nether weave and crafting Spell cloth actually required the player to be a another storm in addition crafting Spell cloth also summoned and angered nether Rafe so it wasn't for the faint of heart up until wrath there were four others of these special kinds of areas that Taylor need to travel to spell weave required being in the azira Dragon Shrine trial mooncloth required a moonwell shadow cloth required the alter of Shadows and eban weave require the alter of the Evan depths this mechanic briefly returned again Mr banderia when in order to craft Imperial silk tailor had to stand in the silken fields in the valley of Four Winds however this requirement was removed in world to drain or dragonfly brought back reard locations into tailoring in the fact that some cloths are only craftable in certain areas in the dragon ises now like all other professions cataclysm removed profession specializations for tailoring before cataclysm there were three tailoring specializations spellfire mooncloth and shadowy tailoring specializations returned in dragonlight now later on we'll have a part two where we discuss all the Gathering professions however for now that does it for the history of this video thanks for watching and don't forget to watch part two of this little miniseries notes the rest of this video is explaining various issues with this video so you can turn it off now if you don't want to listen to them all while writing is technically classified as a profession in W engine it is covered more by our history of writing and flying video also recipes are not really covered in this video since we might do a different video on those in the future each expansion sees many new Quest trainers recipes and many other changes to all the professions but the vast majority of changes are all relatively minor and aren't really worth being mentioned in a broad overview video like this one and if you're familiar with this channel then you might know that there are already videos on this channel that go over various professions those videos are different from this one in several ways first those videos are prevented as a mini Warcraft fact and are not part of a more extensive compilation like this video secondly the older videos on the wild professions usually go over specific aspects of the professions it should be noted that many of those older videos came out during Legion expansion in 2016 so they're a little dated by now but the history they go over has not changed archaeology was the only new secondary profession ever added to the game and also was the final profession overall to be added to the game it had many different parts to it and today we'll be going over all of those Archaeology is done by checking your map for shovel icons then traveling there you'd be given an area where you'd search for artifacts placing down a few tools to triangulate where the artifact is then looting fragments and keystones from that artifact fragments acted as a currency and could be stock filed to transform into random rewards while keystones were items that got placed in your bags and could be sold on the auction house these keystones could be slotted into an artifact's progress to count for tons of bonus fragments upon completing an artifact a random new one would be selected which could be worked on next there was two types of rewards the common which were simply great items which sold for a good amount of gold and the rare items these items took many more fragments to craft but they can also only be found once each these rare finds ranged quite a bit on what they could be there was pets toys mounts and gear and the gear was luckily binded on a account so you could trade with your alt you needed the most and some of this stuff was even decent even competing with early raid gear also with the launch of archaeology dwarves got a new racial to work with it explore which increased the amount of fragments they found and increased the cast speed of their survey ability sadly dwarves can't be Druids or else Druid dwarf would been the optimal archaeology combo now there was different types of artifacts of course found in different zones and different continents so let's go over them and their rare items in vanilla the continents of the Eastern Kingdoms in calor there was the dwarves which had the inke Keeper's daughter the Chalice of the mountain Kings the Clockwork gnome and the staff of the sorcerer then Theos fossils which had the ancient Amber pterodax hatchling fossilized hatchling fossilized Raptor and the extinct turtle shell night elf which had the bones of transformation wisp amulet calori wind chimes Highborn Soul mirror Druid and priest statue set queen azara's dressing gown and T's favorite doll and the trolls which had the haunted Ward drum Voodoo figurine and zenrock Destroy of Worlds and was a pretty decent sword at the time after leveling the vanilla zones for a bit they could then move on to the burning C in outlands with only two types of artifacts with sadly much less rewards the orc with the headdress of the first Shaman and the dreni with the last relics of Argus and the arrival of the Naru then the player can go to northren with Wrath of Lich King and get the viil artifacts the viil drinking horn niffler bearded axe the nerubian puzzle box of yaron and the blessing of the old God the puzzle box of yuran ended up being probably one of the most memorable items that come out of archaeology and has actually been imported into the lore many times over the year with its r random whispers about old God plot points then finally catching up to the expansion it was introduced with cataclysm which only had one single type under its belt which could only be found in Old them sadly the amount of dig sites per continent was limited and new ones would not appear until you did the previous ones so to get tolv fragments you needed to do cumor dig sites for the other types and then on completion hope that the replacement would appear in oldum these rewards were the pendant of the Scarab storm the citar of coko the Ring of the boy Emperor the staff of Amman the scepter of the azir The Crawling claw and the kopic jar and the canopic jar was actually a common item but it was special as the item was white quality and could then be opened and contained Grays however inside was a chancef for to have a recipe for the viist ants a crafting recipe for Alchemist to make a two-person flying Mount that could be sold in the auction house and this was probably the most valuable thing to come out of archaeology before we move on to the next expansion there is one thing archaeology could do see in Cataclysm dungeons were made a fair bit harder than their past cells and because of this blizzard had a bonus effect at the start of dungeons that parties could activate to make the dungeons easier to clear however these could only be activated by an expert archaeologist using a keystone although in the later dungeons added in cataclysm this was abandoned for some reason and then never showed up again miss the Pandera introduced a few new changes first off any common fine you obtained could be sold for gold or converted into restored artifacts these boxes could be traded into a vendor for a few things first they could be exchanged for boxes of specific archaeology types let's say a crate of Dwarven artifacts or tolv artifacts you can then open them up for some artifact fragments and possibly a keystone this allowed you to do panderia archaeology while still getting some passive old world artifacts this is something they would keep doing for every expansion afterwards however always making sure boxes were only sold for the past expansion types never the current the next thing you could buy were a few consumables which included the lore Walker's load Stone which when used teleported you to a random digident panderia skipping all the annoying travel time another item was the L Walkers map which when used randomized the current dig sites in Pandaria meaning if you did not like the locations you did not have to do them at a cost at least and at last the maned artifact Hunter kit this item contained two items a lore Walker map as mentioned above and the maned artifact Sonic locator an item that stayed in your bags for 24 real hours and while on your person any new di sites would only be maned dick sites so you would get it use the map then for the next 24 hours you could easily find maned Dick sites although it was a bit odd as there weren't any other kinds for the other dick sites in Pand areia although there was an exploit with this item for a while if you had it on your person and went to an old world Zone like Caldor every time you change zones it would reset all the dick sides of the map so what some players did is use this by going to oldum going to the edge of the map then entering and exiting the Zone into an oldum digite appeared and then use this to get as many oldum dick sides as they wanted as they were quite rare and had really good rewards like the ultramarine battle tank and the canopic jar which were quite sought after the next big thing was that upon completing a common find it could sometimes give you a pristine version these pristine versions could then be placed within a small questing Hub and would Grant the player a rest artifact and some keystones as well as letting you display the items for only you to see even have an achievement if you got them all although one final thing to note is upon looting a mou artifact you had a chance at a mou spirit that once killed would drop a ton of mou artifacts a fun little unique thing that gave a bonus amount of artifact fragments then moving on to warlord's a drain or we didn't get anything new or unique added a little fun thing was across the spes of RAC Zone there was jumping puzzle that had hidden chests that gave eroa fragments and and some archaeology skill points although it made much easier once flying came out we still have the map and load stones from panderia but just new dror versions although nothing like the maned Sonic locator you could now buy pandaran mogu and maned crates using restored artifacts as Mr Pandaria became past expansion content and now qualified for this also the mou's chance to spawn a spirit that gave bonus fragments was added to all types of warlord to dror now meaning every time you found an artifact you had a chance to get a bonus fragment in key and well this is it for world to Draenor the only other real change being that world to draenor's dig sits allowed you to find eight artifacts instead of six like all the other continents next onto Legion the biggest expansion for changes to archaeology first off while past zones were limited to four dig sites per continent you were limited to three on the broken ales next it was changed that when you reach the right area where an artifact is hidden a shovel will appear above your head making it much easier to pinpoint the exact location then dig sits were made a lot more compact meaning much less running around and also far fewer comment toine so it was now much easier to collect all the pristines and lastly rare items were reworked while we still have the types of artifacts being demonic Highborn and high mountain Torin they themselves had no actual rares you could find only being able to find Commons and pristines instead we now had a questing system a rotating Quest found at the questgiver in Dollar's archaeology building this was a quest that changed every 2 weeks and rotated through a large list of items that you to go do various archaeology things for from Gathering fragments to exploring and killing mobs and there were a lot of really good items you could get from this with the standouts being the spirit of etom Mount which is a ghostly moose Mount this really changed how rares work as other than trying to get pristines there was no real reason to just go out and do archaeology instead just waiting for the specific quest to appear but the specific rewards were really good so I guess it kind of evened out then in patch 7.2 they made a couple more additions first off they added the chance to get artifact power upon digging and also added Elite dig sites these sites which already existed but had no benefits before are located in set areas with a whole bunch of elite mops marked with a golden shovel these locations had a higher chance of getting keystones and artifact power from digging although in the very next expansion of battle for Azeroth we once again return to the old rare system seemingly the weekly Quest thing did not work work out very well in Legion but there is one more thing that did get changed with BFA and that is more something that affected all professions and not just archaeology see before BFA when you trained a new skill you needed to go expansion by expansion increasing the skill in that profession so if you were in Legion you needed to go back and train vanilla then TBC then Wrath of the L King then Kata then mop then wad then you could start Legion professions although for M the panderia and after they did add ways to catch up but it wasn't great like with mining you could start with Legion but until you got all the way to Legion mining levels you would only get nuggets instead of ore but with BFA they split up all of the professions to the respective expansions meaning you could level only the new expansions levels or do the past ones in any order but with archaeology they did not change this you still have the old system however the catchup system was simple you could do any at any level and digging and solving would simply give you skill points no matter which expansion you were doing and really that's it BFA didn't really add much more for archaeology a hint at what was to come as with shadowlands archaeology got nothing new no new levels no new rewards nothing while it may in the future patches as referenced by a broker in game it very well may not and may simply be gone until the next expansion or maybe even never get new content again engineering has been quite the unique profession over the near two decades of the game has been out building various gadgets explosives mechanical gear pets mounts and enchants and unlike other professions almost all of the engineering items were only usable by Engineers because of course anyone can wear a helmet but only an engineer can operate a hyper radiant flame reflector although many of these machines had a chance to fail either having no effect or one that would do the opposite of what you wanted like random teleports explosive fire stuns and knockbacks this made it to go-to profession for PVP for many years and for some classes even PVE as one of the original professions this specific profession came with quite a few unique bonuses it allows the user to scavenge constructs for various parts used for the profession as well as bonus loot but it's mostly just gray items its specialty was crafting machines gadgets and of course grenades they also made various bits of engineering specific gear like goggles guns and mechanical Guardian trinkets which could be used and swapped off freely there were many items buildable by Engineers however like a fair few of the original professions it got specializations upon reaching engineering 200 you got to choose between n much engineering which focused more on average effects with a low chance of failure and Goblin engineering which was a highly unstable but also highly powerful so here is where I originally listed every single item you could get and make and what they did because while something like tailoring has more recipes most of them are just random pieces of not special gear however nearly everything in engineering is not just stats and had unique effects but the video would have ended up being almost 2 hours long so instead here is an extremely cut down version a general idea of things each expansions could craft first thing was the guns being the only profession that could craft them and speaking of guns they would also craft Scopes the only way to get in chancef for guns and boats next is trinkets they had things with a wide variety of effects like the reflectors these series of trinkets allowing you to reflect damage of various types there was also the mechanical Guardian trinkets these summoning a guardian to protect you quite good in PvP use it swap to know the trinket and still have the Pat and the others I would call utility rocket launchers healing kits mind control Nets Etc now enough about the trinkets let's talk about the rest of the gear the most common being the helmet which was usually goggles however they did have odd stuff too like Shields helmets belts boots and cloaks while also being able to make bullets and sometimes arrows for use of range next is gadgets these items have all various uses like the teleporters to everlook and Gadget Zan distracting Target dummies lock picks to pick locks consumables of various sorts fireworks for well fun I guess and tons of explosives like explosive sheeps grenades and even more mechanical Guardians and the amazing field repair bot which consumed summon a robot that would allow players to access a repair vendor meaning raids could repair mid raid without having to Hearth out go to a vendor who can repaired and then get summoned back a lifesaver for raid progression nights and lastly companions the one profession vanilla that could craft companions they had a fair few from actual mechanical pants like bombs robots and Mechanical Animals to others that are just normal creatures called mechanical like a Yeti or a frog out of the two engineering profession specializations Nish was better for PVE because of some Niche uses while Goblin was better for PvP with its amount of burst damage in CC overall this made it the best profession to use on your Mains as the amount of combat uses it had was overall more than any of the other professions the only issue being the professions needed crafted materials from nearly all scopes of Azeroth Jewels leather cloth metal herbs and more so on to the first expansion the burning Crusade what changed with engineering well a couple of things first with the introduction of fly mounts they added a pair of gyrocopters crafted and usable only by Engineers they were one for each flying speed the 60% fly speed and the 280 fly speed one made Faster by putting cool fire paint and a shark face on it and the second new major thing is the zap throttle moat extractor for crafting various things for the different professions they got Moes of X and Primal X items and they can earn a ton of different ways one of them being the zme this item allowed you to harvest these floating clouds I can be found throughout Outland each Zone having different types of clouds with different Moes ins sides this could made it easier by crafting yourself a special pair of goggles which while equipped lets you see the clouds on your mini map although comra the Lich King these goggles effects were just moved to Baseline to the zme and lastly the tool boxes in vanilla they had the heavy toolbox this had a 20 slot bag so bigger than most of the box and pretty cheap too but could only hold engineering Goods however the burning Crusade they were able to craft them themselves a fell iron toolbox which holds 24 items so what else did it get well more so what did it keep from vanilla well most of the stuff although this time engineering is made to be even better funnily enough making it the go-to for all classes now their goggles were much better their helmets even better guns and Scopes even better boots better trinkets well different but not really better usual explosive ones and the utility ones teleporters yeah those are back this time Area 52 another storm and Tulsi station the blade age mountain and well they did add a new repair botch with the only change being it was usable with Outland materials in exchange for selling class reagents so a decent upgrade they also got their usual gadgets of course need to pick locks seph Forum charges fost grenade yeah sure super ultra big bomb yeah you got them even have flame turrets now lastly they did get this little thing called injectors now back in vanilla and the burning Crusade and even early Wrath of the Lich King mana and health pots only stacked up to five however by getting 20 Mana or health pots and crafting them together as an engineer you could make them into health or Mana injectors these did literally nothing different than normal potions except you could stack them to 20 so it just saved you on backspace then into wol King we got the new injector kit one for man and one for health by using one of these items it would convert 20 of your potions into 20 injectors once again saving inventory space however they also gave 20% more healing or Mana if it was used by an engineer giving them at least some of a benefit to Engineers especially since in 3.2 they made healing a Mana pod stack to 20 kind of making these injectors pointless for everyone else but engineers and enough about potions this time we'll go over the old stuff that got updated first we got our usual guns and the usual scopes of course they also got their goggles and even their usual Wormhole generator however this time letting you choose from multiple locations instead of only having one place you can teleport to trinkets as usual however far fewer of them they even got a few special gadgets like a vehicle healing one for the all two common vehicle mechanics of WRA of theill King they got their usual explosives of course one of them being the serite bomb which has a whole history of a tone but for summary the serite bomb allowed an exploit during the L King fight that led to a top Guild getting a temporary band even though it was he was on a normal mode and not heroic though this piece of trivia is one of those in the wild community that is commonly shared incorrectly as having happened during the world first kill and not on just a normal Farm kill anyways Engineers also got the titanium toolbox a new 32 slot engineering bag so what new things that engineers get the first big change is that you could now change engineering specializations easier before you would need to do a whole Quest chain now you just need to pay 150 gold so what about new crafting recipes two new mounts well one new Mount but two versions based on the factions the mechano hog for horde and the meaners chopper for Alliance this recipe required a lot of work to craft including a lot of money averaging at about 12K gold to make and buy the raw items and the best part it could be used by anyone letting Engineers finally make something they could sell to non-engineers for a fair bit of profit this Mount was the first two-person mount in the game being that a second person could get into the bike sidecar next is the Nish army knife up to this point everyone used to carry around tons of items in their bags for all their professions but the Nish army knife sought to cure that containing most of the needed profession items as well as giving you a plus 10 to all three Gathering professions this was simply kept in anyone's bag although an engineer had a bonus effect to be able to attempt to resurrect a dead Ally back to life with it next is the Moy allowing the engineer to summon a mailbox anywhere in the open world and speaking of utility like that we have one more thing the repair bot like vanilla and the burning Crusade Wrath King had a rare pairot however this one was special in only one way it was a material one used for jees this robot was obtained by doing an entire quest line and crafting various parts to put together this little robot servant who was no longer consumable instead having a cool down all players could purchase and repair at Jeeves however Engineers could even access their Bank from him and Jeeves is still useful even in the modern day and the last thing of Ral l king that will lead us into cataclysm Tinkers Tinkers were special engineering only only chance that you could put on your gear and some of these could fail doing the opposite of what you wanted however the higher level of your engineering would reduce this chance of failure the hand-mounted Pyro Rockets reticulated armor webbing or hypers speed accelerators could be tinkered into your gloves mind amplification dish Nitro boots EMP generator frag belt and water gliding Jets could be tinkered into your belt with the frag belt having originally B the belt cliped spyon ular which allowed you to see glass clouds on your map till 3.2 when they move the to the zme Baseline and the springy Arcana wave a parachute which could be tinkered into your cloak lots of these tiners were incredibly useful and were basically the reason people would take engineering for raids since the hand rocket was off the global cool down and was instant cast so it could just be macroed into all of your abilities the Nitro boots were just a very useful emergency speed boost that could allow you to outrun most raid mechanics assuming it didn't kill you and blow up or put a massive dot on you instead in fact the Tinkers were so useful that they only received Nerfs from here here on out so now on to cataclysm first off Tinkers they removed stats for them as many of them originally gave a few stats as well and with this they made it so you can Tinker gear that has enchants on them as normally Tinkers would replace enchants except for the odd few Tinkers that still did give stats they also added a few more that could all be tinger into your gloves a few extra that can be put into your belt and lastly the Goblin glider a staple Tinker for engineers still used in the modern day an option to be tinkered into your cape returning were the usual grenades however far less powerful and even a bolt gun that was actually quite useful of course lock Pig and explosives returning a cool item called the electrostatic condenser which while in your bag gave you volatile air while Gathering they brought back the usual Companions and a robot Bunny and the personal World Destroyer the engineering bag returned with the elementum toolbox at 36 slots with also the first ever fishing box able to contain fishing Goods The Lure Master Tackle Box they of course made gear trinkets able to summon Dragon Lings the usual guns and Scopes and the usual goggles but you may have noticed something off with these gem sockets Cog Wheels Cog Wheels were a new gem type only available in Engineers bought off vendors using crafted items you then appli them into your engineering gear which were stronger than normal gems oh and also ammo got removed so Engineers could no longer craft that and before we move on there's one more thing to go over the lutter rang this item is carried in your bags and can even be hotkey and when you use it you'll Target a creature nearby and loot it within 40 yards which is very helpful if a mob dies on top of a cliff or something so as you can see the amount of new stuff being added is not that big with panderia they only had a few small changes first off the Tinker kit got added purchasable from vendors or crafted by engineers and could be used in place of the usual cramped materials to Tinker your gear another change was Pandaria added recipes for low-level Engineers using panderia materials this one being one of them that allowed you to Max up your engineering only using panderia content in midst of Pandaria Engineers got their usual Wormhole generator they also got another Dragon summoning trinket this time with some cogwell slots in it they got a pair of mist piercing goggles while in your bang they allowed you to access mining SL herb nodes that are normally covered in Mist these could be sold and held by anyone not just Engineers they also got a couple of pets a dragon ling a rasco bot and a cooking stove robot you could even cook on a new item called the thermal Anvil a 20 charge consumable that let you summon an anvil and Forge anywhere you want it they also got their usual explosives including the locksmith ones though still not that good and in place of the new engineering toolbox or fishing box they got a cooking bag that could carry up to 36 cooking items and as always with engineering they got their goggles guns and Scopes before we move on from Pandaria there's a couple of more things to cover first being bounce the sky Golem crafted by 15 days worth of craftting materials the mechanical Shredder allowed its pilot to harvest herbs without dismounting making it the go-to Herby mount for non- Druids then there is the depleted kyparium rocket and the go synchronous World spinner both crafted the same way using a ton of gold and materials however the rocket Beam for Goblin engineering and the world spinner for doish engineering and now the biggest part of engineering from panderia The Bling Atron this robot is able to be Su by engineers and anyone can accept its quest which is just a free gift box now on screen you will see the full list of stuff he could give you a couple of mounts some pets gems and a lot of great items with actually good values to them this Quest could only be obtained once per day per account so you couldn't spam create tons of alts to try and get lucky now onto Warlords of dror with the first thing being they removed most of the profession bonuses and so with this they removed most of the tiners from the game leaving behind only a few the second thing being the garrisons inside you could place buildings to do one of the professions giving every player access to at least the base level stuff of some of the other professions the engineering Hut sold some engineering items like the gum e a mailbox three engineering trinkets references to the original vanilla versions of themselves and Walter allowing you to access your bank and a vendor for everyone else and all of these worked for non-engineers non-engineers could also create some engineering Goods so they wouldn't need to hire an engineer of their own or swap professions warlord's a drainer really did ruin the idea of personal professions blizzard really liked the bling Atron and so of the players and so they brought it back this time the bling Atron 5000 this bling Atron having something wrong with it as it will now attack and kill any other bling Atron nearby and with this new model the clarity had to be made that you could only get one bling Atron Quest per day not one from each bling Atron model and this new model gave all the same stuff as the one before it however of course giving Warlords a dror specific resources and Potions instead of mup hand area goggles were here to stay cuz of course however losing their cogs as they would become no longer usable sadly instead goggles being given unique effects again and they can also craft a gun enchant with its own scope which randomly generated secondary stats which could be upgraded to a higher item level and rerolled both crafted by Engineers there was fle lutter rang which was a version of the lutter rang that could be crafted by Engineers but then sold and used by anyone however as it kind of ruined the specialty of Engineers come the next expansion this item was limited to only be usable in dror they also updated the Nish army knife as the ultimate Nish army knife added in every profession tool now with a version for non-engineers and a version for engineers that still had the attempt at Revival on it and of course they would also get their usual worm hold centrifuge again and of course various consumable items like the Goblin glider now available to all players and grenade Shields and Stouts lastly pets they added three new ones a mechanical 2en a mechanical Scorpion and mechanical boar with only the mechanical 2en actually looking mechanical seems blizzard really likes to make these lifelike mechanical creatures although at least with the introduction of pet battles it made sense to give some Beast animals the mechanical typing most of these things used in the engineering specific make a daily crafting material of the expansion which all crafting professions had in dror when Legion introduced the transmog and toy tab many engineer items got added as toys including tons of old useless items that just had cosmetic effects however some would not for example world the Dr or swap blaster or rat of the L Kings Jeeps but Mo E and many of the bling Atron were it also introduced profession ranks through Gathering crafting and questing you were able to unlock higher ranked versions of your crafted recipes and Gathering skills allowing you to gather SLC create more or create them cheaper Engineers would get their usual goggles able to fire bullets and be upgraded to higher item levels and roll stat-wise of course and now here's where I would say gun as usual but the artifact weapons were a thing in Legion so instead Engineers could craft two relics Legion introduced taming Mechanicals to Hunters as they introduce the no Hunter to the game however for those who were not gnomes or goblins they would require a mecha bound imprint Matrix crafted by engine which even lets you track Mechanicals as a hunter they also brought back fun gadgets and not just the usual grenades I mean like lots of really fun stuff including the auto hammer a consumable that summons a vendor that you can repair at but you can't sell and anyone can buy and summon these and the failure detection pylon which would ra your nearby party members after a wipe but we can't list them all here cuz it would take all day so let's move on now the more cosmetic side of things they got the non-combat pet trigger and The Bling Atron puzzle game which requires you to uncross wires even having an achievement for getting very far in it this thing having been reused for one of the nitar world quests they also got their own usual wormholes multiple forms of them one for specifically argust and one more that requires a bit more explanation reaps this robotic companion was earned by doing a small little quest line and once unlocked could be summoned using ree's battery consumed on use but with a short cooldown you could get a permanent version but it had a much longer cool down and while this robot did not do much itself you could go around Azeroth new zones and old to unlock them and craft unique modules for it which once added to Reeves would appear every time you summoned them as an option to transform into the Wormhole generator to Alli a wormhole generator across the broken aisles the snack distribution mode which gave a basic Feast the repair mode summoned an Autohammer piloted combat mode made it into a vehicle which the player could use to fight enemies although by the time you can get it it was far weaker compared to just a player the fireworks display mode which allowed you to deploy fireworks from him the failure detection mode which turns it into a failure detection pylon and lastly The Bling mode turns it into a bling Atron 6000 and again same as the 4,000 5,000 but Legion stuff instead of mop or wad but you could also get Legendaries from this cash meaning it was almost necessary to try and open a batron every day to maximize your drop chances at one now for battle for Azeroth first off professions were split up by expansion now so you didn't need to level up 600 to get caught up you could start each expansion from scratch and with the point 2 patch of expansion introducing mechagon and engineer's Paradise you would hope there' be a lot of new stuff for engineering first off the usual stuff guns with Alliance and horde versions and a hammer first time in a long time Engineers have been able to make weapons other than guns and of course they needed Scopes however they also got ammo which while called Frost and fire ammo was really just Scopes but they made your attacks deal extra Elemental damage they also got their usual Wormhole generators one for colas and xandar they also got a Pat in the meanta and a couple amounts too first being the zil wag ATV a hover ship that is created by combining two parts one the chassis made by blacksmith and the other the engine made by Engineers second I'm going to do a quick summary of see I didn't mention goggles earlier as they are super important here in BFA we got azerite gear and the engineer's goggles fit into that slot so they got a custom azerite gear that also gave them 20 extra engineering skill the second row had a special engine engineering only Powers getting one of these Powers also increase your engineering gain from 20 to 55 raised again to 85 once you got to the fourth row and choose one of the two engineering unique azerite powers the auto self cizer or the ever adorable personal absorbit Tron and all of this led to getting their other Mount the Mecha Mogul which could only be obtained by an engineer with above the normal cap engineering gain through these goggles you needed above 150 engineering at least to get the three main items with higher engineering skill giving you a better chance you would Farm mobs by killing robots within a dungeon and salvaging them Mythic only of course or killing the final boss you would also need to buy an item for 30k gold and also get the remote which required a total of 250 engineering which could only be achieved by getting engineering 225 for maxed out goggles and then drinking a potion that would drop from the dungeon trash and killing the final boss who also dropped the recipe Itself by the way this epic Mount required a lot of work but it was worth it you could sell it and it just looked good a a goblin version of mimran head with machine gun and full highquality Graphics in comparison to rra of lking now outdated polygons one more unique thing about bfa's engineering was the legendary tools of the trade added in 8.1 for engineer this was the Uber spanner earned through a really amazing engineering Quest this giant wrench unlike other tools did nothing for the profession itself all it did was allow Engineers to summon an Uber construct to help them in combat for a bit on a 15-minute cool down and this only worked in the open world which made it probably the least useful however it was super fun to use originally com with only a few constructs it did get more and more modules although these were simple consumables that guaranteed the next use of your Uber spanner would be that specific construct as normally it was random so let's go over them quick Pogo summoned a jumping robot that would jump in a straight line dealing damage to enemies in its path scrap Cannon summoned a turret that would blast enemies with a decent amount of damage the Uber coil was a Tesla coil that would appear in chain lightning nearby enemies the short fuse boom Bots were a swarm of Boom Bots that would charge your Target and create a swarm of explosions the Uber sentury MKX H summoned a mechanical Hound which would attack your enemies in bites and fire breath and lastly the Uber improved Target dummy was a boom box that flung itself at your enemies to taunt them overall these constructs were really good for open world content as they gave you a good bit of burst damage or tanking and were actually really good for World PVP as they seemingly did not get down so it was common to see an engineer who summoned a scrap Cann and melt a Target well except for the dummy that was useless in World PVP except maybe to distract mobs sadly once Shadowland came out this thing was made useless as leveling up made it unusable with these two things combined this really made Engineers feel more unique than it ever has almost like their very own tinkering class just from a pair of goggles and a spanner they also got a couple of gadgets that'll go over real quick eight battle res usable by any class which is extremely useful to the point where the only reason I take engineering to my priest is to have a battle resin Mythic plus dungeons the portable transmog portable stable a mount Speed Booster a pair of follower equipments a rocket boat fire grenades poison grenades and sheep grenades they also finally got some new Tinkers for their gear the holographic horror projector the miniaturized plasma shield and the personal space amplifier all three for the belt and of course we end off on the bling Atron 7000 the final bling Atron at the time of this video same thing as usual having a chance of giving engineering mounts pets vendor Grays and current expansions resource and Potions so we shall see if the new bling Atron comes out in 9.2 whenever that comes out although there is something of note the decoded messages I highly recommend looking up their lore as there is an entire subplot going on with the bling Atron about some craft world being in danger a great War spanning the infinitees of machine creation and bling Atron given us gifts simply to keep us distracted now on two shadowlands with the final expansion as the time of this video 9.1 is out and 9.1.4 is on the way so of course the expansion is not over but even with that in consideration engineering is disappointing first off goggles and guns they got one of each and they are just a hilariously weak they are very low item level and while you can customize their stats using chelan's new crafting systems and even upgrade their item level by the time you can upgrade them you already outgear them however 9.1 they did add new upgrades that did make them quite a bit better but even then these pieces are easily replaced with heroic raid gear so I guess this is useful for those doing lf/ normal so what did they actually get of meritan shadowlands well let's go over more of the bad first no mountain only one pet being an unusual pet recolor they also got their usual scopes of course and they got three new grenades a bowl of bomb a grenade and a shadow land mine so now Into The Good The Wormhole generator while normally for shadow lands where all the zones are disconnected meaning very long flight paths or portals being able to on a 15-minute cool down teleport to any the Shadowland zones even including the ma and right into goria was just all too amazing with how useless most professions are in shadowlands this thing alone is worth swapping to engineering for because of how convenient it makes moving between the zones they also got three new Tinkers these not using the tinging kits instead using a lot of expensive materials the three choices all being for your belt the electro jump the dimensional shifter and the Damage Retaliator they also brought back the combat res item this time with the Disposable spectr fasic reanimator as they made the BFA one unable to work on higher level targets and still very useful in Mythic plus dungeons if you don't have a battle res class they also got three cool reusable gadgets that can wickedly enough be used in Battlegrounds the soul trap which places a small trap that when an enemy steps into gets them banished quite a great way to banish targets or even pesky Rog might try to stop you from capturing bases the gravy metric scramble or Cannon which fires a shot at a specific location slowing enemies and launching them in random directions need I say more than eye of the storm and lastly the momentum redistributor boots which when used causes your incoming falling damage to be redirected to whatever you land on quite good if you use if you jump off a cliff and see enemies below you or if you know War mode is enabled and enemies might be below now for this next part normally I would include these all throughout the video as they became relevant but I will mention them here because it's just easier and also the video is already way too long Engineers have had a lot of extra bonuses over the years for example Engineers inside the other side are able to activate a button in the Slime room before the Mana storms to turn off the Slime gutters meanwhile engineers in the C of stars which will be returning to with the legion time walking were able to activate a switch to disable all the construct enemies in the dungeon making it quite a bit easier although which professions buff spawn in the dungeon is random and lastly gnomes gnomes have have always had the racial to increase their engineering and they have their own video of a history and Engineering if you want which may or may not be out yet by the time this video is live overall engineering is only really kept relevant by its utility in the stuff added almost a decade ago but is still somewhat useful today the ludar rang Jeeves Reeves The Bling Atron the Wormhole generator and the B reses items the Tinkers all of it's still very useful to this day but most of it is very old and it's rare that something new will be useful for a long period of time but here's hoping that get some amazing engineering content to 99.2 or just remove the profession and add a tinkering class instead in the early days of Wow first aid was a crucial profession for both questing and PVP but as player power increased and leveling became easier it slowly fell out of use in this video we'll be talking about the rise and fall of the first a profession at launch the first a trainers in the main cities could only train you up to journeyman first aid which is the 150 skill level you would then have to either go to Dr guard for Alliance or dust wal of marsh for horde to buy a manual that you could use to learn expert first aid as well as a manual for heavy silk and mageweave bandages to learn Artisan first aid you had to do a quest called triage which is in hammerfall rothy Highlands for horde and the theore dust wall of marsh for Alliance the first a trainers in iron for and oramar had breadcrumb quests to get you there interestingly despite the triage Quest teaching you Artisan first aid it wasn't until patch 1. to that the guy you learn Artisan first a from would actually teach you heavy Mage weave bandages runecloth and heavy runecloth bandages so you could get Artisan first aid at launch but you wouldn't be able to actually get to 300 First Aid skill until patch 1.2 when Blackwing layer came out in patch 1.6 a new antivenom was added the powerful antivenom which could cure poisons up to level 60 while this wasn't effective in PVE as bosses were level 63 in PvP this was great unless you were a rogue then it sucked as people could take your poisons off of themselves later on in patch 1.8 the level requirement to do the triage Quest and learn Artisan first aid was decreased from level 40 down to level 35 in one of the earliest patches in Wrath of the Lich King in 3.1 you no longer needed to do the triage Quest To Learn Artis first aid and all the bandage training was moved to trainers in major cities including both the ones that he taught as well is one that you to buy from books in stard and dust Wala Marsh and fun fact the triage Quest is still in the game even today though only for tailor for the burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King there were no new antivenoms and only two bandages of the new clots the base and the heavy versions in the next two expansions cataclysm and Miss they increased this to three bandages cataclysm added the dense Ember silk bandages and Miss technically had two but you could upgrade the heavy and windw bandages to cost two windw cloth instead of three so it was more efficient for the most part though the profession was kind of stagnant at this point with the one big change being that the trainers in cities could Now train all ranks from Apprentice onwards and the vendors who sold the manuals for horde was moved to moonglade to be a druid trainer while the alliance vendor just had the manuals removed the first interesting change to the profession happened in Warlords of dror where you learn the first antivenom the profession had gotten since vanilla wow as well as an oil called the fire ammonite oil to remove diseases and decrease the duration of any diseases applied by 50% for 2 minutes also the first and only healing potion that you can make with first aid the healing tonic interestingly however none of these required cloth as the profession always had instead they required materials gained through the fishing profession which had throughout the game's history been more closely tied to cooking than first aid Legion was the last expansion that had first a as a profession but it certainly went out with the bang it had had three base bandages the silk wave bandage the Silvery Salve and the silk weave splint as in Warlords dror the salv was made from fish and the splint actually required lay stone ore the first and only mining material used in first aid ever but on top of these Legion also added a bunch of NPCs across the broken Isles and while killing enemies in thean world you could get a note that would direct you to one of these NPCs and you would then have to heal them with a specific firstate ability you gained like treat burns or set bones and if you got the notes and saved all the NPCs you got an achievement which awarded the title field medic a great title choice for healers everywhere then in the battle for Azeroth pre patch the profession was removed as a secondary profession with all the items it created being moved over to tailoring and Alchemy first aid was originally a way for all classes to have some kind of healing ability then when the game evolved to a point where everyone already had some kind of healing ability and they refused to remove the restrictions on actually using first aid it kind of just became redundant and that's why they decided to just remove it uh but they didn't want to have to actually remove everything in the game Associated to First Aid so they just mov those over to two existing professions in this video we'll be talking about the history of the secondary profession cooking in World of Warcraft from its release in vanilla wow all the way to the present day in shadowlands cooking was added right at the start of alpha wow all the way back in 2003 before even half of the original races were playable and has gone through a number of changes though remain relatively similar throughout in vanilla as with all secondary professions Lovel it was not as simple as just going to a trainer and there was no bread to cook to get your skill to a quick 60 you had to get nine boore meat or stringy wolf meat to get to 10 skill in cooking then you could cook spiced wolf meat which would carry you all the way up to 50 cooking skill and it would have to because the next recipe you learn from the trainer was boiled clams and coyote steak at skilled 50 though this could be supplemented with specific cooking Quest from both factions Alliance however were heavily favored in this as they had 14 faction specific quests that gave them recipes while The Horde had four in fact these quests along with the cooking recipe vendor and Stormwind that sold the recipes from all these quests has been often cited as an argument that blizzard favors the alliance Over The Horde now if you didn't want to level cooking the traditional way you could also level it entirely through fishing all the way from one to 300 but that's pretty boring so for the most part we'll stick to what the cooks of Azeroth would train you in after getting the previous two recipes at 50 skill the next recipe you learned was crab cakes at skill 75 dry pork ribs at 85 Goblin deved clams at 125 and spider sausage at skill 200 that for both factions is all that you could train from the trainers just seven recipes as most of your cooking recipes came as either World drops or from quests again unless you were alive sence as with fishing and vanilla to learn expert cooking it required you to go out into the world and find a vendor that sold the rather cleverly named book expert cooking this was another place that The Horde got a bit shafted with cooking as for the alliance the book was sold in the silver wind refuge in Ashville but for horde it was sold in Shadow prey Village in desus and you see the mobs in Ashville range from levels 18 to 30 while the desus mobs are as level 30 to 40 so The Horde had to wait a whole extra Zone essentially to learn expert cooking but that was probably okay as they had fewer options on what to cook especially if you were an orc or troll as leveling and durar there were no wolves just lots and lots of boes so you're pretty much just cooking boore meat all the way until skill 50 anyway this does all even out when we get to the Quest for Artisan cooking however as the quest clamlette surprise is a neutral Quest that comes from Gadget sand and Taris which is a level 40 to 50 Zone and requiring 10 giant eggs 10 Z dasty clam meat and 20 fine age cheddar and while you can buy the giant eggs off the auction house they only drop from birds or Al Beast of above level 40 in patch 1.8 the minimum level requirement to get the quest was lower to 35 but you'd still have a rough time actually getting the gied eggs if you wanted to farm them yourself and even with the level decrease you still had to have 225 cooking to get the quest it was worth noting however that all the recipes that only the alliance could get could be sold on the neutral auction house so that the horde could use them too as they weren't buying on pickup and fun fact this was the only way for The Horde to have any use at all for any kind of spider meat so if you are leveling as a horde character on classic and are saving spider meat in your bags to later cook don't unless you plan to visit the neutral auction house and try to buy a recipe cooking was very useful when leveling unless you were a mage as in vanilla you would often be at low Health after fighing more than two moms at a time and it was also a good way to make money as cooked meats are worth usually twice as much uncooked when selling them straight to a vendor a particularly useful recipe is jungle stew which you can get in stranglethorn Veil and for just one tiger meat one Refreshing Spring Water and two shiny red apples you turn roughly one silver worth of ingredients into six and this is a really good way to make money solo when you're nearing 40 and trying to get your first mount in addition to the more traditional foods that healed you and gave you the well-fed buff which in vanilla only lasted for 10 minutes there were also a couple of special foods like the Deviant Delight which you could turn into either a pirate or a ninja for an hour though Druids and Shaman shifting from forms lose the effect and before patch 2.3 in TBC if a shadow pre switch Shadow formed they too would lose the effect there is also a special recipe that only Rogues could learn called thistle tea which required 60 cooking and function like a potion as when used it restored 100 energy and it also required Swift thistle to create so really the only reason it wasn't crafted through Alchemy was likely so that all Rogues could pick it up and not just Alchemists last but not least vanilla had the one and only epic Rarity food in the form of durg's kicking Chimera chops which were added in patch 1.9 and were reward from one of the quests in the long chain to open the gates of aq40 moving on to the burning Crusade cooking was increased to 375 and again you had to buy a book to learn the skill increase with the master cookbook but you didn't have a long journey to find it as it was sold from Chef Gatson and Baxter and each to the faction's main Hub in Hellfire Peninsula and unlike the recipes in vanilla in TBC all recipes Had parody As while they were still all learned from quests each faction had the same quests just from different people and no the alliance did not have an extra vendor for these recipes both factions got spiced bread as an easy recipe to get to 60 skill as the materials required were bought from a vendor rather than farmed like in vanilla so the initial cooking grind was easier however you still had to go to Ashville or desus for expert cooking and do the quest in gadgets on for Artis so it was still a bit of a grind the most impactful change to cooking at the time was the change in the duration of the well-fed buff you'd get for eating the various stat Foods as its duration was tripled from 10 minutes to 30 there was also some endgame to cookie now as some dailies were added to chatrath in patch 2.3 they required level 70 to do but only 275 cooking which was pretty low considering most of them required Outland cooking recipes to actually accomplish the reward for the was your choice between a barrel of fish or a crate of meat Each of which had a chance to contain uncommon or even rare cooking recipes like kibler's bits which would make your pet bigger or storm chops which gave you a chance to deal some lightning damage to your target even the delicious chocolate cake recipe which could drop in the future which would be part of no less than three achievements though those weren't added until later with Wrath of the Lich King the cooking skill increased from 375 up to 450 and with this all the levels of cooking became trainable at the cooking trainer so you know longer needed to go hunt down books in the world or do the quest and gadgets s gone were the days of learning your trade out in the open world centralization had come and now everything you needed was in the main cities the other main change to cooking deer and wrath was the addition of the fish Feast into the game today we all know them and use them quite often when rating but this was their introduction the first one called the great feast was learned at 375 cooking from a trainer for four gold and 75 silver as wrath added all of the cooking levels to trainers it also added many new recipes to them as well as wrath cooking or as it was called grandmas cooking was learnable at scill 350 it added upwards of 20 new recipes between skill 350 and 375 in addition to the numerous recipes from 375 up to 450 this is a trend that would repeat itself throughout the next few expansions however where TBC had most of the base recipes behind quests and the special recipes as random chances from the daily boxes wrath changed it up a bit and in the dollar Rend cooking dailies you got a chance at the rare recipes from TBC as well as currency and for three of the currencies you could just buy the recipes from a vendor which was a nice welcome change in patch 3.2 they also added the recipe for the captain rumsey's lagger which was originally only obtained through the bag of fishing treasures and outlands in TBC to both the cooking daily bags from North rent as well as the crates of meats and barrels of fish from the Outland cooking dailies and while the Outland cooking dailies required level 70 and only 275 cooking the North friend cooking dailies only require level 65 but 350 cooking a bit of a strange choice but hey why not circling back to the topic of feast there are three others at it the fish Feast like the great feast gave a bunch of stats and again blizzard had buffed the well fed buff so it now lasted for a full hour but the other two feasts are more interesting ones these being the small feast and the gigantic feast in the same vein as a deviate Delight from vanilla either made you bigger or made you smaller though unlike the deviate Delight this one can be shared with all your friends the last substantial change to cooking was now many of the foods actually restored Mana as well as health previously food would restore your health and drinks would restore Mana with only a few that did both but now the majority of recipes you could do did both another quality of life feature added to the game through cooking they also had a hat available from cooking for currencies which made your cooking time take about half a second each cast being one of the most useful cooking items you could grab even to this day cataclysm again brought new recipes to cooking along with the skill increase from 450 up to 525 as the cataclysm didn't have a new continent but rather a new take on the old world instead of making the new cooking dailies higher level they took the entirely opposite track cooking dailies were added to the major cities and were now available from Level 10 and gave a plus one cooking skill as well as a new currency called chefs award the cat cooking dailies did not give you a special bag open with chances at recipes but but if you didn't want to farm cooking mats and just do dailies for two of the chef Awards you could buy a crate of tasty meat which had cata cooking reagents within given how short the cataclysm segment was you think we're over the hum when it comes to cooking but this is not the case as you may recall Mr panderia went and flipped cooking on its head first some of the more simple changes the dollar rain cooking award and the chef's awards were all replaced with a central currency in the epicurian award which could be obtained from both the Dollar rent and main city dailies as us for any of those recipes and if you're wondering what epicyon means Epicure is one with sensitive and discriminating taste especially in food or wine the valley of Four Winds is basically an entire Zone dedicated to farming and by extension cooking and the central Hub half Hill Market added a whole system to cooking with a sunsong ranch you could now grow your own materials and there was a whole quest line in reputation related to that but also much like the crafting professions vanilla you could now choose different different ways to learn each with their own recipes and once you completely leveled up one you could start out another and when you leveled all six ways you earn the title Master of the ways also unlike in the previous expansions you could now level up cooking from 1 to 600 all in the half Hill Market as they had recipes that required only vendor items and could teach you all the way up to 525 at which point they started to require mats from Pandaria Mr panderia also gave us a new currency for use in the halfhill market called the iron paw token with which you could buy a three piece set of an apron a rolling pin and a frying pan Which when all equipped it gave you a plus 30 cooking skill though unlike the bonuses to fishing skill you don't really get a bonus from the cooking skill it's not like you make extra food with a higher cooking skill or anything but still an interesting bonus to have nonetheless you could also buy the portable refrigerator a 32 slot cooking bag but the most interesting thing that the halfhill market gave us was our first interaction with nami and midst of Pandaria Nami was a child who you met enter into becoming a chef and you could buy the cooking student Bell which would allow you to summon him and while nowadays he is so much of a meme that blizzard has used him as a boss and stress tests at this point in time he was just a child Warlords of dror brought cooking up from 600 to 700 and for the first time since wrath you had to go out into the world to learn this expansions cooking basically for all the professions of world the drainer you got the Scrolls to learn their highest level from random mob drops but the chance was really high so it was really easy to get them and fun fact cooking along with archaeology and first aid are the only professions that didn't get a Garrison building dedicated to them but really there wasn't much added to cooking the same type of basic recipes used for high-end content as we return to our world for the invasion of Legion cooking increased from 700 to 800 and we ran into our old student from Mr Pandaria Nami Legion added a new system cooking with each recipe now giving three ranks from one star to three stars and for cooking this meant the higher ranks allowed you to make more of the food for the same amount of material cerials in addition to this it had an interesting way to increase the ranks of your recipes instead of dailies like in the past which would give you all the currency instead you would Farm cookie mats and then give them to your old student who was all grown up in stacks of five and he would spend an hour or so researching it and then you could open a box that would either have some food and a recipe in it or burnt food scraps and farm more often than not you would just get the burnt food which began the meme that Nami was basically just ragnaros and for a stress test on the 7.2 PTR blizzard let loose Fire Lord Nami on the streets of dollan letting players finally take out their frustrations on their former student for his innumerable failures there were a couple of interesting recipes from Legion however everyone knows and bourns the bear tartar that was nerfed in BFA but fewer talk about the interesting ideas that the crispy bacon added where if you had a food buff and ate a slice of crispy bacon it increased the duration of the well-fed buff by an hour all the way up to 6 hours max although it only works on food from Legion so unfortunately it doesn't work anymore but you do get an achievement for getting a well-fed buff all the way up to 6 hours battle for Azeroth changed how professions worked instead of going from 800 to 900 or something it broke professions up to be by expansion so now you had vanilla cooking TBC cooking wrath cooking and so on and so forth it also retrained the three rank system of Legion and the 5710 amount per recipe there were a few interesting recipes like the hearts Banes hex worst which like the deviate fish and vanilla transformed you into a pigheaded beastman which maybe isn't quite as cool as a ninja or pirate also with a release of mechagon cooks could now make the mecca doll's big Mech a clear reference to McDonald's and with Nila and the visions of Nas scenarios there were a few extra recipes that helped you in those specifically but for the most part business as usual raid Buffs finally in shadowlands cooking has a 75 skill to level through they remove the three rank system from cookie and that's pretty much it a couple of Feasts a large and small version of every stat food but the one welcome addition is the fried bone fish which while not as strong as bear tartar is still a nice option for those in Old content wanting to speedrun through it unlike first aid cooking is still very widely used even today because of the extra stat Buffs it gives so while its systems are a bit old and maybe even outdated it's not going anywhere anytime soon
Channel: hirumaredx
Views: 601,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Battle, For, Azeroth, World Of Warcraft (Video Game), hirumaredx, history, wow, worl, vanilla, bc, burning crusade, wrath, wrath of the lich king, linch king, Video Game (Industry), World Warcraft, facts, Warcraft (Fictional Universe), how did doom work before wrath, before cata, how it use to work, funny, 2022, 9.2, shadowlands, TBC, cataclysm, mop, mists of pandaria, warlords of draenor, Wod, Legion, BFA, Hiru, Classic, Retail, dragonflight, asmr
Id: zBbqzJz-DSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 208min 9sec (12489 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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