Asmongold Reacts to "QAnon Conference" | By Channel 5

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oh no i've kind of been searching for the truth my whole life and one time i just came across a video that was about biden and kamala harris and clinton and obama they are satan worshipers saints they're satan worshippers 100 i love the pan to the fire you know like that's the best part of it the pan to the [ __ ] fire couldn't wait to tell my family and i'm sure they were so happy to hear it they just said you're crazy trump's the worst yeah how does that make you feel sad i cry all the time [Music] but i just keep praying that's all i do i just keep praying and asking god to open up their eyes i have a beautiful family they're just blind which family member do you miss the most probably my baby sister i told her we're in a spiritual warfare this is between good and evil and she rolled her eyes what's her name damn meg we go and have wine together and lunch together damn that's kind of like you wish you had never stumbled upon once you learn you don't turn back i know what god wants of us and what jesus wants and it's what trump wants and it's what the patriots want i would never turn back no matter how many of my family i raise it's it's sad because like you have these people right and they get like they get attached into these things and uh it's like obviously it it the the sad thing is it's funny to make fun of it whenever it's stupid but whenever it's actually like a real thing or whatever then it's it's not as it's just actually just sad you know what i mean because like you can't like you make jokes about it or whatever but like this is probably a it's a mental illness right there's something there's something wrong with this person like i remember like this is an example i used this one before right is i had this guy and i was like waiting in the line at chipotle and he uh like the first thing that like i standing next to him and he's like you know 50s probably 60s or so and he's like you know i've just about had it with this mask stuff that's like the first thing he says to me and so i'm talking to him about it and you know he's talking about how much he doesn't like the government and how much you know the [ __ ] government you know like the usual stuff right you know they killed jfk the whole nine yards and i find out that like later on i talked to him for you know like 20 minutes or something because the [ __ ] line took forever and uh in the process of that i found out that like his wife's been in the hospital for the half the for like the la the past year like this man is out of his [ __ ] mind he's stressed out he's out of his [ __ ] mind and the reality is that it things like this like bad things like this take advantage of people in uh compromised positions it takes advantage of people in uh in positions where they would be in a place to make a bad decision but like it happens to people like habits conservatives uh you know like uh liberals it happens to everybody and uh it's it's really bad whenever you hear like a lot of the backstories of like how these people like get into these like really really strong [Music] ideologies [Music] i have been censored three times disabled permanently disabled on facebook censored permanently suspended they don't change they don't like my q-mobile and they're sure they all defend it i gotta read them i gotta read them oh my god oh [ __ ] man what is this dude my q-mobile and they're sure they all don't like me in my cue patriot costume where we go one we go on i don't even say the m word anymore right what the m word it's a it's a dirty word it's uh now i have my own words wait i thought he said in he said dude i actually thought he said it like that's the thing i thought 100 he did i was like wait a minute am i gonna have to [ __ ] pause this instead of the words that i know the algorithms are going to shut me down can you tell us what words you use for which we're not going to shut you down uh mask the face diaper vaccine the jokey pokey and electric fraud the obvious fraud obviously no i don't think the hitler situation is as bad as they said it was zero to sixty boys after a hectic few weeks on the road covering events like the pickup artist boot camp in las vegas america is back open baby it's make out time [Applause] no no no no please not again please not again jesus and creating my first solo documentary about two twins in marin city california remember we've been anywhere this is this is my favorite one like these guys were actually my favorite i like these way more than all the other ones it was amazing right wing politics that's when i discovered the god and country patriot roundup a three-day event in dallas which cost three thousand dollars not to stay at the omni hotel in dallas which costs an additional one thousand dollars oh my god what i found there was a couple hundred patriots with one thing in common i've been banned from facebook instagram twitter tick tock this is uh joe biden's daughter's diary i used to make videos like reading it out loud i've lost two youtube channels three twitters and four facebooks every time it's like oh yes i'm winning why'd you get banned um the so-called pizzagate uh conspiracy theory well first of all i had like 300 i that's the one thing i [ __ ] hate right because it's it's the the worst part about it is whenever you ban somebody and then they think that they won because you banned them and it's like i don't know like how how how do i deal with you like how do i like because you you can't let them be on there but if you abandon them then they think they're winning so it's like how do i how do i [ __ ] deal with it you know what i mean twitch chat yeah 4 000 subscribers on youtube the last couple of videos i did were all about the hunter biden laptop issue within 48 hours of putting those out they just deleted my channel right away and then within two weeks of that i was deleted off of twitter as well yes we were recently kicked off twitter because of a confrontation i did with the vp of integrity at facebook if we weren't making a difference if it wasn't that important why would they spend so much effort and energy into it i mean all of silicon valley is like run by the chinese that's the exact logic that people use in my chat they're like well uh i said you were a [ __ ] loser [ __ ] and you bought your account and you never played in vanilla wow and you banned me you wouldn't abandon me if it wasn't true why would i got gotten banned if it wasn't true that's the way their brains work in war it's no different than what they were doing to the jews and different things they silence them they're just doing it through social media and electronically now it's a war in the minds it's psychological right it's emotional it's mental it's actually worse than having bullets and missiles the only real difference between woke supremacists and and the nazi supremacists the white supremacists the old south is is the technology available to them they don't need to put the jews the other into ghettos because they can now electronically ghettoize us they in fact this jew is electronically ghettoized they have removed my voice from the community i am endlessly being imprisoned in zuckerberg jesus and again it serves exactly the same 10 40. okay wake up i'm sure it's pretty ridiculous to be outraged by a misgendered toy plastic potato it's pretty ridiculous to be outraged by the shape of a syrup jar shaped in in in the design of a beloved black ant are you talking about mr potato head and my mind jemima it is ludicrous to be outraged by a drawing in a 70 year old children's book of a hard-working asian man that was somewhat i remember seeing this because you know what you know why it was cartoonish because it was a cartoon boom because it was a cartoon oh it sucks and but that's why we fight and now what we've done is between president trump and people like you in podcasts like myself we had a voice we are the news now when people want to know the truth where did they go alternative platforms like uh rumble bit shoot d live twitch foxhole pilt wait did he just say what i thought he said alternative platforms like uh rumble bit shoot d live here we go if twitch fox art wait where wait twitch is an alternative platform now what the [ __ ] oh my god taking over twitch i see that cloud hub um i use telegram a lot i love telegram i have great group chats on there i do a lot of stuff in the community in the streets i go stand at squares and hold signs what happens with these people is that uh it's the same thing to happen with like let's say ice beside and two remember that the old subreddit or like there's been other subreddits like uh mitch jones had a subreddit that had this happen like usually whenever a lot of people get banned in a subreddit sometimes they'll go and all collectively make their own subreddit as like kind of a counter subreddit and what will usually happen with that is that that subreddit will have like the most angry people and the most unhappy people and those people will kind of radicalize each other even more and i think that's what happens with these people for sure operation 1009 save our children yeah the [ __ ] jones yeah i remember that we have to return to the oldest technology of all which is one-on-one conversation so i guess everyone at this event is pretty much deep platform there so i guess this is kind of like the way for them to uh network hang out figure out what's next how you doing big fan hell yeah doug what's on your mind i just met a group they're called like down for the re-vote or something and they're like doing a justice for prince thing they think like a few days before prince was gonna die he was gonna out hillary clinton on like eating and raping children yeah yeah i heard about that [Music] let's go talk to him you gotta go quick no one in the whole universe will ever compare prince was murdered and we absolutely have already proven it by mathematical standards prince had been exposing things about deep state illumina illuminati cabal i called the worldwide communist network and um and i think we all know that when you do things like that and you use your celebrityism and your platform um to speak these truths that are not allowed right by the one-eyed crew then um you get hit i tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesn't even matter uh chester bennington is the lead singer at lincoln park he and chris cornell were um going to expose chester pedophilia oh my god essential in facilitating quite a lot of this he is responsible for the murder of multiple people including nipsy hustle what yes what um nipsy hustle is one of my spirit guides once i've worked with his energy and guidance um are you kidding me where do you get your news from from the divine source from from god we are a prophetic justice ministry i do not watch tv i don't watch truthers i don't watch the internet i do not really even read books um i've channeled all of my life i've always heard his voice and my accuracy is constantly at 99 to 100 percent that's we're not part of the cube movement we align with some of the things that cue has said we really came out to just network with this community so love and honor and infinite love and gratitude to prince and nipsey hustle it's like i feel this is the same thing right as i kind of feel i feel bad for a lot of these people because like they just everything's connected man yeah like it just i feel bad for him and it's just it's people that just get caught up into this but it's just it's just stupid man like it's just stupid and the thing is like you can never i've tried to have conversations with people like this and be like well what do you mean 99 and 98 right and it's like if you write down or you try to actually keep track of these things they will get very upset about it they don't want to hear about there actually being any uh you know counting for this this is all in their [ __ ] head uh it's awful man upon further research i learned that this was not just any patriot conference the event is hosted by john ceball aka cuban on john and his wife amy these patriots are avid believers in q anon a conspiracy theory that a deep state insider is spreading messages on the image board 8-chan to expose people like hillary clinton and bill gates i'm saying they belong to an elite cabal of satan it's not photo shopping i don't know what brace you want to come in here q9 is the theory that an individual or a group of individuals are exposing the deep state uh including hillary clinton and her baby eating ways through the image board 8-chan which also has a lot of child porn they think either donald trump is cue or he's behind it yeah it's like a christ-like figure who's come to uh the office of the presidency in order to arrest and execute every single person who they don't like but right now is a weird time to be a cue supporter for years q has talked about the storm a day of reckoning in which trump along with the military would arrest all the members of the deep state and save the world but the storm never came i've seen a lot of these right is that like there's always and this is one of the things that i've always made a comment with this is that like this is the same way that i looked at like the bible is that i would find like different like points of inaccuracy where it's like okay he said this was gonna happen and it didn't happen well i mean if he if he's the prophet how do you how to get that wrong i thought he was the prophet how to get it wrong how's that supposed to how's that supposed to happen so like to me that's the way i look at it and so like as soon as i see and this is a bit of advice for you guys is it whenever you're negotiating with somebody especially if you're negotiating something illegal okay the moment that anything is off the moment that they change the price the moment that it's a different kind of product the moment that anything changes at all and there is any degree of shadiness immediately call the whole thing off call the whole thing off cut it off move on and go and do something else yes immediately [ __ ] move on never take a chance with somebody who's going to move the goal post it's the same thing with a lot of stuff too like we had the same stuff with wow as well like at the moment that somebody tried to change the uh they tried to change the way that the deal was going to be structured or they tried to change the price no it's over i'm done that's it done because you know i it's like if it's an honest mistake i understand it but 99 of the time it's not it's weird to be a q a on person now because for five years q and on people have believed that nancy pelosi etc would be arrested and executed in guantanamo bay prison in cuba yes and uh to this day not a single person has been and on december 8th not yet 20 to stop posting i think the last post was a scene from last the mohicans and then a gif of an american flag flying over a forest yeah that's basically it that'll do it that'll do it yep that'll do it i think january 6 was supposed to be the storm and then that didn't work and then january 20th was supposed to be the snow no it didn't but that time everyone was really tired but they keep saying i've been in there all morning that the storm is still coming yeah cue is true forever whether there's post or not as long as anons never cease to find and spread the truth i could go on for weeks about you i really cannot emphasize how much that i love the beautiful irony that there are now 30 40 50 and 60 year old middle-aged women who refer to themselves as aenons who use fake who use 4chan like i this is like a it's almost like the universe got flipped like everything about like the the it's like it used to be for like kids and this is like an alternate reality where the only people that use 4chan and call themselves anand are on average 63 years old it's crazy what i've learned one that this was an inside job black lives matter george soros funded same thing you know it's all infiltration we've we've learned it we've seen the court documents since it's happening that's the guy these are people with connections that guy right there i don't think the storm didn't necessarily happen i think that the whole point of it was for a vast majority of people to wake up there are still things happening you know i mean we've got the audits in arizona this is the thing this is what i i like i hate this because like it's people that they don't want to admit that they've been had they don't want to admit that they've been misled so they do mental gymnastics to rationalize that it's coming it's still going to happen or some sort of way that like this is a so whenever you are trying to indoctrinate somebody into a cult whenever you want to really just fully take mentally control of somebody the main thing you have to do and almost all cults have something like this is that you want to get them to a position where they will actively accept your reality over actual reality it's like uh you know except that up is down the sky is actually uh red or something like that and that's the way it works right is you you get to the person to that point and that's usually like the strong form it's like this is a binary thing in a lot of like cults and a lot of things like this where this is the point where you are truly initiated because people that are willing to go through that step are willing to be completely controlled by the leadership of the cult and completely forsake their own critical thought and their own freedom and autonomy to believe exactly what they're told and and these are the people that uh these are the people that really go [ __ ] crazy and the problem about this here is that this happens to people that get scammed and you'll see this very commonly and if you scamming people with big egos is way easier than scamming people that don't have egos because if you scam somebody with a big ego and you can take advantage of them you can convince them to convince themselves that it's not a scam because they don't want to feel stupid you see what i'm saying so like you like you actively have their own ego work against them and this is the way that it works right uh georgia wisconsin i i trust 100 that there's a plan i think it's dan scavino um mike pompeo i think you know we're obviously not allowed to hear about certain things because it's a military operation of course you know i have complete faith it doesn't ruin my hopes that you know a lot of people aren't talking about it they don't want to get kicked off facebook part of the reason i believe we're in that's why they're not talking about have gotten conditioned for instant gratification q is the template it doesn't matter what q does it doesn't matter what trump does until we're willing to participate in something different and be a part of that see we are the plan we are the storm i think they did their job you know they started the great awakening were you disappointed when q stopped posting back in december no no because they did their job am i disappointed in trump no trump did his job now we have to as people take back our country and not wait for a hero one of the tactics of this new psychological war seemed to be avoiding cue the main speakers of the event general flynn and sydney powell claimed to not know anything about what we're talking about all right right here okay thank you uh andrew callahan channel five action news so uh channel five from where the description channel five action news is not actually a a tv channel it's the name of our youtube channel i got it i think i knew that it's not syndicated through a national broadcasting corporation but you know so talking about manipulation if you go on any mainstream media platform they describe this whole event as a q a concert i can't believe he got i can't believe you got general flynn to [ __ ] answer a question dude that's so [ __ ] funny i love it like i remember whenever it just was like whenever [ __ ] sasha baron cohen got an interview with donald trump as ali g and it's like like that was the [ __ ] funniest thing man i love that conference yeah why do you think that they're doing that and is that true if they create this this boogeyman right they create this boogeyman that's a nice little thing to just keep beating us about they try to take an organization like this and create that level of noise that i talked about cueing on cueing out there's the domestic they're the new you know they're the new shiny object i don't know what qa9 is i really don't i really don't but i'm going to leave here saying well do you believe in god general flynn was being real sneaky as he delivered his speech vendors in the back sold q in on hats and t-shirts and his colleague sidney powell was even wearing a big fat cue on the back of her motorbike jacket he claimed to not know what humanon was but months before he took the oath with his entire extended family where we go one we go all right here we go god bless america he was the military man who knew about the hillary clinton scandals and what they've been doing for years like his truth is what brought the movement alive oh i want to say this if the person who did the q anon posts came forward and it was actually secretly it was hillary clinton herself because she was so pissed off about the election she thought it would be funny to just [ __ ] with the people that voted against her for four years while she sits at her house if she came out and she provided [ __ ] undeniable proof that hillary clinton was actually q anon trolling on 4chan the whole time these people would not believe it they would not believe it it doesn't matter like this is gone we have to understand this is transcended reality and it is into the realm of faith and you cannot argue with faith you cannot reason with faith because you cannot reason people out of faith because they did not reason themselves into faith and you know whether or not he's in it he's the people's general he woke us up whatever it was he had a role in the great awakening shout out to general flynn uh where we going we go we just talked to general flynn he said he doesn't know what q anon is oh well media look what they do when they take little pieces of it and they they we've been ostracized we've been talked about we've through our families we've lost loved ones wives have walked away parents everybody is ostracized in a certain way in their own communities and it's why give them the opportunity not surprisingly other speakers follow general flynn's leading okay here we go thoughts on the whole like q anon thing i don't know dude i read the guy's name and for a second i thought it's like oh my god is it the ancient aliens guy since when the [ __ ] did he get involved with this like i really i thought like for a second i was like oh no it's but yeah they both have greek names right i'm like oh no no it's the [ __ ] wrong one but no it's another one holy [ __ ] i really don't and you know i only talk about things i know like are you familiar with arena football arena football like the sport yeah the sport so like my roommate was one of the old owners of one of the teams yeah this um you know event in general has been called a q on conspiracy theory rally even says where we go one we go all on the lanyard what are your thoughts on that whole thing i don't know i'm just here to talk booker t washington is the father of black conservatism his three-point plan of education entrepreneurship is self-reliance we need to bring that back i see the crystal raindrops fall and the beauty of it it wouldn't be a channel 5 video if somebody wasn't saying shining through i think was the best thing that ever happened to black people in particular i represent the hood from st louis we kill each other every day in the black community when a young girl is sitting up on her bed doing her homework and a bullet comes through the window there's no black lives matter but as soon as a white police officer grabs a black person the wrong way put the finger in the face the wrong way black lives matter it has nothing to do with the matters of black lives what are the undercurrents that are hiding behind the black lives matter movement first of all it's it was started and it was started by two lesbian uh black lesbians who hate the black family so here's the thing right it's like you can have something that's like it's like yeah this is kind of true right it's like okay well you know it seems kind of opportunistic in certain times and they should talk about other stuff too and then as soon as you dig a little bit deeper it's like wow this person's like okay he's saying something that's kind of relevant and then it's actually by two black lesbians you know and they hate the black family like that that's what happens right and it's just it's disappointing because you have people that have like you know you you could get something out of this and then it goes it goes off the [ __ ] deep end or against blm and antifa rage is on okay until i'm speaking to you so what i saw yesterday is uncalled for when you're sitting there making up lies i like the music man that are involved with you and on when you're sitting there spewing ugliness make sure you know and educate yourself and don't be spewing out venom midway through our interview fake news arrived cnn what the [ __ ] is going on what's happening what is this [Music] oh oh is that fake news fake news will how you doing brother trying to get in huh not good try to get in huh not good well wait who is i don't who the [ __ ] is who is that who was i don't even know what that is i mean there are not fans of mine i think q anon john who runs it is not like a huge fan of my reporting people just like aren't huge fans of reporters in general what q anon tells you is that like the most powerful people in the world just committing the most heinous crimes they're abusing children with impunity right and only you and donald trump can stop it and so if you believe that then like yeah of course you're going to be on board with q anon and i think like part of it is frankly that it seems pretty fun and look they call themselves digital soldiers right it's like you're like in a war do you feel bad for these people yeah for the most part i mean i don't feel super bad for like the people who are promoting it and like who i think are often cynically making money and ruining people um but yeah i i typically feel very bad for the average human believer because you know it's something that it prays on your emotions right it's like almost everyone i know they have a story about someone they know who has like lost their mind to q and on yeah [Music] man i should have gone to this this looks great that's that's great we're actually doing food we're actually feeding people yeah what do you think he was trying to say that's classified but who his mom [Music] it's not that good it's like shaped nicely but it's not like she's not that hot it's like it's like crazy i am a menace eat his booty out oh my oh god dude respectfully this is listen you gotta understand this is the this is the generation these people are gonna run the country soon okay you gotta understand this yeah these guys future yeah look at that respectfully absolutely can't wait yeah i love trump but i hated when he banned flavored vape juice i want to know why what happened in minamar can't happen here no reason i mean it should happen no reason yeah i have no idea what that is um is it it's a coup oh great uh so yeah i mean here's the way i look it's like a lot of these people right i mean these people are [ __ ] nuts like obviously not all of them some people just mismisled or you know they just believe crazy stuff but some of the people that get involved with this stuff are [ __ ] nuts right and it is sad to see them and and see the see what happens like this is the only this is the good place the best part of the [ __ ] video dude this is this is real real high quality i'm really glad that these guys care about food safety you know what i mean like they care about you know making sure that you know the food is is not messed up and everything is just done the right way yeah legends exactly look it's just it's sad to see this stuff happen as i said before i'm willing to believe things that are extraordinary but however with extraordinary things i require extraordinary evidence and i feel like in many of these cases that evidence is not provided that's the way i feel about it these videos are [ __ ] amazing andrew is a god and the whole team behind him are gods i love these videos they are some of the best videos on the entire internet and i absolutely [ __ ] love them [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 370,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, all gas no brakes, asmongold all gas no brakes, channel 5, all gas no brakes channel 5, channel 5 all gas no brakes, all gas channel 5, channel 5 all gas, asmongold channel 5, andrew callaghan, channel 5 q, channel 5 reaction, q reaction, q conference, channel 5 q conference, q conference reaction, q anon, qanon conference, qanon, what is qanon, hasan q anon, q anon conspiracy, qanon conspiracy, q conspiracy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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