Asmongold on The Pro-Trump Protesters Storming the US Capitol & PogChamp Emote Removal

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now um basically what happened i'll explain pretty much what happened for anybody who doesn't know who's not really familiar with the news and what's been going on so uh in general there was a a big protest yesterday there's a demonstration uh donald trump and a number of other people organized it for people to protest the results of the election they thought the election was fraudulent so they went to protest the results of the election uh in the process of that happening um people broke into the capitol building did all kinds of bad [ __ ] stole [ __ ] out of it uh like basically invaded people's like private offices and just did all kinds of crazy [ __ ] real-time yeah real-time rating man well the thing is the real-time rating i see people man i saw these pictures of these guys they're walking out dude there's this one guy he's literally got the [ __ ] speaker's podium you guys probably know the picture i'm talking about he's like this it's like man [Music] they're gonna find out like are you kidding me and you know what's so [ __ ] funny about that is a lot of those same [ __ ] people don't believe in wearing a mask so they're more easily identifiable that's like straight up [ __ ] natural selection i couldn't even believe it like are you crazy at least try to hide your face really it's insane it made literally no sense to me this is generally like i think that most reasonable person most reasonable people look at this and view it as a disgrace this is a disgrace that people would go in there and do that to the capitol building i i think it's ridiculous they should have burned no this shouldn't burn anything dude they should they should have [ __ ] stayed out of the building because that's what the law says to [ __ ] do and so anyway uh this happened and um anyway uh somebody got shot because she was uh there's this lady who's like climbing in a window and not obeying the police and the police shot her so um basically what happened with the pogchamp guy i just want to explain pretty much the story so you guys have the context around it um so what four people died yeah uh is it four okay um well this is like i think the first person uh and the police shot this lady and um yeah they shot her she was going in the capitol building they told her not to she did it anyway they shot her um you know argue you know like you can say n a cops you can say listen to cops i don't know like anyway i'll talk about probably more of that later so anyway um the guy the pogchamp guy this is the uh gutex gutex um makes a tweet and he says um he says it is is there going to be civil unrest today or is the the mega martyr hashtag uh going to have died in vain now this is what he said now um twitch interpreted this as a call to violence [Music] i think that while it is not a direct call to violence it is about as close to a call to violence as possible and it is so much of a call to action that that is almost verbatim what aragorn has said in lord of the rings and helms deep right before they rode out to fight the army so this is clearly an inspiration for action okay like this this is clearly what it is and and this is what happens to people and i think a lot of people need to understand this okay this is an unfortunate reality that we live in but the fact is that there's a lot of people out there that get left behind by the system they get alienated by their peers that get basically this is what happens right you have somebody like this who gets uh you know they get themselves into these like real real deep conspiracy theories right and they get really really into it and the problem with what happens is that these things are uh they're self-perpetuating and it's like a death spiral because once you start getting into some conspiracy theories you start alienating yourself from some people and then by alienating yourself from some people it creates a confirmation bias and the person's head to get to the conspiracy theories that to some degree that they're right so it what happens it this is not it's not a good thing and i think that what we need to realize here with a lot of these people and by the way i think that twitch probably made the right decision with uh what do you call with doing this i think that it was the right call overall uh getting rid of the emote was the right call i don't support anybody uh bringing up like violence or saying anything like that and so with him doing that i i agree it's just an email what the [ __ ] uh i don't actually and i i want to preface this by also saying this other thing okay i don't think this was necessary by twitch this was not necessary this was twitch doing it probably because of being a risk adverse you know they don't want to have somebody that's representing their website that makes them look bad and they could potentially lose money but realistically when is an advertiser going to look at an emote on twitch and then take the person who's the emote is a part of look at their entire [ __ ] history and then say oh well we're not going to do business with you because you have an emote of somebody who made a tweet that was bad one time right this is or not one time but like you know like it started making bad tweets like this is not really what's going to happen so i do understand like people's frustration with it as well because ultimately i don't think this was really a necessary decision by twitch i think it's more of a symbolic decision and a certain degree i'm not really a huge fan of that but i can see why they did it i think that overall um regardless i think the guy's a [ __ ] okay i i think he's a [ __ ] [ __ ] the problem with a lot of this and this is my opinion the problem with a lot of this is you have people like gutex who have been marginalized by society they've been pushed aside they've felt excommunicated from places that they feel like they should be part of they've been that they've lost their place in society and they go on the internet and they look for a reason why some people find jesus some people find alex jones some people find antifa but the end result of all of these things is dogmatic behavior and faith in things that are not necessarily true and real and the usage of that faith and that belief to harm other people that's what really happens so whenever you look at these people and you see how you know you think yourself how terrible these people are yes they are doing bad things that that's true but many of the times the reason why they do these bad things is because they think that they're doing a good thing they think that they're in the right and a lot of these people are not these secret scheming maniacal terrorists or whatever these are people who have been abandoned and marginalized by society who have turned to the internet and radicalized themselves in their own echo chamber and as time has gone on it's gotten worse and worse and worse and now we're at a boiling point for a lot of those people and we're starting to see them emerge that's really what it is and i don't know if you guys have ever seen this i'm gonna give you a very very small like metaphor for this or a very small example of this that happens on twitch regularly and maybe you'll be able to understand what i'm saying have you ever seen somebody in chat get banned for something and then say that they got banned because they were speaking the truth because for me as a streamer i hear that all the time i hear that all the [ __ ] time so there is clearly a correlation with people who get banned and socially ostracized to then being radicalized by that ostracization ostracized ostras [ __ ] by getting removed from society and it like self perpetuates it's a vicious cycle where like you get crazier and then more people don't want to talk to you and more people don't want to talk to you so you get crazier and then more people don't want to talk to you because you're even crazier and then you get even crazier than that and so this is what this is what happens censorship breeds echo chambers no it's not even it's not even about that these are not it's not censorship these are people that are going and they're making their own groups the thing is i think somebody has a certain right to creating their own echo chamber but there are some times whenever things go over the line like i think that honestly a lot of these social media platforms need to look at the impact that they're having with letting people make these mass organized these like mass organized events because people die at these events you know like millions of dollars of property damage is created in these events these are bad things that happen and i think there needs to be some responsibility for the people that that do these things because if you don't give them any responsibility it's just going to keep getting worse in general the way that i think twitter and these social media platforms should do things this is my opinion on it okay is that i think any call to violence at all is an immediate permanent like that's an immediate permaban any call the violence to another person or a call for destruction of property or call for uh anything like that um antifa too why would it be different for antifa it would be the same for why would it what was the logic of it being different from one person and not another if you're calling for violence on somebody it's bad it doesn't matter who it is it's it's still bad and so uh destruction of statues yeah i would agree with that i think that there's a process of of having statues removed and i think that what we've seen in a lot in the last year and this is like this is what's happened right is that people have equated the amount of laws that they can break to the amount of outrage that they feel so the more the more mad you are the more okay it is for you to break the [ __ ] law and the thing is with me is that i actually got a lot of um i got a lot of flack for this whenever i originally started talking about it at the beginning of the year whenever there were a lot of the blm protests and i was very against the looting i was very against all of the uh anybody destroying destroying property or breaking the law basically i've always been a very big supporter of you know protesting and political action you guys might not know this but i um i i'm not going to get into that right but i did political stuff quite a long time ago right it was very very long time ago but the point is that i've always been against this i've been consistently against this and what pisses me off pisses me off is now i got people that think that i wasn't they think that i wasn't i thought they thought that i thought it was okay [Music] i never said that i remember i had bunches of people mad at me because i i condemned it they're furious they're like what the [ __ ] you can't condemn this and i and by the way by the way i understand how they feel i don't i i don't excuse what they do but i understand and i see the reason for it i get it from from the the blm people and i get it from the protesters yesterday because here's what happens it's a very simple question and this is the way i used to feel about the law whenever i was younger too [Music] why respect a system that doesn't respect you and that's what they think and at the end of the day i i can't i can't fault somebody about that i understand how they feel and i think that you know if you look at history there are a lot of cases of people standing up against uh bad or against the legal system or against something like that and winning and these people in history are regarded as heroes to some degree so of course you're going to see a lot of people that want to in some way or another emulate that so you agree with people at the capitol tearing [ __ ] up huh i never said that i think anybody who stepped foot inside that capitol building yesterday should be charged anybody who stepped foot in that capitol building it doesn't matter if you were the one that broke down the doors if you step foot in that capitol building you should be charged i think anybody who is destroying businesses or looting things throughout this whole year should also be charged that that's my opinion there's no there's no justification there's no rationalization that makes it okay you follow the law and you do what we have all agreed as a society to do there is a process to changing how things are and whenever you ignore that process or you get upset because that process didn't go the way you wanted it to that doesn't give you the right to just turn everything over flip the board over and do whatever you want even if you're mad even if you're mad you still can't break the law i know that might sound crazy but it's true you can't break the law even if you're mad how about the french revolution then i find it very funny i find it very funny that a lot of people use examples of revolts against a monarchy to rationalize destroying property in a democracy of course people are going to revolt against the king because they have no other recourse of course they're going to do that there's no that you can't vote the king out you can't do anything it's completely different what's your opinion on trump's involvement yesterday's events um so every single time that you do a protest or something like that or the people that organize the protest responsible for the behavior and everybody at the protest and i think the answer is not yes or no i think it's somewhere in the middle now how much of it is trump's fault and how much of it is is not i don't know i heard and this is what i've heard i don't know if this is necessarily true i heard that the cops literally opened the gates for the people to go inside of the uh the capitol building or to go closer to the capitol building to me whenever i heard that that sounded like they did that was a mistake whoever made that call should be released from the force that's a huge [ __ ] mistake and unless i hear a really good reason why uh that's the way i feel about it they should be gone they should just be [ __ ] gone man uh that's a and selfies with them the thing is i saw people taking selfies with like other protesters like at the uh the rallies but the difference with the selfies and the rallies and everything like that it's like if you're taking a selfie with somebody who's literally inside the capitol building that per that person is actively breaking the law it's very different than taking a selfie with somebody who's you know out there on the street protesting it's very very different in my opinion can we pass the on your side uh what do you think would happen if people of color march in a capital building like that um who knows right i think that obviously like they're obvious most of the people there were white okay like let's be honest i saw most of the pictures mostly people there were white if people of if black people or you know the word people of color marched on it i think that it would have been taken i don't know it's impossible to say because i don't know if you can relegate what happens in an event like that in an event like that down to the outcome based off of the people's skin color it depends on if there are people there that are agitators or not like that that's what it is yeah obviously sometimes that might be bad sometimes it wouldn't be come on dude you've seen it okay dude they'll be shot on site no they would not be shot on site this is like the ext this is the insane extremism that i'm talking about no they would have not been shot on site that is nuts give me a [ __ ] break and actually by the way they did shoot another person who was trying to get into the capitol building yesterday and as far as i know she was white so it doesn't really matter um let's see here yelled on site yeah i think people are being intellectually dishonest well no people think that and this is what happens right is it this is more of the uh this is in my opinion more of the extremism i i think this is a hundred percent like this isn't a 100 an extremist opinion obviously yes it could have been worse or not but you can't compare an event and say this is what happened and say yes this is what happens and a hundred percent it would have been completely different in this way if the person was a different skin color that's an unfair thing to say it's divisive it's pointless and there are plenty of other protests that happened in blm where nobody got shot or hurt either like this is it's it's not like this is a guarantee one way or another people's emotions are affecting it i think to some degree yeah uh is it right to kill terrorists uh is it right to kill terrorists not without a trial i mean that's the thing right is that you have to like here you know here in america you you don't you don't just shoot people randomly wait what are the question marks are you kidding me who determines who a terrorist is the person with the gun what happens when they're wrong do you ever think about this do you ever think about what that really means but yeah are you kidding me so based off of every single person's individual [ __ ] decision or idea of what a terrorist is that means that they can go and shoot them and everybody has a different definition of this some people think the guys yesterday were freedom fighters other ones think they're terrorists so can half the people shoot their guns or not what happens afterwards whenever you look and see what the actual reality is we have a system for dealing with people that break the law under threats to society use the [ __ ] system yeah we tried the [ __ ] nazis do you think they they can't handle a few kconas or a few looters we can't try a few looters but we could handle the [ __ ] the the nazi leadership come on we can do that we've done it before what about whenever the u.s invades other countries like iraq who's making the terror uh i was always against uh the the iraq war i was always very against that i thought it's a waste of our money so uh yeah i think that way yeah i'm against that yeah i think almost everybody was like it's a waste of our money it's a [ __ ] it's a waste of our [ __ ] money like we're gonna go over there like every bomb that we drop on some [ __ ] on some cave over in iraq is a teacher's salary that we don't pay it's a raise that we don't give it's a entitlement bonus for welfare for a person with kids that they don't get it's not like there's infinite amount there might be infinite money because you can print as much of it as you can but there's not infinite resources resources are finite then you're wasting them that's what i think about that [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 385,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold best, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, pro-trump, trump, biden, pogchamp, PogChamp, pogchamp removed, pogchamp emote removed, us capitol, capitol, Pro-Trump Protesters, asmongold trump, trump capitol, angry trump mob, trump protest, trump protesters, trump protest capitol, asmongold trump protest, pro-trump protest, pro trump, biden capitol, biden speech, pogchamp ban, pogchamo emote ban
Id: 1EEKnqIbpQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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