The Elder Scrolls Online is Unrecognizable in 2023

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since it's released all the way back in 2014 The Elder Scrolls Online has received consistent yearly updates expanding and adding to the game this is one of the MMOs that has gotten the steadiest amount of add-ons over the years which is a big part of the reason I keep coming back to it year after year to check out what's new because there's pretty much always something new to see it's also why Bethesda has sponsored today's video their most recent update necron came out just the other month and they asked me to tell you about it which is just about the easiest and best kind of sponsor that I can think of honestly they want me to tell you about a game that I play regularly okay easy enough so let's do it uh like I said ESO vastly different today than it was when it released so what I want to do is catch up to speed on all of the updates starting in 2015 about a year after the game launched we saw the release of the Imperial City update so this opened up a brand new PVE VP play Space it included the Imperial City districts as well as the sewers and what was cool about this it was a new area to farm enemies you would Farm them for this currency that you could change in for gear but the big thing was the fact that other players from enemy factions were also roaming around and it was full on open PVP which meant all of the Bedlam and craziness that you expect go around you be in the fight you'd have someone jump you or vice versa whenever you killed someone or if you died that person could then take that currency along with this they added hours of story content and side quests and two all-new group dungeons with both the normal and Veteran versions also at the same time in 2015 we saw orcinium this was a huge new Zone with all of the typical new Zone points of interest and things to do there were delves and cities towns side quest areas Sky shards to collect World bosses this also included of course two large public dungeons the public dungeons have always hands down been some of the content that I've enjoyed the most because there are open spaces you're gonna see other players running around but there's also a huge number and density of enemies they're just large groups of enemies Elites mixed with normal enemies and tons of different bosses and then also all of the public dungeons will have their own unique specific uh like group event inside of it and you if you complete that event it's going to reward a skill point which plays into the game's progression I've always loved the public Dungeons and every time we get new zones with new public dungeons I I just really enjoy that content then also here this is when they added the Maelstrom Arena so this is basically like a new single player challenge where you fight through these increasingly difficult waves of enemies and bosses for some really good loot and by really good I mean the Maelstrom staff has remained as a best in slot weapon for most of my characters for many many years this is a really really good item and there's lots of other good Maelstrom weapons that were added in this update all the way back in 2015 and that carried over for many many years I think it might actually still be some best installed stuff for builds currently as well although I'm not really up to date on all the high-end best and soft stuff because that's not really how I play ESO nowadays but we'll get to that a little bit later so let's move on to 2016. two years after release of the game we first saw the inclusion of the Thieves Guild of course this iconic Guild from the Elder Scrolls series with this you could unlock the Thieves Guild themed skill line so a brand new skill line focused on giving you various tools for sneaking around staying in the shadows and of course thievery so they added pickpocket into the game letting you steal items from NPCs that you can then sell to Thieves Guild fences there was also the bounty system break along I get a bounty pay the Bounty and you go free they added daily Heist missions where they asked you to sneak into specific locations so these would be like people's homes or warehouses steal a specific item get out collect your reward and there's also the addition of these thieves Trove caches spread all throughout the game throughout all of Tamriel and also here with the Thieves Guild update they added a new 12 player trial trials in this game are just sort of like the raid style content it's a large group difficult content with good rewards and what goes hand in hand with the Thieves Guild would of course be the Dark Brotherhood in 2016 we had the inclusion of this update allowing you to join the Dark Brotherhood and become a killer for hire we got the new region of the Gold Coast to explore they also add in new repeatable Quest asking you to take out specific targets it's like a headhunting sort of thing and a dark brotherhood skill line with a bunch of different abilities there was this Blade of Woe which is like an execute skill letting you instantly take down certain targets and also they added things like uh extra move speed and stealth after using Blade of Woe A reduced aggro radius while mounted and a few other passive abilities then in 2016 we saw Shadows of the hist this was a smaller DLC and these will be spotted throughout all of these years of Updates this particular one added two new argonian-themed Dungeons and along with those dungeons came some new unique item sets and two new monster masks and monster master of these special combos it's like a mask and a shoulder piece when you have the set it gives you a really really cool special bonus the monster mask set High to all of these games Dungeons and then the last thing that happened in 2016 and it was no slouch this was the one Tamriel update and this was a pretty big deal at the time as it marked a major change and overhaul for the game with one Tamriel they completely updated all of the open world content removing level restrictions to zones and enemies and essentially adding level scaling so everything scales to the level everything scales to you the player no matter what kind of content you're doing it's gonna be be whatever level you are personally enjoy the fact that it does remove that restriction and just let you approach any content basically makes it so that there are no dead zones there is no dead content and at least I feel for ESO it really changed its focus from that sort of vertical progression the climbing of the ladder of power and then having uh zones and enemies uh tied to that to a more horizontal progression and that's how I approach uh ESO nowadays although they do have Pinnacle stuff to go for and power things to long-term power progression to kind of strive towards it is very much so horizontal for a majority of the game especially for the Overworld in one Tamriel they also removed all of the alliance restrictions for grouping so ESO is a three faction game and initially once you picked a faction you were locked into that and you couldn't play with people from other factions well they got rid of that so that you can group and play with people and for your friends or in different factions although the PVP does still have that faction War mechanic to it with the world scaling now of course the love differences between players also didn't matter so if you were level 50 and then you had a friend who was level 10 and just started playing you could still group with them and both of these changes just made it so that it became easier for people to play together which I think overall is a good thing and like I said this also made it so that all of the open world content remain relevant no matter your level and that's a feature of the game that I still enjoy to this game I will have a max level character I'm not Max CP points but I'm maxed character level and I can still go to like starting zones for the various factions areas that in the original game would have been like level one to ten I can still go it's still meaningful I'm still getting XP from killing enemies I'm still getting loot that's leveled up and I'm still collecting skyshards like it's all it's really good because none of the zones then turn into dead zones which again I do appreciate other additions with one Tamriel included them adding player dueling to the game and they also and this was pretty big they added ultimates for every weapon skill line so every single weapon in the game the two-handed web two-handed melee one-handed melee so I Jordan Shield the staffs the destruction restoration staffs the bow every single weapon in the game then also got an ultimate added to it which just added a bunch more variety of skills and different kind of builds for players to do and some of those weapon skill line ultimates are pretty darn good I've used them in various builds that I've had on characters over the years okay so after one tamrail we move into 2017 we had a somewhat small update with the homestead update this was focused on player housing you know what player housing is you buy a house you get the house it becomes your home location and you can decorate it so they added dozens of homes with all sorts of visual and aesthetic variety and thousands of items for you to customize your space to make it a cozy little home of your liking there was also the addition of a brand new crafting system that was focused on building Furniture player housing isn't a particular interest to me personally in MMOs or any game really but I do know a lot of people really really like this system and from what I've seen it's pretty good in ESO then we move on to Morrowind and this was also kind of a big deal because with Morrowind this this was the introduction of this new yearly content update structure so prior to this every single update was kind of like a standalone DLC add-on it stood on its own it was its own thing or a free update but in 2017 with Morrowind they basically had a brand new template for updating the game and that template was every single year we would be getting one major chapter which would have a bulk of the new content as well as a few DLC packs and these would typically do things like add a couple of new dungeons add some new storyline content a few new items and things to collect and even some new small playable zones but the chapter one would be the big one and a lot of times this would include a large new playable area and that was the case with the Morrowind chapter returning us to Morrowind to explore the island of Van Der fell and return to Vivek City this was a pretty nostalgic update for a lot of people myself included as Morrowind was my first introduction to the Elder Scrolls series pulling on the Nostalgia strings here and I I quite enjoyed it for that reason this also introduced the brand new class the warden this is like a nature based magic user with all sort of Animal Companions this was and is to this day my favorite class it is the class that I am still meaning right now basically I play as a frost Warden I've got the Werebear companion I can command these insects to go swarm enemies dealing damage over time I also can summon in this flying Cliff racer that swoops down and Deals massive single Target damage and then I've got these Frost skills like I'll coat the ground with a sheet of ice with my ice destruction staff I can summon up ice spikes and then I also invoke this uh spirit of a bird for a huge boost to movement speed I just love the class fantasy and theming of the warden again I still it's my main today Borden and sork are the two that I play but Warden is the one that I play the most the Morrowind chapter also brought with it to the game Battlegrounds a new PVP mode just small scale three teams four versus four verse four who will battle in arenas and we also got a new 12 player trial again that large group raid style content after Morrowind came the horns of reach this was a small dungeon DLC added two new dungeons with new items and then we got the Clockwork city which added a new Zone it's like a medium to small size Zone but I still I still think to this day it is one of the more unique and standout zones in Elder Scrolls Online just a really unique aesthetic to it and layouts and everything all of the a typical new Zone fare as well including a new story to play through and another 12 player trial so there were two 12 player trials added in 2017. then into 2018 we have the first small DLC was the dragon bones this added two new Dungeons and this then moved us into the second major chapter which was the somerset chapter so this added the new zone of somersets which is home of the High Elves with all of the suite of new Zone stuff also the sidjic order skill line with abilities related to time manipulation like time stop which lets you freeze time in this bubble that you summon up there's meditate where you'll Focus to quickly originate generate health and resources and undo which is really cool this is an ultimate that will rewind time four seconds and what that means in actuality is it takes you back four seconds to the health and resources you had as well as the location that you were in uh Somerset also has jewelry crafting letting us make rings and necklaces a new 12-player trial after Somerset we saw the small DLC of wolf Hunter which added two new Dungeons and items and then finally merckmeyer added a mark Meyer the new swampy region this is being the argonians Homeland and we also saw the Black Rose prison which was a new four-player arena team of people will face off against waves of enemies moving into 2019 the first DLC was the dungeon DLC wrathstone added two new Dungeons and this was the beginning of 2019's what was then dubbed season of the dragon and 2019 is when they started like basically naming what the year of updates was called so 2019 season of the Dragon big major chapter update was elsewhere adding the new zone of Elsewhere or this of course course being the khaji's Homeland this update focused on dragons with tons of dragon-themed locations and content there would be dragons flying around the zone and they were sometimes kind enough to land so you could kill them which this was basically the new public Zone event in place of the Dolmen invasions which are in all of Base Elder Scrolls Online elsewhere also added the Necromancer class although I'm gonna be honest I don't know a ton about this class it's actually the one class in the game that I have yet to play but it's a necromancer you summon up dead stuff you surround yourself in bones and a blood of dead things yeah and then a 12 player trial came in elsewhere after elsewhere we got new dungeons with the scale breaker DLC and then we got Dragon hold which added a new medium-sized playable region story Quest and items this moves us into 2020 this year of updates was called the dark heart of Skyrim this was themed around parts of Skyrim with vampires being like the central narrative Focus enemy the horror storm update came first adding two new dungeons then we got the big chapter which was is greymore and with graymore we got the new graymore Zone homeland of the Nords this let us explore parts of Western Skyrim as well as the underground the Subterranean depths of Blackreach really cool location under the basic Overland it added the Antiquity system which was a new treasure hunting basically minigame where you would go out into the world you'd find these specific locations well actually first you have to hunt for Clues and then the clues give you the locations for these areas and then you go to the areas you scry which is like this mini game and then you have to like uncover unearth this stuff and it lets you collect these items and then with those items you can get some really super powerful unique gear really really cool stuff there's also like cosmetic things and stuff like that but some of like the best gear in the game comes from this Antiquity system through this like treasure hunting in graymore the public world event was called horror storms these like Supernatural storms that you could uh partake in they added a new 12 player trial of course and then after that we got Stone Thorne which added two new Dungeons and then Mark carth which added a new playable area wrapped up the conclusion of that year of stories and they also added a new solo arena for people to try out then in 2021 this was called the gates of Oblivion year of updates themed around Daedra the first DLC flames of ambition added two new dungeons items and began the story then the big update was called Blackwood this added the new zone of Blackwood includes the Imperial City of Leon and the bogs of shadowfen this is also when they introduced the companion system these are basically just allies that will follow you around and fight alongside you they also have the new world event of Oblivion portals and a new 12 player trial after Blackwood we got the waking flame dungeon DLC with two new Dungeons and then it all wrapped up with the deadlands which brought a new playable area and the conclusion to that year stories then moving on to 2022 this year of updates was the legacy of the bretons as you might guess it was about the bretons the first DLC was ascending tide two new Dungeons and items then we got to the new Zone and the chapter of high Isle and ominos so with this we got new stuff new Zone all the new Zone things we got some new companions they also introduced a brand new system called Tales of tribute it's basically like a collectible card game that is within ESO all sorts of activities to build up your decks and then you can take your decks and do collectible card game dueling with other people they added volcanic vents this is the new version of the world events another 12 player trial after that was the Lost depth dungeon DLC with two new Dungeons and it all wrapped up with the fire song DLC which added the new Zone the island of Galen and some new story content to conclude all of that and that finally brings us to this year 2023 so this year of updates is called Shadow over Morrowind where is it well Morrowind more or less so the first one was scribes of Fate that was the first DLC added two new dungeons this entire year of updates is focused on the Daedric prince of knowledge otherwise known as Hermes Mora so the big chapter update that just took place is called necron so with this update we got two new zones first we start off by exploring the telvani peninsula this has got many familiar sites from the world of Morrowind like the Towering mushrooms and many Jagged spiers a very Morrowind reminiscent here because it's part of that we also have and get to explore the city of necron and this is where the dark elves honor their dead and then after progressing the story and playing through the talvani peninsula we make our way to the Daedric realm of Apocrypha which is a bit more strange to say the least we got structures made out of basically entirely piles of stacked books and tomes things like the endless Library lots of fossilized objects and bones all over the place we got those big swirly crustacean things that I'm sure you remember from science class books when you were a kid both zones also have the usual Suite of things tons of side quests all sorts of delves the public dungeons the events Collectibles shrines World bosses and world events and this new world event system quite unique in that it's an instanced world event rather than just being something you stumble across these are called Bastion nimics and basically how this works is you go around collecting these special materials that drop from Seekers Seekers are like these mini bosses that roam around the zones I tried doing them solo and they were actually quite difficult not impossible but certainly not the easiest once you collect five of those resources you then bring them to these special locations and they let you open a portal into a Bastion nimic and basically this is just go through fight a bunch of different enemies and defeat a boss a final boss there's three variations to those bosses I believe now being new zones like I said they've got delves and Dungeons and again these are my favorite kinds of things so there's a couple of new there's two new ones in the telvani area and these are fairly familiar looking a basic kind of uh ESO stuff like we've got an egg mine full of kwama for example but I gotta say in necron there are some really cool areas specifically there are some dungeons some or delves as they're called made entire fairly out of stacked books and you're basically going through these bridges made of books and all the walls and everything and you got like all sorts of funky looking enemies like the floating eyes they even basically have like eye security cameras where they'll be scanning the ground and if you walk over them it'll shoot out a beam that will paralyze you if you got hit there's also this one that's like a ship graveyard with this wreckage that's suspended midair some really really cool areas and this sort again the Xbox I talk about this every time I talk about ESO but exploring delves and public dungeons some of my favorite content in the game I just really enjoy it in necrom they also added two new companions for you to have fight by your side and of course a new 12 player trial and probably the biggest thing besides the new play space and all of that is a brand new class this is The Arcanist class with access to destructive restorative and defensive Magic by channeling Arcane energies ancient runes and lost tomes of power this is the first class in the game to basically use a combo point system where certain abilities will generate these cruxes that float around your character the more cruxes you have the more powerful other certain abilities of yours become pretty cool class you can play it in all three main ways with uh damage dealing tanking and healing at your disposal I personally played as a medium armor stamina build using a two-handed sword as my primary bar and then playing with Liam he actually went with a Magicka build using a destruction and restoration staff seems like both builds are pretty viable and interesting especially given that each of the three skill lines has a different Focus be it damage dealing healing or tanking I think the class's theme is pretty neat as well with these like channeled beams and firing out tentacles Rune blades summoning an eye that fires a laser healing runes you got a teleportation gate just a lot of different uh cool and interesting new ways to play with The Arcanist class as of this date they've already released that again that dungeon DLC with the two new dungeons they just released the necron chapter and then coming up later this year they're actually gonna be focusing on adding quality of life improvements and Bug fixes in Q3 and Q5 four they're talking about adding a brand new game system which is as some sort of endless dungeon I don't believe we've heard all of the specifics yet but I'm looking forward to hearing and seeing more about this now while this is a sponsored video I've talked about it many many times over the years since before the game launched in 2014. the Elder Scrolls Online has been one of the MMOs that I consistently go back to especially ESO you know a lot of MMOs will get like big updates or big expansions every two sometimes every three years ESO gets a sizable chunk of content every single year adding new zones adding new classes adding new systems and even if a lot of the zones are like structurally very similar to what the base game is open area main story quests side quests and then all of those things to do and see in that open world content I just enjoy going through that and that is how I typically come back to the game like every time I reinstall ESO a couple times a year and I go through and play it it's basically like okay I want to see the new update I want to check out the new zone so I'll play through the story I'll explore the new zone I'll uncover all those points of interest go through every delve do the public dungeons I don't really bother too much with the vertical progression for the most part like maybe I'll make some progress on going after those super rare Chase items but largely I've got my base set of gear I've got the build that I like maybe I'll level up a new class if there's new class which there is in this latest update I'll do some Dungeons and some PVP just for the heck of it maybe I'll collect a new gear set to try to get a new monster set of the particular type that I want but for the most part I just like going in checking out the new stuff and uh playing for a while then after a couple weeks I usually leave and I'm pretty happy and that's exactly what I've done so far and I've still got some more to do but I've enjoyed necron I'm gonna keep on playing through it and eventually I'll reach the point where I'm happy and I'll put it away until a new big update comes out and then I'll return to check that out as well but yes the Elder Scrolls Online has changed quite a lot since 2014 with all of the updates that it's received over the years and I still quite enjoy coming to the game and approaching it from that more like casual well horizontal progression hey let me just check out the new thing and do my Taurus D MMO thing before moving on and then eventually coming back so yeah there you go thanks once again to Bethesda for sponsoring today's video if you guys are interested and jumping in the eso and checking out the latest net Chrome update uh do me a favor and go ahead and click on that link in the description below and that pretty much does it for this video thank you so much for watching hope you enjoyed this overview of the changes and major updates to Elder Scrolls online and a little highlight of their most recent necron update that's gonna do it for today though thank you for watching I'll see you next time
Channel: Force Gaming
Views: 549,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elder scroll online update, elder scrolls online overview, elder scrolls online should you play, elder scrolls online review, elder scrolls online is it good, ESO update, eso should you play, eso what's new
Id: X2o_8hWLtJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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