Asmongold Finds Easter Eggs & Secret Zones While Exploring Shadowlands | ft. Mcconnell

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uh under you under me look at this okay let's look at this d mount wait what the what the it's right down there it's a glitch in the matrix it's a secret spot do you guys think i can make it i think i can make it i'm gonna get as high up as possible i'm gonna glide her down okay we're going now we made it we made it it's easy dude that's the easiest made it of my life dude that's the easiest made it of my life dude look at that the forgotten retreat what the [ __ ] is this what's over here there's one eye rune stag bro does this drop a mount yeah everybody explore around and see if there's anything that i'm missing here wow what's this what i'm going over to you going over here this is a relic of the ancient ones it is actually you're right nothing else over here can we have to be something there's got to be some can we get a stone down because there's oh my god what is that your spirit is a bright one your spirit is a bright one the winds whisper your name what the [ __ ] it's mufasa this is crazy this is the only thing that was really in here they're erping apparently yeah we've disrupted their erp dude i suppose so we're gonna get banned yeah probably probably true at this point i want to find you know what i i want to find out what's over here i want to get to this one right here that one has got to be some crazy [ __ ] all right go man you got it man you got it bro crabby you got it man oh [ __ ] i'm gonna try to just glider guys get ready to summon me over there okay no wait wait wait what this is it this is what the game is all about it's time to use the following meteor i only have a few chargers left man i have three charges left do i use one to get over there it's time to go where no man has ever gone before let's do it you're doing it no way that worked what the [ __ ] dude dude that is [ __ ] what the [ __ ] dude all right all right we gotta go in here what is this dude okay now is there anything on this island at all wait there's nothing there wait you wasted a charge wait i'm in the debt i'm in the death cam this is the death camp if you get too close it shows your body falling down it's the death cam oh my god what the [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] so i have to go up here now this is actually the forbidden lands dude that is simply epic i know true dude what the [ __ ] what is even over here there's no music over here or anything jump to here maybe so like there's nothing even like it's not even planned out or anything like that what the [ __ ] if you go down here it changes your [ __ ] camera oh my god look at me i'm just going all the way over there dude and there's nothing even really to see over here either let's go over to the other side see if i can go over there instead you're in the in between yeah i'm in the [ __ ] like this is the in between between the different worlds in the shadowhands so it should change right here yeah there we go okay good so what if we go over to this way what the what the hell is going on what the [ __ ] dude that would be cool if blizzard made a secret that did this to your camera so you have to like you have to control your character but you can't see where you're going yeah that'd be [ __ ] awesome blizzard get on that i command you [ __ ] is this place wait what is that area there wait what the [ __ ] what is this area over here i don't even know this is like a completely new land okay christopher columbus i'm yeah i'm gonna go claim it this is mine now so if we go over to here you can barely see the trees through the fog actually wait a minute can this dispel the fog you can just see it you can just barely see it off in the distance that far off tree we have been waiting one hour in order for this to come off of cooldown i only have two charges left of my falling flame five four three two one blast off uh it's a wall bro it's a wall are you kidding me wait i'm getting there i'm getting there i'm almost there i'm almost there i'm trying to get around it no no no path no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no let's go uh i just made it somebody said you can get that from another way uh i don't know about that i i didn't i didn't say 500 subs on that i said 500 subs on getting on the crystal shut up you guys aren't going to convince me out of you guys you're not going to trick me out of that wait what the [ __ ] wait they just randomly put me in oribos wait er wait what wait what how the [ __ ] did they get over there are you telling me that i messed it up are you kidding me okay let me try and do this here okay so if i go i think i can make it i think i i think i can [ __ ] make it other people might not be able to do it but i can we're making it all the way over there okay you might have it i told you guys arcelios is solace what the hell what is this what are these islands for man oh my god look at it all wow wait who's oh my [Music] greetings fellow traveler who are you i am a wanderer a traveler for ains i have walked and explored the realms of life and now death as time stretches on i look back on my existence and ponder many things how did you get here he must have had a goblin glider well i walked wait uh how does uh i don't know about that i found this lovely spot beneath the tree and i decided to stop and meditate somehow i must have contemplated longer for what i thought because i seem to have drifted away from the rest of arden wheeled wait so does that mean it's coming apart aren't you worried about the slow and extra bold decay around everything around you are kelios chuckles no if it all crumbles away beneath me it's just time for a new adventure what the hell is going on this guy knows more than he's leaning on this guy knows something lyrics flourish what the [ __ ] name this guy knows something oh my god let me go over to here there's a talking mushroom what wait what stuff dude what is this ah it feels good to stretch out back again i see such a hard worker oh my god this is incredible what the [ __ ] okay let's talk to the mushroom well if it isn't my favorite mushroom you i don't recognize you how'd you get all the way out here younglings these days i'm not sure how you did it but you got yourself into quite a mess i'll take you back to arnold proper this time just because i'm an old nobody and takes care and nobody takes care of me anymore doesn't mean i won't help someone in a bind what the [ __ ] what kind of drugs were they on when they made this area uh under you under me look at this okay let's look at this d mount wait what the what the what the [ __ ] we're like under the textures what is this oh [ __ ] i only came back up it's right down there it's a glitch in the matrix holy [ __ ] man it's a secret spot wow this is the new adventure area yeah should i try to go to the island again so if i get on top of this tree maybe i could glide her over that one from this direction i don't know if i can or not though oh my god what the [ __ ] oh my god we're making our way up there i think we can get over to the other side wait do we get to the ceiling here oh we can't go anywhere okay so should i try to go for it guys do i try to go to the secret island if this doesn't work i will try one other angle let's go i can't quite i can't get over there i'm i've got to try another angle let me try another angle okay check them out i can't go past this no no no no no no can i maybe go over from here take me over [ __ ] i i can't move it now what can i do what if i hold myself here until i have my other glider up wait i've entered my gliders okay how can i get out of here heroic leap no that's not it you killed momentum i know i'm thinking what we can do seven seconds seven seconds don't kill me please don't kill me please don't kill me please don't kill me no no no no no no no all right let me go back over here i want to see if i can get over to this island man i want to yeah i want to see how i get over this island okay let me get up to there maybe and so i'm going to try to glide her down if i can get up to there maybe could i get up in a tree oh maybe i could get up in a tree okay let's go up to there good all right and then i can jump up to maybe here okay good and then i'll wait for my cool down to get up to there and that way i can glide down without losing uh the momentum all right let's go up here there it is and i think i can dwarf shadows up to there can i let me see if i can wow okay ah it's not high enough that's not high enough i i want to go i want to go even higher even higher than that let's go and doing what i want to do okay here we go [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yeah now what's over here is there anything here at all there's got to be something man there's got to be [ __ ] something i don't think we can make it to that one i think we can make it to this one if we land on that i guess i'm going to try to get up to the top again and i'll try to glide her over to the next one because i feel like there's nothing here on this one at least this one is the easiest one to get to so it would make sure it would make sense there's nothing on this one though that's completely fine okay and now we want to get up to the very top go ahead just do this there we go okay so i have to know much gravity well and glider all the way down to there boys let's do it yes i can make it as far as i can [Music] no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] lie no [ __ ] way there's no way i don't make it there it is boys [Music] there it is hank over there no not quite let me go over to here then holy [ __ ] wow it's one of the islands i don't know what what's over here though is it no path available nope all right that's easy okay so what's in here oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] is there anything up in here is like is there anything here i'm not seeing a [ __ ] thing man nothing no there's no way there's no way there's got to be something here man there's no way they just debated me to go all the way over here it's a dev island i don't know okay um wow all right uh let's see now what go over there maybe let's see if i can get to the top good okay and oh this is going to be a hard one to there what if i was up to there okay oh my now god go over this way good over there all right we have to make our way up to here there it is i can't jump up that now where do i want to go all righty i'm trying to get id i'm trying to get an idea trying to get an idea now i go over to here no no no no okay yeah i told i forgot all about the [ __ ] toy man yeah this toy makes it super easy okay and let's do jump here got it good alrighty now let's go maybe up to there got it all right now we're on the roof making good progress now okay there's nothing over there i'm gonna go to the other island [ __ ] this there's nothing here i'm looking around i don't see a [ __ ] thing man let's go to this one there has to be dude there has to be something here man do you think blizzard put something in hard to get spot yeah i think so there's just nothing here at all what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] that's the death cam that's the [ __ ] death cam oh no oh no the mist is taking me oh i can see underneath now wait holy [ __ ] i got underneath is there anything down here though it looks like there's not it's just a bunch of [ __ ] can you hearthstone yeah let me try to hearthstone i'm gonna go back over to our boast and try to the other islands use toy it doesn't work anymore yeah give me a second um i'll use the toy it's slime right yeah i can't use it right now it's a cave there's a cave right no there's not man that's not a [ __ ] cave bro that's just an area that's not a cave i guarantee you that's not a cave i'm hearthing back over now what does this do i got cocked good job boys we now run maldraxis we've earned this i wonder could i get on top of that necropolis i bet i [ __ ] could dude i bet i [ __ ] could you can i just sort of leap up there yeah good and oh i know what to do wait a second i know exactly what to do three two one come on come on there it is dude okay so here's what we do we use the gnomish gravity well to get up high enough and then we use the goblin glider kit to get us on top okay oh okay that's good okay ugh okay okay let's do it it's not well there's no one there's no way our enemies gather for another assault strike them down first and put an end to their threat i waited too long i had to yeah i [ __ ] had to no dude come on man [Music] what the [ __ ] i was so close this giant seamon giant sea monster in the slime wait what there's a sea monster in the slime nah no there's not [Music] what the [ __ ] dude where is he where's the big boy the slime guy should be over this way right the oozing fields [Applause] that's the mail muncher right there [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 581,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, asmongold shadowlands, wow shadowlands, shadowlands, shadowlands zones, wow exploration, asmongold explores, asmongold breaks wow, wow easter eggs, world of warcraft easter eggs, wow hidden zones, wow secret, world of warcraft secret zone, wow secret zone, secret wow, shadowlands zone, shadowlands easter eggs
Id: 7M6arXrjbok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 6sec (1746 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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