The Rise And Fall of ArcheAge | Asmongold Reacts

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rise and fall of archage so it has been a couple of days since I put out a YouTube video on this channel I do apologize I do have some more music coming out on P dude I remember whenever arcage came out it was like during cataclysm and I remember I had a friend of mine like uh like he was playing it and then he was playing it with like another friend of mine who became a streamer and he was playing it with that streamer it was like kind of funny to see it happen and I was watching them play and I was thinking to myself [ __ ] I want play this game this game looks awesome music the Link's up there in the corner that's not today's video today's video we're going to talk about cacao games we're going to talk about archage and how they have made the difficult decision after careful consideration and evaluation of various factors that they are going to announce the official shutdown of archage EU na effective June 27th this year Well nobody's really surprised I'm not surprised I think they're down to one server I think they merged Legacy and Unchained after they said under gigo games they would never do that so right now we're going to talk about why archage failed and if you don't care about archage down here on this bar somewhere there's going to be a talking point about games in general and why they fail oh yeah so why did arh fail well first and foremost it failed right almost out of the box I feel like the reason why everybody that I know said it failed is because it was pay to win they added some sort of pay to win feature into the game that eroded the Integrity of the game and then people stopped caring about it like I hope you guys know there is a good chance that ashes of creation might not exist if arcage was still a good game apparently Steven from ashes of creation was like this massive archage fan and he quit the game and it was such [ __ ] [ __ ] he said you know what I'm just going to make my own yeah I'm just going to do my own thing because of TR on worlds try on worlds under Scott hartsman had a very aggressive uh pay to win campaign over monetization very aggressive and the problem is is that uh I can't blame Tri on worlds for all of that because a lot of the problems with archage is the pay to win and when we talk about pay to win we talk about pay to win involves creating the problem to sell the solution another word for that is called Lost Arc um yeah so a lot of games do this it's the same as like in honai Star rail why is it that you can only do um three Echoes per War uh three Echoes of War per week why is it that you have a certain amount of energy and you can't infinitely Farm relics it's because they want you to spend money contrast that with grand leak fantasy uh sorry Grand blue fantasy relink where you can do infinitely many runs you can even autoplay multiple runs and there's no problem it's the monetization structure of the game and that's the way it's designed and this is what EXL games had done in in the game coding they created certain problems like regrades which need regrade charms so they could sell them it also had to do with mismanagement try on worlds was completely inept at number one properly managing their servers getting server cues right all the way back at we have it in place so that we're going to be able to spin up servers as there's also like another big factor is this game looks like [ __ ] there's a lot of games from like the 2011 era of games that like there's a certain type of lowquality gameplay like I feel and this might sound crazy but I feel like Super Nintendo Graphics aged really well Nintendo 64 Graphics did not age really well GameCube graphics aged pretty well wi Graphics didn't age very well and it feels like almost every other generation ages well or doesn't age well and I feel like arcage was part of that brand of games that did not age well PS1 did neither yeah it's the triangle [ __ ] why if you had four days of Early Access didn't you know how many people were trying to play why did you have Hues of 13,000 people you know there it's just mismanagement over over and over and over again and then of course Greed for those of you that aren't familiar with what was going on with Tron World well there's also the factor that this looks like dog [ __ ] and it it looks awful and the gameplay looks terrible and there's no reason why anybody would play this instead of just playing another MMO right like why would you pick this game up instead of wow why would you pick this game up instead of uh RuneScape why would you pick this game up instead of uh a Final Fantasy 14 or lost Arc or new world even right at the time acquired all of gazillion assets because this is their slide Tron had this idea that they were going to be the next steam but they were going to be steam but better overextended on gazillion assets weren't able to properly uh execute weren't able to make money they needed more money all these [ __ ] are only making their own launcher service so they can avoid having to pay steam a fee which I can understand and I think that's fair for them to do that but the problem is that with a lot of these different launchers they have a lot of things that are annoying so like for example uh epic games pushes a lot of popups and a lot of like reminders for things and steam never does that so the problem with like these things is that it's a it's a business product that's being created in service of the business rather than the customer and that's why it's dying you can never make a business product that's not in service of the customer and have it not die too many steam yeah steam uh sales pop up every time I open it no no no you don't understand I I I get what you're saying but I'm talking about additional popups like down like you guys don't get popups from epic games launcher if you have it like right about here where it's like telling you to buy a new game cuz I get that all the time I do yeah yeah that that's what I'm talking about right or like whenever that one girl was like doing a a deathless run or a no hit run from Dark Souls I think it was dark souls 3 and she got a a mandatory popup from Battlenet telling her to buy Diablo 4 steam I don't think has ever done that to me and maybe it happened one time in 2013 and I forgot it Rift and arcage were really their only two products Trove head and grown at the time so they were looking for money then it goes over to gigo game archage gets uh sent to gigo to distribute as a acquisition of assets M and unfortunately for gigo games they hired crolin who is the other half of this problem gigo games had paid a win they had pay to win issues they tried to launch arage Unchained which wasn't going to have pay to win they said if you buy arcage Unchained you're never going to have to buy the uh expansions you're never going to have to well but they said they weren't going to have pay to win wi but if I remember right they did that that's true right by the DLC lo and behold N9 months later they'd broken that agreement crolin told us all these things about how unchain was a new product in partnership with gigo games with XL games that was all false they didn't understand what the bugs were they didn't understand things that were missing crolin did a live stream just before the launch of Unchained lied to the consumer base dismissed consumer concerns and then basically he ended up now over at Amazon game studios he's got that's crazy that's crazy and now lost Arc that's that's CRA that wow that's guys that's crazy got some fancy job title the um the really big problem is is I think throne in Liberty is going to flop if kolin's involved in it and c I think that is thrown in Liberty going to flop I don't think it's going to be a big deal um I am hopelessly pointlessly and full of copium but I am still hoping that the Lord of the Rings Amazon MMO game is going to be good I talked to somebody at Amazon I was like can you tell me anything about it they said it's [ __ ] in da no shut up I don't have any information yet but I do really want it speaking he's probably lying to you track record says that yes I'm delus and then we get kaca games they get the archage product back well I mean a PDO is pay to win right I mean and and it's not like it it the Pay to Win is extremely prohibitive because it's so expensive but it is by definition pay to win and their greed and lack of foresight has I don't know what it's done to a couple of things if you didn't see this video caca games almost immediately after getting the archage product back stole the players credits forced them to take um forc them to take deals in in rebates and equivalent exchanges that weren't equivalent that video talks about all of it and now we've got caca games in what is shuttering archage 1 what is all the things they've done with the arage one players done and what's its impact on archage 2 see this is what matters because a lot of you guys might not remember this because it happened I think about a year and a half ago maybe two years ago but arcage 2 was announced and the trailer for arcage 2 was massively popular people were really happy about it I remember the day it came out I was over at Chance's house and like I didn't play arcage but I think that he did and he was telling me he's like I'm actually super excited for this game and I had no idea so it this does worry me because I want to be excited about arch2 where arch2 has delayed until 2026 video's up there not talking about archh 2 today but it does make me wonder uh does Kaka really believe people are going to trust them now with the shuttering of our Gage they absolutely will if if Kaka wants people to trust them what they need to do is they need to have a trailer with good graphics and a character with big boobs and then people will buy the game that's all they need to do CU really this Consulting is Free by the way they you to support what two servers yeah Final Fantasy 11 is 20 some H years old and they're still supporting a handful of servers don't make it about money with that said a lot of this comes from the uh sustainability of life service games if you if you haven't seen this slide going around the internet this is 70% of developers have concerns about the sustainability of current of current this is uh very telling I actually really like this because it's a graph and I like graphs but what are your main concerns about the sustainability of live service business models 63% says players are losing interest in Live service games and this is a a questionnaire given to game developers wow live service business models and okay I I don't understand why let's let's do some math the value of 1 million 1 million customers 1 million box sales customers or 1 million subscription customers okay at $30 a pop if you have 1 million sales you'll make $30 million at 50 million at $50 a sale you'll make $50 million but at a $15 a month monthly sub right the first month you've made 15 million second 30 million 45 60 and so on now before anybody jumps in and says but Jay population decline you're you're right you're absolutely right populations Decline and let's talk about population decline at a 50% fallof you have a million players the first month you have 500k the second month 250k the third month 125 the 4th month and at that point we're going to say the game is a failure we we've we've dripped dipped down below what a sustainable po is so we've only made 28 million so when you put this together in front of the wrong people this is a good this is that's good math companies what they're going to say is this is the Smart solution let's not worry about live service support let's worry about box price let's and then this is going to lead us into let's worry about cash shops Cosmetics I think that's what the future is going to be it's either going to be a free-to-play game or it's going to be a box sale with microtransactions I don't think that we're going to see another subscription based game I I I don't know if ashes of creation is going to try to do it I think that wow and Final Fantasy 14 are like so grandfathered in that people are kind of okay with it but asking people especially nowadays in the age of subscriptions asking people to take on another monthly payment I think that's a really really big ask and I feel like it's such a barrier to entry that I don't think it's I don't think it's reasonable at this point I don't what about the league MMO I think that the guys over at Riot realized the fact that like I I don't know like the moment I can like I I would love to talk with them I I would I would love to talk to them and like get some insight into it League MMO is dead yeah optional things maybe not why why are you losing 50% of your players month after month after month why are you worried about getting all of your money out of the players on day one in a box price and then you're you're you're not worrying about retention in fact if you have a box price with no subscription they don't want retention because you cost them money connecting to their servers that's a really good point yeah that's actually a really good Point that he's bringing up here he's saying that basically the company actually actively doesn't give a [ __ ] if you keep playing after you buy the game because they already have your money and it's even a disadvantage if you keep playing it's super just making [ __ ] games oh yeah yes company I've seen you're only going to sell a million copies of your game why are you developing a game with only a million sales as a Target goal I think that a million sales of a game is a tremendously massively successful game like I a million sales is really really good especially if you're charging a box price premium of $40 for a million initial players new world I believe had 973 th000 concurrent players in its first month that's not a lot of players not if you're honestly trying to say you sold 4 million cop that's not very good argumentation because concurrent players is not reflective to total sales the amount of total sales of new world was in the Millions because Amazon referenced it I think about 3 months ago in an article they were they uh that was written about them with like their prospects of future games so that's actually not true uh and also like concurrent players like for example like here's here's a good example uh the stream right now there are 25,000 people watching the stream okay so if there's 25,000 people watching your stream does that mean I have 25,000 followers no I've got more than that so think about that there are a lot more people following that are just not watching right now copies of the game or 16 million copies of the game where did the players go or is it because companies are greedy I think this might be a little bit more accurate companies want money now they don't want money over the next 20 years well yeah and it's also like again it's more compelling for a company to have a very big marketing push and then rely on box sales and then residual microtransactions rather than relying on a subscription because a subscription is also a method of accountability that customers can keep uh companies accountable to because if a lot of people aren't enjoying the current state of the game they can simply unsubscribe so I think this is very true or is it developers or out of touch with reality and I think this is getting closer Gamers want good games mikara former president of Blizzard made a statement that he thinks tipping game creators1 or $20 on top of a $70 price is a great idea some games are that special when I beat a game there are always some that leave me in awe of how amazing the experience was at the end of the game I've often thought I wish I could give these folks another1 or $20 because it was more worth more than my initial $70 and they didn't try to nickel and dime me every second games like Red Dead Redemption 2 balers Gate 3 Elden ring well here's a thought if you want to give the game company another $10 or $20 why don't you buy one of their other titles that's on discount at $10 or $20 why don't you buy another copy of the game give it to somebody we don't need to do tipping culture because how much of that money is actually get to the devel he's right I mean like again and I don't think Mike iara was like really I don't think it was a bad thing for him to say this but like it's like what I said before where it was just the wrong thing at the wrong time from the wrong guy who used to work at the wrong company it's like if Microsoft flight simulator announced a New York update to the game on September 11th it's just not the it's just not the right time anyway and then this worries me because you're the former president of Blizzard why not just pay the developers more and have the company take less yeah my belief is if you pay $30 for a game you should get 30 hours out of that game it should be about a dollar an hour for entertainment I think this depends I think this is an in general like a $1 an hour Benchmark is like kind of good but I also think the quality of gamep playay matters like for example I spent way more hours in Starfield than armored Core 6 but I enjoyed my time in armored Core 6 more but as a rough Benchmark I think this is fair and it also depends on how you enjoy the game if you pay $70 for the game you should get about 70 hours out of the game and that's a good value for the entertainment now I'd like to talk about a game real quick cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty the DLC I absolutely got my money's worth out of cyber Punk because not only did I do two run throughs when the game first came out wow when they released the Phantom Liberty expansion I did a complete additional run through I saw that Phantom Liberty at one point Sold 5 million copies was it worth it absolutely is CD project red making a huge mistake not doing another DLC to a product that is hot that people want they want another DLC for they want V to have his happy ending yes I think they're making a terrible mistake but you see companies that are saying you know what we've made a game we've told the story we wanted to tell we don't need to do another DLC just for the Mone B three absolutely phenomenal game hit game probably the new gold standard for single player game experiences it is they're done with balers Gate 3 there's no more there's no more coming they're moving on to other projects again I think a horrible experience a horrible idea I think the game was great it has replayability I think that it's only a horrible idea from the perspective of the of like a fan but but I think that also like you have a situation where I think in a lot of cases the people that made balers Gate 3 or the guys that wrote cyberpunk 2077 these are incredibly creative and like uh spontaneous people generally and I think that trying to force more and more content out of something I I I think it kills a lot of creativity it does and it it makes it feel like it's not as um like the lightning isn't in the bottle I think that's the best way that I can describe it so sometimes people might feel like they're done telling the story and that's the end of the story like you don't have to just keep making more and more and more of them I I think the best example of this is bloodborne there's no bloodborne to if there ever is then that would be great but there doesn't have to be and there also doesn't need to be Zaki I would love to have seen more DLC for it I would have Lov to have seen a balers gate 4 seen something else it's here's another argument that I have for my point how many 2000's comedies have in the last seven years had a uh remake of The Comedy and you really wish they didn't it's not coming these are companies that are making good games they're not trying to nickel and dimeas I think if game studios 70% of them are worried about life service I think they're worried about making good quality games cuz they're afraid they're going to have 50% fall off every month for the first four months looking at you new world you invested millions of hundreds of millions of dollars into your game but you can't keep a player base of a more more than 10,000 concurrent players it's not our fault it's not the player's fault you made a shitty game so instead of trying to get all your money out of us in a box price for a shitty game Dragon Dogma 2 looking at you I thought Dragon Dogma 2 was a great game but it did have the [ __ ] microtransactions which is fair that game is terrible I loved it but they already got everybody 70 bucks 60 bucks whatever it was they got everybody's money it doesn't have to be a game they already have your money if game are worried about the subel it's because they're worried making good games Maybe I'm Wrong maybe you dis I do think he's wrong uh and and I don't think that like I think that he's wrong for not the reason that people might think that he's wrong I think that it's just simply because customers and the market in general has subscription fatigue I don't think that it has anything to do with like one individual game I think that almost anything introducing a new service that's paid for monthly would be met with the same type of size frustration and annoyance even if it's something that people might enjoy because right now a lot of people have like seven subscriptions and it's not like you just have your subscriptions because you have other like meta level re regular purchases like a phone bill or uh like I'm trying like I mean gas or I mean I guess isn't really good idea like utilities so like think about how many recurring things that you have to pay for all the time and people are getting strapped for cash internet yeah there's another one you're paying for like nine different other [ __ ] Services across like again think about all the little things like World of Warcraft Netflix Twitter blue um let let's go guys get get some lists out not just not just different streaming services but other stuff only fans Spotify Prime Car Insurance uh Amazon Prime oh yeah yeah Amazon Prime yeah there you go chat GPT mid Journey HBO Go YouTube premium title Adobe twitch Subs like what what is this like dude it's like you're getting it's like one of those whales that gets eaten it's like a a whale fall and it's like down and you know all these little [ __ ] fish are eating the whale and you know that's your [ __ ] life and you know Jesus Christ that's what it is leave your comments below I'll see you next time we're getting eaten alive I understand what he's saying about thinking that subscriptions are because companies are not confident in their games and I think that there's a degree of that that that that's true but I also think that culturally people don't want to have another subscription this guy's a pretty small content creator so try to make this give him a like if you like the video this is pretty fair getting nickel and dimed at every corner like what's this going to mean for arcage 2 like I'll tell you what it's going to mean for arcage 2 it means the game's probably going to be pay to win I it's going to be a Pay to Win piece of [ __ ] why do I think that I think that because every other game that's recently come out has also been a Pay to Win piece of [ __ ] now I'm I I really really really hope that I'm wrong but guys I don't think I will be yeah I I really don't think so at all the pattern is there yeah the pattern there man like it's the same thing that Happ I pray for krono Odyssey well you've got krono Odyssey I don't know if vindictus is going to be an MMO like I cu the last one the last vindictive game was MMO but this one seemed like it wasn't I I don't know uh and then you have arcage 2 you have that yeah the chronal Odyssey I don't know if I counted that one or not there's uh thrown in Liberty like there's a lot of these games man and it's just disappointing that like every MMO that like comes out it like every single one of them seems like it's pay to win in some way or another it's so I mean to me it's so exhausting like am I am I crazy like it it's just so [ __ ] exhausting to see that the Dune game yeah exactly like what is even going on time it's the only way they make money sadly yeah I guess so and like people really I don't know what you can do to stop people from just like paying to win in these games in a big way I feel like it's not even possible it's not going to happen until it becomes unsustainable I do think that there are so many I feel like live service games are like a lot of live service games are effectively the um like they're effectively subscriptions like with battle passes and other things like that so what ends up happening will get guess what well they're going to see that and they're like oh I don't want to play another live service game because live service games come with recurring costs even if some of the games don't have recurring costs a lot of them end up basically uh people are spending them and spending money on a recurring basis I'll be right back I use the bathroom
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 328,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: p3itP8dNj5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 16sec (1696 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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