I Got Cancelled... For The Final Time.

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um I did get cancelled again A lot of people are angry uh casy Tron a lot of you guys probably don't know who that is most people don't she used to be a streamer a long time ago and ever since she fell off about 10 years ago her entire existence on the internet has been dedicated to being hostile and negative about other people and so she goes and she makes a tweet today about me and so she goes she's like asmin gold hates himself more than we ever could just like his lifestyle there's nothing to be said to discusing man um they could ever make him change his filthy putrid ways just a real stinker I respond back I say you're fat and you spend your life smoking weed and doing drugs if anyone's a stinker it's you that's true and I'm not insulting her it's just a this is just an observation she is fat and if you're fat you sweat more and if you sweat more you're going to smell bad more why she even vacuum because her entire existence of the internet is built off of complaining and talking [ __ ] about other people nobody likes her and so the only thing that she can do to make people like her is hopefully make people dislike somebody else more than they dislike her xqc said money is financial freedom freedom having the ability to choose what you want to do as much as possible why are you mad that he lives the way that he wants to you have a lot of money too yet you are overweight and choose to smoke weed all the time respect people's choices lady Casey Tron has talked a lot of [ __ ] about me over the years for a very very long time I've had the policy of not ever like responding back to people or saying things that are like uh mean back to people we are getting rid of that policy I'm bored of of of sitting here and being a punching bag especially by clowns like this an example of what Casey Tron did is that back whenever Casey Tron was not a completely irrelevant streamer and she was using her cleavage on stream to attract views this was in like probably like about 10 years ago guess what happened well my ex-girlfriend Izzy pink sparkles came on and everybody started watching her instead now why did everybody start watching pink sparkles instead of casy Tron I think everybody knows why so casy Tron talked mad [ __ ] about Izzy constantly perpetuated a lie that she was a viewbot and wouldn't back down on it for years until finally she got confronted recently and apologized in DMS to it for uh to izy this is like two years ago the point is that I think Casey Tron is disgusting she is a disgusting person she fell off over 10 years ago and the only relevance that she will ever have is being a bottom feeder and farming people that somehow hate another person more than they hate her and to be honest guys I don't want to say anything more about it because the truth is that at the end of the day I'm still me and she's still her and that's worse than anything that I could ever say Casey Tron Under Fire for liking tweet blaming asag Gold's lifestyle for his mom's death here we go so I guess this is today that tweet it says thankfully xqc's lifestyle hasn't led directly to the death of one of his parents yet so he has that going for him over at least I'll admit I did like that tweet and I I have a lack of respect for Asma gold after letting his mom with COPD live in those sort of conditions I'm sorry like you're a millionaire you have all of the resources in the world why is your sick mother living like that like I'll say it I don't care if that makes me a bad person still miles above of asmin gold miles above asmin gold I'm sorry like I have literally a fraction of the income and I take better care of my parents than that and I don't have anywhere near close the resources that he yes I did like that you should take better care of yourself and if that's the case now I'm going to be [Music] honest this doesn't really offend me it doesn't and the reason why it doesn't really offend me is because I know that she doesn't know what she's talking talking about she doesn't really know what she's saying she's just saying this because I have said something to be mean to her this does not hurt my feelings this doesn't you know like get me upset it's malicious though it is malicious she's a disgusting person and she always will be I don't like attacking people I only respond to people who attack me I don't go out of my way and go and personally insult people or anything like this but if they do it to me I will do back I do genuinely believe that bad things do happen to bad people and so whenever I see somebody saying this I think it's just a matter of time and whenever it inevitably happens I will be there to laugh call me out if I am attacking somebody who didn't attack me but I don't think that's going to happen a whole lot you know especially on a personal level and and also by the way obviously there was like a big conversation and the reason why Casey Tron tweeted this out uh there there is a reason for it uh besides the fact that she probably needs Impressions to make money uh the other reason was because I had said on stream yesterday that I thought that standing in a road was not an effective way of protesting for Palestine I I thought this was counterproductive I don't think it really helps anybody um obviously a lot of the Twitter revolutionaries love to uh you know they love to act like you know this is some big thing and they're you know changing the world Etc uh so there we go uh you are not protesting for Palestine by preventing a minimum wage worker from getting to work on time get out of the road that's what I said and so obviously a lot of these people are um you know these are people who have no problems in life These are people who live in First World countries in the safest countries in the world in the safest time in history that are trying desperately to LARP as if they are anything even similar to the Civil Rights Movement you are not even 1% of what the Civil Rights Movement was you are standing in the street you are harassing random people you're not protesting Injustice you're protesting somebody going to McDonald's anytime that I see somebody do that they don't actually believe that it's okay to break the law and protest the only only reason why they are saying it is because it's being said in a way it's sorry the protest is for something they agree with they don't agree with the principle they just want to get what they want and they don't care how it happens it's not breaking the law you think that standing in the middle of the street and obstructing traffic isn't breaking the law why don't you go out there and do it and see what happens go ahead go find out [ __ ] around and find out and at the end of the day I will support anytime that the police come and remove these people and or arrest them a lot of people say it's the most effective way of protesting is that false is it the most effective way of protesting I think that it can be if the focus of the protest can be linked directly to what they're protesting for so for example and I I think that sometimes it is sometimes it's not this is an example of it completely not being it so for example with a lot of civil rights protest they were protesting directly the laws so for example uh it was like you know you can't be at the front of the bus so a person goes like Rosa Park sits at the front of the bus it's not like people are just out there randomly causing causing riots and [ __ ] like that now obviously that happened during Civil Rights but I think the most powerful protests of civil rights the ones that we remember are the ones that were directly protesting the laws that they were protesting for and so whenever you go and you stand in the road because of a war that's 6,000 M away and you block some random minimum wage worker from getting to work on time and then you try to hijack that you you try to um you know kidnap their life because they don't have any empathy for your problem why the [ __ ] would they have any empathy for your problems whenever you're the one who's ruining their life right now they're trying to get to work they can't get to work they can't live their life why the [ __ ] would they have any empathy for you it doesn't even make sense I have no problem with people protesting and in fact I yesterday and this is actually a pretty uh pretty weird thing that's happened um so and I I'll even say th this is going to really maybe upset people but I'll say it right now if I had to say which group I think is more wrong I think Israel is more wrong I'm more Pro Palestine than Pro pro-israel it doesn't mean that Palestine hasn't done anything wrong but I am I I just don't think you should stand in the road no m true yeah and and I'm not saying guys this is not like a good guys and bad guys I think they're both bad guys in a lot of ways but uh especially you know like like uh what do you call it like killing innocent people I mean there it is I'm Pro American [ __ ] them both sure yeah I understand that but um there has been a lot of uh what do you call it there has been a lot of conversations about this pramas idiots at UT discover what happens when you try to pull Columbia and Texas and this is our our our governor here uh Texas my Governor uh arrest being raid right now will continue until the crowd disperses these protesters belong in jail anti-Semitism will not be tolerated in Texas period uh students joining hatefield anti-semitic protests at any public college or university in Texas should be expelled uh so I completely disagree with the governor here I think that whenever I look at a lot of the videos of the UT protests I think everybody is behaving in a generally uh law- binding manner I completely support those protests and I think that our governor is totally [ __ ] off base I think that this how is this not a First Amendment violation and I understand some people might be getting a little bit of uh Whiplash for this they like oh wait I thought you said it's not it it it's bad to protest no I support protesting absolutely and as I said I even support the majority of what this causes for not all of it but the majority of it however get out of the [ __ ] road get out of the [ __ ] road like what are you doing is it possible a school doesn't want them to so then they are trespassing that's between the school and the government and that doesn't have anything to do with them being protesters or not everybody has a right to decide why somebody is on their private property other than a discriminatory reason so uh they have every right to make that decision and imagine they're doing this to avoid having a school shut down like Columbia though people are paying money to attend their classes and learn I don't think that they should try to shut down the school because that's infringing on other people's ability to go about their daily lives I think that to the extent that people hijack something and then they say basically we are holding this hostage until you give us what you what we want I feel like most people in the public at large doesn't respond well to a hostage situation and at that point like Hamas or Israel is not the enemy you are you are the enemy right now you are directly affecting negatively their life so they're not going to be like oh wow wait wait a second these people are standing in the road holy [ __ ] I hate Israel now that's not happening people see this and if anything it makes them [ __ ] hate Palestine because every time they see Palestine it's some [ __ ] that's standing in the middle of the [ __ ] road it's not even a question it's so crazy and counterproductive I don't even know what to say and I think the reason why people do it is they think they have the moral authority to do so and what I was trying to get at with posts like this is that these people don't really believe this because if they actually believed it you would see them probably exercising this same type of discretion about for example January 6th or for the candidate trucker protests but these were the same people that were celebrating maybe not this guy specifically I don't want to [ __ ] on this guy uh specifically but these were the same people that wanted to have the January 6 protesters and let's be honest in a lot of cases insurrectionists uh put in jail these people have no principles they have no morals they have no ethics and the only thing they care about is getting what they want and the funny and ironic thing about that is that's the reason they never will because nobody respects that that's not the way you can build uh any sort of sympathy you can't get anybody to be on your side if you're constantly trying to harass and hurt them if they don't immediately Bow Down to you and your ideology and take it as seriously as you did have a nonviolent protest is to showcase the violence of the state I think there's a lot of instances and reasons for that but I would argue that obstructing cars and stopping people from driving is violence in itself it might not be direct physical violence but it is a violent action as you are obscuring somebody's or sorry obstructing somebody's ability to move around hell no tell that to MLK okay I saw a quote today let's see I I'll go ahead and I'll show you also by the way you're not Martin Luther King for standing in the road okay you're never going to be they're not going to write about this in the history books of oh wow these Brave students decided to stand in the middle of the road and they saved everybody it's not going to be remembered nobody's going to care but let's talk about Martin Luther King I saw this on Twitter I thought it was interesting an organizer with King's Southern Christian leadership conference declared we will tie up public transportation by laying our bodies prostrate on the runways runways of airports across railroad tracks and bus depot this degree of disorder was too much even for King who walked back the staffer comments wow so yeah let's listen to Martin Luther King great idea Lu King actually wanted change not to uh not to become a spectacle absolutely and that's why he got it that's why history will remember him people have a weird uh perception of M kid you out gotcha them yes I know and this is the and this is the lack of Education that the people that like that are doing this have they don't really know what they're talking about they're not actually educated in any of the topics that they believe in they just feel a certain way and then they work backwards to justify why are people so emotionally invested in the situation topic people are emotionally invested into it because everybody is on edge because they're fed a constant um uh ever increasing like higher pitched of emotionally driven news media in every single outlet they are like subscribing to they go on Twitter and it's emotionally charged political social rhetoric uh they go on Reddit it's emotionally charged political social rhetoric uh you go on Twitch look at me uh you go on YouTube same thing and so people have uh have done this to themselves thoughts on the UT Austin stuff yeah sure uh I completely support their right to protest I think that they are protesting UT uh giving money or having some sort of investment in Israel I think that it's totally fair for them to protest that and they have every right to do that because of the First Amendment uh now I don't really know enough about it to really think that I agree with it or not but and that's why I'm not really talking a lot about like the specific UT thing because I'm not sure what their actual specific problem that they have is I haven't really looked into it to be honest uh but what I do know is that I don't see anybody really committing crime and the instances of police officers uh you know escorting people out who have committed crimes uh seem to be relatively respectful and um you know there's not any real violence this happing on multiple campuses now well if it's happening on multiple campuses then that's totally fine because that's their right to protest if the uh if the school allows it I learned a long time ago I can barely make a change in my own country sadly trying to do so and another is like pissing in the wind well I think that really people should vote and I I I I wish that this is the problem right is that uh we live in America and I understand that people think that all the elections here are rigged and there's no point in voting but imagine going and telling that to somebody who's in China or telling that to somebody who's in Russia or North Korea uh the truth is that we have such a tremendous and amazing privilege here in the US and in a lot of Western countries to actually be able to decide who represents us and the sooner that people know that the sooner that I think that we'll have people that better represent us which is why I believe all of the mainstream media that's owned by people who own the people that are in charge of the government are trying their absolute best to create a dichotomy between two people like Trump or Biden instead of actually providing real real candidates with real solutions I don't think that's happen I I think it's intentional voting should be mandatory absolutely not if somebody doesn't know what they're doing with the vote I don't want them to vote why would you want somebody to vote if they don't know what they're talking about and they're not if they don't care about voting why would you want them to V that doesn't even make sense what what like they'll just go in there and click random things mandatory voting has none of the above option on there maybe that would be okay then yeah maybe that would be okay different countries charge a fee for not voting yeah uh as long as you don't have to vote for somebody I think it's okay yeah I I don't really have too much of an opinion on it I just don't think you have to you you should be forced into like one decision or another right but yeah um a lot of people have been upset about my take on this and again uh the reason why they're upset about it is because it's not happening to them these are again people that want to co-opt your empathy and use it against you and the moment you expect them to have any empathy for you you are now a uh allright you are now a white supremacist you are now a fascist you're now uh you know a Zionist crazy absolutely crazy but I do want to let you guys know and I know a lot of you guys Ro yeah yeah uh there's another one right there um crying about it on Twitter isn't going to make it any less true you can make as many negative tweets and get mad at me for saying something you do that as much as you want I'm still going to say it and so yes there have been a lot of people on Twitter uh cancelling me getting mad at me for this kind of stuff and as I said it it it's quite sad to see because the truth is that I agree with them I am also more Pro Palestine than Israel I don't want to send Israel a [ __ ] dime I don't give a [ __ ] about them they're on the other side of the world I don't want to take our money like what are we doing here we take people's money through threat of force with taxes and we send it over to some other [ __ ] country in the Middle East no I don't want to do that absolutely not [ __ ] off you pay less because of it if there is an argument that it is in our benefit to help Israel it is in a benefit to America I am open to hearing that argument and I am willing to be convinced but from everything that I have seen I don't want to offer or help them at all beyond that uh that extension
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 848,261
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: yRgaYX1ezgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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