A͏s͏mongold Plays Shadowlands For The FIRST TIME!

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gentlemen let us enter the Shadowlands we're in the vegetable of eternity oh [ __ ] open them out by pressing em oh there's the map okay and I don't know where it where is Shadowlands wait where is it it's not on the map yet I guess okay we'll get rid of that okay holy [ __ ] look at everybody here look dude the game looks good the game looks check my HP okay I have so i mighta mobile 75 and my HP is ten thousand and eighty and let's see I'll look at my talents now okay really really good talent choices by blizzard here fervor of battle we've already seen pretty much all of this check North three ladies in northrend it seems pretty much the same to me yeah it's not in northrend alright next talents is setup alright collections those are oh there's the gilded prowler can I get on him when I'm dead now what do I do so I'm dead took em okay I open your corpse alright so world first shadow ends death okay so oh wait what the dude what the [ __ ] is this look at this I'm double dead what if I kill myself why I'm dead okay nothing Wow look at that look at the way that it is holy [ __ ] I'm triple dead Wow so I'm actually this is a shadow shadow and this is the expansion three three expansions from now okay what the [ __ ] okay alright so I'm going to talk to her forgive my reaction you see the way forward of us has been closer to put some time now there's that is open once more surely a sign that all is well once more now that you were here you have arrived and bashed you know Noble saw your deeds in life have earned you a most glorious fate before we begin your next journey please tell me what news some more bows I said you a [ __ ] the MA is a terrible place truly I have only heard stories of the horrors that work there but you need not worry you are here in Bastion there is no place less like them all in all shadow ends we should continue on do not worry we will start out a little disoriented now come with me I am Kela it is my pleasure to welcome you to Bastion home of the quirian there's much you must learn to thrive here but all you need to know for now is that you were chosen is it because I'm just oh wow that guy that's a big boy your deeds in life have earned you a fate most noble some day you are wait I couldn't read that shot forgot is she thick you actually she kinda is damn well she's hot what the [ __ ] god damn I'm not reading the text anymore I don't care at all about the text okay yeah she is hot okay now let's see where this is gonna lead me eternal bloomer flab bet I could kill him Oh we'll get the quest text markers to look at this so it's got the big question mark over do not worry all your questions will be answered in good time trust in the process yeah sure right the greeter it seems it was turned off animal has been so scarce is away there are a few have come to our gates I suppose it makes sense oh so these things powered by anima I guess they're being powered by anima maxed out the graphics it's pretty much I mean this is I think good right now there are some Centurions nearby that could be put to other uses on one of our most helpful stewards is also here to win her aid she will guide you on the collection effort retirement of your superstition anima okay so I click on this take my barrel and then I put the barrel on the guy okay [Music] and then I have to find another one right well let me use this one here I'm coming no no that's not it's not coming guys okay and I'll use it on this guy too and that should be all of them okay [Music] there we go oh wait there's a rare on the ball dude dude we got to kill the rare we're killing the rare right now just a minute I'm on my way come here just turn out turn that off for right now okay boom a satisfactory result I yield will yield me some loot but but I guess we go in there it is we're just bringing old things around just doing whatever he wants man look at him okay you're just walking around just having a good time so hey you want any food no okay then he just goes wait this is his job this all he does but do you want any food no oh it's not food okay never mind all right so let's move on then okay so let me make sure that I get some of my key by actually I'm not really gonna worry about my key bindings right now it's not really a big deal okay so what is this over here Wow let's just let's take in Stu see the area holy [ __ ] damn this place does look really nice okay graphics sent I don't want it I don't want to mess it up right now I just want to play the game okay Centurion emits a soft chime all right so I got oh that gave me almost an entire weight that gave me almost an entire bar of experience holy [ __ ] dude it's lovely gonna take like 15 minutes in this expansion greetings worthy one I am designed to I am designated greeter momentous I am here provide information resources so you can embrace your new existence you are here because it is faded you are here because you have lived a life of service and so the arbiter has determined that you shall serve for an eternity there is no higher honor this is a great deal to take in speak with me and I want sure all of your questions answered wait a second I just thought of this they did another number squish didn't they [Music] yeah they did another number squish I thought they were just doing a level squish Wow [Music] holy [ __ ] okay what happens if I am not in fact not dead we understand the new reality may be difficult for you to accept you are not the first nor will you be the last to question the nature of your own existence take some time to process the fact that you are dead then we may continue what can you tell me about Bastian I can tell you that you're our lucky indeed to have arrived to your no fate is Mort man this seems like some this this seems like a scam like there's something that's wrong here this is something weird okay what is your purpose it is my purpose to ensure that all arrivals Sebastian are acclimated to their existence I just to teach others about the Kurian it is my delight and pleasure to speak to you who is Archon Archon is the was the first carrion to exist it is by her that Bastian carries out its function in the shadow ends there is much more to say about this ancient being but little of consequence to Anna spiral perhaps when you achieve your wings you may achieve your wings [Music] damn wait it's a simp covenant okay I have something else to ask okay try to ask about the man has sworn again mosshorn I am afraid this is not a valid response okay please provide your world of origin no really the mock Aryan thing seems really important should I make the robot mad and just keep asking about the thing he doesn't want to talk about yep I'm afraid this is not a valid okay we're in a loop here please provide your world of origin I did that okay so I did that and now I have to Northwest station visited okay pure thought Vesper Oh Oh these are bells I see got it oh yeah where is my heart of Azeroth gone okay that's the way she goes great I spent a lot of time on that on that necklace man oh wait we'll get this we'll get this all kinda look on the screen will come my cursor is it shows you on the screen where you need to go you mouse over to it it fades away but look at that Wow I mean I said I hope they don't have these for like the the hardcore quests but for their stuff I think it's fine you must be worried from your travels come you may wash in the pool okay arcane damage done increased by 3% 8% what's going up imagine image taken reduced by 5% and I have tranquility which is a 5% king's buff basically wash away the dust of life I feel like I'm in a cult [Music] okay let's go I'm bathing all right that's good sorry yeah I don't know how to wash so it's hard to me to figure out how to do that one you're right okay so now I just sit down Oh who's this it's just oh this is a [ __ ] statue Oh bastion is home to the carrion it is by the grace of their wing okay today you will begin a long difficult journey the challenges are many but you will not walk alone on the path to becoming carrion you or shed the flaws immortality and find peace and eternity when you're ready ascension awaits someday you too will soar above all I had to read it fast okay I guess we'll first bud when you sit down okay this I hope that was diverting we have a problem okay what's the problem what is the meaning of this Kali and stay alright what is it I can recruit allied races there oh wait oh what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] damn all right look at that damn the surest way to earn an audience with the Archon is to walk the path before you you will you will continue as instructed okay [ __ ] fine Caliente is a different devoted caretaker of a Spirent times have been heart of late and I imagine it wears on her so that means she's mad I know how to earn an audience with the Archon it will require that you learn our ways and achieve some things that would ordinarily take years well I'm sure that for some reason it'll take me 25 minutes I am hopeful sound effects that's not how it works guys I'm skinny okay first we must find my soul bind Pelle Garros why I last saw them at a Spirent rest to the east we will journey there together okay travel to a Spirent eat rest okay now let's go over there okay Wow look at that holy [ __ ] damn dude damn dude wow this is a nice looking area beautiful sell a new item show well let's just go through some of the entry level quests and then we'll look at some of the new items ok I'm just gonna go ahead and look around in this area first what then should I go down there I feel like if I go down there I might not be able to come up I'm gonna do it oh I can always just make a new character okay so we'll get the way health health goes away too they changed that look at this Wow okay all right so we've had two deaths so far okay check your spell books sure let me look at my spell book right now [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh dude deals 500 percent damage holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] that's a lot that is a lot okay let's see shield block shield slam slam spell reflection oh wait so I get spell reflection as a default [ __ ] yeah dude okay so I'm gonna get up here before it kills me again randomly okay and we're gonna just continue doing the quests you forgot ignore pain yeah I do also have an or pain I forgot about that you're right okay ignore pain fight through the pain ignoring 50% of damage taken oh it's a tea rage okay so they don't really want you to use this but you have it okay that's cool let me see how much cheating Andy I feel like they increase the this looks a little bit better yeah this actually does a little bit better so but can't I can character copy let me go ahead and log out real quick and see if I can character copy let's see if this is gonna work alrighty wait how is this gonna work what the [ __ ] is about to happen oh wow ok so I've got my character right here so I still have reaping flames and my azurite necklace works so I go to ice crown okay well let me go over to ice crown hey he's gonna it's gonna be both are up there crying I want to go see how do I get over to the shadow ends now do I just have to log on to my other character I'll go over to the portal room and I'll see if that if that takes me over there okay dying's not gonna work that's stupid actually you know what I'm gonna try it and and here we go guys everybody ready to go to shadow lands what they really don't want me to go to the new zone man what the [ __ ] wait oh god okay oh wow so like my spirit in this area is the exact same i mean appearances let's look at appearances here okay so let's look at the most important two-handed swords okay they oh there's this one right here that's long that is a long sword dude all right this is already this is already promising okay guys this looks [ __ ] great and is there anything else here that I haven't seen before and it looks like all this stuff is the same yeah that looks [ __ ] cool let's see to edit axis no two-handed axes that are new let's see no two-handed maces one-handed axes oh this one's right here maybe this is a new one yeah that one looks pretty [ __ ] cool too one-handed swords oh [ __ ] that's a pokey boy right there look at that look at that dude damn that looks really cool I'm gonna log back over then let's keep looking around and okay there we go I like how they they did like little outline on the green a green exclamation point okay check out character customizations okay collect an elysian thread eight cloud strider pelts and 15 larry and plumes okay let me see what this is travel to a Spirent rest that was easy and now i just turned this in okay got it trouble in paradise slay 12 memories and rescue peg Leo's there are no customizations in alpha okay I see Luisi and thread oh I have to buy this I see okay got it and I'll go inside this little cave thing here I guess this is some kind of like Ungar underground cave or some [ __ ] need shields now yeah okay what's this excruciating memory help me okay I'll help you oh wait you level up and it reduces your cooldown that's stupid your failure is a stain on your soul oh [ __ ] all right I've saved you now what okay he's got to make his own way out all right now I'm gonna leave this area then okay so I owe you a great debt as Mon all right that quest worked fine the things that bind us can be violent the insight we gain is no reason to let them run rampant ride the lone Rio to a Spirent crucible okay where's the round Rio oh [ __ ] let's go let's roll out boys wait a second they reduced the amount of bars that you have because usually the amount of bars that you have is twice as many you have 20 bars and not ten I didn't even notice that witness memories of your past life okay let's see what I've done curious you're unlike an aspiring that has come before or that much is certain you will notice that we have an audience it has been a long time indeed since we welcomed another to the past we are all eager to see what deeds you brought to us simply approach the Dyess before you and gaze into the flame The Watcher will pull forth your memories of those you served in life and you will be transported back to those moments to aid them once more okay okay here we go guys okay all right let's go eternal watcher open your mind to me mortal we will see what memories reveal themselves that's okay what happened okay memories witnessed one out of four okay as monstered bravely against the forces tearing our world asunder true to a big true I remember whenever I did this alright let's kill these mobs let your memories pour forth as Mon gaze into the flame once more okay Oh No as months to be sighted rainy of Draenor to face the cruel industry of the iron horde Oh No alright there we go and we'll click on it again as Minh did not falter under the swarms of the undead nothing could be more true than that I wonder what number four is gonna be probably the Legion right let's find out okay [Music] travel to another world to aid those who face the Burning Legion travel to another world yeah I certainly did it's 20 bars now yeah I understand that okay do I get a cut scene no all right fascinating to have seen so much and so little time yeah I confess I was hoping for a small spectacle to lift the spirits of the aspiring to my call I was not expecting to have my own lift as well thank you for the oh wow so I'm so inspiring damn yeah that's actually true like these like these guys are hot damn alright alright speak to Sica let's go over there [Music] whoo-hoo hello again oh wait you can talk to the little owl boys okay hello again this one is glad to see you the cycle of anima Ember worms and 25 of those and then admira's Lily okay well let's go see how I can do that and there's another quest over here collect a condensed anima mote from anima extractor honestly like maybe it's just like a what's the word for it a honeymoon period but I think this is really cool I like this so far I mean the game seems good I mean oh wait there's a rare and by a rare I mean just a mob that I'm supposed to kill where is he [Music] oh is it like an event Oh oh I have to do the event okay volp in rona are able to use anima okay i have to kill Vulpin cloud tail alright let's go [ __ ] using the attacks you know this bite man he's hungry where's my spell book where's in Rage region okay I lost to a storm hound yeah exactly okay so that's my guide this is mine okay cool he's gonna kill it for me the glimmer oh wait what did I get glimmer font glimmer fly cocoon gently open up the cocoon okay let's see what this does here we go [Music] [Music] so first impressions guys what you've what you've seen so far what what do you guys think good music yeah I think the music is good too so let me look and see if there are any other mounts two new mounts that we haven't already seen at least oh that's the one that we saw earlier holy [ __ ] and we've seen this one already before too and failing so let's see monster show character on it oh yeah wait they're [ __ ] massive holy [ __ ] god damn dude it is Mothra holy [ __ ] Wow [Music] the horn horse this is basically a reskin darg on alright next root Wow I'll turn these quests first okay so let's see how much this quest gives me okay that's a lot actually each quest is basically an entire bar there we go now what broken glass there we are I am deeply grateful for your help now I can practice my craft again assist the forage like cellphone and crafting a piece of armour okay we're gonna craft the chess piece first are you ready to guide them Sica all no it's not one of these is it no it's not one of these show me what to do bring bright things into the forge wait what are bright things do i click on this okay oh I just click wait I just throw it I beat it I'm good at this game okay come I have need of your hands okay you do hold the armor steady now holding steady neither boys if I move too swiftly and will not bind too slowly and it strains the cool precision is key it sure is okay it's finished I hope you would like it it is far from my find my finest work but it'll serve you while you're here okay yeah so it sucks but here you go anyway that's great thank you speak tequila and Pelle goes and aspires crucible okay item ole 76 yeah they did another item swish oh what the [ __ ] is up there okay let's look around this is the tent oh wow this is the temple purity right here what level are you I'm level 50 so everybody gets scaled down to level 50 oh [ __ ] I don't know if I can even go up there okay and up here dunno nope nope nope okay so what's up here wait there's a place in the back what's in the back okay it seems like wait just a whole lot of nothing over here whose nothing even going on we went all the way over here for no [ __ ] reason oh oh [ __ ] okay we're good all right I'm getting the [ __ ] out of here the best yeah [ __ ] right I'm going to loot that yeah [ __ ] right I'm gonna die like 10 times I'll probably come back to it this zone is very large so do we have so there's five zones in the game right there's Arden Weald which is right here ribbond wrath which is which is right here and then the mall okay and Mulder axis and this middle area so there's five total zones you guys want me to look at the dungeon journal I'll do that real quick okay Shadowlands d other side homeless of atonement mists of Tiran aside plague fall sanguine depths as spires of his sorrow spires of ascension than a chronic wake and theater of pain and this is castle natrium this is Dracula the Dracula one oh wow okay so that's one of the first bosses damn I'm not gonna look badass well broken curator okay that one's done game Kael'thas is oh [ __ ] damn okay and then you've got these guys right here the viola koltes these are just basically Shannon of Kael'thas okay so that the shade of Kael'thas is I guess like his former form and this is what we're looking at right now this is what he is now lady and nerve a dark vein okay that one doesn't work and then dredger giant doesn't work either okay dungeons Oh so huh car is in the first cars the first boss and then Methuselah is the last box oh [ __ ] Nilla facin manastorm and millhouse manastorm are bosses oh [ __ ] I don't know it feels like kind of weird to go from death God gnome and then another death God you know like I don't know seems like a little uh-oh confusing let's see about these guys oh wow that's a tombstone giant a Caius this this sin-stained Goliath damn that guy looks [ __ ] cool look at that look at that dude holy [ __ ] okay so High Priestess of Nath Rhea ghastly parish nur oh wow it's like a nazgul kind of and then let's see ward chamber oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] another Cahoon alright great let's see what else we have here myths of Tyria Engram a lock okay all right we haven't dealt with him for a while and then we've got this weird guy to which we can't really see because he's too big for the screen and wait what what's going on maddening tone okay whatever miss okay that's cool yeah that is cool okay try Tova alright I guess that's just a UH this is a placeholder model it seems plagued fall glob Grogg Wow that's actually really cool see this is the same giant model that they use for like Lord rile its form and it's got skeletons and like bones inside of it hi guy this is this actually looks cool damn okay dr. hiss okay it's just a random [ __ ] undead guy all right okay oh that's [ __ ] cool that is really [ __ ] cool now I really like the models here okay sanguine depths Crixus a voracious okay it's a big old beefy boy and you got to beat him I mean that's it you know it does what is okay cool let's see what else extract oh yeah you guys won't look at the loot I'm just like random like level 60 stuff normal let's look at mythic yeah they haven't done item office for everything I'm assuming okay so models I think that one looks pretty cool he's got like a little little box of something in there fleeting manifestation this reminds me a lot of in Dark Souls right before you get to Manas and the DLC there's a lot of mobs that look like that - the - the hands yeah they look just like that pretty mo I really like what they've done with the basically they've repurposed a lot of the dread Ward and nazriya ma Tom's models and they've pretty much ported them over to the gargoyles and I think it actually matches really well and then their vampire type mobs mister first two instances can rewatch booze no no I mean like I don't want to go over everything there's so much to go over I can't ARA huh oh damn so oh I was she like summon this for you to fight I'm guessing yeah probably something like that for tune axe the sky looks cool click the Sun on map foreshadow ants what I mean it doesn't work like ok let me go back to what I was doing anyway so been tunic so anyway I kind of like this and it reminds me a little bit of the arakoa because he has like the weird things that come off of his hands but look at the bosses the raid raids final boss model ok I'll look at that in a minute I don't think that one worked actually I'll double check though ok so yeah I like this model oh [ __ ] damn the scaling of items is off yeah yeah I mean like they probably haven't finished it I mean that probably not done it's alpha yeah I like this model a lot I think this model does look really [ __ ] cool many Grob ulis well like i know they did some models like this like one of the models that I really liked in BFA was the a lot of the models in way crest manner I think those are some of the coolest and interesting most interesting ones to me personally and so I think this is kind of in that same vein at least in the same type of design and let's go check out the trans mugs next yeah I'll do that afterwards paragon of loyalty doesn't work ok the necrotic wake blight bone oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] this is cool yeah this is really [ __ ] cool stitches got an upgrade I see that okay yeah I really like the way this model looks especially with like the [ __ ] tongue coming out of his stomach reminds me of that uh I don't know why reminds me of the guy in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles so that like a weird thing in this stomach kind of I don't know why it's just something like that and let's see carrion okay all right it's got one of these as well that's great let's see next one a Marth re-animator bone fangs this is just like the mounts oh these are the new scourge guys I guess reanimated warriors so this guy must be like a necromancer I'm assuming yeah that's badass surgeons so a more badass version of Professor Future Sight pretty much pretty guys thing about this look at the loot I mean the lutes just like random ass [ __ ] dude like the shield like that's a [ __ ] like they don't have this stuff updated man so I'm not looking at the loot for that reason and then wait so these are the new abominations wait I just put this together holy [ __ ] we've come a long way from patchwork man yeah these are basically the new versions of abominations in the game like it's been 15 years right so it makes sense that the game has progressed a lot but to just go back and look at patchwork or stitches from banila Wow and then look at this holy [ __ ] these are what the [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] dude that is cool that is really [ __ ] cool the zones feel so distinct and unique there is a lot of distinction between the zones you're right about that yeah I like this little lot this this guy he's like an elite glitch not a normal one but an elite one okay and the last one theater of pain and a front of challengers warrior warlock wait warlocks suck and he Orser yeah they make no sense yeah so the warrior look at this guy will be this big beefy [ __ ] dude this guy basically runs [ __ ] well this guy just sits in the back and you know who cares look at that man holy [ __ ] that looks badass and then he horas is the same models we've seen before Gor chop again same models we've seen before not sure if this one is a actually in the game or just something else house ACK okay this is another beefy boy pretty much the same as him but he's got more armor and more blades on his shoulders yeah that guy looks really cool yeah this guy does arrive me a little bit of Thaddeus doesn't you okay and then lady deathwhisper basically yeah this is a model we've had in the game for a long time and more dress--i the endless Empress an undead Naga yeah that is cool that is really [ __ ] cool damn okay I like that a lot let's see what else we have okay so for raid so it's look at the last boss and oh it doesn't show like anything we can't yeah lady and Nerva this is just it's not it's not properly showing anything else unfortunately let's see yeah we've already looked at this before look for Pathfinder okay let me see Pathfinder I'm not seeing Pathfinder anywhere actually there's no Pathfinder in game usually it's under exploration or something shadow ends let's see I think it's under this right yeah let's see shadow ends well there's no achievements at all like guys listen relax it could just not be in the game yet alright there's no way really to know what the hell is down there oh I don't know okay wait can I loot this I'm gonna go after it oh it's inside okay when I wait for this to go away I'm gonna jump on to that right there okay and I'll load this requires elbow oh I can't even click on it requires level 51 so I have to keep leveling to get over there so that's wait so you can't even collect some treasures until you're a certain level that's actually that's cool hey I like that that's actually really cool so there's no scaling and shadow lance and wow I don't know like this this whole thing is pretty pretty interesting for me to see let's see dungeons and rage shadow ends dungeon sanguine depths okay so there's no real achievements in the game right now professions I don't think they probably have that set up shadow ends nothing really in there either character maybe nothing in there don't really care about that mmm okay yeah well yeah obviously they're gonna put more stuff in there alright let's go ahead and circle around and see what this is like okay oh look at these please okay I can't [ __ ] see them let's see if I can go around here these are way what the [ __ ] ritual protect preparations what the [ __ ] oh oh we're gonna do a ritual yeah it's see a char I think the font of power or whatever for mushara I'm gonna go up here and see if I can do it okay so all dude I need two people can two people come and assist me I need two worthy champions I'm right here on the map guys I have no friends on the Alpha so hey hey eight you whatever the hell your name is come on over here come help me Nature Boy okay good plenty ball okay what if I do like this [ __ ] okay um I tried man alrighty Oh oh wow okay wait oh my god there's a lot of mobster the three-man encounter okay yeah where's my buff dude I forgot all about that okay battle shout sup okay these guys are dead that was easy let me just queue up we're stuck in queue five minutes waiting for one DPS okay I'll queue up for your dungeon just a second I'm trying to finish this first so more incoming keep it up oh [ __ ] wait these are elites [ __ ] okay alright let's go this the difficulty seems higher in general right now I mean maybe it's because I'm playing on a ship character but it seems like the mobs I'm fighting are dealing more damage like I am taking more debt whenever I was leveling in BFA there was never a point where I would [ __ ] I'm about to die right okay let me run back let me run back I mean because usually like I just face roll through everything right I mean I didn't pay attention to what I'm doing and it seems like this is actually kind of hard okay I mean more so than like BFA fight I mean it's not really it's not always sang a lot but still look at the sky when dead I will next time I die I'm sure it won't take long oK we've got their attention after their leader now so we have the attention of their leader all right oh [ __ ] at level 53 elite with three hundred and sixteen thousand health okay let's go all right paying attention here moving out oh [ __ ] I don't have that bound damn she's got a lot of health what the [ __ ] okay ignore pain oh yeah you know what I will use ignore pain actually there's no reason to I mean the pets tanking it who cares I'll start using it if I get killed though wait oh my god you'll raise your pet bro raise your pet bro bro where's the pet okay so all right good and let's see I'm just gonna use so ignore pain heal reduces a pretty good amount of damage as I take but it does cost pretty much my entire wage bar and yeah I mean I guess it's probably a little bit better than I initially expected or thought but damn this mobs hard to kill what the [ __ ] you know I better get like a like a good item out of this all right here we go find your region what the [ __ ] it is bounded oh wait it's not cuz my game crashed yeah my game crashed so I I lost my bindings I was wondering why it didn't work I didn't even notice that hard mobs and Wow yeah I guess so yeah I'm probably gonna get 10 anima power here that's what it's called this time around but we don't have artifact power anymore that's gone there's no more artifact power was your nose he they listen to your feedback and they saw that that's not what you want we've done it thank you for your aid it will not be forgotten really that's it [Music] all right there we go Oh Oh all righty boys let's see what it's like [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 439,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold best, asmongold funny, catdany, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold shadowlands, wow shadowlands, world of warcraft shadowlands, shadowlands gameplay, shadowlands alpha, asmongold shadowlands alpha, shadowlands alpha gameplay, shadowlands bastion, asmongold bastion, bastion alpha, wow alpha
Id: s2vkcFOCrxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 0sec (3120 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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