Asmongold Goes For WoW's Rarest Mount & Reveals His Future Plans

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[Music] oh God see like what you guys don't understand is that back in Legion okay guys I'm talking back in the day no so let's let's talk about what it was like back in the day for me uh is that back in the day I was so far ahead of everybody else in like transmog achievements mounts and everything else is that nobody else was even remotely [ __ ] close sure Grandpa shut the [ __ ] up like no I I really mean this like I was so far ahead and it felt amazing like it really did I was I was just better than everybody and that's what's gonna happen again like I I know what's going to happen again and now you're washed up no I'm not no I'm not I I'm not washed up I'm simply in hibernation that's all there is to it I'm just simply in hibernation and if I wanted to if I took do not challenge me on this if I took a month off of streaming and I dedicated it to just playing wow I would be farther ahead than anybody else any other streamer in mounts titles achievements all of the above at the same time give me one month give me one month and and you know what it would be easy it's not even something that I would struggle with at all do it yeah I I would maybe next time I take a break from screaming if I ever do that again I will take one entire month off and I will just grind the game and and you guys will see and I'll come back and I'll be like all right guys well let's watch some YouTube videos and you know what this could actually work really well because think about it like this so a big problem that people have is oh wow asthma doesn't play enough video games I want him to do extra wide thing in game however think about this if I've already done everything in the game people don't have anything to complain about back in Legion half of my stream was opening boxes for nether sharks I spent two hours opening boxes to get a pet of khadgar's head that was it that was the whole content and that by the way were the times that people said man you thought Admiral were good now you ain't seen them back in Legion those was the good streams let me tell you something and then everybody else is like true bro true before he sold out man and that's what I did I just simply ran the same dungeons over and over and over watching the same Bell your videos over and over and over talking with McConnell doing the Mage Tower beating my head against the desk and eating maggots four touchdowns in one game guys guys stop like I really mean it like it actually happened like there's there's video evidence of this okay guys there's video evidence it's gonna happen the good times yeah it was great uh all I'm saying is that like if I wanted to come back and I wanted to take it more seriously I I very easily could and um I would be ahead of everybody so much faster it would just be insane like it would actually not be fair okay here we go um so yeah uh let's go ahead donut if you want to go ahead and uh let's go ahead and make donut lead we'll go ahead and do Gmod a g model drop for sure today yep I can feel it guys dog should ask him yeah listen all I would have to do if you took a month Off streaming you wouldn't get that sword I could get it easily I thought about doing an event and this is something that I'm actually like I'm not kidding about I'm doing I'm gonna do something you know how streamers do sub-a-thons yeah well [ __ ] that so what I was gonna do instead of that is I was gonna do a swordathon where I just stream myself running the sword run until I get the sword and I will not turn off the stream until it happens and if if I get too tired if it's like 24 hours or something like that because like 24 hours that'll be 240 attempts I've got a pretty good chance of getting at that point but maybe not I just go fall asleep over there and uh you know you guys can watch me stream and uh the best thing about it what I my dream is to get it on like the third run have a two hour stream and then go offline for a week you know just do that and it's no problem all right guys it's time does anybody know what's in the box that's right King mechagon is in the Box um donut can you put us in a pre-made group finder it's time for us to do the Gmod run the days of shammy are gone well here's what I'm saying is that are there people out there that actually think that I wouldn't be able to do it because I'm actually kind of curious about this like if I took if I took an entire month like and I don't do any react content I don't do anything all I do is grind well Non-Stop like I would be so far beyond everybody else that I think most people would probably quit screaming wow because there would just be no there would be no reason to to even like you just you couldn't compete that's all there is to it stream The Grind yeah I stream on Zach Rowe for an entire for an entire [ __ ] month completely offline no not even soccer right no I'd sure I could stream on Zach right that'd be fine you know I help get people for like transmog runs stuff like that sure why not he definitely won't good luck it would be so [ __ ] funny to me to see this happen because here's the worst thing about it is that I know that if I did this you know what I'll do shut the [ __ ] up get that [ __ ] off my screen oh um you need to uh set it to normal I think oh you need to actually re uh refresh your lockout let me know whenever you're ready uh donut and tell us to Zone in and we will because you haven't done it yet so what do you guys think do you guys actually think I would not be able to do it Annie has over 37k why would this matter yeah you think I couldn't get 37k like that's I I mean really you think 37k is hard to get guys I I literally that's only 1500 points that's nothing that's actually nothing she's dual logging bro it won't matter don't you understand like it doesn't matter like I genuinely believe that if I go for it nobody can match my efficiency nobody could back whenever I did and I still don't think they can that's the truth I don't think anybody can match my efficiency if I go for it and delusional ego washed up lose to a girl man you guys really all talk and no actions that's because okay okay all right so if I took how about this after I finish some big thing in like the game whether it's finishing end walk or something like that maybe even before then beats before shadowbringers or something like that I go and I do this because I'm not kidding I I really believe that I can do this I'm not memeing I'm not goofing I'm not clowning I'm not you know having a little bit of a laugh Chad's having a laugh though do that whenever content's right yeah I know I'm not going to do it right away I'm not going to do it right away because I know a lot of people want to see some of the other stuff but what I'm saying is that sounds like a step back from moving to variety of content you've wanted to do well that's why I would just do it on a channel I could take a little bit of a break and everything like that and that's it would be a joke it would be an absolute joke back in the day back in Legion I was able to beat anybody in a mount off it didn't matter who it was I would beat anyone and the fact is that now I have even more rare and unobtainable mounts and those people that were even close to me are even farther behind because I've the one thing you guys can say and and you have to [ __ ] admit this that I have not missed a single unobtainable mount I have sat through uh you you guys have to understand like you know how I got Gladiator this last season I got Gladiator in the most shameful and Shameless way and the most shameful and Shameless way that you could ever imagine we were losing games at like 25 2600 and we were running out of time it was the last day of the season it was me Grayson I think Dizzle was there too [Music] things were looking bleak there might have been no future for the Unchained Gladiator Mount and Grayson remembered that he had a shadow priest from last season that he had never played the entire season he logged over to that 226 item level Shadow priest and we farmed 1400 players through Grayson's placement games for my Gladiator mount and you think and you believe that I couldn't rise above everybody else if you gave me an entire month we did that in a day that's worse than playing prop we already did that too you understand the hero is rank one two bro Dizzle is like one of the best paladins in the game like he's straight up one of the best paladins again like he's not just rankboy he's one of the best paladins whole game but you sit guys who can't what I'm saying is that like smart use of game mechanics a man who knows no shame who cares not for ego or morality or uh effort or earning things or anything who is willing and unfettered by the the threads of morality and ethics to take advantage of every system every mechanic every exploit and everything in the game and you think that I couldn't do that can we get a summon out uh we want to get Tyrek and Bash cutter in here and uh that way they can see me get the mount you know so I'm talking about back in the day it's not back in the day I literally just did that look that's uh what's it called uh [ __ ] I don't even know what it's called what's this Mount called you guys about to see me get GMod anyway you peaked in cata you're not as good as you used to be I had three Peaks cataclysm Mr Pandaria and Legion I was beyond in Mr Pandaria I had um uh like I think I was working at the IRS uh and other than that I was only playing wow I had the highest item level on my server the highest Sim DPS on my server the most achievements on my server the most mounts on my server and I think also I might have been the first person to level 90 but I don't remember that no I was not I was the first Warrior to level 90 however yep that's right I was number one in everything palash remembers because after that palash and I uh that's that's the guy that I play uh oh Black Desert Lost Ark with uh he and I and like a few of our other friends we went through and we got some of the world first clears of challenge modes in the first week of Mr Pandaria in the first [ __ ] week I'll show you let me see if I can find this uh do I have it anywhere uh I guess I might not actually if it's a strength yeah I'll have to look and see if it's on my warrior or something like that yeah tell us about Vietnam guys I know you might think this is funny and uh Pizza strength or didn't happen they weren't even in the game then you realize like we they weren't even in the game they didn't add defeats of strength until way later on in Mr Pandaria yeah I've got all the screenshots you guys will see them whenever I do the true story of asmen gold yeah back in my days it was back in the day that's classic Andy [ __ ] all I'm saying is that I'm actually surprised that people doubt me I am actually surprised it's shocking to me that that's the case because of how efficient I've shown myself to be it is you fell off no that's it listen tomorrow if I have time I will get on my second stream and I will do some completionism stuff then and you guys will see how efficient I am and it will it will only become more and more efficient over time watch this watch me get GMod right here uh donut can you get back on your Warrior let's do it again yeah uh let's do another run I'm feeling good about the next one it's gonna be okay yeah it's fine I'm gonna get back on my warrior we're gonna let's run it back run it back let's go again the answer first 110 as well yeah I got server first 110 uh I got Warrior first 120 or sorry a 100. now I was pretty uh pretty efficient and we actually I was gonna get 120 as well but my uh my character got locked out and I couldn't play it so it didn't happen all right let's see here I mean role-playing is an ancient of War yeah I back my points show achievement okay listen guys show the achievement sure I'll show you guys the achievements why not people don't believe me do you have the Galleon Mount yes I bought it for 2 million gold on Black Market auction house back in Legion uh you're polarized that's why you succeed so fast everyone should strive for that yeah exactly like whenever I go in on something I will go all the way in all right donut just go ahead and invite me uh just asthma gold Dash cult is odd and what was I going to look at here yeah give me one second if I can find this so here are some of my achievements from back in the day all right so if you look at my uh my levels here oh wait what the [ __ ] is it Legacy character oh there it is see this every single one of these achievements these are on the day that the expansion came out like it it got released on that day actually donut I'll just join the pre-made group okay if you just want to make a uh um uh if you just want to make another pre-made group I'll just go ahead and join it that way too it should be fine you should break up with my grandpa showing me as War medals guys it's it that's not it's it's not like that okay it's not like that at all as I said did it remove realm first yeah they did they took that out of the game the only expansion that existed in was in uh I think it was it was in was it in cataclysm as well I don't remember but I know that it was in uh Wrath of the Lich King I think it was also in cataclysm and they got rid of it for uh uh for Mr Pandaria yeah wrath and cata that's it so a lot of these other achievements are going to be very easy for me to get I just I don't know if I have room on my b tag that's why I didn't want to add him uh but I probably will in the future just to make things easier I have some realm first titles not a whole lot but I've got at least some of them and uh of course obviously I'd want to be able to get more of them but I feel like I've just gotten lazy over the years because the fact is this right is that I've gone I've gone from being a rank one wow player to being a streamer that's been it like I've gone from being really good at playing wow to being really good at streaming that's just the truth and I've spent a lot of my time that I would normally spend on let's say uh you know farming out achievements or stuff like that I spent on you know spending time streaming and doing all that instead right that's what it is how can I become a millionaire with you without streaming what's your mindset um so let me tell you a little bit of something I I heard about called crypto land okay so uh basically there's an island and if you go to this island uh you'll become a millionaire by just all you have to do really is just go to the island and you buy some land now it does take a um it does take an investment of 750 000 but if you just do that you'll be totally fine man yeah don't worry about it all right let's see if I can Zone back in you're still one of the top 20 Alliance Raiders yeah and uh usually there's only 10 of them that's the problem can I buy a ticket from you yeah sure yeah it's all I'll give you a yeah I'll give you a discount it's only 600k so if I really wanted to go for it and I really wanted to go for because I think that in terms of a priority list my priorities should be mounts achievements transmog in that order do you guys agree with that like what what do you guys think is that fair I feel like that's fair yes that's fair okay good do you have nalak Mountain no I don't uh I could have bought it off of the black market but I didn't so uh I kind of want to get it to drop for the viewers because I know a lot of people watched it happen many times and uh that's what you're really behind on Shadowland stuff would take you so long to catch up no it wouldn't uh because a lot of the stuff that I have to do to catch up is just uh it's like Covenant stuff so it's just taking raw time straight up raw time and let's do a mechagon run after this again Shadow ends mallets are just 1970 trash cars not even worth putting in the garage with the Ferraris you've got I mean I think that I've got a lot of really good uh really good mounts too but it's about having all of them because a lot of these I just haven't really invested my time into and I do feel like I'm pretty far behind like all the Gory of the Raider achievements Etc like McConnell's even mad at me because he like usually the way that McConnell would get these achievements is that I would do them and then now I'm not doing them and so he's just like well what the [ __ ] is going on now like what's this shimmering oralwood thing what what do you mean is it shimmering IMM wait what is this the same Mount Blizzard's falling off with mounts I think that they have I think that recolors that have no value devalue the original amount like for example if this was the only Mount that you could get you could only get it from gory of the sepal Creator I think that would be a thousand [ __ ] times better than if there's some easy to get World alternative for that like having reskins of the mounts that look very very close to the other original mounts make the Reese make the original amounts not worth as much like one of the big reasons why the Gladiator mounts and shadowlands are so cool is because they are completely [ __ ] original there are no other mounts in the game that are the sinful uh the sin eaters the only way you can get a sin eater is if you do uh if you get Gladiator that's it and I think that's a good thing yeah well I mean the expansion's [ __ ] over they're not going to add anything else into the game guys it's [ __ ] over so like let's be honest you didn't get ahead of mail collection and finish end Walker press X to doubt listen guys these are the same people that told me that I couldn't do everything that I did in Lost Ark the fact is that I've no life Lost Ark and that's why I'm so far ahead is that I've completely no life Lost Ark this is what my plan is right now okay is that my plan is to let someone bash cutter and uh then we'll do this uh I I've I've no life Lost Ark so hard that I've completed almost every single thing in the game and you know what's gonna happen is it as soon as I finish uh getting my uh my special amount I want to finish my adventurous journal for every single area and then after that I'm going to go back and I'm going to go hard on Wow again I want to get my uh I want to get my ignea token mount for all of the ignea tokens and that's it let me go back over here and uh bash cutter is going to probably be here in a few minutes right uh we can just invite you for the next one yeah well let's just invite him for the next one and I think this will make it easier and uh sorry but we'll go ahead and we'll just do uh we'll do the next one afterwards let's go basker doesn't need it all right let's do it I will do the end game music because I know you guys want to see this and well I kind of hear the music oh there we go all right yep we're good quitting Lost Ark I am not quitting Lost Ark what I'm saying is that like I will eventually beat the game here we go [Music] [ __ ] you [ __ ] you basket man [ __ ] you dude like why would you do that why would you like and like the timing like oh my God okay all right let's just do mechagon character asmon gold so as you can see here I'm 95 complete and my collectible mounts so let's not look at any of these let's scroll all the way down promotional amounts as you can see I pretty much have zero of the promotional mounts I don't care about any of them the only TCG Mount that I don't have is the Swift spectral tiger and I am missing a few of these other ones but all these boys are mounts I don't have they gave me the first one I haven't redeemed any of the other ones time locking mount this is for mage Tower it just got added I don't have this one yet honor mounts I need to get these as well Vicious Saddle this will take me basically no time at all Cosmic red Gladiator Mount this is another brand new Mount I have every Mount from classic well every Mount from burning Crusade every Mount from wrath cataclysmistopandaria Draenor as well oh actually besides uh the the nalak mount I don't have the nalak mount now let's look at Legion I'm missing a few of these uh other class order Hall mounts but I don't really care about these because you can't use these on other characters I don't really care about them that much it's not a big deal then look at BFA I have every Mount from BFA besides the Peacekeeper and Gmod I have everything else and this gentleman this is the problem this is the problem and uh like I have just it is I unironically fell off like I'm not even lying or anything like that I actually fell off so I'm missing all of these protoform synthesis mounts so apparently I need 9 000 I need to farm the tickets for basically nine hours straight uh Joe ironbeard with five gifted Community Subs I appreciate that thank you very much man and I also have almost all the ventier mounts at least and I don't know why I haven't bought these I probably should just go buy these right now I need to get the curion mounts rare spawns I don't have a nightmare I don't have the FAMU Mount I don't have the Moss sworn soul Hunter and I don't have the polyp actually I can go get that and I don't have the ma rat leash either so what does this mean this means that all I really need to do is just Farm it's special items that are also reagents yeah but you can buy those so it's easy I can just buy them do you have skier board from classic I do not uh I I do not have scare board do you have the vanari Paragon rep yet no I do not uh I don't have that one either so how do I succeed how do I get these mounts it's actually so easy the way that I get the mounts is a strategy called playing the game all day every day and it is the secret to pretty much all levels of success in WoW is basically the strategy of what you do is you play the game all day every day and that's it and if I did this I could probably get all of these mounts I I think I could get all these mounts minus like maybe five in one month of just constant [ __ ] grinding Mike like big dick no stop like all gas no brakes grinding Uzi necro eggs are disgustingly stupid I'm doing emissaries for months and I still don't have them yes and so what I would do how could I do oozing necro Ray aches it's very simple I would power level a couple of other characters up to max level and then every three days I would make every character that I have necro Lord and by making every character a necro Ward that increases the pool of different Emissary missions that I could receive that would reward me with a box that could potentially have an egg in it because there are the troubles at home and also the storming the maw achievements as well as the tour gas achievements I would need to all three of these award you with a box that is defaulted from what your uh what your current Covenant is so I would make every character I would make every single character a neck reward and then I would run it on them constantly and I would have other people doing it at the same time so I could help myself get summoned around and also I would minimize travel between my class order Hall and or not class order Hall my Covenant order Hall and the order Hall that I need to be at which is an all draxis one so that's what I would do and I have uh I've already opened up 150 boxes to get the eggs and I've received zero eggs so probably the next one I mean it's Gotta drop soon right guys and I have to get three by the way yeah I have to get three eggs it's like I can just get one I have to get all three and so uh yes tell me there's a chance yeah exactly and then the marrow thing so how would I do marrow fan well I know of an exploit that'll allow me to kill only the last boss over and over and over so what I will do in that case is I will have this this basically this run right here and I can just endlessly exploit the same lockout over and over and over until I get that mount too so which other amounts do you guys think would be hard for me to get I'll explain how I'll get them yeah which other which band no it's not bad wouldn't get banned for that yeah which other one nalak simple so if I wanted to get nalak um Gmod I just run it over and over and over like that's it um yeah Taz avash hard mode you just do taze hard mode problem solved like what do you mean oh how do you get it you get it that's how you get it Mythic sylvanus mount you just make a group and do it like it's easy what what do you mean oh I wonder how to get that oh I I don't know if you can get this right it's easy you make a group of people that are like they're like what 270 item level you're over Geared for the content you just Prague it for a couple of weeks you kill the boss and then you do it each week until you get it then you stop showing up and [ __ ] everybody else that's what you do like I've done this with Mount groups many times guys like this is nothing new for me yeah it'll be no problem guys Dodge the nail art question so the now like question I have a number of friends of mine that trade gold cross server all I'd have to do is ask them to watch the different uh the different uh auction houses for me and then as soon as one of the auction houses come out I would be able to uh to trade them gold or at least give them a loan they could give me a loan I could boost a character on that server and then buy it immediately that day next yep do it no problem yep exactly all right here we go literal Mount God [Music] [Music] bass cutter get back on your Mage I'm gonna do it again did you finally get King mechagon though did I finally get King mechagon no I have not I'm about to though that's why I'm going outside right now yeah that's how I would get the Mythic Sylvanas smell and eventually I could probably get people that already had it who wanted to do it again for transmog or something like that or they just wanted to have something to do and so I could do that too uh Mythic jayor is simple you just pay a guild to carry you through it whenever they're they're farther along than the expansion like the Mythic Jailer mount's probably going to go for like five mil four mil at the end of the expansion just buy it then yeah you just buy them out then it's easy yeah what about 500 honor levels so it's very simple blizzard will eventually make a mistake they will eventually make a mistake and [ __ ] up the honor level grinding I will be there whenever they make that mistake exploiting that mistake and getting 500 honor levels they already did yes they already did it once now I couldn't take advantage of it because you know it's a popular I'm a popular account but they will [ __ ] it up in another way and it will be easier for me to take advantage of it because literally everybody will be doing it and I won't get in trouble that's what my plan is they reverted honor then but they didn't revert everybody so what would I actually do I would Farm it on a second account under my name and then transfer that Battlenet account over to my main account after I was able to do it under the radar and that way I could avoid getting suspended and because whenever you transfer Battlenet accounts and combine them you combine the honor levels it's too much work just play the game no no no no it's listen there's now they might ban that no they won't because they won't even know what happened yeah they won't even know what happened and I just delete the character they're not going to figure it out here's what I'm saying guys have I in any degree proven myself to be effective with what I'm doing like do you guys see what I'm saying like I I know I know what I I know what I'm doing it's all in the logs good luck yeah but they're not going to deal with that it's not that big of a deal to them don't give a [ __ ] okay here we go guys guess what's in the box guess what's in the box gentlemen that's right King mechagon uh that's I think 48 or 49. uh let's log over and so this is what I do and like I mean you guys see what I'm saying here see what you guys see where I'm coming from like I I feel like this would be easy for me to do like if I actually went for this like no meme no [ __ ] I actually went for this I think that I all talk okay give me another example what other amount what other amount would I not be able to get come on go ahead go ahead I want to hear it nightmare that's literally a five five arm out spectral Tire just buy it real money do a donation Gold's done next uh hurt you on Mount somebody already gave me the little ink thing I can just go ahead and loot it it's not a big deal Mage Tower you just do Mage show all I do is I look up which character that I have uh which one it's easiest on and I just do it on whichever character it's easiest on because Mage Tower is probably completely unbalanced based off of the different ones and I think some challenges will be way easier than other ones and so I would just do that scare board I can't get the mounts that aren't in the game okay you've got that right Ember Court uh walking time gated it doesn't matter if I need the Ember Court Mount there's only one Mount that I can get from there which is desires battle gargon other than that I can just do the other uh Covenant events and I can get the same chances the same Mouse and you could do all this including that mount I'd be impressed in one month um I'd probably do a little bit faster than that no I think it'd probably take me uh four weeks maybe like it would probably be three to four weeks of like non-stop play like 12 hours a day 12 hours a day non-stop play 100 efficiency I could do it absolutely still a month well it's a little bit less than a month I mean like it would take me like 25 days and not 30. uh if I had to guess I think that's what it's going to be yeah how do you have that willpower well it's simple you just do it stab the fork in my arm playing a video game for a month to be easy the only you know what mounts I'd actually be afraid of these are the amounts that would be genuinely afraid of and I don't know if I'd be able to get it um is this one right here I'm afraid of this Mount I don't know if I can get this mount in the right amount of time I'm worried about this one and there's like five or six other ones that I'm kind of concerned about other than that uh let me think what other amounts would I actually be afraid of one of these is hard to get I think it's this one's annoying to get and I I probably have to take time to get that and tour gas Flawless Master I'll probably go farm that that's not a big deal uh mossorn Supply chest I oh yeah I know what that is that's a special box I can just do that it's no problem uh let's see here protoform you talk to talk too much how about you do the do all right all right listen okay all right how about this I promised Final Fantasy for so long I can't stop promising I can't promise it any longer I feel like it's time for me to deliver on this and like I I have to do it because I said I was gonna do it for so long I have to do it and I want to make sure that I do it because I actually I want to know what happens I want to be caught up I want to be able to get excited about the new content I feel like I can't be and it sucks so here's what I'm going to do I want to get caught up with Final Fantasy and after I do that I will actually go and and I will try to get these mounts because the fact is that I I might do this tomorrow as well and I might just start farming them as much as I need to all I need to do look up a guide figure everything else up and just go from there sounds fair yeah I think that sounds fair yeah yeah because I want to make sure that I get that content done because that way like I'd love to do the thing is like I feel really disappointed that I didn't get an opportunity to progress on a new Ultimate on on the release of it I I know I probably wouldn't get world first right but to just try would be so fun you know to just do that if I want to would be so [ __ ] fun and I feel like I've missed out on that can I say something yeah sure what is it last night I was kicked from a mount off yes you were kicked from a mount off for not having a certain amount you are on a troll female character am I right and you said you had 250 tries on rivendare congratulations yeah see that's how it's done boys yeah if he can do it you can too exactly you just keep doing it until you get it man that that's all it takes okay got him and where are we gonna go let's go over that way all right let's do it melee The Wanderer that's easy uh there's a um guys listen let me tell you something all right there's a reason why back in the day my achievement guides were the best achievement guides in the game okay that's the truth uh 6.3 next ultimate in eight months you've got enough time to catch up do you do we have any idea what the next ultimate is even going to be yeah I'm not sure you know what I like I'm trying to think like what would be a really cool like no no idea it would be really cool if they did a completely new [ __ ] boss for ultimate but I feel like they probably wouldn't do that uh all right let's go guys let's get them out please just [ __ ] drop just [ __ ] drop oh my God man I just [Music] oh God oh my God I just all right so I've got as always next week you're right there's always the next character too that's all I've got to worry about see McConnell is um here's the truth about McConnell is that McConnell has already given up back in Bernie back in Warlords of Draenor McConnell actually won a mount off I know this might be shocking and people might not even believe this but he won a mount off well he rigged One Mount off but he actually he won another Mount off uh legitimately as well he did he did she no he cheated on the second one because he wanted to keep up appearances but the first Mount off he actually did not cheat McConnell did the tour gas achievement with a group yeah yeah of course I mean that's the way a lot of people do it I think that's fine yeah the rigging of Nacho Shaman exactly remember the uh the title for that video more rigged than the American election and uh this is in 2016 and uh we uh yep there we go thank you donut I appreciate it man and uh this is what happened we're getting NBA as you said yeah yeah listen so McConnell he got so far behind and I went so hard on mounts that McConnell actually just gave up I actually I made McConnell retire from Mount Quicken it's sad it is I I literally sent him into retirement in Legion because he knew and I know exactly whenever it happened to it was the day that I got the cruel Gladiators nether Drake and I remember I logged on and I was in suramar and I I got the I got my first Gladiator Mount and McConnell had never gotten Gladiator before and I got it before him and he knew that he would never have that mount and it just kept getting worse because it wasn't enough for me to just get one Mount that he didn't have I just kept going I kept getting more and more and more and he retired from out collecting uh then Social Security yes and now he does PVP and he's McConnell is is probably better than I am in PvP that's true I've made a video about uh about you taking him out for me July 24 2019 most depressing day of my life yeah that was a great day man I remember that I was like that was awesome dude yeah that was a good time BFA zones were so much better um I think that xerith mortis I I feel like mechagon and Nash guitar were really good but the 8.3 zones were massive L's guys like let's be honest they were just massive [ __ ] L's they were terrible I don't know why people try to simp so hard for the BFA zones whenever they suck so much big [ __ ] fat dicks let's open up the box gentlemen oh my God oh my God I just oh my God bro like are you [ __ ] kidding me man this is a troll oh my God all right that's weird with all the new uh non-wow andies I feel like there's a lot of people that don't even know a lot of the old memes which is kind of weird like I it's very weird for me to think that people actually played the game or like watched the stream and they don't know about like Gmod or anything like that you know mail muncher think about that there are people that watch this stream that don't know about the mail muncher how do you make so much money uh it's simple you just buy it that's how you make money uh you just buy you just buy more money okay here we go [Music] [Music] donut can he get out can you get back on your Warrior we're gonna do it again AG people play WoW how many people in this chat at least played shadowlands yeah did you play shadowlands at all not are you currently playing but just did you at any point in time including right now did you play shadow wins let me see there's only 9.0 count yes did you play the expansion Shadow ends yes okay well a lot of people played then yeah it looks like a lot of who plays all right go ahead and join up whenever donut makes the group we'll go ahead and do this again did you play shadow ends yes a lot of people did but 30 of people didn't so I have 30 of people in the audience right now that are watching me do Mount runs for a game that they don't even [ __ ] play wow all right wow that's a lot it certainly [ __ ] is oh my God never played yeah I guess so I mean I don't know really what else to say man that's just nuts do a poll for Final Fantasy I feel like less of my audience plays Final Fantasy right now because Final Fantasy uh it's like I'm not playing Final Fantasy right now like for example if I do on the third day of my msq streams how many of you guys play Final Fantasy I bet a lot of people are gonna say yes but that's not gonna be until then okay let's go back over here and uh we'll do another run let me see here uh times doesn't drop it's living in boredom yeah it's okay guys I will eventually get it and whenever I get it it will be [ __ ] glorious so I'm not that worried about it man I have to get this mouth completion this week to be honest guys I will probably do I I can't do a completionist week won't be enough like I will get really far in one week but if you guys really want me to get ahead and actually start you know being good at wow again it will take probably a whole month of farming because I'd also have to raid a little bit too like I I could probably do like how many bosses in uh Mythic Sepulcher are hard actually you know what who cares I'll just do PVP yeah I I would just do PVP like yeah because like you get through uh 275 Year from PvP and you can also upgrade that to 285 like what 275 isn't good enough was it not good enough for like I'm just gonna get carried through Mythic Jailer anyway I don't give a [ __ ] about that so who gives a [ __ ] okay let's go ahead come on over here let's go ahead and get this run done this is where I get my Gmod you soon have Gmod how many years has it been it's been three years um I've been doing Gmod runs for three years three years farming the same mount in a video game [Music] today it's gonna drop for sure though so it's okay here we go please just [ __ ] drop just [ __ ] drop just [ __ ] drop just drop the [ __ ] Mount come on man I need this just give it to me give me the [ __ ] mount [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] all right here's what I'm going to do because I know a lot of people are wondering about this and what would a completionism stream really look like yesterday I stayed on extremely late and I hardly got any time to myself today I'm going to end a little bit earlier so I can chill and have some food but before that I will take you know a half hour an hour or so and I'm gonna run some ads and I'm gonna just do completion of some content I'm gonna do it as if I was doing it in in the month of time that I would invest into it [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 403,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: CHuJl86Gkzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 42sec (2862 seconds)
Published: Mon May 02 2022
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