Asmongold vs Hardcore WoW: SFK, Stockades, BFD

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I think the first dungeon we should do is uh Shadow Fang keep am I right oh Em's here oh wow Em's level 40 oh McConnell got Shadow MN holy [ __ ] this is going to be a dangerous path guys well met so how many of you guys have the uh have the flight path to Southshore oh I don't have the portal to Southshore oh [ __ ] so we have to go all the way through there for the alliance oh Jesus all right all right this is hard yeah this is not going to be easy and you guys got to keep in mind one thing I'm not going to die good players don't get killed it's not a big [Music] deal I never die you know why cuz I'm good check my new weapon damn Baran fist holy [ __ ] congrats that's big dick itly are you coming with us or what's the [Music] plan yeah is he coming with us yeah oh I'm I saying 24 okay well we'll meet over here and we'll wait for him to catch up with us you got to keep one thing in mind though in a situation where we pull a mob we need to sit there and kill the mob unless we know it's like a clean kite we have to kill the mob again stand your ground never run ahead never do any other [ __ ] like that if somebody aggros we we stay together as a team because a level like 35 mob we can beat a level 35 mob together as a team but we can't do it whenever people are running away we're going to commit all the way if we aggro the entire Tower room with 10 wargan we roach why would we aggro the entire Tower room with 10 wargan why would that happen I'm confused just don't do it kick him he's already planning Judgment Day it's okay I don't believe in Judgment Day [ __ ] him now there are things that could happen oh there's Cody what up he got his epic mount Jesus oh my [ __ ] God bro he's playing this game all the look at all this gear Titanic legs lionard he got the Epic Mount life Stone meridon signant bro he's not playing the game he playing the auction house man he playing the Mayon he playing the trade window BR that character is worth like 4K holy [ __ ] uh I guess I'll probably do that eventually I might as well let's wait for everybody to catch up here uh AI uh what do you want to do you want to like meet up with us now or what pay to win I mean that's just how it is roaches pay I win we actually um I want to say that we will be doing a a guild recruitment Drive in the next day or two to make sure that our Guild is full of players and also I plan on raiding very soon okay so we have a lot of people that are hitting 60 in my guild and uh roach out is going to raid very soon we're going to be raiding Scarlet Monastery I gave Don John 180 gold and I thought he would give it to you he's a full Goblin yeah guys I want to make sure you guys understand if you give Cody money that money will never reach me like I will never get that money yeah see and so this is just how things go soon 24 yeah all the 10,000 gold that's right yeah this is uh this is just what happens tell you're heading over okay cool are you 23 how close are you to 24 okay thanks okay all right besides this 200 gold yeah besides it thank you C thank you you're two bars okay you'll hit it right there that's no big deal oh actually since I'm 25 I have I have execute now right oh why didn't I get trained execute that's whatever yeah I don't know what the [ __ ] happened Heth back grab fight Point yeah I mean if we had a warlock I would I just don't want to waste a lot of time wait this is the guy that paid 34 times to get people kicked out of the guild this is him holy [Music] [ __ ] oh my God this guy's he's a real one bro he's got he does so much PVP he's pvping people out of the guild oh my God the snip Lord yeah I know oh bro you need a tabard make sure you get your tabard on man everybody needs the tabard uh even Sera doesn't have tabber on too Dro gear doesn't have tab guys we really got to Sera Sada can you um can you res me or not res can you summon me uh to uh back to here so I can go get training yeah okay thanks yeah can can you invite him real quick bring some tabards yeah yeah I'll buy like four tabards we're just going to get something real quick okay guys you want stream with no tabs yeah it just makes us look bad greetings okay tabard vendor okay I bought four of them that should be enough I you tabards yeah I got it zoom out I don't need to right now I like actually being playing zoomed in more because I think it creates more of like a uh I think it looks better on camera I guess maybe that sounds stupid but like that's what I I think and so that that's why I do it's the immersion right but um obviously whenever I'm playing something that's important I'm not going to be doing that not for me for only a viewer uh oh why am I not affiliate I I will eventually guys uh I I will eventually probably like maybe get the the channel partnered I just don't know what can I do for you prob should go do that too I'll do that for stockades okay epic music yeah I mean this is the uh this is the game man this is what the game's all about have you guys liked watching The Dungeons because I feel like the dungeon that I'm really looking forward to doing is neron because that one's hard heroic strike execute Revenge be careful damn let me put that on okay all right can I get a some back please dungeons yeah revenge is so ass well it's really great for threat SM Cathedral is another good one uh no I think that one's too easy like here are the dungeons I really am looking for forward to doing noon sunken Temple BRD lower Black Rock Spire um there's one more I'm not thinking of it old man and Mardon I think I said Mardon let me make sure that I have the uh what do you call it I have like a potion let me just check real quick a [ __ ] it who cares let's go all right boys we have execute we're ready 125 damage that's a lot you guys ready we got to get somebody else com back okay oh why [Music] gray soul of iron all right uh ly let's go guys man I got I I I'm I'm worried going into this dungeon like I don't have full World Buffs guys I feel like I'm like naked [Music] basically oh the tabards I forgot the tabards okay um who doesn't have one is this guy you invite him oh [ __ ] where' these guys go I think they left a it's too bad I'll give him out later does this guy have a tabard he doesn't okay we'll give one to him there you go loser all right let's go guys we've got to be very careful here is this the Kata no this is not cata you can tell it's not K because there's people out in the world I have to say though um like I'm excited kind of for cataclysm but like not really like I'll play it and it'll be enjoyable but I don't think it's going to like it's not going to like change my life you know what I mean okay let's make sure to go over on on the uh on the right side here there's there any quests you can pick up on the way no not really sfk is a it's a h dungeon yeah these [ __ ] over here are high level and we don't want to [ __ ] with them see that level 27 Elites guys that is no joke 28 Elite watch out to your right no I'm good I'm chilling we'll uh we'll wait wait for everybody to catch up once we get over to the other side since a wrathy Highlands is a higher level area and we have to be a little bit careful what changes do you want for cataclysm no LFR just don't have LFR that's it that's all I want uh other than that I don't really care about anything else oh and change some of the guild perks okay let's wait for everybody to catch up dead ass Ro gearly a is almost here too great all right let's go guys remember this is a higher level zone so if we aggro a mob listen if we aggro a mob we need to be ready to kill it LFR kills the world uh I also don't think they should have changed the uh the world like the original vanilla world was really good oh okay all right yo yo yo start paying attention start paying attention guys and we will get the flight path too on the way over here now the only thing that can happen that could be a potential uh one right there they only that one's only level 33 uh is that somebody could bring the level 42 Elite near us and it could reago to us uh the the Stone Giant so if you see the Stone Giant immediately run the opposite direction or just run away without running into the other mobs that's the only thing bad that can happen on this and he's neutral yeah but if somebody aggres him to try to grief us like you have to always be uh be prepared this one good there's a pack of undeads that that roam yeah that's true too yeah this is where the patrol was going to be this is Refugee point we have to get over there also can be in HS Brad yeah it's all right let's just get this flight path right now do you ever keep up with the race the world first um my favorite thing about race to world first is whenever there's drama the worst thing about race to world first is whenever people aren't having drama like I'm a drama enjoyer how are you safe travels go ahead and get that whenever we're [Music] ready all right I guess Dro here already has [Music] it ah how they managed such Arch 20 years ago um because art style is more important than Fidelity all right so listen up if we see the patrol we turn around we're got to go around this Raptor okay this is a danger [Music] Raptor go around him go around him good job now we don't want to go in there this guy's just fighting him doesn't matter he just chilling there could be a patrol of five level 36s if that Patrol is here we need to kill them now the odds are it won't be here because the patrol starts over at a farm that's usually heavily AOE farmed but it can happen pretty much all race world first streams are embedded sad well I mean I think a lot of people like watching race the world first anyway um I do think like some of the excitement around it has gone away because like raiding in general has kind of what's the word for it it's kind of eroded ooh ooh ooh what's this oh no no we're good these are the good guys you can tell they're good guys because they're not Orcs [Music] lost its luster well no it the reason why it's because people aren't raiding so the people that watch race to world first are primarily people that raid because they're the ones who appreciate the content so if you have people that aren't raiding then you're going to have a big issue now I also want to say there's one more risk that we can have is in hillsbrad Foothills there are sometimes stealth level 38 Elites or level 38s so we need to be aware of them too and that's why we just need to keep the group together and make sure that doesn't uh that they don't spawn move around don't Agro his ass don't Agro good job there's just too much [ __ ] in retail rating yeah SC of being low alone yeah I know you should be afraid all right let's go ahead and wait right here let's get everybody caught [Music] up it's not really a race anymore it's two people that are competing who can do the most splits and spend more money on gold for Bo um I think that realistically that's always been the case because if you're in the race to world first like you just have if you're in limit or uh or liquid I mean and uh and Echo like you just have access to so many resources and so much resource that nobody else has unless they're part of one of those big guilds oh that's a [ __ ] on the right that's only level 24 it doesn't really matter how am I so damn fast I have movement speed on my boots that's why or they heavily rmt well yeah what I'm saying is that like most people can't just randomly take off potentially like 8 days or 9 days around like a raing schedule like that's kind of a uh it's an it's an uncommon thing so you need to have like some sort of a way to like fund that or to have a lifestyle that supports that you look at the uh Dev hour about sod I don't know there's like 50 things people want me to look at I'll do what I do last race they [ __ ] spent € 150k EUR for gold for bu what the [ __ ] you guys talking about Who besides the two guilds can compete true true true true how do have done this yeah AKA race world first or leeches that ruin the [ __ ] game I don't think race world first ruins the game I think blizzard ruins the game how how can it be race to world first like I don't care if they rmt or buy gold or do anything right I don't give a [ __ ] when they kill the boss like the only thing that I care about is being able to play the game glumi snipped six more wait all these people that Cody just kicked out of the guild this guy paid to have them removed look six roaches have been purged yeah we're going to get the flight path don't worry yeah he the guy in our Guild just paid to have these guys kicked out of the guild that's just the way it is maybe you should raise the price no it's it's okay pay rent roaches yeah true let's get over here we're going to make sure that we get this flight path oh do you have decurse yet I think ly does have decurse he should have decurse at this level that's really stupid no no it's not stupid because all they have to do to avoid that uh is they just have to spend uh five gold to don't it to the officers to avoid getting kicked out of the guild because you can donate gold uh basically like we have a system where you can pay gold to have people kicked out of the guild and you can also pay gold for Guild kick protection you see what I'm saying what no no this is how it works right and we have it uh this is the info right and so uh let's make sure everybody's over here meet up with me whenever you guys are ready uh so you pay five gold to get promoted right and yeah go promote this guy if he's not promoted don't don't do it to me because like I'm not really paying attention uh I guess I'll I'll do it for this guy since I'm here so oh he already paid okay so that's fine so like basically you can't kick a rat out of the guild but cockroaches you can pay gold to have them remove from The Guild so like the way it works is that if somebody is like a cockroach and you don't like them you can pay an officer and the officer will kick them out of the guild not bad yeah this is the way the system works and then also you can pay gold uh to be promoted in the guild and if you're promoted in the guild then you won't get kicked out and you can also pay gold to get promoted to higher ranks too it's not like it's just one rank can you say can you pay more gold to kick someone who paid to stay uh no we don't really have a system for that right now I think that would be too overpowered I I feel like that would be kind of unethical if I pay a ton of gold can I still kick somebody who paid the say we do oh we do that oh never mind then okay yeah we do we actually we will do that Cody has a [Music] system there it is okay so yeah um anyway yeah in our Guild uh we just make up the rules as we go everything's a total scam and that's it yeah and so if anybody wants to join just let me know gave you the difference for rat Lord oh this guy did give me the gold should I promote him again yeah can we promote this Vio track guy cuz like if you trading me the gold for promotions I'm I'm not paying attention to that this is something like basically so you have to look at it at like a macro level right is that the reason why I do this is because it gives my officers a way to make money which incentivizes my officers to run the Guild in a very effective way and to make the guild as popular and big as possible because that's going to create the most outcomes of gold for them so I've created a scenario where they're paid for doing something like that okay we're good just want to make sure everybody's together yeah so that way like they're getting paid a percentage basically of the success of the guild so it's all about you at the end absolutely it's all about me this Guild exists purely for Content this is it yeah that's exactly right like what did you think this was yeah that's you're 100% right how do people become officers I just promote friends of mine and just I randomly just decide who's going to be an officer and who's not uh there's not really like much of a system to it or anything like that but uh yeah yeah it's just nepotism basically oh go this way go this way go this way [Music] oops all right good I don't think these aggro doesn't matter we're not going to take any risks ooh here we go boys this is skilled going to be carried over to sod yeah but in s so we're going to have more of a ethical Guild yeah we will have a more ethical Guild that's just how it is it's less of a dictator ship and more of an oligarchy well I I think well no no yeah we we had a combo about this yeah I don't know youall do a post about it yeah is going to do a post and that way you guys will know what's going on I'm a little bit scared man going in here is Alliance I remember like there were these like Elites that were like level 20 or something here called like sons of argle and they killed me on my first character I ever made does more ethics just mean the price will increase no no no I mean like we won't uh promote People based off of money uh we probably won't do that but we might I mean like I don't want to rule it out it's just that that isn't what the current plan is that's all like there's actually a really good chance that we might still just promote people for for money but I just haven't decided did yet so look at that [ __ ] there that's another [ __ ] right there lot of [ __ ] over there lot of [ __ ] this is it isn't it oh maybe it's not it is there he is son of arle oh [ __ ] yeah this is it oh all righty guys Arden can you give us Buffs yeah give us like kings or some [ __ ] I've never been here in retail his Buff's only last 5 minutes oh wow all righty ooh another group right here too unless he has big Kings he probably doesn't oh wait right here all right guys let's go good luck fellas thank you you are too low to give big Buffs it's fine all right gentlemen this area is a real [ __ ] talking about a serious one a big one I want to have everybody fresh here ready to go prepared go ahead and use my ramsy rum get my defense up get my ogre strength RAR is up all right guys ply it's on you pulling in there okay some of these earlier mobs should be pretty easy make sure that we have a dispel on this okay let's go these are just a couple of mobs it's not a big deal yeah these are easy pulse where farming gray mobs they're not gray uh they only show up as gray because I'm drunk in game obviously oh we pulled the top mobs yeah you'll see whenever uh whenever we get through this good job guys this isn't easy [Music] okay okay pull these uh pull these back up to us okay no experience yeah these first mobs are pretty low so we're not going to get experience from every single one of them but uh we will get more after we kill a couple of them the thing is with like classic wow is that classic wow just made bosses Harder by making them higher level which is like a really cheesy way of making things hard can you get it [ __ ] okay kill the other ads until we get the boss get this guy got him try to cleanse that if you can good job guys go down and kill this guy we don't want to open that other guy out because he's probably H flag yeah we don't want to kill him need help all right let's go this way almost at the pet R yeah I know this game's rough man have I died yet no joar give us uh M again [Music] Jer pull him up to us I can't okay oh oh because you can't I understand I get it no no he was right there we go there we go get these guys one at a time this is a reflection for spells yeah just wand them down yeah clear these guys on this side got him not reflect but immune really I didn't know that there's only immune ners is reflect okay thanks ooh big dick don't aggro that guy that horde guy I got it I got it [Music] got him that was big damage right [Music] there good [Applause] job B vest oh it's huge chest what chest what do you mean what do you mean watch [Music] [Music] CH it's for you all right um just kill these guys one at a time one or two at a time should be no big deal loot vacuum no I was just looting it so I could have it you know like that's all I I was going to share I don't think we really need to pull the uh the horses yeah the horses if I remember right do a lot of damage okay they chain CC yeah let's just not pull them we don't need to to they're passive anyway or neutral I [Music] mean yeah let's go through here ooh big dick you guys see that I feel like this isn't really going that bad but like the mob the mob levels are getting getting higher pretty fast so this could be problem atic ooh you got it bro you got it nice good pull man good pull I've died in here oh I don't die ring hype we'll see what happens ooh congrats eight Stam wow that's a tanking cloth uh cloth robe oh that's really good okay now we're going to be fighting the harder mobs big cloth tank oh yeah be honest like this is uh this room here could go bad but it's really like the next area that I'm kind of worried about oh my God that's a lot of mobs that is a lot of mobs good luck Boos what do you mean like there is no dungeon I'm afraid of actually that's not true the only dungeon I'm afraid of is Undead Strat and the reason why is because I think that I could get MCD by the first boss and then people would kill me because they thought it would be funny like that's the only thing I'm afraid of in this entire game everything else besides that I'm not afraid of curse yeah make sure to dispel that get that cockass yeah there you go last boss your MC's yeah we're just going to sheep or uh probably just root them actually job I'm actually so excited to do the higher level dungeons where I see everybody else die I I'm kind of worried though like if I die in this game I'm going to get like so much [ __ ] I'm kind of afraid you know yeah it's like cuz I just I've talked such mad [ __ ] like constantly that I feel like I I would deserve it too ooh a main hand maybe that's an atill item let's go up this way uh let's pull both of these yeah there we go we got him car chill out we're good trust me like you guys think I would I would I would die it's not going to happen does anybody have any of the easy throw Dynamite by the way next room is dangerous it's fine dick them down one at a time be at range stay here I got you I got you we're good I'll pull in that's fine you got it three three [Music] good job so far boys you guys are doing great this this game's not easy like huge damage look at that 186 I'm a [ __ ] God over the right wall I see okay atly you can go ahead and get aggro on the commander I'll fight the mobs first we'll kill that one first charge in whenever you're [Music] ready kill this one first that's one of them dick down oh you don't even need to worry about aggo on him easy [Music] enough easiest game of my [ __ ] life can we interrupt that nice [Music] damn God damn who did 500 damage it was me guys I was the one that did a lot of damage oo okay remember you can fall off this so just chill there's an elite here right or a rare good spawn I don't remember 640 it didn't even show that much but yeah that's why I just save all my rage for an execute I feel like that's the best way to play the class right now sure we get one of these ni nice you guys are doing really well by the way like nobody's doing anything stupid this is great Master W if anybody wants that sword or uh potions let me know kill the bat yeah just pull back if you want we should fight most in this room ooh o that's a boss oh we agroed him let's go uh kill the bats first nice congrats I'm going to be honest did I pull that or are they linked cuz I I'm worried I almost might I did I [ __ ] up there they're linked okay good I was like really afraid that I might have made a mistake there you say a sword dropped yeah dead I'm going to go ahead and just uh trade it to too ooh oh this is the elite in Elite oh we got ourselves a rare boys let's go this is a big loot situation right here big loot situation what the [ __ ] is that that's the dumbest thing I've ever seen good job is this the room yeah this is the room that can [ __ ] us so um okay well if we aggro more than six we run if we aggro less than six we fight okay just as a benchmark so six or less we fight more than that we we [Music] run go slow We [Music] Are [Music] run run run everybody run run run run run run out run out run over this and then run out run over to here go go go go I on what can you do the pull on the wolf uh do you have any ammo because like I don't have any ammo like I I have a gun but I don't have ammo for the gun you aggro at above arrows no I don't have arrows all right let me go in first let me go in first because if I die I can just mob tag and get leveled up again give me a second it seems as though we're okay I'm going to wait for you guys to catch up check if you can eat I can already tell that I'm not in combat because charge is lit up and also my character level is visible without the uh swords there if you think I do I have played this game before did you catch it or do we run on my call I caught it instantly like I I knew what I was waiting to look for like it's not hard like as soon as I saw that dog up there run I was like [ __ ] let's run away right here mobs I didn't know there was a control here we're fine just uh just kill them there isn't really so we just didn't clear this oh wow I didn't know that see I never have done this dungeon that much so I'm not really familiar with a lot of this this F when you kill the commander oh now we're getting two different bits of information all right hopefully we'll be able to do it right okay um so this time I will do the pull and everybody else can wait outside the room like wait here I will do the pole myself and nobody has any ammunition [Music] right actually L why don't you do the poll oh yeah yeah L why don't you do the pull since you're 25 and you can do a ranged [Music] attack [Music] [Music] everybody else wait wait back here wait back here you're going to aggro that one a you shouldn't be [Music] there it's fine it's two [Music] mobs wait okay we're [Music] fine pull this pat down remember if we aggro more than six we run got his [Music] ass good job ooh uh we got a Dodge ring in here somebody wants to loot that go [Music] ahead yeah go for it dead that's you ooh a miss [Music] there's only four mobs here this is fine just kill them we're not afraid of four mobs realistically I think this group can handle about seven mobs so six is like kind of being conservative right [Music] nice okay that's one hard room out of the way just the rage makes F yeah I mean this is just um I feel like this has gone really well like I'm going to be real like I'm I'm pretty happy with how things have [Music] gone like what do you guys think has this run been smooth I feel like it's been really smooth so far o yander that's a two-hander it's 17 damage it's still not better than mine there it [Music] is [Music] ooh big dog big dog BFD has a big sword for you yeah I probably just go get something all right strike of the Hydra oh that is kind of a that's a big boy isn't it yeah all right let's uh get ready wait BFD wait it requires level 26 though I thought BFD was lower than this move in move in let's go BFD is 22 to 28 really wow nice big dick Who Dares interfere with the sons of Aral okay and we'll go ahead and we'll get one more en rage who's this dick sucker what hell he doing what hell he doing what you doing over here I forgot even all about [Music] this all right let's go go you have the book Quest no you want the shoulders yeah that's a big uh I think that's big loot for casters I'm pretty sure nice we shouldn't have to to run out [Music] again we want to see details damage uh yeah I probably could turn that on but right now I don't think we really need to have that I think that we're fine the way it is nandos now that's a lot of mobs ooh big damage oh [ __ ] there he is got him all right so um we'll talk about this just for a minute for the boss uh he's a big boy isn't he oh [ __ ] damn are there mobs down here yeah okay so ly after we pull this just make sure you get full Mana and get ready to move in and uh and rot anybody who gets mced in the instance that L gets MCD I will fear Him in the instance that L gets CCD again or MCD again atill will fear Him you guys understand I think there's two of those down there right or there's three I don't have here okay I do then I'll do it all right oh boy oh boy oh boy [Music] we can L the cast okay We Ready You Too Shall Serve remember root root whoever gets mced and L if you get mced i'll fear you release your rage got him oh he's up there nice good job boys holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] bro we actually uh I I went under half bro I got scared there for a minute honestly I did like I I was worried some some bad [ __ ] was about to happen like am I crazy like that's yeah that was one hit yeah he hits hard Shadow Bol for 550 no it wasn't 550 it was uh uh 260 there's no 550 shadowbolt yeah [Music] look n that's not what happened so now we do stockades stockades is going to be a lot harder all right socks is easy four minutes on Hearthstone okay stockades is easy I don't think so like yeah I I I really don't think so no dungeon quest to deliver the poles are are scary in stocks yeah exactly leave group just ghetto he okay yeah I guess we'll just I I I'll give it a second I'll just wait 3 minutes not hardest dungeon in the game just don't [ __ ] up easier said than done I mean to be fair I feel like we did pretty well there like I feel like yeah like cuz I insta feared the guy that got mced I took aggro I don't know if I really should have gone defensive like defensive defensive but like you sh quest for stockades yeah let me do it right now okay and we got one Mo again all right and then there's in red rdge and dwood we could go and get the quest if you want do you guys want to go get the quests oh there we go great okay okay so we got that one and I think there's one more in uh in duskwood right oh nice all right we've got all three of them or all five of them oh this is going to be massive I've got five Quests for stockades this is huge we'll see how this goes after stockades I think Razer fin crawl is the next one right what level is Razer fin crawl BFD you guys really want us to do BFD huh damn you guys really want that [ __ ] okay well maybe after stockades we can do BFD how does that sound BFD is easy too I don't think so man RFK and the neron yeah I I think RFK is a higher level than neron like I remember RFK being a higher level if we do BFD we get some decent experience yeah true about to ding there you go I think if we are going to do BFD we just go uh we go from like darn assis maybe just get a port over to darn assis that should make it easier RFK is lower it's one of the worst dungeons in classic yeah I remember it used to be a [ __ ] both stocks and BFD have five quests each RFK highest Quest is highest bom is 33 well isn't uh the last boss in neron 35 I think he is right he's 34 okay all right well we'll go ahead and I think we should just do stockades now let's do that now and then maybe do BFD after if nobody dies let me go get my training though I just got 26 want me to have a warlock par park for BFD yeah I mean if we could just get a summon over there that would make it a lot easier but we'd still need to pick up the quests unless the quests are right there at the dungeon I never do that dungeon so I have no idea I'm not even doing nomon till 32 uh I would be willing to do nomon at 31 but I don't want to do it anywhere below that it just seems like the the problem is that the way that like combat tables work in this game is that if you're lower level than the NPC that you're fighting you just do way less damage like that's just straight up the way the game is so I don't want to put myself in a position where I'm just doing [ __ ] damage yeah glancing blows yeah last B should be yellow I feel like neron's such a large instance that the last boss will be yellow because like by that time I'll have gained an entire level okay King's honor friend ooh charge mocking blow challenging shout that's goodon those are actually really good items or really good things to have okay and challenging shell goad and put that right over there I very rarely need to use that and then after this we're going to go inside of stockades why am I not playing my warlock oh yeah I should get ammo right um where can I get ammo yeah can somebody just trade me gun ammo I'm in storm went here okay yeah I'll just go over that way I got it easy buy a PVP trinket it's 20 gold yeah I probably should uh how do you even get a PVP trinket I'm not even sure how that works okay maybe it's this guy hey there yeah here it is oh no this is only arrow is something specific see you around oh okay I got some thanks oh 10 gold thanks and Magic wow thanks sure thank you very much there's a vendor uh yeah I guess I can go get the Insignia why not Stockade riots uh yeah I think everybody should have that yeah I'll go pick it up right now saw bag on it's not a big deal I'm good I'm chilling do be BFD stand for big [ __ ] dungeon but I think actually it's really not going to be that hard especially if we can just get summoned over there which would be really nice why not mob tag to 40 be because I already did that and I think that it would be more entertaining to watch farewell uh dungeon gameplay that's the reason why that's the only reason like so he's low for the dungeon okay until he's 24 so he'll be red level like basil will be level for him okay that should be fine that's only one mob all right let's go ahead and make our way into the dungeon now it's fine yeah it should be [Music] okay you want me to tank him drar I'll be fine if I die I die okay well here's what I'm going to do I'm going to do dual wield on like the first few pulls that way I can get my sword skill up and then whenever we get up to the last boss uh I'll I'll just tank it probably yeah that way it's just like easier there's no problems I just think that's smarter okay and I think we're good gentlemen this is the hardest dungeon that we've done so far this is the first dungeon that we're going into where we don't just completely outlevel the entire thing so I need everybody to stay like on their aame this is no joke the stockades is not easy it's probably one of the hardest dungeons that's ever been made I mean at least at least one of the hardest dungeons ever made if not the hardest dungeon ever made I probably should get dual wield specialization what do you guys think should I just go I don't know like if dual wield is going to be any good H who cares it doesn't matter everybody's here uh just go ahead and pull whenever you're ready okay do wield this B yeah I just don't know if it's B this low [Music] level I'll just use these now I might as well I'm going to miss a lot of my attacks because I don't have a sword skill leveled up and that's why I'm leveling it up now so by the time that we get to the uh the end of the dungeon I'm going to have uh I'm going to have it enough to where I can take Agra on the boss I know this is not an ideal situation but it is what it is you have weapon swap macro I just click the button it's not a big deal kill off the quest yeah easy enough I think that for these rooms it actually will be better for us to just go into the room and fight them inside of the room rather than uh trying to kite them out because that way they don't run away as easily and we also have like a large open space that we can fight them in that's just like my opinion I could be wrong big [Music] dick yeah some of these don't even aggro oh Wy yeah true um Wy can you give me uh uh [ __ ] intellect so I can level my weapons faster like actually I need to level up to smart yeah somebody just actually messaged me that skills uh so I need to get to 135 and I'm at 105 pull this guy there you go [ __ ] him yeah I think dual wi's doing more damage already but it's also because my other weapon sucked a big dick more fiery CRS yeah and also like this weapon that I just equipped does a lot of damage it would be nice if I could get a better off hand but it doesn't really [Music] matter yeah as soon as I get these leveled up I'm going to be a god I'm actually kind of curious how much damage I'm doing with this gear wlnd Dax at 30 ooh yeah you're right I guess I could try to get the WHL Windex the [ __ ] you have wa what do I have the 150 gold weapon oh I don't know what I have uh just I guess probably just kill the other ads first let him get aggro yeah do I I I don't know somebody just gave it to me nice good [ __ ] job guys make sure to loot the head you need level 30 for whirlwind a yeah but like I I'm curious like should I even try to go and get it that's what I'm not sure about like is it worth me going and getting the Whirlwind ax if I'm going to be playing dual wield anyway yes I think people I think the truth is people want to see me get the Whirlwind X like regardless of whether it's like a good thing or not people probably want to see me get it we can do it together okay or X is huge yeah it is it's iconic yeah I think you're right you RFK I think that like like I'm actually kind of afraid of this last boss here uh because it can fear you but I think if we just play the right way it won't be a problem just go down this way oh that's right I never looted this it's okay there's only two mobs mob suck to the stuns yeah but I have like the PVP trinket so it shouldn't be as big of a deal I have a Lion Heart Helm too that's waiting for me for like level uh level 56 if I get there not sure if that's going to happen or not but we'll find out yeah it's big dick uh-oh this [ __ ] disarm is so annoying I'm at 122 weapon skill and I'm already doing a lot of [Music] damage yeah we're killing it every room yeah cuz we need to make sure we get the bandanas anyway so it actually just makes it a lot easier for us I think blizzard was overcooking uh no I mean like I think that honestly this dungeon's fine like this dungeon is a very uh I think this dungeon it's like a retail wow dungeon right where like there's like a certain amount of trash mobs and they're like kind of it's like very uniform because it's like obviously a jail so I think like the problem with like new dungeons nowadays is that they're not experimental at all and they're not unique in any way um let me go ahead and pull this one okay let me pull let me pull okay just a [Music] minute I felt like um you know like that whole situation was just not good cuz he was going to go in the middle and he was going to Agro maybe two of them cuz these are higher level mobs think new design plus yeah I mean I don't really it's not like I hate it right it's just that it's not the kind of content that I would really want to spend a lot of time for did you see the new sod V no I haven't uh I'll have to look at that procedural dungeons uh no I I don't want to see them do procedural dungeons honestly let's let Dro gear get Mana after [Music] this Final Fantasy dungeons well Final Fantasy dungeons are meant to be more of a spectacle as well okay let him get Mana oh we can probably kill this one guy L if you want to start fighting him actually no he was going to drink that's fine procedural ax character well it's also that like there's nothing that's like really that special about it rightly don't go in this room yeah yeah don't go in the room man ooh big dick all right I'm going to go ahead and pull some of this should we do the other side first cuz we can turn around and do the other side right now cuz like my weapon skill isn't really like that high yet you might as well I'll do this yeah it's kind of what I think too okay let me just pull everything myself just's get I'm going to P next one quicker yeah I know I need to have a better button for it I just don't have one right now Hold Up Wait Wait guys guys I said don't go in this room I said guys don't go in this room that means don't go in the [Music] room I'm going to go get the last one in this [Music] room I'm just going to start pulling these to you guys one at a time everything is going really well I'm very proud of you guys you're doing amazing one by one well it's because this guy has a fear and so we have to pull these guys individually uh I'll just pull a set of three just be aware for that no risks well like mistakes will happen on their own like I don't really need to worry about like uh taking risks or anything like that because like risks will take me like that that's just going to happen on its own so I I don't need to worry at all okay this guy I think is only 27 right it was only 26 A you can pull this one let me actually you can fight this guy kill the non- elites or sorry kill the non- boss mobs first and then we'll kill the boss oh I just pulled him by himself holy [ __ ] okay I didn't expect that wow well that makes it really easy okay pull him [Music] now probably shouldn't be tanking him here cuz he can fear all of us but it's whatever got him nice [ __ ] job boys nice [ __ ] job come in here kill these there it is that's P alive that's just the way it is I try to be careful right cuz like the thing is if I lose my character it doesn't really matter right like I can just go and get power leveled again but the problem is like if somebody else uses their character like they might not be able to get mob tagged the same way I can so like I I'm trying to play it careful for like the other people in my group let's make the guild do it yeah easy we got four out of uh out of 10 for those all right now we fight the hard area this next boss is going to be a lot more rough this one's locked so dead so you want to open it you can assuming you got the skill [Music] oo look at that damage holy [ __ ] I'm out of [Music] control God damn I'm going go and just pull this myself I still need to get more of these bandanas man I don't have all 10 looks like I've got more than anybody else too okay I'll go ahead and pull oh yeah I put it on F1 one that's right I just remember the muscle memory for it it's only have one mob P this guy then I have to run twice for all the bandanas yeah maybe at the beginning tomorrow or something like that sure it's like obviously you can wa run it once a day easy you to Banner P video I've gotten so many more members thank you it's my pleasure man hopefully I'll be one of them soon let me just pull let me pull yeah I think at this point AI just let me pull since I'm higher level [Music] the respawns oh apparently you can kill the other ones but not yeah that way it's just like cuz I don't think that I will make a mistake with pulling now I could right I definitely could but I'm pretty confident inside [ __ ] there we go okay we got him [Music] nice so after this maybe we do BFD cuz apparently BFD is is harder than stockades FD yeah hcock oh there he is BFD is easy for me it's not like I don't know anything about [Music] BFD not going to Agro on quest in Iron Forge one in dark Shore I got a warlock outside BFD okay well that means we need to get a port over to to darn assass right okay uh just a minute no no no sorry sorry I I probably misled you guys there I shouldn't have moved in bad non-verbal communication o I got knocked down what level is the Warlock I'm level um uh what level is my warlock I'm level 40 47 on the Warlock so I'm doing pretty well on him this guy first Jordan very unlikely something like that's going to drop trying to get someone to get the Quest for yeah that would be ideal um go ahead and just pull these individually healer was kind of low Mana so I want to wait oh wow that guy didn't even aggro I did not expect that I got to get wh Buffs for BFD man yeah I've really I've got to get like World Buffs or something you know what I mean like cuz we want to really show up like let everybody know like that we're good du Cara oh really got it nice two and four uh it's still not better than mine mine has a really good enchant on it let's move on tagro table in this place is so [ __ ] sometimes it's fine I think I mean just like stupid m mistakes can happen though like yeah man that's just what can happen like out of nowhere okay um everybody else uh I'm going to try and pull these mobs individually and if that doesn't work we're going to kill a Tilly you're going to get aggro on hcock you're going to get aggro on hcock want me to tank him and then I'm going to get Agro on the ads yeah all three aggro uh I'm going to just try to line of sight that a it's too bad that we had that happen on a bigal good job this clicked on sheep oh was actually a good decision uh oh oh to have the Sheep oh yeah you you broke it that's not a big nice congrats dude okay it's pretty good everybody wait in this room o that is the [ __ ] that right there gentlemen he is the [ __ ] I know we're going to get a drink after this so I uh just pulled all four [Music] [Music] use demo shot uh yeah usually tank was doing it so I didn't do it just give you guys a second for man is deadmines harder than BFD personally I think BFD is pretty hard like I'm going to be real like I I I think it's hard but that's because I don't really know a lot about it so that's why I think that I I consider it more challenging is because of that this party right there yeah something's annoying yeah this is harder than BFD you think so I hope you're right if we pull one I'll go pull more two I feel like my dual wield damage is actually really good you're doing top damage really okay so because of A's combat level I think I should be the one to tank the boss right what do you guys [Music] think okay so uh wait wait wait drar Dr why would you stand that close to the boss um let me do it Chief get the ads wait you think you're man you're man enough to tank him all right all right he thinks he's man enough to tank the boss I'm ready yep just sheep one of them not a big deal I can't tank the ads you have to manage I will we're going to sheep the one that's Moon we're going to kill the other one and we're going to kill the boss after this not the other AD just keep it cheap keep it up easiest game in my life nice holy [ __ ] we did it God damn that was really [ __ ] good good work gentlemen but we popped the [ __ ] off now we got to go turn all these in what the [ __ ] was that damage I don't even know what my damage is I have no idea why is this so easy for you I always see people dying here uh the reasons why it's easy is because we didn't make any mistakes uh number one uh like one and also like it's mainly about preparation and also I have really good gear like I have this weapon that's really strong with you Alliance Go With Honor there it is bless you it is be careful okay I guess I'll go turn this quest in anyway uh so like that's some of the main reasons and like now I guess we do BFD right big [ __ ] dungeon gear is part of preparation yeah but like I'm saying like I didn't really prepare like people just gave me the gear so so that made it easier yeah let's [ __ ] do it guys let's [ __ ] do BFD where do backwards to maximize experience yeah you guys didn't get feared either it wouldn't have mattered if we had gotten feared I already had my trinket ready for the fear oh that wouldn't have worked actually would not have worked it's immobilizing slowing and stun maybe it's dextra and Ward that Fierce I don't remember do yeah three dungeons back to back yeah okay I want to the wrong place you have any better Gear Well yeah also um you know we plan things out more and I think that because we plan things out and we don't just like randomly run in and pull you need something going to make it a lot easier see you around obviously see you later have a good one see you later I guess I'll go turn this one into yeah I want to go and get all these turned in real quick and then we can get ready to go over to BFD being on comms helps 90% of the issues it's also because people as I said they know what they're doing that's the big reason and also like I understand should we fight the DUS grid and red R yeah yeah I'm going to I want to turn these in cuz I know especially for you guys uh the levels are more important and you guys can invite and get ready get us ready to get summoned over there too it's a chain for the blue ring yeah I know I'll eventually get the blue ring there your sealver in quest line before going it's a abys ring I'm not going to worry about finishing it right now it takes a lot of time to finish and also like I think some of the mobs are like level 31 or something like that and I don't want to take a risk boots are enchanted yeah my boots are enchanted that's why I've kept them and I got these legs too they're actually really cheap you saw tectone hit 60 yeah he did it was good for him I was proud okay go to this guy over [Music] here hope you have one veteran yeah cuz like I've played the game a lot and so like honor friend be careful there's a lot of mistakes that people make because they haven't played the game a lot and it makes sense right like you know for example walking into guards imagine that so whenever you have mistakes like that happen well guess what uh you know that now you've learned but because I've already made a lot of these mistakes or I've seen other people really with a lot of them I've seen other people make the mistakes I don't really need to make them because I already did it almost ding there you go dude you too soon yeah what does roach out mean it means uh to run away and let everybody else die I should probably download ATL suit so I can look at what these different bosses drop classic W and knowledge game if anything yeah it is and also it's about knowing what to do in like a situation like that's why I tell people ahead of time I don't know if you guys noticed this but like usually I will tell people ahead of time what we're going to do if something goes bad you need something because I don't want people to try to make that decision need uh during the see you later okay I I don't want to do this yet um uh algae fist what are these uh that's not good strike of the Hydra the sword uh yeah I mean I can like I'll do it I don't think I'm going to get those items though okay how in Maxi you think sod will be at the start without Beta or PTR it will immediately be M maxing people always try to M Max stuff that's just how it is it's not like a uh I'm going to go over to Red Ridge and duskwood it'll take me a couple of [Music] minutes yeah I can't get over there on my own unfortunately we gotten into watching your streams more curious about playing wow is it worth getting into it I definitely think that it's worth playing wow for sure oh wow those are huge um I think it's definitely worth playing wow but one thing to keep in mind is that like hardcore is not a good experience for new players so like unless you're in a guild or you're playing with people that are veterans you're probably going to have a really bad time playing hardcore and the reason why is because like there's all these like little micro mistakes you can make that you don't even know that they that they exist right you have no idea like oh well it's because of this one thing that can happen um how could you possibly know [Music] that classic arrow is popping off yeah like my best advice is that if you really want to play hardcore play hardcore wow and whenever your character dies your character just goes to Classic era and so either play again on Hardcore after your character dies if you want to or go over the classic era finish leveling your character get an idea for like how the game works and then after that then you can play something else uh then play hardcore again but the truth is that playing hardcore wow will take hours and like a lot of the things that like I know I've learned over 15 years of playing the game now obviously like you know my experience playing Mr Pandaria doesn't really help me playing classic wow but my point is that I've played the game a lot and because I've played it a lot I understand a lot of the intricate mechanics so your hardcore character gets continued in classic yeah that's my understanding Dragon flight's first real expansion I'm having so much fun Dragon flight is great in a lot of ways like I'm not a dragonflight hater o I'm going to get death wish soon holy [ __ ] let me see if I can download some add-ons I have to download a we or to tell me uh give me cool down timers for the level 20 bosses I actually just want to download Atlas loot all right so we've got black fathom deeps this is the next one we're doing here this be pretty nice chest piece maybe for armor uh that sword could be good too two-handed axe oh that would be big uh Twilight Lord Kus old craus that's kind of garbage and yeah I can get this though strike of the Hydra the thing is like my weapon's already pretty good I don't know maybe I should get it just cuz it looks cool it's like a katana so we've got neron Razer fin crawl and then we have Scarlet Monastery AR those hands bar yours I don't really [Music] know what level should we do Scarlet Monastery at because what what's the level of like 40 I think we could do it at like [Music] 37 yeah if we start at 37 we'll level up to 38 doing like Armory cuz I I know Herod is is level 40 and the boss is 42 yeah if it's 42 that would be fine yeah so I think we started at level 37 we could do graveyard but like really who gives a [ __ ] about graveyard and then after that then we have the real big dick dungeons like I think after we do Scarlet Monastery we do old man or actually what's the last boss on old man aradus is he 4 7 or 42 I think he's 42 right was 47 holy [ __ ] okay so if he's 47 a mear coldbringer is like what [Music] 44 what's he yeah I'm trying to remember I think he's probably a lot lower level isn't he so yeah we'll do scarat Monastery at at 38 and then after we do Scarlet Monastery or 37 then we'll do Razer fin Downs after we finish that because razor fin Downs drops like a lot of really big dick items and then we'll get up to like 43 for old man and then zul for [Music] rock honestly I don't think this fight is that hard or the not this fight uh this boss is that hard or dungeon whatever the [ __ ] it is uh um like this is the only [ __ ] right here it's this boss here he is a major big [ __ ] though they you can finally where plate is going to be lit yeah I know RFD is big loot oh yeah where's RFD in here okay so I guess or sorry RFK I guess for RFK we'll do that after neron do you have a good feeling about wow World of Warcraft the world with then do I have a good feeling about it um I mean I have a feeling about it like I think that the war within is going to be another expansion for World of Warcraft retail that's my general opinion on it I don't feel like they're really transforming anything fundamental in the game and it seems like it's just going to be more of the same now that doesn't necessarily mean that it's bad and there's a lot of people that are like oh wow more of the same that's great because I like what what the game is but personally I actually like hey there uh uh you know I like kind of how like cataclysm was or how Legion was well met like cataclysm and Legion were not well received in a lot of ways but at least they tried to break the mold of what an expansion is and I wish blizzard would be more experimental with what the expansions are so yeah turn on Boss levels and Atlas loot mod how do I do that that's whatever I'll just remember the numbers now why man a 10 man oh we were able to get a summon over somewhere light be with you for the alliance big dick light bless you we got one more turn in to do oh actually we have a turn in here your ass barley Brew wait what oh okay what's on your mind no great safe travels yeah I didn't even know I had to do that okay we've only got one more turn in to do and then I'm ready to take the summon uh is there isn't there a quest in Iron Forge should we go get that yeah is there a quest in Iron Forge that we need to get we got someone picking up all of them okay great you still have an estimate how many hours you put into the game uh about 35,000 on this character only I've only I've only played it for 12 hours yeah BR experience in her Miss appreciate solid attempt to push the envelope yeah I know I just think like the problem is that blizzard blizzard makes really big changes in the game sometimes but they make them in really bad ways and then because blizzard implements them in a bad way and then players don't like it I think that they're they think to themselves oh well we don't want to make these big changes because players don't like them but the truth is that a big change like artifact weapons or something else like that people actually do want those big changes but they just want them done in a way that's fun and a way that doesn't like waste your time imagine how good at guitar you'd be who cares like I like playing this game I don't care about guitar I think the only misstep was lfd and LFR well they've made a lot of mistakes they take their all and go home with it whenever you we don't like it yeah it's kind of like like with dragon flight right now I think that again like why do we have Mythic plus Keys getting depleted like everybody knows the Mythic plus atmosphere is really toxic like this is like a defined thing everybody knows this is a problem and I think that even the people that don't actually yeah every and I think everybody admits this right it's not like there are some people that don't admit it or some people that like oh I I I don't agree with this no I think everybody thinks this and because they think it why haven't blizzard changed this why haven't they made a change and I think the problem is that stitches getting summoned oh really o exciting so I could have stitches attack me PVP is more toxic oh yeah no doubt has there ever been an MPG hardcore mode before wow or is wow the first RPG hardcore mode uh no there's always been games like that yeah OS RS yeah they've got Iron Man or whatever see if this guy's got anything good here up out of here not taking a chance yeah it's okay yeah I actually don't have like a light of balloon or anything so if I uh if I have stitches attack me I'm going to die we'll see what happens we do Warrior quest line for your blue weapon I don't really care about it but I will I I know a lot of people want to see it and so I'll do it for them I wish I had gotten only one point in improv battle shot so I could get more blood Grace but that's okay you should have a rare alert add-on I'm just like I mean it's obvious if he's going to be there he's like massive right okay he's not over here I'm almost ready for summon by the the way guys think we should be fine okay looks like we're safe not too bad all right saved yeah I'm go turn to send right now there he is well met and I got hand and both of these are garbage what can I do for you I got 2,000 experience out of that so I'll probably hit 27 really fast okay I'm going to go ahead and get on the flight path right now just in case he tries to attack me again I can take summon whenever by the way yeah I'm good to go whenever need help be careful how many roaches kill stitches oh we've killed them before it's not too big of a deal we just do it there we go all right thank you very much all righty gentlemen BFD [Music] shame with plug I'm sorry it's okay you help me summon is there everybody else here oh we got one more one more how many roaches does it take to crash a server uh well I actually do know the answer to that uh probably about like 2,000 yeah we tried that so um this is the first time I've ever done this dungeon like seriously I've ever done a dungeon so I don't really know what to expect here I don't know how this is supposed to work I don't know how any of this fits together I'm just kind of here uh I guess we go under water yeah I'll let you know if there's danger danger okay I just realized I don't have an indicator for oh I do but I have underwater breathing with them o these are already level [Music] 21 there's been some people that uh have treated my Whispers as like their own personal chat to me me if you're sending me messages regularly I'm just going to put you on ignore unless I know you uh I don't want to be a dick right but stop it [ __ ] annoying the losers yeah people try to like get get my attention or like say something funny or whatever and I don't want to hear it all right guys I'm uh I'm out of my elements on this one so uh we'll see how this goes some people don't have high social intelligence I think that a lot of people don't have high social intelligence because they're never given the opportunity to fail uh is this by the way like do I need to turn the quest here because it says there's a question mark but apparently it's not like people like usually like they they act weird because they never get checked are we ready yeah we can start pulling Quest inside the dungeon got it o big dick too much smiling and nodding yeah it's like I know that like for myself personally I actually learned a lot from kind of getting checked by people whenever I was younger uh especially online and I think actually it's probably like the most healthy for it to happen online because there's not like any sort of like real danger right like despite what Twitter would have you think you cannot be unsafe on the internet uh that that that doesn't exist uh it's like being cold in Antarctica just doesn't happen turn this down a bit um so anyway because of that all right oh we got a we got a [ __ ] that's a [ __ ] there it is I pull him out thank you yeah false I mean how can somebody possibly be unsafe on the internet like I I I don't know like you you can't be in immediate danger emotional damage boxing I guess actually we're we're we're getting into like an abstract like bad things can happen to you on the internet what I'm saying is like somebody can't like punch you in the face through the uh like doxing and stuff like that is bad usually because of what it leads to in real life rather than like what what what the actual action in itself is it's bad because of the chain of events not yet yeah sure well anyway but my point is is that um uh I think that like somebody like kind of getting check online whenever they're acting weird or antisocial or doing something that people don't like I actually think that it's like really healthy for people to have that happen because it gives them the opportunity to okay yeah I think we go this way corrupted brain stems oh am I supposed to loot these I didn't know that um get it real quick you guys can keep going uh I think it gives them the opportunity to have like a negative interaction in in an unironic safe place or sa yeah in in a a safe space and I think that you know people that that have that happen they learn how to act so I think there's a big problem with like people that just straight up don't know how to act and I see it all the time like they'll say things that are like really awkward or like weird and it's like you know that the reason why this person says this stuff is because nobody's ever kind of checked them on like what they're saying so true look at a neon kid well I think that a lot of that I mean like I I wouldn't even really count that like neon is like a content creator right so I I I wouldn't really trust everything that a content creator does to be like completely offensive I kind of like neon I think he's okay he's not really a bad dude but just in general I wouldn't expect that is like calling people broke boys that someone never got checked uh kind of I mean I think that really I I think it's just like there's a certain amount of like getting checked like I I mean more as like a personal it's more like interpersonal like I'm not talking about like somebody getting in trouble like with the internet as a at a whole right like I don't ooh there it is all right we're in all righty boys this is the hardest dungeon blizzards ever made that's why it's becoming a raid season of Discovery so you guys really need to take this seriously like we can't have anybody [ __ ] around no games no fun no enjoyment uh this is all for uh all for winning more like within your circles yeah I mean like more interpersonal things because like I like for example like I'll have people that um uh what do you call it like will act like weird and it's because they just don't even really know that they're being weird because nobody ever told them that because most people don't want to have uh they don't want to have some social negative interaction with this person right and so they just kind of let them be weird parents fault no I don't think so I actually don't think it's the parents fault because the parents like are only going to act one sort of way towards like like their kid but um it's really just like a like a social a social thing at least that's what I think just kill these guys here yeah I don't want to have any like mistakes happen or anything like that okay guys uh this is the hardest boss we saw fandy uh fall off on this one too what are we doing stop stop everybody stop come back come back to the Mob everybody come back to the Mob you let something like that sit there and then somehow it's going to bug out and aggro more mobs or it's going to appear on the Healer whenever we don't want it to you never know it could aggro those I don't know what what can happen has no idea younger kids going to be at trouble socializing yeah all right guys let's go yeah and I think I've learned a lot you know from like negative social interactions especially online and it's helped me you know learn how to act more in real life [Applause] too is this hardcore yeah yeah I'm not really uh not really familiar with this dungeon so as I said I'm kind of a little bit scared when softcore when I play my Warlock and I just turn in stuff for experience and I never even do anything that's softcore it's great great SE a lot of clips from here yeah I don't know as I said I this is all kind of like new to [Applause] me you plan a warlock tank and Su to Discovery I'm going to level up two characters I'm going to level up the Warlock wow ooh [Music] ooh any needers okay let's go oh that's a big boy it's L's day yeah L's gotten a lot of really good gear I just want to get death wish man so I can have like a cool down I can use on a boss you know hopefully we get a Critical Strike for executor 30 60 damage how does this turtle have so much [ __ ] Armor Jesus okay uh are there any other bosses that we need to do here I don't know like isn't there like an area that we go down this way and there's like Naga or something come with me okay guys I swear to God if you [ __ ] drown I'm going to lose my mind you weren't paying attention uh let's get the meridon turn around see it's just not only do you have to know what the right option is you also have to know that other people don't know what the right option is and know exactly any possible outcome that could happen that would be negative that's about being a raid leader in a classic wow you're playing everybody's account ooh okay let's talk to this guy I am on darn ass ass oh wow I get a blue for this holy [ __ ] fwell nice I didn't even know that all right let's go we leveling boys yeah oh I can get my point uh I guess I'm just going to get enrage damage for now that way like I mean I think flurry is more important like dual specialization is okay but 5% offhand weapon damage isn't really that much I feel cuz like off hand already you lose uh like damage with it Hydra I don't know where we're going okay kill this got you [Music] [ __ ] out yeah all right guys I'll back I'm just kidding I'm just [ __ ] with you guys right back was that a good one did you guys like that yeah I only have five brains I don't know yeah I only have one what the [ __ ] okay what's this five strength five Stam that's garbage oh so what's this ooh this way I feel like Dungeons maybe this is like me being stupid but I feel like Dungeons get easier as you level up because you just have so many more tools to solve problems yeah yeah like in a way like it sounds stupid but I was like more afraid of Wailing Caverns than I will be of like ZF RFC hardest dungeon confirmed [Applause] yeah sometimes you cannot solve problem somebody's stupidity yeah you can you just Petri problem solved yeah I don't see the issue there yeah somebody stupid you just pety and then it's not a problem what's wrong with that think there's two guys this way it's just one okay unless they're the fifth Horsemen Pet's 50 yeah I know well you just get the 50 First you should not be here all right let's do it slay them big dick bro I love missing my attacks that's so fun got you [ __ ] 3.4% uh that one's not as good as what I I'm just going to pass on that it's like maybe a side grade but this one uh this one has fiery and it also has four strength or four Stam what is it yeah four Stam we'll just leave this okay I don't really know where to go now maybe we go this way I don't know guess will'll figure it out is so boring compared to retail it's ridiculous well retail wow is definitely a lot harder than classic wow right I think everybody knows that but like classic wow there's like a sense of uh what's the word for it like where's the how's a good way to make it more sense make it make more sense like there's like a sense of like meaning in the game that like retail doesn't really have anymore and I feel like that's become the case for a lot a lot of years now like retail is just kind of lost a lot of like its meaning just pull the yellow thing make sure not to go under 50% breath guys hasn't had for years yeah retail feels heartless well it either feels heartless or it feels too emotional you know you know world of peacecraft is that up to person well yeah I mean there's some people that like retail more and they like what retail has to offer more I think that's great you know and I I think the best thing about the fact that classic wow exists is the fact that retail wow can exist and uh just pull this gu [Applause] to wait what what the [ __ ] was that yeah I I don't really understand what that yeah yeah let's pull these good idea smart retail seems like more of a dungeon Lobby than a world yeah like I think that classic wow like not even burning Crusade was as good as classic wow like BC was good for different way for different reasons but personally I think classic wow is like Head and Shoulders over any other just give me a second I got to go Lo something uh any other version of the game that we've had before or after or not I mean not before before it was the first one right we had after that's garbage throw that away wrath I don't think wrath was very good I think wrath had a lot of problems Raph had oldw War which was like in my opinion probably the best dungeon ever made but oldw War isn't really that much better than let's say Throne of the uh or uh uh what's it called uh Throne of Thunder I think Throne of Thunder was is like the second best raid ever made and thrown of thunder in a lot of ways is better than old war WTH dungeons are good though really I don't think so I think they're boring I think the only dungeons that are interesting are classic wild dungeons and some of the new ones like I think mechagon was really interesting and I really like the uh return to Kazan dungeon too Taz of I didn't really care a lot about it wasn't really that appealing to me damn hases was great yeah that's fine I just didn't really care about it as much as the other ones let make sure there's no let just pull right now I can detect them since I'm higher we makes it easier for me see if there's any more yeah there's one right [Music] there got you [ __ ] did they already get bored in New World no I've just been playing something else uh I'll play new world again why wouldn't I I actually like new world uh I I like the uh I just like I like a lot of things about the game but like I think a lot of people just had like such a bad first impression of new world that like nobody wants to give it a second chance and I think that like for example the expansion in New World was really really really good you ever get the lasm I didn't I maybe that's why I stopped playing yeah I didn't get the Lazarus mace economy is [ __ ] new world uh is it I don't know I think it's pretty much fine make sure we don't have any bad boys I bought new world played it for 3 days and I never went back it is what it is yeah I liked it though New World's cool but the economy and player cap sucks I think the player cap is the worst thing about the game other than that I think it's actually a pretty good game like new world had like one of the best implementations of an expansion that I've ever seen a [ __ ] oh there's a lot of [ __ ] suckers around here make sure we pull these uh these guys here I probably should just pull all of these realistically because that way we can make sure we get all the brain stems this is Hardcore combat looked always so shitty to me uh I I think that the new world combat like new world is a game that like the more casual you are the more fun you're going to have in the game and the more seriously you play the game probably the less fun you're going to have in the game like just like in a general in a general sense need food buff okay wa p after this I don't know boss first uh I'm not sure I I don't know what to do first I'm just here got him on the left side okay well then let's do that I don't see a boss oh now I see him yeah yeah there he is new world needs is really big raids yeah also um like I think that like there are just some like some fundamental problems that oh wow that's actually really uh those sell pretty well um um okay everybody move back after this everybody move back move way back yeah you know what to do yeah I I just I I didn't want to have like everything get pulled at the same time you know cuz I could tell like cuz we were going to aggro casters they were going to start running after them it was going to be a bad time let me just pull let me pull big damage oh yeah ooh def defense okay we got one more set all righty will you review your own death whenever you die who says I'm going to die like I haven't died I've never died in hardcore actually no I died unofficially whenever somebody pulled the bomb on top of me so like yeah I technically did die but besides that I have not ever died so uh hopefully that uh that stays to be the case all right [Applause] sorry a giga ethical well hey I mean at least like I feel like hardcore it's already it's hard enough man ooh it's a two-handed axxe that looks really cool but I'm not going to take it I I feel like there's already enough stupid things that can happen randomly that I'm not going to take the chance by not putting myself in a really advantageous position with hardcore wow there's a shrine okay oh I didn't see you guys pulled that that's my bad I should have paying attention Miss buff okay oh it's spirit anac I don't even care about that we good yeah it's a Caster buff that's good I'm glad they're making that a WHL buff because uh there are no real Caster WHL Buffs all the WHL Buffs are like mainly for uh for melee Frost resist too yeah remember your one death back in the day uh as monger and MF Jones yeah I really [ __ ] up like that's the thing is that the one thing I'm afraid of is let me just get this guy um the one thing I'm afraid of is just choking because I think that as long as I'm not panicking I will never make a mistake but I'm worried that like something will go wrong and I'll just turn off my brain and go into panic mode and then make a mistake that's the only thing I'm like gen generally afraid of it's fine let's make sure I pull him out of stealth just don't panic yeah I know well that's why I I like I try not to take it too seriously right because if I'm just playing more casually like maybe I won't have as much of like a worry whenever my character gets slow invisible dinosaur and steering Gorge that was the dumbest [ __ ] [ __ ] well the thing is like whenever I died in um in the Iron Man challenge it was kind of like my fault you know like I I really really really misplayed that I misplayed it so bad it was insane but like that's just what happens right is like I have you know like you just go into Panic Rin and like you just stop thinking don't die yeah like that's why like I see some people die and like I can get why they they make the mistakes they do because like whenever you're worried or whenever I was worried like I just can't I can't think you know it's like my brain turns off I feel like I'm under pressure sure I refresh these oh big dick the Panic this number one killer in hardcore yeah getting no brains to drop it doesn't matter because as soon as um oh [ __ ] now I know where we are okay here we go let see how this goes instincts kick in reasoning goes out yeah do we go above or underwater first do above first yeah let's do above obviously that's fine we go above yeah yeah do that get these guys cuz like the mobs from uh above can come down and attack us below but the mobs from below can't attack us from above so it just makes sense to do above first there we go these mobs are pretty easy we shouldn't even worry about them too much much we can kill two packs if we accidentally Agro one so it's whatever let's get these guys up here too ooh actually these are way higher level I just noticed that oh we got we got some ones there it is Jesus these guys do a lot of damage what the [ __ ] is this okay I need to get Twilight pendants too um yeah we got it it's no big deal get both of these guys too there's no mobs that way was not a pendant tell your P party to abandon Quest well if anybody's going to get them it should be them because I can mob tag a lot easier yeah like I'm not worried at all uh personally okay let's not do that one let's do these first I'm going to I'm going to be so happy whenever I can get uh I do Fury and go water after these no let's do the ones on top before water I think we're going to aggro the ones on top if we're in the water uh I don't know how it's going to happen but I know it will happen it's not what I would do but okay yeah I just like I'm the kind of person like I always think about like what could go wrong you know I'm I'm actually very cautious whenever I'm in that kind of a mindset oh defense okay uh I guess uh yeah Miss looting a guy oh yeah you're right we also missed a chest Don't Mind If I Do let me go over there oh I got three nice okay dungeons ass if the whole party has the quests yeah uh we got formula enchant weapon ler spirit and I got two Lester potion so I guess I can give those to drar oh I got a watermelon just one at a time such a [ __ ] push dungeon uh it's last noon or BFD I think that neron will be like our first big risk like what do you guys think got it um uh pull these back pull these back yeah ner and SM you think scar at monaster is a risk I really don't think so I think scar at Monastery is so easy it's one of the easiest dungeons in the game yeah it's super clean yeah I just can't imagine like something going wrong like I mean maybe it could I just can't think of it just pull these Cathedral has some poles bro Cathedral can have some poles it's not going to have any po cuz I'm not going to make a [ __ ] mistake like you're absolutely right like there are people that play Cathedral that are [ __ ] garbage but that's not me bro like I I I don't [ __ ] that up I don't make mistakes Cathedral can be spicy yeah cuz people suck dick let's pull these guys and then we'll be uh we'll be good to go down yeah let's get one more guy and then we'll be good yeah just this guy got you [ __ ] make sure I loot some of these for the uh insignias four is this six nope that's a [ __ ] Shield okay what about this nice okay everybody group up over tro gear next boss will be a [ __ ] is he [Applause] really yeah is he actually a [ __ ] I feel like he's not a [ __ ] has a lot of single Target damage really uh I don't know where to go by the way it's going to follow you guys okay w ooh ooh it's a danger Nessie hey get get back up get back up to the the top okay let's go let until we get Agro [Music] then my demo shot him it's an underwater long boy yeah make sure you guys aren't uh aren't drowning oo big damage nice what a piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm going to throw away or a pass on I mean say throw it away yeah yeah it's no big deal that won't help you you guys will get it get it for [Music] m wait did he make it oh all right good job guys we got one more all right great work guys thank God we uh saved time with that shortcut oh I pulled a mob oops I didn't know there were guys there no no no no no no no over this way there you go ABC always be smart uh y'all want me to pull let me pull okay that's fine that's fine just L yeah if you guys want me to handle it I can handle it yeah I won't pull the the thing I know like yeah if you click on the bows or some [ __ ] A bunch of mobs spawn ooh Twilight Lord kis I guess he's like a bad guy or something we got to kill him I'll just keep pulling uh you got it okay yeah that's fine don't touch anything what the [ __ ] yeah I remember watching like that one video of the guy that summoned all the ads at the same time and like everybody died that was a great video yeah you got it I'm just going to pull the shadow Mage too Cody did that too yeah I mean to be fair like the reason why I know it's a bad idea is because I've done it but I did it on retail when it doesn't matter other side [Music] nice small yeah is what it is I'm not worried about it are we good good yeah okay yeah I don't know why that happens who knows really good wow wowe wow wo W oh wow W that's really good two be o all right uh I'm ready whenever you guys are need no there's no reason to need on it like uh I've got infinite gold some of the people in the group don't so I just pass on everything interrupt to sleep yeah by the way I can interrupt so just keep that in mind oh I got nine [ __ ] I'm I might not Who Dares disturb my meditation all right big dick him big dick them don't click nothing ain't nobody click nothing F just point you're good good job easiest game of my life and then we also got a rod of the sleep awakener okay so how does this work so we have to light each fire one at a time right I probably should figure out how to get this just do one then kill ads yeah okay um I guess let me just click one I'm going to click one right are we ready jump if we're ready jump if we're ready one okay we already pulled it okay great all right let's go okay and so do they keep spawning or is it just one ooh what a loser bro level six get them out of here oh wow get this loser out of here who is this loser bro like where is he where is he like dude this guy sucks kick him out of the guild right now kick him out get him out of the guild right now I don't want to see him yep G kick him right now okay uh let's see so now I should I should do another one I'm going to do it I just did it oo look at all these guys that's a lot of dick suckers o that's a lot of dick suck suckers oh wow that is a preponderance of dick suckers oh wow oh boy okay you got him good nice good job uh everybody's good on Mana I'm going to pull another one where' I be where' I be at oh [ __ ] triple turtle a diers yeah there's a lot of mobs I think we probably could have done all of them at the same time but it would have been like super rough no what for the level six well that's just how it is in my guild bro like if you get if you die in The Guild like everybody just shits on you especially if it's low level okay we got one Mo again see what this is o four crabs has to be done it's not for new players get wrecked well yeah I mean hardcore is definitely not meant for new players you're right about that a lot of people don't realize that like I I feel bad for any new player that like starts the game and starts with hardcore you know it's a big [ __ ] mistake all right we got to kill this last guy and does this make the door open ooh wow wow wow they were sing a jewel to the death oh bro loser loser get him out of here we don't want a loser in the guild kick the loser out of the guild Martian hardcore paid Don John 10 gold bro get him out he's out he's out he's done he's done guys we're safe we don't want any losers in the guild get him out of here what a [ __ ] rip Bozo what are you doing for bro like what is this it's a minus 10 gold bro it's a minus account all right just just pull this pull this pull this you lost his whole account over that man that's the price of being a [ __ ] [ __ ] all right we're almost at the last boss so have your officers paid kick protection money uh well yeah but like he died so like a dying uh negates all that like we can't have a loser in the guild man ooh that's a big boy that is a big boy play it safe play it smart hope the sword drops yeah me too me too get him get him out of here just just let them Pat back let them Pat back we going to we going to deal with these Turtles I and this is a big item right see I could get this right here strike Hydra I could get that now if I get it I don't even know if I'm going to use it but I want it it's a 3302 people about to argue prodection money sa being kicked when they die I mean like bro people going to argue about whatever the [ __ ] but it's just funny to me look he's patting back looks like a real life Hydra true it's the exact same now for this boss uh do we know anything on this boss like uh do we need need to know anything I don't think so right yeah is there anything I should know about this boss no just kill him yeah DPS all right he just slaps okay just just just don't die then all right ready when you guys are okay get a ren on him big Damage Big damage let's go keep him up come on I see in Rage big heals oh what damn damn look at that [ __ ] boys oh my God this is a big dick situation I actually got the [ __ ] sword wait I didn't Lo it okay I I got to I actually got the [ __ ] sword look at that holy [ __ ] man let me look this too ooh blessing of black fathom that's huge speak with me to hear my tail to me please Port me to darn ass ass okay let's port to darn asses that's like the right decision right yeah I'm going to do that interest on the point he good I feel kind of bad because like look at my quests nine of 10 seven of eight like I actually just got [ __ ] man I got cheated so bad ouch yeah it feels real bad [ __ ] Quest yeah I know that's just the way it is though that's life I need to fix those it doesn't matter maybe if they increase the the the drop rate by like 20% or so like people don't want to have to run the same dungeon like that two times in a row use the sword you guys want to see the sword can anybody do fiery enchant on my sword oo ooh dang I'm looking fresh to death after this I'm going to go over to Stormwind okay I'll see if I can get a uh a fiery enchant over there not going to lie these dungeons have been easier than I thought they would be you know why it's because you have the Battle Master here I just know everything about all these dungeons so it's not going to be a problem also like I think that the truth is that like I don't make a lot of uh like I will make make sure that we don't make mistakes you know and because of that I think that you know like well we don't die it's pretty simple oh it's this way I didn't realiz that like I can kind of predict bad things that can happen ooh congrats dude be careful light nice how much is $3,000 for that one it's a lot of money okay I'm going to go ahead and Port back oh actually let me go ahead and get the fight path here yeah I might as well get the fight path here and at duskwood or dark store know how to was it well it it's not that it's that I know I know what's what can happen that's bad like for example like I can avoid I can try to prevent us from running into bad situations weapon Master for bows thank you very much I appreciate that forgot all about that what's the end goal of this character to defeat everything kill everything do everything and win on a level that nobody's ever won before uh that's about it yeah just win yeah uh we are actually starting to recruit level 60s into the guild and the reason why is that um I want to spectate their raids uh for Content be careful so I want them to raid for Content so I can see them die but you aren't 60 oh I could be 60 tomorrow if I wanted to be on my warlock that'd be easy I just haven't really given a [ __ ] about it to be honest with you you actually got Hydro strike yeah I did it's not really that good like my other weapons are already way better especially because they they both have fiery on them but this is nice I'll probably I don't know if I'm ever actually really going to use this but it's cool to have B everyone doesn't believe in you yeah true 100 PS ready to boost him drop of a hat well it's not just that it's that like so I have a way that I'm going to go from 50 to 60 and then 58 is super easy right because you just do the turn ends and uh I can get to 5 too from other stuff like it it it's really not that big of a deal is leveling uh is kind of leveling B this is this is leveling B no it's not the proc rate is like awful like this is only good in group content I here oh I need to go take the boat what level should we get to now what level should we get to I'm thinking that the level that we should get to is level 30 I think 30 or 31 I might go for 31 since I'm uh melee and we're going to do Razer fin crawl and we're going to do neron we're going to do both of those dungeons I know DPS meter by the way the reason why is like I don't even really think it matters I think that it gives like more of a authentic experience not having it but I'll probably do DPS meter at some point it's like I don't it's not like I'm against [Music] it you going to get Whirlwind ax yeah I will you probably go to RFK now last boss would be rough though I just don't like fighting bosses that are like red level because none of my attacks hit I find it annoying and stupid so I guess what we're going to do with like talents is I'll go to enrage and then I'll get death wish then improved slam I don't think that I should go with improved slam yeah I'm just going to be dual wielding yeah no well I was just thinking if I was going to use a two-handed weapon because like at around that point I would have uh what do you call it I would have whirl Windex which would make slam because its weapon damage or make it way better but even then I don't think it's that good I think we do uh uh we do Death Wish and then dual wield to four and then flurry to five then bloodthirst and then probably just impale as fast as we can I might go with improved intercept I don't know yeah I'm trying to decide if I want to go with that you should go arms no arms isn't that good I think that Fury is better because it gives me Health back and so does bloodthirst and I just I think Fury is just better intercept is really good yeah it's literally 10 seconds on a cool down for a charge Riv intercept is really [ __ ] useful yeah like I I'm I want to have a a spec that's built for Value rather than uh just like this is what's going to do the highest DPS in a raid because like everybody knows what the highest DPS in a raid is like it's not even a big deal arms is considered better for endgame DPS yeah um that's not true so yeah that that's that's something that's not true uh I don't know who said that but uh yeah just uh refer yourself to the uh the the uh actually who I'm going to ban him let's ban him
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 622,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: z6mbvXHVsLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 59sec (10859 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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