Asmongold BEST Day Yet! Finding The LOST ARK | DAY 3

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boys we're back again another day gentlemen today is going to be quite a day i thought that amazon deleted my character i did i was like i was looking at there's the zeros all the way down for like the characters on the list and i'm like what the [ __ ] happened how did why did that why did they delete my guy like what did i do wrong like i don't deserve this i'm gonna have to level again this is awful right i'm stressing out i'm freaking out and then i look at the list and i realize they didn't delete my character they deleted the whole [ __ ] server so guys listen the adventure continues obviously i told you guys i would be back and guys i'm finally [ __ ] back we're going in we're going on an adventure today we're going to continue leveling and keep getting better and higher level as much as we need to i'm excited i uh i i didn't get a chance to play hardly at all off stream yesterday so i'm pretty much the same place that i was at yesterday now again guys we are going to big dick the game i said this before we are going to completely big dick the game uh i was doing all the dungeons i've said this before i'm going to be doing all the dungeon solo doing everything all on my own guys gentlemen is it time new drops new dupes it is what it is man solo legion raid listen i will solo anything that is possible to solo and i will even try to solo things that are not possible to so well because i find that to be the most fun part of the game that's what i like doing is i like soloing i like popping off i like playing the game that way that's my kind of thing lost ark yeah dude i'm [ __ ] ready it's yeah it's an mmo that looks like an arpg what's this here claim reward oh dude for a second i thought i got a [ __ ] dupe too uh it's too bad great and what's this here stronghold energy i'll loot this too and i'll move my camera up slightly too so you guys can see what's going on we have double camera for whenever my camera dies probably in about five minutes here and uh then we'll go ahead that's perfect and then we'll go ahead and get started with the game so let's go talk to him and he's right there should be super fast duke moon yeah i'm dupe yeah the thing is as i said i've been playing so much new world and i've been playing so much of this game and it's just natural for me to start duping everything even myself i duped myself not even my camera but i also do desmond gold and zack roth two different channels duping is just what's normal for me second camera isn't hidden all right we got the little ocd andes here i i get it i get it uh it's all fixed up and now it's just perfect okay is that is that good enough for you is it the orchard shut up [ __ ] let's go ah man a sigh of relief yeah we're good to go man and we've got jambo with us and we're going to keep leveling i hope we get 50 pretty soon because uh i'm really excited to actually do the raids it's going to be so [ __ ] badass a lot of people ask me like oh what's the what would i rate the game one out of ten i don't really have a rating one out of ten for the game i just don't my my rating for the game is that i've really enjoyed playing it the whole time through and that's been what it is yeah if you invite me again i'm going to put you on ignore all right let's go so you want to turn all this diorica into horse feed i sure do okay so what do i have to do uh be fine you'll really appreciate it give the horse feed to montreal okay i've got to go talk to him i guess i want to pick up all these too uh luban evaded okay speak with farmer lubin we'll go ahead and get that done wait a second somebody said that you can do a side quest and it only takes 10 minutes for your permanent berserk wait a second hold up hold up wait a minute where it be where it at where it be where it at you need to be 50 at 50. at level 35 okay all right at level 35 we do it so yeah at level 35 we are going to get that 100 and i want to tell you guys yes i will play madness berserker lou ban i know uband isn't a bad person everyone suspects them okay yeah it's fine it's not that big of a deal [ __ ] them okay there's another way and with the rumor new workers search the new workers manure in the backyard and we have to defeat these guys okay and let's go get this guy too say that again bishou he sent all this diorica feet yep that's right back before he ended up falling out my brother would send me this kind of thing from time to time what i've been doing all this time waiting for my brother to approach me first noren told me everything i understand why my brother had to make the choice thank you for resolving our misunderstanding as a token of appreciation i would like to offer you the safe key noren will have it ready for you tell them to come soon i appreciate it wow so we fixed all their problems because these guys were fighting they were pissed off at each other the brothers were because one guy decided to embrace his new overlord and the other guy didn't want to okay so what do i do here talk g [Music] okay um wait what the hell what the [ __ ] is that somebody trying to get his dick hole destroyed well pop the [ __ ] off if i have to i'll do what i need to do yeah we're going to keep we're going to keep at 55th street with them exactly no we just goddamn right okay so here's the safe key collect the estate horses from veronica over there all right let's do it and before i return she says my plans are ridiculous should begin encouraging the two of them to talk let's see some mail i will open up my mail give me give me 20 minutes and i will open up my mail so a little bit after 12 i'll open it up does that sound good i have a lot of people telling me to do different things do i open this you need 20 mayhem do not open these oh my god okay it's a mystery on what to do here okay we got it yeah i just i don't want to keep you you have no idea how stressful it is to have thousands of people telling you do it don't do it do it don't do it don't do it do it do it do it do it do it it's just what the [ __ ] right master montiec asked you to get stallions for the bishop damn she's thick wow oh my god okay is rory both masters have temporary sure the old master be here they look at it here you can take these they're healthy bright creatures so am i going to get a horse here is that it let's talk to them luban wants to eliminate the shared army yeah [ __ ] him okay we totally misunderstood him oh poor luban we should go apologize thank you for letting us know oh i'm 30. [ __ ] yeah wait what's this here market unlocked oh that's the auction house i'm assuming right yeah buy a crib okay i'm level 30 now and i just need to get one more level and i'll be able to i get one more [ __ ] level and then i'll be able to keep going what fine stallions these are who could be so generous to send them wait did i just put a horse in my pocket and and carry it over here yes why ward montreal by the gods i should let the master know immediately oh my god you always have a horse in your pocket no he's invisible montag yes those steeds are definitely from him okay it means the farming tools he sent were really meant to be a peace offering oh my i've been so narrow-minded my foolishness is inconvenienced to everyone i know it sounds like an excuse truly i only decided with the region to protect my people no the thing is like the guy that sided with the regent made the right call even though he's effectively siding with voldemort it's like you can't fight him off you're making a martyr out of people like he he made the right decision you're making a martyr out of people who didn't volunteer for it it really he he made the right call 100 you know what i know what everybody damn bro oh what's this we got some dick boys oh we got some dick oh what's this oh what's this we got a lot of angry boys huh it'd be a shame if somebody did this huh what's up boys what y'all doing woo get [ __ ] there we go nice and he should be dead here oh he's a warrior too wait he ran away he ran away yeah why are you running i know several knights of luterera have come to protect the king's tomb with me imbued with my clay soldiers their souls will last the ages by my side okay it seems to belong to berhard the glorious king of luterra and the power of genesis that he has taken on one day when the song of the hero rings okay the legend will be renewed i understand the left arm of a fragmented clay soldier oh so we have to pick up all the pieces i see okay um let's go ahead and just keep going drink water it's not rocket science why would i want water oh i thought you were actually talking to me never mind so were we restoring it i'm assuming do i fight him the sun bows down the king's resting place oh [ __ ] at least i got an upgrade out of that okay we got that now and let's go turn this back in so we're basically getting all this stuff together so we can finally actually activate the arc that is the goal i thought my character was actually deleted last night i didn't know the servers were down yeah i saw the same thing i was worried that my [ __ ] got deleted too the red cerberus mount uh why would i do that yeah why would i spend even a second checking the red cerberus mount i don't need to uh look at that there's no reason for me to concern myself with the red cerberus mount you know what the red cerberus mount isn't even that good that's the truth it's it's not that good it's dumb it's annoying like who cares about the red cerberus man okay let's go inside you found the clues the hoons clay soldiers yeah that's right what a unique way to leave one's trace the clay soldier is mentioned in the bibliography the sun worships the king's resting place the king's resting place must mean a king's tomb right perhaps thyrain knows which one well yeah because he'd be the king so that would make sense people are trying to get you to waste money yeah yeah sure uh i don't know you're back i've heard a similar verse okay someone's seeing it whenever i was young oh right back then odin was the court musician he's retired now living on sunbright hill well we've got to go talk to odin and figure out where the king's tomb is that's obviously what the goal is odin is with us hands up yeah there you go okay red cerberus mount is slower than the other ones because he's angry he's also stupider because he's angry he's distracted he's not thinking clearly anyway let's let's focus here uh you're going to some bright hill oh dear there are rumors going around about that place the exploited farmers apparently revolted and you know what good for them damn wow workers rise up uh anyway you can reach it by taking the road straight down to the station stay safe okay well let's go do that love the streams hope you have a good time playing yeah i do i enjoy the game a lot and uh i've the thing with me is like if the if the story is silly then it's funny to me because of how silly it is and if the story is good then it's enjoyable so there's not really a lose condition does that make sense like i don't really care one way or another i just think it's funny so let's go this way we're into a new zone now wait why aren't the aggro on why they're not aggro what the [ __ ] have i ascended to god status and the npcs won't even attack me anymore that's how good i am wow that's amazing let me see this song is quite old i've seen similar lyrics before do you see the 19th observatory over there the text on the plaque is level 50. damn uh quite similar to the lyrics you're talking about anyone can use the observatory with the horn of valor loot ass so go take a look the magic and beauty imbued nancy gruchason is a source of entry power for the uh the guy okay so collect valor loot ass horn okay so we'll just find the loot asses gotcha [ __ ] this is utterly incomprehensible is it possible that even the stars must die one day uh how the stars gonna die their rock how how it gonna do die uh nunn and hit all the records he's rather offended by others taking a peek at his work with a snob i know that he hit the records in those immobile clay soldiers but it's so dangerous to meddle with them well it's a good thing that we have a powerful uh master warrior like myself that's here to solve all the problems and save the day they really are lucky that i'm here the seven stars we call the sidereals burn brightly in the night sky as they watch over us for all eternity they share with us their light wow but the grandest star of them all left archesia to become our eternal king what what the hell dude is that fake news all right let's go turn this one in now then constellation records i'll share my findings whenever i'm ready okay is arcasia flat um it's actually a um uh it's a dome if you can believe that did you take a look nadine was the one who wrote the built the observatory and wrote the words on the plaque did you see the lyrics on a plaque although it looks complete legend it looks to include a story about the king's tomb it's lost now listen to the lyrics oh my god is this actually a quest that's telling me to listen to the lyrics of a game song oh no not again oh no not again we can't be certain why don't you visit pumpkin village you'll find plenty of older more experienced birds living there who might be able to help okay those people should be around there perhaps you can visit them okay sounds good why don't you visit pumpkin village true okay let's go back over here and we've got a dungeon in this area too so that's going to be exciting as i said guys i love doing the dungeons that's probably my favorite part of the game so far is doing and soloing the dungeons did they announce i'm getting banned oh wow patch 9.2 got announced it's coming out on february 22nd uh well we'll be able to play it for three days i wish blizzard would only release games around my personal schedule of the other games that i am mentally planning to play but i feel like that's really rude that they released the game whenever i wasn't thinking about you know playing at that exact time you've come to me my teacher i'm afraid this is a bad time uh it's plagued by a horde of bandits who call themselves the world harvest uh instigators we have to get the instigators out of the village hopefully that kills them yeah it does okay nice got him and we still need to wait for one more there's one right there show the anger of the common peoples of a monarchy and build a nation that better serves us wait what [Music] all who are with us come to the assembly area west of the farm let us crown our new king with our own hands oh we got pumpkin jack now he thinks he's in control now he thinks he runs [ __ ] huh we're gonna kill him we're gonna kill him man that's the solution we gonna kill him let's take care of it let's talk to this guy first though before we do that look at them run yeah what a bunch of [ __ ] true bunch of [ __ ] ass [ __ ] what's that world harvest is joining forces with sherrod's remnants outrageous it's because of them that we've suffered we're not going to tolerate that corrupt world harvest anymore okay let's go and we have to kill three guys here pumpkin gang check wow twitter uh yeah i mean i can talk a little bit more about the 9.2 stuff now that we're just doing some of the the quests but i mean again i'm really excited to play 9.2 i think it's going to be [ __ ] fun i feel like everybody was kind of expecting to see a uh a release pretty soon here got him all right problem solved boys let's go turn it in say you hate wow yeah i mean i think there's a lot of people that want that and they just i think there's people that don't like wow and they quit wow so they're looking for me to not like wow to make them feel better about their decision that they didn't play wow so whenever i play wow they holy [ __ ] it's cactus jack and he's sending people to astro world run away okay oh my god holy [ __ ] i [ __ ] i got destroyed dude what the [ __ ] was that okay what did i get i don't even want to i don't know if i even want to look at it bro i actually got an i got an epic sword okay here we go no [ __ ] way oh my [ __ ] god that's a 25 item level increase and what what i got another one and it and a chess piece holy [ __ ] and a helmet and a necklace oh my god dude what a [ __ ] day let me see what the helmet looks like wait what oh it's from the front i didn't see that god damn follow trace's memory card away in passenger time tell me whom the monument is uh it's luterra that's right it's dedicated to the first side of sidereel's founder of luterra he was ordinary united managed to save the mortal world isn't that amazing huh since you answered my little quiz correctly i'll give you the bard's gift it's sex right no it's 300 stones okay well that's not what i had expected but that's fine i can't hear you shut up what do you want with this old man uh let's see gentleman's hearing's not so great won't get through to him with words you defeated the deputies of the world harvest by the gods that mean the world harvest is done for you or something else yeah let's go over there [ __ ] it let's do it hearthstone new expansion is dragon themed isn't that interesting what i i write what i want to say to noel so the guy's deaf okay you again why are you still here what are you trying to say i don't know you feel world that is deputy he's amazing you don't happen to know all the lyrics do you the song describes how to get to the king's tomb i know the rest of the lyrics not just anyone can sing the song however not even if they know the lyrics only lintel with the dawn strike hall knows the melody take this to bard linto he'll know what i mean don't even think about opening it yourself it's in braille so you won't be able to read it anyway okay there we go huh who are you it's your boy what do you mean my vision's grown rather damn i can't tell who you are no i'll tell you bring something to me hand it over it's some of the king's tomb yes i know the tune of the song noah says it's up to me to decide whether i should teach you the melody well i don't see a reason why i wouldn't but before i'd like a favor what do you want me to do now what okay the war is finally over is there any good news uh i got a level i leveled up that's the best the news says great news leave it to me oh gather round i shall now proclaim the words of king thyron the tyranny of regent sheriff is over i thyren proclaim henceforth as king of luterra yeah that all riches wrongfully seized shall be returned to the people of lutera comrade thyren proud men and women of luterra wicked deceivers like sherrod shall never be tolerated in this kingdom again wow may the honor and pride of luterra live on forever so proclaims king thyren yay three cheers for our new king [Music] i'll second that [Applause] [Laughter] they're not cheering [Music] how wonderful that was as awkward as it would be in real life this game is very realistic yeah i like it yeah it's such a realistic game impressive very impressive absolutely uh everyone's truly delighted now time to keep my end of the bargain i'll teach you the tune as promised you have to sing the song at a certain location the song is named after a certain flower that flower is worship and waiting they say there's no better praise for a night than gifting this flower what do you think the flowers are called okay okay we've got to go to where the flowers are [Music] let's go find that now the grass looks 100 x better than final fantasy grass wow bro that means that this game is so much better than final fantasy because like i mean you just look at the grass i mean if they could do the grass better than i mean it's just it's so much of a better game everybody knows it i mean look guys it's over yeah just look at the grass the wind foretold your arrival the wind foretold my arrival the song he's saying is the song of the sunflower it's written in memory of a bygone hero his song can awaken the brightest scar in the sky seeing it in the darkness will attract monsters but the only way you can reach where the bell stayed okay well let's just do it setting now are you ready to welcome the darkness am i ready to welcome the darkness the sun is setting oh [ __ ] we in this scenario now let's go bardo this is something i must tell you before i begin okay once i start performing those who protect the king's slumber will attack us only when we overcome all the trials will the location of our king's resting place be revealed reminder remember you must protect this place until dawn shall we begin yes what if he starts playing the black parade by my chemical romance right now i think that would be perfect did they just hit jambo yeah and let's i oh dude i'm so confused with my abilities man it's very very hard for me to do the blinding rays bow down to worship the resting place of thee luterra our eternal king wow wow the sun is writhing over lastra forest the place where our hero rests guys just tell me where the [ __ ] king is go to lastra forest the land that the sun worships okay i can do that let's go over there may lutera watch over you alright let's go oh oh i get new shoulders this is it nice they look like [ __ ] that's the one thing i didn't want okay have i done any raids in the game before not yet oh i can use my song of return can i it's f2 isn't it move to luterra castle immediately how did you like the castle battle i missed it oh bro it was it was lit it was it was lit i think even even the most the most disconnected of boomers can acknowledge that the castle battle it was lit and you know it you can literally teleport yeah but i wanted to blow on the horn you've located the tomb of the former king i knew you'd do it i yeah true it's never been discovered before i'd love to go with you but i can't leave the palace at the moment please go see it on behalf here's the royal family's eagle seal with this and the sword seal you should be able to open the king's tomb oh [ __ ] this is the uh this is the big clue towards the ark blaster forest all right let's teleport right over there then that's a big boy isn't he it was a big boy now it's a big [ __ ] okay where's the next one i have to go kill easy [ __ ] game dude easy it's the easiest game i ever played my whole life like i cannot wait to do the [ __ ] 50 dungeons man they're gonna be so badass like i'm gonna get there pretty soon too that's the best part it's like it's not even something i have to like really worry about like it's gonna happen really soon and then i'll be able to actually play and do those too it's been a while since i've seen a stranger here what brings you here you want to go into the forest you can't absolutely not countless fools of dared to venture in there only to lose their grasp of reality i only have my father after he ventured and seeing a relic or something oh father wait what's this phoenix plumay okay let's go use that can anyone send me a pack bro wait till tomorrow it's gonna come out then if you still insist on going after that i won't stop you dude the dungeon as a group it's way better i don't know about that uh attacked by clay soldiers on his way out i feel like i should do the i should do the dungeon solo fervent chivalry loyalty to the ground i love knights shut up your [ __ ] they're willing to sacrifice everything to protect your king damn man solo yeah i'm going i'm doing solo dolo yeah you think i'm gonna go in there with a group i'm gonna big dick it raw that's what's gonna happen okay that's good enough when can we download the game tomorrow you'll be able to play the game tomorrow i assume that you will stream 9.2 of course i will of course i'm going to stream 9.2 man why wouldn't i i'm looking forward to it yeah it's gonna be great i mean we're gonna have tier sets we're gonna have a new raid new eye level it's gonna be great i'm excited oh i have to f5 alright guys it's f5 you see keem tweets about fans being able to own uh creators videos using nfts that's funny i've been cursed relic yeah that's funny you can get the madness engraving i lost it it's now in zero thank the gods i'm inspired wait can i actually get the madness engraving now or not i'm pretty sure i can't like i i can wait can i get to all this 35 is earliest 35 okay the video i watched said level 3 all right level 35 we're halfway through 31 and this now it is time boys it's gonna be a lot i mean should i really do should i go in and do a dungeon i mean this is gonna be hard to do all right you know what guys i'm gonna say [ __ ] it i'm gonna say 100 [ __ ] it solo dolo hard mode big dick i don't know what any of these extra abilities are i don't have any gems i don't have my health doubled the only thing i need to matter i don't have health doubled i'll just i'll double i'll double dick the boss that's what it's going to be let's do it it's time tomb of the great king luterra let's go let's go let's go it's not hard it doesn't matter if it's hard or not doesn't make a difference man because camera gonna die all the [ __ ] same all right boys last star of forest this is the boss i just did watch i beat his ass see they don't even have any enemies in here the enemy's already running away because they know i'm about to win they're going to be a seed over here watch okay there's not okay let's keep going can i go this way what's up [ __ ] damn these mobs have a lot of health you know what i think this is time for the [ __ ] out of here that's what it's time for it's time for get the [ __ ] oh special seed what the hey hey hey hey hey it's my special seed [Music] all right we got it i see it i think i have to go around i think i have to go around activating down wait is it is it wait a second [Music] what do you think i'm gonna be afraid of little pokey boys this is your last warning what do you think i'm about to be able to play little funky boys oh maybe it's down here no way dude no way dude i think it's the other way around it's gotta be the other way around man you know what i know it everybody knows it cuz like whenever you look at it it was like you could see it in like the very corner and it was up there okay here we go queen turtle thanks for the five subs i appreciate it okay great we broke it down [ __ ] boys it's special seed time it's special seed time let's go [ __ ] yes dude look at that look at that [ __ ] dude special seed completionist time and now what i have to climb up i guess you missed two no no it's probably up farther it's probably farther up i'm so bad next morning barely found any yeah i'll find the rest of them are you so good at watching getting all the seeds i just pre-watched tutorials ahead of time uh before i i went live and that way i could pretend like i'm smart you shall not defile place of peace what do you think i'm afraid of this [ __ ] you can't even get me you can't even get me bro do you think you're gonna try and get me well you're not yeah [ __ ] ass [ __ ] nope no oh i can't apparently i can't get him either i did take a little bit of damage there oh he's stunned we got him we got him dude we got his ass is this gonna be a phase two oh [ __ ] your spirit is strong your soul is worthy of approaching the ark okay cool thanks appreciate it bro see if i get this to turn back on wait so this is where i actually this is where i get to go to the ark holy [ __ ] well it's not going to be lost anymore read his work journal we got that what is this activating a lantern use the skill against your foes oh i hold it down oh wow i shall light the beacon for you wow it's no longer a lost ark yeah it's just arc wait oh that's not good oh god i hope that's not oh god follow the light okay let's talk them again lantern will illuminate the darkness and guide you yes very worrying resting place okay in the test you'll find what you seek okay let's let's do that then okay all right let's put it down here and then let's open the door all right is this gonna work got it all right now we have it again okay i guess i probably have to destroy this nice keep going all right tell me if i miss just if i'm if i miss a special seed this is an incredibly uh important thing it's kind of lame your standard spin no it was really [ __ ] fun back in diablo 3 it was awesome him boys we [ __ ] got him this building looks rather grand select the following path oh select one of the four uh three paths okay okay now what do i do everybody wants to see me go all right i'll run it down mid let's do it i'm ready you're ready let's do it it's time that weird feeling whenever you're ahead of asthma i know there's a lot of people that are probably ahead of me i don't care yeah it does that doesn't i don't feel bad about that at all oh what's up [ __ ] what's up [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here dude for a second that that uh that animation made me feel like i killed jambo take your time gold river yeah yeah well it's also about like i think nobody else like whenever i went in to put streaming the game i thought to myself i'm like okay well [ __ ] you um i i went into it and i was like okay well everybody else is probably gonna rush the game like [ __ ] crazy so like the way i look at it's the same as like final fantasy like people that bought like the story skip and everything like that they're out of content with final fantasy there's nothing else for them to do they're done they're finished i'm not i'm chilling i'm having fun i've got tons of extra stuff to do can i go through here oh [ __ ] i thought i could yeah i mean i i don't feel bad at all pay to lose unironically true okay where do lantern be okay we got it never mind enjoy the game yeah just enjoy the game man like that's that's that's my that's my mindset there's grinding at this point which is not good contemporary experience well the grinding is good content but like the thing is the grind there's a lot of streaming that is built around narrative and i've always believed this personally and it's one of the big factors that i think makes streaming like either uh good or bad is like oh what what the hell is this or it make streams good or bad is the narrative that they create and i think it makes a better narrative to kind of go and progress through it more slowly and deliberately than just speed through everything because nothing there at that point has any consequence or not it's one of the reasons why i like watching hardcore stories or games is like more interesting because there's consequence to the actions wow wow what are your thoughts on the founders pack dupe i don't care uh founders pack is just more pay to win [ __ ] and more like not really pay to win but it's like just cosmetic [ __ ] like i don't care about that stuff at all you really have to knock me out of that huh get the [ __ ] out of here there we go all right what about cerberus uh to me like again like i don't care if people do uh cosmetics it doesn't matter [Music] there it is boy look at that you're having fun yeah i am yeah they're just it's just cosmetic [ __ ] oh my bro i swear to god i didn't look this [ __ ] up i swear to [ __ ] god i did not look this [ __ ] up what the [ __ ] wow wait what wait holy oh my oh my god wait what the [ __ ] [Music] this is this is insane let's kill these yeah i do okay let's pull this let's kill it spin got it and let's jump up here oh my god this is [ __ ] awesome it's a strong ass rope yeah i know okay oh we got a little fire bit little fire dick boy get the [ __ ] out of here bruh it doesn't matter just keep jumping there we go all right now i can actually avoid i got taken by surprise there okay do i fight him i'll fight your ass if you want all right let's go jagann let's do i it i'm afraid of your [ __ ] ass yeah i'm afraid of your [ __ ] ass get the [ __ ] out of here i was not even in that yeah right yeah right what's this rigged ass game bro and he's dead wait that's it that's it what an easy boss what do you think about loot boxes in a sense i've said before with loot boxes any loot box that does not have a guaranteed rewards reward inside of it it's like you open this box and there's always this item inside of it uh should not exist so like let me give you an example if there's a loot box and you don't know what's inside the box then it should not exist that's it it's that simple this first seat if i did i did we gotta beat his big ball so this is my first battle against the dragons me and mr dragon here let's go let's go trying to get an idea like what does attacks do okay that's what his abilities are big dick okay spinning again rolling over this way got him is this a joke is this a joke what the hell is this this is the easiest boss i ever did my whole life have i ever done a boss easier than this i don't think so oh he's at full health again uh okay okay okay it's fine it's not big moving out of that oh he's got immunity frames that's so [ __ ] fair all right this was a mistake i shouldn't have done that oh man i thought i was i thought i was out of it i wasn't should i move that way i guess i'm not really sure yet okay i don't think there's a residual for this one there is all right get out of that what's up bro what's up bro what you mad for what you mad for [ __ ] got him let's do it again we just gotta do it again slam when they first showed this boss kitaba didn't exist wait really now what is this the final face bro i feel the same way whenever i have to take a shower i can relate i know it sucks right yeah yeah it sucks man god damn okay so is this the is this was that the last dude i'll beat this boss so easy man wow all right so you bald yet uh well the thing is i lost 30 of my hair for beating catawba there i got 30 of my uh of all of my hair removed that's what happened it sucks but level up [ __ ] i've been waiting for you my worthy successor you have sought me out through the path of the light i sense an evil aura growing in strength a vile power threatens to engulf the world in darkness behold the light of creation that bound the archdemon casuals kazarus was the guy that was telling uh carmine what to do wasn't he i entrust this arc to you oh [ __ ] the mortal realm with its power there are six other arcs hidden across the world you must find them and save the light of the world holy [ __ ] from darkness it's not lost ark anymore it's just ark [ __ ] yeah dude [ __ ] yeah arc inheritor all right we're gonna change the title where's arc inheritor there it is [ __ ] yes dude give me one second let me turn this back off and i should be fine to go um i don't know why it keeps doing that i really i just i there's something about this game that does it i don't know why okay let's apply that good oh wow so all the items that i could have gotten i i got pretty much i already have the sword i don't need the sword again but i i did get another one the gloves are actually a huge upgrade for me because like if you look at my gear here like i'm at 170 150 i'd really like to get an upgrade on like my uh on my shoulders that's like my big thing okay so i'm do i beat the dungeon i feel like okay melt seems really good because okay so just explain this for me guys hellblade does like it goes and then it goes is each one of these increasing the damage of this yes that's the best one that's 50 percent base damage that that's it's 50 base damage i mean come on like what what the [ __ ] do you mean yeah try them and see see like i've been i've been conditioned by blizzard entertainment to if i ever make a choice i can never change my mind i am never allowed to change my mind ever again okay so i'm done with the dungeon right i beat the game i beat the entire game before anybody else is is that that was the tier three boss yeah okay cool i thought so i just wanted to make sure yeah i just i said to make sure i beat yeah lost ark ain't lost no more we got that [ __ ] it is mine damn dude damn dude look at me bro they should rename the game to lost arks because there's more than one but that sounds stupid the lost art like yeah maybe there's like a master arc the same as like there's a master ring it took some time but we found the first ark wow the legend's right before my eyes we have a long way to go but today we should celebrate uttara's giving us such precious gift we should share this exciting news with our king let's go to thyrin oh good uh [ __ ] cycuno and uh thyren are gonna make out again this is you know this hasn't happened for at least like three different quest barks let's go back over there blended that you found the first arc yeah well done i can't believe the ark really exists it was your bravery and faith that made it possible even more exciting playing next i'm guessing i'm disappointed i can't go with you okay cool my light and glory shine upon your journey it's our journey to keep the ark safe according to the old text sidereals used to store the art in trixie on the holy site of the edge of the world that's the land of izalith a race that monitors the world uh clues across the kingdom let's go find the [ __ ] ark sounds good to me we've got to go talk to the librarian we have to read a book a hundred gift of community subs thank you so much i really appreciate that man thanks a lot what book you're looking for yes it is uh it's a popular subject that's good all righty and um oh i just teleport back over there okay that's easy enough again guys we have a huge giveaway going on i've talked about this looking for records on the laziness uh i'm actually looking for uh dr seuss i wanna i wanna find out where are the green eggs and ham and it turns out that it's in nazi germany because dr seuss was a racist let's see if i can get my camera to turn back on check lost our twitter did they announce that i'm going to uh that they're going to level up my character uh they're gonna name a server after me what the [ __ ] wow that's crazy where'd you read that i made it up i'm just kidding it's on the lost ark uh it's on the lost our twitter okay lazarus um catacomb archives want to go see for yourself i have to talk to france who is able to speak the language of the labyrinth fill me in what's going on basically we found the first arc and now we need to find the other ones and if we collect all seven arcs uh they can grant any wish that we want and my wish is that i want a boob slider added into the game because they're still not big enough and so uh we have to collect all seven arcs immediately immediately we have to get them we have to get them now it gives off wait what no way no [ __ ] way i found it underneath the little thing oh my god we're the only people capable wow they were given the mission of observing and governing the world but they deceived the gods and took the arks for themselves their wings were taken as punishment he stole their wings that sounds kind of kind of [ __ ] up huh i need to get one of these horns i'll get one of the horns and i'll blow it every single time that i blow it in the game that's such a good idea just add in a little bit of uh a little bit of excitement hope you can do it i'll actually do it that's in a record of the lazarus stored in the magic monastery cool uh his first race made in the image of regulus himself the long ago they stole the ark and brought it down to the earth to protect the world having ignored their duty as the observers the lazarus incurred the wrath of the gods and lost their wings as punishment oh [ __ ] okay they're no longer allowed to fly across the skies of archaea freely as the observers it's said that there's a record paired with this one in the catacombs of luterra castle damn uh that's also where they imprison the souls of demons so it'll be hard to access wow i would have never expected that demon uh warriors would be part of the situation all right let's look at this sealing the demon souls wait what that's it wait who the [ __ ] that is that looks like that that looks like a demon he looks like a [ __ ] demon how he's sealing him away if he's outside of the cross the only remaining winged laziness was stationed at the holy site of trixie to observe the future of the world several other lazanus remained on arcasia to serve as divine eyes okay that's fine to me speak with the demon nomad wait we're talking with demons why it seems you're here to look at the old archives it seems that way no ridiculous it is but i'm not one for correcting human interpretations why don't you ask the monk mikey out there he's gonna have sort for a human since my regards will you believe me no then could you deliver the letter to him that'd be great he's waiting for it really demons send letters now do they use email too huh [Music] how could they use email they use dmail now y'all really [ __ ] y'all y'all are [ __ ] out of control today man holy [ __ ] all right let's go you're out of control in the underground cemetery okay record the lazarus yeah it's right there under the catacombs i was just the legend of going to the information esposito lazarus still exists in my archaea three words remind me a headstone i saw from my pilgrimage lutera and i quote engraved on it from what you told me it might have been written by the same author of the record i could have a clue left behind by the lazareth take a look at the headstone all right you gotta go don break hill where'd you get this i got from a nomad the demon oh let's pretend i didn't read this and please don't tell anyone you gave this to me i have nothing to do with this this has nothing to do with me i'm just going to throw it away the demon lied about who he was and then asked me to deliver a note to father michael michael's reaction was very spanish that's because michael is actually a demon himself and he's a covert agent and uh this is a conspiracy and uh um [ __ ] uh he's conspiracy and what else is the rest of it uh it's conspiracy [Music] false flag it's a false flag operation and he's a paid actor he's a demon too you know who's behind it bill gates let's go anyone know how i can reach asthma privately uh the way i deal things is uh if people message me or dm me on twitter or somewhere and it's not a stupid response or something dumb like i'll i'll respond to it if it's important but most people message me they're like i've accepted this the fate of my people and stayed in archaea oh these are in the lazarus so i may observe the world and relay the voice of the gods okay as i await my destiny my calling is to lead the one who opens the future to that holy place where the flower faces the light so i don't speak in riddles i do speak in uh dots on the map so let's go to the dots on the map anyway let's talk a little bit about that um number one i uh what's it gonna say oh yeah people they'll message me on discord by asthma listen bruh i know you're busy but my runescape account got hacked and i'm asking you if you can relay this to biden or trump or i mean i don't know is obama still in charge i'm not sure but just get can you please make sure that this gets to the right person so it can get solved somebody needs to figure this out and then i go to the next message it says hey man uh so me and my boy we was getting drunk and we got our dicks out and we were comparing them and we sent you a picture of the two of us together and you could tell me which one of us has a pig or dick hey you always go big dick man by the way can you unban me in chat i typed it inward it was my grandpa he was in the civil war he got on the computer and you know how he is those are the kind of dm's that i get i have been waiting for you oh really you're looking at restriction in the sanctuary for storing the arts oh okay trixian an old name it's a realm of pure light created by the gods themselves to watch over archangel a sort of watchtower for the razna to keep an eye on us the song of trixian is the only way to find it okay you of all people should be able to follow the path of light as king luterra once did so i just uh the path of light well let's see where the path of light leads me there we go [Music] oh i'm in the same place oh my god wait are these one of the the oh [ __ ] i'm back for you my love dude this is awesome okay i knew you'd come the fate of the world is now in question tryxion is a sanctuary of the stars and once held the arks i will guard the arks until all seven of them have been recovered oh okay great the arks are artifacts of immense power they can bring peace to the world okay destroy everything wow asta is the ark of trust okay what's the arc of damage i've entrusted you to continue their legacy why six more dormant arks remain you must find them all before the world falls to darkness oh [ __ ] i mean [ __ ] man we gotta do that wait a second is she the hottest one though [Music] why can i not click it speaking to beatrice right now requires more courage this game again is too realistic okay let's go let us leave let us away you found the sanctum and stored the ark i can't believe the sanctum actually existed impressive well number one you didn't believe the ark existed either you didn't believe in yourself you don't believe anything thyrain until it happens you need to think a little bit beyond [ __ ] like you didn't believe in your sword this guy this guy's an idiot man it's the infinity stones yeah okay six arcs of the respirators world they're on other continents go to the harbor in the east and sail to another continent oh [ __ ] he check on the heretics and i'm worried about him okay great let's go kill all the heretics that sounds great open to 17 chests they said i have to wait till level 35 so i'm waiting until level 35 until i do it white cerberus why what what's that i don't know what that is yeah i have no idea what what's a white cerberus yeah i have no clue you have 20 mayhem chests i think i do uh maybe i don't like i have no [ __ ] idea what i have yeah i'm just gonna be honest i have no [ __ ] idea what happened uh they said wait till 35 i'm gonna wait till 35 and then i'll just do it okay and that way is solved oh kind of magical sword by the time i got there master voltan was already slain by the mortals i told him oh that's the other boss hmm spoken like someone without any power for themselves what oh does this mean we have to alter the plan good input oh my god i'm talking to the moon shall prepare a worthy sacrifice for master cazarros i will head for rohandal i have some unfinished business there i suppose i'll pay a visit to the hero who slew volta oh i gotta fight the joker it would be my honor to guide you to them master kaku hmm oh [ __ ] all right um she's the hottest i think ficus is the hottest personally yeah she's definitely the best so far at least okay without this guy talk to this guy about situation okay now what i have to talk to calm people down okay i can do that and what a complaining person we're not asking for much yep you're banned yeah i like this uh i like mother [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] okay we're good i got banned from the camera apparently i did dude like i don't know why my camera is such a piece of [ __ ] dude watch camera die it's just it's because of the game the game is killing the camera it makes no sense to me like i i don't understand anything oh wow [Music] holy [ __ ] i gotta i got a rooster level let's stick with this one let's try a okay bro what the [ __ ] who are you what business does a noble have at such a humble place ah you're here because of the heretics i i'm here because there's a dot on my map that says i need to talk to uh god damn man look at that god damn oh my god what are you oh wow holy [ __ ] that's a big boy wow okay let's try the ability okay i see it boys that's it i feel like that's a very useful ability overall don't mind if i do little dick boy how about that that's mine now and [ __ ] you okay let's go back over here you don't need level 35 to open madness yeah and other people said i do so that's crazy isn't it that is just isn't it crazy how that happens isn't that crazy how some people say i need to do all right i don't okay after i do this little dungeon here do you guys want me to figure out how to do it please hang in there okay thank you not checking donuts i know i need to read a lot of donations i've been really slow on my donations i need to figure out a way to do donations better you get the mats for free at 35. yeah that's what i could do instead when are you getting a haircut longer hair is bad if you're balding um i feel like hair is bad if you're balding heretics are seem to have spread on eastern terra during the regents reign we're protecting some of the villagers that rescued them and also i'm not balding anyway guys so it's not even a problem i don't even know why somebody would bring that up yeah i have no idea red okay let's just finish oh my chaos oh they're gonna go crazy and we're gonna have to kill him oh you're the person father armin told me about where's the report button okay um let's see some special folks there's yoast who rarely shows up they've got something to do with this ah there they are okay where they at hey you what have we met you look pretty strong care to test your skills against zinnervale the great oh loving your energy now watch as i show you my yeah what was that for grow up will you and you too stupid old man nah it's not gone oh my god he hit he got got with an elder ball honesty oh wow are always trying to pick fights instead of being useful okay you look familiar have we met before yes i saw you in a cut scene remember fails me on old age what business do you have with me uh sarwan thanks to the five subs i appreciate it do you know anything that causes strange chaos to the village i do however my hunch is correct it's no task for rookie like you we've almost completed our investigations why uh you little what are you still doing here i told you to hurry on to the orchard you're investing scary don't bother you only hurt yourself okay so i have to go help this guy and get that done that's fine that's easy let's do it let's get it yeah i just beat his ass can you offer some gay dating advice um i think my best dating advice that i give anybody is to treat the people that you're trying to date like people but i think that's my best like uh un-ironic advice is treat the people that you're trying to date like real people and uh you're gonna go pretty far with that now don't don't be yourself because sometimes be yourself you're an [ __ ] right don't always be yourself sometimes yourself sucks care for a drink come on in you're already on it okay good there we go yeah unless yourself sucks and don't be yourself [Music] what are the requirements to date asthma gold i've said before i'm always accepting girlfriend applications just pm me with your item level and your bra size uh you don't need to do anything else besides that that's all i need okay here we go excuse me hang on stop right there are you holding herbs in hand shut the [ __ ] up connie what kind of a man is named connie you're named conor or conrad not connie who that way his name's connie not kanye it ain't it's not connie it's not kanye it's khan old yeah con man mcconnell yeah think about that connie what the hell is this sandy you damned old fool what am i to do i don't know maybe fix your hair who are you anyway shandy fix you you're not good enough to first order ridiculous i simply don't have the ingredients that idea why don't you help me out wow what a great [ __ ] idea why don't i just do the whole thing for you damn what a smart idea now i i don't really eat fish sticks because every fish stick i eat is a chicken tender i don't eat and every chicken tender i eat is a steak finger i don't eat that's the circle of life what lumasect steak fingers y'all they got y'all ain't got steak strips over there what what am i supposed to what what what what yo you only got no steak strips over here no i got like a bunch of them in my refrigerator why didn't you say not in the eu yeah that's about right so the main ingredients into the cauldron all right let's get that done oh i gotta kill these things i'll have to look at what the other abilities are after that though i'm not sure what the best options are okay let's go over here so like it's a steak but not fresh and ruined breadcrumbs what do i really have to get a steak strip out the thing look um i'll go i'll go get it if y'all want i'll go get it i'll get it it's fine i gotta get out of here there's so much stuff i can't believe y'all don't know about this i can't believe it look so we got number one this right here is fast fixings this is steak fingers right there and that's the steak fingers you get these and then you have i'm trying i'm gonna wear these like shoulder pads and then you got okay that's not gonna happen uh then you got these this is the tyson steak fingers now the difference between these is somewhere around three [ __ ] bucks so i'mma be honest boys most of the time we eating fast fixins but every once in a while we do get the tysons out but these are the premium like tyson that's like the tyson is like the it's like the cadillac of a chicken tender you know what i'm saying so that that's about it and these are this is what steak finger is yeah is that what they once for uh no no no i'll right back give me so i gotta put these back in the refrigerator if i leave them out too long uh they uh they un they unthaw and they start growing back into a cow i'm back sorry about that guys hide oh my god it's so much i gotta go upstair oh my god i got oh my god so i'm just kidding [ __ ] you guys all right let's go um that [ __ ] was crazy dude yeah i know cardio exactly let's do it let's do it let's do it let's do it all right so are you done bring it in let's talk to morphe yes kusami thank you very much the 10 gifted subs i appreciate it thank you very much you're pretty good at manual labor what do you mean oxarin complained and having to walk up the stairs that's a lion ass [ __ ] [Music] quick asthma challenge uh work at tyson we get that stuff on the cheap yeah yeah i mean i don't know really how much it is i think it's like probably eight bucks some [ __ ] [Laughter] grief warden thanks for the 10 subs man i appreciate that thank you so much all right we got dick boy here what you want bro yes yes i'm the great zimmer vale give me a round of applause give him the antidote delirious didn't reveal that though yeah i'm gonna slap you in the face yeah that's right it's a dose of reality [ __ ] you ain't the great wait uh-huh where are the other people what are you doing here i came to investigate the old man like asked me to what do you want to know happen here let you on the secret i discovered across the river take walk on the other side with the telescope where the telescope at oh is this a special thing let me check nope all right let's do it they're just chill they're having a party what's wrong with that well now they can't now people can't have parties you see why are there clowns on such a quiet forest road that's a [ __ ] demon you idiot hmm i smell the familiar scent of demons oh you're so stupid i'm the one who discovered them oh you're so dumb bro how are you so dumb they have a demon circus now yeah they do it's called the asmr section let's go back over here they left only a couple pairs well at least they taste good yeah it sure does bunch of clowns across the river huh clowns in a place like this plus the familiar scent it reminds me of someone your priest friend went to the village to rescue the abductees all right let's go talk to saikuno where is he oh my god he's all the way over there let's go over there do you guys know what only fans is it's dlc i thought about this the only fans is like dlc for content creators it's like you know you go through like dark souls or you go through like bloodborne and it's like damn like this is like some kind of like crazy it's a good game i want to get some more of the game and see what the hardest bosses this game really has to offer are and you get it and uh it's the dlc really i mean think about it any people who pay for only fans to cut i don't worry about that [ __ ] people think about me whatever it doesn't matter what's going on okay let's see over here it's called being a pimp literally no that's only if you have two girlfriends and they both do it okay uh let's go back over here and we're good and let's see here read your quest so you know yeah i get it i'll figure it out check the trail of the village how you so good at the game i don't know what's going on what's your take on lost ark so far dude i like it i i think it's a fun game yeah i really do i think it's a great game thanks to tyrang but okay things are getting better just barely situation's hardly improving okay find him see what he has to say about it sounds good let's go talk to him again what's going on here you so much time in your stronghold not really asking about the village yep that's right the village is a living hell right now heretics have driven everyone to hysterics soldiers managed to infiltrate the areas of the village they don't know what to do next i wish i could do something to help yeah sure next already gladiator in this game not even rank one man oh you know he's getting old all right let's go engraving zone level requirement you can equip madness on level one yeah everybody tells me different [ __ ] man fine i'm not gonna worry about it i'll do it whenever i'm 35 i'll be 35 real quick what about wow you gotta get the sword i might get the sword too like whenever probably i'll get the sword day one of uh patch 9.2 day one day one i just get it and i'm done right like i don't have to think about it okay what the hell is this we gotta get pig me come on boys let's go let's go oh we got even more get the [ __ ] out of here get the [ __ ] out of here dude all right let's go turn this one in and it's a two-minute quest too uh i know it's on the 22nd people told me that the patch is going to come out on the 22nd i'm glad about that i really am uh i'm i'm hoping that i have some wow content to do at some point by that time obviously i you know i'll be i'll be probably like through with leveling and everything in this game and i'll be chilling so i don't think that that's a bad thing at all i'm positive about it okay what's this here all right [Music] there we go good job you have an ability stone equipped your hp seems low for this level so that's the crazy thing about ability stones it's the first time i've heard about an ability stone i just barely got out of y my caravan oh dear listen to his request yeah that's crazy what what is an ability stone nobody knows wait quietly nobody can figure out what this uh what this mystery could possibly be it's too bad too okay what do i have to do here what are you talking about i'm not looking for my stuff who am i stuff not people yeah you're right [ __ ] the people let's go okay neighborhood grandpa where did everybody go all right what's this i heard someone in the basement storage okay and last one there's still people in there okay let's go that way then we gotta go save them that's no big deal for me and is this the guy that's in here bianca what do you want bianca and uh wretched thief what brought you back to me i don't know man let me get this [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] camera turned on kind of merchant lead there's stuff behind not gonna never happen think about i never ran away so that stuff still belongs to me uh you're about to steal my belongings i'll let it slide if you just leave them up there man just bro like she's paranoid as [ __ ] buy a dummy battery for god's sake i think that might be it i'm gonna buy one today it's just like here's the thing right is i do the i do my stream and then i finish my stream i got other [ __ ] i gotta do and like by the time i actually get back on my computer it's like 10 p.m i got to be bad i got to be in bed before 12 so i can wake up get enough sleep before stream so like i have like an hour to do this and sometimes i forget right i mean that's just the truth over here the situation is worse than we thought uh oh it's on hard mode rescued someone who's almost abducted by heretics having trouble calming down okay get someone to do it yeah i know hear neb crying out probably find out ria unfortunate as is neb's sister we've all lost someone always ordinary special people in the village damn hire me to be your fanboy maid uh-uh went to find the survivors i haven't heard from some time haven't stopped thinking of her most of us were in a cult we had no idea things would end up like this we thought the evangelist would save us we couldn't have been more wrong man that's a story is all this time isn't it let me go what is this is it safe damn you try out other classes later on yeah yeah yeah i will i lost everything my family my friends everything my daughter safio where could she be all this happened today that the sound started playing the weird music box sound what the [ __ ] so everybody's listening to uh wait are they listening to heavy metal music and it's turned them into satanists was fox news right all along oh my god there we go you're dead great yeah i'm just like to me like i just like to sit back lean back in the chair and just talk some [ __ ] and play the game that's what the true value of the experience is you know i'm just yeah i'm trying to keep it 55th street with you guys what's number one acquire heretics orders defeat heretic elders all right that's going to kill more of those honestly man it's been fine like people talk a bunch of [ __ ] about the leveling i think it's fine i've had no problem at all with it that's that's a little cinematic right there in itself holy [ __ ] you seen the ordered ring stills that came out they look too clean in my opinion uh i have no idea man like as i said before i think the new or the ring series is gonna be [ __ ] garbage because they're kind of trying to add in like a bunch of game of thrones elements into middle earth it's gonna be weird it's not gonna hit the mark uh the thing is like a lot of times people that write [ __ ] uh don't really understand what these authors are uh you know what these authors are trying to say what they're trying to do there's a reason like you've got some random [ __ ] show runner who's like 35 years old thinks he [ __ ] knows how to write a story better than tolkien uh-uh man just take the source material and put it on the screen nobody cares about your opinion of it trust me like literally nobody cares i just hope no work garbage i mean if they if they had like political [ __ ] or like some kind of like trying to use the show to be a vehicle to present like a a a socio-political point of view uh people just gonna stop watching the show like nobody wants to get preached at by some [ __ ] [ __ ] especially from hollywood where people getting molested and abused and sexual favors are being traded for jobs left and right nobody wants to see that [ __ ] it's patronizing i'm a romantic wandering goes wherever wind takes me observing this world's wanderers scaring biggest interests mysterious clowns shown up uh where do they come from how do they live where will they go afterwards such philosophical topics don't you think i often think about these questions by the way i've watched them for a while and observe quite superior things about it why'd they show up here well it's probably because of the cinematic that we watched uh i would assume i mean how it will it will sadly then just don't watch it who cares like they have one of the rings like [ __ ] in the world the thing is like it's like oh they're defiling one of the rings shut the [ __ ] up like didn't they just make a mobile game with that [ __ ] who cares what's the way the guy fled it was all very frightening that's what happened to the others black rose chapel all right let's go that way yeah it's like if the show sucks i ain't gonna watch it to the problem uh okay we have time what was wheel of time that yeah that was another one i i know i'm fully aware of that gonna seem to hurry and figure out a way to get inside church building i'm sitting in 24kq yeah we never had cues i know or at least i log on early enough to where it doesn't matter i was worried about the people left in the village we should have come a little sooner this place has long history being targeted by heretics however this village has never been deserted i wonder if everyone is okay we should hurry on to black rose chapel all right let's do that and i'm assuming oh yeah yep that's a [ __ ] dungeon dude black rose chapel isn't far from the thing that's a [ __ ] dungeon okay uh let's village told me that our heritage believes began to produce at some point access church become many restricted find a way to get into the church well why don't we just walk over there so many soldiers help our village soldiers to help our village i'm very grateful wow long suffered at the hands of the heretics no matter how much we begged skerrit would never send us help dude this scary guy is a [ __ ] but we've got to go talk to a moonshiner a goddamn criminal can you play any of the race besides human uh no not really do you want to go to the chapel why go to such an ominous place because there's experience there looking for cause everyone going crazy i'm not sure you'll find anything happen there i don't know i think a chapel is a pretty good place to look whenever you're looking for people going crazy where are the furries asmond uh that's another reason why this game is good there aren't any there are no furries in this game as far as i know there are no furries in the game period man [ __ ] you [ __ ] you rosalina uh main characters one no he's not i'm the main character and i'm not a furry i feel like if if you're a furry the thing is like there's nothing wrong with being a furry i'm actually totally fine and i'm friendly with the furries they they can do what they want to do whatever but like the one thing that you can't do is if you're a furry you can't act like it's not weird you can't act like oh this is just a normal thing like bro come on it's goofy like people are gonna meme on being a furry just a little bit it's like the same guys that like feet like they know everybody thinks it's weird but like the moment that they start defending it people are like bro you gotta [ __ ] stop this is weird just stop but like as long as you don't as long as you're joking around on it and everything like that it's okay is it okay to like hentai yeah why not it's art yeah it looks pretty handy yeah it sure does look through some hoops to get this because it looked like they needed a kind of ritual for the church in a big hurry let's go talk to brian do you like the game so far yeah i do i've been having fun playing the game yeah i'm just keeping it at 55th man hello friends i hope your day is going well got today's delivery of ceremonial wine here okay performing a ritual no one enters really this guy this guy's got hoods on right there in the kkk what the [ __ ] that's a problem look at the hoods y'all you'll see the [ __ ] hoods oh my god it's just a different color what's wrong with him now i'm so sorry about this yeah i know he's crazy so important came out they won't let in outstanding at all go ahead go in the front entrance where the way could there be oh go talk to cairo on the grave keeper okay old man knows the area better than anybody else will be have some help okay well he's gonna ferry us the [ __ ] over there i bet let's go do that imagine those hoods and wow yup you know there's like whole like uh racist guilds and wow there's this one guild they had this dude they found out this dude was black in real life this isn't classical by the way and they found out he's black in real life they kicked him out the guild he gets invited back into the guild they ask him if he's still black and and he said yeah he kicked him out again man that's that's the way that's the way a racist brain works they used to speedrun molten core keep it real nice and slow keep it real nice and slow keep it not not too hard real nice and slow you ain't got to think too much name and shame uh is sneak into the chapel is it guild pirates on uh fairwina uh it was a long time ago probably the people who might be in the guild now might probably have nothing to do with it uh seeing a chatbot doing the way in been great keep it here half century don't know anyone knows more about black rose chapel than i do how do you get in there ooh my back it hurts so much these days all right now i've got to do you a favor all right karen let's do that yeah [ __ ] that guild i mean it's just a bunch of losers man like there's nothing the thing is like i think that like sometimes these people like they get a big ego whenever they feel like you are like upset about them because they feel like you're angry and like the fact that you're mad makes them feel good about like what they do but like i just think they're stupid and that's it right they're just they're just dumbass oh okay okay so i got kicked off the game huh you gonna delete me off the game what what did i do now what the hell what the hell i do now huh i got deleted off the game all right let me try and load back in dudes no big deal okay stupid old fools hope they found their way the afterlife true thank you i didn't mean for you to actually bring it to me okay great yeah i seem to kind of make good use to it big tree western corner small gap next to it church is so small we just go around the gap that's easy let's go and uh having a bat eyelids uh spider legs okay found a graveyard where's one c all right cool let's do that we gotta find a skull when's all craft it's it's pretty soon but it's not yet hopefully i finished the dungeon in that time uh captain is six militia i heard you'll be infiltrating the capital yeah or sorry the chapel worried uh she might be thinking crazy unhappy unhealthy lack of fear warn her sticker or surveillance mission and don't do anything stupid my my code name is kaku wait his code name is [ __ ] what the hell god damn man that's sad let's keep going and we'll get this one done too uh what mobile game is this it's called rage shadow legends it's me it's gonna be big ritual tonight we're gonna find infiltrated find exactly what the heretics are up to you're gonna need an appropriate disguise for the ritual rituals at nightfall so hurry okay yep ah this is the raid by the way can you hear the kaku cry did captain encharon sent you well i must not let the heretics find out please keep your voice down okay uh one at two out of 100 yeah exactly uh fortunately there's nobody around nice ketchus the military place surveillance mission i'm only allowed to sit back and watch my mission barely hold back my rage and i think about all the evil they've caused nothing would satisfy me more attend to ex than to exterminate all of them damn she crazy all right let's go operation heretic extermination deuce vault let's do it okay and let's open this up right here examine the outfit of the heretic elder got it and what do i have to do now one heretic elder's bandana all right so i just have to kill these mobs i don't understand what happens level 35. uh it just makes it to where basically i uh i activate a imagine it is like a combat like berserker stance in wow for warriors something like that no i really like that ability that's a badass [ __ ] ability you're a living example of what they call an army of one wow true very very true okay let's get that done and let's see here you're ready let's go let's get that done oh oh okay and your ritual will begin soon but you're still here please hurry the main hall everyone's waiting okay let's do it we notice that mmo viewers are generally super cringed fps doesn't have that uh no i think that most viewers in most games are cringe vr chat's the most cringe though i don't think they've noticed yet oh [ __ ] imitate their gestures of praise wait oh [ __ ] i gotta do it okay i got it i can feel the power of the master peace okay and upon us [Applause] what are you doing what the [ __ ] no the ritual will the master they're fading away it's okay i'll beat it uh is he mad this this isn't the master what did i do it wrong it's you how dare you disrupt what's up bro huh y'all looking to start some trouble huh look at that you are [ __ ] dead get out of here get the [ __ ] out of here you're done finished needed and deleted get out of here hurry okay uh let's get the [ __ ] out of here you must rescue those trapped in the basement you have to hurry before okay [Applause] [Music] do we get hard right here do we get hard we do solo and we go hard we do solo we go hard it's easy man i am ready let's [ __ ] do it let's beat it alrighty boys let's get this [ __ ] done let's get this [ __ ] done you only have seven minutes though we can be a little bit late and you know what it won't matter if i only have seven minutes because it's only gonna take me three that's how fast i'm gonna do it i get it i get it yeah you want me you want to summon the guy i'm just gonna walk i'm gonna ignore this guy it doesn't matter i just i i figure i might as well kill everybody at the same time it just saves time there we go all right and let's go ahead okay all right y'all want to do this that's fine y'all that's fine there we go they're all there it's not a big deal to me berserker needs nerf why why do they have to nerf me because i'm too good okay let's move this way pick them all up there we go see that's how easy it is right there guys i tell you like whenever whenever i go in and i beat these guys it's just so [ __ ] easy like i can't believe it honestly this is not hard at all nope nope nope bruh oh i didn't even need to go up here i went the wrong way oops this is the this is the hardest part of the dungeon right here uh this is the hardest dungeon i've done so far and i always do this [ __ ] solo so it's as hard as possible i don't even have any of my stuff like i don't have my uh my gems or anything i'm doing i'm going in on this dungeon in the truest form and feel of raw oh i had to kill it all right there we go oh please to the master oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] dungeon solo easy you should go to party no i think uh i think dungeons are way harder solo like i've went and i've done them so i've done them with a party before and it's just so easy it's not even fun hi guys hi guys it's me what are you doing what are y'all doing to the infidelity oh this is the instigator andy all right let's get rid of him got him oh they're all running away they're afraid of me now because they know what's about to [ __ ] happen it's about to go down all right who are these guys spin to win as usual finish those guys off as well oh you haven't caught the intruder yet oh stop standing around the room and find them that right there is an absolute unit all right let's get this [ __ ] done yeah i was able i'm able to avoid all of them watch spin the wind he had dead he's a dead ass now he's a dead ass there it is it's done it's over you're finished it's completed you're needed you're deleted give me that [ __ ] loot dude look at that god damn that's how it's done right there oh i [ __ ] myself up there okay yeah act three act three is the second best okay can i get through this that's a [ __ ] seed door i'll figure that one out later on okay i'm assuming you have to destroy boxes and there's a lever under the boxes that's what i would guess okay here we go keep moving keep progressing act 2 sucks yeah that's the one thing everybody can agree on is that act 2 sucks have you found the intruder regrettably we have not this ritual is everything nothing can disrupt it i'm gonna join discord real quick yo what up can you know what happened hey husband how's it going i'm chillin man about to finish my dungeon are you guys gonna be ready about time i finish yeah we could get tech tone in here okay yeah it'll probably be i don't know like maybe five or ten minutes i'm hard to say all right cool okay good don't worry about don't worry about the volume guys it's totally fine because uh we're gonna we have a production team that uh does all craft for us so we shouldn't need to worry about any of that stuff look at that dude look at that like i give a [ __ ] like i give a [ __ ] come on [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here get the [ __ ] out of here you think you're gonna get me dude train won 8.7 million last night what do you spend nine how much did he spend though that's the thing is i i yeah oh [ __ ] okay [ __ ] you [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i gotta fight the big boys damn dirty little delay [Laughter] what it's yoda old man you look different cool saitan of the mayhem legion oh [ __ ] [Laughter] and the same awful life so the little yaz brat went and got old it's true what they say time makes fools of us all ah yes but time also grants experience and wisdom but i've gained more than enough power to handle you myself oh my god this is a [ __ ] count dooku yoda [ __ ] wow oh my god wait what yes go after that demon god damn we can't let him get away oh my god he just beat his ass and oh [ __ ] dude i got the gloves that's so big wait what yes i was so worried thank you jambo thank you thank you you're a good dog you're a good dog thank you so much good good boy good boy it's very good boy so we have to get the [ __ ] out of here right like this is gtfo time isn't it why didn't you get bunny pet i i ain't want no rabbit think i am amaru uh-uh no rabbit i got a dog that put dido in the garbage we are gonna do all craft in just a few minutes here it's gonna be me rich and we're gonna have on techtone basically we have to discuss with techtone uh you know he's been transitioning playing lost art what is it like to go from one anime waifu simulator to another what is it like [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 239,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold lost ark, lost ark, mmo lost ark, lost ark mmo, lost ark gameplay, lost ark first ark, first ark, asmongold level, lost ark dungeon, dungeon lost ark, gameplay lost ark, story lost ark, lost ark story, lost ark quests, asmongold lost ark questing, mmorpg
Id: fzvPkw8JSU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 10sec (6430 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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