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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some teemo in the top lane and we are running grasp of the undying demolish uh bone plating overgrowth presence of mind and alacrity we are gonna be going tanky bruiser teemo i think i'm going to go a sunder as mythic item into a demonic which is an ap item so we'll have a bit a mix of physical and magic damage and we'll also have a ton of health i think we might just go split pusher mode because in team fights they have a lot of adcs that are going to outrange me maybe i'll build like a hall breaker later too they will stack up more health with our grasp and our overgrowth we should be pretty good at dueling and nar won't be able to just build like magic resist against me because i'll do physical damage too that's the nice thing about teemo is like you can you can just build ap items and then just switch to ad throw in an 80 item and still be strong see that okay he's got fleet i'm trading autos from as long as i get a grasp rock we could even get like titanic hydro later too he's super beef teemo i grabbed like a wits end for karthus i don't want too many damage items we want to get tanky but if i go pure tank we won't be able to kill anybody because how are we going to get close enough to five range champs with a sunfire as a range champ ourselves yeah yeah i got the cannon oops i missed that one he's letting me push he might get ganked but karthus gank isn't the most deadly they don't have that much cc they don't have any cc unless he's in a big narrow form one more auto come here nice all right so since we're going to be auto attack based i'm going to max my e q max is for like full ap burst or if you're against like a tryndamere or something i guess nice we're getting good stacks don't want to get too close to turret we have a poison on him but now i'm trying to demolish i don't think he's gonna let me got it worth he's losing a lot more help than us yep but we're playing tank mo thank mo sounds better than bruce ermo gets hull's back though when he transforms sunder will be really good at ripping through his health and then it gives us the hybrid pen which is also amazing and then if we go demonic second my shrooms will still be useful because we'll have a burn i'm farming pretty good got an extra almost 20 minions on him yeah action's gone i gotta remember they have an action he could just go invisible and run up on me but he's mad oh my grasp just came up uh karthus is bought oh we're just chilling with nar i wanna hit level six and just push this he's not really going aggressive or anything he's just trying to poke [Music] so we'll shove them into turret maybe yeah we'll just recall here i have a huge lead i'm up over a kill already just in farming i don't think this plating will die to the minions so we're good okay we want boots to kite we want where is it we want a sheen auto and then let's throw in some health okay well that's not good we might get run over before i even make it out of lane action is a super oppressive mid lane champ you can't really give him any kills [Music] i guess what i could also do is freeze instead of letting our freeze because then we could gank him plus if i push up four kill action is definitely gonna destroy me nice got the grasp i'll fight you he doesn't want to fight me though this room right here i have a feeling somebody's going to try and come behind me go in here too actions move and he has alt he could fling us into a wall we have a lot of minions and i'm not by a wall but i still got hit by it but we all damaged him there nice yeah so i just basically like stat checked him there i just stood still i knew i had more damage because i i have an item on him i have a sheen was a little closer than i thought though he didn't have any items but i also i got in a good position early oh nice oh brand's dead oh oh i wanted that plating but i don't think i can get it hopefully he doesn't run straight at me he's running straight at me oh god oh no he knows how long does that sweeper last aha the invisible teemo thank you rammus that was convenient timing i don't think i can go for that plating even though i really want to oh my cannon i action's going to kill me and if i die to action that's even worse please don't appear please dude come on that's so unfortunate last [ __ ] millisecond of recall oh that's so lame i hate that champ all right um um let's do this and that they'll go armor boots this game i may go swork so we might need damage i should have walked to turret i didn't think he'd make it up here this fast oh i forgot doesn't he get like a trail like warwick so he knows exactly where i'm at i mean we have a rammus though so like even if he's super fed we we have a pretty good comp another team but karthus arthas is a good mix for them because if we stack armor karthus is going to melt people he's 2-0 i think i need armor boots though like they're all auto attackers besides karthus i get 1v1 action if i had armor boots and stuff well action's extremely fed but we have we have a decent team comp into him either he's trying to defend the pink or karthus here this is indeed here are they seeing that they didn't have a sweeper okay what does this clown think he's doing i wonder if they saw me going busy here i mean i think i could just straight up kill karthus i don't know what he he was thinking action's gonna be up here though don't run that way oh my gosh she's taking the worst path oh my god okay take flash okay find the minions good to go holy [ __ ] that brand had some really quick reaction time there he's surrounded he's dead he overstayed though but yeah he could have just walked this way instead of walking into action because we we know he's coming he's a roam champ he's gonna be everywhere okay i need demonic next after armor boots taking my plating i have a sunder but not that strong i was just able to melt karthus because he's a karthus get [ __ ] wrecked he's gonna transform him dad oh my god the kiting oh that was crazy how did i live and i killed both of them wow dude that guy's sick he was six and one and i 1v2 them same i thought there was a pink up here oh i can finally get that plating oh i can almost get another i can't stay though man he's gonna come back top at like mega speed i can't even get these minions i'm leaving [Music] it's just it's not worth it he dives me i can blind him i gotta keep watching okay we got the armor boots let's do the demonic let's just get the health because we have damage actually this thunder did some work there i think it's the emacs in my auto attacks you know we ain't down that much actually once rammus gets his thornmail i think we just destroy them i think i will go like split push though maybe i won't play team fights if i can bring them all to me my teammates might have an easier fight they also hit like three shrooms at last fight these autos are doing a lot of damage i need to stop pushing out of turret also dropping a shroom gives me my sheen rock nice we got a dragon and he killed karthus i'm just gonna tank him that's actually good because now we're not since i'm top lane the biggest thing i worry about is always dragons will they get four dragons get the soul they should just leave shut down okay they killed action nice oh 129 farm oh he has a sweeper okay i haven't killed caitlyn yet built santa i missed all those but the cannon i don't even want to auto under turret then i can't hit the tower pakistan got this double kill which is really bad they're fighting too much they're giving the enemy team too much gold income like we need to chill and just farm like they're they're losing these fights like sure they're getting like one kill out of it but the enemy team gets three if karthus gets too big he's gonna melt everybody [Music] i'm pretty sure action's coming up here he's not mid surprise you didn't just go in [Music] he's coming mid now uh they're probably doing herald too yes sir i almost have demonic look at how tanky we are i bet i have more health than rammus yeah i have like 800 more health than rammus how's that possible i guess he didn't buy it i'm three levels on them also i think each level you get like 80 health or something titanic where yeah titanic would work colleen's just too far up like they're they're gonna look for picks we gotta play it slow and just farm i know it's boring but like it's the way what you gotta do to win all right i got 1v2 them oh not 1v3 you can try and help me understand behind the turret oh my god dude they hit so many shrooms my shroom placement up here is crazy i don't know he's bigner i gotta go about now balling's in big trouble i can maybe get top turret man every shroom i put down they ran into like every shroom i just i'm gonna have super big troubles getting to caitlin and cena because they they outrange me i'm going to get cc'd before i can even auto them i'm going to try and take this blue okay she healed dude like i'm just getting kited wait i'm faster than her i'm [ __ ] teemo bro what are you doing okay she's faster than a team i guess unless my w comes back up almost please tell me my burn kills him oh my god he healed bro that's so lame he took like two extra hits okay he died we're good action hit the stream they're chasing me they really want yes me oh nice good pick okay there we go look at maybe baron oh wait who's that dude we could baron actually because i bet caitlyn and senegal bot stop chasing we could totally do this we just literally need rammus to come here premise he's doing everything but go to the goddamn objective we had we have limited time to do this we have we can do this early because we have teemo with demonic we have brand with leandries and two enemies are dead in caitlyn spot like i expected there we go nice beautiful okay next i am gonna go you go like edmonds do i still get to slow i don't think i do about a titanic actually okay they got dragon but that's fine is expected we traded baron for it oh ram is almost i think titanic and then maybe wit's end i need some like attack speed if i'm gonna go titanic or maybe titanic into um what's it called hole breaker oh i gotta go it's not safe there but they're not going for them you should die the burn feel the burn oh wait we pick her the thing is like we actually our team is faster than rammus can hunt people down they okay so they lack front line is their thing so their 80 carries are actually pretty weak in team fights because there's nothing to peel them it's gnar but he's he's not strong karthus is always just gonna run in and die and go for one for once or one for two don't overstay action spawning scenes looking for flood he's he's good at getting picks oh hello just like uh you didn't press e that'd have been a kill but anyway action's good at picking people who are overstaying because you don't expect him coming oh no please nora i got it a nice line of shrooms all over mid titanic is complete let's try to pick sarah i don't know maybe i'll go home breaker next i have 3500 health like i am tank mode but the thing is i have i have more damage than anybody on their team i can 1v1 anybody i was going to get some pressure bought because it looks like they're trying to get a pick um and the turret okay randall would have bounced between them a bunch they just got to be careful because i'm not there but karthus isn't there so they already picked nars so they should be fine nice yeah see we're scaling with the rammus now rammus is like really hard to kill i think we've got this game in the back caitlyn can't 1v1 either but they can stop me from pushing they can just wave clear yeah they're not getting anybody anymore now awesome hey i got it you left me alone i just straight up tanked him don't hurt me oh i think action hit a stream he's invisible oh he has qss i'm gonna live i should live sneaky marshroom yeah we're too powerful now i don't even think i need attack speed i could just go the hall breaker and split dragon we kind of need this i mean my demonic's only done 700 damage so it seems like it's doing well i'm pretty sure it's rasp is at 804. it's under i don't know i think it's just my e that's doing so much damage [Music] they can't kill me x tech's really good that gives me attack speed okay they revive karthus uh he's gonna try to pick gin which he will be successful in oh we gotta be careful they could do barons so i need to pressure brammis dies here is not good but i don't think they have anybody down here to defend thought oh they got nar they're good oh look at that i got the turret i gotta wait i got two assists they must have hit the shroom's mid that didn't do anything yeah i think rammus is too strong now they can't do anything i think i just died for this they fight me well it might be the end of teemo tank mo doesn't go down without a fight though get the [ __ ] out of here hit her oh i should have went for the auto there i would have killed her god damn i got wave clear and damage 4k health i think i have like twice as much health as rammus oh no he's catching up he's at 3k okay and then i'll just buy the big potion because this might be our last push who knows they might have okay so i have 4 600 health and now i have a 161 armor 183 mr with all that help oh yeah i maybe i get a warmog's last because that'll make demonic give more ap demonics give me 106 ability power i'll try to get warmocks last but i don't think the game will go that long get away shrooms oh i wanted that oh they're hitting all of them there you want that he hit his room oh don't heal him is he halting me that's not good that's tickling damn karthus lived oh wait i got him well he's not reviving the whole team oh she made him go invisible nice everyone is watching one two three very mad i bought a skin boost in a ram i was just playing a ram on my main the other day i bought a skin boost at one second left and i made two people like super mad they wanted the afk just because i switched their skins oh please no yeah i'm too fast surely they're not gonna try this but if i go back in one i'm dangerous punching you're hunting your ass down okay i'm not get hit by all these i don't have mr oh i might be dead if he has all i heard nar well we might make it to that warm augs actually i don't know there's hex skates there but i'd rather just like click once and afk and walk there i'm in no rush [Applause] i'm oh you hit a shroom i could flash from but i think it's not worth it jungle is mine [Music] we're hitting 5k hp i need do i need i need my warm mugs i want the potion too but i don't think we'll have enough i'm unstoppable right now like they need like five people to kill me nobody no singular enemy can just walk up to me and fight me okay we made it to full build awesome 2100 the thing is this gives 15 percent armor and magic man which is kind of nuts wait i just i gotta kill but where where did he die i don't oh he died down here oh he died right here the [ __ ] this killed action two three four five thousand health i can maybe get to six no i'll get like fifty five hundred with this potion oh it only gets three hundred never mind yeah i'm getting fifty five hundred you gotta get it i could sell my boots and get tank here but then i'll be a turtle 5500 health on teemo while also dealing a ton of damage they're turtling though like we didn't get anything off me getting that inhib really but all their turrets are down so we just need to bear him we kill karthus and we baron actually present for you sir we lost gin but i can just shroom up baron if they try to contest i will kill them or we could just go ac that works and coming for you one auto all right let's go do baron i think it's worth my flash not really but they're building magic resist but i also i think i deal more physical damage than magic the shrooms just deal magic damage but my autos are dealing more physical oh my god how are they gonna get through this i'm doing like hybrid i'm probably doing just as much magic okay now just flung us out of the car perfect i think she's dead you want to fight i'm just leaving he doesn't even hurt just me stand here and let her hit me i am tank moe all right let's send this out after i kill her oh yourself all right gg if you guys enjoyed the tank mode game please leave a like on the video also subscribe to the channel if you haven't and last but not least drop a comment below i do read them so you can say whatever you want help me out with the algorithm uh let's see our damage though it's a good first game i'll give it to i don't know everybody did all right they died but they slowed it down so then the enemy team didn't just win [Music] all right we did uh 39k damage almost 40k let's see our physicals and magic oh yeah we did twice as much magic as physical but we still hurt here's our roon stance grasp did eleven hundred the mouse did six thousand damage towers overgrowth gave us more health presence mind gave us man and other than that i'll see you guys later thank you again for watching have a wonderful rest your day see you on the second channel swag zara peace
Channel: TC Zwag
Views: 341,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3AZT7YPjjlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 31sec (2191 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 05 2022
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