Asking Logan Paul for a Job - The Gus & Eddy Podcast

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The whole John Travolta thing is crazy, because he has this position in Scientology (It's like the second highest, something with "Khan" in the name). And apparently at that level you're allowed to kill someone without repercussions and Scientology will just back you up.

Stuff is so damn weird.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/appleparkfive 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

Are we not going to mention how they are going to have a monkey Co-host!!! Did the boys strike a deal with mayor monkey!?

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/DJ_GiantMidget 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

Gus acting like actually farting would make me stop listening as if I don’t already listen to the Supermega podcast.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/FearOfKhakis 📅︎︎ Sep 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Funny that last time they talked about Logan Paul doing nft's it was a different vibe.
Now they clearly understand more about them and it's the opposite.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/tregorman 📅︎︎ Sep 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

I first saw the butter knee boob thing on the Simpsons. I'm not from America so I didn't think it was a real thing till Gus mentioned it.

here's the scene

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/uNiversityboy_Q 📅︎︎ Sep 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

The Land O Lakes butter thing actually backfired really bad. The artist who drew that was a Native American, and it was about pride in their heritage. So taking it off actually just got them a lot of shit

Someone's comment was in the realm of "Typical America. They removed the native and kept the Land"

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/appleparkfive 📅︎︎ Sep 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

I found that James Corden thing they were talking about in the beginning of the podcast, it was with Jimmy Kimmel, time stamped it so you don't need to be annoyed by James Corden's annoying ass voice

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/thefalloutman 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

amazing ep

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Laughter] we guys we just sat down and just looked at each other that's it oh we don't have the little little pads let me grab those we're let's keep rolling okay let's keep it all good cause i was gonna do one of those like you know that dinosaur and the dinosaur show that's like i'm the mom i'm the baby that's hitting stuff i was gonna do that i do that uh whenever i'm hungry and anyone's making a nice meal for me say i'm the baby i'm the baby hello sir welcome to fleming steakhouse how would you like your filet mignon i'm the baby i'm the baby baby yeah i'm the [ __ ] baby dude i'm actually duh baby you want to hear what i think about people that are different than me and he goes no in the other room boys welcome back how are you it's the gus eddie podcast just me today eddie has once again abandoned you just as he will with every person in his life he will leave us and he'll make us cry and won't be there to wipe the tears i can only find one of them i know people can hear us here oh that's all right i don't know where the other one is then um you want to take one of these rubber ones that barely works yeah let's do that i will be so gentle i will not even bang around here i won't even jump around you remember that scene in mrs doubtfire where they were playing jump around at the kid's birthday party and then the mom said this is it for the divorce now i actually uh i re-watched did we we didn't re-watch mrs doubtfire together did we i don't think we did i don't remember actually it would have been a while ago i think it was like right before the pandemic maybe but i don't i mean chrissy and i watch it but i remember that scene being like man they're they're both really high caliber actors and they're really selling i'm like sad for this marriage like immediately i remember as a kid and i i hate that it was probably spun this way because the overall movie is a really healthy like kind of discussion about divorce and i'm i'm equipped to say that as a child not of divorce so i'll analyze this one well i can't i'll say i can't speak as a child of divorce because i was technically an adult of divorce and that's much different and i think like a way different experience you know yeah you were just some weird man living i was just a grown man at that time freshly 18 and then they were like you hey you're a man now which means we're no longer together and then pierce brosnan moved in what you were saying though is a healthy discussion yeah well i was i remember even thinking as a kid though and i wonder if more kids had this takeaway initially i thought like what the mom is being so shitty he's just having fun and she's the worst yep i thought the same thing and then as an adult you're like he's lying about being a per person a different person to spend time with the kids when he doesn't have custody of the kids oops whoopsie just cause he can make the nonunanu voice it doesn't make it okay though hey listen guys if you have kids and you get divorced just because you know flubber doesn't mean you can break the rules bring flubber to the divorce proceedings say hey judge look at this stick around what what like who how'd they pitch flubber they're like hey so robin williams is a nerd and he's got this green [ __ ] thing that runs around and creates chaos can i say yeah i loved flubber when we were younger i liked flowers i was i had flubber on vhs and i would watch it all the time i just i [ __ ] loved plumber it was really great i don't even remember that much about flubber i just remember a few like pivotal scenes i remember when it was like bouncing around didn't it like blast out some guy's ass or something isn't there shot i do remember something like that maybe at his ass does it go in no does flubber i don't think i think maybe it gets one of those shots like oh you know those 2000 or late 90s 2000 shots where something goes near a guy's ass and it's right in front of his face and he's bent over he goes oh bruce almighty does the same thing with them always so awful did flubber ever penetrate a man it didn't even want us wait the first result is actually for bicentennial man which is way more serious super serious robin williams one where he's a robot who learns to love the first two results are for are for bicentennial man and then marcia gay hardin who's this is a completely largely unrelated actress is she in flubber i think she's the i think she's the robot and flubber that's my by seeing her face oh she is she isn't flubber is she the robot in flubber uh yes i saw her face and i knew she was the robot and flubber and you know what i didn't even know if she was the robot but you wanted to have me say yes so bad that i said yes and i assume that reality did you not check no what the [ __ ] dude i'm i'm on the flumber page though uh-huh dr sarah jean reynolds that's not the [ __ ] doctor but but look how happy you were in that little moment though when i told you that you got the thing right but now you've lied to me and in future moments i won't be as happy is a lie a lie when you like tell a kid santa's real or like hey adult we just established you know i just wanted to elicit joy on this darkest of days you're gonna be a great dad yeah i'm gonna be the best dude i'm gonna tell my kids that it's not real but flubber is gotta give the warning again gus oh just in case people are okay we'll beep that you guys know that you can get the context from what we talked about last week guys flubber is real though so don't lover's real if flubber's in your closet so he's gonna come he's going to enter you he's going to come plumber's going to go that's that flubber 2. he's going to come whatever happened i was going to say it from mrs doubtfire whatever happened to the guy that was like oh sweetheart you're going to love this thing then he was like in a couple things and then wasn't it there at all my guess is that he's dead i mean i just based on his voice does that not is that not the vibe of somebody who is currently dead right should we can we should we guess if that guy's dead because i'm i'm all in on that guy yeah yeah no my guess is that that guy is dead that guy's alive will be super happy and of course if he's dead my condolences to the family yeah but also in a separate completely unrelated note i will be overjoyed that my guess was correct if we're if we're right i will be a bit happier of course my condolences to the family yeah but you know to an extent to an extent why can't i [ __ ] find this i i googled flubber just go uh hey who's that guy who talks like that siri's like oh oh the guy from buffer yeah yeah yeah can we can we get siri to change to that guy's voice oh you're gonna want to turn left online i would do that immediately i would do it did i ever talk about i'm sure i did at some point but uh the waze app um on uh my first kind of adult road trip ever when we went to new york uh no tell me here's a little bingo for you uh tony my buddies one of my buddies zach and i went on a road trip it was a very uh honestly it was very like movie coming-of-age road trip where we were 18 we had a friend who had moved to new york when we were 15. and we were facetiming him at the start of our summer right after we graduated high school yeah and uh we were just like he's like man you guys got to come out here i have this apartment you can stay at and i just went like what if we just left in two days i was like all our schedules are clear and we just i kind of like asked my parents i had a car uh and then uh we just went and it was super fun but awesome we had waze on during it and uh we chose lightning mcqueen as the voice for it you could do that at the time they have celebrity voices so they cycle them out so lightning mcqueen's not there anymore but uh he would say you know if you're going on a long road trip you're rarely taking left turns you're exiting right but if you're on the highway you're rarely taking left she was real special but he would go like a left is coming up ka-chow and every time the kachow gay we go yeah [Applause] and then uh if you passed any reported like construction uh any you know like problem on the road which there was like a thousand of them he'd go huh trouble up ahead must be an oil spill and i heard that like a thousand times well it's funny to think that too because you you honestly have to think around the dumbest [ __ ] people when you put [ __ ] out in the world and i wonder if there was anybody that was actually like honey is there like an actual oil disaster like was there a tanker that flipped over there yep it's a bp but on them in the middle of the ohio turnpike so this guy actually ain't dead oh they wait that looks like a recognizable a lot of people know this person and we were just saying that guy with that voice i bet he's uh more accomplished than where henry henry forbes fierstein is an american actor and playwright best known for his theater work in torch song trilogy hairspray mrs doubtfire independence day mulan mulan 2. um is he the original uh i don't want to be wrong here is he the original mom in hairspray did you ever see hairspray yeah i like hairspray let me let me click this one oh it that is the oh it's the broadway hairspray yeah that's what i'm thinking because the movie is john travolta oh duh okay oh that maybe then that's what i'm thinking that would be a great fit that would totally be a great fit oh my god i don't know when hairspray came out so i don't know what made his career was it flubber was it hairspray we'll never know i will never know ever that was weird that that happened not because of a cross-dressing thing but because john travolta and he's really into john travolta john travolta is probably and this has nothing to do with the hairspray role yeah probably one of the weirdest people to ever live ever so [ __ ] weird because he like was really good in like hairspray and then i don't know personally my opinions of him in the oj show yeah he's just like the weirdest man of all time it's kind of weird though because i actually did watch some interviews with robert shapiro and i was like he kind of does seem like robert should be so [ __ ] it's a strange guy i think the big problem john travolta's problem is that the guy he's playing a strange guy and then similarly around that time he did the adele design thing yeah and so that in my brain that's that so it's for john travolta it's used to be in greece um was weird on the oj show um oh by the way i know he has other roles i we will not be discussing those this is only what pops out in my head um and then scientology and those are the those are in my head what john travolta is so maybe he's a more normal guy he is so [ __ ] he's just everything about him is kind of weird because also there is a lot of talent underneath him like he has that good way of just having some he's got such a tone yeah he travels every role did you by the way speaking are we cool with talking about uh scientology on here because i know we're just gonna get yeah can i are we just talking candid [ __ ] scientology yeah man um did you see what uh the younger jonas brother frankie jonas did what did he do he he posted a tick tock where he was at an influencer party with like a bunch of tick tock stars and he brought a scientology necklace on a chain and just gave it to each person and they said like take a photo with my necklace and like one of the demilios which it's like i think she's like a child still so it's like don't don't bait her into [ __ ] take a photo but like image after image of popular tick-tock teen or like 20-year-old with a scientology necklace just like winking or like trying to look cool with it and i believe the tick tock got taken down but man that's a funny joke that's a really good bet that's a really good bit dude that's evil dude that's [ __ ] evil yeah man john travolta obviously pretty much decades of scientology [ __ ] it's weird you can see him there's a video of him talking on a movie uh where he is and i won't play any of the audio but you can find it on youtube he is just talking about scientology and [ __ ] and the funny thing is it's behind the scenes of a film where he's dressed up like a like a vietnam war colonel or no um i wonder if i talk about a john travolta scientology interview i just want you to see the uh outfit that he has on also are you i don't think we talked about it before are you willing to talk about the and we can cut it the thing that uh when i was back home in chicago that like you and will uh the like street thing with scientology wow the street thing do you remember when you guys like went over there oh yeah we didn't go in there but no no i'm talking about like where you said it seemed like and again we could cut this yeah we're not afraid of them but i'm just it's not my story it's just a slight annoyance to not want to have to deal with yeah with [ __ ] mail that you guys said that like near the the road like kind of right around there almost seemed like they had like paid actors walking around because it was a dead area but then it looked like a very popular street and they were all staring at you right yeah it is again let's our best friends ever is the word allegedly here i had i had heard before that they hire people to uh to walk around there's al ron hubbard way which is the the street that they have that goes between some of their [ __ ] over by sunset sorry my voice is kind of shot i've been yelling like nuts lately twitch stream [ __ ] um they're uh i had heard that they they have people that are instructed whenever somebody goes through there to just like walk through like if there's people on bikes and [ __ ] to walk through to try to like elicit accidents and [ __ ] so that they can get sued again that was just a crazy thing that i had heard who knows if it's true but anecdotally we went over there and we had some of the wheels bikes and it was like me and will and some other friends and [ __ ] uh and i was like i was like look up that street there dude nobody [ __ ] crossing that street right and we were way at the end of the drive it's like i guarantee we're gonna take our bikes through there and people are going to start whizzing by but like back and forth went up there instantly people it was like the [ __ ] truman show when they're in their marks you know yeah and i've done that multiple times with friend groups and the same thing has happened so you know we're not claiming anything uh but but that's an interesting thing yeah i'm sorry i was gonna say also famously l in l ron hubbard stands for lon ron hubbard lon ron hubbard what's his real name they don't know that they don't know that the l stands for lon yeah he really went by lonnie ronnie he did do that but lonnie ronnie hubby it was that's what his wife called him she said the full thing is a nickname yeah lonnie ronnie anyway i i i go so deep into just learning about that kind of [ __ ] obviously in a in a it is [ __ ] way but it's fascinating i couldn't actually find this john travolta interview at all though but unfortunately it's just him and he's got like one of those army caps on he's like this stuff is pretty good it's like i was reading these books and stuff's pretty good like you couldn't wait until wardrobe took that off you dude you look like a [ __ ] military guy being like this is the best way of thinking and living you know he's just john is so [ __ ] some about him just seems so big like it's not even that he's like a big fat person at all which would not be a problem it's just he seems like he's a tiny face on there's just so much head there's so much guy there's so much guy around him yeah and it's i i don't know he's just what what an interesting person he's getting smaller also you know he like uh loves he is one of those he lives in one of those plain neighborhoods one of the what's that i'm not even kidding i'm just not even a bit and i don't know it's funny i don't know what it is but just he lives in one of those plain neighborhoods what does that mean it's a neighborhood where a bunch of rich people like their connected street is a runway and you land planes and then pull the plane up to your front door and you get out and you go into your mansion normal people don't live there no there's no way but he apparently loves flying and i think he got a love for flying when that car in real life took off in greece at the end of greece you think so when that car took flight i don't think that's fake they couldn't fake that at the time he said he kid me huh i could live on a street that does this all the time i knew it was a muscle car i didn't know it was a muscle plane why are we giving that [ __ ] sandy imagine landing this thing right in your yard she's like my name is olivia what are you talking about imagine driving up to your front door in this thing no think about it we could land it here we could get married sandy it's like again i'm olivia the cameras aren't rolling you get out of my trailer right now i like to think that he's been method acting grease and he's the he's what's his [ __ ] name in greece again uh it's johnny the rocket that's not true is it big jeff okay john travolta is big jeff in greece it's danny it's danny danny danny it's something with his danny mcbride it's not something with a z danny fandom danny zuko is it zuko i was gonna say danny zuko but i was like i'm thinking of avatar no so it is danny zuko yeah dude you better shape up um but uh i like to think that john travolta has been method acting danny zuko who is now for the sake of everyone else pretending to be john travolta yeah so he goes home and he goes like can you believe these guys asking me about scientology i don't believe in that crap and then he lights up a cigarette hits it in one drag in his room and flicks it in the corner how come spirit airlines doesn't let me use that runway for my car this tom cruise guy's crazy give me some grease he's like every other car he goes into he thinks it's a flying one they're trying to do the royale with cheese scene from pulp fiction he's like you know is this sammy is this one of those flying ones here i'm just looking at the dashboard where's the fly button oh man this is such a dumb [ __ ] podcast that we you guys keep listening to what is wrong with you like is we i have to check up every once in a while to go why are we why are we still going who knows i'm so excited for uh you know we talked about you know in the future making you know some slight changes to the podcast far future but i'm very very excited for it i'm excited for it too things are going to be looking up and vibe's not going to change the podcast because we never we would never do something where it turns into a show where you're like well that's not what it used to be because we we i think we're pretty good at watching stuff and realizing what people like and when somebody changes something going oh we're not gonna do that yeah i don't wanna do that we're gonna add um a third host and it's gonna be a monkey we got a monkey and i am i will have to tell you off the podcast the thought that i just had but i'm so sorry i will have to pivot my joke now um i was gonna say we actually got paul schaefer from the david letterman show as our sidekick paul's the the uh uh bald music dude yeah the bald music that's all he is in my brain i hate to belittle him but that's all i know about paul it was always so weird because like david letterman like had such a dry like uh like really just funny [ __ ] posty sarcastic always try to like play the idiot kind of like uh like thing uh like tone about him and then paul schaefer is a master musician and he was so annoying [ __ ] announcements from some clips where i was like he they're not on the same wavelength that's the problem what's the pr and it'd be like yeah you probably don't want a sidekick that is like well that's the thing though is because you go like again look at the conan format andy and conan are both dead nuts [ __ ] hilarious it works to have a funny side i really do think the side host needs to be like ultra talented and that's why andy works we should get him on the podcast sometime i don't like demand frankly i don't think we'll ever [ __ ] get that guy on i thought that sasha baron cohen's lemur was way better than his lemur and mad gasket more like uh snort yup [ __ ] done also can i say and people won't be able to smell it what a great candle it smells like a real apple smells that it's got that sharp little apple bit guys give your give your if it's your car radio or your headphones give it a sniff smell the candle we've got a 4d aromascope from spy kids 4. i'm gonna release the scent it's gonna be coming out of your headphone jack you smell that oh no that was poison oh no wait no now you have the poison um what was i was gonna say something uh a moment ago though what were you talking about right before i said the stupid candle the guy from mrs doubtfire no oh it was about letterman uh during my late night video back in the day back in 2019 i uh i was talking about like current late night and i made a joke that like everyone's it looks up to letterman as a hero but he's just some old guy to me and that was really just a joke especially for like newer generations and i saw some people that were like how could you not give letterman there and it's like it was a ch it was a joke i've seen a ton of letterman content yeah i just uh i um you know it was funnier to say that's a lot of the time where sometimes i feel like we'll get reactions to things i'm like or like a tweet where i'll get like a small correction it's like yeah but it was funnier it was funnier to say like this yeah that's that's all i really care about that's saying it in the funniest way i can we talk a slight bit about late night stuff yeah good cause i was talking about late night you know me i always have opinions about it but i'm like you're the late night guy i got to do it in a fight it just happened from that one video algorithmically taking off but also i do feel like i was glad to that that video did take off cause you know the amount of late night discussions i'd have for years being like talking about the opinions on everybody and i was like i don't know if people will care about this yeah the most popular video dude okay i have some thoughts and and i just we got to use it let's talk about that i'm sure people would want to hear about it sure well first of all some of the things will be things that we've retreaded on before but again it's fine first of all seth meyers i i love seth dudes that's even better than before i oh my god i praised seth in the late night video a bit and then in my like kind of sequel and praised him a lot but man seth should uh take over the tonight show i think seth absol if he doesn't take over the tonight show it would be a [ __ ] travis i love seth he also it offset to uh james corden um seems to have a great relationship with all of his crew yeah uh and i don't know if you know there's a there i know people have heard if you haven't heard uh because i know there's been a lot of recent james corden hate that there's been a lot of rumors about him being like pretty rude to his crew all the time and then there's an episode of where he does that show spill your guts or fill your guts where he's a celebrity on his writers write questions for both of them so they're reading them as a surprise even so like let's say you and i know you know but you pull a card and it's for me you don't even know what's gonna be on the card so then there's no fault for the question and it's like a really personal or really juicy question if you don't want to answer it you have to eat something gross i think he did it with it was one of the kardashians and the question was like name one of your cameramen and and he he gets red in the face and he eats oh my god yeah i want to make sure that's right bro i'm pretty sure that that would that's what i remember from here's all you gotta do allegedly that happened there you go just in case because it's it's a safe thing we wouldn't [ __ ] around if this was somebody that was universally loved yeah either way the question was something about naming somebody on the crew or maybe name like three cameramen that's ridiculous i don't know if it was one but like he couldn't do it that's so shitty and then you see like even like colbert or seth have like relationships with their cameramen you know they'll say their name on tv which is the right thing to do they're part of your crew they're part of the show but anyways well the weird thing is it's like for for a couple of of levels it is the right thing to do to be ingrained in your crew like that first of all from a human [ __ ] perspective you work with these people they make you look better yeah you're all working on a on a project together and you as the host you have the [ __ ] absolute privilege and the and the gift of being able to be the guy yeah you know most of these people will never see the light of day from a public name perspective to the same extent that you have you know i think the crew to a tv show is the exact i think it's more it's it's less like um let's say a pop star that has a team and more like a band where it's like yeah you're the host you're the front man but like you need the drums you need a bass you know like you need all these other things yeah and it's not just like like obviously we see it from conan being great too is is conan isn't like oh i make the show yeah everyone makes the show those shows need hundreds of people to work on that they need tons of people yeah it's like that's it's the human [ __ ] thing to do but then also it's like people don't realize from even a creative and a fan perception standpoint how stuff is elevated if you really give voices to the crew they want it gives everybody not only the illusion but the actual participation in being a part of an inside crew a joke a family you get so many good in-jokes whenever you include more people like that like people want to tune back in i go back every time seth talks to wally the cue card guy oh man i love it i'm like yeah wally also is wally the cue card guy for snl as well i think so yeah that's awesome what a cool job oh man what a guy and like i'm glad he gets more of the spotlight because that's like a legendary job is to do cue cards for snl and seth meyers and it's like seth literally brought him on the show as the one of the [ __ ] guest slots and just interviewed him for like 10 minutes like oh i didn't even see that it's great if we did a few months ago oh that's awesome i need to watch that but it's like you do [ __ ] like that and it's so much better and it's like really i have seen so many levels of of comedy from seth and his team that transcend the typical late night comedy stuff you got to go check out the late you know whatever it is [ __ ] late night with seth meyers whatever they'll do like fun self-referential bits that'll only make the crew laugh and those make me laugh that's the kind of thing that i feel like is the brand of comedy of especially when like kroll or millennial get together and they'll make a joke about new york and i'm like i don't even know the reference but i laughed and i don't know why you know it's the [ __ ] best and then like all the side [ __ ] too if they will have internet exclusive stuff i don't know if you ever catch up on corrections do you see no but i've heard seth reference it and it sounds like a big show and i keep not i've only been catching a closer look on youtube lately yeah is it is it really funny because it is so funny he keeps like almost promoting it yeah what is fancy is it just like how conan used to do it where somebody points out something wrong and then they make jokes about it yes and the the tone every time is that it is it is almost a quieter segment because it's almost like a solemn talk that seth has to have every time whenever he cuts to it every week and the the whole thing every time would be that he's kind of loki scathingly hates everybody that sends in the corrections he's like you [ __ ] jackals you [ __ ] nerd idiots like somebody said i can't say this it's the same you know yeah yeah so it's like that kind of [ __ ] it's so funny i will see stuff where like like borderline connor o'malley sad world like acid trip kind of adult swim [ __ ] shitposty stuff where it'll be like so weird such weird levels of meta in like just internet clips of him i don't know if he still does but connor used to write for seth yeah absolutely he was on the show for like the kind of beginning bit of it yeah i don't know if he still does it but yeah that's what i'm wondering too i love the clip of conor going out and dancing to the uh it's like the theme song of like some shitty like detective show or whatever it's like interpretive dance to like an 80s theme song or something like that and you know connor you get so [ __ ] into it but it's like that kind of stuff where like they'll cut to these like weird edits and like just weird just kind of surreal things sometimes it's so [ __ ] unreal and again a closer look is like if you want political comedy on youtube go watch that and then you kind of don't really need to watch a lot of other stuff yeah it's kind of the best little little sectioned off writing and comedy perspective for news there's still more like investigative stuff from last week tonight yeah but i have been choosing to watch seth moore i really like john oliver but i feel like he's maybe done the same joke like like there's three jokes he repeats almost every episode every time like wanting to [ __ ] an animal and how sexy it is and you're like okay man i've seen this so many times like scrap it yeah no totally it's a great show but it's just like i have not been watching a lot lately it's it's the biggest thing is i'm like i still [ __ ] love john and i'll watch all of his pieces and it is it is some of the best like package content for television but once you start to pick up on those kind of cadences of the flow of the piece it comes so noticeable because it really is that like hey here's biting skating [ __ ] fantastic investigative stuff well hey we're probably due for like a cute animal or a [ __ ] animal yep there it is yep and you know what it is i think they need the audience back because they wouldn't hear that big of a reaction from the audience and then they'll know but yeah aren't they about to do it like next week i think so that's and by not watching it lately i mean i missed the last episode and there was a break week so i haven't seen him dude he [ __ ] hates also uh and i'll we can wrap up the late night talk if you want or keep going whatever i don't know what uh people want here you know sometimes i need to be less concerned about honestly people listening and they're just interested and i just need to stop you know what i mean these guys right here these [ __ ] guys will listen we could fart into the mics for an hour and these [ __ ] idiots will listen to it look at this right now there's some guy on the way to work and he just is he's on four hours of sleep and he's like i'm just pulling this up for sanity watch me just make a full fart blarp noise [Music] and he's like i could reach down and change this right now but i'm almost to work why am i still listening to this and he goes hold on what if he does it one more time [Music] [Laughter] um what was oh i was just gonna say uh jon stewart's coming back yeah when does that happen soon i'm pretty sure i saw there's a promo video for it i think he'll come on our podcast i would love uh listen john we got the same birthday you're also one of my heroes those are two things don't wait we'll scare them off we gotta not play too hot and loose i think you're a piece of [ __ ] john whoa calibrate middle johnny where do i go where do i go from here um johnny remember the pizza pie rant you went on from the show you were on oh well that's one thing we disagree on what is it he he really hates deep dish pizza so if he if jon stewart comes on the podcast i'll hit him with a tire iron is that a good middle that's a good middle you're one of my heroes i'll hit you with the tire iron i'm not huge on deep dish that's fine i've come to the conclusion it's just it was like he was [ __ ] on it like crazy man he's [ __ ] on it well the thing is i really only eat one restaurant of deep dish pizza so it's like i'm not like a deep-dish aficionado i'm just tired of people you know the first thing people ask me when they hear where i'm from is about the [ __ ] deep dish so it's like every party i'm at where oh where are you from here we go you know yeah i actually think i might uh ted suggested that i should make a video on the the pizza debate and i maybe that'll be my honestly that might be my next video be the pizza man ted's the milkman you be the pizza man there you go i need a dairy themed thing uh i'll be the curds and whey guy you're from wisconsin you got to be the curse can i skip the way part though the way it is not yeah not good you're gussy curds gusty curds oh man but then there's curtis robert he already has the word curd in his name um swiss johnson i don't really really make a lot of swiss cheese uh gus curdson oh man but that still has the curtain i think is i did sell cheese curds for a while so i probably should have him in there how about glendale lakes american cheese us johnson what do you think about that that's good yeah i could see that can i make a [ __ ] la ranch right now can i yes can i make a microscopic reference to landlakes before you get too far go for it so do you know the lando lakes has at this point probably should be [ __ ] weaned off but there is like a artist's depiction of a native american woman that's been the mascot for lando forever but you know about a year ago they took that away did they really yes nice job yeah it's gone but before then what you could and this isn't something that's me some guy in my hunting group said that before you before then what you could do when you were a kid and you were looking to get some uh you know some of that like land's end catalog tear porn or whatever sorry wait what hold the [ __ ] what are you talking about you know like like when you're a kid and you don't really have porn but you just got to be like oh hey there's a there's a promotional image for my dad sports illustrated swimsuit magazine do not tell me the suggestion is the [ __ ] landlakes mascot gus apparently what you could do not okay and i'm telling you i would tell it if it wasn't for the big because i say the most embarrassing [ __ ] on here i never did it truthfully i'm not trying to distance myself for it but apparently it was a meme and i'm wondering if more people had heard of it the way the woman was posed is that she was sitting on her knees if audio list or video people look right at me she was like sitting on her knees in front of her and her knees were bare so apparently what some kids would do sometimes is they would take the cardboard and bend it up so her two rounded knees look like boo hoo dude this is so offensive and bad i didn't i'm telling you i never did it but literally i've heard multiple people say like yeah remember when you used to bend the land i'm just thinking of the time skip of like everything that happened before and then these [ __ ] shit-head white kids in wisconsin taking the little oh jesus is that the worst [ __ ] ever yeah jesus um but uh my l.a rant and it has to do with land lakes american cheese it's hard to find american cheese out here dude yeah dude and i there's a some places like ralph's had it for a bit now ralph's doesn't have it around here and then out so i'll have to like check first before i go on instacart to see like where uh place has american cheese and you'll search american cheese and the first thing that come up is craft singles and that's what a lot of people think of when you say i said something about american cheese being top tier to add into your mac and cheese yeah which chrissy didn't exactly believe me and now we exclusively use it and she's real good at cooking so there you go that's your stuff but um are you like craft american in the moment no no no that's what i'm saying actually likes american cheese but i said that and everyone was tweeting craft singles at me and it's like that's not what i'm talking about deli american cheese it's a little bit different it's got a different texture craft singles grossed me out when i was a kid i never really truly liked them i would eat them occasionally like in just a cold sandwich but like the thing is that's really hard to like get out of your mind though because it is like plasticine very much like you ready for me to hit you with a crazy fact though oh no what five guys cheeses craft singles and now now you're rethinking not five kai's but you're thinking rethinking craft singles aren't you no i'm rethinking five guys really it tastes [ __ ] good well i'm just surprised because in like every other level five guys is so ester from a quality standpoint their jalapenos are always fresh not pickled they always have like some of the freshest [ __ ] fries their burgers are great uh honestly you know i hadn't noticed that it was craft singles until now is because i exclusively order hot dogs from five guys every single time what it's so much they have the best hot dog period they have like polish sausages like kielbasa things it's sorry it's craft american cheese in huge blocks so it's not a single which is better because then it's like actual cheese they're cutting good good so who cut the cheese five guys did they're the they're the real tutors before you say sir yeah you gotta get a hot dog of five guys every time i don't think i've ever gotten a hot dog at five guys next time you go there get one because they they essentially they they get two nice big like potatoey feeling buns and then they go ahead and they toast the buns and they get like an actual good natural casing not like fun dog type like hot dog and they slice it in half and then they grill it on each half and they essentially have like a hot dog and it's a thousand dollars yep pretty much i uh i don't and i'm not gonna get we've we've talked about it enough about uh our digestion with things but i avoid five guys a lot just because it's so it's it's really good but man it is like it is a bomb to your system as marty mcfly would say doc it's heavy that's so heavy doctor he'd say that doctor doctor do operation i mean take this five guys out of my stomach and go pump my stomach out of my five guys hot dog please that's from the slightly less popular back to future three that's no good i remember uh one time referencing back to future three not being as good as one and two to one of my english teachers and it was there were two of the english teachers there and they were like what are you talking about three is the best one so that person shouldn't be in charge of children yeah and the thing is well it was high school so they well i guess still children but um uh i it was i was an improv and that's why i was one of the english teachers and they reacted like i was being like an [ __ ] and i had a bad take and i was like i feel like this is just i don't hate back to future three but it's not the best one for sure back to the future three though is one that actively bums me out every time i watch it because it isn't like the worst [ __ ] in the world but knowing what it could have been it's just like hey i'm just i'm just coasting off of that i want more content and i just got done watching one and then two was like a little less good but still okay-ish apologies to people who to the back to the future three lovers but when i re-watch the movies i rarely watch the i don't i watch one and two i watch one and two which i'm due for a re-watch i love one and two i will always say one two is such is probably one of my favorite meta films like like from a distance films where i'm saying i respect it but i don't i don't watch it i'm like [ __ ] yeah all the time it's still stupid interesting but you're just like look at all the incredibly breakthrough filmmaking techniques that they did with it and [ __ ] it's interesting hearing about the crisp and glover face mold lawsuit i know we've talked about before and [ __ ] and it is it is so fascinating because it's such a ballsy thing to be like remember that like perfect thing that we just made a few years ago what if we went back and potentially [ __ ] it up i dude i couldn't believe though in when i watched two as a kid i couldn't believe like that they made it yeah you know like they were showing the other i watched them you know like back to back i'm sure we all did because we didn't see them in theaters you know um uh and i was just like wait that how the how did they do this you know because i didn't know they shot it you know at the same time pretty much right the first and second one yeah i didn't know no they didn't five years in between pretty much so they shot two and three at the second time which is why i think that's what i'm continuing in my head at the end of two they literally as part of the actual cut of the film they include a trailer for the third movie right isn't that weird yeah they show like the train and everything yeah that they had enough footage for at the time to be like the movie's out here's the trailer at the end of the movie it's crazy it's coming next year so i think principal photography for two and three was like nine solid months dude and it was just back to future the whole [ __ ] time i'm a bit glad and this is like slightly about back to the future but gearing away from it like i i still love our like our design on our set which is a little bit crossing into the 90s a little bit yep but i'm very glad we're out of the like hey guys it's another back to the future anniversary don't we love the 80s don't we love back to the future here's the like you know it was just kind of the full i got i think we both got kind of swept up in it and you look back and you're like man that was just like total marketing to just kind of relive for some people and i i think it was exciting for us because we got to experience like mainstream hype for the cool movies again yeah but like i don't know i don't want every five years i don't need them to wheel out like uh why am i freaking uh christopher lloyd uh like every time where he comes out and he's like you guys remember and it's like i do but i will say though i [ __ ] love christopher lloyd's so [ __ ] he's great and did you see the thing yeah i did see the rick and morty thing that was so cool man uh honestly like i don't even mind it because especially with him like he is going to be probably best known for that but he is like an absolute juggernaut lifetime yeah he has so many other things under his belt that's why i i feel weird about it where they're like back to the future guy yeah she's like no apparently for him that has been like his uh similar to uh gene williams with gene wilder yeah how like gene wilder for decades after would be like he would be willy wonka for people like willy wonka like christopher lloyd was always dark brown he was so he just had such a love for him oh that makes me happy that he's coming out then i worry that it was like because you know there's always that division of people who love the role they played and then people who are like hey shut the [ __ ] up about it yeah like if you what if you called christopher lloyd doc it's very different than calling harrison ford han you know where he'd be like shut the [ __ ] up like don't say that to me and i also think that not knocking harrison ford but uh christopher lloyd seems to be a little more welcoming to people and the impact that it has on stuff like his roles and and harrison is almost in a charming way just like yeah [ __ ] you yeah wars nerds i would hope honestly it's like his i would prefer to be known as honestly the blade runner guy too just because star wars is so like conventiony for it too i loved him in blade runner 2049 man he's it's so [ __ ] cool that he was in that um we watched it together i finally watched it for the first time yeah we watched it um on uh my my oled tv that i was very it's i you know i'm a very tv heavy guy and for the first time i really got one that i'm like you know what i'm gonna make a i'm gonna spend on it which by the way even just spending on that tv you know it sat in like like the checkout card for me for days and i was just like i know i want this i know i'm gonna buy it but even just buying it is giving me so much like anxiety i can't i can't spend any like real money on myself i can do it with small things i can get an extra taco for myself no thought yeah i food no thought for me any like purchase that's gonna be mine i'm like surprisingly i have entered into the first time in maybe my full adult life that i'm actually i am doing that now and it's pokemon cards right that's it like still like wait you're doing the hesitation where i'm actually like following through with big purchase stuff because honestly outside of like the valve index that i bought at this point like a year and a half ago i haven't really made any big treat yourself kind of purchases for myself like and i don't like doing that because i still have that mentality of like i want to run [ __ ] into the ground and like i just can't bring myself to be like i'm going to go get a bunch of i suppose i did get a new camera but that was literally that's for like work yeah make the money back and also it's a camcorder yeah so i just wanted some something to be able to pick up and shoot but like i mean like i'm talking to you now and i'm wearing pants that i [ __ ] bought in college and like i just get shitty like hands t-shirts and shorts i've been thrifting a lot lately i love [ __ ] doing that dude thrifting hawaiian shirts i have an addiction oh my god um i'm wearing one right now speaking of that the [ __ ] yikes shirt shipped out which i'm super happy i did like three coffin in my hand and nose clear things and i just want you to recognize the game that i got going on there's so for you guys that don't know i went for a high five and gus was very very good about it and said that you know his hand could potentially be gross remember we talked about that stuff before where i'm like i'm not a full germaphobe but i will always have that mental log of like i know that this hand touched this thing it will be categorized for these activities until it gets washed again also i i will uh tell you the details of it but i just want to share this with everybody so i'm going to completely remove the person or what the situation really was but recently someone i know had someone come up to them and was like ah my day's you know like pretty awful they're like why what's up and face to face was like uh yeah i'm just i'm getting really sick so i'm just gearing up to you know like go home and it's like after all this yeah you can't if you came to the podcast and you were like you sat down you're like man dude i'm real sick i'd be like what what the [ __ ] are you doing yeah i'm at the point now where it's like oh i could have always avoided a cold i was somebody before where even though i would be a germaphobe with like some things if somebody was like i am so sorry i have a cold the the like nice part of me would be like oh don't worry about that in my head i'd be like well [ __ ] i'm getting a cold now yeah exactly what i accept that before no you don't need to do it so yeah that's that funny yeah can you believe somebody did that after all this yeah and especially now because the sickness could potentially be coveted yeah it's just like especially to have it be like oh man this day sucked for me it's like hold on you're making it maybe suck for me what's your status there guy yeah the details make it worse i'll tell you a little bit oh yeah i'll hear more about that i got to remember my late night talk show bookmark thing too oh no just go uh back to it no no it's not to go back it's the thing to say off um were you going to say a yikes thing though i didn't want to steal that no that was just it they finally shipped out which there was there was a delay and i was like so kind of mortified that stuff stresses me out so much because i'm just like i i want people to get the thing you know and uh yeah especially those ones were custom so they they took longer um it's real nice especially with the winter launches when it's like like a hoodie because it can go like directly out that week which is perfect um which that's why i'm excited for the winter stuff because it's like i i feel so much stress where the longer it takes i'm like well if something's wrong like i'm gonna disappoint somebody you know like if they get it and they waited a bit and then it's wrong uh i'm gonna feel terrible also there's a support email so you don't need to dm me because i'm not the one guys so yeah that's what i hate what like because with anything else that we really do like content and like just you know social post stuff it's like we have control over it and it always sucks when it's like hey you know especially it's a merch thing and something goes wrong because it's like i i don't like i'm not trying to get away from this it's like [ __ ] i hate that it's like i had to trust somebody else and it's like you know what with the nature of these things [ __ ] gets lost stuff happens you know it's like [ __ ] me i wanted to be able to control that it's like i can't have final control over every like sale and print and stuff and it sucks when bad stuff happens because you're like i couldn't i can't do that yeah dude that's um that stuff's like mortifying to me like uh um i i don't understand how you know some creators get into these controversies where they just like absolutely did not give a [ __ ] about like what they were selling or what they were like like let's say jake paul with things i get it with him because you know he's dumb um but uh you know with some creators well they'll get into these controversies will they they'll act so like well i got my money like even the [ __ ] uh the cryptocurrency scam stuff that happened with yeah like or any of like the phase people um like they're selling a scam it's like the idea of thinking that i took advantage of somebody who liked our stuff makes me lose sleep if and it was just a later shipment yeah and i was straight up i would be going for a run and i'd start to almost give myself like a panic attack being like it's gonna come a week a week later than somebody expected right oh my god and then some people can just be like oh i don't give a [ __ ] i made my money literally aiden getting a haircut being like oh man like i hope you all didn't actually buy that milf coin [ __ ] bro and his audience are children it's like what ah man that's nuts i i think uh consistently for me and you nothing pisses me off more in uh the internet like industry than people taking advantage especially of a chil uh kid audience dude it's sickening which like even though he's done said funny things like logan and jake have never apologized for it ever and they made a [ __ ] industry wasn't it the uh nerd city made that video where most of the most of jake's content were like a good significant portion was ftc breaking of like what a kid's content should be with ad advertising like advertising was a majority or maybe not a majority but like 30 of the content that he put out yeah well and also it's just like it is really important to realize especially during these giant swaths of seeing specifically logan in these positions where uh like he could be seen as somebody that is you know not that people can't individually do quote unquote the right thing in certain situations he has moments where i'll watch something i'll be like oh nice dude like he had some really great big political and social takes of the last year that is like you know hey anytime you can put out to a especially a largely kid-based audience yeah like these good messaging he had some great messaging around like the black lives matter surge like yeah yeah and he's got to fire every [ __ ] that talks on his podcast because anytime he says something good or was maybe the harry styles dress thing there's always some dumb [ __ ] dude going like oh no bro i don't know i just don't think so exactly and again i've been said at the time when that came out i was like i'm not saying that guy probably doesn't think that is a piece of [ __ ] and and i'm not say and also logan said the right things in those things you know like he was being like yeah people should be able to do whatever they want but the idea that logan should get a hundred percent praise for that it's like you knew that guy you were gonna bring that guy on yeah you knew was gonna have that bad take so you could go actually yeah you know what i mean yeah it's like you orchestrated this though like yeah you're like yeah your message is [ __ ] great but i know your [ __ ] motor's behind you like that [ __ ] it's important to remember it's like yeah you have stuff like that or like the big recent thing where it's like that guy that [ __ ] oh can we can we like we gotta inform people real quick okay so there was this video on tick tock one it came up on my feet before i saw people talking about it oh really and i was so like what the [ __ ] am i seeing where it was i would say pretty conventionally attractive fratty dude in his 20s uh wants to work in entertainment said that in the video kind of tearing up that he had a job making over a hundred k a year quit it went to jake paul's boxing match snuck backstage to film himself meeting logan saying that he wanted a job and then logan is like be honest dude did you did you sneak back here and he first lies and says no and then admits that he does yeah and then logan says something like well do you have what it takes and the guy goes honestly no dude yeah and then looks like well why should i hire you then you know yeah and he's like i don't know man i just want to get into i want to you know do what you do and he's like well you got any friends any family and the guy's like no literally no and it's like dude why would you quit your [ __ ] job to walk why would you why would anybody make a life plan and trust it in walking up to logan paul is the question for uh uh it's foolish and the thing is i i don't even know if i believe all the details of the guy's story yeah i don't think he quit his job but i do believe he makes 100k a year he has the look of a guy that got hooked up by like some one of his frat brothers you know absolutely but it's just like in a thing that's another example recently of people being like hey logan was really mature here and honestly just gave him like some tough love and [ __ ] and like and you see that stuff and then it's like okay you know hey he's not the uh you know he's not the logan paul diss track you know by go throw out you heard [ __ ] of a few years ago but it's like you gotta you know look a little bit more discerningly at the [ __ ] he's doing right now like he's making like he's going hard into the nft game you know oh i forgot about that he's scaring people right now yeah and the thing is they're trying to do some sort of like crypto like literal crypto crypto where it's like zoological based like weird yeah i saw that on uh h3 is that uh yeah that they're like literally pulling it from [ __ ] stock photography yeah and then photoshopping like an elephant trunk on a panda and selling it as an nft which is terrible for the environment yeah dude i don't know i'm just so tired of like there's no certain accountability things like just won't happen like i guess logan is different but like [ __ ] doe bricks back yep oops yay nothing he's getting millions and millions of [ __ ] and i'm not even talking about the excavator thing i'm talking about the other [ __ ] thing yeah that he for a vlog if you don't know look it up yeah and he's fine no problem hey he's got a new discovery series too coming out [ __ ] encouraged buying alcohol for people under 21 yeah two yep for content and he's back and it's good yeah he's got a discovery show so i don't know [ __ ] that [ __ ] i [ __ ] know dude that's just [ __ ] especially honestly the people in his life that [ __ ] fall in love oh my god dude feckless [ __ ] i couldn't dude anybody anybody who is a creator and if i [ __ ] am at vidcon and i spot any of you [ __ ] walking up to david being like bro you're the king you are so [ __ ] lame dude i couldn't think there's a labor thing in that circle of people that are like anything david wants anything david wants goes i will uh fall in a sword for him i will it's like you already have a following yeah just make something good and you don't need him anymore but they want a bunch of money from him and that's it and it's so pathetic and it's like you know within that group of people that has come and gone there are people of various talents and other backgrounds and other like areas and [ __ ] but it's just like dude you are just falling back on this [ __ ] guy how pathetic well you see some people uh like come to their senses and jump ship and they're like yeah that was awful i was being taken advantage of that person was terrible to me yeah and then you see the other people there like david's the best he'd never hurt anybody while talking about him directly hurting somebody yeah it's just like i'm sorry i just don't have the same level of respect for you i don't give a [ __ ] how big of an audience you command like i want to see what the [ __ ] you're actually doing yeah and if you're just some [ __ ] leech or some rich kid that's just involved in [ __ ] i mean sure you know i'm not saying you don't necessarily inherently deserve a platform but i'm saying you sure as [ __ ] don't deserve respect like yeah what are you actively doing so yeah you'll hear people go like uh like well what do you want them to do go away forever it's like well um when a lot of that controversy stuff didn't come out yet for david he knew and he posted a my new mansion tour right before it came out so that's not feeling bad for your actions it's absolutely not [ __ ] feeling bad for your actions i don't give a [ __ ] about keeping this in too i like that's that's [ __ ] where it's like if you don't say anything about it and you're just like well i don't know maybe there might be an opportunity with them in the future i don't want a [ __ ] opportunity with them no if david vlogs near me ever i'm gonna be like get the [ __ ] away from me i would i if he put me in a video i would actually be like dude can you take me out of that i don't i would on camera be like go away yeah i would be like i don't [ __ ] want i love that we're just going vidcon is what that's the thing is like we've been at events around that group before yeah and so like i just i don't i don't know i don't want anything to [ __ ] do with them i don't want to deal with them i don't know a [ __ ] deal um so hopefully they're back but in a side corner and they're not i really hope they don't get like featured at events again it's really it's really weird and obviously beyond saying this we're not going to go into specifics but in a very general sense it's weird being five six years into this now and then just having like you know eddie and i we we really get along with pretty much [ __ ] everybody yeah but we have had run-ins with people in the past you know like and it's never really been like on camera [ __ ] too much or like you know publicly known about but it's like there are certain creators where we're like we're we're not talking to them we're [ __ ] avoiding that yeah [ __ ] and it's only from actions of the of the person that becomes weird because also i think we're like well it's like socially i never want to like make an enemy but if somebody does something that i think is [ __ ] up i'm not going to continue being friends with them so but then with the industry you just have to keep being around them yeah that's what sucks is it's like you it's it's the weirdest most uncomfortable thing in the world like especially like having it like knowing something about somebody seeing that there's a [ __ ] problem with what they do and then just being like i'm gonna still probably just run into that guy yeah you know i [ __ ] hate [ __ ] like that so much but really for the most part i i think uh we've pretty much made a friend out of like every youtube person we've interacted with which is great yeah um i where dude i really we've talked about this before it's like i wish i had just like more time to just see everybody you know um especially i mean what we got to do is just get get guests on here a little bit more i think oh yeah i'm actually curious what people feel like the general audience feels about like frequency of guest episodes like i want i would like to know how often they would want a guest yeah i like i pride and i think we both do we pride ourselves in like at the end of the day we're doing [ __ ] around stuff we're doing what we want yeah and it resonates with people and and and not in any way does that question turn us into that we're never gonna be the podcast where it's like week to week we're being like what do you guys want to see next week yeah i know i'm just curious because i'm curious i think our the current mix is pretty good but i think we could probably throw in like every two months like one more guest in i think people do prefer though our stupid poopy [ __ ] as just me and you back and forth i know which was we talked about so much years ago when we started by the way i think we passed the three-year anniversary of starting the podcast it was this last week dude oh i can't high-five you you coughed it on your hand uh dude that's uh well the thing is uh for real that i want to take a moment it's like whoever's been listening to us for three years holy [ __ ] well thanks for joining us so far and let's keep it going but i was gonna say uh we were so like we have to if we ever make a podcast we have to have like you know a guest every time or people won't care and then we you know had that panic episode where we were like let's just do what me and you like we did with our old podcast and it was just that was the greatest feeling in the world and i i sometimes forget about that that we didn't originally plan it for to just be me and you like [ __ ] around and i'm so glad this is what it became yeah it's just so much more chill yep think of all the poop jokes we've been able to make now without those stupid pesky guests in our table let me hear that fart noise you know before yeah check it out this will be a better one over here that sounds like how manny from ice age would fart uh-huh that's how actually i think ray romano farts yeah wait you say deborah and i'll make that oh wait wait hold up oh no debra i don't think it showed up that much on though right here i'll get a big one what the [ __ ] are we doing dude eddie how about we open some [ __ ] mess oh i forgot so this one i already know what it is it's probably diapers we're just gonna get it out of the way is it adult diapers probably it says worry free knights are here these nuts oh look at this this is how they say these nuts in france okay i'm opening up my bit whoa uh okay here we go this is from it's uh magpie uh you guys are my go-to podcast while drawing and crocheting so i thought it was only fair i give some of the things i've made to the boys who inspired them i attempted to give the frogs mustaches but they ended up looking like [ __ ] hope you still like them um also my twitter and instagram are both frogs for the frog war although absolutely no pressure to say that on the podcast that's fine um okay oh whoa yeah oh it's still freezing oh crochet frogs has got a little bottle cap with our name on it oh dude this is it looks like the axolotls have been catching a minecraft this is great it looks like a french party hat oh man this frog settled into a photo booth at the end of the night with some champagne all over its shirt and was like i want to take a photo of you also this one okay so one of these says ferretti and one of them is pink so i'm assuming this one's for you okay um hold on what's in this thing there's another bottle cap oh there's stickers oh it's frogs with knives god damn it what it's a verified check i don't know by the way quick update i applied again denied again that's okay um next week i bet uh oh also it's a pin it's a pin bottle cap oh that's kind of fun that's great you can pin it on your own self what is this what's the sticker it's a sticker for natural bubble gum essence blooper blubber oh don't you need that um all right well let me set this down to the side this is great thank you thank you for the frogs i have a uh another pokemon note in terms of mail stuff i want to tell you as i open this so again that's some of the area that i've been treating myself is i've been doing a lot of pokemon streams on my twitch right and [ __ ] and i bought uh you shouldn't be buying loose booster packs really but i took a chance on two really well like established sellers and two separate ones this last week i bought unified minds packs specifically and they were scam packs like fully resealed repackaged fake printed cards and [ __ ] inside damn and the weird thing is of these two separate sellers both of which had accounts that were over five years old with over 98 seller feedback on both both of the scam packs in like every single way down the checklist the they look like identical [ __ ] scam packs like the printing the packing the crimping was the dead same so it's the same operation two different accounts probably well now i'm like yeah is it the [ __ ] same account or are there a bunch of like shitty fake unified minds packs going around there so i don't [ __ ] know dude yeah but that's just annoying because it's one of those things where it's like they weren't huge sale things and this is certainly a privilege thing you know they weren't huge sale things you know but they were like maybe like 50 bucks or so for like the packs i bought but i'm like it's gonna take me so long to go through like customer support and then maybe i have to [ __ ] return these things yeah and i'm like i would usually just eat the cost of 50 bucks but like i i can't let's see somebody out there though like just win it you know yep oh also side note uh a big thank you to uh i'm sure a lot of people that watched the podcast a big thank you to you as well for it um i did uh i don't even how do i even describe this stream um i was i did a charity stream for uh st jude children's research hospital where i was stuck in a hole the whole time it took me two days of work of editing bits and uh i had this really weird stream i might do more in the future we wanted to race 10k uh we ended up raising 16 000 because uh people like gus and bruce and uh ethan nester actually donated a thousand dollars yeah and like the whole audience just came together and donated and it was an awesome experience i'd love to do more charity stuff in the future so i just want to say if you donated or if you stopped by for the stream thank you it was really weird but really fun and i want to do more of those thank you guys i'll i'll hype if i do more of those edited streams like for charity uh i'll hype it up more ahead of time because like the vod is still on my twitch so you can go see it but man that took forever to work on dude the the amount of like fiddling around with stream labs and editing and photoshopping it took [ __ ] like two and a half full days of like barely sleeping so this is one but i don't even want to brush past that though that is a big deal dude so yeah we were there for we're good brush past it so this one is from our friend andre l from canada and and i'm sure there'll be a sweet thing in here this says read on pod and it's a full page so oh let's go spark um uh whoa it's another i'm a 20 year old canadian fella i've been crocheting for a bit now so i made oh eddie oh we got so much crochet it's little me with the yike sign okay we'll read this on the podcast um uh for a bit now so i made uh a plush gus and eddie uh i wanted to let where do you have yours yeah let me see i'll read it after where's this guys wait we'll do it in one shot here you wanna yeah look at these tiny little guys uh i wanted uh to let you guys know how much you inspire me every day your comedic efforts and love for what you do have inspired me since i started watching the podcast the beginning of the pandemic you two also inspired me to start a film podcast of my own that's been going for six months as of august 2021 that's near you know we started in august um i've also started writing uh commentary videos now film uh as i'll film as another creative outlet also i want to let you boys know that i tried playing uh truck chess like you recommended months ago wait what is tr we gotta remember things we say dude the thing is guys just so you know when we say something on the podcast or there's something we frequently repeat you got to know that this they're they're ours not not into uh wait who is it andre um not to you but when people will be like they don't know they told this story before it's like it's been a thousand hours on the podcast um but uh okay so what what the [ __ ] is truck chest what did we and i broke my g-dang wean what the [ __ ] is driving i don't even know what trucks so um i did not like that and now my wien my wean doobie broke i would recommend putting a warning on that episode that says if you or a loved one have been diagnosed with broken ween you may be entitled to financial compensation have a good one boys not for money thank you andre thanks andre yo awesome your guy has a buttonable removable yikes sign no phone you can take it off i already did it you can do it cleanly if you like grip on there i do just pull it oh yeah you can just like soft pull it off it's customizable oh also the pants and the shirt are fully removable wait we can take our butts out we could take our guys let's moon the camera with the gusts in it oh mine's not removable it's it's it's tight on there kiss my crochet why can't i take my butt out um here how about uh well that's it for now how about we uh we let um our uh crochet guys close this one out all right i forgot they can't talk i forgot uh audiolisters won't be able to see this [Music] so you
Channel: Gus & Eddy
Views: 114,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: U2AsJtkf2K0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 22sec (3982 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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