- Give me Kandis Kardashian
and give me Frankie. - Yeah (audience cheering) (Family Feud theme) - All right guys, top
seven answers on the board. Name a place where the staff receive a lot of angry phone calls? Frankie. - Outsurance (audience laughter) call center, (audience applause) a call center, - Call center. - Kandis? - Cops. - The cops. Yeah. - No! - That was a good answer. Pass or play? - We're- play? - [Woman In Front] We're playing Play, play, play. Anele, how are you? I'm good, Steve, how are you? Good. So introduce the team. - Oh, this is Anele and the club. The hottest, most fun
breakfast show in Johannesburg. This is my co-host Frankie. Ladies, he's married. Sorry. I know he's good
looking, but he's married. And then this is our.. - I wasn't actually thinking that at all. When you went to him, I didn't think man. That's a good looking guy. - Did you not see Leonardo
DiCaprio right now? - No it didn't hit me. - Are you sure? - Ben Affleck? - Yes. Oh, that's him. Doggone it Anele. You better stop playing. - Okay. Can we move on from Ben Affleck? - Absolutely. Okay. Then we've got Sandra Bullock, but she's also called Mrs. Cindy she our sports reader. and then our news reader is Thembekile. - And I'm not married. - His name was what? - Thembekile, take over. - Thembekile. Do you want to take it up a notch and throw in the surname? Yes, it gets better. Go ahead. (foreign name) (audience clapping) (audience laughing) - How long did it take you to spell that when you were growing up? - Only 29 years. - And who else do we got? - And then that is the troll of the group, he is our producer and he's
the one who pranks everyone. His name is Ryan. Ryan say what's up. - How do you do? - What's up Ryan. Now, this is your breakfast club show too? morning drive, your morning drive. - Yes, sir - I'm morning drive. So this is really family feud for real. Y'all not only feuding on the show. Y'all actually going at it in real life. Wow. Have you all ever
met face to face before? - Yes. I've met Ankletap before, I've interviewed him on my
very successful talk show. - Wait a minute, Anele
you have a talk show? - I do indeed. - And you interviewed Ankletap? - Yes, I love him. - Oh, that's really good. - She loves me. - I do love him, I really love him. - Love you too Anele. - My morning show, Steve
Harvey morning show, I'm on in 112 cities, 9
million people every morning. My competitor is my dear friend another comedian Rickey Smiley. And the afternoon drive, is
the other Kings of comedy D.L. Hughely, he does
national afternoon drive. I do national morning drive and Ricky is the other competitor of mine And all of us are in the same fraternity. - That's beautiful. - I love radio. What charity are you playing for? - I've changed my name legally to Charity. So, I'll be playing for myself. - That's a good one, I like that one. I like it. - Paws R Us. We just feel that animals don't get as much attention
as other people do. You know the elderly, there's kids but animals can't speak for themselves. So we've got a really, a good relationship with Paws R Us and we support them. - Okay. Great. All right, That's good. So, Cindy, how are you? - Somewhat nervous, but great. - Well, It's okay. TV. Well, you have a TV show, right? Talk show, So TV's a little bit different than radio. They can see you. Here's what I like about television, On radio, You have all these DJs
who say stuff that they think is absolutely hysterical
and they imagine thousands of people driving in their
car, cracking up laughing. And then when they come live
and they say something funny and nobody laughs I'll
be laughing my ass off. That's what I like. Cindy. Let's play Name a place where the staff receive a lot of angry phone calls. - I would say delivery service. - Delivery Service. - My man, Let me give it a shot. Thembekile. (audience cheering) I'm telling you I'm so much better at this than last season, last
season it was horrible. Horrible. We spent half the day Me just trying to say these names this year is a little bit better. All right, let's go man. Name a place where the
staff received a lot of angry phone calls. - Hotel. - The hotel. Ryan. How you doing, man? Good and you? Good. Now listen to me, Ryan. We got two strikes. YFM can steal. Ryan name a place where the staff receive a lot of angry phone calls. - ESKOM. - What'd you say? SKOME? - They supply the power,
or the lack of power. - Oh, ESKOM. (unintelligible) I wouldn't even work there, Every time the phone
rang, I just go to sleep. ESKOM! (audience cheering) Anele, we got two strikes darling. We gotta be careful. YFM can steal. Give me a place where the staff receive lots of angry phone calls. - I would say like an
airport, like an airline. Can I just say airline? Well, I mean right now, y'all
ain't got nobody to call. Can I, should I keep it
or should I change it? No, you got to keep the answer. So that's the one we got to go to. I just found out two days ago. I can't even fly out of here. - Never leaving us. Y'all y'all a trip, man. Y'all fly us in, but
we can't fly back out. Oh, you'll take us. But won't nobody take y'all, y'all let everybody come in but y'all try to fly out of here, they go no, no, no, no. Airlines! Alright guys, let's go give me a place where the staff receive a lot of angry phone calls. - The bank. (cheering) - Number seven. - Retail shops. - Six. - Home affairs. - Four. - Municipality. - One. - Cellphone provider - Network provider. - (cheering)