Ash Wednesday Mass | March 2, 2022 (12:00pm PT)

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is is so so good afternoon everyone blessings as we gather on this ash wednesday to begin our lenten journey or welcome to anyone who may be joining with us for the first time it's wonderful to have you here as well as all the folks who are with us on our live stream youtube channel just a few announcements you are invited to join us for the stations of the cross and first friday adoration this friday stations begin at 6 30 and at 7 30 we will begin with eucharistic adoration and a time to especially pray for the people of ukraine please pick up a rice bowl and a lenten brochure of different activities during lent on your way out this afternoon [Music] in response to the crisis in the ukraine we are offering 10 percent of today's collection for relief efforts in conjunction with the united states catholic bishops so thank you for your generosity and our eucharist is offered for iris for the repose of the soul of iris and roman rodriguez this is our custom when we gather for a regular mass during the week at noon we always pray the angelus so invite you would you please stand and let us pray the angelus especially for the protection of mary queen of peace for the people of ukraine the angel of the lord declared unto mary by the holy spirit hail mary full of grace and blessed is the fruit of thy lord behold the handmaid of the lord he had done unto me according to thy word hail mary full of grace the lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy name jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us sinners and the word was made flesh hail mary full of grace the lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy name jesus mary mother of god pray for us sinners amen pray for us o holy mother of god let us pray pour forth we beseech thee o lord thy grace into our hearts that we to whom the incarnation of christ thy son was made known by the message of an angel named by his passion and cross be brought to the glory of his resurrection through the same christ our lord amen mary queen of peace pray for us [Music] is [Music] is [Music] see [Applause] [Music] you are my god and you are [Music] you have to bring us is [Music] in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god and the communion of the holy spirit be with you all let us pray grant oh lord that we may begin with holy fasting this campaign of christian service so that as we take up battle against spiritual evils we may be armed with weapons of self-restraint through our lord jesus christ your son who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the holy spirit god forever and ever a reading from the book of the prophet joel even now says the lord return to me with your whole heart with fasting and weeping and mourning rend your hearts not your garments and return to the lord your god for gracious and merciful is he slow to anger rich in kindness and relenting in punishment perhaps he will again relent and leave behind him a blessing offerings and libations for the lord your god blow the trumpet in zion proclaim a fast call an assembly gather the people notify the congregation assemble the elders gather the children and the infants at the breast let the bridegroom bridegroom quit his room and the bride her chamber between the porch and the altar let the priests the ministers of the lord weep and say spare o lord your people and make not your heritage a reproach with the nations ruling over them why should they say among the peoples where is their god then the lord was stirred to concern for his land and took pity on his people the word of the lord [Music] be merciful oh lord for we have sinned be merciful o lord for we have sinned mercy for we have sinned be merciful o lord for we have sinned have mercy on me god in your kindness in your compassion blot out my offense o wash me more and more from my guilt and my sorrow and cleanse me from all of my sin be merciful o lord [Music] my offense says truly i know them and my sins are always before me against you have i sinned oh lord what is evil in your sight i have done [Music] for we have sinned be merciful lord for we have sinned create in me a clean heart oh god put your stand fast spirit in my soul cast me not away from your presence oh lord and take not your spirit from me be merciful oh lord for we have sinned be merciful [Music] back to me the joy of your salvation let your willing spearmint bear me up and i shall teach your ways to the ones who have wandered and bring them all home to your side [Music] lord for we have sinned be merciful a reading from the second letter of paul to the corinthians brothers and sisters we are ambassadors for christ as if god were appealing through us we implore you on behalf of christ be reconciled to god for our sake he made him to be sin who did not know sin so that we might become the righteousness of god in him working together then we appeal to you not to receive the grace of god in vain for he says in an acceptable time i heard you and on the day of salvation i helped you behold now is the very acceptable time behold now is the day of salvation the word of the lord [Music] honor and glory glory to you lord jesus christ [Music] today you hear god's voice [Music] the lord be with you a reading from the holy gospel according to matthew jesus said to his disciples they care not to perform righteous deeds in order that people may see them otherwise you will have no recompense from your heavenly father when you have given alms do not blow a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets to win the praise of others amen i say to you they have received their reward but when you give alms do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing so that your arms gaming may be a secret and your father who sees in secret will repay you when you pray do not be like the hypocrites who love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that others may see them amen i say to you they have received their reward but when you pray go to your inner room close the door and pray to your father in secret and your father who sees in secret will repay you when you fast do not look gloomy like the hypocrites they neglect their appearance so that they may appear to others to be fasting amen i say to you they have received their reward but when you fast anoint your head and wash your face so that you may not appear to be fasting except to your father who is hidden and your father who is who sees what is hidden will we pay you the gospel of the lord brothers and sisters we are ambassadors for christ as if god were appealing through us we implore you on behalf of christ be reconciled to god my dear sisters and brothers as we gather on this ash wednesday to begin our 40-day journey of lent we too need to embrace these words that we are ambassadors for christ god appealing through us on behalf of reconciliation in a few minutes you will be marked with ashes you will be reminded that you were created out of love for love to return to the full embrace of love remember that you are dust and unto dust you shall return or you will be signed with repent and believe in the gospel the good news as you leave church on your way home way back to school back to the office to the grocery store to wherever you will be you will be a marked ambassador for christ people will notice some people will point to your forehead other people will kind of say and look at you and other people may even come up and kind of want to rub off the ashes from your forehead because they don't understand and this is a wonderful opportunity to simply say today is ash wednesday the beginning of lent and if they look inquisitive then you can explain in just a few sentences what lent is who jesus is what we are called to be and it's also a wonderful opportunity to simply ask will you pray with me for the people of ukraine and just pause my sisters and brothers because of our baptism we are missionary disciples we are sent to proclaim the kingdom of god to bear witness to the good news and make disciples of others to help them understand that the gift that we have received is so overwhelmingly awesome that we want all to be able to participate in it and so as we enter into this 40-day journey of lent let us begin reminding ourselves that we are ambassadors we are bearers of the good news we are disciples of jesus christ sent into the world to invite others into the embrace of god's redemptive love and as we go forth let us be strengthened not just today on ash wednesday not just for these 40 days of lent but all throughout the easter season onward to pentecost and then back into ordinary time where we live our everyday lives as ambassadors of jesus christ this is an awesome privilege this is an incredible responsibility it is up to each and every one of us to go forth to make disciples to bring others into the redemptive love of god and so my sisters and brothers as saint paul reminds us this is a very acceptable time behold now is the day of salvation so as we enter into a time of prayer a time of fasting a time of almsgiving let us do so with real intentionality we don't have to add a lot of prayers we don't have to add a lot of fasting we don't have to add a lot of alms giving even though all of that is good what we need to do is to enter into every day every opportunity for prayer fasting and almsgiving with a heart open with the heart longing for deeper relationship with a heart striving to share the good news of jesus christ so my sisters and brothers let us journey together let us not be afraid to be ambassadors for jesus christ let us be joyful bearers of the good news of salvation let others in and through us experience the outpouring of god's immense love so that truly we will offer to them the good news of salvation please stand my dear sisters and brothers let us humbly ask god our father that he be pleased to bless with abundance of his grace these ashes which we will put on our heads in penitence let us pray oh god who are moved by acts of humility and respond with forgiveness to works of penance lend your merciful ear to our prayers and in your kindness pour out the grace of your blessing on your servants who are marked with these ashes that as they follow the lenten observances they may be worthy to come with minds made pure to celebrate the paschal mystery of your son through christ our lord would you kindly be seated i invite those who are distributing the ashes to please come forward and deacon john will sign you with the ashes as you come forward to receive the ashes please do so as you would at communion time and then simply return to your place [Music] my secure in your lovers [Music] oh [Music] seeking a sign of your mercy [Music] ashes secured [Music] good one who is [Music] searching the landscape [Music] to create to find the lost part god's love is [Music] secure in your love for god mercy on us in your compassion [Music] [Music] is is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] seed [Music] know is [Music] god [Music] worship sacrifices [Music] to [Music] is [Music] oh shoes [Music] so uh uh so so me so let us stand and let us turn to the lord offering our prayers and petitions let's pray as we begin this season of lent may we open our hearts to share in our lord's passion that we may truly celebrate his resurrection we pray lord hear our prayer may the season of lent be a time of true conversion from sin and return to the ways of the gospel for all people that we may see an end to all violence wars oppression and abortion we pray lord hear our prayer and for all those preparing to join the church this easter may the lord jesus be their constant companion in life we pray lord hear our prayer and for all who have died in the hope of resurrection may they now be one with god forever in heaven we pray lord hear our prayer heavenly father our refuge from age to age as we begin our lenten journey we cry out to you hear us and answer us according to your loving will and plan for we pl pray in the name of jesus your son who is our lord and savior forever and ever [Music] we are me [Music] in your [Music] we are [Music] jesus [Music] you knew our weakness sanctified our hearts [Music] we [Music] god the holy spirit [Music] is [Music] trust me in your mercy [Music] pray my sisters and brothers that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to god our almighty father r [Music] amen as we solemnly offer the annual sacrifice for the beginning of lent we entreat you o lord that through works of penance and charity we may turn away from harmful pleasures and cleanse from our sins may become worthy to celebrate devoutly the passion of your son who lives and reigns forever and ever the lord be with you lift up your hearts let us give thanks to the lord our god it is truly right and just our duty and our salvation always and everywhere to give you thanks lord holy father almighty and eternal god for through bodily fasting you restrain our faults raise up our minds and bestow both virtue and its rewards through christ your son our lord through him the angels praise your majesty dominions adore and powers tremble before you heaven and the virtues of heaven and the blessed seraphim together with exaltation may our voices we pray join with theirs in humble praise as we acclaim [Music] is oh [Music] oh you indeed are holy oh lord the fount of all holiness make holy therefore these gifts we pray by sending down your spirit upon them like the dewfall so that they may become for us the body and blood of your son our lord jesus christ at the time he was betrayed and entered willingly into his passion he took bread and giving thanks broke it and gave it to his disciples saying take this all of you and eat of it for this is my body which will be given up for you in a similar way when supper was ended he took the chalice and once more giving thanks he gave it to his disciples saying take this all of you and drink from it for this is the chalice of my blood the blood of the new and eternal covenant which will be poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins do this in memory of me the mystery of faith [Music] and profess [Music] therefore as we celebrate the memorial of your son's death and resurrection we offer you lord the bread of life and the chalice of salvation giving thanks that you have held us worthy to be in your presence and minister to you humbly we pray that partaking of the body and blood of christ we may be gathered into one by the holy spirit remember lord your church spread throughout the world and bring her to the fullness of charity together with francis our pope and paul our bishop eos savior's assistant bishop and all the clergy remember also our brothers and sisters who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection and all who have died in your mercy them into the light of your face have mercy on us all we pray that with the blessed virgin mary mother of god with blessed joseph her spouse with the blessed apostles and all the saints who have pleased you throughout the ages we may merit to be coheirs to eternal life and may praise and glorify you through your son jesus christ through him and with him and in him o god almighty father in the unity of the holy spirit all glory and honor is yours forever [Music] at the savior's command and formed by divine teaching we dare to say our father is [Music] deliver us lord we pray from every evil graciously grant peace in our days that by the help of your mercy we may be always free from sin and safe from all distress as we await the blessed hope and the coming of our savior jesus christ for the kingdom [Music] lord jesus christ who said to your apostles peace i leave you my peace i give you look not on our sins but on the faith of your church and graciously grant her peace and unity in accordance with your will who live and reign forever and ever the peace of the lord be with you always now let us offer each other a sign of peace um [Music] is [Music] oh is behold the lamb of god behold him who takes away the sins of the world blessed are those called to the supper of the lamb as catholics we believe that this is truly the body and blood the soul and divinity of jesus christ therefore if you share another faith tradition other than that of the catholic church or have been away from the faith for a while please do not receive the host rather if you wish to come forward for a blessing please do so and indicate that by placing your hand over your lips or across your chest thank you [Music] he who ponders will yield fruit into seasons [Music] who follows not the counsel of the wicked nor stands in the path with sinners lord binds in the company of scornings god whose delight is the love of the lord and who ponders his lord [Music] he is like a tree that is planted beside the flowing waters that yields its fruit into season and whose leaves shall never fail and all that he does [Music] they shall be driven away by the wind [Music] when the wicked are judged they shall not rise nor shall sinners in the counsel of the righteous for the lord knows the way of the righteous but the way of the wicked will perish [Music] is [Music] and to the holy spirit as it was in the beginning he's now and never shall be [Music] is so [Music] make us holy in your name [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] in your kindness [Music] make us [Music] jesus worthy jesus [Music] my me when you come into your kingdom remember when you come into your kingdom [Music] when you come into your kingdom [Music] your kingdom [Music] lord have mercy we're begging for mercy jesus only make us worthy [Music] jesus lonely you make us worthy [Music] so hey uh let us pray may the sacrament we have received sustain us o lord that our let our lenten fast may be pleasing to you and be for us a healing remedy through christ our lord i welcome forward our eucharistic visitors to the homebound lord pour forth your blessing upon our brother and sisters who bear this holy eucharist for those unable to be with us at your altar of praise through their ministry may they offer our prayers and our support for those who are far from us we ask this in jesus most holy name amen let us bow down for the blessing pour out a spirit of compunction oh god on those who bow before your majesty and by your mercy may they merit the rewards you promised to those who do penance through christ our lord the lord be with you may almighty god bless you the father and the son and the holy spirit so now let us go in peace living the gospel with our lives thanks be to god saint michael the archangel defend us [Music] [Music] how can we keep [Music] jesus [Music] the [Music] therefore let us make the words please [Music] thank you
Channel: SaintMichaelParish
Views: 1,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pQnUA23Jguo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 21sec (4341 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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