Pokémon Sinnoh League | Review

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[Music] what some of your trainers lumiose traitor zach here welcome to the series where i review each Pokemon League arc in the anime each episode will be rated from one to ten and the league's overall rating will be determined by the combined rating of each episode in this video i'll be reviewing ash's fourth pokemon league the Cinna league lily of the valley Island Conference let's get started episode 1 an old family blend all right we all know this episode it begins with ash in the gang arriving on lily-of-the-valley Island now I gotta say right off the bat it was truly a great way to start off the league it didn't copy previous league formulas by spending the whole episode introducing a new rival or reintroducing mr. good show or even making ash light up the torch just cause we get something completely different for this introductory episode we get the return of many of Ash's Pokemon and it's freakin awesome but before we get to the good stuff I do have one complaint this episode is Loki the generic Team Rocket plot we've seen before Team Rocket try to steal Ash's Pokemon get blasted off and then they're all scattered so now it's up to ash in the gang to find them all you see generic but at least it's with the nice twist of reuniting with some of Ash's older Pokemon at first he didn't show who has transferred over so you really didn't know who you were gonna see except for total down cuz he's the only one with a different pokeball the first batch was Corphish Totodile Snorlax bay leaf and cyndaquil it was great to see these guys again then Team Rocket comes back again and tries to get cynical but it evolved into quaint lava this was awesome and totally unexpected the episode ends with the opening ceremony and ash finding out that his first opponent is going to be Nando now like I said the basic Team Rocket stuff isn't all that great but luckily the return of Ash's Pokemon really saves it for me so this episode's rating is an 8 out of 10 episode two League Unleashed in this episode the battles finally begin and it's ash versus Nando what's great is that Nanda was a character that was introduced in the beginning of the diamond and pearl series and became sort of a pseudo rival for both Don and ash so it all came full circle now what sucks about this episode is that their first super c'mon go down pretty quickly ash actually says that his newly evolved Quinn lava but then it cuts the team rocket and then skips over the battle and then once we do get back to play lava it ends up being a quick double knockout great yeah I wasn't looking too good for this episode luckily we get the final matchup and it's between Nando's cricket hoon and Ash's heracross which is where I feel like the episode really begins that's right her cook hair a crock that's right her across makes a return and he's here to kick some ass ash wasn't kidding when he said he wanted to see a head to head bug type battle because that's exactly what we got like whoever thought that bug types could have such an awesome battle and awesome moment is when hair cross falls victim to cricket to sleep and well falls asleep but ashlynn is coming from nando so he turned his hair across sleep talk and then strikes back with a powerful focused punch there's also the epic finish with hair across using megahorn to destroy the ground from cricket zooms feat to take the win frickin epic now even though this was a great league start for ash they still had to rub it in your face that Paul is better than him by having him win his first match without losing a single Pokemon there's also the fact that Barry mentions in this episode that there's a trainer in the league who uses our dark cry so there's definitely a lot of tough competition here and I like it this episode's rating is a 7 out of 10 episode 3 casting a pall on Barry this episode was pretty solid to be honest it starts off with ash winning his second match with Snorlax as pulverizing pancakes Zee move wait wrong generation sucks that we didn't get more Snorlax action but it's fine cuz that's not the main focus of this episode the real highlight was Barry vs. Paul ever since Barry was introduced we knew that he was a pulp fanboy so this was finally Barry's chance to impress his senpai and he got wasted this battle was interesting because it's two of ash's rivals going at it this time it's funny though cuz Barry was all talk and saying things like him versus Paul was took me like the final match of the league or something while Paul was pretty quick to put him in his place Mary couldn't defeat a single Pokemon you almost feel bad for the dude his Skarmory got one shot by Mike mortars flamethrower him only held its own against Ursaring until he activated its gots ability and got defeated and Barry's final Pokemon Empoleon has to face off against Paul's electivire and I think you know how that went one cool thing to note is the fact that Empoleon activates his sword ability but it didn't really help against Paul like at all at the end of the battle Berry acknowledges that he lost but still says they had a great battle and Paul agrees which shows that he's in a total douchebag it's just to ash this episode's rating is an 8 out of 10 episode for working on a right move so right off the bat we see ash doing some last-minute training and Infernape ends up learning flare blitz it seems like the Pokemon she's gonna use for his 3rd round will be Infernape Torterra and Glalie but Conway is spying in the background and has come up with a strategy to counter that team good thing ash which is things up and sends out his Noctowl daddy now this episode was an awesome one from start to finish it was non-stop action Conway's a pretty interesting trainer with him having his own unique battle style so this really made the match that now compared to other league battles for example how come we chuckle use his power trick to switch its attack and defense to give us some trouble even when Ash has the upper hand Conway then takes the advantage again by using trick room making his dusk nor super speedy luckily for ash he had gibble gibble was definitely the MVP of this match it was awesome as heck when he catches shuckles gyro ball in its mouth and then destroys it with its newly mastered Draco meteor I can't think of a better moment to perfect a move on top of that it does the same thing again by biting dusknoir shadow punch blasting it with a Draco meteor and then the icing on the cake smacking it dead in the face with the dragon poles what an awesome finish the episode ends with the revelation that it's finally time for ash to face Paul this episode's rating is a 9 out of 10 episode 5 familiarity breeds strategy alright the battle between ash and Paul has officially started so you know this episode was super hype but what I like about this is that before we get to see it we get a quick look back at what happens prior ash was doing some training with Gliscor that returned after training with the air battle master while Paul was talking to his brother Reggie this then gives us a nice moment where they meet each other that really helps to build up to their battle and as for the actual battle it's intense right from the start when it like about this episode is that Ash has the upper hand right off the bat very different from other battles they's had with Paul where he always gets completely destroyed so this really shows his growth like how he sends Infernape to face Agron what's pikachu wasn't doing so well Infernape literally wrecks a grunts face and i love it now even when paul tries to throw ash off with gastronomes counter shield ash is able to make the switch into buizel to not get out with an ice Aquajet ice punch combo that was awesome I gotta say though seeing paul use a counter shield really shows how he's changed and adapted ash's battle style into his own the episode ends with drapion attacking buizel and reggie revealing that paul losing his first two Pokemon was all part of his plan so that doesn't sound good by the way are we just gonna ignore the fact that Reggie is totally talking to himself anyways this was a solid start to an epic rival battle conclusion so this episode's rating is an 8 out of 10 episode 6 a real rival rouser now for the first part of this match ash at the upper hand but for this episode it was all about Paul the biggest problem was that damn drapion right off the bat it takes out three of Ash's Pokemon in a row and that's all thanks to its annoying toxic spikes that kept hurting everybody even when Ash tries to counter was sore after Jeff beyond just grabs it and throws it onto the freaking ground like a savage can we get some F's in the chat please seems like everything is going as Paul predicted but that was his biggest mistake ash is the king of unpredictable battle styles so of course he's gonna turn things around he does so by making Infernape using underground flare blitz to get rid of the toxic spikes for good and was out of the way ash has no problem taking out ninja and Frost lass things are finally going Ash's way again and the episode ends with Gliscor going up against that stupid drapion and dodging it spin missiles like a boss this episode rating is a 9 out of 10 episode 7 battling a thaw in relations this is it the final part of this three-part rival conclusion and it was epic like I said drop yawn is using pin missile and gliscor is dodging them all like a boss crap never mind far at least it was able to take it out with a fire Fang good on you gliscor and good riddance you stupid drapion Paul's final Pokemon was electivire and although I had a disadvantage it was able to use thunder on the battlefield to hurt gliscor and catch it with his two tails so ya Gliscor is pretty much done zone next up is an intense battle between electivire and Pikachu it was very reminiscent of ashlynn Paul's first battle which was an awesome throw back then Pikachu's taken out with brick break rest and spaghetti never forget II and now it's time for the final matchup of electivire vs in Fernie it was intense fast paced and super hight in a second frenemies about to lose but then it's the moment we've all been waiting for and if Ren abuses blaze and goes so burst everybody loves this moment it was truly epic watching this moment you can't help but remember all the battles Ash's had and always losing to Paul but now things have finally changed Infernape the pokemon that paul abandoned because he thought it was pathetic was kicking electivire's ass it was truly poetic and the battle ends with an epic collision between flare blitz and thunder punch they caused a huge explosion then the dust clears they stare each other down and then the leg diviner takes the fall ash has finally defeated Paul yes I love this moment it was done so right and felt so well deserved the icing on the cake is when Cynthia's explaining how their battle gave birth to a connection between the two of them and you really feel this this is not only the perfect ending to the in between ash and Paul but a perfectly Gabba sewed this episode's rating is a 10 out of 10 now on to dark cry the final episode semi final frontier oh boy it's time for this episode here we have ash in the semi-finals facing off against Tobias the dark right trainer now obviously ass gets rekt pretty hard I mean it's a freaking dark rice so we kind of saw this coming a mile away but it still sucks it doesn't help that even after dark Ray's taking out he uses a freaking Latios right after [Applause] Oh oh I'm coming I did that I'm done here I fulfilled my purpose psyched I need to see no more down here like what the heck how strong is this guy I will say though the best moments of the episode have to be when sceptile makes an epic return by taking out dark cry and then Pikachu battles with Latios with sceptile it was awesome because things seemed hopeless for Ash but then leave it to one of his aides Pokemon to get the job done definitely one of Ash's best moments despite the final outcome of the match as for Pikachu's battle with Latios it was super intense with Pikachu giving it its all the volt tackle iron tail finish was super epic and I loved it even if it ended in the time now the conflicting part of this episode is that it has two moments that can easily be considered as one of the greatest in the entire anime but ash loses so badly here that it hurts this obviously felt like a rush wait to finish the league and prevent ash from winning but I still gotta tip my hat to Pikachu in subtiles moments so you can still get enjoyment from this episode this episode rating is a seven out of ten this leagues overall rating is an eight point three out of ten the best so far it just did so many things right one of the most obvious being that Ash brought so many of his older Pokemon back it was awesome to see him battle with a mix of all the new Pokemon there was also the fact that they really did well in the rivals department not just having Barry and Paul present but having minor rivals like Nando and Conway comeback was great and made almost every battle Ashe had in port in there was only like one battle and I got skipped now there's no question that the true highlight of the league was Ash's three-part final battle with Paul it was the perfect way to end their rivalry and it was what the diamond and pearl series was building up to since the very beginning so I'm so glad that they stuck the landing here the biggest problem with the league though is tobias like this would have been a perfectly if the ending right after paul but no ash has to lose so we're just gonna cram in this guy who uses legendary so we can finish the league already that was so dumb and yeah it was cool to see ash hold his own barely but it doesn't change the fact that this was such a rushed ending to an otherwise perfect league arc but aside from that this was still a great league of course this is the climax of the diamond and pearl series but in a way it can also be seen as the climax for the entire anime series up until this point think about it ash brought back Pokemon from all his regional travels defeated his greatest rival ever and has made it the farthest he's ever been in the league before in a way this could have been a good ending for the entire anime if the writers wanted it to be and the fact that he was even able to take out a couple legendaries shows that this league was taking ash Ketcham in the right direction what the thanks for watching everyone make sure to spread some peace love and positivity and I'll see you all next time
Channel: Lumiose Trainer Zac
Views: 807,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola, Galar, Lily of the Valley, Island, An Old Family Blend, League Unleashed, Casting a Paul on Barry, Working on a Right Move, Familiarity Breeds Strategy, A Real Rival Rouser, Battling a Thaw in Relations, Ash Ketchum, Paul, Pikachu, Infernape, Gliscor, Torterra, Buizel, Staraptor, Gible, Tobias, Darkrai, Electivire, Ash vs Nando, Heracross, Ash vs Conway, Ash vs Paul, Ash vs Tobias, Ash vs Barry, Infernape vs Electivire
Id: p3M4M3fMcd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2019
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