Ascended Astarion Becomes a God with Romanced Gale | NEW EPILOGUE | Baldur's Gate 3

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six months from the fall of the ne rain you were hosting a grand masquerade in the refurbished Ballroom of cador's Palace a young elf wearing an ivory mask in the guise of a skinless skull handed you a note as he passed you in the crowd an invitation written in a frail hand inviting you to a gathering of the friends and allies who stood with you against the absolute you'll attend this little party of of course but how appalling that they didn't ask you to be the host it would have been [Music] spectacular thou W called here some from above some below low for With Thine bond together thou Hast kept the wheel of fate spinning when it threatened to Halt though thou W drawn far apart in the months after the collapse of the absolute tonight fate renews thy Bond once more thou should take care to preserve it it is a great weapon wielded in the hand of good go know one another once more I hoped I'd see you here I imagine this must be quite a shock whatever you're feeling do not be afraid still me just an improved version forget you never I'm afraid time works quite differently in alysian I didn't realize how long I've been gone until I received Wither's summons I imagine you're wondering how all this came to be the finer points of divine Ascension are Beyond mortal comprehension I'm afraid but I can provide a rudimentary sequence of events first I retrieve the crown of nus and reforged it using a series of precise and highly complex nether incantations then I used it as you know the orb within me was the half formed carai weav magic left incomplete by cis's self-destruction I finished it using the crown of carus I turned it into a new form of magic fused with my being driven by my purpose and then I put it to work as expected Mist was unwilling to hand over the Reigns of the weave so I've claimed dominion over another area which I've passing familiarity ambition I assure you this is merely the Prelude to a far grander Vision elium in was something of a shakeup I can't say this much for now mistra is welcome to her Dominion my aims are set a little higher than offering cursory blessings to just any half decent spellcaster I exist not to bestow favors on my followers but to inspire them to seize their Destinies for themselves exactly as I did I'm their proof proof their hopes are not Barren wastes but the Lamy soil in which their future achievements will flourish proof that with ambition Anything is [Music] Possible you see now you're realizing your true potential you and many more by the day there are already several shrines in my honor scattered across the outer reaches of th and rumors of a very prominent Temple under the construction in arm this is only the beginning I see you won't be claiming the domain of P patience in the heavens all in good time my love for now mortality has one more night of enjoyment in [Music] store so it's time for me to return to the heavens the question is do you wish to go with me to become a god at my [Music] side that is for you to decide my love ambition made me what I am what drives you we have yet to discover your domain will come to you as you settle into Divinity I can't wait to see what you'll [Music] become then follow my lead [Music] [Music] close your eyes how do you [Music] feel and that's just the beginning I have so much more to show [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Dark Urge Diaries
Views: 193,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3, baldurs gate, epilogue, ending, gale, god, ascended, lord, vampire, spawn, good, evil, patch 5, new, origin
Id: Po2q8Kp-93Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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