A Hub To Host His Presence! | Jeremy McKeen & Mark Tibey

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hello and welcome to today's broadcast it is our heart that you know that god has great plans for each and every one of us over this next few minutes i believe that your life is about to change one word from god can change our lives forever so no matter what you're doing in life today i know that every one of us has an opportunity to change and change for the good praise the lord praise the lord well welcome to church tuesday night prayer amen my name is jeremy it's an honor to be with everyone tonight and uh we have a brother that uh pastor just amen hallelujah yes chris come on come on let's join him come on hallelujah [Music] come on it's good [Music] we have a brother that uh i'd like to ask to come now and just share a couple things that's on his heart mark if you'd come it's our brother mark tibby typing i'm sorry praise the lord i got the honor to have lunch with him and his wife the other day and just a precious heart a precious saying it's amazing you know i can't i sometimes i don't shut up about it but how amazing it is every single person that the lord has joined together in this hour for the workings of this plan of god it's the most amazing thing how he picks you know this one and that one and he draws us by his spirit for the outworkings of a plan for this hour so mark yeah go ahead praise the lord i just have to ask i should say thank pastor paul and karen for this uh amazing opportunity i'm sitting there and i say lord i i'm not quite sure if i should really be the one to say this tonight but uh as we were worshiping the lord quicken the scripture to me one that we're familiar with ezekiel 37 the hand of the lord was upon me and he brought me out by the spirit of the lord that set me down in the middle of the valley and it was full of bones and he caused me to pass among them round about and behold there were very many on the surface of the valley although they were very dry he said to me son of man can these bones live and i answered o lord god thou knowest again he said to me prophesy over these bones and say to them o dry bones hear the word of the lord thus says the lord god to these bones behold i will cause breath to enter you that you may come to life and i will put sinews on you make flesh grow back on you cover with your skin and put breath in you that you may come alive and that you will know that i am the lord and so i prophesied as i was commanded and as i prophesied there was a noise and behold a rattling and the bones came together bone to its bone and i looked and behold sinews were on them flesh grew and skin covered them but there was no breath in them then he said to me prophesy to the breath prophesy son of man and say to the breath thus says the lord god come from the four winds o breath and breathe on thee slain that they come to life so i prophesied as he commanded me and the breath came into them and they came to life and stood on their feet an exceedingly great army and as i was thinking about this i thought to myself when was the last time someone was resuscitated by breath someone came to life by breath i was thinking about adam in the garden when the lord breathed himself into a man and so the lord breathed himself into these people he's breathed himself into us again on the day of pentecost the holy spirit came and here we are in this century in this day in this hour that god has breathed upon us the message that the brief message that i really felt to share with you tonight was that the power of our prayers are dependent upon the revelation that we have of god's love for us you know john five times in the gospel of john he referred to himself as the disciple whom jesus loved now it might have been more appropriate to most religious people to say well the disciple who loved jesus well he did love jesus but later in his epistle he wrote and this is love not that we love god but that he loved us and gave his son as a propitiation as a satisfaction as a as a payment for our sins we love because he first loved us and i tell you it's a challenge for every one of us i believe to lay hold on the revelation of god's love for us pastor chris shared this on sunday ephesians three i just want to read it to you here from the um amplified but before i do it as we were just worshiping god i was just i was just sensing god's i said lord what what is it what what is it that that i can say that you're feeling right now i don't really want to use the word anxiety and the word yearn came to me yearn and urine is defined as an intense feeling of longing for something typically typically something that once was lost or been separated from and the lord was impressing upon me he yearns for every one of us he yearns for us to know the revelation of his love for us well i'm just going to share from my bible i'm not too skillful about switching back and forth from phone to the bible but ephesians 3 verse 14 i bow my knees before the father from whom every family in heaven and earth derives his name that he will grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with power through his spirit in the inner man so that christ may dwell in your heart through faith and that you being rooted and grounded in love how it is how important it is how difficult it is really for us to be rooted and grounded in love but that we may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth that we may know by experience the love of god that surpasses just head knowledge you know most of us and i've looked around here i know most of us who have been christians for at least 10 20 30 years or more i've been christian now for 41 years you know it's i still have to say lord you love mark i thank you lord that you love mark it's only been maybe in the last seven or eight years that i've been able to really say that with conviction and belief because the enemy has three three darts that he likes to throw at us guilt shame and condemnation and if you've lived long enough on the earth and you've experienced one of those three if not all three of them and we have to keep that shield of faith up because the enemy wants to destroy us and he can do it if we allow those three things to enter in and take us to where we don't want to go john writes out of a revelation of jesus's love for him the disciple whom jesus loved five times he makes that statement the one thing i felt that god wanted me to share with you is how how he yearns to be able to come into our lives and it's not that difficult i was sharing with pastor paul 41 years ago i was sitting on an airplane i was reading a book by billy graham called how to be born again i was a flight attendant for american when i had hair and a little bit younger and people had been coming up to me on the streets of new york city i lived in new york and asking me if i knew jesus it was uncanny it was crazy i thought to myself am i wearing a shirt that says ask me if i know jesus and i was polite well one day i had to work a flight from new york to chicago and i got on the flight on plane and i'm working with this young lady i've never seen her before but she just had a smile on her face and i said don't tell me you know jesus she said i do well i said how can you know somebody who's not around i mean i was raised catholic altered boy baptized confirmed by the bishop and so she shared her testimony with me she when you get to the hotel room tonight she said get the bible that's in the bookstand and read the gospel of john ask the holy spirit to show you what he wants you to know and so i did so and i got to john chapter 3 and i saw that phrase you must be born again i thought that word's in the bible and so i flew back to new york i decided i'm going to get myself a bible so i go to one of those big barnes and noble bookstores in manhattan and i'm looking for a bible it's a huge bookstore and i see this book by billy graham called how to be born again i thought well there's the question so i bought the book and i took it home and and i decided i'm going to read it the next time i fly out well as it turned out the next flight i was going to sit as a passenger for the first half and then work the second half so i'd have about two hours on my hands and so i'm sitting as a passenger on a loaded flight and i'm reading this book i get about to chapter five of maybe a nine chapter book and he's explaining ephesians 2 8 for by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of god and not of works lest anyone should boast and so being raised catholic of course there's a lot of works dependent there and as i looked at that verse tears came down my face the tears came first and then the revelation that i knew that jesus was real in that moment i was born again i mean i looked around to see if it happened to anybody else i mean i was by i mean i wasn't by myself but i mean if you know what i mean didn't everybody with me to let me know what happened and this is the remarkable thing that happened there was not an altar call there was no sinner's prayer i wasn't even conscious of really what i needed to do whoever calls on the name of the lord will be saved that is how that's how god yearns to impart himself to us um thank you jesus christ peter in acts chapter 10 just gets the revelation from the holy spirit that what god is cleansed no longer considering holy so he goes to cornelius house not quite knowing really what to expect cornelius tells him you can read it in acts chapter 11 that that the angel told him to get peter and he will speak words to you by which you may be saved so you know peter starts talking and he's just kind of relating to these gentiles all that he knows about jesus and in a moment of time the holy spirit falls upon all those people that are listening to that word it blows him and everybody else away there was no anybody plucking on the guitar just as i am there was no uh reap outward repentance or no raising of the hands or or nothing other than the fact that they heard them speaking in tongues and exalting god i feel that god has been showing me that there's still a lot of religious tradition in the church today we've got to get beyond that we've got to set it aside we've got to set it aside you know i would like to say that we really have a handle of the word of the love of god and in the 41 years that i've been a christian you know i've stumbled and fell many times there have been times when i just felt like god i believe you tolerate me but i'm not quite sure if you love me anymore i don't know if that speaks to anybody but about seven years ago i was up in branson and brother kenneth copeland was up there doing a believer's voice of victory in branson and i didn't realize it but he shared the very scripture that god had been given to me and first john talks about we have come to know and have believed the love that god has for us and i said you know lord i know the love of god i don't know if i can believe it anymore i've messed up so many times i mean how many times can you say i'm sorry and keep falling into the same pit again and he shared how he had was going through some some of his own stuff and he was sitting there i guess we're just really grieving and gloria came up behind him and put her her hands on his shoulders and she said i find no fault in you i find no fault in you that's what we have to receive i believe to the degree that we receive and walk in the love of god to that degree our prayers will impact the kingdom our prayers will have that kind of power the last word and today i was reading and i felt like god led me to the book of jonah jonah but what a display of the love of god here is a prophet the god is wanting to go to nineveh and to warn the people if you don't change if you don't turn you will be destroyed jonah didn't want to go he had known the slaughter and the brutality of the ninevites and he decided to leave he went in the opposite direction he willfully chose to disobey god so he gets on a ship and goes to tarshish god sends a storm to get his attention he's sleeping and so everybody's panicking they're beginning to lighten the boat they're throwing cargo out they're all calling upon their god they're saying what's going on and then one of the fellows goes down and sees him sleeping and says wake up he said call on your god and then long story short he begins to tell them what's going on and they said well what do we do what what do we do to stop this storm well you would have thought he would have said well if you turn back all obey he said no just just just uh pick me up toss me overboard pick you up and toss you overboard yeah just just pick me up toss me overboard i'm not going over there i don't care i'm not um i mean talking about a hardened heart right and so they do that very thing i mean they were really they were willing to go back but the storm got even worse because god knew that his heart really wasn't in the right place and so they throw him overboard god appoints this huge fish that swallows up jonah and somewhere in the next three days he has a change of heart i think i would have had to change her heart for five minutes but and so he he recognizes the mercy and the kindness of god and in god's love for jonah he orders the fish to spew him out there on the dry land and so what's amazing is god does not rub his face in it god doesn't scold him god doesn't say let's listen next time he just picks up where left off arias go to nineveh you know okay three days walk you know yet 40 days and nineveh will be overthrown and of course as it turns out they repented he was so upset he was so angry he said i knew that i knew i knew you were going to do this that's why i left because in your mercy you're going to forgive these people you know it's amazing these people were not covenant people they were gentiles there was no animal sacrifice no sacrifice for their sins you know and yet god said you know 120 000 people that don't know they're right from their left well you know what this what's really appropriate about jonah today what's been happening in afghanistan i don't know about you but i have spent so much of my prayer time praying for our americans and for the allies i haven't thought about praying for the taliban i haven't thought about praying for isis and al qaeda hadn't really thought about praying for the enemy but are they any different than the ninevites are they any different than the soldiers that drove the nails into the lord's hands and feet oh i tell you it's it's a mind bender to start praying for their salvation that these are people who were born just like you and i beautiful innocent little babies that were indoctrinated into the into the animals that they have become they're nothing but pawns in the hand of the devil that's all they are they are so possessed with the devil that they think that they're actually serving god jesus himself said that that the days would come you know that they would kill us thinking that they were doing a service to god and so i said lord help me to pray help me to pray for their salvation i've heard that they're pastors that have decided to stay there in the midst of all of this and so that was the word i had today was to encourage us to know that that we have to get this revelation we have to begin to declare and i had to start saying to myself lord you love mark you love mark you delight yourself in me i was reading a book by dutch sheets on the pleasure of his company and he was talking about the fun loving god god is being fun-loving and i i looked at that and i looked at it fun-loving i've never thought about god as being fun loving you know but if you were raised in some kind of a religious legalistic kind of a background it's amazing how long that thing was to hang on but i believe that god is calling us to be that army that the spirit of god breathed upon and he's breathing upon us and we're going to move through the power of the love of god you know i saw a card the other day and said love god love people and i'm thinking to myself i know i know how important it is to love god but if we don't know the love of god then we're just going to be going through the motions god doesn't want us to go through the motions he wants to have us have that revelation so that we can really really accomplish the work that he's given us to do here god bless you thank you let's give brother mark big hand amen thank you sir praise the lord that's it that's just where it's at you know that's the last thing the enemy expects the enemy satan does not expect the church to actually use their supply toward and so he has no defenses to it because it's fueled by it's inspired by its birth by the love of god that he has no answer to and that's why our prayers are so powerful but as long as the church and i don't mean anyone in here but the church worldwide uses our voice uses our energies to call out judgment and simply be a thermometer we'll never see the things shifted that need shifting because truly the church of the lord jesus christ is the only agent on the planet that has the power and the capacity to bring the kingdom realm into this realm and shift the things that need shifting [Music] i was fixing to post something on facebook but i didn't because i don't but it was something to the effect of if we would just use all of our energy in calling out the things that are bad on you know in the world on facebook and just use that energy and actually pray for the leaders of our nation and pray for afghanistan instead of using all right i won't go there it's just a thought we'd see these things shifted let's sister patsy cam and eddie how to pray in the end of days it's not exactly the title but it's close she made the statement that wicked kings have always fit perfectly into the plan of god and none of them have ever hindered the plan of god coming to pass [Applause] i'm going to read this really quickly and then we're going to hear a message from pastor so praise the lord i love this house i love this house i love every i love this house i love being part of this amazing apostolic hub come on the best is yet to come the best is yet to come the outworkings of this thing the victory being able to celebrate one another's victory seeing the workings of these things that which that which the lord has planned amen this is in philippians it's in the first chapter i'm in the nlt in verse 27 it says above all you must live as citizens of heaven conducting yourselves in a manner worthy of the good news about christ then whether i come and see you again or only hear about you i will know that you are standing together everyone says standing together one more time standing together i love that one more time standing together ah jesus with one spirit and one purpose fighting together i say that fighting together that means your fight's my fight my fight's your fight that means that we get to the other side together it's not us just trying to make it through with you know the capacity of you know our earthly gift mix but it's as we come together strategically fused together by the spirit of the living god for the day ahead and the plan that he has for the outworkings of this amazing thing amen the spirit of the lord has spoken through pastor paul for years and years and years and he said build a hub from my spirit to move build a hub well what is a hub pastor i know there's hubs at airports there's hubs what is a hub what is this hub all about you know truly this utterance isn't just simply something that it's kind of like the tagline for millennial that we'd put on a banner build a hub for our spirit to move but actually there is something about that utterance that applies to our lives specifically because further on the utterance also came and said the lord spoke through him and said help me build this help me build this help me build this build this meaning getting into a building sure that would be part of it building it meaning you know ministry of helps absolutely that would be part of it but helping him build it is more than just a physical location and the outworkings of what's needed to put on a service helping him build it means that transformed people transform people that means that the utterance that comes forth has the capacity of actually transforming our lives so that how we lived a year ago isn't how we live now and that we're advancing together helping one another advance in the kingdom that we're not just you know growing in numbers but the depth and the capacity of the kingdom is being increased in each and every one of our lives come on i'm sure when we have coffee here it will be fantastic but that is not the reason any of us gather together is because of how good the coffee is it's time for us to shift up out of what a mindset of church attendance looks like into the activation of an apostolic hub we come under the influence of an apostolic anointing that is not just meaning that the sound that comes from the pulpit is going to change it means that there is a demand put on the gift mix of each and every one of us to rise up in this hour that we don't just walk away from this place hearing another message filling another notebook but we allow that anointing to actually change us to activate that's a word that we've been hearing you know through dr jean recently a couple sundays ago but that anointing actually has the power to activate the gift mixes on the inside of us now some of those gifts might be in seed form but they're not meant to stay in seed form and so just as the the uh jesus had the the parable of the the talents you know one talent two talent five talents you know i feel like i'm always like two talent like you can always look on either side and be like all right yeah anyways but those talents aren't just about money those talents are about what the lord jesus christ that the godhead chose to put in each and every one and he paid way too high of a price for us to just barely make it to the rapture barely make it through life if we can just get one more day through no the lord jesus christ the father is requiring of us a return on his investment and so there the the voice of the apostolic actually cause causes a demand it makes a demand on that which is on the inside of each and every one of us another utterance that has come through pastor paul said that the day would come when the apostle and the prophet would walk together and where the enemy was able to limit them in times past he would not be able to limit them because together the gifts would be unstoppable as the fivefold worked together there would be a fusing that happened where you couldn't tell where the apostle ended and the prophet began and it would be that the apostle would prophesy and that the prophet would speak apostolically well in like manner the truth of that revelation there is gift mixes on the inside of each and every one of us that if we will inquire of the lord and by the leadership of the holy spirit he will fuse these gift mixes together to build church unstoppable simply in millennial no way this is just our part of the outworking of the plan of god in this hour to see jesus receive his rightful inheritance to see this world transformed do i believe that the apostles are rising yes absolutely i believe that just as the church was birthed on the foundation of the apostles and prophets we will see the return of those in the days to come is this to give a title that seemingly is more important than something else no i think it is the breaking off of religion that has tried to make 97 of all people that minister under one title which actually boxes those gifts in from actually manifesting the gift that they actually are i won't go there all right ah jesus is good i will know that you are standing together with one spirit and one purpose fighting together for the faith which is the good news don't be intimidated in any way by your enemies now we know that our enemies do not have flesh and blood don't be intimidated i this just ministered to me don't be intimidated by any way in any way by your enemies this will be a sign to them that they are going to be destroyed but that you are going to be saved even by god himself guys we get into places of worship like that there is a holy ghost unintimidatable if that's even a word unction that rises up on the inside of us that those little whispers that want to follow us through you know between services when you know this is never going to happen it's never going to happen it's never going to turn out right those voices will lose their hold because those voices don't originate with you because the strength of the kingdom that's on the inside of you is rising up and suddenly discernment comes that wait a minute that didn't that didn't originate with me and i have authority over it and i have the power within me to overcome it and i'm not going to be bullied another day i'm not going to be bullied from the moment i wake up all the way through the day to the moment when i go to sleep come on don't be intimidated in any way by your enemies this will be a sign to them that they are going to be destroyed but that you are going to be saved even by god himself for you have been given not only the privilege of trusting in christ but also the privilege of suffering for him we are in this struggle together say together it's all about together we have seen you've seen my struggle in the past and you know that i'm still in the midst of it in in chapter 2 and in verse 2 he says then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other loving one another and working together with one mind and one purpose i believe that we're going to see a revelation of what the power of corporate agreement looks like and we are going to see breakthroughs in realms and in regions and in dimensions that we had never even perceived or thought possible in the day behind we are moving forward and we are moving forward victoriously together in jesus name so praise the lord i believe we have a little word from pastor paul he wanted to say hello and greet and uh they are going to put that up in no it's still well good evening everybody praise the lord what another powerful service amen here millennial there's just no telling what god is going to do amen every time we get together it is so powerful praise god amen even andre yesterday you know was talking to me about noontime prayer and he says you know god always comes to prayer and i said you i said to him i said you're using my line and then of course he said i use a lot of your lines amen but praise the lord they're not mine they're the words of the spirit and it's so wonderful i tell you to be in tune with the holy ghost in this time and in this hour so praise the lord well look where i am guys we've just got a couple of days left here and our northern irish homestead amen beautiful weather we haven't saw one bit of rain since we've been here it's a modern day miracle but uh here we are and uh i am up in a place that i used to sit day in day out if i wasn't on the mountain pran i was up in this office and then as you can see it is just completely packed with uh just literature tapes cassettes cds uh going through lots of paperwork every time i come home i try to take at least a period of time to to just keep going through things because this is the type of place that you don't want to go through too quickly because there is so much uh that is recorded written down so many different things that were said to me by the spirit of the lord and these are the things that i love to go through anyway so i wasn't going to say anything tonight i was just going to let everybody get on with it and everybody does such a great job and and uh not create any more work for anyone but uh then josh just texts me and he says dad why don't you jump on from the office and just say hi to everybody and and why don't you just receive tonight's offering and i said well praise the lord maybe i just will amen i'll always love to give a little shout in whenever i come we love you all car myself miss you no matter where we go no matter what journey we're going on you know it's different to travel right now and uh you know we've actually i know i've said that we were gonna go to bulgaria at the end of september we've actually put that on hold for a period of time and that is just the leading of the lord for karin and myself and uh what we believe that the spirit of god is saying that this is not the time for us to go there but praise the lord if you're traveling be led by the spirit of the lord you go everywhere you want to go amen as long as the lord leads you praise the lord he will be there when you get there in jesus christ's name but listen going through this horde of stuff amen i saw something that beverly and myself uh we did this years ago and uh this was i just had to find this and then josh said dad you should jump on and just this this do the offering for tonight amen and i literally had just fined this i i literally had just sent this to bev and said that i want these reproduced so that we have them for a millennial for everybody but really it was understanding prosperity and it was 3 john 2 praise the lord and of course we know beloved i wish above all things that i must prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospers i don't know if you've ever read that in different translations but it's so powerful amen but it just starts off and it says open your heart throughout the word god plainly shows that his will is for his covenant people to have a surplus prosperity he promised to make abraham rich and the promise of abraham is ours today galatians 3 13 and 14 genesis 17 and 6. god's will is prosperity for you spirit soul and body we want to share with you what true bible prosperity is and how to apply it to your own life we encourage you to look up each of the following scriptures as the basis for your own study and then it goes on what is prosperity truth prosperity is the ability to use god's ability and power to meet the needs of mankind regardless of what those needs are gives you a list of scriptures spiritual prosperity spiritual prosperity is freedom from the law of sin and death to be born again and filled with the sp with the holy spirit puts you in the position to receive from god all the things promised in his word gives you all your scriptures and their mental prosperity how many people could do with mental prosperity right now to prosper mentally in your soul i.e your mind your will emotions you must be able to control your mind your will and your emotions prosperity of the mind comes when you use the knowledge you have accumulated from the word of the lord when you learn to control your thoughts your thoughts will not control you gives you more scriptures and then physical prosperity i speak this over you tonight in the name of jesus physical prosperity is twofold it is health and wealth jesus redeemed us from the curse of the law sickness poverty and death health and wealth belong to the believer meditation on the word and acting on the word will bring the results when you act on the word you mix your faith with it and do not doubt in your heart the word will work for you amen host of scriptures what produces spiritual mental and physical prosperity what brings all these together none other than the word of god hebrews 4 12 says the word is alive powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword it divides the soul in the spirit the joints and the marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart when you are health when you are walking in the word of god you will prosper and you will be in health amen praise the lord first thessalonians 5 23 amen that we are preserved holy spirit soul and body amen and then it leads us into a confession of the word of god father in the name of jesus i confess that your word reigns over every area of my life because of that i live a prosperous life i thank you that you liberally supply and fill to the fullest measure every need according to your riches in glory by christ jesus according to deuteronomy 8 18 you give the power to get wealth in order to establish your covenant so as an act of my faith i receive that power to work in my life i confess before you that i am a giver as i give abundantly of my increase i know you will make all grace every favor and earthly blessing come to me in abundance so that i am always under all circumstances and whatever the need totally sufficient possessing enough to require no aid or support i'm furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation father i thank you that your angels are free to minister for me and bring in the necessary finances so that i can be a generous giver to your work it is written that your angels have been sent to minister for heirs of salvation so i loose them now to work in my behalf i confess today that i am redeemed from the curse of poverty i resist lack and said has no place in me the lord is my shepherd i do not want abundance is mine shouted out with me abundance is mine the blessings of the lord are mine i am prosperous in every area of my life spiritual and body i confess it i believe it i receive it i thank you for it in jesus precious name amen and amen and these are the little nuggets praise the lord when you're working amen what you're seeing is behind me but there's as much again in front of me that's really the messy part right there but uh going through all of these boxes and uh you know it may take me a couple of years to do this because there are just so many different things that that you just have to go through you know finding photographs today pictures today i actually listened to a message of mine back from 2007. i can't believe that that i listened to that but i said oh wow and you know i i said a little video to josh you know and i was listening to it the worship i tell you it's like it's i don't know it's like living rivers and millennia yes we progress and we move on but the same tangible presence of the lord the same touch of god you know uh i was listening hearing uh the keys uh coming through on this and i was thinking you know tim of course you know growing up in this and and not playing keys you know and leading aside for worship at millennial and i can you know and one of his mentors in in music i you can hear the same and the same touch and the same presence and it was just it was like a moment for me you call it a nostalgic moment but uh it certainly wasn't like a sentimental reminiscent it was like wow we haven't lost anything we haven't uh regressed or receded you know if if anything we have taken it to a whole different place a whole different uh you know release is so powerful you can sense it's so compacted and so compounded is so us you know organically us and that that's the beauty about listening to something years ago and then oh wow you know if anything i would say i've maybe mellowed just a little bit and some of you'll be saying thank god he's mellowed you know i i come out of the gate you know already uh but listening to that i was like whoa maybe you've mellowed a little bit paul but you can sense the same spirit the same presence of the lord and i am so grateful for that guys as we go to give tonight amen this is just a phenomenal thing that the lord has done in our life when you take a look at this building amen just every little bit that is being done everything that is being accomplished is really to the glory and to the purpose of god thank you guys amen is so powerful to hear the wonderful testimonies coming back of how god is touching each and every one of us amen all of us included amen if your breakthrough wasn't today remember you serve the lord of the breakthrough this cabinet to my side is filled with old messages of creflo dollar jerry savelle my goodness amen the the god of el shaddai and i mean it just wants to make you run around this house 20 times i mean it's just great stuff amen that really can bless your heart don't forget elsa dies working for you amen he is the god that can take everything that god elohim put in place and whatever needs to be done supernatural naturally else you die can bring that to pass amen we are the people of faith that faith works by love right now as you give of your tithes and your offerings as we go into a brand new month amen we're believing that august was the best month so far amen here comes september praise the lord amen july 7 august 8 september 9 9 being the number of the holy spirit here we go amen i'm believing for great things to be manifested in our lives amen total life prosperity praise the lord from many years ago i just said this to bev and she was like wow that's exactly what i want to be doing for a millennial so here we go amen let me pray over your father tonight amen let's just go ahead and give out the envelopes tonight to everybody amen father tonight we just we just thank you that you are the god of ages past you're the god of present and you're the god of the future father god even from northern ireland right here all those years ago you said that you would put us beside a major highway how we thought it would be here and even right here father god you did it you built a superstructure of a church to the glory of god and father i thank you that your word was true and that father god you have raised this up right at the edge of the 44 running east to west father god in this great city of tulsa oklahoma you know when we were uh driving past that roundabout that that we used to pray in at night in the middle of the night and there was little bushes we were coming past the other day and i said to carl i said could you imagine that we actually prayed in the middle of the night in that roundabout it was so dense it's like a forest in the middle of the road is so dense it has become probably its own habitat to thousands of animals but when we were praying there they were tiny little bushes that you had to crouch literally behind yourself so that you wouldn't be seen from the room when i think of the things that we have done over the years amen in the name of jesus for the plan of god amen people thinking we were crazy but i tell you we would have been crazy not to have done it because look at this just look around what god has done amen 6355 east scaly drive if god has blessed you mightily come on guys that's so into this work amen so much needing to be attended to but praise the lord we will do it as we can in jesus precious name amen let me bless you i bless you tonight i bless your hands amen he gives us the power to get wealth in jesus precious name information is on your screens amen if you're given by the way of check lrmc and text to give 84321 kasha and paypal from wherever you are in the world praise the lord so from our northern irish home to right there in tulsa oklahoma give us a couple of days friday we will board that plane one more time head across the water and we will be ready to be with you bright and breezy sunday morning 10 a.m praise god amen we love you glory to god we'll see you soon be blessed i should just go ahead and bless you praise the lord let's just pray for our pastors real quick ushers you can go ahead wait on the people we plead the blood of jesus over pastor paul and karen we plead the blood over their final days that that which needs to be accomplished gets accomplished those doors that need opening get opened in the name of jesus we plead the blood over every mode of transportation we loose the angels to escort them back to beautiful tulsa oklahoma on time without delay in the name of jesus we just take authority over delays they're on assignment there and of course they'll be back here on assignment back here amen you know saying thank you for watching today really doesn't do what my heart feels right now justice i'm truly grateful for the power and demonstration of god's word at work in our lives the precious spirit of god ministering to you and bringing to light and bringing to bear what it is that you need to do in your life and how god wants to minister to you just eyes on you that is our god you see he's not just our god he's our father and the father desires to minister straight to you like there's no one else on the face of the planet so like what i say to say thank you for watching that's a beautiful thing but to say i'm grateful is another i believe today that as you've watched this broadcast that the power of god has gone into operation and even things that you did not know about yourself and that you did not know about god is beginning to come to light that's what i believe and i believe that as you continue to watch and as you continue to listen god is going to do great and greater things in your life and so that you can be all that god has created you to be in this time today i believe that as you yield yourself to the spirit of the lord the spirit of the lord will touch you deeply in ways that no man can allow him to do that the holy spirit is your best friend and he will strengthen you in all times regardless of what comes in your life know this that god has great plans for you allow those plans to come to pass in jesus mighty name
Channel: Millennial Tulsa
Views: 91
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: evJvcPkimMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 49sec (2869 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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