Mario is Missing - PBG

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[Music] hey everybody I'm peanutbutter gamer and I've always been a big fan of Luigi maybe it's because I generally prefer psychics the heroes maybe it's because I was the younger of two brothers growing up or maybe just because Luigi is so dang sexy usually when you think of Luigi as a main character you think of Luigi's Mansion but he also starred in a slightly more obscure game Mario is missing and let's check it out now that's what this video is about right from the get-go mario is missing decides to ditch mario in favor of his less renowned brother Luigi which would be kinda like having an episode of PVG and replacing me with pixel which I'm fairly sure would make for a much better video actually so Mario Luigi and Yoshi decide to meet up next to some random castle in the snow so that they can bull when Mario suddenly falls through a trap Luigi seeing his brother taken away from him right in front of his eyes swiftly responds with great courage and bravery you wait here I'm going in to find him Oh Luigi where are you going you went down there I think maybe Wow so Luigi's now out of room with a bunch of red doors let's just go through the first one and see what happens well this wasn't what I was expecting I don't know exactly what I was expecting but it certainly wasn't a town with enemies and people walking around and what just happened with that Koopa I jumped on and then he just rocketed up into the sky most of the other guys don't do that that just kind of poof up like normal and what's with this thing he left behind is that an item I don't even have a guess as to what this is supposed to look like but whatever I picked it up by jumping I'm pretty sure I don't remember the last time I was this unsure of what I was supposed to be doing right at the very start of the game well let's just try talking to people and see if they have any inputs the arena was built by an wait this game is trying to teach me stuff is this an educational game what a I've never been so insulted in my life I mean just take a look at this box Mario is missing Luigi needs you and he'll stop Bowser's save the world and Mario now that's a good poem nowhere on this box does it mention that you're about to purchase a game that's main goal is to learn you things at the very least one of these bulletin points should be something along the lines of just FYI this is a game about geographies though don't get too excited big surprise this game isn't all that fun but if you use your imagination a little bit maybe we can make it fun how about the roads are made of lava get in that's it that's all I got so I ran around the map for a while murdered some more cube hasn't talked to some more very odd-looking people with the help of their very subtle hints I discovered that we're in Rome it turns out that not only is there not much to do in Rome the only sights they have to see have been closed down due to criminal activity remember that weird looking thing that we picked up earlier well that's apparently missing coins that were stolen from the Trevi Fountain and I'm not sure what I'm more confused about the fact that they would close down the entire Trevi Fountain because some spare change was stolen out of it or that this is supposed to be said spare change it looks kinda like a foot with a little mushroom on it maybe but whatever let's just be the model citizen that we all know luigi is and return it okay but you have to prove your goods are authentic by answering a few questions I have to take a quiz I found the stolen coins that were evidently so important that you closed the entire fountain but you won't let me return them until I answer a couple trivia questions correctly I don't need this crap I don't even know I'm trying to help you in the first place whatever happened to save you Mario as it turns out it doesn't really matter if you get them wrong because you can just leave come back and rege ass a seemingly infinite amount of times anyway also is this what it meant on the box when it says indoor entertaining examinations the fact that this is not actually that fun aside I don't think I've ever heard the word indoor used to describe something that was supposed to be entertaining once you get the correct answers and return the coins you can finally check out the Trevi Fountain [Music] cool but there's still two more missing artifacts that we have to find for some reason a spear from the Colosseum and the entire ceiling of the Sistine Chapel which was seemingly stolen by this single koopa bowser should seriously consider giving this guy a promotion because he is good nevermind he's dead in an incredibly violent fashion - that seems to be the fate of all the guilty enemies in this game I guess the innocent ones get the benefit of a swift mostly painless death but the thieves must pay for their shoes also it looks like this is just the sprite they use for every stolen relic which I guess explains why they made it look so much like nothing considering it has to represent everything anywhere from a coin to the entire ceiling of the Sistine Chapel I guess it's as good as anything else that they're only gonna be bothered to make one once you find all three artifacts and return them you have to pause the game and go to what I assume is supposed to be called the globe you later but I'm gonna call it the globe you later because I like that way more once inside the globe you later you have to move Yoshi to wherever you are on the map so that he can help you scare off the pokey blocking your exit and return to the castle but why can't you just come with Luigi oh yeah because then I wouldn't get to learn about all the different places in the world I mean who needs action-packed adventures when you could just have a school that's really all there is to this game and since there's no real penalty for answering the questions incorrectly other than possibly missing the tying bonus to get extra points you don't even really have to talk to any of the people walking around and since the Koopas don't actually attack you at all it's not like you can lose each level is the same find the Koopas kill them and then guess it questions until you get them right the box may be misleading when it comes to the gameplay but otherwise it's pretty honest all you need to do is endure go Luigi run around and walk up to the IMP stand and answer questions just endure go on a great wall China tour don't you sweat it it's so easy then something limit squeezies entire fish is super cheesy I forgot Heights make me really queasy come on Luigi you can do it travel the world there's nothing to it also make some money that's the spirit if I don't beat the soon I'm probably gonna quit well I take it back you might have to talk to some people to figure out where you are so that you can bring Yoshi there I guess and now that I think about it you she really gets a bum deal he has to run thousands and thousands of miles around the world to get to these places and Luigi just teleports there through warp pipes freakin lazy Ouija and as I mentioned in that wonderful little music segment I'm sure you all loved Luigi is even getting paid for all this stuff quite a lot of money too when Mario finishes a game what does he get I don't know a cake or a kiss maybe something lame like that anyway Luigi on the other hand gets money you know Mario should get captured more often because Luigi seems to make baked whenever that happens split the money 50/50 em they've got a pretty amazing business on their hands it's gonna pay more than being plumbers anyway the items that Luigi has to look for range from something like the Notre Dame Bell to my favorite by far a surfboard yes a surfboard they closed an entire Beach because someone got their surfboard stolen I don't know maybe it was owned by somebody cool like anyone but Professor Oak and my favorite question by far is this one how old is that skull you're holding three hundred thousand years three hundred forty-four thousand years three million years or way old it's probably that one alright the last door is complete now it's time for the boss and you better be careful because he can't hit you at all all right game over finally let's go get Mario [Applause] [Music] have to pee fine I'll do the next five levels to whatever done kill the completely harmless boss again and now let's go get Mario after you endure yes they really meant it the third floor and boss you finally saved Mario but uh-oh Bowser Luigi flips a switch that for some reason drops him into a cannon and off he goes he's not really dead is he I know he was a bad guy if I still loved him anyway it was gonna get better it was going to rehab well that was Mario is missing I can't say it was terribly fun but I can probably come up with some other positive things to say about it like did so video game I kind of like the way the Box looks and speaking of the Box I can imagine a lot of kids got this for Christmas and we're really stoked only to figure out that this actually looked more like this it's a trick but oh well at least the Mario Brothers are back together again brotherly love it kind of reminds me of why I started doing these videos in the first place wait why do I do these again hey everybody thanks so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it then why not help me share it with a like favorite let me know what you think in the comments and all that good stuff and if you want to see more videos like this then subscribe check out my last video on the top 10 funniest glitches in videogames by clicking right here follow me on Facebook or Twitter your preference you don't even have to I don't care speaking of Luigi I actually did a series on Luigi's Mansion on my gameplay channel PPG gameplay you can check that out by clicking right here got a bunch of the crazy stuff right there so you should check it out leave please know if you'll all excuse me I'm really sleepy so I'm gonna go to sleep now bye bye but he also starred in a slightly more obscure game Mari mmm Miriam my favorite game Mario mmm Luigi to EEG oh yeah oh yeah
Channel: PeanutButterGamer
Views: 3,699,448
Rating: 4.9503155 out of 5
Keywords: Video Game (Industry), Games, Top 10, Best, Favorite, Microsoft Windows (Operating System), Personal Computer (Video Game Platform), Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform), PlayStation 3 (Video Game Platform), Nintendo (Video Game Developer), Nintendo 3DS (Video Game Platform), Nintendo, Sony Computer Entertainment (Video Game Developer), Songs, Wii U (Video Game Platform), Xbox, Playstation, PeanutButterGamer, PBG, Ps3, Xbox360, funny, Mario is Missing, Super Mario, Luigi
Id: Wi40xhInnXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 10 2015
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