Arthur 🐢 Binky's Talents 🎺

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[Music] you can play jazz you can even play with a plasma music Shane and um and there's no one who appreciates music as much as he does he even likes really challenging music like this piece by no no once they hear it they'll never be able to get it out of their heads it grabs onto you and takes over your brain until you can hear nothing else I'm warning you don't listen but I thought you liked it who says I didn't like it I think it's great you've been warned I think you can handle it I am sorry mr. Barnes but we just cannot tolerate such behavior in the school hello George is there something you wanted to talk to me about yes mr. Haney it's well you see I let me guess you forgot to be every day if I didn't write everything down I just oh dear I'm late for that bake sale meeting [Music] I know what you're gonna say but I didn't break the ferris wheel I believe you I came to tell you that when I find out who did I'm gonna twist the middle what did you just say I believe you I mean it probably just fell over right uh uh it was on the floor all the way at the other end of the table someone broke it all right but it wasn't me so why does everyone think you did it I was standing right over it this morning when the shop teacher came in I had a piece of bacon stuck in my teeth I thought there might be a stray toothpick lying around now I have to stay after school and clean up the shop classroom for a week I'm never eating bacon again I'll help you if you want why it wasn't your fault um well I guess it just seems unfair that you got blamed for something you didn't do okay boy you really are nice it's weird [Music] thanks George look at this I don't remember that being there yesterday we probably didn't see it it's just a little piece of fabric I've seen this green somewhere before I bet this belongs to the real criminal [Music] well your boss get away my monarch butterfly keep it down I'm trying to read in a tree why not it's shady and quiet unless there's a golfer in a butterfly catcher chin wagon by the roots stuck in a tree that's not a bullfighters cape it's just a kite here give me that golf club [Music] there now we can go in a quest to find the owner fight off dragons it's fast and collect a big reward I'm not really dressed for a quest can we just skip to the reward part come on gasps where's your sense of adventure okay we get it [Music] no one's gonna see the kite on the ground we have to fly until the owner can find it sure flies well I call next turn this one and tell Bailey our golf lesson is over I'm asked him to bring over the sandwiches [Music] you know I haven't flown a kite in years I forgot how much fun it is that's not just any old cat back home we call catch the fly like that majestic wind eaters I just made that up didn't you kinda what do we do with it the owner never came back Finders Keepers I guess yep and since I was the first one who's side wait a sec none of this would have happened if I hadn't hid my bottle over here well I was the one who got it down from the tree with my golf club guys guys come on there's no reason to fight there's a simple mature solution to this I'll keep the kite okay okay then let's just share it we'll each take it for a week and then switch off at three share is a great idea oh that daddy's lawyer draw the contract bang on Oh wha bang on a can all-stars there this really cool bed I met the composer and they've agreed to come to our school next week what kind of music is it it's Trey avant-garde thinkI it might be too sophisticated for you huh too sophisticated for me I know music better than any of you Wow I feel like I was just on another planet what if this is what it's like to be buster when do they stop tuning their instruments and play the music that is the music [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what on earth was that it's called big beautiful dark and scary pretty wild right well it's dark and scary but it sure isn't beautiful I told you you have to have a very refined ear to enjoy it oh come on you're not telling me you actually liked that music of course okay well maybe not yet but I'm trying to I think it's so different so a tuna and jelly sandwich is different but that doesn't mean it tastes good here take it listen to some more tracks I'm telling you it grows on you I doubt it I gotta go wash my ears out with some real music [Laughter] [Music] something's happened to my ears okay okay I admit it I broke the ferris wheel no you didn't I know but pink is such a good interrogator I felt the need to confess how did you know he didn't do it because because the green of the shirt he's wearing is completely different from that piece of fabric oh you're right but I did take your juice box in first grade oh boy it feels so good to get that off my chest and then in second grade well I guess we'll never know who did it now ah but what else thinks there is more to this case than his meetings the eyes-free what are you doing here I am NOT fern I am secret detective veer Doon Watteau and you are my sidekick bass things so miss your pinkie I hear that you believe you have been framed no yes can you help us burn with a funny accent Zee name is what oh did you know at all and yes she may help you come to my office [Music] Izod I saw can you tell us who it belongs to no okay that's that am i fired can says this the material it is very cheap and this stitching is sloppy no I mean you can't tell it's just a piece the whole suit probably looks much better how do you know it's a suit Matt keeps this I would like to run some tests on it okay if you think that will help the investigation what so okay strange me strange I'm not acting strange why do you think I'm acting strange do I look like I'm acting strange no but your accent is very American oh that's right Oh didn't even notice well cheerio [Music] Thank You Walter it's exactly what we talked about it's written in a way no one can understand by the X so who gets to have the kite first longest jaw goes first middle goes second shortest goes last [Music] yes think easy summer he came he shot he picked the longest straw see ya later Kate - I got a cake good life I'm sure it'll be sunny tomorrow wear your snorkel this week cuz it's a rain rain rain huh don't worry this guy never gets it right [Music] Oh curse you whether men ready you're doing something wrong I'm just letting it go like you told me well then why isn't it flying I don't know maybe because there's no wind I hate to interrupt but according to my calendar your kite time is officially up what I didn't even get to fly at once can I have one more day sorry a deal's a deal unless just name it I'll give you anything thanks again Walter so this rider to the contract will trade you one of my kite flying days for two of yours when your turn comes around to get yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah whatever where do I sign please please please let there be a breeze [Music] maybe you'll have better luck in let's see um sixteen days from now they're fine binky are you sure then why am i noticing all these sounds it's like that can banging music infected me what music you're better off not knowing mom believe me thanks a lot for giving me that music it changed my brain forever that's ridiculous is that the bang on a can all-stars Arthur was telling me all about them no don't do it you'll be sorry I downloaded some of their music last night you know I actually am starting to like it see I told you it grows on you yeah like some creepy musical mind mold ask him they'll understand oh it's like someone has recorded the way I think can I borrow this oh you've all lost it that stuff isn't music finally it's just me you and Beethoven [Music] be quiet tree silly bang on a van Peter code [Music] listen to it binky you must listen then you will be one of us no get back that's not music this is music [Music] they've all been brainwashed I've got to prove it I know hi George detective waddles called me she wants me to meet her at the fair wanna come uh great let's go just be here any minute she told me she knows who did it binky I have something to tell you hello boys enjoying the fair hope you're probably waiting for an adult to take you on the ferris wheel um actually it's no trouble at all I've been on it four times already but I just can't get enough [Music] here we go I just love Ferris wheels don't you didn't always though I used to be terrified of them but then I took up tightrope walking seems to be running smoothly to me no what I mean is what he means is that he broke his streak of not riding in Ferris wheels right George Oh congratulations if you boys want to go again just give me a holler why didn't you let me tell principal Haney you've always been pretty nice to me George and well I haven't always been that nice to you so I'm returning the favor oh you also have to clean up my room for a month how long have you know I only figured it out last night when I remember where I'd seen that color green before Wally I'm sorry I didn't mean to get you in trouble and you could have gotten away with it too he fessed up that takes guts miss Amy I am sorry for Zee tardiness but Watto she has Solo dizzy crime the breaker of the ferris wheel is you see the green it is the same as his jacket ingenious enough who cares you did it it's a beautiful day and we're out of there let's go on some rides better okay [Music] what are you doing here it's my turn but I get two days off your week remember pinky asked me for an extra day can I have one too I didn't get to fly it at all it just came back from the repair shop the repair shop um yeah but it's all fixed up now and you broke the kite that means you owe each of us three days did you read your contract there is nothing in here that says when I have to give back here two days the kite was broken now it's fixed [Music] you're making too much noise it's hurting my ears this is my kite I lost it 22 days ago on Saturday at 11:15 in the morning it has a scar in it but that's okay I'm gonna go fly it now well I guess we found the owner it's gone for good now and we could have all been flying it right now instead of arguing if you want you can fly the kite with me but you have to be quiet and I get to go first I flawless kite two hundred and five times that I never get tired of flying it I would like to do too many fancy moves [Music]
Channel: Arthur
Views: 1,251,675
Rating: 4.2965755 out of 5
Keywords: Arthur, PBS Arthur, Arthur episodes, cartoon Arthur, Arthur youtube, Arthur games, Arthur movie, Arthur TV show, Arthur TV, Arthur aardvark, DW, buster, Francine, muffy, brain, binky, fern, timmy, tommy, tibble twins, prunella, baxter, buster baxter, Arthur show, Arthur full episodes, Elwood City, Clarinet, Bang on a Can All Stars, Band, Kite
Id: 9n5HbSYNh7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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