Skim over Artex the Easy Method

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do you look forward to Plastering over artex ceilings a lot of fellas dread it but I genuinely do enjoy flashing over artex but I've got a little method you see I've got a system that I use every time I plaster an rtex ceiling and in this video I'm going to share it with you we're also going to touch on um understanding our texts a lot of fellas are scared to skim over an rtex ceilings and they just want to overboard everything because perhaps they've had a ceiling fall down in the past so we're going to briefly touch on what causes that and how you can sort of gauge if that's going to be an issue or not and as I always do I'm going to give you as many little hints and tips through the whole video as I possibly can just to make it so you really get something from it so let's get into it right so nice little artex ceiling to do this it's a step up it's not very thick so we're just skim straight over this now I'm not worried about this falling down you get that in situations where there's lime wash paints behind it or discs and proper paints if you've ever heard of that it's not very nice stuff basically just lime mixed with water and then really really milky and painted on like a white wash and it dries out but it leaves it Dusty and which was great because it would get over anything you know but then when people have painted over the top of this stuff you don't know it's under there and it's very dusty and then you can plaster and your plaster will stick to the planes but the paint won't stick to the dust that's underneath it now this was used like in the you know the 50s and before but this house is a 1960s 1970s build so so I know just by looking at the outside of the house I mean look at the house at the back you can see the age can you see that can you zoom in and see them yeah you can see the 1960s 1970s builds with no lime Plastering have gone on if there's lime Plastering there's a good chance that there's a lime wash paint these were built after that air ended so we're not worried about this Temple or land wash under the RS so we'll just skip straight on it it'd be fine I mean you can have a little scrape palette to make sure it's well it did but you know you'll have all the people going off of that about asbestos if you're really panicked about asbestos get it tested if you're just going to skim over it you're not going to really start disturbing it then you don't really need to worry about it I mean it can kill you I mean don't start they've been messing with it if you can help it oh you can just skim over to be fine so we've got it's only a little baby sealer we're going to first coat it and to get rid of the pattern we're gonna and just just flatten it and let it go right off the best way to go over the artex I've found um to help that speed that process up we've put a little bit of accelerator in the plaster so we've used a half time the recommended dosage to make it exactly half time is to use one sachet per half a bag but we've just put once I'll show you for a fallback so it's not really half time it's gonna be more quarter time if you would you know just to speed it up a little bit thank you on some of the videos when um when I deliver like skimming over walls I'll put the wall on First and put the ceiling on later I think other people so I go you know you should put the sealant on first well the thing is I've been skimming our text ceilings and getting over all sorts of crap for years and years I've just got that good sort of not dropping anything I'm keeping the walls Immaculate but now it doesn't really matter to me it's either the season or the walls first you can just if if you're not going to drop it all down the Walls what difference does it make you know that's my dad used to want me to put the ceilings on first when I was training because he didn't want brand new walls to have big splots of plaster all over them but if you haven't dropped anything it doesn't really matter does it you know so you you know just take your time and get neat at doing what you're doing and you can do it any way you want man we actually have a spot board but limited amount of room in here so we're just gonna take out the bucket the same um technique iOS use as well great if you they're gonna stay out of the angle yeah take a little bit go into the angle that way you don't get it all over the walls because you're not going in with a trowel fully loaded up yeah go in neat take a little bit go in neat take a little bit okay if you sort of like it like that and go right into the angle chances are you'll get it you're gonna blob of it drop down the wall so just start a little bit of wiping ideally when you pull the sides of the ceiling you want to reach halfway so that you've only got to do two passes one down one side one down the other side I'm not reaching halfway um because I'm just being lazy so I haven't got a big seizure it doesn't really matter I'm just using a little bit less on the trail just because I want to spend a little time going around the light nicer than eats rather than just sort of lashing it in as fast as I can mopping the pressure on this job foreign just making sure the artex is completely covered there's no white sort of showing through and as well I'm not worried about getting a dead knees at this point if I was if I was using a different see I'm going to use a certain technique for posture over the seam which involves flattening it in between coats so I'm not worried about getting the first coat on super neat I mean I'm not leaving purposely leaving it messy but I'm not spending too much time getting every little line you know like that I normally wouldn't leave it like that but for this and that that'd be fine you can get the speed skin in a minute so that'll be something a bit different right that's it now first coat on it's not the neatest but we're going to use a speed skin now so um somewhere a little bit different for you um other thing I've got a little bit of stuff left over in the bucket uh not a lot just a bit because when we hit it with the speed skin if it is honey major sort of imperfections any Hollows in the ceiling that'll highlight it so we can fill that out um oh that was it for you go and get yourself um an inspection lamp and 200 watt bulb because when you tell us what customers Hamilton they've got their little 40 watt light bulb it's like lighting a candle and you're trying to plaster the ceiling you can put your 200 watt bulb in there um it's been like the place up you know just don't do what we did and leave it in the last house so now we haven't got it we're back down to the little 60 watt footing bulb and we have to get the lights off the van instead this is all new speed skin the last one we won't talk about it's clearing gets a bit sensitive about it trying to say it wasn't him that could over kit but we all know the truth this one's a bit smaller the last one I had was a bit wider um which I think was better but it doesn't make that much of a difference but this will be easier to sort of get around if we're doing you know sometimes trying to get in between spotlights and stuff uh it can be a bit of a pain so I opted to go a little bit smaller won't make much difference in terms of getting over the ceiling but it will make it a bit easier to get round you know some of the obstacles that you have to get over there foreign if you get one of them dodgy poles that's flipping rattling around and just literally pull it off the bottom of it and just use a metal bit it wrecks the pole but that's very solid to hold on to this is quite a good one because it's like a hexagon shape in here so it keeps it solid stops it swinging around but sometimes they're just swinging around and whilst we're talking about little tips a little tip for you someone was asking me about this in the comments on one of the other videos I'll just knock this thing sliding up and down this little thing that grabs all of the speed skin now mine's worn as well my one of these is this little thing just flaps around in the wind now it doesn't actually hold anything still so what you can do is if your speeds can slide up and down this this isn't it's probably what they recommend doing but it works put a little drywall screw in there and tighten that up just by screwing that in there it doesn't break it but it clamps that on tight mine will not move now and the only way I can get that back out is to loosen that screw off and just watching them stab yourself put the screw face in the back so it doesn't stick into nothing either but that that works I mean it's a little Bunch but it keeps it solid so thank you foreign go this way first and then we're going to go the other way um sort of cross trowel look straight away with the speed skin and we're just looking for any big Hollows not little ones you know it's gonna get another coat this there we go now go the other way [Applause] foreign s come off because I've let the stuff pick up a little bit now I wanted to show you I was hoping there's going to be bigger bumps in the ceilings and sort of highlight this but if you look at you there's a bit of a sort of hollow where the speed skin wasn't touching it here and there's another one over here in this area so put that against spin it look when you when you put this against the wall spin it rounds this is facing away so you don't get plaster all over the walls if you put it that way and that's loads of plastic it'll go all over the place so just be careful with that as well now the two little bits of homos that they've got one installed foreign [Music] I'd be second coating it now but Arctic ceilings this is how I do it to stop the pattern bleeding through right so it's been about uh oh a little bit we had to touch the ceiling when I was putting it on get that out now um it's been about 20 minutes this now so here's going to show you still yeah let me spin the camera around look there you do you don't know how to do this right I still sort of leave you know it's not but it's firm you know I can press into it and it's it is very very firm now you know um and that's it that's you don't want it to completely set but you want it to really go off quite a bit nice and flat now none of the RTX is really showing through this isn't our second coat going on fleshed off we washed out we washed the worst out for the first coats because obviously because we left that for you know 20 minutes half hours so it would all be going off it was this is brand new stuff now uh we put some of these with this as well but only because it's such a small ceiling you know we just don't want to be um messing around with this like three hours for the size of it so we put a half a sachet in a half a bucket okay now you'll notice as well I struggle to get loads on the trowel without it coming over the back Edge you see so I can only sort of get shorter Strokes and that's because my trial's only four inches wide so I'm limited for the amount of gear I can get on it that's just because of the thinner trowel and puts a little bit less pressure on your wrist a couple of years back I started getting real bad wrist pain from having a stupidly big trowel for so many years when I was younger and so now I'm using this and sort of um fixing myself you know giving me all my junk stands and rest without having to have much pressure on them every day because it's quite a repetitive sort of um job plastering um it's nice just to give the body a little break from time to time so if you can get either some jobs with a small child I'd recommend it give you jokes a rest you know always with pressure on yourself every single day maybe trial of one that's uh a bit thinner imagine when you're pressing like that if that was wider there's more sort of levers that you're going to press on so a bit of shores of the car it's only 40 inches and it's a bit thinner so those does make it a lot easier on the arm the second coating it's not not super neat you know and I'm not trying to get it on really neat just getting it covered just getting it on now when you're going over the background is holding and flattened in and it's already gone off a bit putting this second column is lovely it's like skimming over plasterboards now rather than struggling over artex it's the reason I always do it this way it just makes it a pleasure to do it I actually look forward to skip over the last accidents because I know how nice it is the second coat of them and sort of file them up when you do it like this whereas years ago before I sort of twigged onto this way of doing it you know every last accident was a bit of a ball like um you pick these things up you know over the years by trial and error and um yeah in fact I'll tell you I'll tell you don't learn this nothing yeah let's go within the 20s I thought I had enough plaster I thought I had enough stuff so I put it all on anyway I used all the plaster I had for the first coat and I ran out and there was no one there apart from me so we'll have to go and get more plastic so what I did was I thought oh your neck I'll get it as flat as I possibly can and then I'll come back and just try and catch it you know before it goes off so what rather Builders yard come back add it as fast as I could put the second coat up and it was lovely I was like wow I've been doing the same ever since so now second coats on I'm gonna give it another little hit now with a speed skin and remember this is flexible and you know my thoughts on flexible stuff for trying to get things flat it's almost impossible but it does make it a lot nicer so I'm going to hit it at the speed skill now and then it will still get three hits with the trail and a Polish so this doesn't replace a step it's just an extra step it doesn't take off one of the trowels I'm gonna do I don't replace traveling up with the speed skin this is an extra thing but it just makes life a little bit easier foreign I go from the window wall back this way and then I'll go that way so it's sort of in my cross trowels you know with the speed skin um again just going to highlight any little Hollows any any decent sized Hollows it'll show them where they are there won't be any of this now because we already got them with the first coat but foreign slacking off your ceiling Rose just slack them screws off a little bit be careful there's live wires but you can just plaster and neat behind it then and then tighten it back up when you're finished so that's it and then from that point forward you carry on with the ceiling just like you would over a plasterboard ceiling you flatten it in with your trowel you give it two wet trowels and you give it a nice dry polish and that's it the ceiling will be an absolute pleasure to travel up that's it now we just we just traveled up as usual after you see me flattening I give it um I give it a flatten with the trowel and then I give it um two wet trowels and then a Polish just finished polishing and then we just go around the edges and you just literally don't dig into the ceiling we'll just put the toe of the trowel into the wall and just come along gently like this right round like that all the way and then just wipe off any plush off the walls foreign not this side see this we're going to be patching this back in because there was a crack along here so we're going to blend this back in here but see that it's plastered up here yeah just just get it all off there you go like that so it's all nice and neat around the edge usually and that's basically it I'm going to patch it above that door as well we're doing all the door heads so did you catch the main points the main points the main part of this video that I wanted to get across here was the time in between the first coats and the second coats that is what makes the crucial difference in making artex a pleasure to skim over and it being a nightmare to skim over we all know what it's like when it's sliding around and the RTX is poking through and it's it's all Rippling and you the artex is bleeding through because you blasters on thick in places and thin in other places where the artifacts is up and down you know the main point is to let it go right off but you can't let it go for the lines in it so that's why I use the speed skin so you want your first coat on thick you want to cover all the artex then you want to hit it with the speed skin if you haven't got a speed skim don't worry you can just use your trowel it's just a bit more work for you but you're going to flatten it off and then you're gonna leave it You're Gonna Leave It longer than you've ever imagined You're Gonna Leave plaster before because it's gonna you're gonna feel like you're losing it but you won't as long as it's flat and there's no big lines and it'll be fine now you don't want to start changing color you're not going to leave it that it's set you know you just want it to really be like it's too far gone to Trail up you know and where you normally have a cup of tea have three cups of tea once it's gone right in then when your second coat it's going to be a pleasure now I like to hit the speed skim again um not to replace trial and up as an extra step just to make it nicer you can't ever use a flexible tool to replace you know a solid steel tool so it's not a case that I'm going to speed skim it and then I don't have to trial it twice I use the speed skin it's an extra step but it just makes it nicer for you to do you don't have to do that part if you don't want to but I would speed skim it in between trowels am I making this more complicated than what it has to be probably am first coat it speed skim leave it leave it leave it wait wait a little bit longer second coat it flatten it in and trial it up as normal okay golden guys if you've enjoyed that and you appreciate the advice and you want to buy me a pint there's a link in the description I'd appreciate it very much thank you but there's no obligation so if you've enjoyed this video I do want you to like it I do want you to like press that Boop that little like button right I'm trying to I'm trying to flip and get me videos to beat YouTube's algorithms so I'd appreciate that if you've got any questions leave them in the comments if you want to give me your tips and advice or share your advice put them in the comments appreciate it all whatever you choose to do though thanks for watching
Channel: On the trowel
Views: 55,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: F1BBe-5CIdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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