SUPER EASY way to Fix Water Stains on Ceiling or Wall - Without Painting It!

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hi guys today i'm going to show you how to fix water stains on a ceiling without painting unless you're planning on painting the whole ceiling you absolutely never want to paint over a water stain or it ends up looking like this stain that you see here unless you know the original paint color for that ceiling it's really hard to find a matching paint color so you end up having a slightly darker or slightly whiter or slightly bluer color just highlighting where that water stain was and generally you can still see the outline of the water stain too so instead i'm going to show you how you can almost always completely get rid of a water stain which is a simple mix of bleach and water for this diy you're going to need just simple household bleach from your local grocery store and a clean empty water bottle that can spray a fine mist i ended up using about 1 3 bleach to two-thirds water i think you can go as high as about half bleach half water with that mixture just make sure that when you are ready to spray that you have the setting on the spray bottle set to the mist setting on the sprayer that mist setting will let you put an even light layer of the bleach and water mixture just on the spots where you want it also make sure that you're always rinsing the bleach off your hands as soon as possible or wearing gloves for this project so here is a water stain that is in my house right now i had an hvac guy do some work in my attic recently he made a mistake and i got water spots on two ceilings in my house so i'm going to start with this one this is actually the smallest spot but it is the darkest it has the darkest ring around it so for this one i went with right away layering on lots of light layers of that spray and i used a paper towel to sort of dab the extra water off i wanted that bleach to soak in but i didn't want tons of bleach just dripping but again be very careful i was just dabbing here i wasn't rubbing or doing anything that would ruin the finish on the paint or rub it off if you have a popcorn ceiling you absolutely do not want to rub or even dab that ceiling it's pretty easy to scrape that popcorn finish off so just spray onto the popcorn finish in your case and leave it as it is walk away and let it dry on its own also make sure that you are protecting your floor and any of your furniture around the room with a plastic drop cloth you don't want anything in your room to be bleached when you're trying to fix this problem so all of the work that you see happening on this spot happened in about four minutes so i have zoomed in a bit with the camera but again this is all happening in just four minutes that spot goes almost completely away so after the four minutes i do walk away i let it dry so i can see what's left after all of the moisture is out of the paint and i had a very faint ring left after that so i gave it a second coat of the bleach water solution and it's completely gone now so it worked perfectly but you can see just in four minutes how quickly that bleach spot is going away now i do want to say that if you have a ceiling that is painted in a collar other than white even if it's yellow this is probably not going to be the best solution for you because that bleach will lighten the paint so only use this option when you are working with a white ceiling otherwise you are going to end up having to probably paint the whole ceiling i don't know of anything else that can get rid of a water spot without altering the color of the paint and another little bit of bad news if someone or if you have already painted over a water spot this bleach fix will not work to get rid of the water stain on your ceiling once you have sealed that water stain with paint the bleach can't penetrate through that paint and it won't fix the problem so i'm sorry you are going to have to paint that ceiling in that case but once you paint it you will be happy and it will completely go away so here's a quick close-up look at um that water stain after four minutes of spraying bleach on it so this is the point where i left the stain and moved on to the next room and here's a quick reminder of what it looked like before i did it and here's a look at the water stains in the other room so there is a lot more going on in this room they're not quite as dark maybe that one on the right upper right is kind of dark there but um for this room since there's so much going on i didn't even dab any of these so the dabbing part was just something i was doing in the other room it's not necessary for this room i just sprayed on let it sit there for a few minutes sprayed the other areas and just kind of kept an eye on it and waited to see if if it was getting soaked in and evaporating i would go back and spray a spot just to make sure i was getting a good coverage again i did all of this in probably three or four minutes in this room moving the ladder around and getting a good spot for different spots areas that needed to be treated also make sure you're always wiping so this is close to a wall in this room make sure you're always wiping that bleach off the wall or you will have lightened paint in those areas if you have a wall that is not white make sure you're always wiping that bleach away with a clean wet rag i sped the work i'm doing up in this room by about three times so you can see the progress happen faster it's not necessary for me to do this one real time since i explained most of it in the last room but i wanted you to see how quickly this starts to happen again it is pretty quick i did layer this on a few times i let it dry overnight and then i came in the next morning and just sprayed the spots that still had any visible signs of water stains left behind luckily again in this room everything went away i think one spot needed three treatments but everything went away with just the bleach and water solution so now i can have a nice beautiful looking ceiling that i don't have to touch again until i decide to paint it one day another quick tip um this bleach solution in this room especially since there were so many water stains it does make quite a strong smell so no one was in this room for about 24 hours we let it air out completely i would definitely not want to sit in this room so just think about that before you do your treatment what time of day you're going to be able to do it who's going to be in and out of the room when you're doing it and try to work around that so a big area like this that room smelled like a swimming pool um for a day at least so just think about that and when you're planning how are you going to fix your room and here's that ceiling the next day looking great again so that's it for how to fix water stains on your ceiling if you have any questions please comment below and i'll try to answer them as soon as i can thanks guys for checking this out and good luck fixing your water stains
Channel: Abbotts At Home - DIY
Views: 1,212,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to fix water stains on ceiling, how to fix water stain on, get rid of water stains on ceiling, get rid of water stain on ceiling, how to get rid of water leak stain on ceiling, how to get rid of water leak stains, fix water leak stain on ceiling, water leak stain on ceiling, water leak stain removal, fix water stain without paint, fix water damaged ceiling, fix water damage stain ceiling, how to fix water stains on ceiling tile, water stain on ceiling but no leak
Id: C3O48RW5hCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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