Plastering Cheats Beginners Can Use ~ How To Plaster

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hello I'm Roger Bisbee from skill-builder I'm out today to help him I might bend my old friend Ben to do a bit of plastering now Ben is he used to help me when he was 16 he used to help me we forgot to do water mine's all sorts of things and then he had the very bright idea of becoming a professional photographer and traveling the world photographing glamorous women what's not to like about that so we're gonna plaster now I've got to say I'm not a plaster I'm a plumber and there are you know if you look at YouTube videos you look at the ones of me rendering and all the comments underneath from plasters saying you need to be lynched you know they really hate me plasters hate me and with good reason quite honestly they said why are you trying to teach I'm gonna do it you don't even know how to do it yourself well the idea is if I can do it you can do it yeah I know I can do it you can do it and I'm gonna show you a few things which the skillet make it a bit easier for you so we're gonna start off with something very very simple which is skimming this past the board wall now you could tape and joint it quite honestly and you could do a possible job but actually there's a few lips in here there's a few discrepancies and also we've got a join here let me get a straightedge we'll just borrow this one bin if we can from now this is your shower profile right so if we go here and we go across to there we can see that from there and there but pretty good right move that up very slightly but across that edge there you can see there's a gap of what 10 mil so that is too much to make up with the skin plaster so if we put the skin part on if we put the multi finished plaster which is what we're going to use on this wall we would have the devil's own job to try and make that up so we would either have to accept the fact that we come along there and we sweep out very slightly which is not the end of the world people do that all the time but what we're going to do is we're going to fill that in with a bit of bonding and then against the white for a while to that bonding dries that it goes off a bit sets because otherwise you're getting bubbling up but hopefully I won't be too long and then we go over with a skin coat all right and basically all I'm we're gonna do result through it and you just shadow me whatever I do you do better okay fantastic sounds good all right first thing Ben that you gotta learn if your plaster is that all right ah man look right this is just bonding we're putting on now the bonding is really the base coat you can use the bonding the name suggests it sticks to anything it really is good so we'll say so the only place we're gonna put this bonding on is across here we need some tape across this joint yeah but would put a bit of bonding on there first if your right hand they do normally start on the left side of the wall and work your way across it's just the way it works okay but obviously this what wouldn't it now doing is we're trying to fill in that up about there and we'll get straightedge and we'll check it okay so all you need to do take a bit of plaster on your trail now we've got a clean floor here and the great thing about having a clean floor is if you've never plaster before you're going to drop some of it on the floor that's inevitable so a clean floor means that we can scoop it up and reuse it if you've got grit on the floor if you've got any kind of dirt on the floor and leave that plaster on the floor don't try and use it not so bad with a base coat but once you start doing the finish coat if you're picking up grit then you're away with it yeah you'll get all kinds of lines in there see you're pretty good it's quite fun yeah keep it that way yeah into the wall and up and then you avoid what I've just done just imagine your your trowel is staying at that plane that's it beautiful that's it no just hit the wall just for that last minute as you go on yep you turn it but by that time it's falling onto the wall so yeah good so it's here it's there and this home okay if you do that have you finished that off for me I'll have to go and get some more yeah you can do that yeah yeah absolutely do that yeah that's good what are we doing just stick it on keep sticking it on don't worry too much no let's get more on here I'll show you where we're trying to get to with it in a minute and you got that on but I've got a straight edge here this is called a speed skin we're going to use this stability speed skin that needs cleaning up like Maire before I use a framing so we just go like that you can see now Oh getting a bit more there well it's a bit more there yeah they just build it out there and once we do that we should just go like that on the whole thing see what I say about these skilling things like that anybody can do right so you're kind of actually you I'm worried about it only to worry this but this thing is going to do all of that yeah it was invented by a plasterer yeah yeah those are feather edges they're good as well but this well you'll see that this just moves the past well around the bit better well speed skims the skies who hype them and those guys that love them yeah yeah so that's a speed skin that's the speed skill plastic it's best to get paid to do a nano minimum they do this or they do a stainless steel one as well we won't need that yeah I think we need a huge amount more but maybe the same again so I thought this is enough yeah it's not too bad yeah for this bit we're just doing like this people don't always have a ball today we saw that out in a minute yeah behind the skirting so we're not too worried just no no you just--come slightly wrong again all right that's all right now because that's what happens right now sir hang on you've been all put here okay right so stay there it's easy to get it wrong because you know you go away you come back right so you got your chip the hope there your trail there you're picking up off the back all right so don't pick up in the corner pick up Turner so know what turn the hall so that it's facing how you want it right the hope moves all right so say there's no need for you to go around there you can just turn your walk to where you want yeah so go like that go like that on the wall just like that just like it all right that's it lovely trip yeah I was always using a weird angle you can use it as a weird angle but by the end by the end of the day you've been twisting your hand around you can feel it going off it's stuff already con you and that's good because we want to get on we want to get the next coat on sometimes a plaster will bond out and do all these bond in one day and then go back on the next day now just have a look at this Ben yeah and I see you've just in the way of a camera there just have a look at this age oh okay Tommy's up we just need to get rid of some of that so so what we need bit of this bit of that yeah yeah just take off anything that looks like a big bump yeah so it should be all right you can see we'll just get that on we don't want to load the whole wall okay if that's smooth them yeah that's fine so at some point we need to stop pause in the gaps that's all right we sawed those those off yeah we don't worry about them with this because right they can do but we don't need to and we want to put up with a scrim on so what I would say is that ceilings a bit gappy okay keep the ceiling as it is yeah we left to get a wet brush on it in a minute you just like cleaning it off so we let our tech specials you know I should think on the age of the house that's very unlikely but what I'd say is don't bother trying to sand it off in fact it doesn't oh yeah is all ticks some kind of textured cement based texture plug from there is what I used to call politics right this is weave this is the arc so don't sound it basically if I'm doubt don't i braid it just go straight over it would plaster right and again you could write with the edge of a spots and then and then a skimmer PVA could we use PVA in all the wrong situations my pet one is web web plasters use it on external rendering I've had arguments with him now PP I just think it's not an even waterproof PDI isn't waterproof right the only reason it's waterproof is if you in caps I sit in the cement so if you mix out as the slurry in the cement and put it on a lot of plasticizers on it it's fine it works fine but if you if you just paint it on the wall and think that you can just render straight onto that you've actually put a layer of stuff which will really multiply as it gets wet even then you're really multiply and it will actually weaken the bond between the render and the the substrate so the thing to use thing to use is twice as expensive but the thing to use is something called SBR which is wooden I mean do I'd say you could render straight onto a piece of glass roof yeah if you used SBR have been nothing nothing will stop you now it's good we need some screen type here you got some screen somewhere I'll stick it on the wall night stick it on the wall that's my trick but hey I'll Bend just before you go yeah as I certainly to clean this up a bit my sweets give me a little bit all right so we just go down there with it and that's why it's best to put enough on then just help it off let's just take my white walls out take them out the way and then yeah absolutely you can see where the hollow spot is there there's a little bit there been that we need to say okay sure yeah if you can just grab a bit yeah it's hard doing these like adjustments yeah is that right color of it yeah that's fine that's fine let's just run that speed skim the thing about the speed scheme is you can just angle it as you could see right so if you angle it there you're moving off the high spots into the low spots that's how we can do that really need the trowel to do that bit work that we all whoop switch the light on as well okay yeah the thing was just tied in that top up we decide you don't brush it as well I only to get the pastor out of the thing yeah there are too much mate I just just run it across that's it maybe this way yeah yeah this agency is to go too slow wanna be too close yeah don't worry this is the mistake everybody makes when they do pass when does I think they've got to get it smooth right you spend ages messing around one small area so they get it smooth how am I gonna get these lines out you know you've never used the trail before and you're trying to get the lines out like you can't do it but well I'm going to show you is that you don't have to do it because I'm going to show you a couple of magic techniques which I would say means that anybody could learn to place that in a day and I think that's what we're gonna call the title of this video learn to plaster in a day okay absolutely yeah and then on a scrap heap but now this isn't about list list let's be fair this isn't about doing a whole room yeah yeah we've never done any passing before do not take on a whole room but it's gonna be a lot of jobs maybe there's small areas a bit of damage or something needs doing where you think okay watch this video I think I'll have a go it is and it's best to start on something doesn't matter maybe inside the cupboard or wherever you like just get the hang of it you're never gonna produce your best result first time out but a lot of people very encouraged like with the rendering video so you know what watch a rendering video let go and it's fine yeah you know so someone should take your time well I'm sorry interesting thing for me always is there's one thing about it not being visually perfect so long as it's technically done the right way ie is not going to fall off again yeah and that's the bit you don't often know yeah I think you're right the other thing you can do is light is very important so what we want to do is put the harshest light on this in a minute we'll put a side light on it would get raking light and you'll be able to see any imperfections sort them out while it's wet there are plasters around we do something with those later maybe but there are plasters around which are easy sand plasters ready mix these hand passes very very forgiving so if you get trowel mops you know you can just wrap over it [Music] [Music] so what you're gonna go over there been spirit on this side all right okay doesn't matter anyway you were like all right let's just get it on the wall my friend yeah that's it what you've done with the bond didn't you can do with this now keep the trail the same yeah yeah what I do is one up and then turn the trail backs like then go down again you see so you're using the leading edge on the way up and then the package on the way down and that's it all right first day on the job bed but before you're gonna be in a week you're gonna be the owning the big money yeah I just got to say because there'd be people watching this who will be thinking and on that why is a photographer and he's messing about doing up houses and all the rest of it it would seem to many people watching this yep that that job of traveling around the world photographing very glamorous women there's gotta be the better job of it so [Laughter] really fix that might let's hope the whole lot doesn't drop off that maybe in that was too much heat on that bit yeah you know we were blasting it because it wasn't right not fast enough you're trying to hurry it up a bit weren't with that fan heater I think but the thing is you know you can never tell with plaster one day you get an old bear its off within five minutes you get a bit of dirty water contaminated water that I'll send it off really fast so I've got to keep everything clean but in our case we could have done a little bit of contamination to just try and move it on a bit what they've done is they spent years and years make him pass that easier to use you can work on boy they're more forgiving you can bring it back a bit spray in a bit of water on it you know yeah it's all that kind of thing so there probably aren't that many products out there which are trying to speed it up again but you can speed it up how many years ago under the guise no now if you want to get it on there you want to get home and you're waiting for it to go off I mean we've worn this one out considerably now as you can probably feel probably working up a sweat yeah yeah yeah I think it's all good isn't it it's all work and everything you do in life is experience this is a speed skin a lot of plasters hate these but the guy that invented them he said the main advantage of these is that if you're a pastor I knew on that trail all day long you imagine doing that 20-30 years you can all roads are exactly that repetitive strain injury you need some rest but you need something else to do so using this means that instead of having to travel this whole life lap we just get this I'd say we could have done this an earlier stage because it's gone off a bit we're not looking to trowel it up we're looking to take the high spots off move the high spots on to the low spots yeah so you can see if you go along it you can see that was a bulge there we're taking that bulge out by put in the that's all right okay yeah so you can see if it's a high spot there which there is okay yeah it's just gonna be behind the skirting we'll just take that pin off take it up at a more acute angle if there's a low spot there we can put it back on just by altering the angle if we find a low spot anywhere else which there is I can see if you look through you can see a little bit of light of light through there which means that we can go like that and we can put that back on do I have a go over this pin yeah you're going fairly sharp with that but that's fine your fault no no no no it's the angle if you go so flat even if you go acute you're going to take stuff off right so if there's a if there's a high spot and you feel you want to get rid of a hot spot doe like that and you will get rid of the high spot if you want to put stuff on like you might think there's a low spot there like there is definitely a low spot so do that and we'll get a trowel and if you point them out to me I'll fill them in if you like just there okay okay jump over then and are or stick your finger in the face so oh yeah you can see it going off like mad Kanye yeah well we had to get it going off and it was really really slow wasn't it we would have been here for hours waiting it for it to go off which is because it's a fresh bag and ironically because we did everything right you know and sometimes that works right where else my friend what there I think you're probably right put you put it straight there John so straight-edged just put it on right do it the other way around right so give us a bullet scoreline on it all right yeah if you press you against a wall if you see a continuous line all right down you know you get pretty good yeah quite honestly I think that's good enough okay so now we've done there and that's pretty smooth actually is pretty good yeah is there was a step in that wall yeah yeah well we took that out with the bonding first of all but now I suppose now it's gone completely here yeah yeah that's that's right we finished what that space Kim yep so what I must do is clean it properly so that it's good for the next job because last time I got left okay so what I want to show you now is what people would generally do with this is pastors traditionally they would push their finger in there to go look it's already gone off you can't get a dent in yeah so then they would go and second coat it so that's a thinner lighter runny a code which you just run over the whole thing now we've done that to a little extent because we were losing it you know on those hotspots as it were but I think the whole things calm down now the other alternative the second coating is called sponge floating and this is a sponge from Rafina you can pick these up so car anywhere else but the difference this one is a finer texture you can get a course of one which I use on rendering outside okay so it's important to get the one that's for plaster okay now your reckon that's smooth yeah so what I'm going to do is I'm going to spoil it here and in doing that yeah see it takes any high spots I need some water hang on I've got spray out here somewhere yep we've got plenty of water there yeah but so what I do is I use this sprayer you can do anything that guys you don't really want to splash shallow the water on it because if you do it all run down the wall doesn't help you here so just fry it but don't let it start running okay it's just the sprays just to help the sponge move yeah because that sponge is you can feel it's hard work in fact give the sponge of it will spray as well and all we're doing is filling in the hollows hey and so what do I do flat on the wall try it give it a go just see how you feel it it's not great to use it first where do you want to go tell me where you're going come back up here yeah tell you what you follow my spray okay that's almost like it so is it like sanding yeah it's taking the hot spots off moving the any yes excess goes into the low spots so instead of having to go around second coating and filling in everywhere that's it so when that's done yeah that would be flat but unfortunately it will be textured yes which is probably not what you want I quite like you as a finish do you know what it's not bad you could you could get away with that you could get away with it quite honestly if you needed to so you could say that's it that's the end of the job but there's more to it we can do more with it how you doing all right yeah up here a bit so you can this really interesting as you can see these spots yeah appearing for you that's right go that's it that's all you need sponge frog yeah so it's not hard action I think I shouldn't be pushing on no no what I think the thing is mate is sticking a bit so it's happening they yeah it's one of my things I'm not fully used to one being sponge floating for that long but I've decided it's the way forward because saves you a whole process saves you you know I can save it half an hour off and it just is there something else a different activity than running it in with the trail and it's as flat as flat that's the other thing because when you fill pass the balls and you just feel them with your hand you can feel your bumps and when you put a light upper going to the wall and then you look at the wall a lot of the time you'll see Whipple's in it with this sponge float you don't see any ripples at all the whole thing is absolutely flat more water no I decided to feel it now it feels counterintuitive because like why would you want to be messing them all up and it's really interesting is definitely doing this reviews making me a lot braver well what's the worse who can happen we both get the sack that lunch you served up while we were waiting for the bonding to dry if that wasn't you to serve the Arby's Angus the cameraman wasn't it multi-skilled men it's beautiful that's the only one not covered in plaster well how much more don't worry about these little divots is that is that it's exactly what if you couldn't cure them get them but if you can't we will get them on the next process right yeah there's always more at the door my friends right this is my trowel here do them do anything you like do anything you like so long as you're at the end of it you can see that you've yeah so what we're looking for is there yeah just to lay any material back in there I'm going to finish up with a loan that we've taken off strictly speaking we shouldn't be taking anything off now because we've sponge floated it and we know it's flat alright so you can play with this and quite honestly it's just a little bit too wet at the moment this trowel into the how is it okay so you want to use this use this one this is the gold one this is nice it's a good one well they're both good but ones bigger ones more of a lying on trail trail tell you what while you're doing that if it all falls off the wall shell yeah but I think you're doing okay I'm gonna wash this sponge flow because if I don't wash it and that pass it dries it's going over for that okay they're only about 18 quid yeah if you feel it needs it but at the moment I think it's not quite gone off enough it's a warrant that I'll just use that sponge flowed again fun enough yeah I think that's good enough my look the only thing that really concerns me is all these bubbles yeah yeah that's the only thing that's put me off now but we're gonna try and push those back into the wall as it sets they should pull back here if they done if in the end you find a few just rub them very lightly you might not even use Sampo we might just wet them up and just rub them with your australe here just brighten water on them just rub them with you to the trowel let's see what happens you know but you get rid of them if you sand if you have to but I'm hoping after all right don't forget that bit has a bit up there yeah yeah okay Cheers see in a minute [Music] these are Neela flex trousers are from Germany beautiful in actual fact they don't cost that much money in terms of like marshal towns and so on where you could pay 50 quid I'd pay thirty four quid for these this is plastic right yeah now I can see your face you're going off first ago a lot about plastic think about plastic you can get on it sooner without dragging the plaster off so if you go on it too soon with the other ones you find that it's once the sucker passed off so look at me that one just have a go with that it's flexible wedges on it they are Neela Neela flicks Neela trail that's the Neela one well just try it you don't really need any so just try it and you'll see what happens here oh wow this feels now for an amateur do you think can you justify spending that kind of money a 34 quid on a trowel but actually to get the job done and you enjoy using it well I just think you know a speech scheme and a couple of good things that's what I've got is my cheap trail the hawk didn't know they actually know the hoax all right yeah so let's saw it just jump out so so Angus could see what so this he's got these lovely type of flexible wedges and you've got to be careful not to Nick them right get a little dent in them so you have to store well the other thing you can do is you just run a stone down it or a bit of wet dry a bit of a memory I mean I'm able to bring it back yeah it's just so so if you feel it and with your bare finger and you feel a little Nick's in anything okay time to time to give it a dress up but the other thing you can do is you can just simply slide that out and put a new blade in it yeah so the new blades about 12 quid no because it's got to be that hammer and the other thing I've shown this to a few plasterers who have never even seen it on I've got a mate who's been plastering for the best part of 35 years and has never even heard of an either flex hope or Neela trial so I don't know what he's been doing but he definitely doesn't mean I'm gonna fast in forums because they talk about them all the time on their I love it I bought it I mean I'm not faster and I thought something that a lot of plasters think twice about buying and I think why if you're earning good money I mean compared to plumbing it's compared to plumbing how many toys is a plaster gotta buy none okay so that's one okay oh no no that's fine you carry on winner this is the other one this is the Miele flex trail we've got any water there something there something no look at that well is that like stainless and look how flexible is Fendi as hell yeah Wow now this is really nice last knockings okay you never put past blonde with it you'd never do anything with it it's actually got rounded edges on it which is really beautiful because it saves those little Nick's in the plaster I'm the last thing you're gonna do is that as a service to suffer it slightly with his bubbles but no they pull in I'm pretty sure most on will pull in oh really yeah as it dries leaving them yeah yeah as it dries off we'll come back over it alright just feel probably not even ready for this trail yeah but just give it a go because it's lovely that's lovely but that's also lovely just be hard with it put pressure on it yeah just floats across isn't it this is special no it's from Germany New York trails here there's other people doing those trails Sox and Marshalltown do I like the Neela only because I saw people raving about it on the pastures forums I thought I've got to give that a go well you know why because I've had arguments with plasters you know they're giving me a hard time over it all and they're gonna give me a hard time over this beauty sport absolutely set them on fire this because he got you can't last win in a day I know you and I know you can't but you got yourself a Joe well we're gonna to see how you get on on the other wall on your honor but yeah now you know you know you would carry on now and do a good job yeah look at that I say the only trouble the only reason we're not looking at perfection there is that bubble which is not anything that we could do much about because there was the pressure of getting the job done because I can't travel you know that's the problem can't travel back here to finish it so but it's fine isn't it that's amazing I think what's really interesting I think is definitely for the first for my first time doing it there's a couple of things that really threw me off which was one working quickly to get it on roughly and to cover the wall so I'm working too slowly okay and try them do it too nicely Newman you were pushing me along to get here get it covered to get the coverage on there and then when you've got it on there and you've got it reasonably flat you're not worried too much because you then get on with the sponge flow yeah and then you rip it all up again yeah and get it back and then you're like oh and then the speed skimmers well Jimmy says that sponge float is just filling in the hollows taking out the bumps and giving you something that is absolutely flat but not smooth and that is the key and that's where people get confused those two words are not interchangeable flat is not smooth and smooth is not flat yeah yeah yeah so you can get it smooth but it's going like this yeah you don't want it smooth arguably well in the end you wanna smoke but what I'm saying is that people who say I will it's smooth it's nothing smooth cut any marks in it but actually it's like this when you put that light on it the raking light on it and you look at it and you will just see ripples along it and you know I defy you good it's as soon as people put wall lights up in their house you know they don't do it so much no but I used to put wall lights up soon as they put the wall lights out together oh my God look at that look at that walrus like that so yeah okay that's also what I would say they need but the beginning of starting this I was trying to make it smooth you know very natural fact you were just making it flat absolutely and then the end we liked it yeah yeah because that last bit making it smooth is not half as hard when it's flat yeah so if we confused you enough for this little video now we're gonna watch Ben do his bit next door and see how he gets on [Music] [Music] [Music] watch do you wanna come have a look my own DIY first on my own now it didn't give yourself a big wall here did you but actually a little awkward one because he assists Akina it's stuck in a ceremony that's good I'll tell you what mate it's good and and the other thing that works quite well you get a wet brush yeah just get a wet paint brush and just run it run it down the edge so I'm what we did in the ceiling next door yeah yeah that's it and then you're there I thought you know I want to see look at that look blimey that's a billiard table wall whatever you call it isn't it it's pretty very flat surface here and it stands this way that's wrong it's moving flat so that's the two things smooth flat I project Bisbee thanks for watching this video I hope you found it interesting bring it on you class those I know you want to comment so get going let's fill those comment boxes up with a war with another argument and if you want to see another how to video on skill builder we got a lot of those we've also got tool tests and all the usual things we do so come back and see us soon and if you're not a subscriber if you become a subscriber I keep saying this but it helps us it helps us if you like the videos if you share them and if you subscribe and you press that little bell in the top right hand corner we will automatically notify you whenever a video comes up on skill-builder and there's a lot of them coming up thank you for teaching me to play you were the day you were on it now yeah finish this off yeah yeah absolutely what do you want to use the Nayla flex on the user if you run it [Music]
Channel: Skill Builder
Views: 761,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Plaster in One Day, learn how to plaster course, Learn How to Plaster, plastering, learn plastering, learn how to plaster a wall, plastering for beginners, plastering walls, how to plaster, how to plaster a wall, plaster a wall, Nelaflex, beginners, plastering tips, how to plaster drywall, how to plaster drywall joints, how to plaster drywall youtube, how to plaster drywall seams, board finish, render, finising, plastering walls fast, Speedskim, Thistle Bonding Coat Plaster
Id: zCzoOLxWRtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 40sec (2560 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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