Art Challenge: DRAW with a MOUSE!

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give allies and gentlemen welcome to draw with jaz-o i'm Jezza and today I'm going to be doing boudoir okay let's try that again get allies and gentleman welcome to draw with jazz are I'm jazzy and today I'm gonna be completing the draw with a mouse challenge now I was trying to be a glutton for punishment and actually purchased to trackball old janky Mouse's and no matter what I do they're not working so not then this is my actual Mouse it's actually a really good Mouse that the Logitech performance MX hashtag not sponsored this means I have no pressure sensitivity I'm in Photoshop and I'm gonna give you a benefit of seeing my little secondary camera here the whole time so you can just rest assured that I'm not cheating that sounds cocky that sounds like I'm getting you to expect this to be really good that being said I have no idea what to draw and because I'm doing this live on Twitch I'm going to let them vote on what I'll be drawing today what will I draw a mouse to a mutant a dragon what else we got octopus car the Joker your mum what a few people have said jezus so my avatar all right Chris chat are voting and the winning vote is octopus at 33 votes so I'm going to now attempt to draw an octopus with my mouse let's make this happen it's important to start off with your construction so I'll be using my custom photoshop brushes not that they will make any difference I obviously can't lightly sketch oh man this is Tara I'm trying to draw a circle what does an octopus look like I should probably look it up octo means eight oh this is gonna be awful I wish there was a way to sketch I tell you what I'm gonna bring the flow to 20 does that make a difference yeah that makes it look sketchy all right it's good nice and stylistic real cartoony I'll give em a big waving friendly hand over here it's difficult because the tentacles like get better in the thicker Everlong I draw oh come on guys that's a pretty solid foundation except there's one two three four five six legs okay this is a sector person is that so what is called six six six tries through duo's to try quad is four that's five pent what six it spent pentagram is but nope enters Pentagon pin that's five what six hex Hanks it's a hex of course there we go octopus yeah alright this is a pretty good foundation look at that I'm even coloring in who oh like a pro that's the construction now let's get to our line work so obviously this is gonna be a bit more difficult I'm gonna zoom in so that my lines are smoother I'm gonna take my time with each line now obviously there's no precious sensitivity so I can fake this by drawing small lines and then drawing big lines I have that the shortcut set to G and H so I can go up and down in size pretty quickly alright that's not bad I'll keep that I don't want to jinx it this is really tense and I'm gonna get carpal tunnel doing this I'm even gonna fake a line width variation by erasing the tail end of some brush strokes like this look at that yeah that for some fanciness so it was like it was drawn with a digital tablet almost oh man my wrist is really cramping up now okay we're making progress fill BAM oh yeah I did the wrong way around Phil hey that's what I was trying dude okay so we're doing that first tentacle what I'm just trying to it's trying to keep one long stroke nope okay that nope nope ah sorry difficult why did you have to pick octopus nailed it I'm a sneaky bastard I'm even faking line with variation whoo and how are we doing doing okay some of these are thicker than others but that's it's bad to happen I think that's like the outline done I'm gonna zoom out see what that looks like that's pretty good guys oh do you know what I'm feeling confident I'm feeling cocky I'm gonna add some detail here challenge what challenge this was easy I eat challenges like this for breakfast yeah take it back this is being difficult again I'm flailing around in this challenge between overconfidence and struggling I do suction cuppy things that they have at the feetsies how do you take a breath I'm genuinely not breathing and when I'm drawing a long lines I'm like okay breathe so now a magic one selecting all the areas underneath so I don't go over the lines and I'm just gonna bring the brush size down and draw lots of little circles I need a break sitting in everyone's asking me to draw the octopus with a top hat so I'm gonna draw a top hat once I finish these details I think when you draw with a mouse the expectation is that everything is really flat and lines look all sort of uninteresting and flat and that's why it's difficult but you vary the size of the line and taper the ends using your eraser and do little tricks like having thick lines and then using thin lines for details like this and then the end the result is you can actually create an illusion of an image that looks like it was drawn with the tablet or with a you know with pressure sensitivity because you can create your own line width variation okay so that's the detail added now I'm gonna add a top hat cuz why not okay there's my top hat let's give him a bowtie I'm feeling confident guys now I'm gonna hide my construction I'm gonna select everything outside of my octopus and color it in okay so that's that I'm gonna add sunbeams so it's a gradient and do that add a blur filter now I need to add some octopus colors so let's make him a cute purple select the white areas and we have the tongue and then lastly the top hat and tie and then I'm gonna try one last thing to finish it off and be a little bit fancy I'm going to select the inside of all of his skin area I'm going to remove down I'm gonna see what it looks like if I fill it in with a brighter color there you go and add some highlights just like that I can erase the ones that don't make sense there you go I drew an octopus with nothing but a mouse I hope you enjoyed this I think I think this video is either a promotion for my skill or for the Logitech MX because I'm happy with how this turned out there as make sure to LIKE this video if you have an and subscribe to join our awesome creative community here and tell you what if this video does well enough that the Adsense pays for a new old Mouse because I'm gonna be honest you can buy like trackball Mouse's off of ebay for like you know 40 bucks or something so if this videos Adsense earns me enough to buy a proper trackball mouse I'll do that and I'll do this challenge with a real handicap until then I think I earned this guy's I think I owned it I'm sorry I need to stop eating idiot anyways thanks for joining the ladies and gentlemen and until next time I'll see you later thanks for watching make sure to subscribe to my channel for new content every week if you want to support my work and get some goodies for yourself head over to my store for archives ebooks digital brushes video courses and more if you enjoyed this video here's a link to another video you might like from this channel and if you want even more make sure to check out all my behind-the-scenes action on my vlog channel daily Java draw with Jazza is proudly sponsored by Adobe join the creative cloud today and get loads of incredible creative tools like Photoshop anime Premiere Pro and other apps for your computer or mobile device that's it for now thanks for joining the arty party and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 1,898,725
Rating: 4.9513636 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, game design, media, newgrounds, armor games, flash, humor, drawing, how to draw, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), tutorial, Artist, Painting, Educational, Software Tutorial, CS6
Id: FNZGwgr4Gec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 13 2016
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