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say she went stepping out for a second come to talk with me back of the truck sure I usually don't smell yeah quit smiling you're going to jail [Music] say anything over there yeah I don't know yet oh there's probably worth a look I said it's probably worth a look anyway yeah on Valentine's think it's a whole stack of them dudes in here watch yourself you got [Music] let's have batteries in them batteries are decently valuable as far as scrap another battery [Music] a couple of bags of chips [Applause] that looks like that's gonna do it oh you gotta get out of this thing okay did you get that battery I dropped over here oh okay all right not too bad we got a couple of batteries and a couple little snacky peas oh yeah some pet dumpster actions we were here last week and we scored pretty good we found that tuner that tuner thing they've ended up being pretty valuable that was kind of cool nothing in there and then nothing there oh man did you look through these packs [Music] yeah did you rip this whatever oh wait we got here some shoes [Music] the heck is that okay watch a cat eat you plant stuff all right there's the bottom maybe we should take my clothes off I'll be cautious there's something else right there see it under monitor we're out of here [Music] well we got in this and ripped up a bag over there mr. Z she says she sees something we'll check it out oh okay yes what I'm seeing as the back through this page that's all their balance usually whenever they throw out merchandise they just throw it in the dumpster not in a bag move this one out of the way right here yep I didn't see anything let's keep moving that's like a big old display dude yeah a pretty good cord on it I don't have a knife on me or anything do I no I don't see if she's got anything over here all right we are rolling up all the good will you yeah see that she's a big old painting station maybe either some hair dye [Music] [Music] there's some old vinyls yeah we'll take those old vinyls and we'll go throw them back at the house more hair dye yes plates yeah those are my keys yeah I like that seems to be quite a bit of good stuff in this Christmas tree like box good safety goggles got to scratch that the battery compartment looks okay on that good kitchen rags okay we're done whoops is a game store and a pool company that we frequent where would one even get a bag move it all let's see here for the past couple of times we have been to this particular can the bags of dog food have been slid open [Music] really she's in the can oh you're in there right down here the purple bag of treats or something go ahead and put this on the truck at least was it anything there's something in there it looks like oh cool hold that corner okay they're quite a bit yondu also as I'm serve or okay I got you a box right here oh hey everyone Thank You snot wearing gloves no your hands are just extra shiny that's pretty cool last time we heard really cool last time last time we were here we found two 50-pound bags of dog food that were viciously slashed so it's nice to come back and see a couple of items that I've destroyed you got a dick for it a little bit but that's okay if anyone leaves any comments about wearing gloves we're just gonna assume that you're talking about Stacy what do you got since I'm inside itself oh my god why what is that yeah that's good cool keep digging honey just keep digging just keep digging anything else [Music] you might double-check that bag I was looking for if there was a bag of dog food in there maybe I've heard overlooked something else okay let's watch Stacey one there's something heavy in there huh No there's the way that in here okay now we're gonna watch Stacey gracefully exit the dumpster all right so we've got some cat food some itch cream for Kitty's small bag of cat food and small bag of dog food cool not too shabby not so brother I should just in case we came across any meat while we were out and about I guess we could go ahead and check this one while we're here okay there's any milk crates on this one is the milk crate dumpster check this guy and keep forgetting my dumpster stick as we made our move I can't seem to locate it a bunch of dog food okay [Music] alright cuz it looks pretty dadgum empty Dixon well there's more stuff in there there down in the bottom [Music] I guess I need to check what I grabbed on the outside of this there was something that looks like some min old Chuck [Music] what's up decent like furniture pieces in here some gun boxes I want a new gun oh that's that's new that's crazy I thought I saw something on the outside when we first pulled up the whole dadgum wall filled up we have not been to this string adventures in quite a while yeah we used to find stuff around this particular area like constantly I looks gross though we quit there just one shoe and all these boxes they might even be a there's a pair there's the other shoe to that other one yeah take that dude look at that those are nice monkeys yes we haven't been here in so long anything anything oh my gosh Stacey this is this is a nice freak that's poor out of you yeah I know this will give you the Fox oil there those are some freakin boss kicks Wow Nikes and that's crazy I know it's a Nike I thought it was damaged or something I know I freaking know where are they where you say little baby shoes there's brand new bet brand new backpacks these empty now it's crazy talk about some more shoeboxes well here we go I'll just take this whole case yeah you can you can just take them Stu manda Hades Oh hold that box it's so crazy alright my back hurts so bad yes this is insane did you this one broken somebody told me that you can get pretty good money for knocking boxes on eBay we don't really sell on eBay very much that's insane I don't know how much of those shoes are gonna be matches or not we'll have to see it's yet to be determined but you know we could all use any pair of shoes was a look at it and see oh my gosh we got new backpacks that's so killer that's so heavy dude yeah there's several there's a couple they don't have to fight yeah yeah dude we don't know what all we have here yet we have to wait until we get home - I told say see if we can find like three pairs of shoes out of here I'll be happy but I know there's gonna be way more than that we just gotta dig and like like check out those slides those are pretty cool let's get out of this area and yeah well sort it out then look at all these stinking shoes I know I'm just making sure that everything's not gonna blow out like here's here's a pair right no those are different no those are so cool those are freaking slick I don't know I saw it in there though I think I just lost it there that's right here okay yeah those shoes will fit can play no problem there's some vans maybe we can find me some bands look at all these shoes we don't know what we have yet we got to get home ones they're a different color too so we don't know what we have these may be different sizes watch it get home and see just making sure that isn't gonna blow out on the way home we don't have too far to go thankfully how about those are they two different sizes yes that's okay we'll check it out when we get home let's roll the police department Riza actually he had stopped is something flew out a back your truck back you did it yeah and then I'm looking back your truck and now I see no I do not we just knew so I got to change my information like that can work for me yeah tell what it was it looked like it was a ball or something what's your new address it is I gotta change it yeah if everything checks out I'll just be away someone hasn't wake up and wonder why there's a shoe or ball whatever it was in their front that I care that's what we do surprise is able to spot the freaking camera and all the other job I know we got a lot of junk we can't do if we do that we can go to jail Aaron Mari say she might stepping out first second come the top of these bag the truck sure I don't believe you do but you're everything I need to worry about on you do [Music] oh is it able to be played if you got any go to smartphone just go to youtube and look up curbside junkies and you'll curbside junkies know so you got all the snacks and whatnot that came out - yeah everything that thoughtful I bet it was my panel oh yes cantaloupe yes said it was a bacon I've got dogs May 2016 I mean it's is it already uploaded this one's not but there's about Adam can't you pull it up would you get this stuff don't your davon yeah they just throw this stuff out I've got the whole they doing it like a certain time or something I don't know like wait what's up man what's your name Adam that's a boot up front originally well haven't ID'd him oh we got some babies in the back yeah what is that oh my looks like almost like an something from a nightmare [Music] yeah that game that's all painted the mouth and everything yeah man for you too it's you see you know you you roll up on something it just looks weird you know really does it so legit no fair no and I have no problem explain Atticus [Applause] kids asleep in the back you might be active you know just hey just cuz I had to pull you back here and ask about this there's no way for you to play that tape right now is there boss would you mind showing it to me just so I can have my peace of mind yeah quit smiling you're going to jail alright so we've made it back to the house look at all of these shoes so many there's probably 50 pairs of shoes maybe even more here's a whole box of shoes there's some more over there but there was a bit of a problem Stacy almost went to jail for one yeah that was pretty fun but in all seriousness though everything you see here and there and over there is no match it was kind of too good to be true everything you see here is like look at this monster you know what size that is this huge but everything you see here is either two left feet or two right feet or maybe a left and a right but they're a different size or style so that's kind of unfortunate that's a lot that happens it happens but listen it's okay what we're gonna do is hold on to these shoes for a couple of weeks and we're gonna keep checking the dumpster and maybe maybe they will if they don't does anybody know have any good ideas I want to do with these shoes cuz I don't now you've seen the ones that weren't matches let us show you exactly what we pulled that were actually good same size left and right matches because we did get some it's too bad those weren't those are like this for instance that's two left feet so it's a bit unfortunate but that's ok it happens it was a lot of fun and it was exciting fun and all and we we did still get some shoes so not a big deal ok so after what feels like hours of matchmaking this is what we ended up with as far as the matches good probably what do we have 11 12 12 so 12 pairs out of maybe a hundred all right it was a lot of work digging these things out but it was just as much work sorting through that whole mess of shoes that we showed you but we got some good stuff I've got some flip-flops here hopefully those will fit me I'm in need of a good pair of flops no those will fit me though yeah check that up we got some shoes here those much for their bare these are pretty nice we got some Sperrys we got what are these Nikes we've got some Nikes and we found some in the dumpster just like this not too long ago they were used stuff yeah we got these little boots these frilly little things I don't know what kind they are to you what size - Sarah where Sarah lives van okay those are sweet I like vans well they fit her or no these guys a seven for a new paper inside brand-spanking-new so what they did was they got all mixed up finding the lift in the rice they trashed him yeah if you're willing it doesn't smell bad if you're willing to spend the time that's worth it I'm pretty happy with it these are pretty cool - some felis those are nice there's some there's some straight-up sick shoes in here that I wish so bad would have been complete but unfortunately they weren't okay so we're gonna hold on to them for a couple of weeks see if maybe they throw out anymore as for that that is the haul not too bad pretty freakin cool I would also like to add that today is my birthday and daddy got a new pair of shoes - I've got the flux and the nice yeah I'm wearing a pair of Stacy socks and they go all the way no wonder the cuffs that we had just burglarized a department store and we also found these backpacks got the Pokemon backpack I think we have three we have three of those total we got the Nike backpack that's really nice and then you guys already know who's nuts about paw Patrol don't you that's going to my little nephew he's gonna love that in that cool awesome this is why we do what we do have we not gone out and climbed to that old yucky dumpster this stuff would have been gobbled up by the trash truck but now before this stuff is carried off to the landfill they're gonna get worn the hell out pretty cool okay yeah not a bad night of diving it felt really good to get out and go do some trash picking it's been probably like a week since we were able to get out but the cool thing is now we're finished with the move so any free time that we get we can guilt three dumpster-diving so I just want to show one last time what we got out of here there's twelve pairs of shoes and these are all nothing just a bunch of them can people actually be born with two left feet I've heard that expression before is it possible maybe there is I doubt it I don't think so but anyway that's the dealio that's funny yeah yeah we got pulled over and the officer was pretty cool he was definitely suspicious as to why we while we had a hundred pairs of seemingly brand-new pairs of shoes in the truck no trashing the cops in the comments they were cool they were just a little suspicious which I would have been too all the shoes but then again I use you walk up to box of shoes yeah anyway that's gonna do it for this video guys I hope you had fun I know I did we gotta see Stacey get thrown in jail almost that's pretty cool now the cops were totally cool they even posed with us for a for a thumbnail and yeah they were really cool it was fun if if you can say that about being pulled over and what goddess was what that stupid okay I was trying to make sure all of the shoes were secure I moved the cantaloupe to the side of the bed rail I was gonna put it back in the truck but I did not and just so happens the police officer jumped in behind us right before the thing fell out so stupid cantaloupe [Laughter] it all worked out we had a lot of fun of you guys had fun dialing along with us you enjoyed it be sure to hit the subscribe button and ring the bell so that you don't miss future videos just like this well that being said love you guys we'll see you on the next video
Channel: Curbside Junkies
Views: 832,129
Rating: 4.696785 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, how to boat, family vlogging, family vlog, curbside junkies, new vlog, daily vlogs, day out with the family, arrowhead hunting, indian artifacts, arrowhead, dumpster dive haul, dumpster diving at walmart, scrap metal, scrap metal business, trash picking, trash picking in rich neighborhood, dumpster divers, dumpster diving gamestop, dumpster diving police, dumpdter diving cop, dumpster diving illegal, daily family vlogs, daily videos, daily
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 32sec (2912 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2019
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