Army MOS you should be friends with

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in the army of course it's a good idea to make some friends but maybe with some specific mo Isis what's up friends welcome to an all-new video and in this one we're talking about some specific invoices that maybe it would be a good idea to be friends with these individuals now I'm not saying go out of your way and try to hunt these individuals down to try to be friends with them or anything crazy like that but you know if you happen to you know just be going through the flow of things and meeting some different soldiers in the army while you're in that unit and they happen to be in some of these impulses then it may be a good idea to be you know very nice to these people so since you're already here you might as well go ahead and hit that thumbs up button and subscribe to the channel if you're not already but let's go ahead and get into this so here are just a few mo Isis that I think might be a good idea to you know be friendly with these individuals and the first one that I've got is that ninety Q Gulf which is a culinary specialist otherwise known as a cook and the reason why I say maybe it's a good idea to be friends with these individuals is I've been in some situations and I've seen other people that have been a little bit better situations where they're more friendly or better friends with these individuals but some of the advantages are you know sometimes you get some cool hookups so like I've been you know friendly with some of those individuals and maybe they'll hook you up with maybe some some food wire in the field you know they have some leftover you know muffins or cake or whatever and you know you get the hookup but better situations I've known some people that are actually good friends with these individuals and they got even better hookups some good examples is like while I was deployed to Iraq through my second time I had my roommate and another individual that I knew there you know I had a good friend that worked in the defect good there was a cook 92 golf and when someone is working in the defect they get you know deliveries for food for drinks and all that kind of stuff one of the things we would all commonly get while in Iraq was Red Bulls and this one individual that I knew because he had a buddy that was a cook he was always getting hooked up with like a case of Red Bull they would be like yeah well I'll throw aside you know a case of Red Bull for you man and I'll hook you up so he always had like Red Bull soda because they did case of soda and everything too so he had to hook up all the time he had soda in his room all the time he had Red Bull in his room all the time because he had that hookup so it might be a good idea to be a little friendly to the people that are cooking your food for obvious reasons of that but also some possible benefits that could help you out another in once that might be good to be friendly towards is a 92 alpha which is a human resource specialist some people may also know these as pack clerks they're the people that work in the s-1 section of the brigade or battalion so these people do an admin type of things and there's a few things that possibly if you had a friend that was working an s1 or as this M was that you get a little bit of a hook-up from now there's some that will try to you know do something that's not encouraged it's probably illegal or not you know a good thing to be doing but you have an s-1 individual and they're usually ones handed like your leave forms and they would you know try to get their buddy who was an s-1 in this MOS be like hey man when I come back from leave and I sign back in if you could just maybe lose my leave form that'd be great which in that instance would make it to where that individual would not get charged for the vacation they just took so you'd sure is that great yeah I guess so is it legal no so some of the more legal side of you know benefits of this is you know you have these individuals are working with you know your points if you're trying to get promoted to like sergeant or Staff Sergeant maybe you're you know in higher position you're checking on awards for your soldiers or maybe your award if you got put in for one maybe paying Cori's you haven't something wrong with your pay or maybe I'm married and you're trying to get that extra pay for the bah ba s and all that fun stuff so you may be having a buddy that works in this section you can get that stuff kind of checked out a little bit quicker you know normally you have to go to s1 request you know information about it and then but yeah sure we'll get to that whatever right but if you had a buddy in there yeah man let me check on that real quick for you you know look we'll get it right on it you know and sometimes it helps out to get that stuff done right away and quickly because you've got it homey that's in that area to give you the home we hook up I guess I've had some people that I was cool with that not necessarily like friends that I hung out with they were in this section but you know in that situation for like a five I was trying to you know get promoted to e5 you know and you know when I was in that situation I can go there and be like hey man I got some points to turn in you know can you get that stuff in there pretty quick yeah man oh I'll hook you up and so usually get that process a lot faster you know normally has to go in the stack of stuff and they have to you know get to it when they can if there's a lot of stuff maybe it takes a little while to get to it but he's like oh yeah let me let me hook you up so you know in turn right now and get that stuff in the system little bit faster so it getting me to hopefully make it for the next time the cutoff scores come off you know or come out so you can promote it faster right so you know little things here and there that they definitely help you out with those people working in that s1 section another invoice that I've got on here is 92 Yankee which is a unit supply specialist now I have had situations like this where I was friends with individuals in this MOS and it does definitely help out these are the individuals that work in the supply room they have things like different equipment different supplies and getting friendly with those individuals and knowing someone in that can have a little bit of advantages in some instances maybe they're short of supplies right so Gerber's or knives or boots or something like that and because you're friends with us individual you know you'd be like hey I'm looking for some boots you got in boots in there maybe a knife or something like that and because they're short and supplies normally it'll just give that doubt to anybody maybe they're trying to save it until they you know get more stock or more inventory and they'll start if you now to some people when they need it but if they're short on it usually they kind of tend to want to hang on to that stuff but if you got the hook up then maybe you'd be like yeah sure I'll hook you up I only got a few left but you know I'll give you one of them so that definitely helps out sometimes it helps out with supply is like when I was in Iraq because I knew someone that was in supply and I need things you know and needed things to get done and maybe they're short on those supplies at the moment or whatever or you know there's only reserved for certain individuals but and I didn't fall in that category for being one of those individuals but because I knew the individual that worked in supply that ran supply I'd get the hook up and they'd be like yeah I'll give you one I'm supposed to these are supposed to be for platoon sergeants or whatever but I can hook you up with something so that's why maybe it might be good to you know make friends with a 92 Yankee now there's probably other invoices so some people might think that you know being friends that MP might get you out of a speeding ticket probably not I mean unless you have the rare circumstance that your buddy that's the MP is one pulling you over they recognize your vehicle and probably like pull you over anyways but the MP is kind of work a little bit differently where they have different rotations of who's in patrol cars who's working the gay who's doing field problems all that kind of stuff like that so the odds are a little bit no not quite in your favor a little bit extreme for you know your buddy being the one that just happens to catch you speeding on post or something crazy like that so necessarily being friends that MP may not really have that many benefits to it but I'm sure there's other as it possibly could have some benefits so if you have one in mind that you can think of maybe drop it down in the comments and let me know why you think it might be a good idea to be friends with these individuals than that in MLS all right if you didn't already hit that thumbs up go ahead and do so now if you want to check out some recommended videos I highly recommend them they're awesome check out links down in the description box social media all that cool stuff check it out thank you so much for watching I'm Christopher Cass I'll see you next time see you
Channel: Christopher Chaos
Views: 55,961
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Keywords: Army MOS you should be friends with, army, what is the army like, army mos, mos with benefits, army friends, army friendship, army tips, army tips and tricks, tip for the us army, christopher chaos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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