Prepare The BEST Imaginarium Theater Teams - New Endgame Strategy Genshin Impact

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guys in this video we tell you about everything you need to know about the new gansin endgame mode The Imaginarium theer and how you should prepare for it in terms of characters let's get straight into it so first of all how is the mode structured in terms of the enemies we get to fight it's not too different from the abas in fact at its core it's something where you select characters and then you get to fight enemies in different stages for most of these stages if you defeat all the opponents within a certain time limit you will get a star which just like a beast Stars will enable you to get the rewards for the mode so in of the challenges you have to face it's not too different from what we currently have in the game but what intrigues me about this mode is how it destroys the idea of picking a fixed team to beat these challenges the whole pecularity of it comes from the character selection to enter this mode you don't get to choose themes you get to choose characters which is a big difference at the start you're first to select six specific characters these are characters you have to pick no matter what and if you don't have them the game will provide you with trial versions of them all of these characters follow the main rule of the mode which is only three specific elements are allowed this is already a big restriction for team compositions because for example for this cycle there is no hydro and since Hydro happens to be a staple in most teams in the game it's quite the limitation still the elements that are present right now so pyro Electro and Animo allow for pretty interesting synergies so it's not a huge problem what more interesting is how the trial characters look like at a glance it might seem like they have okay builds but there are some puzzling choices here for example ouro weapon is Bal The Furs a weapon whose passive gives Elemental Mastery arino only needs Elemental Mastery on Vape or melt teams so teams where she gets to trigger vaporizes or melt reactions but of course those are not doable without Hydro or cryo characters on the other hand the trial version of wonderer gets with it as a weapon which is actually his best fullstar option so it's kind of Hit or Miss after you pick the six characters you get to pick additional characters from your own box these characters need to follow the same Elemental rules the other six had to follow excluding for four special selections these characters are basically jollies because they have elements that are different from the predeter ones but they can still be used the four extra characters of this cycle alham BYU brizzle and sigin are actually pretty smart choices because they have good Synergy with the other elements for example alamin baiju can make pretty good quick in themes with Electro characters brizzle can make male themes with pyro characters sigwin is there I guess but yeah if you have these characters it can diversify your options anyway there is also another Jolly one of the characters you can pick can be from one of your friends in fact people can set up to six characters as supports for this mode one of these supports can be selected by a person in your friend list and be used in the theer mode this is pretty busted if you think about it because um if you have a will friend and then you can just select his wave character and steamroll the opposition with him but there are a few limitations here the first one is that when you enter the mode you'll only be able to use the starting characters so the six characters you get to choose at the start the second is that characters have a certain amount of Viger which represents the amount of times these characters can be used in the mode the starting amount is of two so each character can only be used two times in the whole mode as a baseline but let's go step by step at the start you only get to use the six obligatory characters and this is what I meant when I said that you don't get to choose tees in this mode in fact the additional characters you also picked will be available but in a randomic way the way it works as you progress in the mode and beat the stages you will be able to get these characters in two different ways the first is that by clearing some stages one of the characters will just be added to your selectable pool the second is that by clearing the stage you'll also be presented with a set of rewards you can choose these rewards can be exchanged for a current see that again can be gained by clearing stages am I repetitive today man these rewards can be of different types for example Buffs to your team but they can also make you claim the additional characters these however are still pretty random because they can be something like get a random pyro character get a random Electro character and so on so what I'm getting at is that you'll never have the certainty to be able to make the team that you actually want to make let's say you have a Lino from the start and you want to make your leino monop Pyro team with kazuwa Shing and Bennett for this to actually happen you have to be lucky and get those three characters from the random pool so instead of being a mode that rewards people with strong specific thems it rewards people that have characters that can be strong even when they aren't in their ideal tee scenario Additionally the bigger thing rewards people that have a large amount of strong usable characters so if you think about it while the challenges themselves are not too different from the ones you'll face in the Bas the way this mode wants you to play this game is the total opposite in the abas if you have two strong teams or even just two strong characters you're basically set but clearly that's not what's going on in the theer mode now talking about the enemies you'll face in this mode as I said earlier there are multiple stages the amount of these stages vary depending on the difficulty you've chosen at the start the highest difficulty is eight stages in total three of which are boss challenges which would be the main ones these enemies are in general considerably weaker than in theas because they have lower HP that's because the HP multiplier of enemies in this mode is much lower than in the abas and as a result the final boss of the theater has the same HP as a chamber one boss in the abase this is understandable because again in this mode you can't always make your ideal things these stages can have special effects some of which can be pretty annoying for example one of those will continuously deplete your character's HP to counterbalance this your characters can also receive Buffs in the form of Bones so the rewards I mentioned earlier that you can exchange with the theer currency these Buffs can be quite significant and can push you towards a certain play style instead of another so I think it would be interesting the strategy side of it is also intriguing because you can either pick the Buffs or an additional character and this just makes the whole thing pretty interactive people are already calling this mode easy compared to the base because of the lower hpce the enemies will have but honestly I believe that considering the handicap will have it will be pretty balanced so now let's see what some strategies and the teams for the theater could look like let me remind you that if you enjoy my content about human subject please consider doing so because it really makes me notice your support in terms of what the best characters are for the new theer mode I think the best way to tackle this issue is seeing what the most self-sufficient characters are in general since we don't just get to make the most ideal teams we want characters that do very well even when they're alone or with just one good teammate for this scenario I calculated the solo damage of some DP s just to provide you with some perspective it's not every character but it's just to give you the idea characters like arino that do very well by themselves it don't need specific teits are performing quite nicely in this scenario meanwhile characters like huto that need specific themes like a BAP teams do do well or characters like Len that have passives that specifically benefit from having a particular teammates on his team are kind of struggling here also characters that only need one teammate to become strong should also be good choices for example wonderer gets massive Boost from paradon and they're both available as trial characters at the start I'm assuming that's not a cost edition six parizon and even if it isn't that duo should be quite functional in the first few stages of the mode so a possible strategy to start off will be using the tile wonder farizan and Tuma for the first two stages and in the meantime get new playable characters through the rewards this way ideally you should be able to make a good team for the first boss and then proceed further it's honestly also of incentiv ites to use Wonder at the start because the final boss of this mode is Copus who has very high gimo resistance so wonderer wouldn't do very well there anyway your character selection could also depend from which of the starter characters you have for example if you have B leino and chlorine built on your account you could think of using them as your Staples for the big fights and filling the additional slots with a more supportive lineup so characters like fishal shelling Bennet kazua sucros chus to maximize your chances of getting good characters for those two Staples on the flip side if you don't have those characters you could think of filling those lots with more DPS characters to increase your chances of getting a good carry before the boss fights besides this the tee restrictions are also interesting because of what they mean for your character builds for example in absence of somebody else that can hold the Deep fot set on the team that set actually becomes the best choice for ala and since that exact scenario will likely occur in the theater you will have to make that change so I really like how this mode can change how we approach the game in that sense in my opinion it's a pretty clever puzzle and since it will alternate with the base in terms of period I really wonder what ramifications it will have in terms of meta I'm really curious about that and I'm done for today if you enjoyed the video make sure to subscribe and also go check the clarine guide I made a few days ago bye-bye
Channel: TGS
Views: 29,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Genshin, genshin Impact, Imaginarium Theater
Id: 3XcbYFisdTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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