ARK: Survival Ascended | Hidden Base | Build Tutorial

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hello and welcome back to another Ark video it's good to see you back and I'm loving the support that I'm getting from you on my Ark and Starfield videos so in this video I'll be showing you how to build this awesome little hidden base that's tucked away nicely in a very resourcer area now you may be thinking well Curtis that's not very well hidden however I have built this on the official servers and well no one's found me yet I say yeah you're going to know where I am now so yeah the base isn't hidden so much anymore it's not exactly built into a dense Bush but I've actually built that for another video a secret base so stay tuned for that so here's the build list for this base now this design also serves to show you how to build circular structures on Arc ascended as well and is more of a PVE base but it can be upgraded for PvP with metal and also Walling around the outside either way hopefully you'll all get some value out of this video don't forget to subscribe and show your support for the channel by liking and sharing this video it really does help out and as always join me on my Discord server so let's get into the build shall we so this is where we're going to be building building here is my latitude and longitude great little location this nice and tucked out the way quite well hidden amongst the forest loads of good resources nearby great location basically so we're going to be building right next to this Cliff edge here now I've placed the stone pillar down already so that will get us started then all you do is you grab your stone wall and then you want the inside facing out like so so the wood's pointing out then from here just put a stone ceiling down and then we'll be placing some uh Stone triangles down now one thing you'll notice when you're building this circle cuz we're going for a circle Foundation is the outside will be a nice Circle but the Inner Circle will be quite Jagged like so so in order to fix that grab a stone ceiling put it on the outside of the triangle and clip it in and then the Inner Circle will be nice and smooth as well so we'll just get rid of that and there we go then all we're going to be doing is building triangles and ceilings all the way around to get a nice little circle so we'll keep doing that now you might get to a point where it'll say you can't build anymore cuz of the foundation so just make sure you're putting some Stone pillars down should be poking into the ground yeah nice and then I'll show you how to finish that up once we've got the circle done so just keep going around till you meet the the terrain right so that's gone right in now so we can't build anymore but we will be putting walls and stuff there I'll show you how to clip that in later so we'll just snap that in get rid of the stone ceilings on the outside like so and there we go nice little Winer circle and a nice Circle Foundation to build with now all we want to do is place our Stone pillars down so just make sure they clip nicely they can be a bit finicky you want to try and turn them so that they're facing outwards as much as possible those birds looking around my room they're not in the room those birds are making right racket right so I'll get one there as well excellent right so now grab your stone walls make sure the outs inside is facing out should clip in if it doesn't clip in underneath here all you want to do place a stone wall above above and then it should clip underneath there we go just get rid of that lovely jubly right now let's finish this off so just place our stone walls down all the way around like so going to clip in there yeah lovely and there we go look at that perfect now just to note the Inner Circle we are going to block this off so we can't fall into the water but we're leaving the water open cuz that's where we're going to put our intake and some other things later so just leave that like so now in order to carry on with this stone foundation so we're going to be using stone quarter walls next now up to you your preference you can flip it or not I find it when you flip the inside out with the wood it looks a bit too much of all the other wood we're going to be adding so I'm going to be using this variant here so go all the way around so we just add these bad boys in and then we're going to get to a point here so you put two down cuz it's it's a c wall and look this should be angled in now in order to fix this all you do is you put a stone floor down put your triangle down and then you build your quarter walls underneath it like so that shouldn't clip in there yeah so that's now blended into the wall nicely so then what we're going to do is carry on all the way around here like so and we'll get to this point over here where we'll need to angle the uh the foundation again so we we'll keep doing that right so clip in there right yes we've definitely got room here now we add our stone wall add our Stone triangle it should clip in there we go and it's going to be a little bit difficult to see but there we go you can clip it in nicely and then all we're going to do here is ADD our Stone ceilings all the way around on the inside like so okay go lovely then on this bit on the inside so I mean you can leave it for storage if you really want you know it's a good little hidden location to have stuff but me personally oh let's get up a minute I'm going to I'm going to block it off cuz I don't particularly want to hide anything down there but it is a good little hiding spot especially if you're being raided if you're going to use this for PVP oh clipped that wrong didn't I right is there a Gap yeah there's a gap there add that add that add that get rid of that and just add our quarter wall there and then we should have to add no no we've already done that bit and there we go look nice little circle nice little circle Foundation that's looking sweet so far we're not done yet so in order to finish off we'll the oh did that one wrong build the stone pillars up right to the stone level there all the way around every corner actually take that one out that was a mistake that one cuz that's should be two walls there go all the way around here those birds are doing my absolute nothing come on clip in nicely there we go right so flip the pillars horizontally and we'll clip them in like so just at the bottom here and then that will give the base Foundation a little bit more depth and a bit more character all the way around come on you know you want to clip in there there we go yeah it's not going in that bit and there we are that is the stone foundation now the circle Foundation completely done nice and easy looks great especially under the water as well oh get down looking good so we got no issues it's blend them right into the terrain lovely jubly no one's going to be sneaking in there looking nice right so next we're going to be building the wood walls so grab your wooden walls and again we're going to be flipping the inside out now it depends what you want if you want windows or solid walls I'm going to be going for a couple of Windows and a couple of solid walls so let's put our windows down first get a couple of these in like so and then we will have some solid walls what I would recommend is having the solid walls on the inside here cuz it will look stupid having a window just looking into bushes but you know all your preference so I'll leave that in your capable hands now this might be a bit finicky to snap but it will it will go trust me there we go now we are going to be building more of the circle as we get higher up okay so it will blend into the terrain completely so don't worry about that so let's put them there we need to put a doorway down as well so we'll grab our door I'm going to go for the uh the open one like so and then go push the wrong button there blend that in lovely jubly see like we got a gap here I'm going to show you how to fix those okay so don't worry about that next grab some wooden pillars and we're going to be building them along the bottom like so just underneath the wooden walls that we've just placed down and then we're going to be building them up as well but we'll do that once we've added the quarter walls we're not going to get to to ahead of ourselves there we go nice next grab your quarter walls and then we'll be going around the wooden walls that we've just place down again using the outside or the inside out like so I I prefer the in uh the inside poking out with the wooden walls cuz it just gives it way more character got all the beams and stuff and all the shape to it so that's why I'm doing that but you know it's all your preference so add these in and that is now done excellent now we're going to be adding some wooden floor in and I'm going to show you how to fix the uh it blending in the terrain here so in order to build into the terrain properly we're going to be doing what we did with the stone foundation to building a circle however we need to put some stairs down leading to the upper level and unless you want to use a hatchway and ladders when you start taking away some of the ceilings it will start deleting the wall that we've clipped into the terrain so in order to avoid that we're going to be using some wooden pillars and this will add to the aesthetic and character of the base anyway so you place two down it's going to be there we go it's going to be annoying make sure it Clips in nicely like that so halfway up you don't want it poking all the way up yeah you should be able to fit them in here as well yeah fit it in all the gaps lovely jubly like I said just do this all the way around and now when uh when we start building it shouldn't delete any of the walls that we put down once we uh clip it into the the terrain so what we'll do is start with a wood ceiling here and then a wooden triangle and then we're just going to go all the way around like so and that will meet lovely into the rest of the base and just go all the way around lovely now with the triangles if you remember you can clip um on the outside and then build in so you get like a better uh a better Circle better Inner Circle anyways and obviously this is where we're going to have the stairs so don't actually need these two so don't worry and obviously if you can't clip it in Don't Panic too much it should do on some of them but other ones like here and that you won't be able to so let's just get rid of these two here and it shouldn't delete the rest there we go lovely right so let's come down and let's build our stairs so use some wooden stairs want to clip properly there we go like so now it will uh clip through onto the outside don't worry about that like you're not going to get around around that but now we've got our stairs now I'm not sure if I want to get rid of this one or not Ah that's not that's not bothering me right cool excellent right so now we've done that we need to finish off the uh the Terra like clipping it into the terrain so it doesn't look an awful mess so in order to do that grab another wooden triangle and just snap that there like so and then grab some quarter walls now if you find it leaves a gap between the walls like there's a gap in between where they should join just switch between the first and the second variants just make sure you're flipping them but this will uh eliminate any gaps basically oh is there a Gap there is a gap there isn't there I can just stop moving so quick come on snap in there we go lovely and again is there a Gap there no that's sorted that side sorted let's just go and have a look there we go lovely jubly so nicely clipped in to the terrain obviously the stairs there but don't worry about that we'll get rid of this ceiling that we've put down here cuz we don't need that anymore and we will put another quarter wall there as well just to ensure that there are zero gaps in case you might notice it later on but yeah no gaps yeah sorted so now we need to complete the actual circle of the upper level so you just go all the way around clip these until they meet in the middle now this is a really good technique to build circular bases as well so really good technique to use if that's what you want to do building a circle base and that is now our upper level done so we should be able to walk straight up nicely oh if we delete the triangle first right let's get rid of that that will help there we go lovely and this makes a nice little pattern as well on the floor which is cool but yeah you can get in and out lovely jubly and you got your water there nice isn't it now in order to take it to the next level if you want to you don't have to you can also put quarter walls here just to block off the rock if you really really really want to and you can do this all the way around but personally I I quite like that the Rocks there so I'm going to get rid of these but it's just up to you preference if you want to you know get rid of this Gap here but I quite like it right so it's time to build the upper level now so the upper level's nice and easy get your big doorway here like so the second variant of the doorway and make sure it's uh snapping on the outside we're going to go around the entirety of the base come on cliping go just do this all the way around I don't know why it's refusing to snap properly it's being a bit annoying today there we go I love the base building in this game but sometimes it can be a bit uh bit tricky bit testing test my patience from time to time now I wouldn't put one here you can if you want but for these that are getting closer into the terrain I'm actually just going to go over solid wall just cuz yeah you don't want to be you don't want to be staring at a rock really do you so just clip these in and these will all snap in nicely like so there we go so that's that bit done now we need to take this to the next level so grab a stone quarter ceiling and we're going to be putting these all around the outside now in order to snap it in nicely like so clip one to one side there and then just try and hover it this it's a bit finicky like so there we go so you just got to snap it in I'll show you again though so clip your two in cuz we're going to be going around like so like this look so do this all the way around and this is like a a little walkway um where you can come out and shoot any enemies that are trying to get into your base so snap it to one corner like so and then snap it to that corner it's easy once you get used to it it's it's almost like muscle memory on where to place your cursor so he says now he can't find it there we go but this you don't have to do but I think it just adds a l little bit more character to the base get rid of this one gives it a little bit more character and a bit more shape really I I like it do that like so and just do this all the way around nice and easy come on go and then we're going to finish this off with some railings which I will show you in just a second if I can stop failing right last one last one we can do this come on guys I believe in you come on snap in snaping on there we go nice see how it adds like a bit more shape and a bit more character to the outside of the base I think it just looks really really cool again it's not something you have to do all preference so now we need to do the railings so grab your wooden railings and then all you're going to be doing is clipping these bad boys in like so and they will cover all of the base like that now one thing you can do if you really want you can have it like that look where it's like that or you can have them snapping through like this which also looks really really cool I'll just show you we go here and we go is it there where's the snapping point where is that snapping point oh there it is like so so you can have them snapping in and I just think it looks really really cool like that so again it's just adding more character and emphasizing the uh the pointy bits on the on the outside there so all preference like I said you can just go around like normal just do in that or you can or you can cross them in I'm going to cross them in cuz I think it looks Wicked so come on with the uh with the extra parts though these points it does make snapping these uh railings in a bit uh fun funky at times but yeah all good let's put that come on there we go and we're just gonna do this all the way around snapping going mental Oh wrong way get rid of that one I'm making a lot of mistakes today my apologies guys sorry about this this never happens to me right come on just clip it there we go so we'll do this all the way around and block that bit off there and like I said it just gives it a bit more shape and a bit more character all the way around so looking good obviously this part here might be a bit funny let's try though not Norm oh no no it's going to be fine there we go excellent and then we'll block this bit off as well like so lovely jubly look at that no first time I built this uh it didn't want to snap in there at all so I was just going to avoid that but obviously it wants to work today but there we go look and it just like I said adds a nice little walkway it's quite a narrow walkway I mean you can go out there and you can walk around look and you can shoot from there um but I think it's yeah it's just nice it just adds a bit more character to the base and it looks really cool but all preference right now it's time for my favorite part the roof so grab your fatch roof in and we're just going to clip these all the way around like so just where we put the doorways I'm going to be showing you how to take this base to the next level with these doorways and the roof so stay tuned for that once we've placed all this fatch down and it'll give us a nice little shape this fatch keep going up like so we got a lot more to add to this base to uh like I said take it to the next level but this is just giving you the basic shape so far and uh once we've done this I'm going to show you some really cool tricks right right once we get to the second level repeat the same like so just go all the way around find the uh snapping points you should just be able to look at these uh little wooden beams that are poking out from the top of the fact Ro now this will give us a nice oh messed that one up this will give us a nice shape on the outside as well as the inside so I'll show you what that looks like in a second so we just snap that just don't keep making mistakes like what I'm doing I feel like such an idiot now of course it happens to me when I'm recording right there we go so it gives us a nice shape look and look at the top lovely shape there now this roof alone looks really cool right but no we are not done so grab your railings and if you look at the corners here they'll snap at an angle and this just looks so cool I love this go all the way around sometimes it can be oh stuck there sometimes it can be a little bit funny but you should be absolutely fine there we go so good snapping point is just looking just uh just above like right there so at the bottom but just above the bottom of the uh the fatch roof come on snap in amazing right now that's just giving it a bit more character hasn't it like a bit more aesthetic it looks really cool really sets off the roof but we are not done so grab railings again and then at the top we're going to be doing this all the way around just like so so keep going all the way around oh messed that one up didn't I all the way around lovely so again just adding a little bit more character now to take it to the next level what you're going to want to do is angle so we there we go the this the most inclined angle that you can get we're going to be doing this at every one of the points of the snapping points of the uh of the railing so we'll go around just like so and they should all meet in like a a nice little triangle so a good snapping Point here is to look at these little grooves from the shape of the roof that we got earlier just like so and it's just building these these lovely little triangles and we're going to take them all the way to the top and it just it just makes the roof look so cool I actually discovered this by pure accident when I was building it the first time so this was like a test base that I was trying to do and yeah I just discovered it by pure accident so we do that so we're looking at the grooves again like so just there we go just go all the way around come on snap in and then we'll be doing it the the the other way in a second so it's completely your choice right I'm going to show you two ways to do this or two variants so this is going to be down to preference basically so we just finish this off come on come on Snap right there we go okay there we go so that is like it's going round it's like spiraling round now what you can do is delete these so if I just delete these look then you got a nice spiral roof that goes all the way around and it meets at the top however I prefer this way so we find the grooves again right on this railing here so if we just there we go go all the way around look at it there you just got to uh press q a couple of times to get the right variance so it's got to be the one that there you go look goes up that's very sharp incline we've already done that one there we go keep doing this all the way around come on there we go last one I think is it the last two no last one done and look at that tell me that is not a cool shape like I think that looks absolutely fantastic I love the shape of this I like I said discovered it by complete accident when I was building this the first time and I was just like wo that looks so cool and it just really sets off the roof it's just it's just the little details isn't it just taking it to the next level what do you guys think however we are not done we can still take it even further you thought we was finished no we're not grab some more wood railings and just go around these gaps like so in each little uh each little Gap here just add a straight wooden railing oh messed that one up that's inside we'll delete it later keep going all the way around where have I just built that have I just where did that one just go right no idea no idea mess that one right up going too fast and there we go look at that that just looks so cool I think it completes the roof really sets it off amazing little shape and like I said I discovered it by pure accident the other day and I just had to show you guys how to build it cuz I just think it looks Wicked but let me know in the comments what you guys think do you think it's a cool roof design I'm sure there's people out there that probably won't like it but in my opinion I really like it so what do you guys think of that will you take it to the next level or you just going to leave it as the first variant let me know in the comments okay so now we're going to complete the inside with some more wooden railings and we're going to be putting them in two locations so the first one we come to this window is there and if it wants to snap up properly there we go oh there's the snapping point right there there like so so we just add two all the way around and this will complete the roof from the inside now you can go all the way around uh like we did on the outside building it right up with the uh the angled rails but I don't really think that's necessary it's I think it's just Overkill at that point it already looks nice from the outside you don't need the inside to look you know fantastic so come on snap in there we go we're going to be adding them to these walls just to give it a bit more character cuz these walls are very very Bland come on snapping like so and there we go and that just sets off the inside nicely doesn't it like I said you can do it all the way up if you want to but I I just don't think it's necessary I feel like it's it's very Overkill at that point like you can keep adding them up or you can do the angles and it's yeah I I personally wouldn't but you can do that so what we've done on the outside you can almost flip and replicate on the inside but like I said I feel like it's just Overkill at that point so next what we need to do is grab some Stone railings and these are going to be covering these parts here however we're going to be flipping them so the stone is actually on top so just go we're going to keep this as a door so we'll go around we're going to put them in most of them PL him there him there PL that one there I'll keep that one as a door PL that one there yeah we'll keep free doors we'll keep threee doors so we can get in and out cuz you don't want to be like let's say you build this on a PVP server your base is being attacked you run out with your gun you're like oh you want to go you want to tussle and then you're like getting shot and you're about to die and you've got to run all the way around here in order to like not die so if we keep a couple of Windows in you got some escapes Okay so couple of Windows couple of doors so make sure you got a couple of entrances in otherwise you're going to go down like a sack of potatoes or someone raage your base which will not be fun for anyone well it will be fun for them just not you then we'll come downstairs and right here is where we're going to put more stone foundation uh Stone railings I about to say Stone foundations then so we'll start right here if it wants to snap properly come on come on stop being fussy there we go just like so so come on just snap come on there we go there we go so you can snap one right here but it will blend into the stairs so that's up to you if you like that or not but you know basically completes the shape on the inside so lovely jubly and what we're going to be putting down here is some crops some water irrigation all that good stuff which which I'll show you once we've completed the outside so there's a couple more things left to do so first things first we need to be able to get into the base we're going to get some Stone stairs we'll angle them that way and then we're going to grab a stone quarter wall cuz we've already got the stone uh pillar from earlier we're going to plunk that right there and that way we can get in and out of the base so lovely jubly obviously we got to put some doors and windows in which we'll do soon and then on the outside bits here we need some wooden pillars we're going to go horizontal all the way along this time if it wants to snap there we go that's not going to snap there cuz of the stairs so we'll just leave that it's not bothering anyone there and there there and then as we come up we're going to put some wooden pillars on each of the corners of the doorway now I'll just give the uh roof a bit more support give the base a bit more aesthetic and uh bit more character and to be honest I just think it looks nice now we come around here yeah we can still see that one we're going to want to put them in the places that you you can't see just cuz yeah you want it to look as good as possible and there we go that is now the outside completely done what do you think of this base guys do you like it is it something you're going to build let me know in the comments but now we're going to put some windows some doors and some interior design I hope you all enjoyed this video and I hope you got some great value out of it let me know in the comments what you thought about the base and the design also will you build this base don't forget to subscribe like and share so you can stay tuned for the next video now enjoy this interior tour and I'll catch you on the next video [Music] bye-bye [Music] oh sh
Channel: CurtisBuilds
Views: 37,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark survival ascended, ark, how to, build tutorial, ark survival ascended base build tutorial, ark house, ark base, how to build a base in ark, how to build a house in ark survival ascended, how to build in ark ascended, build guide, ark ascended, best ark survival base, best ark ascended base, best starter base ark survival ascended, ark building, hidden base, secret base, ark how to build, ark update, new ark, best base, ark remastered, best location, asa gameplay
Id: BsqAVExd_3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 30sec (1830 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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