Ark Survival Ascended - EP3 (Setting Sail for Success)

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hey what's up everyone glock9 here and welcome back to Ark it is the morning of day three I got the bottom half of the base upgraded to Stone last night and we got a little visitor last night another dolo wandered into Camp so I tamed him up we got our Ed Ed and Eddie now and check out Eddie dude level 198 pretty crazy stats on this guy so we got our beginnings of a little D Army I'm pretty happy with all the tames we got right now especially the three stos they're all high level we got Lisa Maggie and Homer Maggie actually had a mutation so she's uh two levels higher than the others she also got this glowing green skin which is crazy and the plates on her back have this pattern on them you can see it better when the Sun's shining directly on her but pretty sweet so I got the saddle on Maggie right now and they're all tough as [ __ ] too we got attacked by an alpha Raptor last night and usually I keep the cameras running in case some crazy [ __ ] like that that happens of course I didn't but it doesn't matter cuz nobody got killed the three stegos destroyed the Raptor that's how I got my hands on this journeyman crossbow and this journeyman axe also got a raptor claw which I put in storage Let's uh close these doors actually cuz this morning we are taking this raft that I crafted over to Herbivore Island it's that island in the distance there you can just barely make out and it should be a bunch of metal there and that is what I'm after today and it's not just a clever name either herbivore Island it's full of herbivores so no real threats I hope we can find some ankes though because I plan on taming one that will make mining the metal a lot easier and before we go any further though let me first apologize for my voice I'm on the back end of a head cold so my apologies there I didn't want to put off recording this another day though it's itching to get back in and secondly we're going to protect our raft using these nine Stone foundations we're going to put the first one in right about here lower it all the way down and then you can just go Bam Bam fill the raft up with your foundations but then the problem is you can't drive the raft you need to be able to access some part of the raft in order to be able to drive it and no the Mast does not count so we're going to pick this one up and this one and this one and we got to pick up this one too we got to float a foundation on the back end here we can't have it snapping to any one of these other foundations so come on float you piece of [ __ ] it's usually a little easier than this maybe I got to pick this one up come on all right uh let's try this again there we go okay so we want to float it I guess right about there lower it all the way down all right and then put this one in like that and then that that and that and doing that left a little crack right here and that will allow me to access the raft and be able to drive it and it's still completely protected I mean as protected as the stone will allow it to be if we get attacked by something big and crazy it can still destroy the stone but it'll take a lot longer than just the regular old raft plus now we can put some storage down which I brought with me we'll put that in once we get to Herbivore Island hold up got to get a little bit of chitting right here I would like to make some chit armor I've been on a lookout for trilobites haven't seen one yet get the [ __ ] out of here duck what what the [ __ ] is this guy doing what are you stupid huh you little duck brain thought it was a good idea to attack me get the [ __ ] out of here ant all right some chitting let's continue on our our journey here this looks like a fine place to park like I said we don't got to worry about any of the dinosaurs on this island unless of course we attack them first which is probably going to happen at some point I'm going to put my storage in just like this I made six little ones and that's of course uh so when we mine a bunch of metal and stone we can just fill up the storage boxes and we don't got to worry about getting encumbered oh what do you want to borrow the raft buddy go ahead be my guess just bring it back when you're done all right first thing we want to do is try and find an anosa surus that we can tame cuz that'll make it like I said quicker and easier to mine a bunch of metal and stone I think they mine Stone just as efficiently as metal maybe not as efficiently as those those little bowling ball looking dinosaurs what the hell are they called again I forget anyway if I find one of those here I'll tame that too what a pain in the ass this tall grass is I can't see [ __ ] oh here's some metal metal nodes uh look a little different now here we go I like the color level 35 I mean it'll be easy to knock out that's for sure but I'm going to keep looking well there are not many on this island let's see what we got here level 10 that sucks those the only two I've seen I've been over like the whole island oh wait there's one over there on that little island well if it's not any better than level 35 we'll just go tame the original one we found how you looking my friend level 70 well you're the winner what' you win well that's going to be hard to explain let me just uh show you what you want it's it's this right here congratulations oh [ __ ] man she could ow she could SP pretty fast for having those little legs with her shape I thought she would have sunk like a stone at least we got her on the main island now and that's it they're pretty easy no need for a trap of course I forgot the berries that I set aside to bring that's all right we'll just pick some more but yeah even the level 70 didn't require that many arrows to put down so easy peasy we'll get her tamed up and uh oh [ __ ] you know what else I forgot to make a saddle we're going to have to stop back home all right that's good enough for now check this out though found an explore note over here I am not going to grab it yet I'm going to wait until the anky is tamed and I'll grab it with the ykee so we both get levels okay we've got 255 hide I think that's short yeah need 260 well you know what that means someone on this beach has to die you're the lucky winner [ __ ] now I tell you what you don't want to be in this series a winner you get killed or shot in the face with an arrow Paddy's happy about it okay the hide wood and metal I got more metal in the Forge oh I need fiber not wood that'll do it here we are and the anky is awake patiently awaiting our return what's up girl level 104 pretty sweet here is your saddle and here's some more berries to eat okay let's give you a name now your name is going to be April O'Neal okay ready to get some metal April of course you are you're ready to do whatever I tell you to do cuz I'm the one who feeds you berries well I'm going to mine this metal now lady you don't want to move fine if you get hit though it's your own fault I warned you now you want to fight me I'm telling you that's a bad idea I would just walk away now all right then she's going to push me off the cliff unbelievable you [ __ ] [ __ ] oh that didn't hurt at all April's got those those thick legs she's encumbered though so we're going to have to unload some [ __ ] out of her there's another level we're just going to pump weight cuz she's going to be our little Workhorse oh [ __ ] I didn't even see that there among the largest creatures is this lady really going to talk complicated cave networks can I shut her up up to me long it's always some lady with an accent too so she sounds all smart difficulty he's the largest dinosaur on the island he's a cave dweller they should just get someone from brookly to do it they keep it nice and short and sweet let me tell you about this dinosaur okay first of all it's [ __ ] big lives in caves and [ __ ] climb up the walls forget about and that's it it's done that's all you need to know let's go wait again and let's unload this [ __ ] and then we're going to go get that other explore note before we uh get out of here excuse me with your big ass feet possessing the appearance of God here we go again dinosaur in the rivers 10 levels holy [ __ ] I ain't even mad talk all you want Lady no one's listening no [ __ ] can't force me to learn time well she doesn't really get a ton of stone I thought we'd grab a bunch before we leave cuz why not but yeah she's really I mean she's getting more Flint than Stone which is good we need Flint too but we got to get those uh that those other that we got to get that that other dyo the Diplo what what is it called you guys know what I'm talking about that's really the one meant for mining stone hey look at uh this poor Simon over here stuck in the Rocks you need some help buddy huh oh sorry oh level 150 we should get this little [ __ ] April no stop it stop God I appreciate you having my back and [ __ ] but I got things under control here we go and for the F I'm going to step away from the cartoon character names and name it Simon of course after the Simon from neebs gaming that's what I named my FiOS all of them I named them all Simon in the original Island series and I'm going to do the same thing here cuz it's funny besides Simon is uh basically a cartoon character anyway so it works get out of my way [ __ ] what are you stuck you still stuck in these rocks huh well let's see if I can break you free here all right you good you good now yeah you're good all right let's go home H there's another T-Rex down the beach not far from here you can see it uh so let's get this [ __ ] unloaded and let's get a trap built on the beach just in case that thing makes its way down here got to split this stack of metal in half I can't carry a full stack let's get it smelting down we should craft a second Forge you know I was going to seal this corner off but I kind of like it cuz you can use it as like a bit of a shortcut just jumping up on those steps like that all right that's everything now like I said we should build a trap on the beach I heard dinosaurs don't go up ramp traps anymore like they used to I don't know though I kind of want to build one anyway see for myself all right so so super basic trap we're just going to do a 2X two foundation and then we're going to put up the walls too high uh let's use the double door block that that should work better the T-Rex definitely can't get through a double door there we go now we just put the ramp in and we're done like I said pretty damn basic I've used this trap countless times to capture all different types of dinosaurs I know it works on a T-rex or at least it used to uh from what I heard though the dinos just go around the ramp they refuse to go up the ramp now but we're going to find out um should I the the T-Rex should be able to walk up that with that little Gap there that shouldn't make a difference all right all right it'd be nice if I had a spy glass so I knew what I was walking into right now but I don't we'll have to find some Crystal and make one for now I'm just going to shoot this [ __ ] and see what happens I kind of hope it's a low level just in case the Trap doesn't work all right it is onike Donkey Kong as they say he's tracking me nicely I hope that lip doesn't bother him let's go baby oh you son of a [ __ ] he did go around it oh not good not good is it the lip I should have brought that ramp all the way down to the ground then I wouldn't be questioning it right now whether that's the problem or not hey where you going this is nowhere near over come on hey hey hey you don't even think about [ __ ] with them oh [ __ ] it's going down oh was it like a level 10 almost landed on Dora it is a level 10 damn it I mean actually good that is good because the Trap didn't [ __ ] work Dora you should not be here all right so what I'm going to do now is take down one side of the wall here and then I'm going to get a large bear trap crafted and put it in the middle of the foundations and then we can lure a dinosaur into the bear trap and then throw up the wall real quick trapping it inside and the bear trap will trap any dinosaur because I've trapped a giga with it in the past so it'll grab a hold of any dinosaur door but not for long what are you doing get out of here [ __ ] here we go now I forget how how do we arm this thing does it arm itself yep there it goes okay you know what I just realized Patty Mayo is gone uh uh uh I don't see her do she get killed I mean she always runs away whenever some [ __ ] jumps off Patty's [ __ ] gone that's why I usually throw her inside the base but she's not on the list of dinos that I can track so I think she's dead there's a Carell did that [ __ ] thing kill her but how would it just kill Patty and not start a huge fight I don't know but we're gonna test out this new trap oh my God now we got to make a big sweeping turn here to get it oh to go inside oh [ __ ] Dora what are you doing run away flee get out of here all right let's go get in here get oh so close oh [ __ ] it can go through the [ __ ] double doors the Caro well I'm a [ __ ] idiot I hope you're a low level it does seem hurt oh and see the bear trap does not hold him for long but it's running away that's good at least it's not going to kill us I would like to tame it though oh my God holy [ __ ] oh what are you level 20 no 65 hey that's not bad not bad at all all right come here Lisa I got to figure out how to like make it so the dinosaurs go back to where they were after a fight breaks out oh here we go uh the Rex is going to be Bobby Hill since he's just a level 10 well he should be higher than a level 10 now 14 whatever come on Lisa I want you over on this side of the base holy [ __ ] another one of these [ __ ] chickens he's going to kill Bobby Hill there goes [ __ ] Simon running away oh what a mess no Bobby [ __ ] um the saddle is on Maggie what the hell is going on you done you just going to stand there oh here take a couple of these yeah you son of a [ __ ] oh God oh my God ow someone kill it here April we'll do it there's Maggie well we're fine April O'Neal will handle the job oh yeah and April did get the kill look at that put that in to wait why not that was a [ __ ] mess I kept my eye on the top of the screen though to make sure none of my my dinos died and none did except for Bobby Hill of course what are you going to do I tell you what we're going to do get a bunch of hide that's what we're going to do here take the prime meat instead all right we got the Carno at least and her name is going to be Tina beler for no specific reason just because Dina Belcher is an amazing character what's up Tina uh I don't know where Dora is I mean I did tell her to flee so I don't know how far away she went H whatever I'll see if I can find her on the map uh I want to go get this drop though real quick let's take uh April O'Neal into the water because there's a [ __ ] ton of piranhas in there and here we go [ __ ] you piranhas yeah eat [ __ ] uh just grab everything April come here okay we did it well one of the things I spotted was the sickle that we grabbed out of there that's nice we can get a bunch of plant fiber with that but not berries unfortunately a cannon holy [ __ ] can we put that on top of the base for protection and a trip wire alarm and some soap good cuz we're a [ __ ] mess um yeah for harvesting berries we're going to have to go get another Moss chops even though I think I think stos can Harvest a good amount of berries too man it's getting crazy I need to get my arms around this thing I need to maybe build some walls put up some defenses protect our dinosaurs a bit more I'm I still think we're in a good position I today was a great day we we got an anky we got a Simon both high level we got a Carno decent level we only lost well I mean we lost Patty Mayo I don't know where Dora is Bobby Hill came and went you know he was only a level 14 anyway so who cares but overall I think it was a pretty good day I need to spend the rest of the day grinding for stone so we can build a wall keep these dinos protected and together and uh what now what's happening oh just a DI that Tina is murdering no big deal but then everyone everyone goes crazy and [ __ ] you know I like I said I need to get my arms around this [ __ ] base and when I say arms I mean a wall around this [ __ ] so I'm going to do some grinding for stone and start working on that and uh I need to completely rethink traps as well even though I think the trap with the bear trap is is not a bad idea I just need to use um probably Behemoth Gates instead with the gate that I can open and close um so yeah traps is another thing I need to uh really put some thought into so we can get a a good working trap here on the beach cuz T-Rexes keep coming and I want to get one of them so uh I'm going to put some thought into that and get some work done here some grind work and we'll pick things up here on the morning of day four guys I hope you enjoyed this episode and I hope you're looking forward to seeing more thank you so much for watching and all the support you guys are the best you can follow me on Instagram or Twitter if you want it's at glock9 gamer I follow all Gamers back stick around for more Arc and I will catch you guys in the next episode [Music] yeah
Channel: Glock9
Views: 95,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival, ark survival ascended, ascended, ase, asa, ark survival evolved, new, update, 2023, game, gaming, gamer, pc, steam, early access, ps5, xbox, console, survival, surviving, craft, crafting, open world, lets play, play through, series, gameplay, how to, tutorial, ep 3, day 3, the island, ark island, dino, dinos, dinosaurs, taming, fun, funny, comedy, humor, syntac, glock9, neebs, neebsgaming, markiplier
Id: NbzUichDH7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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