Ark Survival Evolved - Fjordur EP1 (Getting Started)

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oh thing in my wrist that means we're back in Ark oh boy hope it goes better this time it will I'm gonna do better no rage quitting this time I promise what's up everyone Glock 9 here and welcome back to Arc we are in fajrador referred refrigerator door Arc refrigerator door I'm pretty sure that's how you pronounce it and there's a raptor over there already so that's great he's gonna eat that guy cool I'm gonna run this way because I don't want to be next maybe he'll attack one of these trikes like an idiot and get himself killed that is exactly what he's doing oh yeah team up on him he's a goner sweet all right let's check the map and that is exactly where I want to be the lower left corner of this island as you can see by the map I haven't explored much of this world so we got a lot of exploring to do but I've explored enough to where I know that in the corner of this island here there is a couple of ruins or Explorer notes and by grabbing those we can get a ton of levels really quick there's also a bunch of free loot here pop this crate open bam we got a crossbow and a metal Hatchet already let's bring that stuff down and drop all this [ __ ] we don't need any of these skins there we go let's get some more loot now there's food in these barrels they'll be uh spoiled meat cooked meat and you get scrap metal and wood as well let's put that first level into health and unlock the campfire don't really need to unlock the hatchet or the spear just yet and I'm gonna drop the scrap metal in the wood as much as I'd like to hold on to that scrap metal it's just going to weigh us down here in the beginning that's not what I need I don't want two crossbows and four hatchets dropping all this crap got a barrel right here and let's see if we can find another crate because I would like a pickaxe and a pike that would do us well and I don't want to grab the ruin just yet because I would like to see if we can get a tame real quick because then our team will get all the levels from the ruin as well you know all right oh here's another crate there's a metal pick sweet bring that down and I'm gonna dump these crossbows as much as I'd like to hold on to a backup one and let's not worry about that for now I just pooped pooping pants okay there's more loot over here and I also want to harvest that Raptor here's the Raptor and get some hide and another level let's throw that level into uh movement speed and let's unlock the water skin I'm not gonna unlock the cloth armor because well it's not really armor is it it's [ __ ] cotton but also once we get those ruins we're gonna level up really fast and we should be able to just go right for the hide armor you know what I onto a backup pickaxe and a backup Hatchet because we can't repair these things just yet plenty of food to hold us over nope no pike there I'm gonna drop this and that and this and that and that let's see one more crate bam there it is okay bring a pike down and I don't need a backup Pike okay we're good we got our tools we got a weapon we need to find something to tame because it'd be nice to pick up those ruins with the tame so our team can get a bunch of levels as well um a turtle is an easy tame but really a turtle is just going to slow us down because we got a lot of traveling to do today a dial-a wouldn't be bad but we need to unlock Ebola and uh a wooden Club to be able to get a Dilo um let's see what else we got maybe one of those uh maso chops or whatever those things sometimes just want berries pooped I'm definitely not doing a hot dog that's hot dog's just gonna slow us down and it's not going to provide us with any protection got another level here we are what do you want buddy medjoberries got you covered my dude I'll pick him right from this bush here they're the purple ones nope we are hungry some of this meat grab some more berries and this is sweet because we can actually ride the the chops without a saddle so this is perfect first tame right here bam I must chops what we gonna name him uh choppity chops yeah all right choppity chops let's go get some levels baby actually I already have one let's put that into health and let's unlock the storage box okay that's good for now and get some berries into chops because that's what he likes to eat and uh we're good okay maybe we can actually level them up before we get the ruin by uh eating these little bastards here we go I know you like Barry's chops but sometimes you got to get the taste of blood and you can actually Harvest a bunch of berries by doing this all right this is sweet whoops two levels let's go melee damage I'm gonna pump that way up get out of here another level for both of us men after we get these ruins we're gonna come off of this beach looking real good oh damn it stop dancing chops kill these bricks oh sorry Turtle oh I must die now too and now this other Turtle wants some oh boy oh [ __ ] this is not good get him chops oh okay that was almost bad we're fine though here's the other ruin I mentioned up here on this rock and the first one we spotted is just down there on that broken down ship that's one of 200 so we got 199 more of these to find that gave us six levels I'm gonna pump up health and stamina and weight and movement speed melee damage and health again all right lots of stuff to unlock here Let's uh do the Bola and the wooden Club of course we're gonna need narcotics and the rest can wait I really want this here the hide armor let's see what chops got ten levels holy [ __ ] well let's fire up melee damage melee damage and health those are my two biggest concerns and stamina I guess too all right let's go get another one of those there we go only 198 left to find how many levels did we get 11 man this game is so easy let's go Health stamina uh weight of course melee damage movement speed I think we should go fortitude at least a few points in the fortitude this is going to help insulate us against you know the cold and the heat so I think we're gonna need that that's one more and then the last one into uh Health again yeah okay can we unlock the hide armor now yes we can pooped there we go full set of hide armor 19 levels for chops holy [ __ ] let's just pump melee damage up over a thousand percent that is insane uh the last point we'll go into stamina I think this is the way we want to go I want to build our first base towards the Northeast part of this island because uh that's kind of centralized I think that that'd be a good place to start we could check out this drop but I'm pretty sure you got to be level 35 to pick up a green drop and we're not there yet oh little poopy this guy chops poops like a [ __ ] lunatic must be all the berries eats now we got a couple of raptors up there and chops is still sitting at a little bit less than half health he's pooping again and I you know shoving berries into him does not pump his health like it like shoving meat into a carnivore pumps their health up doesn't really work like that with the berries just make some [ __ ] a lot um I mean I could probably destroy those Raptors but I'm gonna hang back just for a little and let chops regen some help now he's a pack leader I thought he was an alpha for a second oh you just got one shot it oh you bunch of [ __ ] that's what I was afraid of man chops is a beast you got Flatline buddy let's see what we got here oh I'll take the arrows and these berries and these berries and all the berries we'll give those berries to chops you earned them buddy you pooping machine there you go God should have named you sir shits a lot well here Mark's the beginning of our journey what a great start hopefully the rest of the day goes as well as the beginning of the day did it's really mountainous this part of the island so getting through it's going to be a bit of a pain in the ass there's definitely going to be some dangerous dinosaurs but chops is a dangerous dinosaur I feel pretty confident with him that I'm gonna sucks though all right you chill right here chops I'm gonna go get us some monkey and now we just shove a berry into this guy oh where you going now he'll be fine he's a little standoffish at first but after I shove a few more up there we're gonna be best friends whoop got him from the bush look that one didn't even bother him he's used to it already I use Lube that time slipped right up there like a [ __ ] suppository one more should do it there you go nice we're gonna name our monkey George of course Curious George actually judging by the way he likes to eat his berries Maybe by Curious George anyway let's go meet chops George hey chops this is George get to know him he's our new best friend he likes berries just like you well not just like you hold up we might get another chops right here oh cooked prime meat sorry chops forget it that one's high maintenance a little bit of Dodo killing only mosquitoes too [ __ ] these things and let's Harvest that last one we can get chitten from these mosquitoes make some chit and armor you know there's a lot of uncultured swine that think it's pronounced chitin it makes me sad for them actually because really they're just uneducated I think this route is actually going to take us through the snowy mountains which is not good we could freeze to death up there even though I did put a few points into fortitude another uh group of mosquitoes screw them let's just keep pushing forward we'll just keep an eye on our temperature and our health oh there's a wolf yeah this is definitely gonna lead to the snow biome relax George we're fine I think we can take that wolf you know I think we can cut through the snow biome fast too in and out without taking too much damage Let's help this turtle out ah you're welcome take out this wolf too oh easy peasy don't do it turtle don't do it you stupid son of a [ __ ] all right moving on holy [ __ ] we gotta go I know chops's stats are pumped up but I don't think we're gonna win that fight oh my God stamina's about to run out I don't want to leave him behind but I might have to go is he is is this Rex even chasing me he must not be chasing me nope he's eating someone else oh thank God for someone else I think this is just the cliff right here that's what it looks like well I mean we could swim I don't know how long that Swim's gonna be but we should be fine we can make it to the beach it's either that or a T-Rex I think we're we're better off swimming just take it slow oh stop and poop do you ever not stop and poop I guess we're jumping from here uh I better eat something first and here we go brace yourselves fellas oh that was a soft Landing all right I'm gonna let chops swim on his own cause if I ride him then his stamina will drain and he'll drown we don't want that take a little break right here get some of our stamina back how you doing chops you good let's get him up here uh he's got full stamina he's fine don't even think about it bird I will put one of these in your eye that's right Fly Away okay hopefully the beach is right around the corner here you go chops he's good I'm not good though my stamina is just about drained if I sink George drowns too oh my God this just goes on forever doesn't it we might be in trouble here well I am just completely out of stamina floating along here job seems to be doing fine that's good I'm not sinking so that's a plus but I can't swim either get up there come on how can I not get up there that's [ __ ] maybe I can use chops to get up there come on oh wait I got full stamina now all I had to do was get on shops okay I want to ride him for too long because now you can see his stamina is going down okay we're good again all right sweet next time I'm running out of stamina I'll just hop on chops for a second keep going until we hit the beach which should be sometime around tomorrow this is taking a ridiculous amount of time but it was either this or the T-Rex and I chose this but now looks like we've got another problem oh my God how many orgies we got over here too many that's the answer hope you're ready for a fight shops well bad news is no beach in sight yet but the good news is the orgies haven't attacked us so that's good I wasn't looking forward to that fight right chops that would have been all you buddy at least we don't got to worry about getting our eyes pecked out pooped okay I'm gonna take a quick breather I should eat some food I'm getting hungry we gotta be getting close this has got to be it right oh chops might be able to climb up that way he's a pretty good climber let's try no no that ain't happening all right then excuse me tracks I got more swimming to do hopefully it's right around here it's Gotta Be come on baby give me the beach oh yeah that looks like it all right bit of a pain in the ass we swam pretty much most of our day away but better than getting eaten by a T-rex or freezing to death in the mountains now look we're on a beach oh it's nice and peaceful look at everybody enjoying themselves yeah this was definitely the better move for us anyway definitely sucks for the dodos because I'm gonna kill them let me fill up my water here we're gonna have to make a campfire because I'm running out of meat there's a uh red or pink supply drop over there I don't know if uh we're gonna be able to get it I don't know what level you have to be to um get the pink drop but let's go find out another shipwreck also nice we can get some more cooked meat and spoiled meat from the barrels oh level 60 nope not getting that looks much more red up close look pink from far away another Barrel over here anything in the ship or what's left of the ship nope all right don't get stuck chops come on we gotta move it's getting dark we might have to set up a little um makeshift place to stay tonight yeah I think that's the move we've done so well today I hate to keep pushing into the unknown when it's starting to get dark and uh we're kind of uh pretty encumbered between chops and I so I think the move here is to just set up a little Camp lay down a campfire cook a whole bunch of meat put down some storage maybe store some [ __ ] so as we continue our journey tomorrow we're not so encumbered and we can always come back to this spot at a later time and pick up whatever we left behind foreign skid all of our meat in here again I need more wood gotta keep this beach safe all right I guess that's gonna do it what a first day man we pumped up our level pumped up chops's level we got a monkey I mean it couldn't have gone any better maybe if we didn't have to swim for [ __ ] eight hours that could have been a little better but that's okay like I said it was either that or fight a T-Rex which I wasn't prepared to do we're gonna head up that way in the morning and try and find a good place to build our first base and then from there we got to build a boat I guess and get off this island go explore the other ones but that's gonna be a little bit further down the road anyway guys I hope you enjoyed this episode and I hope you're looking forward to seeing more thank you so much for watching and all of the support you guys are the best you can follow me on Instagram or Twitter if you want it's at Glock 9gamer I follow all Gamers back stick around for more Arc and I will catch you guys in the next episode [Music] thank you [Music] thank you
Channel: Glock9
Views: 149,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival, ark survival evolved, fjordur, free, dlc, game, gaming, gamer, pc, steam, epic, ps5, console, xbox, survival, surviving, craft, crafting, open world, lets play, play through, new, series, ep1, ep 1, day 1, dino, dinosaurs, taming, funny, comedy, glock9, neebs, neebsgaming, markiplier
Id: d1xHfd2dflY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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