Ark Survival Ascended - EP4 (Ark Giveth and Ark Taketh Away)

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well it is still day three I haven't gotten to any busy work yet matter of fact I haven't even repaired my armor yet but there is a T-Rex on the beach and I made some changes to this trap after thinking about it the walls are higher and ascended so I think going too high was too high but I'm but seriously I think one high is going to be good enough and I'm using the door frame openings instead of the double door openings like I always used to so we're going to try this out and see if it works Works hopefully it does cuz if not this thing's probably going to murder me and all my dinos it's mad that's good come on fella or lady I don't know what you are I need a spy glass that is definitely uh one thing we need to accomplish tomorrow come on please work please work here we go get in there you [ __ ] oh oh yes I knew that was the problem got a Rex baby oh I had enough beautiful level 45 not the best but I'll take it what's up everyone glock9 here and welcome back to Ark it is the morning of day four I made myself some chit armor last night so I look like the [ __ ] crab king now [ __ ] Mr Krabs over here I guess that's fitting considering all the cartoon names I got some base work done last night you can see the walls extending on both sides so let's go have a look at what I did first thing I did is rearrange the storage and I put most of it up on the second floor stuck it in the corner there which makes sense because my workstations are up here so I need to move all my raw materials up here as well and I put in a back door leading to the backyard and I started Walling it in uh it's open at the bottom here for now just just because I didn't have enough materials to make that many foundations but I will fill it in eventually I think I need to extend it a bit further too just so there's room for growth I mean all my dinos fit in here right now but uh I don't know I got to put in a behemoth gate now that we have uh Reptar over here that's right Reptar is uh level 72 now after taming so that's pretty nice I'm not a high enough level to make a T-Rex saddle yet though so we can't ride her at the moment but she's uh doing her part defending the base we got Homer over here Lisa Dina beler the garno level 104 that's nice Maggie we got the Doos I picked up two more last night Princess Bubblegum let's put a level into melee damage and we got another Lumpy Space Princess let's put another level into damage for her as well it's hard to see without the sun shining right on them but Princess Bubblegum is mostly pink and LSP is mostly purple and so the names are fitting and then of course we've got Ed Ed and Eddie and then we've got April O'Neal and Simon chilling in the corner and I finally found Dora and she's chilling up there on the rooftop here comes a supply drop we should probably go get that and then we need to go get some Crystal so we can make a spy glass now I'm pretty sure there's a cave in that Cove where my arrow is pointing at right now and there should be some crystal in that cave hopefully not too deep in the cave because we're really not set up to go splunking right now so with a little luck we can get in grab some Crystal get the hell out let's uh take Dora over to get that supply drop first though I'm not going to take Dora to get the crystal because uh the amount of weight Dora can hold is pretty pathetic so it' be kind of pointless to fly there with Dora and then we'd have to walk back holding the crystal can I grab this drop from the top of it without having to go in the water no I can't all right Dora follow me so you don't go flying away get down here grab the drop and get out of here before the Piranhas show up so we got a medium elevator platform an underwater mine couple of pieces of mutton an apprentice woolly Rhino saddle which I'd like to put to use at some point and C4 oh well how are you doing good just checking the place out you want to live here I tell you what if you're still here when I get back I'll make you a permanent resident what was that you got a baby yeah that's cute oh two babies well [ __ ] it let's make all of your permanent residents right now just need my crossbow and these should I not be shooting this thing in the head is that where all its armor is maybe I should be shooting it in the body oh nope thought he was going oh [ __ ] he broke loose oh never mind he's down for the count oh [ __ ] we got another T-Rex here oh man I wish I saw this thing coming I would have tried to lure it into the Trap I think it's a little too late for that come here Tina oh no Ed got killed that's a shame oh now Princess Bubblegum come on kill this [ __ ] thing oh no Ed died all right we got it we lost three dios whatever here we go all right we may have lost three dinos but we just gained three whoops my caps lock is on Richard Waton is his name and now where are your kids here's one come on there we go you are Gumball and where's Darwin there we are bam Darwin three pis that's right it's pronounced Packy the CH has a k sound unlike chitten where the CH has a CH sound another nice thing about this trap is that it catches random food for you oh an egg thank you oh you son of a [ __ ] oh you mad well you know what you're going to be later dinner that's right I'm going to kill you and eat you how you feel about that not so great huh yeah you like that no yeah good luck getting out all right Tina it's just me and you going on a little adventure to a cave to get some Crystal well hey there little MOS chops level 90 you want some berries you do well you're mine oh great one of these crazy chickens run past it Patty Mayo come on what's she doing she's going to get eaten by the chicken damn it uh you know what she'll be fine this really is a beautiful beach nice and peaceful I feel like we should be living over here but too late oh here we go should be a cave in here somewhere uh I think that's it sure looks like it all right Tina you wait here don't get killed oh boy oh there we are look how easy that is that should be good enough for now we can drop the little bit of stone we picked up and we got 113 pounds of Crystal Tina can carry that much oh Patty Mayo there you are I thought you might have got killed good thing you didn't now I can take you home where you can get killed defending me at least what no I didn't say anything ah here's another Dino we can grab our own hot dog level 85 that's not bad want to get a few of these back at the base at least they'll help our dinos level up faster it's going to be a pain in the ass walking him home just cuz he's so slow but we're not too far there we go hot dog is your name you got to name hot dogs hot dog because that's what they are at least that's what they look like little hot dogs or you can name them Frank or Frank furder or Oscar or Oscar Myer or just weener use your imagination all right Tina let's go we're going to have to walk at home this is what we need right here that's what I was talking about in the last episode a docurus that's what they're called and a level 9 too that's sweet I obviously don't have my crossbow or Tran arrows on me now but I'm going to go get them and come back and look here's a second one perfect oh hey [ __ ] still stuck in the Trap huh what are you doing pondering life and how it's all just meaningless suffering until you meet your tragic end yeah stew on that for a little bit oh kill you later well hot dog's happy to be home I get some food for him uh let's bring Reptar over here so she can benefit from the XP boost I'm probably going to try and tame both of them but for now let's just make one docus saddle oh we got some stew and we have an apprentice iguan Aon saddle and something's happening oh it's just Tina getting a attacked by piranhas fight back Tina [ __ ] piranhas all right let's go get these bowling balls I better set Tina to passive so she doesn't try and eat them well I don't see the level 90 so we're just going to grab this one for now it's a level 55 it's not bad oh you hold still oh [ __ ] well there's the level 90 all right we'll get both both of them that was the plan it's going to be a bit of a pain in the ass though with both of them attacking me they're pretty easy and slow all of these all this plant life and brush is making it a little bit of a pain as well but it's no big deal we're going to get through it she starting to show signs of damage oh down she goes okay your turn there we go nice they're going to make Gathering stone for base work a lot faster and easier they're taming a bit slow so we're going to just force feed them some narcoberries to make sure they stay knocked out okay finally uh we're going to name the female Wilma so you could probably guess what his name's going to be uh we're going to pump weight on both of these to so they can carry more Stone and then once weight gets up there we can start putting uh points in the melee damage there's another one going wait again let's get that up to like 400 that'll be looking good boom hit a stone get a level hit a stone get a level hit a stone get a level bam and his name is Fred of course Fred and Wilma oh Meet The Flintstones something something something family hey you know how long it's been since I watched The Flintstones give me a [ __ ] break okay Fred and Wilma are completely loaded up with stone let's walk them home home now and uh then we'll use one of the stos to get a bunch of wood and thatch and we'll have plenty of materials to get a behemoth Gateway crafted tonight as well as all the additional foundations and walls we're going to need oh [ __ ] there is an alpha Raptor in the Trap eating those two [ __ ] [ __ ] that I left in there all right Fred and Wilma just don't look at it in the eye and keep walking did it go up the ramp and it's now stuck in there I don't know maybe it is stuck in there that would be great I don't know I mean it's still in the Trap let's get Fred and Wilma like towards the back of the base just in case the fight breaks out we don't want to lose these two well it is out of the Trap what's it going to do run away that would be ideal um I'm going to set everybody to attack my target cuz I want everyone jumping in this fight there's a T-Rex over there but he's preoccupied eating that other dinosaur's ass right now so I'm not too worried about him I don't know where the Raptor went hopefully far away I'm going to go ahead and just uh Park Tina over here next to Maggie trying to get Reptar in a decent position it'll be so much easier once I can craft a saddle for her oh [ __ ] um not good all right attack everyone [ __ ] this thing up oh yeah gang life [ __ ] oh no come on I can't I can't get to it I got pushed to the back Maggie's like one of the hardest hitting dinos I have and I can't even [ __ ] what Tina beler oh no she didn't die she killed something did she kill the Raptor she killed something and the Raptor is apparently dead so great didn't lose any dinos let's all get back to the base now before this other [ __ ] T-Rex comes over here actually we have a spy glass let's have a look at this other Rex and see what we're even dealing with oh level 25 who gives a [ __ ] we'll [ __ ] that thing up put Maggie on the end here okay now turn around Reptar there's a crazy chicken walking around here I'd love to run it into the Trap but I don't have enough Tran arrows to tame that thing probably so I'm just going to hope it doesn't attack me here you go Patty Mayo that's your spot this chicken is going to [ __ ] around and find out I'm telling you look at it just walking around waiting to do something stupid give me a saddle don't all right uh what's going on over here something where are they all running off to come here Lisa oh Dora Dora just got murdered oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] these [ __ ] chickens Darwin who the [ __ ] is Darwin oh the py well his life was shortlived what do you want that's what happens when you join my clan oh no Tina beler not Tina you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] oh Richard Waton is dead now and Gumball the whole family Simon [ __ ] man you better not kill The Flintstones why isn't anyone helping me I thought everyone was set to attack my target oh you're [ __ ] joking right hot dog fine get him hot dog you might as well like hot dog is jumping in the fight but where's [ __ ] Reptar at what a disaster there's Simon's body give me that saddle back we'll get another Simon they're like a diamond dozen around here hey come on I'm trying to harvest my friend [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] it's my beach well that's going to be a lot of hide oh good goodness man we lost what did we lose we lost Simon we lost Tina beler the Carno unbelievable at least we got The Flintstones hot dog is still chilling but DEA belur what no it's just a little Dow yeah that's all that was holy [ __ ] I know no not the safest place for a base but it is fun you know it is fun that's for sure can't argue against that well at least we still got our three stos they are the backbone of this base and repar too I guess until we can get a better repar anyway but we lost Dora which sucks because I am really close to being able to unlock an RG saddle which I was hoping I can get that done tonight from all the base work we're going to do and then I was going to use Dora tomorrow to go and try and find an RG and tame one now we can still do that but obviously we have to first find and tame another Pteranodon I have to make another Pteranodon saddle tonight as well because I don't know where Dora died I didn't see a bag so I wasn't able to get that saddle back H so little bit of a hectic day but whatever we made it through we got our Stone collectors we still got our three stos like I said we got a Rex we still got April O'Neal for collecting metal we're doing all right excuse me dick like I don't sick my Army of degenerate reptiles on you all right well I'm going to get a bunch of Base work done tonight I want to get this sealed off finally so we don't have to worry about constant fights and threats and [ __ ] here at least everyone will be protected and then uh like I said we got to get a Pteranodon and an RG because I want to start scouting our main base location and I want to do that with an RG so then we can actually start building it a little bit at a time uh while we're still living here anyway guys that's going to be it for this episode hope you enjoyed it and I hope you're looking forward to seeing more thank you so much for watching and all the support you guys are the best you can follow me on Instagram or Twitter if you want it's at glock9 gamer I follow all Gamers back stick around for more Arc and I will catch you guys in the next [Music] episode [Music] no
Channel: Glock9
Views: 92,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival, ark survival ascended, ASA, ASE, ask survival evolved, ark the island, the island, new, update, 2023, game, gaming, gamer, video game, survival, survival game, surviving, craft, crafting, open world, lets play, play through, gameplay, series, pc, steam, early access, ps5, xbox, console, dino, dinos, tame, taming, base building, funny, comedy, humor, glock9, neebs, neebsgaming, markiplier, syntac
Id: tSNh7tB2IuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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