I PAID £600 FOR A VIRUS! | 7 Houseplants I Regret Buying!

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hello everybody glad you could make it my name is kaylee ellen and welcome to seven plants i regret buying i'm sat in a different area i know it's a little bit weird but i've just finished recording a video that should be fingers crossed up on my second channel now about basically what's going on with the lower portion of my face if you don't know what i'm talking about cool if you want to know then head over to that i'll link it below just for anyone interested because i know i mentioned it last week uh no one really guessed i think like one person kind of guessed so that was kind of cool i kind of feel good about that right into the video so half of the plants on this list are plants that i have bought in for the shop and i regret just to get that just to make that totally clear oh my god it's raining i hope you can't hear that why does this always happen to me when i film every single time it happens so half of them are from buying them into the shop and half of them are personal purchases i've done that deliberately that's just kind of how it's worked out if you don't know if you have your first time watching my channel i own a red plant shop so that is why i'm saying that some of them are for the shop some of them for me without further ado i'm gonna get straight into it let's not waste any time at all the first plant i regret wow do you mind really the first plant that i really regret buying in for this shop is the philodendron 69686 now why you ask honestly why you ask it's a great plan people that have bought them from me might be able to tell you why quite honest i've sold them on and off and they've never really shipped well but my launch that i did late last year you know the big launch for this place uh opening i think i may have refunded pretty much every single plant that shipped out every single philodendron six nine six eight six that shipped out i had to refund now that could be that they just don't like how i ship them i'm not saying definitively that they're bad shippers but i believe they are is that the same thing in moss to be honest they don't seem to take very well beautiful plant as a plant they're gorgeous if you like plants like the philodendron upi because that's a super rare one everyone's really becoming more of a fan of it i've mentioned this before as a kind of dupe for it in previous plant halls really really nice plant but honestly i regret buying it in because as we speak somewhere down there in a tray a tray by that i mean about 36 plants something like that in a big tree i have a full tree full and honestly i've pulled them from sale in the shop because i it was just it was losing me money to send them out it was causing customers just general distress getting plants that just literally these things would come in and i'd get like the same email from like five different customers basically saying look this plan's come in it's dropped the leaf which i thought was okay but then it's dropped another and another and another the roots seem fine but it's just dropping all of its sleeves and now i'm left with a stump that happened i th i'm pretty sure it happened with everybody i think previously when i've sold this as well earlier on in the year in march it happened to a couple of people as well so that leads me to believe that it's just terrible at shipping and as a result i'm now left with a tray of them i don't know a good way of getting rid of them maybe i could do a giveaway i think the only proviso i want to give away is i can't replace it if it dies so it's your risk but it's not your risk if that makes sense so i could i guess i could do a giveaway um periodically you know send them out and if they die i'm really sorry i'm just not prepared to have someone really purchase them and ship them i don't think if you know what i should do with those plans let me know if you've got a really good idea i just i don't feel cool selling them in the shop because they don't ship at least for me and our shipping methods here at the red pan shop they don't do well enough they are not good enough i'm not going through it again i'm not putting my customers through that again so for that reason i regret buying them because i got quite a few in for launch and uh not all of them were ready anyway i got them some point mid-summer i think so not all of them were ready but the ones that were already in the went out they they sucked honestly and you'll know what i mean if you ordered one of them from my shop and we had to refund it so for that reason the p6968 i kind of regret beautiful plant but for me and the business no good at all the next plant on my list is the variegated dragon scale now this was a mixture of business and pleasure this one i bought the variegated dragon scale i mean it was beautiful wasn't it wasn't it i bought that for my personal collection but obviously if the plan produced pups or anything like that they would have gone into the shop so it's kind of a bit of both when i bought it so it was a really gorgeous purchase and i don't think i'd really purchased many variegated alocasia prior to that point so it was kind of one of the first i think that i got and something i've learned about varicated alocasia they revert like a new tomorrow literally in nearly every case when i bought a variegated allocation it has reverted on me as in totally just can't get it back there are tricks to get it back by the way let me know if you want me to do a video on that there are tricks to maybe get it back it's not sure fire but it's possible there are tricks you'd have to really go back to basics with the plan but there are some tricks there but long story short it reverted on me and i wanted so badly for this thing to grow because honestly i'm sure i've got images of it i used one for the shop it's a stunning plan it's absolutely stunning beautiful planet allocation dragon scale by default is a gorgeous plant but this one was just stunning it was so good i may have paid i could be wrong here i think i might have paid round about 450 for that possibly um i knew it was a semi risk i just didn't know the risk was that high on it so i paid for that and obviously it didn't pan out so really i should be putting not just that plant on my list but i should be putting many variegated allocations on this list because i bought what have i bought variegated fry deck that um i got midsummer not friday sorry um amazonica although i do have varigate fried egg and they're a struggle as well i've got a few in the shop and they struggle so nearly every variegated allocation i bought i've struggled with but i'm gonna use the dragon scale as a flagship model because everyone knows it if you've seen it anyway and it was very beautiful and it was a big shame so for that reason i regret buying it i mean technically i've got good photographs of it so that's cool i guess there's like a 450 pounds photograph but i kind of regret that a little bit bit crap really okay the next plant on my list is weird and you're not going to understand so i'm going to have to explain it but the next plant on my list that i regret buying is the monstera thai constellation now just wait a minute okay anyone that knows me knows that i really really really rave about these plants i think the monster attack constellation is fantastic the variegation is stable it looks gorgeous it grows big they're reasonably easy great honestly awesome not only that but they're produced as a product with tissue culture so you can get them in batches you can't get them very often but when you can't get them there should be enough for a period of time anyway so they're really really good for that i love them but not even last year the year before last year not long after i quit my job in like november i bought round about 100 thai and you know what it might have even been 200 thai i think it was 200 thai constellation i thought right let's just go for it let's get them in and let's rehab them for spring i got them in and i noticed that story time my uh my supplier or the packer had cut the roots of these ties they were big ties and we're talking about this this tall so the leaves were like this big as my head quite easily not everyone but most of them i think to get the weight down the person packaging the plants cut the roots i didn't okay that i was infuriated by that actually but now they've been cut and that's it and the way our game works if you get stuff from suppliers you don't necessarily get stuff replaced if something goes wrong it's one of these things and i'd love to do a video on this but it's like an advantage it's sorry it's a con of going direct to aj thailand ecuador or wherever a lot of the time you can't get stuff replaced so that kind of sucks um so these weren't getting replaced long story short the roots have been cut i now had huge big plants with no root so i knew they were going to just go and just go and it took so long for them to grow root i can't even tell you i tried them in soil for a while and recently i've switched half of them to lekker and they've all died switching them to lekker and that's after having them for about a year you will have probably seen these tie on a video of my i think the red plane shop tour actually the first one i did you will see them there's a lot that wasn't even all of them half of them died because they they rotted i think the the roots were cut then they half of them dried out in transit and if roots totally dry out and then you wet them again it's raw essentially so half of them rod that just sucked so for the longest time i ended up with these really battered tie that i couldn't sell and they took up a lot of space so i regret that tenfold i wouldn't necessarily say that i regret buying thai consolation themselves i regret buying from this place and i regret buying so many from this place i would buy that amount of time again but yeah so i still have tons of thai in the shop still i think i'm down to one box because all the propagations failed don't know why they just did so i'm down to a whole box of thai now which sounds great except i just i'm so sick of the sight of them i look at them and all i see is the pain and suffering i had to go through for months for months to get these things to look anywhere near good it was just it was just a pain it was just a pain in the ass so for that reason i really really regret them again i don't i totally endorse monster thai consolation um endorses the right word i i love them i don't think you can endorse anything like that that's the wrong word to use i'm going to retract that straight away i totally love them and i recommend them if you if you want that kind of thing but i regret buying that many i regret buying them from that place it wasn't good i cannot believe someone would just cut the route to save on the weight of the box fyi i always say to every single supplier i have look tell us what the shipping is if you can get it into two boxes rather than one do it i don't want them all squished and nasty i will pay the extra shipping stick it in a second box because i tend to order huge volumes of plants when i do i go hard so if a supplier tries to stick them all in one box they will get very squished and your plans are just i mean they've got acclimate anyway but i mean they're done but why someone would do that to save on the weight without even asking me to just pay the extra really really grinds my gears because it's given me a lot of space issues because these things take up a lot of space they're ties and i've had them for like two years and i still don't feel like a lot of them are ready some of them are now i sold one the other day the beautiful one that one but generally speaking a lot of them they just don't look their best and that pisses me off because i've had them two bloody years do you know what i mean so anyway i could run on about those time forever so i'm gonna just go to the next plant before i get really annoyed ah the next plan i'm really gonna have to dig this uh this footage out of me hauling this because i don't know where it is but the next plan i have on my list that i regret buying a lot is the variegated philodendron very awesome spoiler alert it wasn't very good it wasn't very great at all it was viral um and i i would just basically long story short was no real explanation i just didn't know i hadn't seen this kind of irrigation before um on any fellow at the time actually i don't think many people had either because no one really said anything in the comments i don't think but i thought it was variegation i thought it was unusual and sometimes in the game that i'm in in the rare plan game you kind of just have to sometimes just take your shot do you know me you have to take a risk and a lot of payoff or it won't that's very much the climate we're in and anybody else that has the same kind of shop as me would probably agree to a certain extent you've got to take some risks and this was just a calculated risk it was a 600 pound risk by the way um i don't like to mention prices on my channel because they're so subjective they change they they change no matter where you are i've said this a thousand times but i paid 600 pound and it was not worth that at all it was probably worth what 90 pounds 100 pounds something like that um it's gone obviously disposed of it and that's that there's not much to say other than i was i mean don't get me wrong i don't think the person that sold me the plan knew it a there i don't know we'll never know i'm not about to point fingers i thought it was pretty new appearance-wise at the time so i'm not going to assume they knew but i was sold a really viral plant so that sucked luckily i kept it away from everything else anyway just because i was babying it so much so nothing bad happened from that but there's a little lesson if you see a plant that looks like this one get it checked because i think it's a virus it's not variegation and i have seen a couple on facebook and i think someone tagged me in something i can't remember how long ago it was sorry um and we had a brief conversation i was like yeah that happened to me it was a virus i i you know i lost out there so it can happen to you don't assume it's a seller's fault unless they're cutting off roots on their ties that's their fault but don't assume they know they might not know um just be very careful about stuff like that get a check get a second opinion slap it up on facebook get people to comment on it whatever but that is the time i paid 600 pounds for a virus be very careful buying viral plants or potentially viral plants it can be real messy i speak from experience i have lost from doing that so moving on to the next plan on my list um this is kind of funny actually i'm sure i've got footage from this last year when i got my really large monstera that is on my living wall you you know the one you know the one i actually got a couple more i think in total i must have bought three extra monstera to go with it i i went a little bit nuts you could say long story short large form monster is on this list because i bought too many one i've had to cut down because we i think myself and ben picked it up we bought it from ebay but what the person didn't tell us was they'd just done a top cutting and lobbed it in soil so it didn't die but it really deteriorated so i actually cut all the foliage off it it's in the corner it's like a big long stick with nodes on it i'm gonna do some experiments on that it's the one that just looked a bit gangly in the documentary just didn't look very good the sexy one is downstairs on the like the corner part of the unit if you know what i mean it's down there it's looking great but it's taken up some room because it's huge right i wanted it in here but honestly i don't really think i've got room to be honest it's kind of full in here and i need the space to film in but i do regret getting that many i think if i just got that one in the big one cool i wouldn't have as many issues another thing i thought about putting that on the wall as well and melding it in with the big one i haven't yet i've left it separate because i'm worried about basically the roots just taking over but that's an option but generally speaking i regret buying that many although they are awesome do not get me wrong it's an absolute classic and if you're into monstera get a large form um but i do regret getting so many because i think i went a bit overboard like i'm pretty extra as a person anyway but this was this was too much i'm gonna come out and say it it's too much yeah second to last plan on my list is honestly more the same thing so if you watched my documentary cool awesome uh you'll remember it if you didn't i bought a really large a really gigantium philodendron gigantium verragata it it's gorgeous it's now next to the living wall in a big pot and i don't know what to do with it i really don't know what to do it's huge it was gonna go on the wall but it didn't look right at all i was gonna put it in the bottom box it just it didn't look cool when i was making all that so it's just sat there now in the unit taking up space so it's beautiful ben made the suggestion of chopping it down for propagations but i'm not cutting that i am not cutting that plan you can't make me cut that plan it's beautiful it's think about how many years it's taken to get that big i'm not cutting that i'd rather sell it than cut it and that's just because i'd want somebody else to have something that big but i don't even want to sell it so i'm kind of faced with some issues there because i have plants in here that are big and they're not really doing anything but i don't want to get rid of them so i'm gonna gloss over that one pretty quickly because it's honestly just the same situation as the large foam monster i just i got it and i shouldn't have it was some overlap from doing the living wall it was supposed to be on the wall so it wasn't budgeted to take up floor space and floor space it does take up so that is another one that i i it's hard to say i regret buying it but i also kind of don't because i love it really difficult on that one but i'm putting it on the list i'm gonna commit to it i regret buying it and the last plant on my list is an absolute classic on my channel it's the first plant to ever catfish me and i know y'all know what that is if you've followed me for quite some time and that is the begonia pavo nina now then i put this on a wishlist video last year the year before when even was it the year before yeah the year before it was this beautiful begonia i'll have to find out what i said about it but i think i just loved it because it was blue i was like hell yes this beautiful big kind of i believe it looked a bit like an ear shape like a wing shape gorgeous thing this gorgeous gorgeous blue blue is one of my favorite colors um i think teal and blue are my favorite colors generally love that and i thought it was gorgeous and i wanted it i'd never had a begonia before i think i had i may have had amphioxus i may not have at the time but i really want this begonia and eventually i got it it took me ages got it off ebay took a long time but i got it it sucked not really it sucked so it turns out that blue thing by the way is only something that happens under a certain light at a certain angle it don't look like that it actually just looks like a green mossy green color and that's how it stays and i'm not saying that it's not a beautiful plant okay i'm not i'm i'm i mean maybe i am actually i don't know but for me it it it pissed me off because it's not what i bought i want it because it was blue i wanted a blue plant who doesn't want a blue plant and i bought it and it just wasn't and i remember talking about it when i was going to be planting the biob i think and i was like yeah here it is this is it it was just so underwhelming and i think it may have died in the end but admittedly i probably neglected it a little bit i shouldn't have but honestly it just pissed me off so much i don't think i paid a lot for it i cannot remember honestly how much i paid for it but i'm so annoyed to be catfished by something because i'm like oh great you know i didn't have much space at the time and i was like right now i have this begun here to look after you know what i mean so i regret that for that reason and that's probably not a surprise being on that list because i know that everyone knew i was pretty disappointed by that to be honest but yeah i think that's everything on my list if there's anything that you think should have been on my list that i've obviously forgotten about let me know because i don't know what i've regretted buying i don't know there will be more plans for the shop that i regret buying that i can't think of offhand i've picked the really key ones out that i really remember if there's anything that you think i've forgotten let me know because i feel like there is something i've forgotten i can't help but feel outside here so let me know in the comments below is there anything that you really regret buying and that could either be because you got catfished because it's now too big and you haven't got the room because i bet that happens a lot or maybe it's too small and you think oh god i wish i'd held out for a bigger one i cannot be bothered to grow this or maybe it's something variegated that continues to just revert on you because actually that's something i haven't mentioned um which i should have actually just anything like that please again i would like to feel your pain and suffering give it to me i want to read it all please leave that in the comments below i would love to take a read of that and that concludes this video thank you very much for watching as i said before if you want to know anything that's going on with my face uh then watch my second channel i suppose uh the link for that is down below and let me know any videos you'd like to see in the meantime it's a little bit hectic at the minute with videos um these videos are out this week but let me tell you ahead of time it's monday now i'm recording this it will have been a struggle this week i've had to travel to london twice this week to pick up plants because they're coming in on different days great so i'll have had a very busy week and i can't i don't have much time to plan things generally so leave any requests you have for me down below and until then i will see you next week bye guys
Channel: Kaylee Ellen
Views: 149,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kaylee ellen, kaylee ellen plants, rare plants, rare houseplants, plant viruses, viral plants, monstera thai constellation, top 7 worst houseplants, overhyped plants, plants i regret buying, plants i regret owning, variegated dragonscale, variegated alocasia, living wall, behind the rare plant shop, plant storytime
Id: X1M9l51sf34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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