Living Wall & Life Update | Repot With Me

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hello everybody glad you could make it my name is kaylee ellen and welcome to a repot with me and a little bit of a life update before we start a special thanks to squarespace for sponsoring today's video squarespace is your all-in-one solution to build and run your online brand but more on that later in the video right i know the last video was not it was it was chaos let's be honest it was chaos and this is essentially the video that i wanted to do last week but we're doing it now so i'm going to take you through what is going on today i have three plants to sort out shall we say in this video they are all maranta i have all three miranti here i have this boy which is ridiculous i'll talk a little bit about him in a moment i have my lemon lime miranta and i have gus and well i guess we'll get to ghost when we get to him because he's not looking the best but he's fine okay he's fine today's video is essentially prep for my studio sort of rearranged that i'm going to be doing in maybe a couple of weeks or so so what i need to do is get all the plants ready to do that this guy doesn't really need too much doing he probably just needs a bit of a trim because he has a lot of crispy leaves now i'm here a lot more at the shop these days but there was a period of time where i wasn't and i'd be here once every maybe a week and a half so not enough to make sure that my plants didn't get essentially underwater or anything else so a lot of the plants that are up in the studio aren't the best they could be i'm gonna be honest some of them are crispy some of them are just just not doing the best so today we're going to give him a little bit of a trim i'm going to check him but i don't think i need to repot him so i want to start with him because i've been putting pictures of him on instagram because he's amazing and i wanted to show you how big these leaves are because i'm going to touch them with my actual hands that's my hand there yes i have um a finger that's missing nail polish actually as it happens that's how big these leaves are they're really really big can i do a head test without getting my mic can you see how big these leaves are they're pretty big i'm not gonna lie let's put him down really carefully so yeah i'm probably not gonna do too much with him i'm just gonna trim him now you might not see me trimming much but if i just tilt him a little bit there is a lot of water in there you can see some crisping so can be very very chill very very chill indeed and we're just going to crack on with a little bit of a life update just some little bits and bobs i suppose because why not the next video i do it will still be planned to prep for the studio but i've picked out some plants from my shop i'm going to plant them up and then we're going to do the usual q a that i normally do in my repots and we're going to prepare all these lovely plants for my studio refurb because i can't do it until everything's powered up and i have a lot to put up before we start because i know i'm going to get questions the wall i tell you what i'm going to do i'm gonna move him on the floor temporarily so you can see a little bit more of the wall because i'm pretty sure that people would be a little bit upset with me if i didn't actually show you the wall and talk a little bit about it now i know you haven't had a proper update for a little while the reason for that i mean it's just it's not it's best really i'll talk about it as we go but there are some gaps and there's some crispy bits that i haven't been able to pull off essentially i just haven't been in this area there says the lift has been here and it's had grow lights mounted on it to basically just power this wall because i left it over winter without any lighting on it thinking it would be fine just thinking that it would have enough ambient light nowhere near enough so many plants just didn't make it and died so it is a little bit patchy now it might not look very patchy on camera right now that's probably just due to the lighting so i have flat lighting really pointing at the wall i have two soft boxes here that you cannot see but if i put my hands here they'll get super bright and i have a little ring light over my camera so i've got like three point lighting and really all the shadows coming from above these two lights in the ceiling that you may have seen in my documentary they act like sort of soft boxes so the lighting here should be reasonably well how do you describe it it's just nice sort of lighting so you know the patches back here you might not see any problems with but in real life if you would walk up to it you'd see them you know what i mean i don't know why i'm talking down this wall it's stunning it's stunning so anyway i'll take you on a tour of what you can see for now because it does need to patch up it does need a bit of tlc i'm going to start with this girl because as you'll notice she's not doing very well now i think i'm going to take her off the wall guys every other queen and theorem i grow in this shop doesn't have any problems but for some reason she hates this wall and she hates this wall so much we've tried and tried and tried has it been nearly two years now something like that it's just it's not doing her any good so i think it'll be a shame to waste her and i think we could have a cracking plant if we took her off and gave her some kind of almighty pool and grew her that way maybe grew her next to the wall but she was removable and we could survey the roots a little bit more because her leaves just don't last we get good-sized leaves as you can see this is borderline well it's the same size as when we got her isn't it really but obviously the tips are just shriveling up that happens with the ardan ethereum i think the water on this wall goes acidic very quickly just due to the way that we built it not ideal at all very difficult to maintenance as well so we've got that going on there we got a little bit of crisping but it's not really that concerning to be honest this guy i don't know if you remember this guy this guy you might have seen um oh goodness me probably on a living wall patch up i think we had to we had to do some work on the bottom of the wall where to put all the lectran and everything i can't remember what video that was i'll link that below if you're interested in the description i think we did a patch up and then we did all of this bottom in and to be that looks great now i'll link that video but this is the same philodendron plow mania and you're probably not going to be able to see there's a new leaf coming in here so i'm trying to find my monitor i'm wiggling that and i can't see anything i think it's behind this leaf yeah there's a new leaf here coming in well this guy is just the best is he not that is huge like that is literally huge i'm so thrilled that i'm able to grow them in almost like almost like florida kind of vibes which is i'm kind of proud of it really given that it's just i'm in a glorified warehouse so i'm pretty proud of that she's lovely this here is philodendron week's red i picked her up in the documentary you will have seen me in the netherlands i went to a nursery and i found him he's very cool because he has burgundy undersides and he's grown a lot i don't know what leaf this is is he on camera yeah he's just growing upward for some reason don't really get what his deal is a little bit of pesticide on him there the tide's done all right again it's kind of spread itself quite low a little bit hungry for feed not gonna lie and it didn't really have feed in winter it's probably not the best thing to do when you've got monstera in my experience you should probably feed them anywhere because they're so hungry not every plant but certain plants um obviously this guy you see him he's great so how tall is he now two meters maybe i do have you probably can't see him can you see any leaves no so there's a very gay monster over there off that just a little bit further off frame there is a second massive monstera okay that's going to be annoying do you guys do you guys remember that uh was it not last year was in 2020 in my old shop this bloody ice cream van would pull up and make a lot of noise and it would be really really really irritating and it would stop me in every video well i guess he's found where the new place is right and now he decides he's gonna rock up here so apologies if he makes an entrance i mean not literally can you imagine off frame we have a basically a twin of this guy and he's honestly about as big off camera i would love to put him i'd love to put him in my house but he's starting to crawl up the wall he's maybe yeah maybe two meters okay so if he's two meters he's probably 2.5 for nearly three meters he's gone he's got a little bit ballistic obviously glory awesome i don't think you can see the big leaf up there no it's just off camera that's a shame the glory awesome has adapted to the wall really well beautiful got some i believe golden dragon again i don't think you can see that there there's a few bits and pieces there's a couple of different aetherium there is perezovare tiny bits of ghosts some crispiness in the background that you might pick up on the odd antherium there is a cheeky little magnificum here can you see him yes when i saw of pull him there's stuff and it does look good i'm not trying to talk it down but it could look a bit bare i think so yeah that is the best living wall up there i can give you for now so that is what you see all i did this morning was i i basically trimmed a little bit of crisp and just left it and then i framed what honestly has to be the nicest frame in a while and i think i need to do more videos in front of this because this is hot this is really look at that glory awesome up there oh god that's nice okay so anyway right on with the repotting on with the update if you're looking for an easy way to build and run your own website then look no further than squarespace squarespace is your one-stop shop to create your own website from the ground up using a selection of stylish and super customizable templates i love how i can create a really cohesive theme across my website without much effort at all by using the site styles panel i can customize how i want all of my fonts and buttons to look across the entire website as well as the color scheme so basically any change i make in here is reflected across the whole website instantly if you want to create a really sleek looking website either for yourself or perhaps you're setting up a webshop like mine check out for a free trial and when you're ready to launch go to forward slash kaylie ellen to save 10 of your first purchase of a website or domain that's it for voice over kaylee back to the video so this guy is my miranda silver band if you don't know what he is he is well he's a type of marantha and he has been growing in my studio for some time he blooms all the time which probably means he should be part up again but i'm not gonna do it and i'm not gonna do it because have you seen the size of him he's getting really big sorry my table is moving so he does have a lot of little sort of piffly bits at the back that honestly don't really get the light but i'm not too bothered to be honest [Music] i think he's going he's leaving cool yeah he flowers all the time so i want to leave him for a little bit he might get reported in maybe two months i don't know i just don't want to disturb him with a minute because he's doing so well but literally that's a flower that's a flower that's a flower he has flowers on here he has flowers on this side usually when plants flower i mean there's a lot of reasons why they flower but in a household environment normally it's a good indicator that your plant might need repotting now you can keep things pop bound to get more flowers right case and point would be the stralizia well either strelitzia street strollitzia nikolai or regina or something like that that's the bird of paradise plant a lot of people say you know if you want your plant to flower keep it pop band well it's kind of similar for this so this plant is really hinting on to me personally that it wants to be repotted but i'm probably not going to do it what i'm probably going to do now is pull this up to have a look and i'm going to be very upset because it's going to be roots out the bottom of the pot and if you watch last week's video you know that's a bit upsetting yeah literally look at that so that's that's a little bit upsetting but i'm actually not gonna do anything about it plus it's maranta and i don't think they're gonna care as much about being sort of stuck there like that now how do i get this back without oh damaging it please don't please don't please don't right so we're going to give him a little trim i'm going to talk about him but yeah he's going so well as me loads of people are asking me how i get them this big and like what the hell they've never seen leaves this big i have an a there and my other two maranta aren't necessarily behaving that way i don't know it's probably just a feed i'm using right so we'll not jump right into the horse thing because i know people get real upset about it so we'll start with fish should we start with some fish just nice light-hearted stuff as you may know i'm undergoing some some legal stuff at the moment and part of that is basically i'm working time and i'm trying to save basically every penny that i get in order to pay for various solicitors letters and legal fees and everything else i think my solicitor costs 200 pounds an hour and i think the first letter she wrote for me was was it three hours worth so that's just a piece of paper that i paid 600 pound for so at the minute money is a bit tight is my point so i've been saving as much money as i can especially since january since i knew i had a solicitor that's when i kind of got one anyway and i've been saving all this money and i will get on to this in a bit so it is part of the update but i basically moved out of my manchester flat in sort of mid to late january and i moved out in the middle of having really bad flu essentially it was a struggle getting you know moving my tank to where i'm currently at and i kind of broke the tank basically didn't know about it but long story short what i'm alluding to here is that i got a slow leak not good took a long time to work out that i had a slow leak now i've never really loved the tank itself since i got it really i i knew i wanted fish i think i got fish in 2019 i think it was before miami i'd like to think it was june that summer of 2019. i got it and i looked online and people like yo get a bigger tank because any problems you know the larger volume of water is like a buffer so i did and i just picked whatever i could afford at the time i think it was an eheim was it viva line or something led not a great tank it's horrible just it's a horrible tank but anyway long story short that tank i never liked it but i made do because fish tanks are very expensive glass is very expensive i made do and now is not a good time to have a slow leak on a fish tank but long story short shunting it up some stairs took the silicone off some of the edges and the corners the corners of the glass got kind of crunched in i knew about it at the time but i thought okay let's keep an eye on that and it was a slow leak so unfortunately maybe three four weeks ago now i had to basically go out and buy another tank and unfortunately that's taken up most of my savings that i've been saving for court so that's not ideal so i've got a new fish tank and it's beautiful but it's kind of bittersweet for me because although i love my new tank it's gorgeous it's great fish have a better time in it everything is awesome it was not the right time to do that but i knew i had to buy a new fish tank and i thought hey i'm not gonna i'm not gonna get something that i don't like so i picked a nice one i picked a very good one for the money actually so i've spent money i didn't want to spend on a new fish tank but i have my new fish tank my fish tank looks beautiful i've gone from a 240 litre to a 395 liter and let me tell you it is beautiful i'm battling algae on all my plants although i'm winning that battle so what i didn't realize was my tap water has a ton of phosphate in it and i'd never bothered to test it so i was using phosphate remover on my tank all the time i was spending so much money on frost guard and what i didn't do was test my tap water which is full and i mean fall to the brim of phosphates so right now i'm working on that i'm now using ro water on my tank because i have an ro unit here that i can use for water so i've been filling up jerry cans and using that on the tank water changes now a lot more though so the whole cost of my tank has gone right up so i'm doing that and i'm trying to combat the algae and things like that i bought more cleanup crew to try and handle it i turn the lights off a little bit more and i think i'm finally getting on top of it i would say so that's really good but it's not an expense i wanted you know what i mean but i'm i'm pleased i've got a new tank and i'm thankful because i don't know what i would have done if i hadn't noticed the slow leak either so i don't want to think about it anyone curious for what fish i keep i keep mainly rainbows rainbow fish i do have a few torpedo barbs in there or roseline is it roseline shark except it's not a shark a roseline barb what else do i have in there i've got some plecos some fancy plecos and i just added the other day i added some angelfish and i am in love with them i actually want a tank full of angelfish now i really like them so that's my weird little fish tank update for those of you asking to see it i may as well not show you anything until well i'll go into it in a minute but until i'm in my new place and i can show you a tank without algae everywhere anyway so i've got some anubias in there but it's just it's covered basically it's covered but i have um some autosynclus that i bought that seem to be chewing through it so that's good we like that so yes that is a little mini fish tank update just for anyone that cares i had a bit of a leaky tank which going wrong i'm thankful i had some some savings to pay for it but i kind of needed that i mean i needed that for other things so it is what is i suppose right so what i want to do is i do actually want to propagate a little bit from them so i said i wasn't going to do much but trim him and technically i'm i'm not lying to you but i am going to take a little bit off for propagation so i don't know what i want to take off we could take off just this i almost need to see him here he's a little bit longer on this side isn't he so we could definitely take some of this off here i think i was gonna say is that crispiness no it's my arm that's how orange my skin is i think we should take some of this off oh there we go so we've got some some really nice leaf edge if i hold that up to the camera so you can see how beautiful they are that's miranda silver band if you ever needed to know i have a hair hanging off my arm so i'm going to propagate that anyone curious i'll be water propagating that best way with miranda literally never lost a plan perfect so is he really lopsided or does he not look that bad and you know what he looks all right now doesn't he i think that's reasonable he's so bold at the back guys it's not even funny bless him so yes that is a fish update that no one asked for cool so next update i have oh i don't know which which order to go for should we do the horse really quickly because unfortunately i don't have an update for you as big as i would have liked so we will we'll do that update so the horse update in fact we'll switch plants shall we i think that's a good idea so wait a minute i think i'm gonna leave him like that isn't he lovely try and hold him up to the camera so you can really see him look at him he's so pretty right we'll pop him back down and then we could look at hmm what should we do this guy next and i will talk you through what i'm going to do with him he's not very happy i don't know if you can tell but compared to the last guy he is not very happy so before we continue with the update i'm going to basically tell you a little bit about this guy this guy i believe i bought i could be wrong but i feel like i bought this guy in 2020 and i bought him from facebook because i think you might be able to get them here and there in the uk now so there's probably no problem but at the time you really can't sorry you couldn't get this variety in the uk at all like it was basically coming from the netherlands so i mean let alone the silver band i think i won an auction for that on ebay that one if you wonder where that one's from but this guy here i think i got from the netherlands and he's never been happy all i did was i took him in the substrate he was in and i put him in whatever mix i had at the time which i think was i feel like it was 60 40 prior to lekker it's like a kind like a mix in the bag and i've put it in that thinking he'll be fine he's miranda he loves the moisture and he does but as you can see despite being he hasn't been fed a lot don't get me wrong but he's just not very happy at all his leaves are very small he's very dense so he looks good in that sense but he could really use a bit of a growth spurt so although he's absolutely beautiful he's just not that happy i wouldn't say i think we can get a lot more out of them if i just put my hand up next to the leaf so you can show remembering that my hand was the size of the leaves on the other plant you can see how much smaller these are so what i'd like to do is get him out of here and essentially let's drain him off while i talk oh damn get him out of here and essentially pot him up into lekker and pond a little bit just to see if you know we can do any better than that he is going to lose that i'm afraid which is really it is what it is there's no way i'm gonna get that through there i'll probably just cut these guys and i know i know i'm not supposed to be cutting roots literally um i have learned that over the years but from the other day i'd rather not rip i'd rather just trim that so we are gonna lose literally all of that unfortunately if you wonder what this black is it's not raw it's just it's soil that's clearly come out so yes i know i'm cutting his roots but honestly from experienced guys this is not going to work if i don't he will be absolutely fine he really will please do not worry yourself there is the root ill tell you what all right i'm putting him back on the table i'm gonna get a spoon yes i'm gonna get a spoon glenn would be proud i'm gonna tell you what i'm gonna do in advance so i can just start talking to you again because it's not that interesting i'm basically just gonna try and spoon this plant out i do have a bucket here i know very visually appealing at the other bucket here that i'm basically gonna try and just get the soil out and then we'll get it back in probably the same container and we will put it in palm i'm just putting some gloves on because i just don't like silence on my nails that's the only reason to wear gloves guys honestly there's no weird reason unless i'm doing some kind of weird root treatment then i don't wear them right what is my next update yes it was horse yes sorry horse right stick with me those of you that don't give a about my horse i know you don't give a about them you've made that very very clear but unfortunately for you guys i am a human being i know it's weird and i have all these other things in my life that aren't just sitting on camera and doing things for free for you guys to watch all the time unfortunately i do have to do other things in my life to be fulfilled so i am genuinely sorry that you know that's just not enough for people but you can always skip to the time stamp that i provided put it that way anyway very quickly if you don't know anything about the horse thing i will link the report where i told you all about the horse thing the story of what happened and what's now happening but long story short i was miss sold a horse and i'm going through a legal battle to basically return the horse from my money back that's all i want i don't really i don't want damages i don't want anything i just i just want that i think i got a response from my solicitor when i was actually in the middle of filming if i remember riley with you guys but i couldn't give you that response because she hadn't basically emailed it she wanted to look over it before i got it so i got the response it was actually like four days later by the way it was killing me it was killing me but i got that response and there's not a lot of update to give the seller just basically said you no they deny that the horse is oh on i'm moving my little table oh son shit's on [Applause] okay so they deny that the if you wonder what i'm looking at i'm looking at that they deny that the horse is defective in any way i didn't rely on any of her expertise in basically buying the horse i don't get how that works um because i'm a novice i realize this is a lot this is like legal jargon so if you wonder what i mean by any of this basically if you've seen my dish the dirt video on selling plants as private sellers and stuff like that the reason i knew about that guys is because i'm going through it with my horse so the same applies so long story short she's a private seller buyer beware only applies in certain circumstances unless i've been deliberately misled or there's a few things i think you have to fulfill she has to be proven to deliberately deceive me i have to prove that i relied on her judgment and her expertise blah blah blah there's a few things so she denies that there is basically any problems which is so stupid because i have you know i have evidence to the country shall we say i don't think she watches this video as well she'll find out of course uh what my events is that's basically it so it was just a really horrendous letter written back just basically saying no no and no you go away and she had the nerve to write at the end of her letter well her solicitor did listen go away and enjoy your horse enjoy him what are you serious so anyway we're gonna come up with a few bits and pieces to write the letter back and i realized this was a long time ago but i've had to rely on some evidence from my yard manager and stuff like that and he's been very busy he's obviously a very busy guy and very recently he's just told me this morning he's had covered for the last two weeks so he hasn't been able to get quite as many things going so it is a little bit delayed my response so basically i haven't responded to that first response from them but it's basically going to be you so they're not willing to cooperate it's the long and short of it guys they're just absolutely refusing i mean she's picked the wrong person if she thinks i'm just gonna go away do you know what i mean like literally she's picked the wrong person she's got the wrong if she thinks i'm going away all i want genuinely is my money back and i wanted to send the horse back so i can get a new one like i mentioned this before but not only am i having to save up all the money for the call fees but i'm paying an extortion amount of money for a horse that i can't ride and i can't even go near him and i'm paying for lessons every week horse riding lessons i would be having one today but i've had to cancel it just due to work reasons and i pay that every week i'm paying stupid amounts each month to what amounts to just learning to ride so i don't want to go on about it forever but my update is there is not a lot of update she basically just said you so we're now preparing another response anyway which is going to be very interesting this one i don't think there's any way of it not going to court my solicitor seems hopeful for some silly reason bless her that it's not going to go to court i disagree i completely disagree everyone that has met this seller disagrees as well it's going to court which likely means if anyone's interested i think it's three to five months for a court date but you kind of have to go backwards and forwards with letters for a while to make it um to seem reasonable in the eyes of the court so that when the judge does eventually hear your case he will take into account whether you could have sorted out of court and what you've tried to do how reasonable you've been so i mean if if my seller is watching this i hope you have worked out that you being this unreasonable is not going to go well in your favor in court because if you think we're going to leave that part out we ain't you know so just be reasonable do the reasonable thing the thing i don't understand is this seller hasn't lost anything if this was a fine horse like she's saying right the seller wouldn't have lost out she'd get the horse back and she would get to sell it again i don't see who i'm duping here do you see what i'm saying it's not a lost anything she could sell it if there was truly nothing wrong with it she could sell it for the same amount of money someone would pay a friend someone won't have a great horse she doesn't want to do that because clearly she knows there is a big problem but anyway not to drawn on about our guys but i think it's going to be caught but court will be so far down the line i think we're looking at near the end of this year so i could get to christmas and i still have that horse which is it's sad for me but it's also oh god it's also very sad for the horse you know like don't get me wrong i'm sure he's gonna love being out in the field all the time and just having a chilled life great but that's the only thing that makes me feel good do you know what i mean i just think he could have a far more fulfilling life an active life and maybe i'm wrong about that you know it depends what your views are on that kind of stuff but again to reiterate he's very well looked after he's he could not be in a better place literally the um delivery he's at is is it doubles up as a horse spa that's the best way i can put it they specialize in rehabilitating horses like even olympic level horses after serious injuries and stuff um it's it's good it's a good place very very lucky to be able to have any horse there let alone you know let alone a bad one it doesn't really matter again to reiterate not his fault if you want full details i will leave the linked video below if i haven't pester me i will put it in but that's it guys there's not a lot to tell you other than that sorry this is literally sludge by the way i would love it if i had a bucket of water i'm doing my best to pull all this off but it's so mangled up it's minging so the next thing i want to talk to you about is well basically i i often as you know put out either ask you in these videos ask you normal videos i ask you on instagram i ask you on community tab which i'm going to start doing more of by the way because i feel like that was really successful i feel like a lot of you got to voice your opinions that wouldn't be able to if you missed my instagram story so i will do more of that at one point i asked you like what's the number one video you want to see on my channel and obviously there was loads of different stuff but there was there was definitely a video that kept recurring a lot and i mean a lot like constantly popping up and it made me really sad because it's not a video i can do so the video that you guys kept requesting was we'd love to see a tour of your personal plants at home and if you caught something i said earlier on in the video you'll know that i moved out i moved out of there of where i was living in manchester manchester city so like a city apartment type thing you know the one the one that you always saw videos i moved out of there in january and i'm kind of in between places at the minute essentially so all of the plants that were in my home are here and it makes me really sad because i would love to do tours and things like that but i guess this leads me to my next update so essentially what i've always done for years is i've spent a ton of money on rent and stuff like that being in manchester i'm just going to snap this i don't care anymore these roots aren't very good by the way i don't know if you can tell but they're not good at all they're really weak roots really really weak they could do with something coarser yes so it's really sad because i can't make those videos for you guys i've always spent loads of money on rent and the one thing i wanted to do to save money and to actually build towards some kind of future is to get a house i don't know what it's like for you guys in america how difficult it is i'm not sure i'm not sure about any country actually other than the uk but it's it's pretty difficult nowadays to get a house like it's 10 out of 10 difficulty and the problem is i'm obviously trying to save as much money as i can for that but at the same time poetically so there is the whole situation that's taking borderline every single penny i get so i'm doing my best to save up for a mortgage and i've done some looking up on this but it's it's really not very easy to get a mortgage when you're self-employed now i'm not saying it's just easy when you are employed but trust me self-employment and mortgages oh my god you've got no idea so along with a few of the requirements anyway in the uk to get a mortgage if you are employed the main financial background they want to do other than obviously credit checks and things like that they usually want three months bank statements as well as all your like you committed outgoings and stuff like that they want that they want credit check they want to see that you've got enough money for the deposit blah blah blah blah blah and i think it could be wrong i think you you borderline good to go after that right not how it works for self-employment do you know how how much proof they want of your financial background they want three years worth of self-employment and i tried i mean oh god it's a story time and i'll i'll tell you about it in you know in another video but basically i tried to figure out if i could get a mortgage back in december before i even left where i was basically my mortgage advisor screwed me over just completely ghosted me ignored me it was really embarrassing hopefully for her at least it's is it's a whole story so long story short i didn't get that opportunity my plan was to see what i could get in december and then think right do i have to wait to the next tax year or not which brings me on to it so today is the fifth of april i think i can submit last year's earnings for my tax tomorrow which that was all done last night and i've worked out you know what my earnings are what my tax is blah blah blah but i've had to wait and do that because when i i've only just got to well i think this would be the fourth tax return i've filled in so the first one though was when i just quit my job and i didn't make a lot of money then at all like literally things were difficult before i quit my job if you guys remember i went down to like three days a week so i could do youtube soon as youtube started doing well i was like right okay and i dropped down i wasn't making anything off youtube literally nothing i dropped down at work so i was making a lot less money like i slashed in half easily to be honest but that's reflected on my tax return right so no one's gonna give me a mortgage if that year is included the next year was a bit better i guess corvid helped wouldn't say it was an unbelievable increase but it was all right and so obviously this last year that's just gone is the first year where i've been able to put my back into it and do a bit more work and and you know do something so long story short i've had to wait all this time to submit my tax return and literally tomorrow morning i'm gonna bring a more good advisor and see if i can get a mortgage um i don't know anything about the process how long it takes or anything i don't even fully know what i need because my last mortgage advisor oh my god i think i need to write a review and i'm not one of these people that leaves reviews to be honest even if i've had a bad experience but this takes the cake this actually takes the cake because in like six months there's not been a mortgage application submitted by my old advisor in six months no so anyway i'm gonna be applying for that tomorrow and hopefully i can get oon there is one that i really like there aren't many left which is a shame it's a new build what i'm alluding to is i'm trying really really hard to get one and i hope i can get one and if i get one you guys will get all the content in my house like i will be able to film more in the house and stuff like that i'll be able to do fish tank videos there'll be so much more stuff i can do in the house right i really do need this house a few people asked me it's actually for a different repop video but what about a podcast this that and the other i've had plans for a podcast for the last two years but i need to be in my own place for it i can't do anything in a minute i literally can't do anything in a minute but that is a plan because me and pam pam's pretty plans i've talked about doing a podcast for so long and i think it would be absolute fire if we did one so that is definitely something i want to do guys make no mistake about it 100 i would love to do that i just again i have to have a proper place set up i couldn't podcast in here i mean let's be honest the sound in here right now is bad enough it's bad enough so i certainly wouldn't be doing that i'm not actually going to rinse this you know yellow literally yellow so there's so many things i want to do so many videos i want to make for you guys but i cannot make them yet i can't do a tour of the plants at home because i don't sort of have a home right i can't do any of these things so i need to wait and i don't know how long it's going to take like i can't even i guess this is a really life update because i can't even give you the the timelines i can't give you the answers because my entire life right now genuinely relies on everything else except my efforts and all my efforts are going into just trying to earn as much money as i can to save it but then stupid things keep cock-blocking me because this is the kind of life i live just things just happen to me inexplicable things happen to me like for example the tank not a foreseen expense unfortunately but you know it's happened it's happened and that's that's the t you know what i mean genuinely i'm i'm approaching this with optimism but i'm i'm very scared that's the best word i could i could you know come up with and i don't like using that word because i feel like i then have to confront my feelings but i'm very scared because i don't know what's going to happen i don't know what's going to happen with money i don't know what's going to happen with anything because obviously i have to pay for that horse that is the number one priority he depends on me it's like having a kid right and i mean that in the sense of it's it's money you've got to spend on that sort of thing and i'm not saying that a horse is a child although it feels like it doesn't it i'm just doing the best i can and i'm genuinely praying praying for and praying that i'm perhaps mortgageable but i mean i could go on a big big rant about how ridiculous it is for anyone these days to get on the property ladder and i would love to know i mean this is typical typical complaint i know a lot of you might have why the older generation really gave us quite a bit of actually about you know oh get yourself a house you know when i was your age i had this i had that i had that and it's like you're not living in that world anymore that world doesn't exist it's gone it's gone the older generation that we're able to get properties you do not understand how fortunate you are and that's not to say that you haven't worked for it or anything of the sort i'm just saying that you could put in three times that amount of work nowadays and still not get anything for it you know what i mean it's absolutely ridiculous that it all works this way but i'm not gonna be beaten i'm gonna do my best to get what i need and i tell you something this used to look great until i've repotted it and now literally it looks absolutely i feel like this was in three clumps i'll turn around in a second but you know it doesn't look that bad from the front but it's really and now it just looks bold up top i'm not too bothered about the um the moisture around those roots by the way because i can see what it's grown in and it was basically mud so anything's an improvement i know that a lot of people baby their plants and to an extent yeah i think you should but you would be amazed at what plants can cope with if you think about it out in the wild so many things can happen and plants live they want to live people forget that they want to live you would genuinely be amazed by the things that your plans can withstand and adapt to you would genuinely be amazed i mean they live throughout my care right so this looks literally i'm gonna clean up in a minute because i need to kind of clean up this table that actually looks right on camera that doesn't look half as bad so yeah that's that's what it is guys you guys have asked me for a lot of videos and god i would love to do and i would love to do it i miss filming at home i miss filming at home so much it's the same reason why the second channel hasn't really had any content on it because i cannot do it i can't do it right now it's not feasible i'm about to put every effort into working to try and basically save as much money as i can for these things i've mentioned hello sponsors if you haven't worked it out but yeah that's basically where we're at with that as soon as something happens obviously on any of these things i'll tell you and again i know people don't like me bringing it up but i guess i will you know i will talk about these things on my channel guys i don't understand why people expect me to be a soulless creature that just exists to talk about plants it's like oh my god i don't i don't get these people don't worry i'm not gonna get annoyed about it because i've spent too much time getting annoyed about it but it's just so evil to just assume that people can just be that like i don't know anyway what am i looking for i'm looking for some sporty stuff and i don't like stuff on my hands right this is another thing and i've never i've never told you guys this before but when i was a kid my mom will laugh about this because she knows exactly where i'm going with this before i even say anything you know when you're a baby right and you know you're a baby or you have kids or whatever and you like feed them something and then it just gets everywhere right on their face on their hands all sorts well me as a kid i hated that right i hated it when i was well a young baby ling right i would get something in my hands if mum what did mom say she used to give me like a jammy some kind of jam thing a jam sandwich or a jam biscuit or something and it would go all over me because i was a baby you feel me and i would sit there i would scream the place down apparently i'd cry i'd scream i would do all of that and i would sit there like this doing this with my hands which meant clean my hands and i'd be the same if i got it on my face i'm exactly the same now i don't like stuff on me i hate it not so much on other places but even not my face if i'm eating something messy i mean no one likes that but it's not really a problem but stuff on my hands bothers me it really bothers me i don't like eating food and getting it on my hands or anything or touching stuff and getting on my hands i'm one of these people that i can't do the washing up unless i have rubber gloves or like even just basic cleaning up i can't do it without rubber gloves so although i've said it's you know i use these gloves because i don't like things under my nails it's i guess it's a little bit more involved than that like i'm fine now wiping stuff up but it's just this little weird thing that i've got and there's no sign of it getting any better either but yeah it depends if it's dry stuff it's not a problem if it's like dusty or something like that like how pond gets not a problem liquor can be a bit ooh but it's not a problem it's stuff like that that really gets me that stuff you know what i mean wet with a v or wet with an h anything like that can't do it don't worry i'm not wiping the plant although there is a lot of soil on him i don't know if i should just wait wait for it to dry and sort of dust it off i mean i don't know i will feed him by the way but i'm not going to do it now i'm going to wait so let's tip this out somewhere hang on two seconds guys oh it's on my hands to my hands it's on my hands okay i realize this video might be a bit long if i get through the life update i will just talk about random maybe even the plants who knows but we're just gonna roll with it today guys because i know a lot of you say i'll actually just talk about anything once again i'm holding you to it i'm holding you to it i don't know why i think this will help but i'm just kind of wiping off all the crap under the leaves and whatnot it's it's not gonna help is it this is stupid this is very stupid although we think it is it's kind of working hopefully he doesn't look for long obviously i'm gonna trim some of these but he might look a bit bold in the middle he did look great but obviously once you move them takes a little bit of time to get them looking good again and the thing i always like doing is i put a plant that i want to have you know in a certain spot whatever now i put it there and by the time i want to show you guys sometimes i'll have waited till they've settled in a couple of weeks just so they move nicer pro tip if you're rearranging something and you want to make it look good don't actually do the final effect of it until a little bit later if you're going to instagram just wait till those plants kind of grow into you know into place a little bit more if you've got the time and i don't think that's a weird deceptive hack or anything that's the hack i'm willing to give right that's the hack i feel comfortable giving it's not deceiving anyone it's just you know they grow into their spots you see so many amazing amazing pictures of people's shelves on instagram and they look absolutely stunning honestly i'm loving it i've got to wonder sometimes if the plants actually live like that because a lot of them are very close together so i always assume they've been done for the photograph but i don't know but they look really good but in a lot of cases they look like they've grown that way um but you can totally do that i need to start doing that i think especially if i'm gonna photograph plants at the shop i would love to get them out a couple of days before you know line them up down here or something and point a grow light straight at them because then they'll just they'll move nicely it'll be a bit more photographable because sometimes it's a little bit a little bit difficult again pro hack pro hack use lighting to make your plants look uh better a better layout you know what i mean so right yes where were we apart from me literally needlessly needlessly dusting off this now it's just gus i actually need to separate gus out a little bit he's not going to have much done to him i'll explain what's happened to him and we'll separate him out because he has another miranther in with him at the minute so i'll explain that it's not a bad issue don't worry everything's fine it is gus he's alive he is well he just he's had some i don't think it was root rot i think the pot dried out and it just i i moved it to a lighter spot because it had so much growth guys that was just right he was so much bigger by the way and i've cut him i cut him right back to nothing and he's grown out again yes there is some some other things in there with him we'll get to that well as you can see he's not he's not having a good time at all same mixture as the others so it's not the mixture you just had a rough ride of it really this growth here is leggy and nasty but for a long time he was in i think if you remember in my kitchen he he didn't get the best care did he let's just be honest he didn't he wasn't being looked after well enough he really was and he got the least amount of my attention which is really bad at the time i think that did most damage was when the unit was being done up in 2020 and it was just horrific and he was just one of the guys that got water the least if the watering can ran out by the time i got to him and i didn't have time he would he would go you know an extra couple of days and i've got no excuses for it shouldn't have done it but he will so what i did was i took him out of the other part he was in a very round pot which i actually recommend for maranta because it helps them get a good shape so i've moved him into this and he's been in there for six months nine months something like that you'll be able to see it probably when i unpot him but there's different chunks of him and yeah you probably can't see this but there's like a chunky or a chunk there so i kind of trimmed him right back down and put him in here and he was very very broccoli sort of shaped so he's grown from that but again he's still not grown brilliantly he's grown better though i just think the base of him was so weak so he needs some tlc and i probably will trim him by right back and i'm probably not going to propagate the pieces i am just going to leave it not only that we have you won't be able to tell you can hear we have this guy see him there he is not a miranta i can't remember what they call this one that one there literally he is not the same he is a little piece of the maranta no id that i got in 2020. got a lot happened in 2020 how did i survive and i had him at the flat as well and he just he never grew he looked pathetic so i moved him in with it and thought right sod it he could do with bulking out anyway because um gus was so light on the ground should we say you know so i put him in with it and he's done better there's different pieces of him i think i'm going to depot ghost and i'm going to trim him up and he is still going to look right he is he just is and then i'm going to take out the no id and put him in a little pot which i'll grab right now so that's what we're going to do so first things first i'm just going to trim him and then we'll get this out and i'm going to see what else i have to tell you about which i don't think there's too much ah yeah so we've talked about the fish talk about the horse we've talked about the house which is reasonably major update um because i'm finding i'm finding life very difficult at the minute most of my stuff is boxed up and i only have access to like maybe 10 of all my things it's really difficult so anyway enough about that i'm happy to answer more questions about that in the future oh i'm gonna definitely trim all this look at this the last update i have guys it's it's not really a health update it's more of like a lifestyle update and that is the in amongst everything else i haven't been feeling great mentally and that's that's way before any of this happened way before this happened those of you that have a keen memory will remember why i bought the horse i'm not saying that's the only reason i bought the horse obviously but it was a large part of it and it was to help with my mental health to get me outside more to have a bond with an animal to progress a skill to just experience life in a bit more of a raw format you know not something technology-based not something anything like that i can just go out and have a great ride and you know great bond with an animal and and everything else all of that stuff horse riding made me very very happy it still does but i would be the biggest liar in the world if i said that it hadn't been severely tainted and i hope after all this that i still want a horse but anyway that's why that was bought it was bought from a fitness perspective and a mental health perspective and a i guess that's that's you could you could boil it down to just those two things if you wanted to but anyway so obviously as we've covered that's not happening anymore and i haven't been feeling great at all physically health-wise not good i've gained quite a bit of weight you probably can't tell i'm not saying i'm fat or anything like that but for me i've gained a lot of weight and i don't feel great i don't feel confident in clothes i don't feel confident about much to be honest i don't have much energy even though i'm working longer than ever and uh through through horse riding actually i've been able to keep up with sort of maintaining my scoliosis if you guys don't know i went to a not a doctor i don't know what you call them now i can't remember i can't think of the word sorry but someone that knows about spines and backs and joints right the name will come to me but i went and i found out i had scoliosis basically after having a lot of back pain a lot of shoulder pain like i can't it's so difficult to explain i can't that's as far as i can turn my head right to this side but if i show you that that's how far my head goes on the other side it's at the same it's about there that's that's really bad on that side actually that's as far as it can go this shoulder is set forward it shouldn't be that's part of my scoliosis so my shoulder should be there and that's as far as i can turn my head um not too bad except i think to put my head from side to side this side i can only go that far this side i can go that far i can barely tell my head my spine if i were to show you it this way you not see it now obviously but my spine is like a imagine a capital d shape but just keep the curve of the d right that's what my spine does it kind of curves out this way like this it's very subtle don't get me wrong it's very mild but it means that this shoulder drops downwards and it drops forward so that's my natural position on my shoulder and i can see there it scoops forward whereas on this side i can see it's just straight anyway been battling with that and another thing about horse riding is it was actually helping that even out right because my guy my back guy my spine guy basically said look you need to keep doing your exercises you should come for sessions like massaging and working with tissue and stuff and relieving some of it so you can get more mobile because i couldn't move much i'll get to it but i've basically gone backwards with it um but do is do any exercise and he did give me a list he said do any exercise that promotes being symmetrical so obviously horse riding was absolutely amazing for it right what more could you want the whole point is he's supposed to be symmetrical as possible so i was doing a lot of that and i had a couple of sessions with the guy did some work on my back in in the session and then he would give me some exercise to do out session i started going to the gym a little bit more and it was definitely helping it was definitely helping and it was getting better now fast forward to essentially not long after i moved now so february when i started working on that dish that a video that video if anyone is curious i was editing that video just editing it for a month solid just editing it um prep took long enough that was on the go for a long time probably about another month and then to finalize what was going in because obviously stuff would keep popping up online i'd have to keep changing it and keep re-recording the the audio and stuff like that long story short i've sat at a computer for stupid periods of time that aren't healthy literally they're not healthy i was doing 16 hour days sat basically on the sofa with the laptop on my lap because i've already moved out of my flat and i don't have a desk or a table or something like that to sit at right so it got even worse it's a long story short my scoliosis has reached a point where it's it's gone backwards it's almost as bad as what it was if i hadn't done riding and if i'd only just found out about it right so that's really really bad not only that but because i was doing all that editing i would maybe well most of the time i wouldn't even eat during the day i would sit and edit all day until about 10 o'clock at night and i would order some kind of takeaway and i'd eat that and then i do it over and over and over and over and over and honestly i still feel like i think i look marginally better um i haven't quite started a diet yet but i'm progressing towards that now i'll get on to that in a second but i just felt like and i joined up to a local gym around here thought right okay hell i need to do something so i joined up to that and they were doing sessions for a personal trainer like taste session on friday just gone i'm filming this on tuesday by the way so the friday just gone would be the last upload you saw last week now filming this on tuesday i had a little taster session because it was free and i thought hey i've never had a personal trainer before i wonder what they're like didn't know what i wanted from the outcome at all i just thought well it's free i'm just gonna see what it's like i i went and i ended up getting a personal trainer which i think will be very helpful but it was really cool i went in it was half an hour taster session i think her paid sessions are 45 minutes i think she specializes in it's actually more bodybuilder stuff for women it's like a lot of like bikini competition stuff and stuff like that and she specializes in having a diet that is more i want to say normal like quite achievable quite realistic and there's as long as you get your 80 whole foods you do what you want for the other 20 and your meals don't have to look like salads and chicken breasts and stuff like that you can you can do it differently depending on your goals and stuff like that so first thing she did was she sat down with me and she was like hi what are you here for what what's what's the t what's occurring and the first thing i said to her was basically in a nutshell i just don't want to feel like anymore and that encompasses so many things it encompasses mentally it encompasses physically in terms of diet and the energy i have i don't have it encompasses how i feel about my body and my weight because i'm not happy with it at all not even remotely not even one percent um it encompasses a lot of things really so she was like oh okay and then she was like what do you eat what do you do for a living and blah blah blah which was interesting to explain but i was basically i look a lot of the time i have to just be sad i just have to be sad to edit and stuff like that she was basically like um i'm gonna keep that one on i will cut this back here actually sorry i keep stopping and i realized that's irritating she was saying there was a way of of doing diet and fitness that would that we could work around me and that's the whole point it's tailored to me um i told her on my scoliosis and said here's the t this is what i have done this is what i know blah blah blah she's like right okay we'll work with that so the first work we're gonna do is gonna be back and shoulders as you can imagine and some arms because i always joke about this but i have little chicken wing arms like that is my arm i have absolutely no that's me tensing there is nothing there's nothing it's it's soft when i tense it's really bad during 2020 actually i got really decent um set muscles on me both on my shoulders and on my biceps my biceps were mint and it's because obviously i painted every single brick in this unit if you haven't seen my documentary you won't know that but this is a big unit i think it's 60 square foot something like that and uh every single brick i painted including these you can't see but behind here if you don't know it's like a black stripe up the wall and that's about oh god how big was this scaffold was about seven meters seven meters tall that was just the scaffold so literally huge i think even people commented on my videos like oh you look a bit healthier you look you look tired but you kind of look i don't know you just look i think someone said i look slimmer as well in the face but anyway we know we know why that was because i was doing the unit so yeah basically i've enlisted a personal trainer i'm gonna cut that you know i know you guys are gonna hate me but i just wanted to have another fresh start i think it's good for him i think it's good for him i want him to put more energy into what he has i might propagate some of this and stick it back in actually and we'll do that at the end i may as well i'm propagating the other one so fear not but yeah so i've enlisted her help my first session is tomorrow and i'm kind of excited where she will probably start me on a workout routine and she will go over with me my new diet that i can't wait to follow i think i got sessions for quite a good price i think the more sessions he bought the better the price was so i bought quite a few i'm just looking forward to feeling a bit better guys because i can't put it into words how should i feel physically mentally everything and it's it's really hard to work this much when you feel this bad because i never have any time for myself and that that's something i want to change and i know this goes back to the house thing but everything seems to go back to the house thing because if i have my own place i can recharge my batteries more i have more time to spend relaxing i can do all these things i can do loads of different videos that i'd love to do with you guys a lot more chilled stuff all kinds of stuff right i'd love to start doing up a garden outside so i can do some of that right there's so many things i want to do and all of it goes back to having a house like for example i can cook better meals when i have a house and a kitchen and that's not to say that i couldn't have prior i'm not trying to make excuses for myself you know but i've i've been traveling backwards and forwards now for until i've moved obviously for two three years i'd consistently be at home one week and that's rough and i'm ready to stop doing that so fingers crossed i actually get a house because i think mentally and physically it's going to help me a lot as well and i should have more time to you know oh god more time to take care of myself essentially and that is genuinely what i want i'm really quite hopeful about the personal trainer situation i really really am i want that to go well i can't see it failing now i couldn't really afford the personal trainer i'm going to be honest with you um because i know you're probably thinking oh my god you've on about money and you've literally gone and paid for personal trainer i couldn't afford it but at the end of the day i thought you know what i can't see myself regretting this purchase do you know what i mean i think if i'm not well and happy and confident strong and resilient in myself how the hell am i gonna get through this year i'm not i'm not i'm already so tired i've done this for years now without without much of a break i'm not gonna say i've never had a break obviously but i haven't had much of a break over the last few years you know what i mean since i started youtube it's you guys know this it's been pretty much goal time all the time and i am not advocating that by the way few people in the past have accused me of advocating that and i'm not i'm definitely not i'm saying that i've done it and it's not sustainable um being right back i'm gonna get this out all right listen gus is small but he needs to be just trust me when i say he needs to be he needs he needs this he needs this i'm just gonna repot him really quickly off camera because there's not a lot of point showing you this i am gonna feed these plants by the way but it will be done afterwards because this is this is a very long video today i hope you guys are ready for a long video right so before i continue this is now ghost right i realize he's small i realize he's somewhat pathetic but he will get to be like the other boys in time we are working and we're actively working towards it i am going to propagate some of these i'm probably not going to propagate every piece we'll see how it goes if anyone's wondering why i call him gus by the way he's actually taken from the mouse i think from cinderella just because he was a bit a bit stressy a bit stupid and i always thought that miranda was kind of like that when i bought it i think it was the first house plant i bought in manchester or if it wasn't the first plan i thought it was the first plant that did something i moved it was a bit stressful and stuff like that i'm really attached to him believe it or not and i have had him now since 2018. so he's quite old even though he does not look it but i'm telling you now i'm going to get him back to his former glory by the end of this year he's going to look unbelievable last little thing i've got is this little boy here that is the no id i will try and show you to the camera there you can you might be able to tell he's different i don't know but we're going to put him in his own little pot which will take no time at all actually so yeah basically that's that's the the gist of it a lot's happening a lot of uncertainties well let's be honest all of it's uncertain literally um i'm doing my best i'm working as hard as i can ask you to please bear with me you know there will be sponsorships on the channel that's where it's going i've seen will have already seen sponsorships on this channel and today's video is an example of just that squarespace are great though and i'm saying this actually out of the sponsorship segment but i really like squarespace and honestly i would never i never pushed something to you guys that i didn't actually think you would get use out of enjoy something i didn't like you know anything like that and i i do actually run my website off it so when i say i'm going to take sponsorships and stuff i'm not saying i'm just going to randomly just slap ads on my videos or anything like that that's not what it is um i'll always pick things that i think you guys could benefit from or enjoy or something you're interested in or whatever else not everyone's interested in everything don't get me wrong but i always do think of you guys in mind to be honest and prior to this year i didn't do any sponsorships on this channel because i i'll be honest i think i fear judgement a lot as well and i know that other youtubers started doing them and they got they got judged real hard which was really uncalled for to be honest because obviously people consume content like this for free so we have to make as much money as we can somehow right but anyway so you will see bits and pieces about that but it'll not be anything i don't think you guys wouldn't enjoy so anyway all right i've popped this guy in here and i really hope that he does well you know because i don't really have many of these left i don't know what happened to them i think they just got frazzled during the move from the old place to here anything that wasn't completely stable on its own just literally died but that's anyway guys that's my update those are several things that are going on the next video uh repot video you get i won't have any updates for you because it'll be on the back of this one so i can't update you on any of that that's just going to be a q a but hopefully in the future you will get some update on something and i'm really hoping it's a positive one i'm really hoping it's a positive one if i can't get a mortgage i don't really have a backup plan other than to rent again and you don't get much for your cash renting and it's a big shame the the area i'm in a minute is not a good one for that sort of stuff so i'm very stressed about it that is it that is me that is my update so far i'm doing my best to be self-sufficient stand on my own two feet have my own home do all those things in the midst of absolute chaos because so far what could have gone wrong has gone wrong and i'm sure it will continue but i'm always going to continue to try and battle against it and as i mentioned before i'm taking steps to ensure that i am healthy and i'm quite literally fighting fit so i can i can get through this year there's no other way to put it really but anyway thank you very much for watching today's video i know it's just being miranda based i know it's been very very chatty i hope that that's okay with everyone yeah i'm gonna do some much more fun plants next week you'll be seeing some some lovely heart shapes that i can see just over there i picked out a ton of plants to go up in the studio i say a ton there's really like three varieties but i need to pick like good ones and i think i'm just gonna repeat them round about because i've decided that for the shelves in studio the best thing i could do would be to put crawlers on them because those shelves aren't very tall they're maybe about a foot maybe a little bit over that and anything that climbs it can't be there very long and that's just when my plans get really neglected so i figured if i put climbers up there even if they start to climb down like honestly a lot of the stuff has on this wall it's still sized up you know what i mean even though it's climbing down it's not quite climbing the way you'd expect it to they're still doing very well so with that in mind i'm going to be doing some crawlers um next week and we're going to put them in the studio it's going to be great and when i do do the studio i will film the whole thing i'll show you the current situation i'll show you the plants i've got and you'll probably see me attempt to organize it so more on that later on but anyway thank you very much for watching this video today guys i don't know how long we've gone for and touched my little monitor oh this is a long one isn't it thank you very much for watching i hope you really appreciated the living wall update the section of living wall that i can give for you it's absolutely stunning on film and i will do my best to record many more in front of this because that is absolutely beautiful and truly if i can't use that for a frame then what am i doing what am i doing what am i doing if you like this video please leave a like down below it really really helps me out it lets me know that i'm doing a good job and i'm making content that you guys enjoy also kind of helps me out in the algorithm not gonna lie and if you'd like to see any more of my content either read pot with me add the red plant indexes either deep dives either ranking plants on plants anything you like then please feel free to check out my channel and hopefully subscribe thank you very much for watching guys and i will see you in the next video bye you
Channel: Kaylee Ellen
Views: 59,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kaylee ellen, kaylee ellen plants, rare plants, rare houseplants, philodendron, monstera, anthurium, variegated houseplants, kaylee ellen life update, life update, repotting houseplants, how to repot maranta, propagate maranta, maranta lemon lime, maranta silver band, maranta noid, maranta types, maranta varieties, applying for a house, kaylee ellen living wall, green wall, grow wall, aroid wall, kaylee ellen fertiliser
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 2sec (3902 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 08 2022
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