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in revelation 4 to 22 and god wants the saints convinced in this last section from chapter 4 all the way to the end that he is on the throne and to help us understand that the word throne occurs 46 times i mean it's it's one of those big topics in the book of revelation and and it harkens back remember the whole book of revelation is actually following the little outline jesus gave in his last little briefing of his disciples in matthew 24 and mark 13 and luke 21 and and it's expanded hugely in revelation but jesus prior to that introduced the father on the throne in what we call the sermon on the mount and the very center of his message is the most well-known and most widely memorized passage in the bible that two billion people on earth know right you all know what that is it starts with our father what who art in heaven ah so see you know it too you're part of the two billion and that prayer is totally focused to the one jesus in chapter five of matthew introduces as the one seated on the throne do you remember everything about him it says that he knows what you pray in secret and he knows what you pray before you pray it and he rewards you openly for what you do you know privately and secretly for him and he is the one that knows what you need before you ask for it but you should still ask for it see that's the father on the throne that is huge that he's saying at the end i want you convinced i already taught that my earthly ministry now i've ascended to heaven and i'm unfolding my plan and i want you to know as the world disintegrates that i'm still seated on the throne you remember the three part outline it's in verse nine of chapter one and that outline tells us this that god wants john encouraged remember watch the dissolution of the jewish people in the temple and everything else and all the other apostles he wants us challenged to stay healthy and to focus on what we're supposed to be doing and i have to say if you look at facebook you think that most christians are supposed to be virologists and politicians and cultural whatever by the way none of those three things i just mentioned are what he left us to do and it's really sad how how distracted the church always seems to get and he wants us to be spiritually healthy and we're going to talk about that in just a minute how to be that way and he wants us convinced that god keeps his word remember we pray to him seated on the throne god operates according to those attributes he is eternally rewarding those who obediently serve him even if no one sees it that's part of the father on the throne thing he says i know what you pray in secret i know what you think in secret i know your motivations even though no one else does and i'm going to reward you and and most rewards that people get on earth are not going to have any bearing in heaven because remember what jesus said they have their reward all the applause all the fanfare he said that that negates the eternal and so that's why so much of what we do is supposed to be done in secret and that's the problem with social media social media is from self-promotion and and so we have to be very cautious uh now there's nothing wrong with reporting what god does in acts 14 when paul came back from the ministry he said i want you to see all that god has done through me there's nothing wrong with the me part as long as it starts with god like you heard in first hour has done only he can do it but he uses people and and it's good it encourages others but here's what we're going to do in hebrews 10 what motivated the early church see what i love in fact i'm so glad i didn't get to do my original dissertation my original phd work i worked and did 120 graduate hours at my alma mater in south carolina uh in church history and i was doing a christology of medieval hymns isn't that a big topic i mean i was so pumped on that i worked so hard on that and everything and then i never got to finish that program when i started working at grace community church so i had to restart at dallas and that's how i started from scratch after 120 hours and and that's why it took 10 years but one of the things i'll never forget is this what motivated those people closest to the original the people that lived in that generation that knew jesus christ that knew all of his apostles that actually had witnessed the day of pentecost that actually had heard jesus teach that heard paul teach you know what fascinates me how did those people interpret understand frame and apply the bible well this is a great great text hebrews 10 and this is not the one we're gonna read and do something and stand and everything this is just the hors d'oeuvre you know how you go to all the places that's trying to make us fat and they sell you all those pre-meal things you know this is the pre-meal thing okay hebrews chapter 10 uh verse 19 therefore brethren having boldness to enter the holiest by the blood of jesus well those early saints really had it they by a new and living way which he consecrated for us through the veil that is his flesh and having a high priest over the house of god verse 22 let us draw near with a true heart by the way the parallel to this verse 10 22 the parallel verse in the book of hebrews is 9 14 which says hebrews 9 14 how much more shall the blood of christ who through the eternal spirit offering himself without spot to god purge your conscience from works that lead to death what is that that's the power of the blood of christ to erase the three you know quadrillion little video clips all of us have in our minds did you know everything you've ever seen or experienced or watched or played or listened to or whatever it's all recorded in god's form of dolby surround sound in vivid it's better than you know 4k it's 8k i think that's the new way that videos have it's all recorded here and some of the stuff we've seen and done and heard and whatever watched is really not very good and it really wipes out a lot of people because they have all these horrible thoughts that satan can shoot little fiery darts at and then flame and then they get all feeling like they're not a christian well what do you do with all that well the way you empty the file cabinet hebrews 9 14 is the blood of christ he can get rid of that he can actually erase all that stuff but look at 10 22 then we can draw near with a true heart because the high priest over the house of god has cleansed us through his blood through the eternal spirit and having our hearts sprinkled verse 22 from an evil conscience our bodies washed with pure water we can come at the beginning with a true heart and full assurance that's verse 22. so we're supposed to be the boldest people on earth not about our politics or about our virology and epidemiology and all that stuff but about christ did you know the righteous or as bold as a lion but the wicked run when no one's chasing them see we're supposed to have that holy spirit induced boldness to live for christ uh and like saint francis said and say something about it when necessary we are supposed to have such a powerful overwhelming reflection of christ that the pharaohs as we heard this week and the nebuchadnezzars see that the spirit of the holy gods is in us and our culture is getting so pagan that we ought to just stick out all of us so how do we stick out well let us hold fast verse 23 the confession of our faith without wavering for he who promised is faithful ah now that famous verse your pastor always quotes when it's business meeting time on sunday night and there isn't going to be a quorum and so he says and let us consider one another well actually what he reads is verse 25 don't forsake the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of some is have you ever heard that verse have you ever heard that verse where you're supposed to come on sunday night for the business meeting or whatever did you know this verse is so much about the book of revelation look i'll start in verse 24 and let us consider one another in order to greek word peroxism you ever heard of paroxysms it's kind of like a convulsion we're supposed to peroxize all those around us to stir them up that's the paroxysm to love and good works the purpose of gathering in the church as believers is not to critique the new adult bible sunday school teacher who isn't very good or the pastor who you wonder what he did all week we paid him you know and that message sounds like one he's already done you know i had a lady in my first church quidnessa church the first senior pastor church where everywhere i spoke she she wasn't very old i guess because she wrote in the margin the date that i spoke from there and if i ever happen to repeat any text she'd come with the bible say you already spoke on that one you know what made me so happy she was engaging but that is not the purpose of church to check whether he's earning his money or the youth pastor you know or the music or whatever what you're supposed to be doing is considering one another in order to stir up peroxides love and good works not forsaking assembling together and you miss this great thing but exhorting there's another form of what we're supposed to be doing one another and so much the more what does it say as you see what the day the day you know that's what it's called all the way through the new testament today in fact that is the old testament the day of the lord they just shortened it to not have the of the lord part so everything about church is to stir up the other believers to be getting ready for the day now for us jesus is not coming in flaming fire second thessalonians 1 7 to incinerate those that obey not the gospel of jesus christ that's not us that's the day of the lord we already know that before that event we go into his presence either we get the group rapture you know first thessalonians 4 or the individual rapture you know that from psalm 23 yeah though i walked through the valley of shadow of death i'll fear new evil for thou art with me we know from hebrews it already says it's a point unto man once did i so we actually have an appointment with the good shepherd to walk us home that's the private rapture you ever hear about the rich and famous go on these private tours i have a lot of people they're so sad as they die that they miss the rapture i said you're sad you're missing the big group event when you're getting the private one the personal i always tell people when they say mom died i say well i know where jesus was at 8 40 p.m last night when mom died he came before the valley of death shadow opens and walks you through so you never face death whoever lives and believes in me what will never die and so i'm not even to my message yet so let's get down to this okay what motivated the early church well every time they got together you know what they were asking each other what are you eating and it wasn't keto i mean we are so caught up in the physical of everything you know it's just by the way the new you know nih national institute of health to britain has declared that keto is unhealthy and we're ruining our bodies with all this over fatting i don't even know what keto is you know but you know what i mean what are you eating how are you doing at listening to god by feeding on his word that's your scripture reading what are you chewing you know most believers uh gulp and swallow whole you know and that's why they have indigestion they don't chew they don't take time to apply god's word to their life what are you memorizing and meditating on those are two things that are very important for spiritual health this is what the early church met for they did not meet to say that the deacons assigned us to the wrong sunday school room and we give a lot of money or the youth pastor is not spending enough time with my child or my daughter was not allowed to sing you know or play her flute you know which is i have been a pastor for decades i've heard it all you know many times but you know what the purpose you come to church is you're looking around to see someone that you can cause a paroxysm in their life spiritually to make them love the lord more love other people more and do more good for god that's my sole purpose hebrews 10 24 and 25. every time i gather until the day i want to influence as many believers as possible is that what you plan for when you go to church most believers since kova don't go to church i i think we've lost about half according well i know i know my mentor said that it's the greatest sifting cleaning out and all the lost pagan unsaved people aren't going to church but there are a lot of wonderful saints that aren't going to church they're still afraid they're going to catch something and get that personal rapture you know they want the group one you know and you know what i mean and so there is not a lot of this asking people what they're eating and what they're chewing and that's it all we're supposed to be asking we're all supposed to talk about their breathing do you have breathing problems are you talking to god do you pray without ceasing jesus said in the sermon on the mount in the lord's prayer section after this manner therefore pray ye and it's an imperative he's actually commanding not the recitation of the 65 or 73 depending on what version of the bible you have not the recitation of the lord's prayer rather he's saying follow this pattern start every day of your life focusing on your father who happens to still be seated on the throne who happens to know your needs before you mention them i mean he's aware of every bird that hops or depending on your virgin bible drops to the ground member the father is aware of every sphere that falls the ground or hops it's interesting there's a variation in the greek words but he knows everything on that throne and and nothing surprises him we already covered that the first time because of his attributes and he's up there watching us and what is the first thing he wants us after we focus on him in the lord's prayer father which are in heaven hell would be thy name what's the very next petition thy kingdom come you know what martin luther called that when he preached through this the terrible petition you know what that's inviting i submit to your rule your kingdom come in my life do you know what believers would be like if they started focusing on the father of the throne and know he's in control of everything and then check in and say your kingdom your will your i submit to your plan and my life you know there's this neat group uh what life action i think it's called uh they they pass out chalk at their uh crusades and they have everybody when they get done with the service they carry their chalk out to the parking lot and before they get in their car they draw a circle on the blacktop i don't know what they do with the churches they haven't blacked out their parking lots but you know what i mean the blacktop or cement and then they draw the circle they step inside and they say your will your kingdom come in my life i'm submitting to you and thy will be done and earth as it is in heaven because i want to do your will. and you know what's really neat i remember when they did at our church as a pastor you used the last one out and so after everything was all locked up and you know i'd closed up everything i walked out it was the most beautiful thing to see the parking lot filled with circles of course the rain washed them away the next rain but i thought the whole congregation took their chalk drew their circle surrendered to god you know that's something i think we should do quite regularly i mean this campfire service is coming up you know it'd be neat if everybody every time it was possible said yes i surrender yes i publicly rem i want everyone to know i'm submitting to my father i want his will in my life well breathing is talking to god in prayer it's the the one thing we're supposed to do without ceasing and going taking time to talk to others about god's plan of salvation what what how do you peroxize people well you want to stir up the saints around you ask them every time you see them about their eating and chewing and breathing and going when i was a youth pastor when i started out my first youth group was in greenville south carolina i had 100 teenage boys in my youth group in fact one of my kids was sitting here a are you here are you hey you were over there before oh i won't say anything to embarrass my dear friend but i used to have a deal with my students and i said every single time i see you on this 260 acre campus i'm going to walk directly towards you look in your eye and i'm going to ask you where you are in the scriptures that's what you're eating and what it's doing in your life how you're doing chewing it and what on earth are you praying about what are you asking what are you begging god to do the god who says whatever you ask according my will i'm going to do it so what it's kind of like having this limitless atm card from god what are you asking him for and finally when's the last time you physically opened your mouth and tried to tell someone about christ when's the last time i used to joyfully walk around the myriad of sidewalks of that campus of that fenced in 260 acres and i would see one of my students and boy like a global position guided missile bomb with the us military i would start straight down that sidewalk toward them and the first turn they were gone do you know exactly what i knew and they knew they had not read prayed shared the gospel or memorized i don't know which one they were missing but they were not wanting to see me usually after lunch i would see the same person coming in like a heat-seeking missile they wanted to tell me what they read what they learned what they're praying about what they were memorizing do you know that's what paroxysm is it's not it's not forcing people away from christ it's it's it's making them excited about telling you what god is doing in their life so by the way that was my conclusion for yesterday's message that remember i didn't finish the interview remember that that the clock took all my time and i didn't finish so that was yesterday okay now we'll start today uh this is this is one of our websites i was talking to someone on the break the coffee break and i said you know what i don't know anything about that i said this this teenager that started our website back in tulsa um he he said you need a website i said i don't know what a website is he said i'll do it for you and that's how it's been since well this is one that that another teenager made for me on youtube i had no idea about it it was operating for years before i ever looked at it but you know what it is it's a it's a gathering of everything i've ever said there are 40 i think 500 messages that i've preached they're all in youtube i can't believe they allow all those messages in and down there at the bottom there's a on the lower right there's a red box around one that's a small group when bonnie and i became missionaries we we missed the local church so much that bonnie and i started a weekly bible study with a group that actually traveled with us everywhere we go around the world to all 65 different countries that i've spoken in over the last four years and they actually pray for us and once a week i have a small group bible study with them now of course i don't see them because they're actually seeing me through that and you know it's a little tripod and and i sit there and do the bible study with them wherever we are in the world it's so fascinating i wonder what they think about the background uh you know because we've been in some of the strangest places but that small group is where i talk about what i'm eating what i'm chewing on about how my breathing is and how i'm going and then i encourage them to have a small group it's actually we call it the 52 greatest chapters in the bible and it's a year-long journey through the bible it's the same bibles that i always did as a pastor but i teach people how to apply the bible to themself you know i can find all kinds of verses my wife ought to know she needs to read that one or my kids oh they need that or my husband needs that verse do you know what most of us are bad at using the bible as a mirror and taking a good look at how far short we fall from the glorious fullness of the image of christ we're supposed to be living up to so i actually have this study and i can't believe youtube uh you know allows it to be and there's there's the one that was sunday morning it's we're on john 19 and 20 of the 52 greatest passages and we look at the gospel of christ i can't quite read it it's too small for me uh and there's a whole playlist of them that's the playlist part of youtube and the bottom left there is the playlist it's exploring the 52 key chapters of the bible and you know i started out with actually four people that just didn't want to quit the bible study because i i ran it for years with with men at panera and at chipotle and at starbucks and wherever we could meet and they just said you're going to be a missionary and you're leaving me high and dry and i said okay i'll keep going and now we have friends i mean i just had someone from northern ireland from belfast and they said you were late posting this weeks and our group got together and it wasn't up yet in belfast unbelievable okay let's get back to where we're supposed to be and now with 19 minutes and 27 seconds we're gonna get to being convinced okay what are we supposed to be convinced of convinced that god is on the throne the one on the throne 46 times in revelation you see that red column there that's chapter four that's where we're going now and you can start turning there that's where we're going to read so revelation chapter 4 and what i'm going to show you as we go through revelation 4 is all the those those actually 13 occurrences in chapter 4 and 5 occurrences in chapter 5 of the word throne okay you ready got revelation 4 if so say yes okay let's all stand here we go this is why i want you to convinced of and you follow along after these things i looked and behold a door stood open in heaven that's the first of seven openings the door opened and then chapter six the seals get opened it's just fun to read revelation all these lists that god puts in there but it stood open in heaven and the first voice that i heard was like a trumpet speaking with me saying come up here and i will show you the things which must take place after this by the way you know it's interesting chapter one two and three the church has mentioned uh like almost two dozen times did you know it's not mentioned again until we get to after the day when we get back to the other end of the book and so that's a subtle way of saying that you're not going to be here for all that bad stuff but immediately verse two i was in the spirit and behold there it is a throne is set in heaven and one sat on the throne and he was there like a jasper and a sardius in appearance and there was a rainbow around the throne an appearance like an emerald and around the throne were 24 thrones and on the thrones i saw 24 elders sitting clothed in white robes and they had crowns of gold on their heads and from the throne preceded lightnings thunderings and voices and seven lamps of fire were burning before the throne which are the seven spirits of god and before the throne there was a sea of glass like crystal boy really meditate on what we're reading because either the public or the private rapture takes you right there and that is going to be the setting which daniel 7 lays out for us that is the appointment all of us have to stand in front of that throne one by one huskaton very interesting it's it's a word for like going through the turnstile we each have our turn to stand on that sea of glass in front of that throne with the lightning and thunder and all the i mean the whole thing i just started reading and there's so much more and we get to out loud answer the question to jesus whom we will see sitting there he's going to say did you do what i left you to do on earth everyone watch and he takes our life and it comes on a conveyor belt and it goes through fire and the fire burns up all the pinterest boards of our favorite bathrooms that we spent so many hours on you know what i mean sorry men do that too and and whatever doesn't burn up he takes out of the fire and that's the gold the silver and the precious stones and he gives it to us he said this is everything you did in your life that wasn't sin that's all erased on the cross and there's no record of it this is the sum total of your precious one and only life i gave you and this is the part you didn't waste this is a part that didn't burn up it wasn't sin it was just wasted you know this is your precious life and i give it back to you and every time we get to chapter five and everybody falls down you're gonna get to throw that and say this is everything i redeemed in my lifetime for you and here it is again did you know you don't get to add to that pile except now that's what the early church when they got together were reminding each other that's what the day is that's what they said are you getting ready for the day when that's going to happen okay let's finish reading some of you are getting worried you think i'm ezra and you're going to stand till 3 p.m like he did okay and so thrown throughout toronto and throne 18 times and now look at chapter 5 verse 13. and every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea and all that were in them i heard saying and why don't we all whatever version the bible you have just read out with uh great bravado the next part okay here we go sound like a cacophony here we go blessing and honor and glory and power be to him who sits on the throne and to the lamb forever and ever now look at verse 14 then the four living creatures said amen and the 24 elders fell down and worshiped him who lives forever and ever you know the first time i did this it was at tulsa i see carol out there she was probably there that sunday i said boy in heaven when they worship the lord they all fall on their faces one of our white-haired elders had always sat in the balcony they always stood for the reading of the word of god he disappeared i thought he'd had a stroke they told me that he got down in the aisle on his face he said i want to be ready let's pray father in heaven i pray that as we are convinced of your throne it would change the way we live that we would start living for what you left us to do in the name of jesus we pray amen okay i have 13 minutes you may be seated this is how we're supposed to live we're supposed to live in a live for god in a dangerous world jesus comes back the whole book of revelation is about him coming back to tell john who had watched over ephesus that the seven church plants weren't doing very well and that five of the seven were sick and they were kind of like his kids so he had to you know be concerned about them that's what revelation is about now remember the whole book of revelation is based on jesus sermon in matthew 24 and jesus the way the whole church was mobilized looking forward to the day is they all knew eschatology i mean they were jews they knew that god's whole prophetic calendar was built around the jewish people the chosen people of destiny and promise uh and if you believe anything about god keeping his word he has make made an unbreakable covenant to israel we call it theologically the sovereign election of israel so if you don't believe you can lose your salvation you can't believe that israel lost their place in god's kingdom plan and so he said all of these things his list of all those things coming are the beginning of sorrows that odin that's the word for birth pains or birth pangs so when you see all these things you know it's near it's at the door and then jesus adds in verse 34 surely i send you the generation that sees all these things will not pass away till all these things take place well what was he saying well revelation is just an expansion of that sermon and basically in matthew 24 jesus said the first and most prominent thing will be deception oh are we in a time of deception now remember we get endless comments like you do on social media i mean i commented in march i think of this year i says oh so glad that you know i got my poke uh my first of two vaccines from moderna because we have to have them to go to asia this fall where bonnie and i are leaving in about three weeks and going to europe and we have to you know do all that oh man i was not expecting the encouraging notes from believers my very first note your name is not written in the book of life they declared that i i thought is this the spirit of god speaking to me you are not in the book of life because you have taken the mark of the beast wow sorry false deception is going to cause people to be going in every direction except the direction they're supposed to go if they're believers and they're going to be following all these false prophets they're telling them all these things it's amazing but if you ever want to find out more about the fetal tissue used in vaccines which by the way 90 percent of all of your children that have polio vaccines have had the fetal tissue because they started a long time ago but you ought to read john piper's article on that can a believer have an aborted baby part put in their body and still be a godly believer i love piper for it he always writes the greatest articles that no one else will write war famine death martyrdom signs all of those are just going right down the list of seals now you remember this chart i've shown you so many times all we're talking about today is that you know the boom of the great tribulation that's the centerpiece of this whole uh part of the scriptures and basically i will give you the the truncated version in chapter six and seven after we leave the singing around the throne we go through the seven sealed scroll which is probably the title deed to the universe that only christ is the one who is worthy to take back after it was defiled by sin and that's what the whole romans ate you know the the groaning of the universe waiting for the redemption to be bought out of the slave market of sin and to have the perfection of the creator back but you know what it is deception is first the first seal is the white horse and and uh oh remember i have a phonographic mind i almost told you about today's newsletter i got from someone that did a deep greek word study of chapter six verses one and two and it said that the arrows of the antichrist you know that he has a bow and and arrows the arrows are actually syringes the greek means syringe with poisonous i thought oh my you know that's why people aren't studying doctrine they're virologists and epidemiologists and and everything else and it's all important and we should be very careful what we put into our body and and i think that it's something we should deeply consider god's will but then there'll be wars that's the second horseman then the black horseman is famine uh and then the green cloros you know the whole sickly pale green like chlorine gas of death and then while the martyrs start lining up in heaven i mean you all have red revelation and there's this this cosmic storm going on and then of course we have god's evangelists deployed wow so there aren't lost tribes of israel right because they're from every one of the 12 tribes and they go out and these are these invulnerable evangelists and then the last trumpet is this silence and then we go from the seals to the launching of these seven trumpet judgments and and look what happens you know a third of the trees and grass burn boy did you see that that we've already lost last year we lost what 16 million acres burned did you know that's equivalent to vermont and new hampshire or all of massachusetts or a third of new york state burned last year that's how much wildfire we had just in america i mean it's far more in other places it's just a little precursor what we're going to see in the future the the one-third of the sea dies then one-third of all fresh water that's the third of the trumpets then the sun darkens a third of the sun and stars and you know the diminution of the light there are many both properties and physics that could cause that as well as you know ash clouds and everything else then we get into these three woes and the fifth trumpet is those oh this pit opens up and all these demon hordes come out oh that's an amazing thing and then the the euphrates evangel uh uh angels and one-third of all humanity are slain and then we have all of this little book you know this interlude the little book and the seven thunders and the two witnesses which are in chapter 11 and the measuring of the temple and then it says at the end of chapter 11 that the mystery of god and look what's happened between the fourth seal and the sixth trumpet half of humanity die wow that's a great motivation to us to share the gospel with people you know you know it's so interesting that the children of israel weren't building the temple they were paneling their own homes do you remember haggai's messages about that that that they were doing their own stuff instead of what god was supposed to do if you knew that one out of every two people alive on earth were going to die wouldn't you be interested in taking a few of them with you to heaven i mean that's how the early church thought and that's why they changed the world like they did then we get after the seals and the trump as we get to those bowls of wrath and we see what's coming everybody that took the mark gets these sores that's prompted a lot of social media um a sea of blood uh everything's dying in the sea the rivers and water become blood the the fourth bowl the sun scorches with fire uh you know kind of like solar flare stuff on steroids darkness remember now these are starting to parallel moses his plagues and there's so much and and when you get the full version you know it's fun to study all the correspondences revelation quotes over 800 and alludes to and illustrates 800 other passages it's kind of like the central switchboard of the bible then the kings of the east you know the euphrates dries up and then that's when those three frog demons come and and we get everybody going to armageddon that's in chapter 16 and it is done but look at the parallels between the bowls and the trumpets and notice that all of this god these are called the judgments of thirds you know in the trumpets it's a third of the trees and the grass and a third of the seas and you say why are you telling us all that we're not going to see that because the end of the world trends jesus said would start long before the end and then they would start crescendoing until they just are kind of like those last few you know uh if you were watching on the fetal monitor you'd see this huge wave coming and you warn your wife breathe it's coming you know that's what's coming to the world but but the little ones the braxton hicks and all that are what we're living through and basically the end of the world trends what birth pain means is their greater frequency greater intensity greater visibility greater impact so what motivated the early church did you know they they saw this all the time did you know there were plagues all the time in the roman empire yeah they didn't have proper sanitation did you know that that there were all kinds of battles and wars and four emperors in a in a short one-year period after you know the the time of domitian there were there's one two three four and there were all these things and people were just thinking it was the end of the world back then what did they do well they encouraged one another all the more and tried to lead more people to christ they didn't build their y2k hidey hole you know and avoid it all the end of the world trends global warming is going to get hotter i know that i've read the ending it's going to go up and down up and down but you're going to see this cycle it's getting worse and worse and worse global water shortage i mean you you've seen you know lake mead and you've seen all of this and they're stopping the hydroelectrics in california because there isn't water to run them and and you're looking at all those million dollar boats don't you wish they would invest in it for the lord instead of buying that boat to sitting on the clay that's dried up because there's no water left for them in their marina it's just amazing global food scarcity it's going to be more frequent global conflicts they're going to be more deadly and widespread global hatred for christ it's going to get more personal remember what jesus said that that mother will betray you know son and father or daughter and everything the family is going to be turning on each other and global tracking wow okay let me just give you the trends and you all know these the the trend of global travel remember daniel said it he said in the time of the end many will run to and fro look at this three thousand years ago when jonah got on the boat to flee to tarshish it was just like the boat to 2000 years ago you know was running paul around the mediterranean it was just like the boat that columbus came here and caused all the problem with the native americans you know and 200 years ago ben franklin got on one just like that to go get france to help us against britain but about 150 years ago everything rapidly changed the steam engine from new york in that neat vendor of you know fulton from the steam engine and then we went from that to the internal combustion and cars started going and then airplanes started going then goddard got the rockets going and now we've got i mean before y2k or kovid 4.59 billion people flew wow global explosion of knowledge knowledge still increase hey let me tell you about my phone my phone as apple describes it has a camera powered by a chip with 11.8 billion transistors in it one chip it has a 16 core neural engine and it does 11 teraflops i told you that yesterday how about our weather we have had a global weather explosion you know what the bible says people are going to start expiring because they're seeing what's coming on them now they're already saying this we have inescapable climate change but just look at any noa chart national oceanographic you know that administration look at that that's from 1980 to now now it's got these little cycles but it's kind of like the stock market you know you see these these trends here last year i was on my way to speak in iowa let me show you what noa recorded let's see if i can do this nope let me go back i want you to see that back boom no well never mind it was the derocco whatever it was called and it crossed iowa you should see what it looks like from the satellites this thunderstorm 100 mile an hour that went from south dakota all the way down into the plains and it covered the country and bonnie and i got there and i sat at a hotel in iowa for the board meeting last year at this time august 10th and millions of acres of iowa were flattened the corn was just all and that's not even the tribulation that's just normal what's going on and you see here the all of the forest fires and then how about global communication the bible says that in the tribulation all the people of the earth are going to see the dead bodies of the two witnesses and they're going to send presents on prime so invest in amazon because it's working global prime is going to be working because they dwell make mary and send gifts to one another but look at yesterday at 4 30 p.m i took a snapshot the purple you see is facebook live people that are filming their kids at the park or filming the waves or whatever they're filming the whole world is connected and i don't need to talk about the pandemics the pestilences they're just going to get stronger and wider and faster i like how it's now become a global issue the herd immunity is a global problem we all have to work together do you see one of the things the antichrist is going to do he's going to solve all this he's going to give everybody a vaccine pass and a lot more stuff he's going to solve all the problems he does it with global money it's a number we're already there you can't transact without a number you can't even get an airplane ticket without a number you can't hardly go to a hotel without a credit card a number your account is digits it's numbers it's already there there's not enough physical cash in the world for the amount of wealth there is it's all numeric all you need is one person to control it and i mean look at how artificial intelligence is pulling together the doorbells and the alexas and i don't even know all of them and putting together this labyrinth all these cameras that are everywhere with facial recognition there's that company that's making a mint they've already stripped off all of the faces off of facebook and everywhere else and they've made a database and they're selling to the police departments so the police departments are tracking the people that are known to be problems because those people are walking the streets and the cameras see them i feel like we live in china it's amazing what facial recognition can do notice what god added their right hand or their foreheads and that whole triangulation just of your forehead and what it does with all the other biometrics is amazing and i'll just have to finish this okay so china has launched the app in april 19th you report mistaken opinions you already know about global weapons of destruction by the way did you see that this week the u.s is having the largest war games why because of tensions with russia china and iran wow the armies of the eastern the tribulation china and iran and russia are named in ezekiel 38 on top of that we have a murder epidemic do you know what it says in revelation 9 they wouldn't repent of their murders look at that map 54 mass shootings in one month that was in april during coven and if it's not bad enough you murder how about the they wouldn't repent of their drug use oregon has decriminalized hard drugs we're not talking about smoking pot we're talking about injecting opiates what's god's desire for all this he wants people to hear the gospel so it's time to go so this is what i'll say did you know all of us have an appointment and we're going to stand in front of the throne and god is going to say let's see what you did with your life we're supposed to be stirring one another up where are you in the word you know you'll change your church if you go home and you walk up the first person say hey where'd you reading the bible this week and remember what they said and when you ask them next week they say the same thing say that's what you said last week it'll scare them most people how you doing they don't care they don't listen they don't pay attention the prayer requests they forget ask them where they are say could you quote a verse for me what verse are you holding on to when you're going to be laying in icu with all those tubes in you you're intubated and everything and they've taken everything away you know your glasses and your cell phone what verse do you have imprinted on your mind could you share it with me now because you're going to be under duress then i want to make sure you have a few ready they go i'm not no one i'm not in you know word of life clubs i don't have to learn verses anymore you say but you have an appointment see stir them up for the day that's coming that's why we study prophecy not to see who the third toe on the fourth beast you know right foot is it's to get ready for the day okay now it's time to pray so let's all bow our heads and before i go i'm going to ask you a question people love prophecy i just told you today the purpose of prophecy is that you're supposed to spend your life eating and chewing and breathing and going number one is that really your priority today yes or no number two are you going to become god's extension to your believers that you touch and you're going to start stirring them up in a loving way not to discourage them not to browbeat them but to say god's change in my life is he changing yours how many of you say god is at work in my heart and i want to start living like i'm getting ready for the day if that's you would you just raise your hand right now like to see you want to start living for that day that's coming father in heaven you see our hands and you see our hearts and i pray that we would start living like we're getting ready for the day that we all have an appointment for in the precious name of jesus we pray and all god's people said amen [Music]
Channel: DTBM
Views: 34,718
Rating: 4.9164801 out of 5
Keywords: Bible, God, Jesus, Christian, teaching, biblical, teach, sermon, trinity, church, lesson, traditional, truth, true, divine, theology, freedom, guilt, testament, pure, interpret, spirit, holy, John, Barnett, christ, father, heaven, hell, doctrine, doctrinal, sinful, forgive, forgiveness, history, teachings, chapters, verses, discover, the book, ministries, dtbm, Dr. Barnett, controversial, repent, helpful, sin, the, book, dr, john, doctor, barnett, training, videos, series, resources, savior, god, jesus, holy land, pilgrimage, spiritual renewal
Id: HcFdR5rJeKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 38sec (3038 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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