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well real quickly let me give you the 10. starting with travel the knowledge weather communication evangelism pandemics digital tracking and money wmd's peace and prosperity and the hatred of israel number one book of daniel if you go to the old testament remember right here jesus is quoting from genesis ezekiel daniel isaiah and zachariah plus little snatches from almost every other book in the bible but look what daniel says it's on your slide daniel 12 4 but you daniel shut up the words of this book until the time of the end many shall run to and fro oh wait birth pains frequency of travel the intensity of travel and the the kind of like total global visibility of travel let's just talk about it three thousand years ago david hired wooden boats powered by wind to help bring special wood for his temple his son solomon actually built and operated his own fleet of wooden ships that sailed listen with wind power to travel extensively between africa europe and parts of asia jonah walked by foot to a port in israel twenty eight hundred years ago so we're talking three thousand years ago people were were going by sale power and oring or paddling power including david solomon jonah and jonas sailed bought a ticket and sailed to a place we would call today spain two thousand years ago next on your slide the apostle paul traveled all around the roman world on mapped highways by foot by horse by chariot or aboard a wooden ship carried by wind power in its sails two thousand years ago five hundred years ago christopher columbus embarked on a journey across the atlantic ocean in search of a sea route to china he also probably went to the dock on foot he probably boarded a wooden ship not unlike that of david solomon jonah or paul so not much has changed three thousand two thousand years 500 years 200 years ago benjamin franklin walked to a dock boarded a wooden sailing vessel and went on his trip to france to try and aid the american revolution 200 years ago it was just over 100 years ago everything began to change abruptly just over 100 years ago with the advent of the steam engine no longer was man tied to manpower wind power horsepower first the steamship then the locomotive then the automobile then the airplane and the whole world changed today well not today because 16 000 airplanes are right now you know out of service because no one's flying but in 2019 there are routine scheduled flights from any continent to any continent in a matter of a few hours many shall run to and fro and we do it without thinking no one in the history of this planet ever traveled like we were able to travel the time that we're traveling is unprecedented that slide you see that last year in 2019 that finished with the beginning of the virus 4 billion 590 million people flew on airplanes wow many frequency intensity visibility i mean no one doubts any of this by the way when you do travel on airplanes i always think about one event that happened to me you see on that slide i remember flying to speak to a conference and as i got on the airplane i was so happy it was one of those airplanes that was empty and just been fixed in the airport hangar and it was being sent back to another city and so i got on there all alone with my bible i couldn't believe it i was going to study the whole time and just before the plane took off another passenger came and sat across the aisle for me and i thought huh why don't you sit somewhere else and so i sat there in my seat the plane took off i got my bible out and i was studying the bible getting ready for a men's retreat when all of a sudden the man across the aisle started talking to me it was the last thing i want to do i was getting ready to teach a group of men how to live the christian life and obey the lord and that was most on my mind so i kind of turned a little bit my seat i would just smile and i would keep studying and he kept ringing the call buzzer and the stewardess kept bringing him those little tiny bottles of alcohol that you can get on an airplane and so after two or three of those he got very conversant and i got turned in my seat and finally he said what are you doing over there and i said to him i put my finger down in the bible where i was i said i'm studying the bible i hope that that would make him stop talking he said hey i have a question for you then i said what is it and he said my hispanic housekeeper doesn't speak english why does she come every time she sees me in the house and look at me and say you go hell and i looked at him i said because you probably are and i turned in my seat my back to him and went back to studying the bible and it was right then that i felt the holy spirit's baseball bat hitting me and i thought you're on an airplane there's only two of you on the airplane this guy is scared to death to fly he's drinking alcohol he is talking to you and interrupting you and now we found out that that god had sent his hispanic housekeeper with limited communication ability in english to tell him he was destined for destruction he needed salvation and in that instant i turned in my seat and i started sharing the gospel and it was one of those under one hour flights and before i got too far we were already descending so i quickly reached into my pocket got out my gospel track wrote my name and phone number on the back handed it to him and i said tell me your name and i wrote it down and i start praying for him i ran this way to my next flight he ran that way to his flight he was going hunting somewhere and i never saw him again for six months six months later he showed up where i was speaking came up to me said i found you and then he looked me right in the eye and he said dad i'll never forget that i said what happened he said as soon as you left and went toward your plane he said i went around the corner i dropped my knees took out that track read it and followed what it said prayed cried out to the lord and he said god saved me and he's changed my life did you know we need to think about the basics why we're here on earth as we see the end of the world coming we're supposed to exhort each other seeing christ is coming to be in the word to let it change us to cause us to pray and to want to share how are you doing in the basics are you in the word were you in the word today are you reading the chapters that that we're going through uh are you seeking the lord are you asking him to change you by meditating upon his word are you breathing out to him in prayer saying lord guide me control me use me are you sharing the gospel see that's what this course is all about trend number two here we go global knowledge look what daniel says on the slide daniel 12 4 and knowledge shall increase knowledge would increase we've gone from kilobytes to megabytes to gigabytes to terabytes to petabytes to exabytes and we're in we're in zettabytes and they say coming after zettabytes or yatabytes kind of sounds like some dessert or something you know you ought to bite that but daniel said knowledge so increase there's one word that should be on your mind when we think of increased knowledge my phone can connect to google and i can type in any mathematical equation any words and it will find the song is from any words and i'll find where it is in the bible any place and it will take me on a map there any thought and it will give me everything the compendium of global knowledge on that topic it's in my pocket i have the sum total of everything that's known at my fingertips no king no emperor no one in history has what you have on your phone and now with see the second word on your screen nanometer architecture what's that well if i had a quarter here i'd check my pocket if i had a quarter that's about the size of the bottom of this marker right here nanometer architecture is that right now they're making computer chips with one billion lines going from left to right and one billion lines etched into them going from top to bottom a nano meter is one billionth of an inch and they etch chips the size of quarters with one billionth of an inch wide little lines so that that little chip right there can basically hold every book that's ever been written on earth uh just about every audio thing that's ever been recorded on that unbelievable right now what they're saying is that on the servers of silicon valley there are four zettabytes of information what's a zettabyte a zettabyte is is one with 21 zeros after it and basically those four zettabytes of information is equal to 304 million years not hours years of 4k video years 300 million plus years of 4k vid i mean with that resolution and the sound that's how much people have uploaded on their facebook and snapchat and everything else counts and these chips are making that all searchable at any instant knowledge still increase well it doesn't stop there travel would frequency intensity visibility un unbelievable knowledge look at weather look what jesus says on your screen uh luke 21 25 and 26 there'll be signs in the sun in the moon and the stars so people are going to be aware of solar activity lunar activity stellar activity which it says something the whole world is going to be aware of it and on the earth distress of nations with perplexity luke 25 21 25 the seas and the waves roaring but look at the result verse 26 men's hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of the things which are coming i'll never forget when i was standing at a starbucks christmas of 04 and i stood at the starbucks and i was looking up it was one of those that's in a hotel there was a tv monitor there and i saw i saw a beach house on a shore with a palm tree by it and a wave this high coming toward it you know what i was seeing the great tsunami of the the big indonesian earthquake i was watching someone was standing there with their phone filming and they had uploaded it and the great tsunami that wiped out all those people these people were up on a cliff and they filmed it happening look what this verse says people's hearts will fail them from fear seeing the things that are coming on the earth what what things are they going to see well god says inescapable climate change is coming that's number one inescapable unstoppable there are going to be climate events that are going to get closer together they're going to get stronger and everyone's going to see them that's that's the characteristic of all these trends look at your screen this is just the the daily mail map of last year's heat wave uh california 49 degrees centigrade that was like 130 degrees in death valley canada heat wave canada i mean canada touches the arctic circle 70 people died from the heat last summer in one event algeria 51 degrees in the desert sweden had forest fires they are on the arctic circle uh greece had wildfire fires where 79 people died running into the aegean sea because this brush fire came down the hill in athens so fast it killed 79 people japan a huge heat wave in tokyo with all the air conditioners running 65 people died the world is on fire the frequency of weather events the intensity of the droughts and everything else the visibility the world is going to be watching how do you like this this was last summer we were there record 108 degrees in paris 108 degrees they never recorded 108 degrees in history there's going to be global weather events that are going to get closer stronger people are going to watch them and actually what it said in luke 21 is people are going to die of heart attacks seeing what's coming number four the trend of global communication this is what revelation says and and revelation is talking about uh the events that ezekiel daniel and zachariah and isaiah all describe this is what it says in revelation 11 9. then those from the people's tribes tongues and nations what what's that that's code for everybody in the world this visibility everybody this is going to be an event that everybody's going to watch that's what it's saying we'll see their dead bodies who is this this is chapter 11 over here in the tribulation in revelation 11 we have the two witnesses these these prophets from god that called on fire from heaven and and caused there to be no rain on the earth kind of doing things that elijah and moses did the antichrist who who meets them these two witnesses is going to do something look what it says he will not allow their dead bodies to be put in the graves and those who dwell on the earth again it's global the visibility those who dwell on the earth will rejoice for them make merry and send gifts to one another because these two prophets tormented those who dwell on the earth when in history has it been possible for people anywhere on the earth to send gifts to everybody we call it amazon prime don't we i mean you can buy anything almost anywhere and you can see what's going on everywhere let me show you one quick slide that was yesterday at 4 30 p.m all the blue our viewers and all the green dots are broadcasters what what is that facebook live you know we're in isolation quarantine bonnie and i watched john mcarthur's services in los angeles on facebook yesterday morning service last night evening service we were and and the little bubbles were coming up all those people's hearts and likes and comments were just buzzing across there thousands of them look at that map right now there's not a continent untouched facebook live people can take their phones and film and you know what i think is going to happen when those two witnesses are killed and their bodies laying there people are going to be there and they're going to be filming and it's going to be posting and people are going to be watching it live and all of a sudden do you remember what happens after three and a half days the lord resurrects them and raptures them out they go i can just see the people with their facebook live going wow look at that i wonder what's happening that's the world we live in did you know that was explained two thousand years ago there would be global travel global explosion of knowledge global weather events and global communication not just audio video it's as they see number five the trend of global evangelism it says jesus said in matthew 24 remember matthew 24 kind of summarizes all of these old testament prophecies and follows the expansion actually revelation 6 is just a 6-18 it's just a 13-chapter expansion of matthew 24 and jesus illustrates in revelation what he says in matthew but look what he says in matthew 24 14. and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world in all the world notice all the world as a witness to all the nations do you notice all the alls you notice the the global nature of all these events and when we get right here to the fifth one evangelism is global then the end will come mark 13 records same event the gospel was first be preached to all the nations never before before our generation was it possible to even know how many people were on the planet when we're talking about global evangelism global they didn't even know how many continents there were it was not impossible it was impossible until our day and now it's not impossible to get the gospel to every nation anywhere on the planet uh a radio or television wave can go anywhere it can travel anywhere the new satellites that elon musk is putting up it's just unbelievable how totally communicating our world is our website i mean just just these classes regularly are seen by 80 countries i didn't even know 80 countries had had the ability to watch youtube it's amazing do you remember what jesus said look at mark 13 10 it will be preached to all nations today portions of the entire bible are in 2300 languages that's over 90 almost 95 percent of the world now look at this map of the world those little red dots are the unreached people groups every one of those have a team that is trying to get the language into the hands of someone that speaks that language so they can share it there are unengaged and unreached people groups unengaged means there's no portion of scripture no person that speaks their language unreached means there's no one yet we know of functioning in a local church but the mission boards have identified all of them we know the target we're taking the gospel to every nation well number six global travel global knowledge global weather awareness and fear global communication global evangelism wow this is where we are today the trend of global pandemics look what it says in matthew 24 verse 7 on your slide for nation will rise against nation by the way this is the full list of the birth pains there's going to be more and more frequent nation rising its nation kingdom against kingdom famines and there it is pestilences luke 21 11 for those of you uh that don't see that word in matthew 24 it's also in luke 21 11 and earthquakes in various places there would be more frequency of quakes pestilence pandemics famines and war and intensity and everyone's going to know about it but the way we know we're in the tribulation is when it's unstoppable right now there's uh in africa a plague of locusts that's that's taken the food for millions you know what we're doing in spite of covid19 there are people taking grain to help the people in africa that famine is stoppable but the day is coming in the tribulation when just the pandemic just this sixth trend will kill a fourth of all people with no no possible immunization no antibodies nothing despite an increase in scientific knowledge deadly diseases that's what the bible calls pestilences or pandemics would be prevalent last month in michigan a man with strep throat barely survived multiple amputation because the strep with all of our antibiotics went into his abdominal cavity there was not even one dreaded looming super close pathogen that that we knew that we couldn't stop until recent days the lord says watch out when the birth pangs hit the intensity where they're unstoppable then you know you're in the tribulation number six pandemics there's the covid19 i love that beautiful electron microscope view of it do you remember how it spread so quickly through planes through people's contact in fact here's the page from just two days ago i i followed the johns hopkins university page 2.375 million cases confirmed and all of the you know how many have died in the united states and everywhere else in the world it's just like global pandemics it's visible to everybody it's it was growing intensely they think it's plateauing but there's going to be more of them number seven the sign of digital money and global tracking listen to what it says in revelation 13. now remember revelation uh seven we meet 144 000 we're going to talk about those in days ahead revelation 11 we hit the two witnesses but in revelation 13 where we are we meet the antichrist look what happens when we meet him revelation 13 16 he the antichrist the global ruler causes all both small and great rich and poor free and slave to receive a mark on the right hand or on their foreheads and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name now wait a minute notice number number a lot of people are worried about getting a chip or a barcode or a tattoo or something and they don't want to get that this is not saying avoid having a chip implant or a tattoo or a barcode what it's saying is a number to buy or sell guess what it's too late what that means is for the first time in history we would have digitalized money we've never had digitalized money we've had currency we've had barter we've had exchange we've had gold and silver and coins we've had all types of ways of transaction until modern times just in the last decades where money has become digitalized now let me just show you the ramifications of what this means because of the current covid19 pandemic look at that headline on april 10th which is what 10 days ago apple and google are going to bring covid19 contact tracing look what does it say read it out loud what you see on the screen yeah 3 billion people do you know what contact tracing is here's the thumbnail if you want to read that that article was in bloomberg contact tracing is that my contacts that are in this phone are all known by apple and they are going to combine their computers with googles so that all of the people that have gmail and are part of youtube and everything else that whole vast database with all so there are about 3 billion people involved with google and about 1 billion crossover involve have an iphone and my contacts are going to be in the server somewhere and when somebody in my contact is diagnosed as infected with covid19 guess what my phone will do this is your friend that we know where your phone was and and their phone was and your phones were closer than six feet and so you're likely and you know have been exposed that's what contact tracing is it's eerie bonnie and i we travel 150 000 miles some years speaking all over the world we got off an airplane 11 p.m i stepped in to pick up our car we were in northern thailand speaking at a conference i i got bonnie in her side i walked around to my side as i was opening the door my phone vibrated i thought who would call me at 11 o'clock in thailand and i looked and it was a note from chase bank it said fraud department did you just spend x number of dollars in chiang mai thailand looked at bonnie i said chase banks knows where we are right now and what we're doing there's coming a time through technology see on the screen in front of you mastercard paypal you know square cash visa alipay apple pay venmo all of these things with contact tracing are all going to be in one massive database with the continuous gps tracing triangulating knowing right where our little phone is or our little watches or whatever is going to make it possible through this look at the next slide what is that on their right hand or on their foreheads what you see there is visual recognition what's that well the the cameras do a triangular triangulation of our facial features and search a database in a millisecond identify who you are what recently happened just before the the social isolation started there was a gigantic concert going on last fall outside of london and the cameras as you went into the stadium of all these people going to the concert they don't even we don't even notice cameras they're there all the time and a camera caught the face triangulated it sent it down to interpol who sent back a note saying that's a guy wanted in germany and he's in london and they looked up his ticket and during the concert the british policeman walked up out of 80 000 people and stood at his row and walked down his row while he was enraptured in the concert and cuffed him and he had no idea that one out of 80 000 could be picked out you know what one out of three billion are going to be picked out in the next few weeks that's called contact tracing code 19 apple google initiative with the antichrist revelation 13 16 says everyone on earth will be under his surveillance and if you do not deny jesus christ then he will execute you global digital money and tracking a trend that's getting more frequent it's happening faster and faster and faster it's getting more intense china now tracks every one of their 1.2 billion people it's getting more and more visible to the world but in the tribulation it's unstoppable number eight the trend of weapons of global destruction matthew 20 4 has something very interesting but there will be great what does it say tribulation so look the way you know you're in the tribulation the way you know that that is happening is when these trends as in weapons of mass destruction become unstoppable when what does jesus say is going to happen look at this there'll be great tribulations such as not been since the beginning of the world to this time nor ever shall be and unless those days were shortened no human life would be saved that's what weapon of mass destruction means up until this time in biblical times and up until modern times you only could get someone that you could get close enough to get them first it was you know with your sword or with your slingshot or with your bow and arrow and later it was with your catapult and then we got a little further to our cannon and then we got our airplanes but always people could flee you couldn't carpet bomb everywhere you couldn't shoot arrows everywhere you couldn't get everybody until now look at that slide the doomsday clock most dire warnings since the cold war what they're saying is they're saying what you see on the next map look how many people have atomic devices america has 6550 weapons they say that it would take only about 24 to 50 to wipe out all about 95 percent of all people and we've got 6 500. russia has 6850 weapons north korea has 15 china has 280 india has 135. one of the most volatile areas of the world pakistan has 145 they always have to have a little more than india their their arch enemy israel has an undetermined number but i will say one thing about israel and that is that israel develops something an israeli scientist because israel's so small and they have so many foes around them they developed what's called the neutron bomb of course you know what that is it's a bomb where if you hit a city it doesn't ruin the city all it does is kill all organic life within the city all animals and people and leaves the city fine for reinhabitation neutron bomb the atomic bomb the hydrogen bomb germ warfare weapons of mass destruction more frequent warfare more intense warfare more visible warfare but when warfare becomes unstoppable global travel global knowledge global weather global communication evangelism pandemics digital money and tracking weapons of mass destruction when there comes a desire for global peace and prosperity and materialism now just for a minute i want you to think about this have as many people died as our foreboding initial forecasts of what was going to happen happen by easter sunday we heard that there was going to be this massive amount of people in america dying it's a fraction of the amount we heard in all these projections yet you have witnessed in the current pandemic the first time the entire world shut down before the disaster struck wow why would it be that america has stopped the world's largest economy europe has stopped the world's second largest economic block china stopped you know the second or third largest economy why is all that happening because there is a global desire for peace and prosperity and materialism and we don't want anything to happen and so we're willing to stop before it happens it's a global response to a pandemic unprecedented and what it's getting us close to is when one man says hey do you want the ultimate global prosperity peace i'll settle the arab israeli conflict i will settle all of the the chinese american controversy i will i will stop all the religious warfare i will give you peace in the world that's why in chapter 6 when we get tomorrow in tomorrow's class into revelation 6 the very first event of revelation 6 is the antichrist coming on a white horse bringing peace and prosperity to a world right now that has 247 trillion dollars of global debt it's a debt bomb and something's going to happen if you read bloomberg wall street journal new york times any of the european papers any of the asian papers they say this level of debt is unsustainable in fact one article in wall street said money has lost its meaning we're just printing it now wow here's the last one the trend of global hatred for israel this is what zechariah says remember jesus talks about what jesus ezekiel daniel isaiah zechariah said on that day zechariah 12 3 i will make jerusalem a heavy stone for all peoples all who lift it will surely hurt themselves and all the nations of the earth will gather against it now did you notice what i emphasized just then this is what the bible says this is how you know the tribulation how you know it's shaping up when the trend the frequency of hatred of israel the intensity of the hatred of israel and the visibility of the hatred of israel becomes unstoppable god said that is the ultimate trigger that launches let me just show you a few headlines you're missing because of covid19 top iranian general forces in syria awaiting orders to destroy israel yesterday they showed their new drone fleet 28 drones that from the american drone they captured a couple years ago and they've now they're mass producing it are reaper drawn that that highly maneuverable very hard to to track and very laden with explosives they have a whole fleet of them now and they say we're going to launch them at any time to destroy israel look at this this was in the wall street journal they call it the middle east cold war it's mapped russia plus iran iraq syria and lebanon and yemen are against jordan the uae bahrain and israel and it's like two sides the shia and the sunni and that's going to keep getting more frequent more intense more visible until it becomes an unstoppable and here's where it is in scripture see that slide ezekiel 38 and 39 say that iran is going to be the chief hater of israel by the way in the whole world they are already and they are going to get a coalition to join them attacking israel you know here at the end of the world when you see these three characteristics greater frequency greater intensity and greater visibility of those birth pains you say why are you telling us all that we're not going to see that because the end of the world trends jesus said would start long before the end and then they would start crescendoing until they just are kind of like those last few you know uh if you were watching on the fetal monitor you'd see this huge wave coming and you warn your wife breathe it's coming you know that's what's coming to the world but but the little ones the braxton hicks and all that are what we're living through and basically the end of the world trends what birth pain means is there greater frequency greater intensity greater visibility greater impact so what motivated the early church did you know they they saw this all the time did you know there were plagues all the time in the roman empire yeah they didn't have proper sanitation did you know that that there were all kinds of battles and wars and four emperors in a short one-year period after you know the the time of domitian there were there's one two three four and there were all these things and people were just thinking it was the end of the world back then what did they do well they encouraged one another all the more and tried to lead more people to christ they didn't build their y2k hidey hole you know and avoid it all the end of the world trends global warming is going to get hotter i know that i've read the ending it's going to go up and down up and down but you're going to see this cycle it's getting worse and worse and worse global water shortage i mean you you've seen you know lake mead and you've seen all of this and they're stopping the hydroelectrics in california because there isn't water to run them and and you're looking at all those million-dollar boats don't you wish they would invest in it for the lord instead of buying that boat to sitting on the clay that's dried up because there's no water left for them in their marina it's just amazing global food scarcity it's going to be more frequent global conflicts they're going to be more deadly and widespread global hatred for christ it's going to get more personal remember what jesus said that that mother will betray you know son and father or daughter and everything the family is going to be turning on each other and global tracking wow okay let me just give you the trends and you all know these the the trend of global travel remember daniel said it he said in the time of the end many will run to and fro look at this three thousand years ago when jonah got on the boat to flee to tarshish it was just like the boat to 2000 years ago you know was running paul around the mediterranean it was just like the boat that columbus came here and caused all the problem with the native americans you know and 200 years ago ben franklin got on one just like that to go get france to help us against britain but about 150 years ago everything rapidly changed the steam engine from new york in that neat vendor of you know fulton from the steam engine and then we went from that to the internal combustion and cars started going and then airplanes started going then goddard got the rockets going and now we've got i mean before y2k or covid 4.59 billion people flew wow global explosion of knowledge knowledge still increase hey let me tell you about my phone my phone as apple describes it has a camera powered by a chip with 11.8 billion transistors in it one chip it has a 16 core neural engine and it does 11 teraflops i told you that yesterday how about our weather we have had a global weather explosion you know what the bible says people are going to start expiring because they're seeing what's coming on them now they're already saying this we have inescapable climate change but just look at any noa chart national oceanographic you know that administration look at that that's from 1980 to now now it's got these little cycles but it's kind of like the stock market you know you see these these trends here last year i was on my way to speak in iowa let me show you what noa recorded let's see if i can do this nope let me go back i want you to see that back boom no well never mind it was the derocco director whatever it was called and it crossed iowa you should see what it looks like from the satellites this thunderstorm 100 mile an hour that went from south dakota all the way down into the plains and it covered the country and bonnie and i got there and i sat at a hotel in iowa for the board meeting last year at this time august 10th and millions of acres of iowa were flattened the corn was just all full and that's not even the tribulation that's just normal what's going on and you see here the all of the forest fires and then how about global communication the bible says that in the tribulation all the people of the earth are going to see the dead bodies of the two witnesses and they're going to send presents on prime so invest in amazon because it's working global prime is going to be working because they dwell make mary and send gifts to one another but look at yesterday at 4 30 pm i took a snapshot the purple you see is facebook live people that are filming their kids at the park or filming the waves or whatever they're filming the whole world is connected and i don't need to talk about the pandemics the pestilences they're just going to get stronger and wider and faster i like how it's now become a global issue the herd immunity is a global problem we all have to work together do you see one of the things the antichrist is going to do he's going to solve all this he's going to give everybody a vaccine pass and a lot more stuff he's going to solve all the problems he does it with global money it's a number we're already there you can't transact without a number you can't even get an airplane ticket without a number you can't hardly go to a hotel without a credit card a number your account is digits it's numbers it's already there there's not enough physical cash in the world for the amount of wealth there is it's all numeric all you need is one person to control it and i mean look at how artificial intelligence is pulling together the doorbells and the alexas and i don't even know all of them and putting together this labyrinth all these cameras that are everywhere with facial recognition there's that company that's making a mint they've already stripped off all of the faces off of facebook and everywhere else and they've made a database and they're selling to the police departments so the police departments are tracking the people that are known to be problems because those people are walking the streets and the cameras see them i feel like we live in china it's amazing what facial recognition can do notice what god added their right hand or their foreheads and that whole triangulation just of your forehead and what it does with all the other biometrics is amazing and i'll just have to finish this okay so china has launched the app in april 19th 2021 you report mistaken uh opinions you already know about global weapons of destruction by the way did you see that this week the u.s is having the largest war games why because of tensions with russia china and iran wow the armies of the eastern the tribulation china and iran and russia are named in ezekiel 38. on top of that we have a murder epidemic do you know what it says in revelation 9 they wouldn't repent of their murders look at that map 54 mass shootings in one month that was in april during covid and if it's not bad enough you murder how about the they wouldn't repent of their drug use oregon has decriminalized hard drugs we're not talking about smoking pot we're talking about injecting opiates what's god's desire for all this he wants people to hear the gospel you know i'm reminded hard times are coming for christ church did you guys see at the beginning of our coveted time that apple and google partnered with they're not real friends you know they're competitors but apple and google you know android and iphone they partnered and instantly have you gotten the notice yet i mean i get them all the time because bonnie and i travel let me get out my um my phone i'll talk about my phone tomorrow uh did you know this phone can do 11 trillion calculations per second the united states russia and china did not have a computer that equaled my phone until around the year 2000 they called them super computers and they could do super things you know like calculate yields on thermonuclear explosions and predict weather just my camera in this thing does 11 teraflops that's 11 trillion floating point calculations per second unbelievable and so the people that made that amazing super computer joined together with the the database of the world google and they said we're going to because artificial intelligence already scans your contacts you know everybody's just busily loading their contacts in here and getting all that in there did you know apple finally admitted this week that they're scanning every picture in everybody's phone looking for child abuse how do you see child abuse on someone's phone do you usually film beatings you know i mean can you imagine what does that mean they're finally admitting that artificial intelligence has allowed them to assemble basically right now half the population of the world they have a picture of plus the address book and so when they're doing all the geo positioning all the gps positioning they know from your address book who's at that address and they know why you went there oh it's your hairdresser or it's your mistress you know they know what's going on but kovid has given us an opportunity to take that next step and by the way i didn't mention drudge this is drudge how do you like that the virus is winning isn't our world preoccupied with death and the fear of death and the prevention of death and the prevention of mutations of i mean i'm glad i memorized the greek alphabet many years ago because they're probably going to run through all the variants and it's going to be fun to watch but did you notice that cnn this morning i love it when the word the world agrees with what god says you know the earth is dying that's what the bible says in fact i want to show you because my wonderful wife reminds me as i teach in the bible institutes i often say now you already know this verse and she says honey you don't know if they already know that verse i said okay so let's go to romans 8 i want to read you something because this will change how you look at the news there are so many people that say wait a minute it's not climate change caused by humans it's i mean you know we just the whole thing it's like they're over emphasizing this climate change a lot of believers feel that well actually they're not over emphasizing it god says it's a whole earth look at verse 22 of romans 8 for we know that the whole creation groans in labors with birth pangs paul uses the same word jesus used in matthew 24 talking about the end of the world and the the labor like with birth pangs with birth pangs together until now and not only that but we who have the first fruits of the spirit we ourselves grown within ourselves eagerly awaiting the adoption the redemption of our body do you see every time the earth shudders did you know it shutters a half a million times a year that's the earthquakes that they can measure uh you know our instruments are getting better and better they're they're getting further down the richter scale but right now our instruments can detect one half million global earthquakes on an annual basis they're just you know what it is when you see an elderly person that is shuddering and shaking you know that their physical body is breaking down that there's something wrong with them well think about what god says last month the largest earthquake to shape the us in years 50 years hit us did you know that it was july 28th off the coast of alaska it was just god's reminder how helpless humanity is on this doomed and shaking planet and how fragile this incredible anthropically designed you know the whole earth was designed and the universe for humans everything about earth how far it is from the sun the color of our sun the size of our sun the this the whole axial as well as rotational journey of our our planet around the sun all of that was designed by god to make this a perfect little place for us to live and he put us on a planet that after mankind fell into sin began to die and the whole world has finally awakened to that as the planet continues to disintegrate the whole world has quickly gotten alarmed global warming global pollution we were just bonnie and i were just teaching it at some bible schools up north of where we live in colorado and we were in montana and we were in utah we were wyoming and we were in colorado for part of it and you know what we couldn't even see we never saw blue sky because colorado has the two largest forest fires wildfires they've ever had in their recorded history and i mean half of of montana and and fires in utah and fires around yellowstone it was just unbelievable well the world is getting alarmed our whole world is shaking has a terminal disease it's not just the earth though did you see what it says in verse 22 the whole creation groans there is this second law of thermodynamics reminder that it's all coming to an end there's no stopping there's no turning back the universe is groanings the earth's shaking in fact it's starting to look more and more like the plan jesus laid out in his final prophetic message you know what's amazing is how much time jesus spent just before the cross giving his longest message to his disciples kind of like a private briefing about the end of the world i thought that's fascinating in fact you know it's similarly fascinating not only did jesus end his public ministry with those parables about his return and his private teaching ministry to his disciples with the the sermon on the mount or the the olivet discourse matthew 24 uh and 25 and mark 13 and luke 21. not only that but paul paul's first two epistles are eighty percent prophetic out of the five chapters of first thessalonians in the three chapters of second thessalonians seven of the eight chapters are about the return of jesus christ that's because the more closely we look we see everything is headed toward that [Music] you
Channel: DTBM
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Keywords: Bible, God, Jesus, Christian, teaching, biblical, teach, sermon, trinity, church, lesson, traditional, truth, true, divine, theology, freedom, guilt, testament, pure, interpret, spirit, holy, John, Barnett, christ, father, heaven, hell, doctrine, doctrinal, sinful, forgive, forgiveness, history, teachings, chapters, verses, discover, the book, ministries, dtbm, Dr. Barnett, controversial, repent, helpful, sin, the, book, dr, john, doctor, barnett, training, videos, series, resources, savior, god, jesus, holy land, pilgrimage, spiritual renewal
Id: Q5j2x8jMlzs
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Length: 55min 37sec (3337 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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