Are Video Games Evil

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I've talked about this before but it's been a little while so I'm going to dust it off and give you a little refresher one of my favorite little genres of content on YouTube is the video games are evil crowd usually it's religiously charged and I want to make it clear right away it's totally fine if you don't like video games right that's absolutely understandable no problem with that but what I find extremely entertaining is there's quite a few churches as well as like individual content creators that pump out content saying that video games are the work of Lucifer and they're mind controlling the world in order to turn them against God and I always can't help but giggle acting like if you put the controller in your hand you're saying goodbye to God himself it'll corrupt your soul and condemn you to the fiery pits of hell for all eternity because you played Minecraft again it's totally fine to not be a video game Enthusiast if you're not blessed with that gamer gene or have Esports pumping through your veins no big deal but Allah lot of these videos I watch from a bunch of different churches are actually just kind of wild about you know instilling fear in such simple things and like so many different things like video games has become a big one another big one is Anime and all the arguments they make are really kind of ridiculous because you can make those Arguments for actually everything ever any hobby there are real arguments to be made against like video games they can be addictive especially ones that are like micro transaction based they could be financially damaging there are like actual issues right if you if you don't have that level of self-control to not get obsessed over something and addicted to it then there's a lot of harmful effects that come from it but that's never the arguments they make instead they just speak about video games like it's the Antichrist and like the cyberspace is basically hell on Earth so I wanted to Showcase uh what I mean with a recent service that I watched on stream I don't usually watch videos on stream anymore but I made an exception for a excerpt from a church service about a preacher going off against video games as well as anime so it's a demonstration of both things that I used it as an example here and instead of once again talking about like real harmful effects that can come from getting obsessed over these mediums his argument basically boils down to these things are the work of the devil because they distract you from God which again is something that extends to everything literally reading a book falls into that same category doing anything for fun ever falls into that category and then he also says that video games are so fun that they make Church boring so it's almost like he's like trying to get people hooked on video games like for a brief moment I was like huh he's really hyping video games up if I had never heard of these before I'd be really interested to check them out and then he beats the beats the Daylights out of an Xbox to try and make his point which was [ __ ] amazing oh yeah I've seen like every anti-video game Church sermon I watched an entire documentary on I think it was Pokemon being instruments of the devil because that was a really big talking point for a little while I I just let me just hear the core argument and this is how I know that uh this is an idol is because I guarantee there's a lot of offended people in the church right now okay or even brother there's seven people in the church right now I'm sure they're probably not that offended it's not it's not a huge service today you could probably just talk to them one on one how can Minecraft be sinful it's literally this this guy's he doesn't know what he's talking about oh he's saying sinful it's so quiet I can't [ __ ] hear him I thought he said simple I was like I mean Minecraft's pretty simple you just build some [ __ ] who would really get upset about that I can't hear [ __ ] start worshiping your audio equipment my God pardon excuse me just improve the the audio quality please jump into who's effects some some Pagan God hold on a second what about this thing right here though when I start talking about this what has added a Super Nintendo what do you what are you hitting there that is is that that's actually a [ __ ] Super Nintendo who's worshiping that you stuck in a Time vortex as an Xbox S is it when I say you need to grow up does it bother you a little bit when I say put away the video games from among you does it bother you when I say put that trash away it belongs in the garbage you're a man of God you ought to grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ don't waste your time playing video games redeem the time because the days are evil is that what it's not even an argument against video games anymore it's just why do anything that's not immediately like praising the Lord because you're wasting your time if you're not you can make that argument for going out to dinner why don't you just eat at home save yourself the time for more one-on-one moments with the Lord at least make arguments against video games themselves this is literally just a like a a Time cost thing like you're wasting too much time on games when you could be given that time to the good book and our service of course please make sure to put put a little bit over here I'm working on my new car become a golden calf not really it's just it's a [ __ ] video game brother what does this have to do with games oh my God he's got the baseball bat out now oh my Lord which one of you has been playing games I can sniff the gamer on you step up or I'm just gonna start swinging God damn it oh I see oh God oh my God I missed the gamer rage damn the Bible says you know what you know what you young people need to do you need to take your Xbox it's awesome sign me up I want to go to one of these services this is hype trash that Idol because you know what that thing's taking the place of you reading the Bible that thing's taking the place of your prayer life that thing's taking the place of you believe in a righteous it's taken a place of you've improving your marriage oh yeah yes it is my marriage and my child rearing that's what they deserve what wouldn't you choose what stands in the way of your marriage and raising your child you're in complete control man just have some like self-discipline right do you have a TV in your house it's like the same thing this has nothing to do with games at all this is like legitimately click bait he's making no arguments against games it's literally just an argument against take like anything that takes time away from God and he chose games could have been phone could have been knitting could have been drawing could have been reading this is worthless tonight I hate video games because it creates apathy in the church huh it makes people pay attention to the preaching of God's word how it makes people it makes young people apathetic towards the truth of God's word wow it makes people bored I make church more fun what do you mean that has nothing to do with video games is make the service more entertaining at that point what are you talking about because people have fun at home it makes Church boring in comparison that's a that's a fault of yours make Church pop off have like [ __ ] pyrotechnics displays going crazy get like dancing Lobster how to make make Church a fun place to go that was interesting and not interesting is definitely not the right word but I'd love to hear his takes on like legitimately every hobby ever because that does take away time from your prayer life I wonder if he does that for actually everything ever he preaches hard against anime oh God wait he's anti-anime what is nothing sacred now you're gone too far I can handle you beating the Devil out of an Xbox series X but you target anime oh that's that's a straw that breaks the camel's back unit be responsible that's what I want for my life but instead what do you have I want anime don't anime right now okay the fact that you even know what anime is shows me you're already a degenerate what are you talking about brother you don't just like randomly come across anime this is a dude that had an actual hentai addiction no doubt in my mind no shot if he was like cartoons then I'd be like oh okay I see but the fact that he's just like hard drop in anime I know this man is like an actual super Stan for some [ __ ] No Doubt video volumes Max they don't believe in good audio equipment at whatever place this is now what is anime it's Japanese animation there's one guy in the crowd like what oh Japanese and a what animation ah yo yeah what else oh don't even pretend like you don't know Dragon Ball Z finding the sinners this is nonsense yeah and look I know how this who's saying amen it's just good guy he's a good person but there's a level of immaturity where does that come from it comes from anime [Laughter] finally we know true ridiculous [ __ ] waifus Japanese girl you know on the screen that they're in love with it's [ __ ] it's ridiculous get yourself a real woman that's some animated Japanese girl Sailor Moon or what is that what I don't know why he's playing dumb I really don't I want to go to his I want to go to his my anime list right now I know this man's leaving reviews on like the most obscure [ __ ] ever you're gonna see this man posted on High School of the Dead like not enough titty jiggling four stars I don't know why he's [ __ ] pretending you're not fooling anybody here Bruce I'd watch Batman okay oh my God I watch Superman he's just like us I watch X-Men famous anime all of them yeah what what I'm just like I see my brother working I see adults I see men and I'm like that [ __ ] obviously that's gonna happen you know why because no woman is gonna respect a 25 year old guy who still watches anime unless you hide it from her then you guys get married and now she's stuck foreign no man it's just people that just it's no different than just watching any other TV show why not just extend this I don't understand why this is just broadened it like this is just what he's preaching is against literally any kind of hobby like actually anything no you just get like lost in this world you could sign up for sports like I just you know all these nerdy-ass Sports statistics like you're never going to the NBA so please stop bringing up all of these goddamn Luca stats right like who cares you're wasting your time and that your wife's stuck with you because you were hiding this Obsession like just broaden the broaden the topic it's not just Anime you're talking about it's literally anything that's a hobby and I love that Haley's like I used to watch Batman but then I realized it ends like yeah no [ __ ] it's called a run time it's not like you can just perpetually just like live watching TV forever the week and betterly elements of anime people in my personal life they're literally in their 40s 50s still bumming money off of other people not working and it's not because of anime I'll tell you right now you would be hard-pressed to find someone in their 40s and 50s that you know that's watching anime so what is the what is the lesson what is the takeaway if you just stop watching anime you're not guaranteed a respectable job I am so lost it'd be very easy to turn this into some type of Christian lesson but he's not I don't understand what the point is it seems like he just like he watched an anime recently and maybe had a disagreeable take on it somewhere got insulted and he's like you know what this is the root of all evils I've gotta I've got to talk about this your marriage is trash anime losers that is a loser life folks we're like well I'm not doing that yeah but your little anime habit is going to take you to that route what okay [ __ ] I'm not gonna stop them [ __ ] yeah like you you're 25 years old and you're hanging out with 40 and 50 year olds what are you talking about you're lit you're self-reporting you just said that you just said that you know 40 and 50 year olds like this they're hanging out with you you're the weirdo well and them too you're all weird together then and it's not because of anime people find out that you're like watching anime if that's your life okay yeah true if you make anything like that your life you're in for a rough time has nothing to do with your statement there your lesson here though you have a short view foolish person you need to make you need to rule yourself okay in fact I would say this you're just an emotional person oh too much this took this took a crazy turn we went from animated soy let's go no apparently see like if that was the message the whole time it makes sense right like if you for example if you make anime your whole identity and you become obsessed in it and that's all you really think about yeah you're in for a rough time that extends to like actually everything ever why did he use Sailor Moon out of all examples I don't know I think he's trying to think of like Normie anime so he didn't like make it too obvious his biggest tell was was a guy shouted Dragon Ball and he's like who said that yeah whatever that is and then he says Bruce himself says Dragon Ball Z he never said the zebruce you knew what he was talking about [ __ ] hidden weeb I think he must have went through like an obsessive weed period otaku moment in his life regrets it and now he's using it as a talking point
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 3,066,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yExrRAxHE74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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