Vintage Canned Foods Taste Test

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- How long can canned food actually stay good? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat theme music) - Good mythical morning. - You know, the concept of canned food is very underrated. - Is it? - I'm talking about a whole meal. I don't have to remember to cook or do any work for it whatsoever all within the confines of a vessel that fits in the palm of my hand. - Yeah. I mean, the way that you put it, it is beautifully simple. - Uh-huh. - It's like a miniature horse wearing a fedora. - You get it. And while we know that canned food off the shelf delivers exactly as you would expect, how about canned food off your great grandpa's shelf? AKA, can canned food stay good for years or even decades? - Hmm. - It's time for, Oh My Gosh, So Cool. These Canned Foods Are Totally Vintage! Why Does This Warning Label Say Consumption May Cause Shrinkage? All right, the Mythical crew has sourced a variety of vintage yet still unopened canned foods. Foods-- - Shrinkage? - Well, vintage and shrinkage don't really rhyme. I don't know, man. We're trying new things here. - What are the risks here today? - I don't know. These foods are, what do you mean, like for death? - What? No, for shrinkage. Like, I don't want permanent shrinkage from anything I'm doing. - Oh. I think it'll be temporary shrinkage. - Okay, that was just a funny title. - Yeah, exactly, Link. But a lot of these foods, we got the old version and we have the new version. So we've got the ones that's sold today and the one that was sold at some point in the past. - I'm blown away that canned foods that still exist in canned form today, and I'm scared about the other stuff. - Okay, all right. - We're gonna sample both and then we're gonna decide if they should continue existing even though I didn't know they were also still existing. - Are you okay? (crew laughs) Are you experiencing shrinkage right now? - I think I am. - [Rhett and Link] Brain shrinkage. (whimsical music) - Now, there's nothing like when the whole family gathers around the dinner table to share a whole canned chicken or a canned whole chicken. This one's been marinating since the 1970s. Sweet Sue's Whole Chicken in a Can. First of all-- - But see, here's the thing. There is one that Sweet Sue is still selling now. - Hold on. But first of all, is this your mom? Do you know what your mom was doing in the '70s before she had you? - She is the sweetest woman. - Does that look Link's mom? I feel like that has some, at least a passing resemblance to your mom. Has your mom ever put on a hat an a bow like that? - I'm sure she has, but no. How could a sweet woman keep the fact that she cans chicken from her son her entire life? - I feel like it's the kind of thing-- - [Link] This is not my mom. - You would do in secret. - I wanna open this one first because, why? - So you didn't know about canned whole chicken? - No. You did? - Yeah. I've never gotten any. - Oh. - What the hell is wrong with you? (crew laughs) - It's just a rough morning, man. (crew laughs) You know what's gonna make it better? This. - [Rhett] Pouring this. It smells, hold on, that smells good. - [Link] Oh. - [Rhett] Hold on. Are you giving birth to a chicken? - Look down in there. Yeah, sure, I could. Oh! - (laughs) Oh, god. Ugh. To me, it just feels like stew, like a stewed chicken. It's probably, I mean, it smells good. I'm smelling it right here. Now, I don't know if this one's gonna smell good. - I mean, it's just not even, it doesn't stay together. Oh. - Yeah, it's a tender chicken. The whole family just reaches in the bowl and grabs what they want. (crew laughs) - Oh! Oh, oh! And this is the new one! - Yeah, okay, hold on. Now, I have a theory that when I pierce this, immediate stinkage is going to enter the room. - Nicole. - [Nicole] What you looking at me for? (chuckles) - Well, they told us that you were the safety expert today. - [Nicole] Yeah. The saying goes, if the old can hisses, bring it to the missus. (crew laughs) I'm missus. - Okay, so we can't eat it if it hisses. - [Nicole] Yeah. - But otherwise, we can? - Here we go, here we go. - [Nicole] I guess. - No hiss. - Oh, you got a big crank. - This is, they don't make cans like they used to. Oh, gosh. - Actually, it's no different than this can. - I'm saying it just wasn't, oh! - [Stevie] Oh, god! (crew laughs) - Sweet Sue. - I think it still might be pretty sweet. - You gotta give birth to it now. - [Rhett] Blech! Oh, gosh! - Gentle, man, gentle. Bank it. (Rhett grunts) - Oh, this one's real tender. (grunts) - It really looks exactly the same. - [Rhett] It's just bones. Ugh. - [Stevie] Oh, oh! - Stevie is having a rough time. (crew laughs) - I mean-- - I got some chicken on the floor. - It doesn't look any different than this. - It doesn't smell any different, but there is fizz. Do you see the carbonation? I think that makes it, I think that-- - There's no difference. It keeps, and that's kind of the point. - Other than the carbonation. - You can keep, (crew laughs) a little fizz. - I think a little fizz makes it where I'm not gonna try it. - So the fact that you put it in a can means you can just keep it for decades? - Well, that's the whole point of canned things. - That's amazing. - I'm gonna try the new one. - Right, and I'll try the old one. Right, Nicole? It didn't hiss. - [Stevie] No! (crew laughs) - [Nicole] I wasn't anticipating chicken soda but-- - Now, you touched all this with your hands, man. You got clean hands? - Yeah, I cleaned my hands. I just got a little piece of the white meat. - That's good. It mean, it's just-- - [Stevie] What's the application of this? Is it just like, basically, you take that whole can and you put it in a pot and it's supposed to be like soupy chicken? - If you were, okay-- - Chill before removing from can. Do not heat in can. Other uses-- - [Stevie] Like, what does it-- - I think if you were trying to whip up a real fast chicken soup-- - Chicken a la king. Fricassee. - Anything you need cooked chicken for. - [Stevie] Are those different than the old than the '70s can in terms of the recipes that it says? - This also says or just serve cold just as chicken comes from the can, which is what we're doing. This is a great party. And then this-- - All they said in the '70s was-- - [Stevie] Ew, Link. (crew laughs) - I gotta get a good bite. - A delicious chicken soup may be prepared by adding rice, cooked noodles or dumplings to the broth. - It's totally fine. Like, my instincts are telling me, go for it. (crew laughs) - Well, you go for it, man. That's why there's-- - [Crew Member] Oh! - That's why there's two of us. We have host redundancy. - I'm not-- - There's two of us because one of us may be ended by this show. - Now, I'm not eating it. I'm just tasting it. - I'm not eating it. I'm just putting it in my mouth. (crew laughs) - So what I've learned is no difference. - I trust you. I trust you. I just don't trust with the fizz. - I like this. I like the tenderness. It tastes totally fine. - If it was hot, it would be excellent. - This is a really good thing. This should not leave society. - As someone who is incapable of cooking-- - I love it, yes. - And can't care for his children without his wife. - [Link] Yes. (crew laughs) - This is right down your alley, man. You can just get a can and you're like, "Kids, I've got chicken!" - Exactly. - And then you just give birth to it right there in front of 'em and it's like, you're the mother and the father. - Daddy's coming home with a case of these today. - That's right. - So I'm saying a whole chicken-- - [Rhett and Link] Can! (whimsical music) - Potted meat. - Hmm. - Now, if the last round didn't appetize you, let me read to you what this vintage potted meat from the '80s consists of. Beef tripe. Beef hearts. Cooked beef fat tissue, solids. Water. Partially de-fatted beef fatty tissue. And other sodiums. - They're much less specific today where they say mechanically separated chicken, pork, water, salt. So basically-- - Yeah, 'cause they don't wanna say what I just said. - Yeah, right, yeah. - Back in the '80s, they didn't, nobody read this stuff. - They asked the, like, whoever you have to ask these things to, "Do we have to say all that?" And they were like, "No." - Open this up. We did a potted meat. We ate some in our canned food taste test that we did back in 2016. It's taken this long to work up a nerve to eat more of it. - And this is coming from people who ate Vienn-er sausages growing up. - And this is, so this is fresh. This is fresh crap. Let's try the freshness. - Fresh crap. (Link coughs) I mean-- - So much worse than the chicken. - It has the color and the consistency of human. You know what I'm saying? Like, I can imagine that if I were to just grind Link up right now and put him in a can, he would look like this. - Hey. - Would he taste this way? - There's a price for everything, my friend. - Oh! - It's bad. It's bad. And that's the new one. Oh! - We've got whiteness. - We got, it looks like it, oh! - The fat has risen to the top. - Okay, Nicole. Shall we? - It didn't fizz. - What are you thinking? - [Nicole] Let me see what it looks like. - Nicole, what professional qualifications do you, I know you're like a great chef, but are you a professional food safety expert? - [Nicole] I have a food handler's card. - You have a food handler's card? - [Nicole] Yeah. I don't know if it's like expired or not, like, the card, not the food. (crew laughs) Honestly-- - Does that get you into the magic castle? - [Nicole] Eat it, eat it, eat it. I'd eat it. Take a little nibble. - She has a food handler's card. - She said eat it. - Oh! - [Stevie] Ugh. Oh, god! - I mean, how could it be, maybe it gets better with age. - It's just the '80s. - [Link] That's the thesis. - Hey, this is younger than us. (Rhett laughs) - Right. If you ground me up-- - [Rhett] I think that's the rule. - I would be older than that. - You can't die if you eat something younger than you. (Link chuckles) Oh my gosh, that smells bad, man! Dude-- - Yeah, let's not. - We should not, no. It smells like rancid. It doesn't just smell like-- - Come on, Nicole. - Oh, gosh! - That's some new data for you. Are you changing your mind? - But what could we do with this? - [Nicole] A little lick, a little lick. - I feel like we could spread it on a pole and get some coyotes to come around. Whoa. (crew laughs) Yeah, yeah, man. You just, that's not wise. It smells like a dog that hasn't washed. - This shouldn't exist. Let's just be real. I mean, there's so many things that you can grind up and put in a can these days. I'm sure we can come up with better stuff than this. - [Rhett] So potted meat. - [Rhett and Link] Cannot. (whimsical music) - Now, for this next round, we were excited because we ordered buffalo stew. - Yum. - That's like an antique. We've paid $125 for this stuff. And here it is. It's in a plastic bag. - Sorta. - I'm gonna open this thing up, but we were severely disappointed because the, the whole bottom of the can is just open. It looks nothing like the picture. How did they even take a picture like that and then this is what happened? Oh, my gosh! - Smell it. - You smell it. - Oh! I've smelled that before. - Oh! (crew laughs) Oh, wow. Oh, wow. I don't know if I wanna rake this out, dude. I mean, it's a really cool can. - Well, why don't you bring in the thing that we bought that was gonna be our modern version of buffalo. - Yeah, I can't do this to us. - Yeah, we don't need to do that. We couldn't find buffalo stew, so all we did find was dog food that was bison tripe. - I ain't opening that either. - [Rhett] That's just the stomach lining of a bison. - Let's move on to crab meat. - Yeah, sure. - Here's some-- - How about crab from the 1930s? That's what I've got here. Monarch. Apparently, they used to just say Alaska king crab before they changed it to Alaskan king crab. This just says Monarch crab meat is hermetically sealed, cooked, and ready to serve. - Well, let's serve it. - Serve Monarch crab meat as a cocktail, salad, sandwich filling, chowder, creamed, or in a casserole. So this is the modern day version, which it specifically says fancy crab 'cause crab, everybody knows crabs have gotten fancier over the last century. - If you really wanna enjoy your dinner, you shouldn't eat it right outta the can. Okay, that's fine. The first bite of crab is always not good. And then you realize, oh, it's just crab. I can relax. I actually do like this. - Did you just fart, or did I just open a 1930s (chuckles) can of crab because-- - I farted because I knew you were opening a can of 1930s crab. - There's maggots. - [Crew Member] No! - [Link] Uh-uh. - [Rhett] Is that maggots? There's no way there's maggots in there. - [Link] Those white things, that? - I think the crab has come apart and it, this is mimicking maggots. - But this is a big piece of crab. - You know what this smells like? The pier. It's so fishy. Oh, look at what's happened to it. - Look, this is an actual, this is an actual claw. It's intact. - There's so much of it though. - Like, that claw-- - [Rhett] They really packed that can full of crab. - Is that intact? It looks a lot better than-- - God! - It looks a lot better than this crab. - No, it doesn't. - I mean, the coloring is not so good, but the texture is very promising. Nicole, do you want us to eat this? (Rhett laughs) - [Nicole] I don't know anymore, to be honest. - I mean, it didn't hiss. - I mean, it's 90-year-old crab. - Just put it in your mouth and then spit it up. - No. Why do you, just because you've been dumb doesn't mean I have to be dumb. - Hey, man. Come on, you gotta rise to the occasion. - Somebody around here has got to not be dumb. (crew laughs) - Oh! Yeah, don't eat that. (coughs) - (laughs) Okay, yeah. - Oh, my god. - I'm sitting here and wafting this the whole time here. - Yeah, man, don't eat that. - I think that crab in a can is kinda like tuna in a can. - Yeah. - I mean, it's simple, it's easy, you know? - Well, I mean, are we gonna be the ones to put a stop to this just by saying cannot? - No. - But that's the power we have so we shouldn't wield it. - Right, right. The USDA is watching. - [Link] Alaskan king crab. - [Rhett and Link] Can! (whimsical music) - Okay, so back in the day, before Swiss Miss, apparently, there was a brand called Hot Toddy, or just Toddy, which is essentially just hot chocolate mix, so-- - But there is a hot toddy that's an alcoholic beverage. - It's a cocktail. But don't think about the hot toddy that you might get on a cold night when you come down from the slopes. - Well, yeah. - [Rhett] We're not talking about that. - No, but unless you have a hot chocolate, which that's what this is. - First of all, how do you open it? This is like a 1930s can, another almost, like an almost hundred-year-old can. - It's really cool looking and it-- - It has a key on top of it. - Pay, yes, it does. Look at that. We're gonna have to figure out how to open this thing in a second. Pay no more than one cent with can of Toddy at regular price. - Pay no more-- - [Rhett and Link] Than one cent with can of Toddy. - At regular price. - But one, get one, one cent. - Is that how you interpret that? - Yeah. - I mean, I can't think of anything that makes more sense than that. So see if you can open it. - You know what makes less sense than this? The fact that it still exists. - Oh, it's still around. Yeah, I mean-- - Like, I didn't know about this. - Do you guys know about this? You've seen this on the shelves? - [Link] I've never seen this on a shelf. I've never looked at it in the eye. - Now, Nicole, you have a food handling card. Did you know that this was a thing? - [Nicole] Nope. Never seen a package like that in my life, boss. (crew laughs) - So is it like Nesquik? - Thank you. Thank you for, I sent you that email. I didn't know if you read it. (crew laughs) Call me boss. - Bring in one of your hot milks. - From now on. (laughs) - I'll bring in one too. Let's eat the good stuff 'cause I'm actually interested in if Toddy is worth a dang. I mean, I'm a big-- - 'Cause you're a big chocolate milk fan, but you-- - A Nesquik powder fan. - Oh, so you do use the powder. You don't use the, like the syrup. - And look at that, perfect amount. That's the coloring I like. The milk was already heated but not boiled. - We know we like this, man. - That's a nice hot chocolate. I would have to recommend Toddy. - Yeah, there's nothing unusual about it. It's just hot chocolate. - [Link] It's very creamy. - So let's see what they did 90 years ago. Let's see if they changed the recipe. - [Link] Okay. - [Rhett] I'm sure it'll taste exactly the same. - I just got that off, but I actually broke the key. Like, the end of the key is still stuck to the top of the can. - This is like an escape room, and you know how we feel about those. - To open, wind off strip with key. - [Rhett] Wind off strip. So grab that strip with that key. - Oh, see, there's a strip right here. - [Rhett] Yeah. - [Link] Oh, nice. Oh, nice. - [Rhett] Look at how things used to work, kids. - Look at that. Isn't this cool, Nicole? - [Nicole] Yes. - I mean, I'm handling food and I don't even have a card. - [Nicole] Yes, boss. (Rhett chuckles) - [Rhett] Oh, wow. - Was that in Rhett's email too? - [Nicole] Yes. (crew laughs) - Yeah, when you say it to Link, say it sarcastically. - [Nicole] Boss. - That's specifically, that's what I said in my email. Boss. - Why are you doing air quotes every time you say it? (Rhett laughs) This is fun. I would like for you to-- - Oh, you spilled some. - I would like for you to experience a little bit of that. - Oh. Oh, look at that. You just turn it. All you do is, oh! - And now, the top is resealable. You can keep using the top. - Oh, my goodness. - Look at the future which came from the past. - This is what we're gonna be doing with canned things now. Now, I'm willing to try this, but I will say it smells a little bit off. I wouldn't call that bogs necessarily but it has a slight-- - Hey, I don't have peripheral vision. You gotta warn a guy when you're throwing Hot Toddy in his face and he's turning. - It has a slight bogs. - Ha! - I would call that bogs light. Bogs junior, we call that. - Bogs. He has a name. We just don't know it. Oh, it doesn't, look at that. - [Rhett and Link] It does not want to mix. - It's actually clumping like-- - Oh, it's hydrophobic. Bogs junior is hydrophobic. - I think it's like cat pee in a litter box. - Things I didn't think I'd say today when I woke up. - Look at that. - Bogs junior is hydrophobic. - You know, every time I scoop the clumpified cat pee out of the litter box, I am always amazed, but I never wanna taste it. (crew laughs) - But no, but seriously, look at what's happening here. - [Link] Yeah. - [Rhett] Do you see what has happened? - Nothing good has happened. - It has clumped. It is fully clumped. - [Link] It's coagulated. - Maybe they stirred faster in the '30s. - What else do they have to do? They didn't have the internet. - They were real fast stirrers. They didn't have like button thumbs like we do, keyboard hands. They had stir hands. - [Link] Yours is looking decent. - Well, it's because my coagulated balls have sunk to the bottom and they're gonna float back to, oh, nope. You know what? With that 1930s stirring technique, I did get something to go away. - Let's just taste some, okay? - I swallowed. - I don't wanna put it, (crew laughs) well, if you do, you should announce it. (crew laughs) - And I just, it was just, and it was just my body. It went in my mouth and I swallowed. Like, I had nothing to do with it. My brain had nothing to do with it. I put a Hot Toddy in my mouth and I swallowed. I didn't swallow one of the coagulated balls though. - It is not nearly-- - It's not as good as it is now. - As good as it is now. - They've improved the recipe significantly. - I really like the container. I like how it seems like the container itself is made out of resinized Toddy. - Yeah, right, yeah. - So I'm saying-- - This is also resealable. - Now, but it's not a can. - But look at that, it is resealable, so the future is part of this. - [Link] So we're gonna say Toddy, can. - [Rhett] It's can. - We had an entire experience at MythiCon. We documented the entire thing. And now, we are pleased to release on the Mythical Society the Behind the Mythicality mini-doc showcasing the entire MythiCon experience. Here's a clip. - We're about to welcome everyone to MythiCon from a roof. We have one microphone and no pre-written or even pre-discussed script. - And I'm upset that there's only one microphone. - I'm very happy about it. (crowd cheers) What's up, MythiCon! (upbeat music) - It's a photo op, isn't it? (crowd cheers) ♪ Don't care much about the destination ♪ ♪ As long as you're there, that's where I wanna be ♪ (crowd cheers) - So Elkhorn Snuggle Baby. (crowd cheers) You know, we can just hang out. We don't have to go anywhere. We don't have to do anything. We don't have to please anybody. - [Crew Member] Y'all know the starts at 7:30, correct? - Yeah, yeah. We're on our way right now. (crowd cheers) ♪ Got it pretty bad ♪ ♪ I'm a lonely sad little water dispensing tab ♪ ♪ Got it pretty bad ♪ ♪ I'm a lonely sad little water dispensing tab ♪ (crowd cheers) - It was just as much fun as it looks like. And now, you can go enjoy it. Available for first, second, and third degree on the Mythical Society, - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - I'm Atticus from Streamwood, Illinois, and me and my brother just raised all this food for our local food pantry. - And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Toddler not included. - I'm gonna say if you guys were about to do a taste test with all that, I was gonna be like, give it to somebody. Thanks for being your mythical best. Also, click the top link to see us rank the best Cheez-Its and see if our tastes have changed over the years. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is going. Oh, you got a shrine. I'm marked out. So I have my own shrine. Dear diary, found Link some new teeth today. Can shove them in him tonight.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,554,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: HHn1_y90b1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2022
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