are the newest sims kits worth it? (poolside splash + modern luxe)

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I feel like I am constantly making videos like  this these days because the kits just keep coming. But we actually have two new kits  coming out for The Sims 4 today again. This time we're getting the Poolside  Splash kit with some new bathing   suits and also the Modern Luxe kit  with some fancy bedroom furniture. And as per usual, I am going to buy both of these   and show you everything that comes  in them so that you don't have to. And you know what, I have had the  absolute worst week imaginable,   there's just been a lot of really bad  things going on in my personal life. I'm okay, it's gonna be okay, everybody's okay,  but I could really, really use some good today   so I'm actually kind of excited about this, it  feels like I'm getting some little Sims presents. On kit release days like this I  always just sit here refreshing my   EA App waiting for them to come out and  they're supposed to drop in one minute,   but while we wait, let me  show you what I'm expecting. This is that announcement teaser  of both the kits and you can see   a couple of interesting things in this video. I'm not really that excited  about the swimwear kit,   to me it's just kind of fine, I don't  really ever care about CAS kits. The pool floaties intrigue me though,  and then more importantly in the build   kit I'm seeing this record player  and they also teased a frame TV. And both of those things really, really excite me  so I'm looking forward to the build kit the most. This Modern Luxe kit is also a  collab with one of my Simmer friends,   so I'm gonna link her stuff down below. Anytime there's a collab happening,   I always have pretty high hopes  for packs because I trust Simmers. I trust their opinion and their  judgment. And clearly we should,   because just based on the teaser it seems  like this one's gonna be pretty good. Oh my god, there's so many kits now!  I don't think I could name them all. If I tried to list all the kits,  I don't think I could do it. There are a handful that I really enjoy, but  a lot of these are kind of forgettable to me. They're not out yet, I want  to see them so bad! Please! Okay, I figured it out, I can buy  them more easily from in-game I think. Not that anyone else has this problem  at all -- well, okay, wait. Maybe not. No one else is sat here trying  to buy them straight away. Well, this isn't helpful, why  doesn't it do anything? This is   spoilers! I don't want to see the  item list, I want to buy the kit! Okay, my constant refreshing  seems to have worked because   the kits are finally available on the EA App. I'm gonna buy both of them. Oh my god,  spoilers again, stop showing me the item list! At least the kits are very small so it's not  gonna exactly take very long to download them. Yeah, like, two seconds, okay, well we're done. I'm most excited about the build kit,   but I'm most curious about the swimsuit  kit so I think I'm gonna start in CAS. The weird pool floaties, I  have to know what they are. I need to know if it's like, an  accessory, if it's an outfit. Vivacious and vibrant, okay,  and aquatic accessories. Oh,   I haven't seen that screenshot yet, this is new. Alright, sorry, spoilers, spoilers again. It  is always really hard to avoid spoilers around   kits because the full item list always leaks  and then it's just like, everywhere in game,   so I have to keep closing my eyes until I can  get inside the game to test things out myself. It really isn't a big deal, I just get  excited and I want to see for myself. Okay, I brought the Goth family here to help us   test out this new kit and I'm gonna  filter by the Poolside Splash kit. It looks like there's four full body outfits  and also a handful of individual tops, okay. Oh no, it's just what I was worried about, it's  not an accessory at all, it's a full body outfit. I was talking about this particular item a  lot when the kits were announced because I   was wondering if the arm floaties were like, a  bracelet and then if the bottom was attached,   or like, is the bottom attached to bottoms? No, it's just one whole thing. Okay, that's fine. I do think I like the swatches,  there's like some cute citrus-y ones. I like this one with the dolphin,  there's also a cute flamingo one. Oh, this one has gnomes. Okay,  there's some plain colors as well. Ooh. Oh see Bella, you're gonna like that,  aren't you? Yeah, I don't know, I think that I'm   disappointed by them being attached because I wish  that I could mix and match it a little bit more. The swimsuit itself is cute and the floaties are  cute, I just kind of wish that I could pair them   separately, but I understand why we can't because  The Sims doesn't really have stuff like that. We have a few three-dimensional type  accessories in game and they're usually like,   the backpacks attached to a shirt and stuff. This pool ring is kind of new, we don't  really have anything like that yet. And I'm curious to see what it looks  like in game because I want to know if   it clips with anything because it's kind of wide. I feel like even her arm is clipping a little  bit right there. I don't know if you can tell. Well anyway, we also have this  swimsuit which I like the cut out on. It's kind of an interesting texture too,  it's got some kind of funky patterns. I like these swatches, oh, that one's cute! Okay, I like the flamingos, that's adorable. And it does come in plain white  and black. Then we have this one. This kind of reminds me a  little bit of the Spa Day stuff. Not completely, but Spa Day kind of has a little  bit of that like wrap vibe going on to it. Maybe I'm making that up, never  mind, not really, I take it back. I guess I thought the texture  looks similar, but I was wrong,   okay, anyway, it comes in a few plain swatches. And then we have a couple variants  with two colors. You know,   I think I like this one a  lot, that's really pretty. And then we also have this. Ooh. Oh, we don't have anything with that sort of cut,  okay, this is like a t-shirt on top of a swimsuit. Look at the Freezer Bunny and pineapple one, okay.  Then we also have this one with the gnomes again. This is a cute pattern as well. You know,  I really like this shirt. That's adorable. I kind of wish that we had the  shirt as a top on its own. We might. Oh, we don't. I wish that I could  pair this with shorts because I   want to wear it for more than just  a swimsuit, but anyway, I like this. Then we have this plain bikini top with a  couple other little patterns, oh my god,   there's so many flamingos on all of these things. It's kind of cute. It also comes  in some solid colors as well. This is really nice, we have this one as well  with a big t-shirt cover up on top of it. It has some kind of cute swatches, ooh,  okay, this is my favorite swatch so far. Why do they have so many gnomes?  Every single item has a gnome swatch. It's actually kind of a fun  detail. I don't know about the   ombre effect on this, I kind of  wish that it was all one color. I don't know, something about  it looks kind of off to me. I prefer the patterned ones  for sure, which is rare for me,   I don't usually say that about stuff in  this game, but these patterns are nice. Okay, then we have this plain bikini top,  I like the back! This is really cute. There's such an interesting color  selection on a lot of these,   there's lots of like, blues and greens happening. Then we've got this one, kind of a  different cut, but same set of patterns,   we got the flamingos appearing  again, also in white and black. I do like this little light green color and this  yellow swatch a lot. Here's another orange one,   and then we also have this top, this is  kind of fun, I like that mesh texture. They don't do a lot of mesh in the game, we  don't really have that many things like this. For bottoms, we've got a few  different bikini bottoms. And you know what's fun about this is because  we have all the same swatches for the most part,   you can kind of mix and match these really easily. So we have this kind of plain one with  a little bit of detail at the hip,   it comes in shockingly all of the same  colors and patterns as the other ones do. I don't know about this pattern. I like  the rest, but I don't know about this one. Wwe also have some plain shorts. Oh, look  at the gnomes, I don't know why I like   them so much, it's just cute, they're  all swimming, there's like a shark fin. We got a handful of other kind of pattern  swatches, these are really nice, we don't   really get a lot of like, swim trunk stuff in  this game, I think they're a good length too. Okay, we also have this little bottom  with a cut out in it. It has that sort of   ombre effect that we talked about me not liking,  but that's okay, it's fine, I'll get over it. And they all come in plain white and black which   is good because you can pair  that with anything so easily. Okay, these are little bit more  high-waisted which I prefer. Honestly this whole swimsuit together  is more something that I would wear. We also have these little  shorts, these are so adorable! Shockingly in all of those same patterns  and swatches as the other things come in. You know, both of these shorts could work  for like, non-swimwear related things,   you could wear them to like, have  your Sims work out if you wanted to. Okay, and last we have this little skirt which  I like a lot more than I thought I would. I like the texture of the little  tie at the bottom. It's not as   horrible and flat as some things  they make so I really like that. I'm really impressed so far. We  also have a new set of nails in   some kind of rainbow swatches, these are cute. They're kind of simple, they're a  nice length. I mean, I like when we   get new nail polish, we don't have that  many options so it's fun to get more. And then we also have these little  sandals, like little slides. Those are also good because we don't  have really anything like that either,   do we? Am I misremembering? It's very simple, that's a nice touch. Okay,   here's all the different styled looks that  -- is that -- wait, is that a new necklace? It came with a necklace? Oh,  it came with two necklaces. This one is really nice. Wait.  Oh, this is very confusing to me,   this is I think one of my favorite  necklaces we've ever gotten. I think that's a perfect length, it's very  simple. I'm probably gonna use that all the time. And then we also have this  one that's layered a little   bit more with some more options,  these are really, really cute. Oh, I'm very impressed by that because  I didn't expect to get any jewelry. We also have sunglasses that I forgot  about so I'll show you those next. They're kind of funky, they have  some nice colors too it looks like. Ooh, I feel like Bella would like those. I  like these too, they're kind of sunset vibes. And then we also have these little  ones in a sort of fun color. They don't really do that many glasses  either, this is a fun surprise for the pack. I wasn't expecting too many accessories.  Wait, there's also a pair of shoes,   but they're not classed as swimwear, so you can't  use them by default because they're like a wedge,   but they're kind of like, clear  plastic, these are super cute. And is that an anklet? Oh,  it's attached to the shoe. That's so interesting. Okay, well we also have like  a little wristband accessory,   and that's the last thing that we've got. That's fun too, it's like you could use  that for going to an event or something. Pretend your Sim's at a convention and  they've got a little convention wristband on. All right, sorry, that's everything now,  let's look at the rest of the styled looks. I always like to see the color options  that they tie together because I think   it's kind of interesting to see how  they intended the items to be used. Some of this stuff is really, really adorable. I feel like we've kind of needed more swimwear  for a while so I'm not mad about this. I'm definitely gonna use this stuff all  the time, like this is probably gonna   end up being one of my more used kits  just because I'm kind of in the habit   of using the same like, two swimsuits,  so it'll be good to have more options. You know, I like this a lot more than I  thought I would when they first announced it. We also have this same little pool  floaty outfit for the kids in a lot of   the same swatches so you could have like,  matching family swimsuits if you wanted. There's this version too with a little top on it,   I love, love this little fish  swatch, the donuts are cute. This is like, so, so much better  than I thought it would be. I wonder if there's anything for  toddlers. No, no, there's not. Okay, well for masculine framed Sims,  again same set in all the same swatches. I love this one! The dolphins are adorable. So like I said, everybody can match. And  then we have it looks like a few bottoms,   we've got this little one, I like the  logo on the top, that's kind of cute. It comes in like a bunch more swatches than I  expected, less patterns and more solid colors. Same shorts we looked at earlier again,   we got those same bottoms again here and then  we also have those same shorts from before. So I think there's only one item that is  classed as being exclusively masculine framed,   which isn't really a bad thing. Most of the stuff  is pretty neutral, like anybody could wear this. They have the same shoes and stuff too. I'm  curious what the styled looks look like for you. Oh wait, you have a shirt. Oh, it  doesn't count as swimwear, why? Why not? There's two -- oh, there's two  shirts! Okay, this is cute. Oh,   I actually like this way more than I  thought I would, that's really nice. It's got some good colors and then  we have a little tank top too. I like how it's tucked in  a little bit. They've been   doing that more often recently and looks good. I don't know about these swatches,  these like, patterned swatches. I like the plain ones, but this -- the  like, waves, I don't know if I like that. There's always something in  The Sims 4. There's always   some sort of swatch that I'm not sure about. Here is Mortimer in all of those styled  looks, I am obsessed with this flamingo one. And then we also have this version, look at  him with his matching pink, this is so cute! That'll be really good to have, it's nice  to have more variations for styled looks   especially because sometimes you just want  to give some random Sims a nice outfit,   and this is like, really nicely prepared. Okay. Oh, sorry Alexander, sorry,  sorry. I feel good about this. So in total there's 29 items in this kit which is   a little bit more than your  average Create a Sim kit. For example, the last Create  a Sim kit had 25 new items. This one is also really interesting because all  of these things are very easily mix and matched. You could probably put together like,  a bajillion different combinations of   tops and bottoms because they  all fit together really nicely. I also think it's really cute how everybody can   all match swimsuits because a lot  of the things exist for all ages. This isn't like, a mind-blowing Create a Sim kit,   but I also don't know if I think any of them  are, I'm never that impressed by CAS stuff. But I think in comparison  to all of the other ones,   I'm probably gonna use this more often than most. It's cute, it's fun colors, I like  it. I did say when the underwear kit   came out that I would rather have a  swimwear kit so I guess wish granted. I like it, it's fine. It's good,  but more importantly I would like   to go look at the build kit because  that's what's really exciting me. I realize I literally just  made a video doing this,   but I actually think that Cassandra Goth is a  good candidate for a room redo using this kit. Okay, just looking at this I'm feeling  very excited about the curtains,   the plant, and the frame TV. I will say that this like, metal frame  tufted fabric isn't really my personal style,   but I do really, really like the look of it,   especially when you're making certain  builds where it fits in so well. I will say that we have a couple things  like this already that are kind of   um, ugly, but this feels like a  very upgraded version of those. Like this is a way more usable bed than  any of the Vintage Glamour ones are,   but I think that it's kind of a similar vibe. Look, I don't want to be rude, okay, I don't  want to be rude, but I never use this bed. I hate every single swatch  on this Vintage Glamour bed. The difference in these is astounding.  This one is ugly and this one is beautiful. That was mean, I'm sorry, I'm  trying so hard not to be mean. Anyway, these are all the swatches  we have a super cute pastel pink,   I like this navy blue, we got brown,  gray, black, another gray, but like,   more gray, white, and also this  kind of cute peachy beige color. So I'm assuming most of this stuff is  going to come in all those same swatches. Ooh. Oh, this nightstand is a normal size.   Sometimes the nightstands in this  game are so giant, it's terrible. This one is reasonable. Oh, I like  that! There's a lot of pink in this   kit I'm noticing, this is going  to be real nice for Not So Berry. I'm about to start the peach generation of that   challenge on my Twitch stream and  this is actually really good for it. Here's that lounge chair item coming  in all those same swatches and then   this one I think is like, a dining  chair, desk chair that you can use. Ooh, I like this, I like the low back on  it, we don't really have much like that. A glass shelf! Correct me if I'm wrong,   we don't have that? We don't  have a single glass shelf, do we? That's pretty. They don't do a lot  of glass stuff. Oh my goodness,   I couldn't tell from the pictures that  it had a glass base, that's really nice. Yeah, we don't really have a lot  of glass stuff. You know what,   I'm sorry, I don't want to be mean,  again I'm trying not to be mean. I realize I keep comparing this to  Vintage Glamour, but you look at like,   the vanity from Vintage Glamour  and then you look at this one. This one looks like plastic to me. In all of the  colors, like the white swatch looks like plastic,   I don't know, the difference in these,  like this one is just so much better. I really, really like this new  one a lot. I am very curious   if this functions like a regular vanity does. Oh my god, okay, so if you have Vintage Glamour,  I assume, you can use this like a vanity. I don't know what happens if you don't have  Vintage Glamour, but there's like a whole apply   makeup feature that comes with that pack and then  you can use it to have your sim put makeup on. I wouldn't recommend it, um, the makeup they  do is pretty bad, but it is kind of cute. So you can like, sit here and practice speech,  freshen up, and also actually apply makeup. It's really nice when kits have  proper functional items in them. I'm seeing a couple more of those,  but I'll get back to it, hold on,   we need to be calm and wait our turn. We have to look everything else first. This  is the plant that I was so excited about. The Elevated Taste Planter. It has some really  cute gold swatches, everything in this pack does. I really like that, it's such a  simple plant too which is good. Like,   it's a nice, easy to fit places cute  plant in a beautiful elevated planter. Anytime we get a new plant in a pack, I'm  here for it, but this one is really nice. Here's that art print, it's called  The Moment and I'm guessing that   all the swatches are different  prints, oh, this is beautiful. I like the shoes, that's kind  of unexpected, I like that. Oh, this is just amazing, I genuinely  like every single one of those swatches. I love when they do like really nice easily  tileable art pieces because if you wanted to, you   could use like, all three of these together for  example, and they all kind of have similar tones. That is just really, really  beautiful, I love when we get new art! Art, plants, rugs, curtains. Curtains also are very -- ooh. Oh my god, wait  wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait. Curtain rod. Oh my god, these are amazing.  Wait, I'm so glad they did this! Thank you! Thank you, this is amazing. Okay, so we have  these beautiful curtain pieces and what I   assume to be a couple different sizes,  and then there's a curtain rod that you   can put in the middle so you can make these  on like, as big of a window as you wanted. We've got a nice beige, a light  pink, there's a nice blue color. Oh,   these are such good swatches, there's  even a plain black and a plain white. This is gonna seem so silly, but like,   having the black with the black metal rod  and also with the gold rod is so good. Same thing, we have white with the  gold and then white with just silver. And we also have this cute like, rose gold rod. I'm gonna use this pink swatch  all the time, I really like these,   I like how they're kind of pooling  at the bottom on the floor too. Most of the curtains that we have don't  do that. Like, all the curtains are kind   of just straight and then I oftentimes end  up having them be floating off the floor,   but when you like, hang curtains correctly,   they're supposed to do this and the rod just  comes in all the different metal swatches. Oh, that's so nice. And then we obviously have  a slightly taller version of the same curtain. Okay, we also have this lovely little  mirror leaning up against the wall,   just comes in some beautiful  metal swatches, look at the pink! There's so much pink in  this pack, this is so good. Leeb, Leefuh, Lurve plaque.  It's a live, laugh, love plaque. A mantra we've all heard before, that's amazing. That's pretty cute too, it's nice to have  like, little shelf clutter type stuff. Again with the gold swatches. Ooh,  this is like a bust. Interesting,   I like that gold veining through it. Ooh, oh, that's cool, it's pink with gold  paint on top. This is a fun little item. How much is that? 240, it's  not even that expensive. Okay, we also have this pillow. This is gonna  seem like a really really simple thing too,   but this is the kind of item that I feel  like Simmers have been begging for, okay? Begging for and this is why we  need Sims collabs because like,   Xureila collabing with them on this and  being like, no, we need a pillow. Amazing. This is the kind of stuff that simmers can bring  to us, it's just a pillow, it's a simple little   throw pillow, you can put it on the floor, you  can like, raise it up and put it on a couch. It's only 85 simoleons. Talented, brilliant,  incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular,   never the same, totally unique,  completely not ever been done before,   the perfect pillow will forever  be that final touch to any room. Yeah, it will be, it will be.  Okay, so it has a couple like,   fancy swatches, but also some sort of plain ones. Oh, that's so good. I hope they  make more of these. Now that we   have one throw pillow, give us like ten, okay? I do wish that there was some  slightly more plain swatches on this. I feel like there's a little bit  too many patterns for my liking,   but considering we don't have anything like this  that we can easily use, I'm not mad, I like it. The Baddies Bag it's like, a  designer purse, oh, that's so nice. These are some really beautiful swatches  too, that's gonna be so cute to like,   put in your Sim's fancy walk-in  closets or like, on their dresser. Like, Bella Goth absolutely has  that bag, you know she has that bag. I like how it's 520 simoleons too, it's  a designer bag, that does not come cheap. Okay, we also have this little  lamp with a cute gold base,   it's always nice to get more table lamps like  this, it's got some kind of pretty swatches. Speaking of lights, we have two  ceiling lights. Ooh, whoa, that's cool. I like that shape. I just like how much gold stuff there  is in this pack, that's really good. And then we've got a little rug,   oh it's got some kind of cute fuzzy  edges and some fun patterns on it, ooh. I like this one. Oh, I like this one, I  like the little river of gold through it. Notice how I am saving what is  in my opinion the best for last,   I've got like a couple more things to  look at and then we can see the TV. This is the new bookshelf, again  with the glass, that's so pretty. I like how it's decorated too, it looks like it's  been custom decorated with the pretty items on it. And it has a nice little metal frame,   it comes in black so you can use  that with pretty much anything. I like how there's a couple  different swatches of the gold,   like there's kind of a lighter tone  and this one's a little bit darker. So depending on your room, you  can switch out the clutter on it. And then we also have this beautiful dresser,   it has that same simple metal frame,  it comes in all the same swatches too. These things are not cheap, these  are all really expensive. It's a   very fun contrast to the more  recent kits that we've gotten. Like, we just got the Basement Treasures kit  and this is the kind of furniture it had,   so it's nice to have this sort  of luxurious stuff instead. Real quick, there is a new wallpaper. Oh my goodness, it's like a really fancy paneling.  It's too bright in here, I've got too many lights,   I'm sorry, you can't even see the texture on  it because I put like, five lights in the room. That's amazing, I really like those panels,  how does it look on short wall height? Oh, that's just beautiful, some of  the swatches have some pretty gold   accents on it too, like look at  this one with the fun pink on it. That's really nice. This is in my opinion  what Get Famous thought it was doing. So much of the like, luxury stuff they've  given us before is really like -- okay,   I'm trying to be so nice  right now, but like, come on. Come on. This is not my favorite thing.  This is kind of what that wants to be,   at least in my opinion. And again this is the bonus of working with  Simmers because they are so good at this,   they know what the game is missing, you know? And we also -- ooh, oh my god, look  at that floor. Oh, that's really cool. Oh, we don't really have anything like that  at all either. I'm so excited about this. This pack is way, way,   way more than I first thought it was  going to be based on that cover leak. All right, we have two things left, just  two and they're the most anticipated. First we have the art frame TV. Transform your home into a  gallery with the art frame TV,   this flat screen TV is disguised as  a framed piece of art when turned off   and becomes an incredible display  of entertainment when turned on. Now you can truly have the best of both worlds. Fun seven, it costs 3,000 simoleons. So this functions as a TV, but you can  see it's completely flat against the wall. They have these in real life. And again, when it's off it  looks like a framed piece of art. Here are all the different swatches -- oh my god. The little flowers, this is the most beautiful  thing I've ever seen! I'm so excited right now. I'm gonna use this everywhere.  You have to prepare yourself,   I am never making a build without this again. This is so good. I really, really like it.  Okay, I will test that in game in a second,   but we also have this vintage  record player that I wanted to see. Oh, vintique, sorry, vintique record. That's cute, I like that. Combines all  the simple elegance of vinyl with the   convenience of modern technology  in a sleek and compact design. I'm so, so curious to see if this  record player spins, I need to know. Okay, turn on whatever, I don't care. Batuu? Put on Star Wars music. Oh my god, it spins! It spins, it spins, it spins! That's what I -- oh, I really, really wanted  it to spin! Thank you Sims team, it's such   a small thing but it really --  it makes a big difference to me. Oh, some of these kind of match  the swatches -- you know what,   that's very similar to the swimwear kit  swatches, that's kind of a cute little detail. Probably wasn't on purpose,  but the colorways are similar. All right, that's the record player,  I'm gonna use that a lot too. Like, in a teen's room, you know? Oh my god, she's doing it autonomously,  she's gonna come watch sports? The first thing you're putting on is  sports Bella? You can't be serious. Okay, get ready, get ready, they're  gonna turn it on any second. It's just a TV. That's all it  is, just a TV, but it's so cool. That makes three functional gameplay  items in this kit by the way, the TV,   the record player, and the vanity table. I mean I guess it's all functional gameplay  items, like they're sitting on the bed,   but we don't have anything like this,  that is a huge, huge added detail. I think this frame TV is probably my  favorite item that's ever come in a   kit and I'm not exaggerating, I really like that. I just didn't expect to ever get something like  that so I'm feeling really excited about it. While we're here testing, I'm kind of curious to   see how those pool floaties  look actually in game too. Bella, would you like to maybe  go for a swim? No, you wouldn't. Please, swim laps. Come on, jump in. Okay. Oh my -- oh my god, I'm sorry, no. I'm sorry, this is so -- I'm  gonna be nice, I'm gonna be nice. She's in a pool floaty, but it's completely  underwater. This is what I was worried about. Can you float on your back maybe instead? I mean   I guess it's cute for like,  screenshots, it's just weird. It's kind of a weird addition, right? I don't know. I like how it looks, I'm not sure  about it when it's actually in the water though. Okay, this Modern Luxe kit it looks like also is   kind of on the high side of item  count, it's got 28 items in it. For context, the most recent build  kit only had -- oh wait, really? The most recent build kit, the  Book Nook kit had 25. Although   I guess with the curtains it's like, five  items when it's really just kind of like,   one set of curtains because it's  got different sizes and stuff. Biggest standouts for me, obviously  the TV. I like the bed a lot. I'm really, really impressed by that one, also  loving the record player and the bookshelf. You know what, the curtains, the dining chair,  the the art prints, this is a beautiful kit. It's got some really nice things in it. In fact, I like it a lot more than I thought  I would just because I figured that it wasn't   really my style, but now seeing it, I'm already  planning what I'm gonna build tonight with it. I mentioned Not So Berry, but like, I've been  playing that legacy challenge on my Twitch   streams and I'm on the pink generation  right now so like this is perfect. And the next generation is peach and there's like,   pink and peach things in this pack so this could  not have come at a better time for me personally. I want to give a huge congratulations to  Xureila on this because first of all, thank you. You had some really genius  ideas that like, honestly   are kind of life-changing for a lot of us players. And I can't imagine how much work goes   into helping figure out a kit  like this with the Sims team. Like, behind the scenes I'm guessing that she's   been working on this with  them for months and months. And it's also probably kind of scary to  have your name tied to something that people   are gonna make videos about and potentially  criticize and stuff, so all the love to her,   I'm gonna link again her channels down  below if you want to go check her out. I have this memory of me and  Reila together in like, 2017,   2018, this was like, years ago,  in San Francisco for a Sims event. I forget what pack it was, it might have been  when Cats and Dogs came out, but we were like,   walking around San Francisco kind  of exploring together as a group,   and it's just kind of fun to see like,  how far everyone has come and like,   we're making kits with the Sims team  now, it's just -- it's really cool. So again, congratulations. I'm really curious to hear all of your thoughts  in the comments down below on these two kits,   it's always hard to compare them  when they come out with like,   a Create A Sim kit and a build kit at the same  time because they're like, completely different. Both in like, function and in style so it's  hard to like, pick which one I like best,   but generally the build kits always  win over the CAS stuff for me. They're both a couple good little kits and you  know what, it's also really hard to come after   the Book Nook kit and the greenhouse kit  because those are my two favorite ones now. So like this is kind of hard to live up  to, but it's got some really nice items. As per usual with kits, it's  hard to give like a blanket   should you buy this recommendation  because it really depends on like,   what you're going to use, what you like,  does it fit into your regular build style? I would definitely rank these like, mid  to high tier compared to the other kits   though if that gives you any idea  of how I'm feeling about them. I'm gonna use this stuff a lot more than like,  the Industrial Loft kit, that's for sure. And I'm gonna be building with this  kit tonight on stream if you want to   come by and hang out with us, my name is just  lilsimsie on Twitch, I'll link it down below. I also have a couple giveaway codes for both of   these kits so if you want  to come by and maybe win. Bear in mind, there's probably going to be like,   a few thousand people there and I only  have two codes for each pack, so like,   let's not get our hopes up too high,  but I do have some giveaway codes. And we have a lot of fun over on Twitch,  even when there's not giveaways happening,   at least -- well, at least I have fun. I like my streams so make sure you  come by, it's linked down below. I'm also going to link the video that I  made about the kit announcement and the   most recent update down below in case you want  to go back and watch that and hear my like,   initial thoughts and then compare it to what  has happened after the kids are actually out. Again, let me know in the comments,  what do you think about these? Are we happy? Are we mad? Do we think  that we don't want this, like I'm curious. I'm not mad, I'm not obsessed, but I'm  not mad. They're good, they're good kits. Well, I'm gonna go sit with  my pool floaty in September,   I guess, and I will see you all  tomorrow, okay? Bye everybody. You know, I joke about that,  but like, I live in Florida,   it's prime pool season still. It is hot outside. It is weird to release a summer  thing once school started back up,   they kind of missed the boat there,  but like, for me in Florida, it's fine.
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 339,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly
Id: SjCvHGdIQlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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