Secret Weapon | Full Action War Movie

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[Applause] [Music] get out now face the wall so can i give you a hug now aren't you afraid to hug the enemy of the people oh go to hell there's a task for you we don't have people we lost many the rest are at the front or you know where these are reliable people when do we have to be ready sir in two days at the most and the captain knocked down a rank the party card what kind of mortar gun is it it's a top secret project a powerful launching unit on the load carrying vehicle made at the communist international factory the first salvo was on july 14th near rudnia the area of destruction is huge how did it get there oh you'll find out soon i admit i'm guilty i'm ready to be punished sergeant take the convict away now hands behind your back dismissed wait a second soldier yes can you show us the place where you left the launching unit i could find it with my eyes closed [Music] galia a nkvd high school student the officer's pentathlon swimming running shooting grenade throwing horseback riding the leader of the group he has initiative at the moment his detachment is the most effective one bellows moscow institute of physical culture graduate combat [ __ ] master of sports his teacher was spirit enough himself second place at the all soviet competitions in 1937. knish boxing master of sports he has the most endurance instant reaction a strong puncher with both hands go on very good altenew skier and a hunter he has a great sense of direction in the woods a winner of the military land navigation army competitions sabotena she's an archery master of sports she's also a university student majoring in law which one can use a radio everyone has been trained i will need an interpreter too may i come in yes are you americoff that's right anna raynor i'm your interpreter fall in the password for recognition is 100. i will explain for example i name a figure of 30 and you must answer with another figure which adds up to 100. so is that clear rainer 70 knish one it's 99. come on jump now repack it yes sir tighten the strap right dress attention group here's the operation order the agat group consisting of eight people the commander of the grouping state security captain ermakov yeah has an objective to be air landed behind enemy lines in the grid 2314 then to move to the area of the village of a selk [Music] to locate the bm13 launching unit and to destroy it by means of demolition or in some other possible manner after completing the main task the afford mentioned group is not to return back the group is to stay behind the enemy lines major general sukhothen addies eddies is everything clear yes sir get ready everyone get ready everyone here all right go ahead now let's go come on come on let's go come on let's go [Music] from i'm seasoned [Music] seventy 30. are you okay i'm fine are the others with you know we're looking for pdm listen to me we need to walk five kilometers through the woods to get to the mortar gun rally point is three kilometers away when we jumped out the wind settled in southwest so the second group drifted to grid five 40. it's me answer by the rules 40. it's six come here and help other one no who it's jarvis alive i think he's okay severus get your knife what for to cut your shrouds come on cut the shrouds the germans are coming come on take him down let's go cyaveris hurry up cut it hurry up what are you okay i don't know i don't know all right go i'll cover you okay get up hold it bellows here we can't go into action we won't make it out alive if we do i'll lead them away go go [Music] [Music] m [Music] hey me um let's go uh the first rally point is here knish hi stay and wait for the group sabotinel yes um foreign [Applause] and i said go but the animal did a moving edge it's 99 drop your weapon drop easy easy buddy easy drop your weapon now stay put stop it please stop it guys hey i'm a friend what are you doing you guys i'm rushing hey i'm not the enemy or a policeman i'm i'm a recon scout from moscow air landed last night you hear that he tells a new fairy tale but it's true it's true you can look it's inside my collar hold on a second check it out give that to me how many of you recon guys landed here huh quite a few why the hustle then what do you mean why did they send you here i don't know i swear i don't weird to be told after we landed it could be true okay so that's why this duffel bag is stuffed with food concentrates butter anything you need okay buddy you're going with us now ninety ten are there two of you two and a half yeah can you walk yes sir i rested comrade captain i beg to report go ahead reiner looks like she was killed and he's in her home in london and [Music] my this is the place combat commander there look the brushwood is scattered maybe you mix something up they towed it with the apc there's only one way here to the village of the silk let's go straight through the woods come on [Music] so what happened then yeah two salvos near rudnia so powerful whales bangs columns of fire all hell broke loose and then we were forced to retreat right after the mechanized corpse after that they churned up the earth and so we got stuck and we found ourselves encircled we had to take out the mortar guns so we went ahead mine was the last one left suddenly the messers came flying the boat started to fire killed everyone the commander was killed too what did you do i jumped in the car and then i left they followed me they fired and fired i don't remember getting into the lake i just remember the truck going underwater the explosives they were left under the seat why didn't you take them out huh because i can't swim i was always afraid of water what kind of a mortar was it it's called katyusha it is it's time to act now [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] of the tower we have to retreat [Music] me [Music] yes oh ah who's there come out there come out on the car now come on come on hurry up hurry up lie down oh god how thin she is come on now eat she's not thin all ballet dancers have a reishi where did the two of you come from we're from london guard how did you end up here we came to visit our grandparents for the summer to bistrovka and then the war started huh and where are your grandparents now the germans bayonated them dead in their yard oh dear lord are there germans here oh not in our village they're stationed in foselk i'm ready [Music] call the message 17th to 3rd the group is at the scheduled place right now intensive searches are being continued effective and mission capable entrusted tests will be completed at any cost the mortar gun that was left at the territory occupied by the enemy will be destroyed group commander captain irmakov period updated [Music] is the woods are good here not many gnats no animals though cesingali tell me where are you from from altai i'm kazak that's far away and i was born near putivo ukrainian no i'm goryuna who it's an ethnic group well it's not very big at all and with this damn war going on and on it'll be over soon that's what you thought back home we got out of the encirclement two weeks walking in enemy rear our troops retreated back to moscow no it won't be over soon so i guess we're gonna fight them do you know how many boys like you were taken to the front back in june they were young singing songs and laughing they wanted to fight and win and then they were all sent under these tanks olden sievers what's wrong commander they have a right to know retreat so [Applause] where does it hurt my leg what's that his leg all right easy easy come on let me take your boot off here come on come on come on come on nice and easy here we go all right it's all right seems like the bone's okay okay i'm fine i'm fine doesn't hurt at all oh it's okay it's okay i'm fine take your time are the rest of you all right yes okay just a second else i need water now the bandage they were aiming at us must have spotted us when we sent the message is the transmitter damaged no altar listen to my order take the radio you must go now here to this grid then you must connect with moscow every two hours is everything clear yes sir go ahead yes sir the place where knish was left can you find it yes comrade captain sir it's in the southwest yes it's grid five go ahead yes sir bellows can you walk yes sir off you go then the coast is clear let's go [Music] t-con what look others partisans or gangsters that's some good stuff nice and strong good job what do you think you're what are you doing you jerk get some liquor simone shine come on we need to warm up move it but i don't have a drop of alcohol oh don't you really none no we don't make it stop lying you two just hand it over so that's how you fight the war shut up it's quite a place that you guys got [Music] here holy cow hey guys guys i found it well well so you don't make moonshine you no good bash bootleg that's turpentine it's not for drinking it's for paint and varnish a craftsman a carpenter look at your soldier his rifle butt it's cracked he should give it to me i can uh i'll fix it in no time oh what a surprise look who's here we'll come out come on come on come on come on don't be shy we're all friends my niece and nephew from versailles you were hiding jews my sister's kids well you must be rewarded for that my dear man what's your name larisa he's my brother how old is he then i'm almost 12. okay now listen to my order you are now members of my unit we'll be fighting together all right let's go come on come on let's go come on come on you beautiful thing these two [Music] hey [Music] [Music] uh it's 50. it's 50 knish [Music] so are you partisans yeah we are who's this tied up guy a traitor uh-huh do you think they're gonna give me a gun of course they will after we take an oath here i found this did he desert no he couldn't something must have happened don't stigmatize the guy right away maybe he's in trouble stop talking ciavrus yes sir can you walk yes sir very good let's dislocate to the bridge observation point follow me slava so you're not from here huh we're from leningrad have you ever been there sure thing matt you're the next to bring water not a water boy sergeant what you heard me you're way too bold dude what will the next order be well now it's time for a suitability assessment 100 meters run from here to that tree way over there go on i'll time you ready get set ready i'm ready and go [Music] my i am [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] untidy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's okay nobody will hurt you anymore [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] nova was very talented he was he was even told he'd become the new zolkowski he made a zeppelin model for our dad's birthday [Music] don't cry they've already paid for that oh here they are they got moving looks like we've stirred up that hornet's nest so many of them they must have hidden your katyusha i wish we knew where they'll take it to the station sooner or later what do we do commander bellows galive come here [Music] [Music] man [Music] wow hey youngs boys [Music] oh foreign [Music] here [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] wait for me guys you okay can't walk anymore why are you taking me huh shut up i was happy when i saw you guys i thought thank god our troops came cause we've been waiting and waiting stop talking now oh come on give me a grenade what are you up to none of your business yeah so you like being under german rule huh oh no way it wasn't my choice you know i was forced it just happened you know what my wife and i were going to join the partisans and then you came here doesn't stiffen comrade captain they got moving they're going somewhere 40 and 60. prisoner snatched mission accomplished comrade kovzik that over there is the barn where they put the machine the one they pulled out the lake they're coming for us looking for you well i mean for us stay down all right they're sure we're in this grid now [Music] you [Music] foreign commander they're leaving they spotted altenew good job sisangali is foreign commander the deminers look they're checking the road what does that mean it means seaabrus that right after they check the road they will start transporting the launching unit follow me [Music] lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the wire's long enough to reach the bank when you attach the charge retreat downstream okay don't worry comrade captain i'm much more comfortable in the water i live near the sea in fiodocia listen you take care galev what on earth can happen to be captain so oh let's go [Applause] uh oh yes hello ah ah [Applause] good all right [Music] he won't make it [Applause] [Music] foreign spider is so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what there's intended so where's your launching unit maybe it's in the wrong place it's the right place i swear you see the car tracks they had to blow up the unit here i don't understand what do we do now no idea come on let's spend the night here and follow the tracks tomorrow come on they brought all the villagers to reconstruct that bridge they surely don't waste time maybe they won't make it before it gets dark darkness isn't an obstacle the security of the barn has been increased we should blow it up with a machine inside we used all the explosives for the bridge i left a box with tnt under the seat in the truck it's going to be enough for five cars the germans must have found it by now yeah we can't go there in daytime does it hurt it's okay here take this we'll make it easier for you nothing to think before we'll attack when it gets dark now listen if the charge is under the seat we'll blow up the truck right there if not we'll drive it further away and then what and then we'll think the germans are gonna catch us while we think you better sink it uh-huh he already tried that not the best option you had to sink it in our swamp there's a swamp here it's about eight or nine kilometers away a farm tractor sunk there in 1939 it was gone in the blink of an eye both the tractor and a trailer my nephew pasha the driver god bless his soul i had no chance of getting out can we drive there yes there's a corduroy a what it's a log path right over the swamp all right we'll go to the swamp we have to take down the sentries quietly i'll do it without a sound from 50 meters or so all right then we have no choice we'll have to attack after it gets dark [Music] so [Music] there put it on it's getting cold thank [Music] they you overcook it it didn't even boil yet [Music] and i thought my last name was funny till i met moshkin what is your last name [Music] fedyaknish people laughed at me well they still do they say i'll hardly get a wife with such a last name fish fish beat your ganesh sounds good for a scarecrow it's spoiling already take it off the fire come on come on all right all right good looks good huh guys there there huh that's overcooked here what about you later thank you [Music] [Music] wow [Music] galiev is so lucky he was an orphan no one to be notified i can only imagine what would happen to my parents if they got a death notice about me dad's got heart problems in mum i didn't even get a chance to say my goodbyes my brother was about to get married and i came here and my aunt promised to give me her wedding ring when i get married she got it from her great grandma rings are just a bourgeois relic really i guess that depends on the bride you got a family i'm a bigamist i've got one family in the village and one family in the city my wife was to give birth in july i don't know what it is a boy or a girl your parents no they the typhoid took them in the 20s and yours my mom's in leningrad oh the germans won't get us there for sure hmm jose what's this media come on take the weapon bellows pick up defense no way [Applause] [Music] [Music] what's in there the explosives it's empty no explosives started we're leaving comrade captain turn it sir give me like hold it i need light just a second okay okay okay oh now i know why it didn't start they didn't know we connect plus to the ground and minus to the circuit just a second come on see everest you okay i'm fine [Music] all right i'm almost done [Music] um [Music] [Music] i'm done now turn it again [Music] it's working hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so what is it that's it we're done we're all out of petrol oh [Music] it's no use i told you there's no petrol see everest what get behind the wheel what for we'll take the truck to the galley come on kopsik push it don't worry we'll make it come on come on come on come on that's it enough kovzick where's koswig he's gone hey dude i'm here officer i'm going home i was at my goddaughter's party in that village don't understand eva middleton's bottom where are the saboteurs tell me man you don't think this machine is worth more than the kids lives if this unit falls into enemies hands it will take more lives we have an order an order they're kids for god's sake have you ever had kids in your life i had a son he died he was killed my wife too when her outpost was bombed i'm sorry and now what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] fine move it [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] police [Music] [Music] i [Music] crazy [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so that's it there ah i brought help private musketeer it's cozy up make sure you tie it down tight thank you god bless you wait wait whoa wait for me i'll go with you i'll come back for you i swear i will [Music] the gideon you have a good name do you hear me it'll be okay [Music] and i don't think it's funny at all now we'll make it for sure start it click done now go we'll cover you all right [Music] let's go [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh my god come come come let's switch places ah can you take care of switching gears yeah then right into second they won't make it through e come on to the right come on wow hey hey cash kalish you okay you okay yeah i'm fine where's the group of fine [Music] ah [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] fire over there [Music] our into first then [Music] i'm [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 794,980
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Keywords: Action Full Movie, Classic, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, b-grade, bigtime, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, popcornflix, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube
Id: 5AZ0p1Ybd84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 11sec (5891 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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