The Worst Ubuntu Release In Years (21.10)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/namelesske 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Just for shits and giggles, I installed 21.10 in a VM and had the same issues. Software Store (Snap Store) took forever and a day to load the available software.

So, I figured I'd give Cinnamon a try as the DE... it wasn't having any of that... the desktop never appeared.

I think Cononical has turned to the darkside where Microsoft lives. Such a shame. I liked Ubuntu when I first used it in 2007.

I think there may be a switch in base distros with Linux Mint in the coming months. This could get interesting.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Phydoux 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
there are two big events that happen in october every year that are both scary and exciting and of course i'm talking about halloween and i'm talking about the release of a new version of ubuntu ubuntu typically releases a new version every six months in april and october of every year and the october releases are always interim releases they're not long-term support releases which means they can be kind of interesting so today what i wanted to do was i wanted to take a look at the recently released ubuntu 2110 their flagship edition with the gnome desktop environment codenamed impish injury so let's talk about the name first impish injury what does that mean well ampish means acting like a imp for those of you that have not familiar with what that term is it's a mythological creature and yep it's kind of a a demon or a troll a mischievous creature a devilish creature so when somebody says you're impish you're acting like an imp basically you're you're being devilish injury i had to look this word up i had to go to wikipedia and find out what the hell injury is i've never heard of it apparently it is a lemur that lives in madagascar so impish injury is a devilish lemur interesting name so let me switch over to my virtual machine here so i just spun up a virtual machine i'm going to go ahead and run through an installation of 2110 so i'm just going to go ahead and choose the first option from the grub menu here all right and our live environment has loaded and you have two options try ubuntu meaning this closes and you can just try out the live environment itself or you can go ahead and run through a proper installation i'm going to go ahead and install ubuntu and the first thing is choose the language by default it's set to english us that is correct for me so all i need to do is click continue and then do we want to do a normal installation or do we want to do the minimal installation the minimal installation will just not have quite as many things installed so the normal installation gives you web browser office suite a few games some media players the minimal installation it's going to give you the web browser because that's very important but a lot of the other stuff the office suite media players and all of that it's not going to give you those you'll install the ones you want if you want those i'm going to do the normal installation other options download updates while installing ubuntu i will go ahead and do that install third-party software for graphics wi-fi additional media so what this is this is your third-party drivers so your proprietary drivers for your graphics card if you're an nvidia user for example or your wi-fi drivers if you're doing this on a laptop many wi-fi chips only have proprietary drivers and then multimedia codecs many of those are proprietary software as well what this will do will get you those proprietary drivers and codecs that you need to actually have a proper desktop experience so click that on and then click continue and then the installation type erase disk and install ubuntu this is the default it's just going to erase the entire drive and give the entire drive to ubuntu something else if you choose that then that is manually partitioning the drive uh for me i'm just going to do erase disk and install ubuntu there is an advanced features button here let me click on that and this is what you can do if you want to set up lvm or if you want to instead of using the default extend4 file system if you want to switch over to using zfs i will go ahead and tick on erase disk and use zfs just to verify that this actually works correctly and then i'm going to click install now and now it's warning us that it's going to format the drive and right to the disk i'm going to click continue and now we get to our time zone and it is correctly chosen that i am in the central time zone in the us i'm just going to click continue and now we need to create our user name i'm going to call my user dt the computer name this is the computer's host name i'm going to call this ubuntu-vert and then we need to choose a strong and complicated password for my dt user we want to make sure that that's a good password for privacy reasons and then do we want to log in automatically i don't because i like having to enter a password to get into my computers again for privacy reasons so i want to require my password to log in and we also have a box here use active directory that's ticked off by default i'll leave that ticked off i'm going to click continue and now the installation will actually continue for a few minutes this portion of the installation typically takes about five or ten minutes you will get a slideshow that plays while it installs you can actually cycle through the slides if you want to read a little bit about 2110 here i'm going to pause the video and once this portion of the installation has completed i'll be back and the installation completed that took about 10 minutes or so i'm going to go ahead and click restart now and if you were doing this on a physical machine you should unplug the usb stick that you were installing from it it should prompt you yeah please remove the installation media and then press enter and it's rebooting just fine we don't get a grub menu at all it bypasses grub which is fine or we could force it to show us a grub menu if we needed it but it just boots directly into our login manager where we have to enter our password all right and we're logged in to gnome by the way this is gnome 40 so uh they're still on gnome version 40 here the first thing i want to do before i get started doing anything else is change the display resolution so i'm going to search for display and then i'm going to go down to close that message go down to resolutions 1920 by 1080 and i'm going to click apply and then i'm going to tell it to keep the changes all right and now close that out and here is the welcome screen that we were greeted with and this is where you can go ahead and connect any online accounts that you want to go ahead and connect such as ubuntu single sign-on your google account snexcloud or microsoft i don't have any of these accounts except for a nexcloud account i'm not going to connect that here on camera and then next do we want to be a part of the telemetry here so do we want to send crash reports back to canonical typically i don't mind leaving this turned on to yes so that would be fine for me so i'll leave that on i'm just happy they ask i mean if you want to choose no you don't want to send them any information that's fine too but if these distributions ask to to send crash reports or bug reports i don't mind doing that for them and then privacy do we want to turn on location services i probably don't i'm good with leaving all of that off then it says you're ready to go you can use software to install apps like these such as vs code zoom spotify slack a whole bunch of other stuff discord is here obs 0ad and it says open software now i'm assuming this would just open the gnome software center here and that is taking a long time to open the gnome software center is probably packaged as a snap i'm assuming because it took a long time to load up there it's also taking a long time to sync the repositories that's not unusual the very first time you open something especially after a fresh installation these things can take a while sometimes the very first boot up after an installation takes a little longer but after that typically things settle down a bit but it is taking a long time to sync the repositories here for this gnome software center this is one of the reasons why i typically don't use these kinds of applications i i never use these applications to install and remove software or update my system you guys always see me bring up a terminal that's why i would have already been done at the terminal before this thing ever loads but you know for purposes of this video you guys probably want to see what the software center looks like and i want to see and and you know it looks good now i mean the gnome software center doesn't look bad looks very easy you got your editor picks you've got some recent releases and of course you've got categories to search through for example if you wanted to search for some games you know i could click on the games category and is it even loading it doesn't look like it doesn't look like anything happened there are these categories just empty yeah finance is empty let's do music and audio uh yes something's going on here probably since we just installed ubuntu 21010 i am getting prompted that there's updates available let me go ahead and do a update all let's update all the packages that have updates available it looks like right now the only thing that needs updating is snapd which is the snap daemon but there's several snap packages installed by default in ubuntu so we should go ahead and update the core snap and i've been staring at this screen for about a minute maybe a minute and a half and the core snap package here probably should only take a few seconds it moves to install i would think it still says it's installing i could cancel it but you know what i'm just going to pause the video and see if this thing ever completes updating all right and that package the core snapd package did actually finish updating it took two three minutes and now let's go back to this installed packages explore packages um updates says application updates i still have a button here's update all it says unable to install updates snap has no updates available so is this all snaps in the software center why is it telling me that there's no snaps available you know what i'm just going to close this out the the software center i don't know what's going on with it it'll probably sort itself out you know after uh we could probably help it sort things out by doing ctrl alt t and opening a terminal and this is why i do everything in the terminal instead of doing those graphical software centers i just do sudo apt update and and sudo apt upgrade that's your command line on debian and ubuntu based distributions to update the or sync the repositories and then upgrade all the uh packages that have updates available and this way you know it tells us exactly what's going on here there's only one package to update but if there were errors here you would actually get a proper error message you know in the terminal that completed just fine so yeah i don't know what's going on with the software center let's reopen it and art and design no still nothing here yeah i don't know this is this is practically useless so uh yeah this is very off-putting again i wouldn't use this i wouldn't use gnome anyway i wouldn't use the gnome software center i'm not that kind of user but the people that would use this you know new to linux users especially they're going to be put off immediately that this software center is uh completely broken uh and i still got the welcome screen here maybe i want to install one of these programs maybe i want to install if i click on it it does open the page inside the software center and i get the install button and let's see if i can click on it and does anything happen well i clicked on it and didn't look like anything happened i'll click on it again okay unable to install gnu image manipulation program status code 409 kind equals snap and i was trying to install as a snap and it failed yeah okay why are you installing jump as a snap it's available as a dip pack again why why don't we just open a terminal and this is what i i preach to you guys all the time sudo apt install watch this this is why people think that the terminal and the command line is so much harder so much difficult but guess what i just got installed where anybody that was stuck in that graphical software center they're wondering what the hell those error messages are they're going to the internet and they're going to spend hours reading forum posts on ask ubuntu about what that error is i'm just i'm just not going to deal with them it's going to go to the command line where things typically just work so let me close out our little welcome screen here and let's go ahead and on the sidebar here we do have firefox as our default browser let me launch firefox and firefox takes a second to load but that's normal for firefox especially the very first time but i don't know this is the very first time i mean ubuntu 2110 was just released like just a couple of hours ago so there may still be some bugs in it it still may be kind of more of a beta rather than an official release even though it is an official release but still the very first time you open firefox at least for me i get tab crash reporter so it's complaining about a crash on the very first time i open firefox so that's not good either so let me go to help about firefox what version of firefox are we running uh 93.0 of course it's a 64-bit version of firefox let me you know once again i hate to keep opening a terminal because i know a lot of you guys some you know new to linux users a lot of you long time ubuntu users probably don't use the terminal that often but you know we're getting all these errors and things things aren't working right and i'm just curious snap list and let me zoom out so we can actually read that because i'm zoomed in so far here and there is a list of all the snaps that are installed on the system and that's kind of what i was afraid of firefox is installed as a snap is installed as a snap too but i didn't finish the installation of earlier it complained that the installation crapped out on us but i have two different versions of so i guess it did even though i got the error message saying that it failed it did install as a snap it also installed as a dead package from the apt repositories i wonder if both of them actually launch says gnu image manipulation program is ready then where is it at okay there it is i guess it launched it but for some reason it launched it behind the terminal window i wonder if the second would also launch and we wait one of them is a snap pack and i'm assuming it's the second one it took a long time for that thing to open oh my goodness one other thing to note here is the snapdash store that's the snap store if i ran that package here you'll see what that is you see that is what i thought was the gnome software center it is the gnome software center but it's been modified and yeah it's trying to show us snaps instead of you know div packages i guess that's why that software center is so bare and practically empty but but it's still weird because snap packages if you go to snapcraft the snap store there are actually a lot of snap packages out there these categories should not be empty there's a million music and audio snaps out there and now they load okay i knew it would eventually sort itself out i don't know probably maybe running the snap list command or running some other snap commands i don't know but something eventually sorted it out to where it synced the snap store and now it's actually showing us what is available here i'm gonna close that out now i really don't want firefox or as a snap if they're available in the repository so i'm going to do a sudo snap is it uninstall or is it remove i can't remember this if snap is the same as apt i think it's removed sudo snap remove uh firefox yep that looks like that works all right and it says firefox remove now i'm gonna sudo snap remove because i've got installed from the standard repositories and installed as a snap so let's get rid of the the second which is the snap now i will not have a browser since i the only browser was firefox installed as a snap so now let's go ahead and sudo apt install firefox let's install the correct firefox from the ubuntu repositories here all right in firefox finished installing i'm going to go into show applications i'm going to search for firefox and i'm going to see if i can drag an icon back here because it was removed when we uh uninstalled it now let's launch firefox and see if we get any more annoying crashes no you see the standard firefox from the repos is working so yeah that's the one i would definitely go with about firefox 93.0 yeah so uh we got rid of the the annoying snap version of firefox and if i hit the super key to get back into the show applications thing uh well i guess i'll just do it with my mouse here do i have two versions of install no i just have one now so that's good so i think we solved the snap problem and now if i do snap list yeah the only snaps that are really here are like the core snaps and the snap store itself and that's fine let me go ahead and clear the screen here i'm going to do a u name dash r what kernel version are we on we're on 5.13 and if i did a apt list dash dash installed let's see how many packages are actually installed from the repositories of course it spits every package that's installed out on its own line so we could take that and pass that into the word count program so pipe that into wc and then give wc the dash l flag for line count and it'll tell us that in that output there were 1734 lines so that's how many packages were installed from the app repositories 1734. now there are two programs i check with every new release of ubuntu to see if they're installed because i think they should just be automatically installed on every single linux distribution on the planet vim should actually be installed but it's not h-top should be installed it's not there's one other program that's never installed by default in ubuntu and i always have to install it and now i know not everybody has to use git but i do think git probably should be installed by default so there's a lot of really basic programs i mean for a distribution that you know installs quite a bit of software but yet it misses a lot of what i consider really fundamental programs that should be there let's go ahead and take a look at some of the programs that are installed by default so if i get back into the menu system here we have our additional drivers program so if you clicked on this this would install your proprietary drivers for your nvidia graphics card for example or your proprietary wi-fi drivers for your wi-fi chip and your laptop so this is you know you uh it will scan for any drivers that are available of course in this vm there's no proprietary drivers available for me but you'll get a list of things that you could install and then just hit apply changes or whatever and it'll just install them it's a great little tool very easy to get that stuff installed and working correctly in ubuntu you have alright solitaire it's a solitaire game genome calendar language support the library office suite so we've got calc is that the only uh libreoffice program no i'm pretty sure it installed ryder yeah it did so but why was calc the only one that had a icon that's kind of weird too about libreoffice what version are we on we're on and let me get back into the menu because yeah we have the the main uh page of libreoffice where you can open you know your writer programs or your impress documents or whatever but calc has its own separate icon that's kind of weird videos that's gnome videos text editor that's just g edit gnome's plain text editor really nice little text editor i quite like g edit we have settings which is just the gnome settings manager where you can change things like the screen resolution which we did earlier or you know change your power settings keyboard settings and things like that you can think of it as like a control center i get back into the menu system we have a utilities category where you'll find things like your system monitor since we didn't install h-top i guess we could take a look at the system monitor actually i minimized it i'm trying to find space to make it uh maximize and the problem is you know this this bar has so much crap in it and this is not ubuntu's problem this is gnome's problem i don't know what gnome's doing these days there's so much stuff in this bar you can barely you can barely grab the bar to resize it or move it you can barely find an empty spot to double click it to maximize it and that's just weird like gnome is gnome has practically destroyed itself we may come back to that later but let's actually check system resource usages with h-top i'm just going to go ahead and install h-top because this will be much easier much cleaner to read as well and now h-top is installed let's run it and let's see wow we are using almost 1.5 gigs of the six gigs of ram i gave this vm that's absolutely insane that is insane we haven't done anything we're not running anything the only thing that's running uh the snapd damon is running you know we opened some of those snap packs as well earlier uh maybe some of that is causing a spike and of course gnome even just vanilla gnome on most distributions does typically push about a gig of ram on cold boot 1.5 gigs so is way over the top that's just crazy that i mean that is insane because think about that many desktop environments and window managers these days use a few hundred megs yeah many of them get down you know under 400 megs of ram and this thing's using 1.5 gigs that means it's using more than a gig of ram than many other desktop environments would use that's one gig of ram that's not available for you to actually use doing work like video editing or web browser browsing gaming whatever it is that's sucking up a lot of your ram you can't use it for those applications because the gnome desktop environment is using that ram and that that's uh unacceptable in my book now there's something really weird with this menu system because i know we've got more programs than this installed it's only showing us like a dozen programs uh oh i see we've got two screens here ah okay so there's the rest of the programs but why why is this green got just a few programs i mean it's not it didn't even fill the whole screen you would think this is all that's here because you would think it would have at least three lines and they would go all the way to the end over here but they don't it why is it split up like this again this is probably not a boontube's problem this is gnome 40 here again the gnome desktop environment again i think it's basically over the last few years they've made a whole bunch of questionable decisions that in my opinion have kind of made them obsolete as a desktop environment that people actually are interested in or want to use and i really think it's one of the problems that ubuntu faces these days and i i've complained about it for about a year maybe two years i started you know kind of putting it out there that ubuntu ubuntu is waning in popularity ubuntu is not what it once was because at one time ubuntu was overwhelmingly the most popular linux distribution on the desktop by far it probably had more installations than all other linux distributions combined that's how popular ubuntu once was these days nobody's excited about it i actually didn't know ubuntu was having a release today when i got to the office today i actually didn't know today was like the date of an ubuntu release i just saw it you know in my uh news reports here i was checking you know some of the linux news is like oh ubuntu had a release i forgot about ubuntu you know because these days it's not exciting nobody talks about it nobody really cares anymore and that's sad because i was an ubuntu user in the early days ubuntu was what got me into the linux desktop and it was so much more exciting back then you know the new releases of ubuntu they had release parties and it was a celebration and the problem is ubuntu is stuck in the past they're still holding on to gnome and they they need to ditch gnome gnome is holding ubuntu back in a major way gnome is killing itself and anybody attaching this itself to gnome is going to die with it that's just the case gnome has destroyed their desktop environment they've neutered their file manager they they've done so much so many questionable decisions and uh obviously gnome is very politically activist in nature as well you know they're out there fighting these fights that have nothing to do with software and canonical as a company really should distance themselves from gnome another thing about you know you you're holding on to the past is if i switch back to the desktop here you know they're using firefox as the default web browser most linux distributions use firefox as their default web browser but firefox is collapsing right now firefox is hemorrhaging as far as money and user base they are losing market share by the tens of millions every year to the point where firefox probably will not be around in five years and i strongly suggest ubuntu and all these other linux distributions to start exploring other options as far as your default web browser because firefox is kind of garbage these days again the company is garbage the the ceo that runs it is garbage and you know brave there's an open source browser that was started by the former ceo of mozilla he left mozilla to start brave and it's fantastic and it's got the same kind of energy as what the old firefox had back when firefox was actually popular where now you know don't hold on to this these dying uh projects like gnome and firefox and i think if canonical continues to do that ubuntu is going to join that group as well as you know part of these once very popular software projects free and open source software projects they just kind of fade away now of course i got off on a rant there but man this this is probably the worst release of ubuntu i think i've ever taken a look at uh at least in the last 10 years now if you go back and when they switched from gnome 2 to gnome 3 or to the unity desktop back in what ubuntu 1104 that thing was horrible but at least in the last 10 years this is one of the least pleasant experiences i've ever had i mean the software center didn't work and they're installing all these snap packages that are either crashing or they're just slow to load let's take a look at the wallpaper pack so i'm gonna change background maybe they're going to impress me with some beautiful wallpapers because honestly the injury wallpaper the lemur on the wallpaper that's actually not bad you got anything else um no well your wallpaper pack only has three wallpapers in it this time that's unusual too because usually ubuntu ships with a wallpaper pack of like 12 15 really nice wallpapers and this time you only get three you get you know this here this night sky which honestly isn't anything special and then a picture of a road that's a nice wallpaper i like that yeah so you give me three wallpapers one of them kind of boring that one's really nice and i like your your original art with the injury wallpaper that that's actually not bad too but still it is that's that's again strange it is i think that's another sign that ubuntu is that a warning sign that the wallpaper pack is not you know how it was in previous generations of ubuntu where you have these great wallpaper packs of 12 15 really high quality wallpapers that the community contributed to that could be another sign other than that uh another release of ubuntu again they release every six months i was kind of disappointed in this release and there's so many buggy things with it so many snap pack bugs as well with it but it is an interim release and the good thing about interim releases is they can test things they can actually put these things out there knowing that it's not quite ready for prime time because they want to get these things tested of course in advance of the next lts release which of course is coming next april so in 2204 which is april of 2022 in six months they're going to have an lts release so it's good to throw as much stuff in 2110 as possible knowing that some of this stuff is not quite ready yet so that some of the bugs get fleshed out a little bit in preparation for the upcoming lts release now before i go i do want to thank a few special people i want to thank the producers of this episode gabe james mitchell paul scott west comey alan chuck commander angry okay david dilling gregory heiko lee maxim michael mike nitrix ariane alexander peace archer fedor polytech raver red prophet stephen and willie these guys they're my highest tier patrons over on patreon without these guys this episode about ubuntu 2110 ampish injury it wouldn't be possible the show is also brought to you by each and every one of these ladies and gentlemen as well these names you're seeing on the screen right now these are all my supporters over on patreon because i don't have any corporate sponsors i'm just sponsored by you guys the community if you like my work and want to support me please subscribe to distro tube over on patreon all right guys peace gnome makes my head hurt
Channel: DistroTube
Views: 307,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ubuntu 21.10, open source, ubuntu 21.10 review, ubuntu 21.10 gnome 40, ubuntu gnome 40, ubuntu 21.10 new features, ubuntu 21.10 first look, whats new in ubuntu 21.10, ubuntu review, gnome 40, linux 2021, linux, gnu linux, linux review, linux distro review, free software, windows vs linux, ubuntu vs windows, snap packages, ubuntu snaps, gnome desktop, desktop environment, linux desktop, ubuntu, snap packages slow, distrotube
Id: QsuI-nLqwhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 39sec (1839 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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